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The oldest dog on earth. The oldest dog in the world. Official and unofficial centenarians

Oh, these records and constant competitions. It is human nature to set standards that others then try to overcome. Even the age of a pet can be another reason to open the Book of Records. Currently, several pets of different breeds have claimed the title of oldest dog. Each owner is confident in the uniqueness and invincibility of his pet. All we can do is wish them health and be happy for the years they have lived.

The oldest dogs in the world

One of the contenders for the title of the oldest dog in the world was the dog Rumble from Somerset, England. The age of the animal in 2008 by human standards reached 180 years. The dog’s owner claimed that a good and proper diet, as well as timely visits to the veterinarian, helped his pet survive to this age. This dog is included in the Book of Records and today he should be about 30 years old, unfortunately there is no information about the fate of the dog.

In 2013, a dog named Max turned thirty years old! According to the specialist’s notes, the animal was in good condition at that time and its owner really took care of the pet. If you convert the dog's age into human terms, it will be approximately 210 years. Unfortunately, the dog died shortly after the celebration.

One of the oldest dogs and Max’s competitor is considered to be Chanel, who celebrated her 20th anniversary in 2010 and was also included in the Book of Records, but in 2012 she passed away. The pet was remembered for her dark glasses and stylish yellow sweater.

In 2013, news spread around the world about the 22nd birthday of Dacey, a Jack Russell Terrier. Surprisingly, one of the contenders for the title of the oldest dog had never known special dog food and ate from the owners’ table. She has every chance to receive the title of long-liver.

One of the oldest dogs was also the mongrel Puske, who lived for approximately twenty-seven years. According to the vaccination records, the dog was born in 1985 and died in 2011. So the oldest dog in the world is not always the most well-groomed or the largest. Much is decided by the lifestyle and love of the owner.

Many people believe that the Guinness Book of World Records only records human quirks and achievements. But in fact, there are also pets there, and you can learn a lot of interesting things about them. A small selection on the topic of dogs in Guinness Records.

The smallest dog in the world

Record breakers

  • The longest-living terrier is Max, who lives in Louisiana. His age is about 30 years, the dog was born on August 9, 1983. Lives to this day;
  • The most expensive dog is $1.5 million. One multimillionaire paid this amount for a Tibetan mastiff puppy;
  • The heaviest dog weighs 156 kilograms and is 96 centimeters tall. Breed: English Mastiff;
  • The smallest dog in the world is the Chihuahua; with a height of 6.53 cm, it weighs only 170 grams;
  • The fastest dog is a greyhound named Star Title, which reaches a speed of 68 km/h.

This is far from the most full list records, but we did not write frankly stupid ones, such as the longest distance a dog crawled between the legs of people standing in a row. By the way, there were 457 of them.

Where did the record book come from?

Everyone knows about this book, but few know its history and origins.

Initially, it was just a reference book, designed for those who like to argue over a glass of beer in pubs. A brilliant idea came to the owner of the Guinness Brewery, Sir Hugh Beaver; by the nature of his profession, he knew how disputes end in drunken companies.

Guinness Book of Records

She just kept Interesting Facts, answers to quizzes, and just encyclopedic notes.

But the book began to publish the funny capabilities of people and animals, thereby gaining enormous popularity. So in 1956, the directory was already replicated to 5 million copies, turning from a simple reference book into the achievements of mankind in half a century.

Dogs in Guinness World Records, the largest dog, video

When we bring a puppy into the house, it seems like forever. The plush lump will grow and be nearby. Always always. But a dog's life is short. Twelve, maximum fifteen years. Then they leave, taking with them a part of our soul.

However, there are also those owners whose dogs are long-lived. They were lucky to live side by side with their pet for a quarter of a century or more. The oldest dog - how old did it live? In this article we will talk about oldest dogs planet and about long-lived breeds.

Record reached

Once upon a time there lived an Australian Shepherd. She was born in 1910. Helped herd sheep flocks. I have never been sick with anything. The ten-year mark has now been passed. The brothers and sisters have already died, but the kelpie still lives and lives. Energetic, active, with a good appetite.

A year before his death, the dog stopped seeing. But he remained active until the last moment. November 14, 1939 was the last day for the dog. The dog lived in the world for 29 years and 5 months. The dog's name was Bluey. According to the Guinness Book of Records, this four-legged dog is the oldest dog in the world.

Didn't make it into the Book of Records

Another Kelpie (Australian Shepherd) became famous for its longevity. Her name was Maggie. She was born in 1986. The puppy was purchased as a gift for the owner's 4-year-old son. When Maggie died, her son turned 34 years old.

Until the last day the shepherd was active. Age did not stop her from riding on a tractor with her owner, chasing neighborhood cats and gnawing on candy. True, lately this has become difficult. The teeth were slowly falling out, and the remaining two teeth were not very good at chewing on candy.

Maggie's owner, Mr. McLaren, said that he had lost the documents for the dog. But he claims that the puppy was purchased for his son.

The oldest dog (unofficially) died in April 2016.

Another old lady

And again - kelpies. Her name was Bella. She lived a happy dog ​​life on a farm in the USA. How old was the oldest dog when it left this world? 29 years 7 months. Not every dog ​​can boast such a life expectancy.

Japanese granny

Another oldest dog in the world is a mixed breed from Japan. Her name was Pusuke. Judging by the appearance, the dog had Akita Inu in his family. This little red fox was born in March 1985. She lived all her life in the same family. In 2008, when Puska was 23 years old, the animal was hit by a car.

Do you think a dog's life ended on the highway? No matter how it is! Puske lived for another three years. She passed away in December 2011.

The lifespan of one of the oldest dogs is 26 years 8 months. Puske is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Terrier named Max

This purebred dog lived for almost 30 years. A mixed terrier, he was born in August 1983. Lived in the USA, in the state of Louisiana. He has always been in good health. Only in old age did he begin to lose his vision and developed cataracts. Arthritis also increased. But this did not stop Max from living 29 years and 9 months.

What is the secret of Max's longevity? His owner Janelle says she never fed the dog from the table. Daily long walks proper nutrition and education - that’s the whole secret. Max ate only dog ​​food.

The record was recorded on May 15, 2013. And three days later, the long-lived mestizo “ran away to the dog’s rainbow.”

Collie on the list

Bramble is one of the oldest dogs. In 2009 she turned 27 years old. The dog lived in the city of Somerset. What is the secret to a long life? The owner claims that it’s all about the diet. Bramble is a vegetarian. This collie also loved to go to the pool. Once a week he made sure to visit it, swimming with pleasure. Despite his venerable age, the male remained active until the end. “Walked” the owner around the city over the longest distances.

It can be assumed that Bramble's life was stress-free. This is wrong. In 2007, the dog suffered a spinal injury. But even that didn't stop her. Bramble continues his weekly trips to the pool. With the help of the hostess, of course.

A little about long-lived breeds

What is the oldest dog? Let's remember that this is a kelpie named Bluey. He lived for more than 29 years. Was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Now let's talk about those long-lived dogs that were never included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Yesterday the dog, which is now the oldest in the world, celebrated its 21st birthday.

Despite her advanced age, Chanel came with her owner to New York from Rhode Island to take part in a television show in her honor on one of the central American television channels. One of the main gifts on this significant day was the presenter of the program presenting her with a certificate certifying that she was included in the 2010 Guinness Book of Records.

The red-framed sunglasses Chanel wears and the bright yellow sweater she made a real star and a favorite of TV viewers. However, as the owner noted, her pet looks this way every day, as her health requires it. The fact is that at such an old age, which is equivalent to 147 years in human measurements, she developed cataracts typical of older people and she is forced to wear glasses with dark lenses that protect her eyes from light, as well as warm clothes that do not allow her to feel the cold .

In honor of the record holder, the dog food company threw a party at a Manhattan hotel, where she was presented with a huge dog birthday cake. At the same time, Chanel, according to the owner, is quite picky about food and prefers boiled chicken and, oddly enough, pasta dishes to dog food.

The dog's owner, American Denise Shaughnessy, adopted Chanel from a dog shelter when she was 6 weeks old. According to the owner, at that moment she was going through a difficult period, being left without work with a small child in her arms, and Chanel managed to significantly brighten up her life.

This age is not the limit for dogs. An even greater record was set in 1939 by a dog from Australia, having lived for 29 and a half years, ITAR-TASS reports.

Twenty-nine years is the maximum age of a dog, officially recorded by the Guinness Book of Records. The title holder of the "Oldest Dog in History" is Bluey, an Australian Cattle Dog (Australian Heeler). He was born in 1910 in Rochester (USA), the fourth in a litter of the same shepherd dog, named Missy. The owner gave away his three brothers to friends, and left Bluey to replace Missy, who was already beginning to grow old.

It should be added that her other three puppies did not live longer than 12 years. For twenty years Bluey tended herds of cattle, ate only natural feed and never fought. This is precisely what Bluey's owner explained so long life your pet. It is worth noting that Bluey, in his entire life, never suffered from any of the diseases inherent in dogs.

The secret of canine longevity

Scientists and dog handlers cannot understand how a dog, and a purebred one at that, could reach this age. Indeed, in their opinion, due to almost constant intra-breeding, purebred dogs acquire certain genetic abnormalities, which undoubtedly affects their health. But, as we see, there are exceptions.

The record holder died on November 14, 1939 from very natural causes. A year before his death, Bluey became completely blind, but at the same time, he did not lose his physical activity. “Bluey ran and frolicked like a puppy until the last day of his life,” his owner said in an interview with a journalist from one of the newspapers.

Chanel the Dog

To this day, this dog reserves the right to be called the oldest dog in history, the age of which has been documented.

In addition, it is worth noting that a dachshund named Chanel, who came with her owner to New York from Rhode Island. This dachshund was over 21 years old at the time of her death in 2009. She was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2010.

And the current holder of this title is a 22-year-old Yorkshire terrier Billy from Halifax, UK. He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest dog in the world according to the 2011 version. Betty Holdsworth, 71, Billy's owner, notes that despite being blind in one eye and having few teeth, her Billy still has gunpowder in his flask. He still loves to go for walks and frolic like a puppy.