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One of the most beautiful flowers. The most beautiful indoor plants. Lily is the best of the world's perennial flowers

The natural world surrounding us is incredibly beautiful - animals and plants, seas and oceans, mountains and plains - every living creature and every inanimate object, be it a centuries-old stone or a slender birch tree in a grove. It so happened that nature, this unsurpassed creator of everything living and inanimate that surrounds us, made sure that we would have a pleasant and comfortable life among everything that she created. Of course, among all this multitude of objects, it is customary to single out some as especially elegant and eye-catching; These include, for example, flowers. The function of these wonderful formations on plants is simple and clear - attracting insects to spread pollen: these little buzzing creatures are drawn to everything bright and fragrant. At the same time, flowers not only perform the important function of “procreation” of a particular plant; they are also the most wonderful decoration of our planet.

When asked what most beautiful flower in the world, it is quite difficult to answer unequivocally, because everything here depends entirely on the taste of the person who is looking for such an answer. A list of the most remarkable flowers can only be compiled based on the opinion of the majority, however, despite this, every flower on the planet has its own admirer who considers it the most beautiful and wonderful. To be convinced of this, you can simply pay attention to how different women like it when they are given bouquets of certain flowers: some are delighted with luxurious roses, some like graceful lilies, for some the ultimate dream - these are graceful tulips, and some people freeze at the sight of a bouquet of modest wildflowers. Therefore, everyone who reads this article and looks at the photos posted will, I think, add something of their own to the list.

The most beautiful flowers in the world

Many will agree that first place in this ranking can be placed sakura- the national symbol of the land of the rising sun - Japan. The flowering of this plant is one of the most wonderful phenomena that can be observed in this country; Such a sight for those who come here as tourists undoubtedly leaves an indelible impression. Sakura has another name Cherry Blossom and is known in two colors - white and pink. Name on English language suggests that this plant is a must at the spring festival, which takes place annually not only in Japan itself, but also in the USA.

Sakura is a word of Japanese origin and it means “cherry tree”. In science this tree is called finely serrated cherry or Prunus serrulata. This tree-like ornamental plant belongs to the rose family. In Japan, sakura is one of the objects of veneration: one of these traditions is called “hanami”. A few months before this tree begins to bloom, mini-forecasts of this wonderful phenomenon that will occur in the spring begin to be shown on television throughout the country. Images of sakura flowers can be seen on the headdresses of Japanese military and students, and police coats of arms; in this country, this plant is a symbol of female beauty and youth. Cherry Blossom Day is a Japanese national holiday celebrated on March 27th.

in second place is a plant with a short name canna or canna. Canna- this is a perennial herbaceous plant with rather large leaves; grows in America, also bred in Europe. Canna flowers are sharply asymmetrical, large in size - up to eight centimeters in diameter, and bright. The most popular are red, yellow or orange, as well as mixed types. In total, up to fifty species of these wonderful lush plants are known ( indica, liliiflora, brasiliensis and others). This plant was once bred by Indian peoples in tropical America: its starchy rhizomes were used as food, and in baked form. The stems and leaves of this plant are used today as food, and the flowers are used as decoration. Canna is also cultivated in Australia, India, Hawaii and Indonesia.

Despite the fact that canna is a perennial plant, when growing it in Russia and Ukraine, it is necessary to dig up the rhizomes for the winter, then placing them in cool places, but not subject to frost. This plant blooms from July until frost. Interestingly, canna flowers are odorless, which means that even those who suffer from allergies can grow them. In any area, canna is a luxurious decoration, quite unpretentious and resistant to disease.

Everyone who types phrases like the most beautiful flowers in the world photo, inevitably come across images of flowers that are very interesting in shape, reminiscent of birds of paradise. This plant is called strelitzia or Paradise Bird. The only continent where this original creation of nature lives is South Africa; in our country it can be found in the form of indoor plants or simply in cut form. Strelitzia often called the royal flower for its luxurious and elegant appearance. With their exotic shape, similar to the head of the Firebird, these flowers have conquered the whole world; they are named in honor of Queen Charlotte of England, who was also the German Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.

Strelitzia is a perennial plant. Its inflorescences consist of brightly colored petals, which bloom like a fan from the leathery green bracts. Local birds sit on it, like on a landing site - they are attracted here by the aroma of abundant nectar, which flows down the large stamens onto the petals. Cut Strelitzia flowers can remain fresh for up to one month. The most popular is Strelitzia regal - its flowers are up to fifteen centimeters in size.

Inflorescence of the next TOP participant - grotensia- resembles a flock of delicate moths clinging to a branch. Most often, these wonderful flowers, named after the Roman princess Grotensia, are used to decorate weddings or are simply bred as garden flowers. Hydrangea is a shrub that grows naturally in the Himalayas, southern and northern America, eastern and central Asia. This plant is represented by different types: frost-resistant and heat-loving, climbing and upright, evergreen and deciduous, tree-like and dwarf. In all cases, only the form of flowering remains unchanged, resembling a lush bouquet or a large fluffy ball.

The colors of grotensia can be very different - purple, cream, white, blue, lilac, red, etc. The homeland of this plant is Japan; Having arrived in Europe in the 18th century, these delicate flowers created a real sensation. Grotensia is grown in gardens today Macrophylla- This is a lush shrub that is winter-hardy. The largest flower caps give the view Altona- up to thirty centimeters in diameter; it is heat-loving and is bred in our latitudes in greenhouses.

One of the most elegant colors, to which, however, opinions can sometimes be very ambiguous, is calla lily. The truly original appearance of these flowers has many true fans around the world. The fact is that there is only one petal here, contrary to the tradition accepted in nature - it is folded in the form of a funnel, from the center of which rises a long yellow shoot covered with pollen. Despite this extravagant appearance, which is complemented by large and wide leaves, kala is a poisonous plant that kills anyone who accidentally eats it. Other names for strict and graceful Calla- this is calliper, zantedeschia or richardia, and in England it is marsh arum. This plant is native to southern Africa; the name Zantedeschia was given to it in honor of the Italian botanist F. Zantedeschi.

Callas are divided into different types; They are mostly long, up to 150 centimeters Aethiopica and shorter “colored” callas, reaching half a meter. In the wild, the flowers of this plant have a wonderful smell reminiscent of vanilla; artificial decorative callas have almost no odor. This flower is a perennial; They are grown both indoors and in garden conditions, however, this is not so easy to do - there are cases when feces refuse to bloom for many years.

Bleeding Heart- the name of one of the most exotic flowers on Earth. Referred to in science dicentral magnificent, today this plant is a favorite in shady gardens. Presented in three colors - red, pink, white and their shades. Dicentra are flowers that have the most delicate and beautiful names. For the Germans it is the “flower of the heart”, for the French it is “Jeannette’s heart”, the Poles call it “the slipper of the Mother of God”. "Bleeding Heart" is the name given in England. In each of the listed countries there is a legend that explains the birth of this plant. Homeland of the perennial Dicentra spectabilis are the mountainous regions of Korea and China.

This plant reaches a height of one meter, its leaves have a pinnately dissected shape, and its flowers look like small hearts dotting the stem. Each flower reaches a size of three centimeters. Despite its apparent delicate appearance, dicentra is a frost-resistant and unpretentious plant; It grows in one place for several years, gradually turning into a dense and abundantly flowering bush. “Heart” blooms from May to June.

Recently, such exquisite flowering plants as orchids. Today they can be found in almost every home in the form of indoor plants, whereas quite recently they were considered exotic and it was very difficult to get them. The whole point is that Phalaenopsis, having a somewhat extravagant appearance and very beautiful delicate flowers, is very difficult to breed. In fact, this plant is a liana and in the wild (tropics) it grows by twining around trees and receiving the necessary nutrients from their bark, using it as soil for its roots. An orchid will not grow in ordinary soil - it requires special soil, consisting mostly of tree bark.

It is quite difficult to get a capricious orchid to bloom at home - a lot depends on the lighting (there should not be a lot of it) and watering (the soil should be moist, water should be poured into the pan). If you manage to find a common language with this overseas beauty, she will become an exquisite decoration for the interior of your apartment or office. At home, this plant is small in size, but in the wild it grows up to a meter. These flowers are usually given in pots, and not in the form of cuts. Interestingly, deep in the tropics you can find species of orchids that lead a predatory lifestyle - they feed on spiders, midges and other small things that fall into their flowers. In China, only noble people used to grow these exquisite plants.

Speaking about our latitudes, it can be noted that they are in no way inferior in the number of beautiful flowers to luxurious tropical countries. The beauty here, of course, is a little different - it is not so bright and rich, a little modest, sophisticated and incredibly gentle. In this, our flowers are somewhat similar to the oriental “beauties” from Japan - sakura and grotensia; at the same time, they are not so lush, which allows you to focus on the details. One of the most beautiful symbols of Russia can be called bell, or campanula. This plant is a herbaceous flower; separate perennial and annual species.

In nature, bells can be found both in the shade and in sunny places, however, most often these plants like to settle in forests. A whole layer of folk art is associated with this wonderful and delicate flower in our country, when songs and poems were dedicated to it, it is often mentioned in fairy tales. Since ancient times, these plants have decorated rural front gardens and noble estates. This unpretentious creature can be found even in the mountains - there it settles in rocky crevices. Among garden species best known Medium- it comes in white, blue, pink and purple.

Have you ever encountered flowers that look like something else? For example, on a small alien, a bird or a stone. Well, the time has come to get acquainted with the amazing creations of nature, which have forgotten that they are ordinary plants.

We present to you photos of the most unusual flowers in the world with scientific names and nicknames.

30. Dancing girls (Impatiens Bequaertii)

These little beauties are named after their appearance. They resemble tiny ladies in white or light pink dresses. These orchids belong to the genus Impatiens, and have the interesting property of taking root wherever they touch the soil. This makes "dancing girls" great houseplants if you can find them.

29. Swaddled baby, Anguloa uniflora

A cute little orchid during a certain period of flowering resembles a miniature baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. Or a tulip, hence another name - “tulip orchid”.

28. Dragon shell, snapdragon achene (Antirrhinum)

Many gardeners love snapdragons for their spectacular look. However, the already faded snapdragon looks like a scattering of miniature skulls.

In ancient times, people believed that the “dragon shell” had mystical powers and that if you planted snapdragons in your garden, it would protect your home from curses and evil.

27. Monkey orchid, Dracula saulii

There are at least two species of orchids that look like monkeys. One is Dracula saulii, a tiny fluffy white monkey-faced orchid discovered just recently in Peru (2006), the other is Dracula simia, an orchid found in the mountainous regions of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru.

Both of them belong to the genus Dracula, which has 123 species. Not a single plant of this species sucks blood, and the name was given for its shape, reminiscent of the face of a small dragon and its predominantly dark color.

26. Passion flower, passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)

Spanish missionaries, who first saw this beautiful flower, called it passionflower because of the similarity of its appearance with elements of the story about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

  • The triple stigma symbolizes the three nails with which Jesus was nailed to the cross.
  • The thread-like fringes of the receptacle resemble a bloody crown of thorns.
  • Five anthers of an unusual flower - five wounds of Christ.
  • Sharp leaves - Longinus' spear.
  • Mustache - whip, etc.

25. Leucospermum catherinae

This funny flower looks more like a carnival toy than a creation of nature. Few plants can match the brightness of color with this African miracle.

The most favorable time for leucospermum flowering - after drought or fire, when rodents and insects that would hinder its growth have been destroyed.

24. Star flower, Stapelia grandiflora

The graceful, crimson or dark purple petals of this plant look very unusual and even cute. However, the disgusting smell of the Star Flower makes it unsuitable as a gift to the girl you love.

This is because the pollinators of Stapelia grandiflora are flies, and what could be a better bait for flies than the sweetish smell of rotting meat?

23. Ginger hive (Zingiber spectabile)

One of the strangest flowers in the world looks like a big pine cone. Its small "cups" or "honeycombs" (actually bracts) collect water and release the aroma of ginger. And when the flowers bloom on the ginger hive, they resemble small white bees.

22. Pleurothallis truncata

A unique orchid from the tropics of Ecuador has a bright orange inflorescence in the form of a two-row chain. This funny flower is so rare and strange that it doesn't even have a nickname.

21. Devil's hand, Chiranthodendron pentadactylon

This is not just a flower, but a whole tree, on which red petals form in the form of long clawed fingers, reminiscent of the hand of a non-human creature.

20. Crab claw, Heliconia rostrata

The charming plant gets its name from its red and yellow bracts that look like a crab's claw.

19. Desert pea, Swainsona formosa

Here is the product of harsh evolutionary selection - a bright and fragile-looking flower that survives and thrives in a dry, arid climate.

The desert pea is one of Australia's most famous wildflowers. But it cannot be torn down without the special written consent of the Australian government.

18. Drumsticks, globular craspedia (Craspedia globosa)

Funny little balls, as if woven from sunlight, look great in live and dry bouquets. They can be grown not only in a greenhouse, but also on a balcony.

17. Bumblebee orchid, Ophrys apifera

We don’t know why this “bumblebee” is so happy, because this flower has no reason to be happy. It is considered one of the endangered species.

16. Fire lily, Gloriosa superba

If you are going to grow this plant to decorate your home or garden, make sure it is kept out of the reach of your pets and children because it is poisonous. Ironically, this rare flower is considered an invasive weed in many regions of the Earth.

15. Snake head, Hydnora Africana

This monstrous looking flower is native to South Africa. Its smell matches its appearance.

However, despite its shortcomings, African Hydnora has extremely delicious berries. They are not only tasty, but also healthy; local residents use them to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system.

14. Welwitschia mirabilis

The main thing is to survive! Such a motto could have been inscribed on the coat of arms of Welwitschia if she had turned into a medieval knight. The plant is found only in Angola and Namibia - some of the hottest and driest places on Earth.

13. Amorphophallus titanum

This giant flower can grow up to three meters in height. It also boasts one of the most disgusting odors in the plant kingdom, making it a poor choice for your home.

12. Nepenthes attenboroughii

Some call this species "pitcher plant" and others call it "monkey pitcher plant". The reason for this comparison is the resemblance to the pitcher created by Mother Nature.

However, the sweet syrup found inside the plant is extremely dangerous to small birds, insects and rodents, as it traps and dissolves creatures that get too close.

11. Angel's Trumpet, Brugmansia

A native of South American forests, it is beautiful, fragrant and extremely poisonous. It is the source of three deadly toxins: atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine, which are essentially psychotropic drugs.

There are many stories of how this great looking plant has been used by criminals and drug addicts who use it to make a narcotic drink.

10. Parrot's beak, also known as spotted lotus (Lotus berthelotii)

Once you see this plant, you will understand why its informal name is Parrot's Beak. It seems that many of these bright birds are hiding in the grass, or for some reason they took off their beaks and forgot to put them on.

One of them (in the wild) was once a true jewel of the Canary Islands. Its bright red or yellowish-red flowers contrast nicely with the silver-green, needle-like foliage.

It used to be pollinated by sunbirds, but they are almost extinct (except in Africa), and all efforts by scientists to return the Parrot's Beak to its natural habitat were in vain. In the wild, it is found in single specimens and is listed in the Red Book.

However, this flower is quite successfully grown in flower beds, flower beds, and even at home.

9. Tacca chantrieri

If Batman wanted to decorate his costume with some fancy flower, then the Taka Chantrier would be the perfect option.

This unusual flowering plant is found in Thailand, India, Malaysia and East Asia. It has unique burgundy-black bracts shaped like bat or butterfly wings, and long, thread-like antennae.

8. Happy Alien Flower, Calceolaria uniflora

« Hello, earthlings! I arrived in peace“, one of the most unusual flowers on the planet could say if he had such an opportunity.

Calceolaria uniflora looks like an alien with a happy face and an empty white tray in his hands. This unusual shape attracts not only people, but also small birds such as hummingbirds. They love to eat the white part of the flower, and at the same time help it in pollination.

7. Moth Orchid (Habenaria Radiata)

The shape of this graceful flower, native to Asia, resembles a delicate white butterfly or small bird. The flowers of the moth orchid are only 4 cm wide.

6. Hot sponges, sublime psychotria (Psychotria Elata)

These gorgeous red, luscious lips belong to a flower found in the rainforests of Central and South American countries such as Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador.

The plant apparently “chosen” such an interesting shape of bracts to attract pollinators, including hummingbirds and butterflies.

5. Flying duck, sea otter orchid (Caleana major)

This amazing Australian flower really resembles a miniature duck in flight. The shape of this orchid helps it attract pollinators.

And the pollination process occurs in a cunning way. It is performed by sawfly insects similar to wasps. Inside the “duck’s head” a special substance is produced - an attractant, the composition of which is similar to the pheromones of female sawflies.

The males, attracted by this smell, sit on the kalanya and find themselves in a trap. While the insect desperately flounders, it becomes covered with pollen, after which the flower releases its victim into the wild. However, sawflies are not very smart, and the process of “sit, grab, twitch, let go” is repeated on the next plant. And again. And again. AND…

4. Elephant yam, Amorphophallus paeoniifolius

This unpleasant-looking plant is also distinguished by an extremely vile odor, reminiscent of the stench of rotting meat. Just like one of the . However, pollinating insects like this amber, and for elephant yam this is the main thing.

Amorphophallus peonyfolia is edible (if you pinch your nose well). In some countries of Southeast Asia, its tubers, growing up to 16 kg, are grown as a delicacy; in China, elephant yam is medicinal plant, and in the Philippines they feed it to pigs.

3. Italian orchis (Orchis Italica)

A real macho among the most unusual flowers in the world, it immediately stands out with its lower part. In appearance he resembles a naked man.

Interestingly, Orchis italica flowers are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female organs.

2. Living stone, lithops (Lithops species)

Some plants use toxins to avoid being eaten. Some use spikes. Lithops survives by pretending to be a stone.

If you're planning to collect rocks in southern Africa, you'll likely pick up a couple of these bivalves. There are dozens of species of Lithops, each preferring a specific type of rock to hide among.

These fun plants can be grown indoors and will reward you with a yellow or white daisy-like flower.

1. Darth Vader flower, Aristolochia Salvadorensis

Even before the world saw the first Star Wars trilogy, this flower knew something. Imagine how the Dark Lord decorates his helmet with it and sighs for lost youth and love. Or he decorates his son’s room with slightly sinister-looking kirkazons, which he carefully prepared on the Death Star.

But enough fantasy, let's get back to the facts. The appearance of the Salvadoran plant is due to adaptations that ensure its survival. The helmet-like shape and purple color of the flowers, combined with the powerful aroma of rotting flesh, attract pollinating insects.

Seduced by the smell and sight of the flower, insects fly through Darth Vader’s glowing “eyes.” The inside of the kirkazon is covered in sticky hairs that trap hapless guests long enough to coat them in pollen. The plant then releases its victims to fly and pollinate more flowers.

It's hard to believe that this exists. Amazing

Every day we see flowers that surround us everywhere - daisies, roses, violets, tulips, chrysanthemums, dandelions, and their beauty has become familiar and even somewhat banal to us.

But in different parts of the planet, truly amazing and unusual flowers grow in terms of adaptability and appearance, and every time you look at this natural miracle, you are surprised by the beauty flora.

Let's get acquainted with the most unusual flowers of our planet:

Tricyrtis hirta.

This perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 40-80 cm, has flowers white with numerous purple spots.

This grows decorative flower in the subtropical zone of Japan, where there is shade. Tricyrtis shorthair is relatively easy to cultivate.

Wolffia (Wolffia angusta).

It is the smallest flowering plant on the planet, measuring between 0.5 and 0.8 mm.

These little flowers live on water surfaces. The name of the flower was given in honor of the German entomologist and botanist Johan F. Wolf.

Amorphophallus titanica (Amorphophallus).

It is the largest tropical flower, but despite its natural beauty, it is a very foul-smelling specimen of the flora. The inflorescence emits the smell of decaying flesh. If we translate the name of the flower from Greek, it means “shapeless phallus.”

This giant flower has one of the largest inflorescences in the world, reaching a width of one and a half meters and a height of 2.5 m. Amorphophallus titanica blooms for only two days. Previously, it grew in Indonesia, on the island of Sumatra, but then foreigners destroyed the flower. Today it is considered a very rare flower, and can be seen in botanical gardens around the world.

Elevated psychotria (Psychotria elata).

This amazingly beautiful flower deservedly bears the status of the most romantic and piquant flower on the planet. Because of its bright red inflorescences, people also call it “hot sponges.”

Psychotria loves warmth and moisture and grows in the tropics. Its homeland is the forests of South and Central America, where the subtropical climate reigns.

Sexy Orchid Drakaea glyptodon.

The title of “unusual” orchid was won by the “sexy” orchid - the inflorescence of the flower resembles the body of a wasp of a certain species. In addition, the orchid secretes pheromones, the same as those released by the female wasp.

Interestingly, the sex orchid begins to bloom during the breeding season of the wasps, and then the males flock to the flowers and try to mate with them. This is how wasps transfer pollen from one plant to another. The place where the sex orchid grows is Australia.

Caleana major orchid.

In appearance, this amazing flower resembles a flying duck, and that is what people call it. She got this appearance from nature to attract insects called sawflies.

For them, the upper part of the flower resembles a female, and, flying from flower to flower, pollination occurs. Kalania orchid has miniature sizes: the width of the flower is 2 cm, and the height is only 50 cm. The orchid grows in Southern and Eastern Australia under eucalyptus trees, and there are 2-4 flowers on the stem.

African Hydnora africana.

In most cases, it lives underground, but when the required amount of precipitation falls in the desert, African Hydnora appears on the surface and becomes discolored. The flower reaches a length of 15-20 centimeters. Pollination occurs with the help of beetles that fly to the scent emitted by the flower.

Sundew (Drosera).

This is a carnivorous flower of amazing beauty. The inflorescence secretes droplets of mucus, which are a trap for insects.

It is insects that the sundew feeds on. The flower grows in the mountains, on sandstones and swamps.

Passionflower (Passiflora alata).

Passiflora or Stratoflower is an amazingly beautiful flower from the genus of the Stratoflower family.

There are about five hundred species in nature. The inflorescence is 10 cm in diameter, and passionflower grows mainly in Latin America.

Nepenthes Attenboroughii.

This unusual, interesting flower was discovered on the island of Aalavan by three scientists in 2000, who went on an expedition to find this miracle of the plant world. The first information about the flower was received from missionaries who visited the island earlier. Going to Mount Victoria, scientists discovered huge flowers, the inflorescences of which resembled voluminous jugs.

It turned out that these unusual flowers are real predators that feed on rodents. It still remains a mystery how these flowers were able to survive to this day. This phenomenon is being studied today at McPherson's laboratory. Do you think custom bouquets made from these flowers would be in high demand?

Monkey orchis (Orchis simia).

This beautiful flower grows in bushes and forests, where there is a lot of light, in forest glades of the lower (sometimes middle) mountain zone up to an altitude of 1500 m above sea level.

This flora specimen is a rare species and is listed in the Red Book of Russia. When the monkey orchis blooms, it emits a pleasant orange aroma.

Phalaenopsis (Phalaenopsis).

A flower of a genus of epiphytic herbaceous plants of the Orchidaceae family, native to northeastern Australia and southeast Asia.

Habitat: mountain and lowland forests with high humidity. Some representatives of the genus are popular in indoor floriculture, botanical gardens and greenhouses.


This genus of this flower, which prefers sunny areas, includes two species that are endemic to New Zealand.

Clianthus inflorescences are bright red in color and resemble the beak of a kaka parrot in appearance. The flower also has another name - Lobster Claws.

Variegated wood sorrel (Oxalis tetraphylla).

The inflorescence, thanks to its festively colored flowers, resembles a bright caramel lollipop in appearance.

These unusual flowers open only in the presence of bright light, and in the evening the inflorescence, like an umbrella, curls up in a spiral. It's beautiful unpretentious plant lives well at home.


An evergreen liana from the family Persianaceae, wax ivy, growing naturally in India, Southern China, and Australia.

The genus Hoya, numbering 200 species, was named after the English gardener Thomas Hoya. Lianas naturally spread on rocky slopes, and in forests they grow on tree trunks.

Snapdragon achene (Antirrhinum).

This flower grows in North America, and in Russia it can often be found in gardens, where it is used to create beautiful flower beds. 22 types of flowers are found in the wild - these are spikes of zygomorphic flowers, painted with bright colors of blue, yellow, and purple.

The inflorescences resemble a lion's mouth or even a skull. The appearance of the Snapdragon flower, which has already bloomed, looks quite scary and resembles a skull.

Orchid "Dove" (Peristeria Elata).

This flower has a bizarre and even unusual shape, reminiscent of a dove hiding in the open petals of the inflorescence. The flower is very capricious and requires special care: high temperature and humidity.

This unusual flower also has a second name - the Holy Spirit Orchid, and on Easter, Christian believers in the tropics decorate churches with these orchids.

Japanese camellia (Camellia japonica).

Japanese camellias are trees or shrubs that reach a height of one and a half to eleven meters. This plant is ideal for a greenhouse or winter garden with cool temperatures.

The homeland of camellia is Japan and China. It is the official flower symbol of the state of Alabama.

Rafflesia arnoldii.

Rafflesia grows on the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, the Philippines, and the Malay Peninsula. Inside its huge bowl, 5 to 7 liters of water can collect. The flower has neither leaves nor stem.


In Asia, this amazingly beautiful white flower is edible, and the leaves and tendrils of almost all types of trichosanthus are eaten as green vegetables.

There are original curls at the tips of the petals. This flower has also been used for medicinal purposes.

Great Egret Orchid (Habenaria Radiata).

This amazingly beautiful flower also has another name - Habenaria.

Its beautiful and large pearly white inflorescence, framed by a wide fringed lip, in appearance resembles a white heron in flight.

Strongylodon macrobotrys.

This is a member of the legume family. The flower is often cultivated as an ornamental plant in countries with tropical and subtropical climates.

The flower grows in tropical and wild forests of the Philippine Islands.

Tacca chantrieri.

This perennial plant with a developed vertical rhizome is a species of monocotyledonous flowering plants of the Dioscoreaceae family.

The inflorescences and young leaves are still used to make curry, and the rhizome has found use in Thai medicine.


This snow-white, rarest flower on the planet, growing on the islands of Sri Lanka, resembles a water lily in appearance. The life of this flower is short - it blooms at midnight and fades by dawn.

According to ancient legend, during the short flowering period of the kadupul, a mythical snake-like demigod creature named Nagi descends to the earth. He picks a flower to present it to the Buddha himself on the holy mountain of Sri Pada.

Every day we are used to seeing flowers that have become banal for us, but despite this are incredibly beautiful: daisies, tulips, roses, dandelions, violets, etc. Meanwhile, in different parts of our planet, flowers grow that are so unusual in nature, appearance and adaptability that you simply never cease to be amazed at the flora and fauna!

10. Rafflesia arnoldii

Photo 10. Rafflesia

9. Amorphophallus titanica (Amorphophallus)

Photo 9. Amorphophallus titanica

Amorphophallus titanica is the largest tropical flower and has a very foul smell. Its name “amorphophallus” translated from Greek means “shapeless phallus”. This flower has one of the largest inflorescences in the world - it can reach a height of 2.5 m and a width of 1.5 m. Flowering lasts only 2 days. Initially, amorphophallus grew in Indonesia, on the island of Sumatra. Subsequently, this flower was exterminated by foreigners. Currently, this flower is very rare and can be seen mainly in botanical gardens around the world.

8. Wolffia angusta

Photo 8. Wolfia

Wolfia, on the other hand, is the smallest flowering plant on Earth. Their size ranges from 0.5 to 0.8 mm. These small flowers live on the surface of the water. It was named after the German botanist and entomologist Johan F. Wolf.

7. Psychotria elata

Psychotria poeppigiana (lat. psychotria poeppigiana)

Photo 7. Sublime psychotria

This flower rightfully bears the status of the most piquant flower in the world. People call it “hot sponges” for its bright red inflorescences. Psychotria is a tropical flower that loves moisture and warmth. Therefore, its homeland is the tropical forests of Central and South America.

6. Caleana major orchid

Photo 6. Kalania Orchid

This amazing orchid looks like a flying duck. That is why it is called “flying duck”. Nature endowed them with this appearance in order to attract insects called sawflies. To them, the upper part of the flower resembles a female. Thus, when they fly to a flower, they carry pollen on themselves and pollinate the flower. The Kalania orchid is very small and reaches a height of only 50 cm, and the flower itself is 2 cm. There are 2-4 flowers on the stem. It grows in Eastern and Southern Australia, mainly under eucalyptus trees.

5. Sexy Orchid (Drakaea glyptodon)

Photo 5. Sexy orchid

Another orchid that deserves the title “unusual” is the “sexy” orchid. Its flower resembles the abdomen of a certain type of wasp. Moreover, she secretes pheromones just like a female wasp. Flowering begins during the mating season of wasps. Males flock to such flowers and try to mate with him. In this way, they transfer the pollen that falls on them from plant to plant. Sexy orchids grow in Australia.

3. Passionflower (Passiflora alata)

Photo 5. Passionflower

Passionflower, or Passion flower, is a genus of the Passionflower family. There are about 500 species. The flower reaches 10 cm in diameter. It grows mainly in Latin America.

2. Sundew (Drósera)

Photo 2. Sundew

Sundew is a carnivorous plant. Thanks to the mucus droplets they secrete, they catch insects on which they feed. They grow in swamps, sandstones and mountains.

1. Nepenthes Attenboroughii

Photo 1. Nepenthes Attenborough

The first place goes to the Nepenthes Attenborough flower. An unusual flower was discovered in 2000, on the island. Palawan by three scientists Stuart McPherson, botanist Alistair Robinson and Filipino scientist Volker Heinrich, who went here on an expedition to collect this flower. They first heard about it from missionaries who had visited the island earlier. On Mount Victoria, scientists discovered huge “jugs” of these flowers. These turned out to be predator flowers that “feed” on rodents. How these flowers were able to survive to this day is unknown. They are now being studied in MacPherson's laboratory.

There have already been many articles about flowers on LifeGlobe, today we will try to collect the most beautiful flowers in the world in one place. Of course, it is impossible to unequivocally call some plants more beautiful than others, so we tried to abstract from the number of possible factors for evaluation and focused specifically on the external beauty and variety of flowers, both recognizable throughout the world and little-known. We present to your attention the resulting selection of the 10 most surprising, in our opinion, types of flowers. Get to know them, discuss and offer your options for colors that can compete in beauty with the ten below!

So, in 10th place is the extensive genus of orchids Dendrobium, founded back in 1799 by Olaf Schwarz and currently numbering more than 1,200 species.

These orchids are native to much of southern, eastern and southeastern Asia, including the Philippines, Borneo, Australia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands and New Zealand.

The genus name comes from the Greek words dendron ("tree") and bios ("life"), and generally translates as "tree-dwelling", or essentially "epiphyte".

The 9th place in the list of “The most beautiful flowers in the world” is occupied by Lantana, a separate genus of the Verbenaceae family, numbering about 150 species.

These amazing flowers are native to the tropical regions of North and South America and Africa, but introduced lantana species are also found in other areas of the globe, mainly in the Australia-Pacific region.

This small genus of verbena includes herbaceous plants and shrubs reaching 0.5-2 meters in height.

In 8th place were the familiar Hyacinths - a small genus of flowers in the Asparagus family.

For a long time, researchers could not decide which genus to classify hyacinths in - at one time they even “were” part of the Liliaceae family.

The native lands for hyacinths are the eastern part of the Mediterranean (from southern Turkey to northern Israel) and the northeastern regions of Iran and Turkmenistan.

7th place in beauty is occupied by Dicentra - a small (about 20 species) genus of herbaceous plants from the Dymyankaceae family, famous for its original heart-shaped flowers.

Because of their appearance, they are often called bleeding hearts.

The name itself consists of the Greek words dis "twice" and k?ntron "spurs").

Most dicentra grow in East Asia and North America.

Each flower consists of two tiny sepals and four bisymmetrical petals: the two outer petals are usually curved outward and marsupial-shaped at the base, while the inner petals are completely straight.

Rudbeckia, a genus of herbaceous plants of the Asteraceae family, numbering about 40 species, took 6th place.

Some of these species are cultivated in Europe and Africa as ornamentals and often go wild, but the original Rudbeckia was discovered in North America by early settlers, who gave these interesting black and yellow flowers the poetic name "Black-Eyed Susan."

The Germans have another common name - “Sun Hat”.

The name Rudbeckia itself was given to a new species of plant by Carl Linnaeus - in honor of the famous Swedish botanists, father and son Rudbeckia.

5th place went to Callas - quite popular flowers of the Aronicaceae family.

This genus is the only representative of the subfamily Calloideae and includes only one species - the marsh calla (or marsh calla).

As one can judge from the name, these flowers live in marshy areas on the banks of swampy ponds and rivers in the temperate latitudes of the northern hemisphere: in Central, Eastern and Northern Europe (eastern France and Norway), Northern Asia and North America (Alaska, Canada, northeastern regions of the USA).

The 4th line in the ranking “The most beautiful flowers in the world” is occupied by Hydrangea, whose genus includes about 80 species of plants growing mainly in South and East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, the Himalayas and Indonesia), as well as in North and South America. Most hydrangea species are found in East Asia, especially China, Japan and Korea.

They are usually shrubs ranging from 1 to 3 meters in height, but some liana-like species can reach 30 meters in length by “climbing” trees.

Hydrangeas are both deciduous and evergreen, but among the widely cultivated species, all plants are deciduous.

These interesting flowers were named after Princess Hortense, sister of Holy Roman Prince Charles-Heinrich of Nassau-Siegen.

In European scientific circles, these flowers were later given the name Hydrangea, translated from ancient Greek as “Vessel of Water.”

The top three is closed by the “Flower of Paradise” Strelitzia, which is a genus of four species of perennial plants found only in South Africa.

The genus is named after Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz of Great Britain (Strelitz is the duchy where the future queen was born).

Due to its amazing appearance, the Strelitzia flower was unofficially called the Bird of Paradise.

In second place is the tender Canna - the only genus of plants in the Cannaceae family, numbering about 50 varieties, growing mostly in Central and South America, but due to their starchy rhizomes, these plants are also specially cultivated in many Latin American countries, as well as in India, Indonesia, Australia and even Hawaii.

All types of cannas are very different from each other in color and shape, which is why it is sometimes hard to believe that these are all subspecies of the same flower.

Well, we have finally reached the top line of the list of “The most beautiful flowers in the world.” Many may want to challenge our decision, but we gave first place to the tiny flowers of Sakura or Japanese Cherry.

Sakura is a separate type of ornamental tree of the Rosaceae family, extremely popular in Japan and one of the most famous symbols of this developed country and its rich, centuries-old culture.

Sakura blossoms in the spring and lasts only a week - during this tiny period of time, the whole of Japan is transformed, covered with an innumerable number of small petals, whose color varies from soft white to bright pink.

An integral part of Japanese culture, Hanami (the Japanese tradition of admiring flowers) is such a popular event that several months before the expected cherry blossoms, forecasts with flowering dates throughout the country begin to be shown on television.

It is not surprising that every Japanese city is decorated with Sakura trees; everywhere you can find vast parks with long alleys of cherry trees, the delicate blossoms of which make the surrounding landscape calm and peaceful

February 5, 2013 | Categories: Topper , Nature , Photo

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