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Cutlets with butter inside recipe. Recipe for the juiciest cutlets with butter inside. How to cook homemade cutlets with butter

To give a familiar dish an unusual taste, you can use original recipes preparations. For example, make delicious cutlets with butter inside.

What you will need

To prepare the dish you need to take the following set of ingredients:

  • minced meat (you can use any, for example chicken) – 600 g;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc. medium size;
  • garlic - 1–2 cloves;
  • fresh herbs (for example, dill) - 1 small bunch;
  • breadcrumbs - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, spices - to taste and desire.

Detailed recipe

To prepare unusual cutlets with butter, you need to do several sequential steps:

  1. Finely chop the onion (for convenience, you can chop it in a blender), crush the garlic with a press.
  2. Add all this to the minced meat, salt and season. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Break the eggs into a separate bowl and add a little salt.
  4. Divide the minced meat into small pieces. Roll each of them into a flat cake. Place a piece of butter in the center (it should be cold, even frozen). Sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top.
  5. Form the cutlets so that the butter is inside the minced meat.
  6. Roll each one in breadcrumbs, then dip in the egg mixture, then back into the breading.
  7. Heat the vegetable oil well in a frying pan, fry each cutlet on both sides for 3-5 minutes (depending on the type of minced meat).

Video: Cutlets with butter inside

These cutlets go well with any side dishes, for example, mashed potatoes, cereal porridges, and fresh vegetable salads. The butter, which is inside the minced meat, gives it a delicate taste, makes the cutlets juicy and very appetizing.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

It turns out that the cutlet is French in origin. And a few decades ago it was quite an exquisite dish. In France, a cutlet was a fried piece of juicy beef. Definitely on the rib. The “overseas beauty” has taken root in Russian cuisine, but has undergone significant changes. She has lost both her bone and her former appearance. But it has become everyone’s favorite: almost every housewife has her own signature recipe for delicious meat cutlets. Try, for example, cutlets with butter filling, which we will prepare today.

Cutlets with butter inside - recipe with photo.

Ingredients for making cutlets:
- meat;
- onion;
- bun;
- milk;
- 1 egg;
- salt;
- pepper;
- butter;
- greenery;
- flour;
- refined vegetable oil.

How to cook with photos step by step

For creamy cutlets that are simply delicious, it is better to make minced meat at home. Pass the lean pork pulp through a meat grinder. You can combine two types of meat. In this case, the pork tenderloin is purchased as fatty, and the beef, on the contrary, is lean. Cutlets made from freshly prepared minced meat are especially tender. Of course, defrosted will do too. But the taste will not be the same.

Onions must be added to the minced cutlets. It is rolled together with the meat, grated or finely chopped. Whoever likes it. One medium onion is enough for half a kilogram of minced meat.

You can't cook juicy cutlets without a bun. The bread crumb holds the meat juice inside. Otherwise, during frying, it will leak into the pan, and the cutlets will come out dry and tough. Cut the crust off two pieces of loaf and pour milk over them. When the crumb swells, squeeze it out lightly and add it to the minced meat.

One raw egg is broken there.

The cutlet mixture is salted, peppered and kneaded thoroughly.

For a creamy-spicy taste, a filling of butter and herbs is placed inside each cutlet. The butter is pre-frozen, and the dill and parsley are finely chopped with a sharp knife.

To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, moisten them with cold water. First, a small cake is formed.

Place butter and herbs on it (in the center), and cover with the same flatbread on top.

Shape the cutlet and roll in flour.

Fry the cutlets in refined vegetable oil in a frying pan with a thick bottom. First over medium heat to form a golden brown crust. Literally 2-3 minutes on each side.

Then the gas is reduced and the cutlets are cooked under the lid.
If you press the finished cutlet with a fork, clear juice will come out. And the smell cannot be described in words.

Cutlets with a creamy-spicy taste are ready. Subtle dill spirit in harmony with a warm creamy aroma. True French perfection!
We also offer you a very interesting recipe.

Chicken cutlets with butter inside are a new vision of familiar food. Ordinary cutlets stuffed with butter become a signature dish of the housewife who loves to surprise. The food turns out very tender and juicy. Oil leaks out of the center of each cutlet when broken. It's very tasty. Your family will be impressed, and your guests will ask for the recipe.


  • minced chicken – 300 g;
  • loaf – 100 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • wheat flour – 200 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml.


Place the butter in the freezer.

We use homemade minced chicken. If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to cook it yourself, you can take a store-bought one. But in this case, preference should be given to the chilled version.

We take yesterday's loaf. We cut off the crusts. Place the crumb in a bowl and fill it with water or milk. After 10-15 minutes, squeeze and rub with your hands.

Add the soaked bread to the minced meat. We also send grated onions there.

Beat in a chicken egg.

Salt and season with spices to taste. Mix everything well with your hands, grinding the mass and combining it into one whole. Then we beat it to compact it. To do this, take the minced meat and sharply throw it into a bowl. And so 3-4 times.

Cut the frozen butter into pieces with a knife dipped in hot water.

Heat the frying pan. Pour vegetable oil into it.

We take some of the minced meat and turn it into a flat cake on the palm of your hand. Place oil in the center.

Cover with another part of the minced meat and form an oblong or round cutlet so that the butter is securely sealed inside.

Pour flour into a plate. Roll the cutlet in it.

Place the cutlets in a heated frying pan. Fry over medium heat until the bottom is browned.

Turn over after 3-4 minutes and fry for the same amount.

Grate the peeled onion on a fine grater (as I did) or pass through a meat grinder.

Soak the white bread in cold milk or water for a few minutes, then squeeze it out and use a fork to mash the crumb until smooth.

Next, add chopped onion, egg yolk and bread puree to the bowl with the minced chicken. Mix the minced meat by hand until smooth.

Then add butter room temperature, salt and pepper, knead thoroughly again and beat on the table several times so that the oil is thoroughly distributed in the minced meat.
Form cutlets of the desired shape from the resulting minced chicken.

Place the frying pan on the fire. Heat the vegetable oil, place the formed chicken cutlets in a frying pan and fry over high heat on both sides until golden brown, then reduce the heat, cover and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Chicken cutlets, thanks to the addition of butter, turn out incredibly tasty, tender and juicy.
Bon appetit!