Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

The cucumbers are blooming but there is nothing to do with the ovary. What can be done so that there are fewer barren flowers and cucumbers always delight with abundant ovaries? It is a serious problem when the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow. What to do? Don’t sit idly by, but tend, water, feed, ventilate

One of the favorite vegetables of summer residents is the cucumber, which begins to bear fruit early in closed ground. But it happens that all the conditions have been created, but it is not clear why the cucumbers in the greenhouse do not set. The problem can be eliminated if you know the reason for the absence of ovaries and fruits.

Why don't cucumbers bloom?

Their fruiting depends on the appearance of flowers on the vegetable bushes. Both the appearance of fruits and the harvest of vegetables depend on the number of female inflorescences. But sometimes, a situation arises when cucumbers do not bloom, and this happens for various reasons:

  1. The lack of flowering is due to the quality of the seeds. If seeds are stored for more than two to three years, they rarely produce viable seedlings. But seeds just collected from fruits are not always good material for the growth and flowering of cucumbers.
  2. Vegetables that have an imbalanced nutritional balance during the growing season are infertile. By overdoing it with nitrogenous fertilizers, you end up with long vines and a lot of lush greenery. But the plant is not going to bloom.
  3. Watering with cold water leads to the fact that flowers do not appear in the axils of the leaves for a long time. It is clear why there is no cucumber harvest.
  4. Excess moisture in the soil negatively affects the plant when the stems begin to rot and the emerging flowers dry out.
  5. If during flowering the air temperature in the greenhouse rises, reaching 30 degrees, then the flower buds fall off.
  6. Stuffiness, lack of air, crowded conditions in the greenhouse will not allow the plants to develop properly, and then there will be no ovary on the cucumbers. Stopping the growth of side shoots on which fruits develop from female flowers will lead to loss of yield.

Proper preparation for planting the vegetable and organizing its care in the greenhouse will help the cucumbers to bloom.

Why don't cucumber ovaries grow in a greenhouse?

In hot weather, the ovaries on cucumbers appear on time, but grow poorly and dry out.

The ovaries do not develop because:

  • the greenhouse is not ventilated;
  • greenhouse vegetables are kept at an air temperature above 32 degrees and a humidity of 90 percent;
  • plants are not pollinated due to the lack of male flowers on the plant and insects in the greenhouse;
  • insufficient nutrition in the soil.

Diseased plants will also not produce full-fledged ovaries:

  1. The appearance of rot is associated with infection by pathogenic fungi. As the infection develops, all parts of the plant become covered with white mycelium. The plant stops developing. To save cucumbers, the affected leaves, stems, and ovaries are torn off, sprinkled with lime or crushed coal on top. Thickened plantings are thinned out, removing diseased bushes. Then the ovaries will begin to develop more actively, having received enough air.
  2. Powdery mildew suppresses the growth of cucumbers and their ovaries. As soon as it appears on the leaves white coating, then it is necessary to pollinate the cucumbers with sulfur powder.
  3. Brown spot occurs when the greenhouse is cool and humid. Treatment with Bordeaux mixture will stop the development of the disease.

See also
Description of the cucumber variety Natasha, growing characteristics and yieldRead

Having established the reason that the cucumbers do not set, competent agrotechnical procedures are carried out.

Why cucumbers bloom but there are no fruits: proper planting organization

If cucumbers do not set in a greenhouse, then the reason lies in the planting and preparation for it.

The composition of the soil for cucumbers should be nutritious. To set fruit, prepare a mixture of equal parts of turf soil, peat, sand and vermiculite. Instead of vermiculite, use sawdust and a little coconut fiber.

Healthy seedlings will appear faster and cucumbers will develop better if you put rotted manure as the base of the soil substrate, adding half as much turf soil and a little sand to it. Seedlings do not like acidic soils, so it is better to neutralize the pH level.

There should be enough potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium in the garden bed in the greenhouse during flowering. The elements are applied in the form of fertilizers to the soil in advance. Treat the soil against pathogenic fungi by pouring boiling water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Cucumber seeds undergo pre-sowing treatment. Their:

  • sorted by immersing in saline solution;
  • disinfected in a one percent solution of sodium permanganate;
  • sprouted in damp layers of gauze or toilet paper.

It is better to sow cucumbers directly into the greenhouse, as the seedlings do not tolerate picking well. To do this, compost beds are prepared indoors, a nutrient soil mixture is placed on top of them, a layer of twenty-five centimeters. After abundant watering, two seeds are placed in the holes. Cucumbers will set better if on one square meter place no more than four plants.

The top of the sown bed is covered with a polyethylene film. When shoots appear, the shelter is removed.

Why the ovaries do not develop: what to do

If there are few female flowers, then you should not expect large quantities of fruits. And from fallen ovaries you won’t be able to get them any more. Flowers can dry out due to temperature changes. Vegetable plantings can be saved by mulching. Cover the soil around the bushes with a layer of sawdust, straw, hay, and fallen leaves. Mulch will help retain moisture in the soil and prevent weed growth.

Hypothermia is not allowed, otherwise there will be no ovaries on the cucumbers in the greenhouse. Therefore, during flowering, the air temperature in the greenhouse is controlled.

Cucumbers do not set fruit when they lack potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. If the soil in the greenhouses is poor, then the cucumbers are fed with fertilizers every week. In order for vegetables to grow, alternate fertilizing with organic matter and minerals. You can spray the leaves of the plant on top with nutrient solutions. This will allow you to avoid the problem of cucumbers blooming but no ovaries. And they will not turn yellow.

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You can increase the growth and number of ovaries by regular harvesting. Cucumbers are picked every morning, and then the duration of fruiting increases until late autumn. In a fruiting cucumber, ovaries are constantly formed.

Cucumber varieties can be either self-pollinating or not. A self-pollinating vegetable grows better in greenhouses. It is chosen because you don’t have to bother with pollination to grow fruits. Seedlings quickly sprout, and there are much more fruits on such plants. Self-pollinating cucumbers will not turn yellow. 96 percent of the ovaries turn into greens with tender flesh and a crunchy taste.

When a situation arises that cucumbers bloom but do not bear fruit, the reason lies in the lack of phosphorus in the soil. You can take the nutrient from wood ash; it is better absorbed by the roots of the plant. To prepare a nutrient solution, two tablespoons of ash are diluted in ten liters of water. Processing of cucumber beds takes place in cloudy weather after loosening the soil. After feeding, the fruits do not dry out and fill faster.

Fruiting can be improved by pinching the central stem and side shoots of the first and second levels. The procedure will lead to an increase in the number of female flowers, and, therefore, there will be a lot of cucumbers.

Why do flowers fall but there are no cucumbers?

If you don’t know what to do when cucumbers bloom but there is no ovary, then you need to reconsider the conditions for growing the plant and the rules for caring for it.

The vegetable begins to shed flowers when:

  • the irrigation regime is disrupted - the soil is either dry or waterlogged;
  • groundwater is located nearby;
  • there is not enough phosphorus and potassium in the beds;
  • there is not enough light and air in the greenhouse.

The formation of a bush into one or two stems must be carried out. If the central shoot has grown, but the side stems do not lengthen, then the harvest will be small. After all, the main fruits are tied on lashes of the second and third order.

But picking off male flowers or barren flowers is completely unacceptable. They are needed for pollination. If there are too many of them, then it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering and spray the cucumbers from above.

When cucumbers do not bear fruit, it is necessary to water the ridges abundantly and feed them with rotted manure. It is better to treat plants with special fertilizers such as Azofoska, Kemira.

Constantly moist soil in the greenhouse will prevent the fruits from filling. The soil must be dried without watering for three days. The leaves will wither, and the female flowers will be pleased with the setting of fruits.

During periods when the cucumbers do not fill up and remain small, you need to:

  • attract insects for pollination;
  • contribute foliar feeding, taking a tablespoon of urea and three tablespoons of baking soda into a bucket of water;
  • spray the bushes with warm water.

You can prevent the appearance of fallen flowers by treating cucumbers with a suspension of copper oxychloride at a concentration of 0.4 percent or Bordeaux mixture.

They are one of the most popular crops to grow. In greenhouse conditions they feel great. The fruiting period for cucumbers grown in greenhouses is two months longer than for those growing in open ground. And the sheer number of fruits collected is approximately 25% greater. And yet, even in greenhouse conditions, growing cucumbers can present a number of unpleasant surprises. One of the main reasons for concern of any gardener is the yellowing and further falling of the ovaries of cucumbers in the greenhouse.


Read also: 56 The best varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse: description and photos + Reviews (2018)

Rice. 1 – Cucumber ovary

The death of ovaries is actually a natural process. Moreover, for each variety there is a certain percentage of ovaries that can die. It can be from 5% for especially large varieties to 20% for bunch varieties.

However, if such a process becomes widespread, or when yellowing and subsequent wilting occur in a large number of ovaries at the same time, this is a serious reason for the gardener to think about the reasons for this phenomenon. And not just think about it, but take adequate measures, since in some cases such symptoms can have serious consequences.

Read also: Growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, winter and summer: features and technology (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Rice. 2 – Fading cucumber ovary

Let us consider in more detail the main causes of yellowing of the ovaries and possible methods combat this negative phenomenon.

Violation of containment conditions

Little light

The heat-loving and light-loving nature of cucumbers is well known. These plants react very negatively to lack of light. Therefore, if you plan to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, then even at the design and construction stages of the greenhouse you should choose a location so that the cucumbers are well illuminated for the required part of the time (at least 12 hours a day).

In addition, poor lighting is often associated not only with the location of the greenhouses, but also with the large amount of greenery in the greenhouse itself. The reason for this may be either crowded planting and excessive growth of the vegetative parts of the plant, or simply the use of plant varieties that are too spreading.

Read also: Growing cucumbers in open ground: sowing seeds and caring for them (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Rice. 3 – Greenhouse with too much shade

That is why it is necessary to correctly select both the amount of planting material in the greenhouse and issues of varietal and hybrid compatibility of cucumbers or other varieties of cucumbers. For example, bee-pollinated hybrids traditionally have a small amount of foliage and can be planted at a density of up to 3 plants per square meter. m. Artificially pollinated or self-pollinated cucumbers can be planted based on the calculation of 2-3 plants per 1 sq. m. m.

But cucumbers that do not need pollination at all (parthenocarpic) have the most branched vegetative system and the largest leaves and should be planted with much less frequency - 1 to 1.2 square meters per plant. m.

Incorrect temperature

Most plants feel comfortable within a certain temperature range. It is undesirable to go beyond its limits, since the conditions of the plant’s maintenance will simply worsen, but irreversible processes may begin that lead to its death. But that’s not all: plants have not only standards for the temperature range, but also maximum daily temperature fluctuations.

Cucumbers are no exception in this regard. They feel comfortable in the range from +18°C to +35°C. The temperature difference during the day should not exceed 6°C.

Violation of temperature conditions negatively affects plants, which leads to the death of the ovaries. Correctly maintaining the temperature inside the greenhouse is a rather complex task and requires the gardener to either constantly monitor the temperature or use some kind of thermal control systems. Naturally, the use of temperature control systems in greenhouses is a task that seems to many to be either too expensive or completely meaningless.

Read also: Growing seedlings at home: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, strawberries and even petunias. All the subtleties of this issue

Rice. 4 – The temperature in the greenhouse when growing cucumbers should not exceed +35°C

And, nevertheless, during the period of fruit set, it is necessary to maintain temperatures within acceptable values ​​for at least several days and not allow large changes in temperature.

The implementation of these actions depends on each situation individually and only general recommendations can be given here. In extremely cold climates, various heaters with temperature regulators or heat guns should be used.

If the summer is too hot, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the greenhouse. In some cases, it is advisable to partially disassemble its structure. For example, remove the roof or one of the walls.

Incorrect humidity

The enclosed space of the greenhouse, as well as irregular ventilation, can lead to a significant increase in air humidity. In itself, it does not pose a serious danger until condensation appears directly on the leaves, stems and fruits of cucumbers.

Droplets of water appearing on certain parts of the plant can not only cause sunburn, but also provoke the appearance various diseases in cucumbers, primarily fungal.

For ovaries, this is doubly detrimental: firstly, the flower or ovary itself may be damaged, and, secondly, a disturbance in the health of the plant can lead to the complete death of already formed ovaries.

Read also: Cucumbers: description of 29 varieties, main characteristics and gardener reviews about them (Photo & Video)

Rice. 5 – Formation of condensation in the greenhouse at high humidity

Cucumbers require relatively high air humidity (above 75%) However, it is not worth exceeding its values ​​and bringing the air to very obvious condensation of water vapor.

The greenhouse should be regularly ventilated and condensation located on the ceiling and walls should be removed.

Care problems

Irregular watering

The intensity of watering cucumbers depends on what stage the plant is at. During fruit set or fruiting, watering should be increased. A lack, or, conversely, an excess of moisture, can disrupt the processes in the formation of fruits and lead to yellowing and falling of the ovaries.

In order for the plant to feel normal, watering should be carried out regularly, at intervals determined by the properties of the soil, temperature, degree of illumination of the greenhouse, and so on. There is a very simple criterion for the need for watering - excessive dryness of the top layer of soil.

Read also: Do-it-yourself drip irrigation device in a greenhouse: from a barrel, a plastic bottle, or even an automatic system. For tomatoes and other crops (Photo & Video)+Reviews

Rice. 6 – When the plant lacks moisture

After observing cucumber seedlings or adult plants for several days, it is easy to understand how the watering schedule should be adjusted. It is necessary to do this and continue to constantly ensure that the soil is constantly moist.

It is also not worthwhile to water too intensively, since excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots and an increase in air humidity in the greenhouse. All these factors together also lead to yellowing and falling of the ovaries.

Problems with fertilizing

Yellowing of the ovaries is also possible due to a disruption in the supply of the plant with necessary fertilizers and microelements. Such violations include both deficiencies in the plant’s “diet” of certain substances and their incorrect ratio.

Read also: The importance of superphosphate as a mineral fertilizer in the care of tomatoes, potatoes, seedlings and other crops. Ways to use it in the garden (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Rice. 7 – Foliar feeding of young cucumbers

For example, a lack of nitrogen leads to the fact that the plant loses its pigmentation, becomes first white and then yellow, leaves and fruits begin to curl. An excessive excess of nitrogen can lead to the absence of flowers and the appearance of ovaries. Parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers are most vulnerable to incorrectly selected fertilizers.

In order to avoid the death of ovaries from a lack of fertilizers, you should use the following feeding scheme:

  • First feeding– produced when planting a plant in the ground. It uses urea in a concentration of 20 g per 10 liters of water. You can use mullein in a ratio of 1 to 20.
  • Second feeding- made 2 weeks after the first. The same urea is used in the same doses. Sometimes niroammofoska is added instead at a concentration of 15 g per 10 liters.
  • Third feeding carried out during flowering. At this stage, the plant requires any potassium fertilizer. In this case, it is advisable to use foliar feeding, a solution of 5 g of potassium fertilizer in 2 liters of water.
  • Fourth feeding performed after the fruits appear. It is also foliar; for this purpose, 15 g of nitroammophoska are dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  • Torture feeding performed a week after the fourth. It is done at the root and consists of potassium fertilizers; 5 g of potassium in any form dissolves in 10 liters of water.

Incorrect pollination

The plant should be provided with conditions for pollination. Successful pollination is a guarantee of the health and safety of the ovaries. Depending on the type of pollinator and the method of pollination, the necessary actions should be taken.

If the plant is pollinated by insects, the greenhouse should be kept open during the entire daylight hours so that bees, wasps and other insects have unhindered access to the plant's flowers. Sometimes, in order to attract pollinating insects, it is recommended to place a saucer with sugar syrup at the entrance to the greenhouse.

Read also:

Rice. 8 – Artificial pollination of cucumbers

Its composition is as follows: sugar is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and 1/20 of the yeast is added to the resulting syrup. Next, the mixture is brought to a boil and cooled. Sometimes, to give it a cucumber scent, male cucumber flowers are immersed in it.

Even at the planting stage, it is necessary to ensure that the greenhouse contains plants with both male and female flowers.

You can also pollinate the plants by hand. In this case, either a freshly picked male flower or a brush is used, with the help of which pollen from male flowers is transferred to female ones.

For self-pollinating plants, you simply need to regularly ventilate the greenhouse.

Other violations of agricultural technology

No less widespread are errors in growing cucumbers associated with incorrect soil cultivation or incorrect alternation of predecessor and successor plants. All of them lead to insufficient nutrition for the plant. This will cause a lack of nutrients, which in turn will lead to the death of the ovaries.

It is necessary to understand that a greenhouse is the same as a vegetable garden, only protected from the weather. And all the rules applicable to the vegetable garden should also be applied to the greenhouse. One of these rules is maintaining correct crop rotation. One of the most common reasons for a plant to shed its ovaries is to cultivate cucumbers in the same place for several years.

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Rice. 9 – The soil is too dry, partially crusty. Loosening required

Detailed practice not only depletes the soil, but also leads to the accumulation of pathogens and pests in it, “specializing” exclusively on cucumbers. On the other hand, greenhouses are specially created for growing some of the same crops from year to year.

A way out of this situation may be the use of green manure. For example, plant some legumes or winter wheat after the cucumbers.

Another common violation of the rules of agricultural technology is the use of obviously poor soils, without any fertilizers at all. Or, use exclusively mineral fertilizers to increase the fertility of a particular area.

Rely on only one mineral fertilizers do not do it. At least once a year (usually at the beginning of the season) you should fertilize the soil in the greenhouse with humus or compost. You can use solutions of mullein or chicken droppings. IN as a last resort, use regular wood ash. In addition, a combination of this and the previous method gives excellent results: the use of organic fertilizers and green manure.

Another common cause of wilting and yellowing of ovaries is overgrown fruits. You should not grow giant cucumbers in a greenhouse, larger than the sizes indicated in the description of the variety. Grown fruits, when they are already fully formed, greatly inhibit the growth and appearance of new ovaries. Therefore, ripe fruits should be collected as soon as they reach the required size.

Well, don’t forget about the basic rules of caring for plants - obligatory loosening of the soil after watering and weeding. After all, even in greenhouses there can be unwanted guests.

Excessive crowding

A lot of plants

One of the most unpleasant reasons, since it is not always obvious, and in addition, its elimination brings many unpleasant moments to the owner. After all, not everyone wants to get rid of beautiful giant pets that they raised with their own hands.

Excessively dense planting of cucumbers, especially in several rows, is dangerous primarily due to violation of lighting and ventilation conditions. And this, like a chain reaction, leads to the following unpleasant consequences: deterioration of nutrition, poor pollination and excessive waterlogging. Following this comes a weakening of the immune system and an attack by a pathogen or some bug.

Read also: Making a greenhouse with your own hands from a profile pipe and polycarbonate: a complete description of the process, drawings with dimensions, watering and heating (Photo & Video)

Rice. 10 – Planting cucumbers in beds too closely

This will help you avoid this correct landing plants at the stage of planting them in the greenhouse. Recommended areas were given earlier. It will be possible to “hold” the excess seedlings for a while so that with the arrival of warmer weather they can be planted in open ground. To prevent it from growing very quickly, it is either placed in colder conditions or watering is reduced to a minimum.

Naturally, when the realization of too close planting comes at the stage of formation of the ovaries, it will be practically impossible to do anything except remove the excess plants. And no matter how sorry it is, you will have to sacrifice the less strong and tall ones to get a good harvest.

Lots of ovaries

Rice. 11 – Excessively large number of ovaries on the bush

The solution to the problem is quite trivial - all excess ovaries that have formed either in inconvenient places, or where they should not have been at all, should be removed. Usually, this is done even before the ovaries themselves form, at the time when the flowers appear.

With the onset of warm summer days, the hot season begins for gardeners and gardeners. Of course, you need to do so much to get a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately, quite often the expended efforts of summer residents are not rewarded a hundredfold. And at the end of the season they do not receive proper compensation for their efforts. A similar situation arises very often when we talk about growing cucumbers. After all, there are often cases when, despite all the efforts of gardeners, this crop simply does not form ovaries!

So that such a situation never arises on your personal plot, it is necessary to know the reasons for the atypical behavior of this crop, as well as preventive measures to restore healthy plantings.

Why cucumbers don’t set in the garden: reasons and remedies

Barren flower is a common problem for cucumber plantings. It is very simple to combat it: the main thing is to notice the barren flower in time and take measures to eliminate it.

1. Seeds

The quality of seed material largely determines both the germination of plants and their further development and fruiting. If a gardener sows fresh seeds, then in most cases the formation of male flowers occurs earlier than female ones. This is where problems with the formation of ovaries arise. But two- and three-year-old seeds do not have such problems.

If the gardener does not know exactly when the seeds were collected, the material should be prepared in advance. The seeds should be warmed and also hardened. It is also an excellent option to purchase already prepared seeds from a flower shop. Do not forget that the cucumber variety must be suitable for the climatic conditions of your region!

2. Temperature

This reason applies to both greenhouse plantings and plants open ground. Too high a temperature (in a greenhouse over +35 degrees), as well as fluctuations in daytime and nighttime maximums can lead to the fact that ovaries will not form on cucumbers. Also, high relative air humidity (over 90%) can affect the development of cucumbers. To protect cucumbers from low temperatures in open ground, they should be provided with shelter (film, tarpaulin), and also choose cold-resistant varieties for sowing. In hot weather, open ground plants should be watered as often as possible (but not flooded). To prevent the formation of barren flowers in the greenhouse, the room must be ventilated as often as possible.

3. Planting density

Cucumbers don't like being cramped. Due to dense plantings, they suffer from a lack of sunlight, water and nutrients both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. In any case, the seedlings should be planted in such a way that the distance between the bushes is no more than 50-70 cm. If the gardener has already planted cucumbers, then they should be carefully thinned to an acceptable distance.

4. Watering cucumber plantings

Cucumbers are very sensitive to water temperature, so in no case should you use cold water for greenhouse and open-ground plants. The water temperature should not be lower than plus twenty-five degrees. It is very important! Otherwise, the water will cool the heated soil, which will negatively affect the root system of plants and their development in general.

Another reason affecting the formation of ovaries is excess moisture in the soil. Unfortunately, too much watering can cause the plants to stop producing female flowers. In this case, you should immediately stop watering for several days. This will help dry out the soil slightly. Afterwards it is worth resuming irrigation in a moderate - reasonable mode

5. Feeding

An imbalance of nutrition or insufficient application of fertilizers to the soil can lead to the fact that ovaries on cucumber plantings simply stop forming. Very often this process is associated with an excess of nitrogen in the soil. To prevent the development of a harmful process and restore the natural formation of ovaries, the gardener should immediately apply a phosphorus-containing nutrient mixture of fertilizers.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is a reliable way to get a stable harvest. Shelter allows you to protect plants from sudden changes in temperature, invasion of the elements and many pests. But summer residents are not immune to all the troubles when growing cucumbers in a greenhouse. In this article we will tell you why the ovaries of cucumbers fall off in a greenhouse/greenhouse, and we will consider the reasons and ways to eliminate this phenomenon.

Factors of ovary drop on cucumbers when grown in greenhouses

Even diligent summer residents face a problem. The bushes bloom luxuriantly, but it doesn’t even reach the ovaries. The flowers dry out and fall off.

When fallen flowers first appear on cucumbers in a greenhouse, try to determine the cause.

The greenhouse is a complete green riot without any appetizing cucumbers. What causes the ovaries to fall off on cucumbers? Main reasons:

Reason name What does it lead to? How to prevent
Planting density. Plants do not have enough light, air and nutrients in the soil. They shed ovaries that they are unable to feed. Strictly follow the recommendations for the planting scheme of varieties. Do not exceed the number of plants per 1 square. meter recommended by seed manufacturers.

Thin out plantings with dense bushes.

Cucumber bushes do not shoot. Shoots from the axils draw a huge amount of nutrients, preventing the fruits from developing.

The plant protects itself from death by shedding its ovaries.

Promptly remove shoots that grow from the axils up to the first five leaves.

Pinch the stepsons growing higher than this above the 2nd leaf.

Interrupt further growth of stepchildren after the first leaf.

Excessive feeding of plants with organic matter or nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Cucumbers gain green mass, but they do not have enough nutritional components for fruiting. Ensure the necessary content of phosphorus and potassium in nutritional compositions for the fruiting period.

To do this, add wood ash, superphosphate to regular formulations or use complete mineral compounds:

· “Solution”;

· "Kemira";

· Azofoska.

Bee-pollinated varieties are planted in a greenhouse without a pollinator. Modern varieties of varieties have female flowers and require pollinators. Otherwise, ovaries will not form. Provide access for bees and other insects to pollinate cucumber plants.

Conduct artificial pollination.

Plant pollinators.

Late harvest. While the greens are growing on the bush, the formation of new ovaries is inhibited. Remove fruits in a timely manner, without waiting for them to grow to a huge size.
Imbalance of moisture in the soil or non-optimal water temperature when watering Watering with cold water leads to massive loss of ovaries. At the moment the ovaries form, stop watering for several days in order to dry the soil.

Tip #1. Carry out mandatory pinching, not sparing extra shoots, in order to preserve the ability of cucumbers to bear fruit.

Carefully monitor the number of fallen ovaries on the plant so as not to be late in taking action.

Providing a light regime when the ovaries fall off on cucumbers in a greenhouse

Gardeners know that cucumbers are demanding of lighting. With its deficiency, the cycle of formation and development of the plant is disrupted, including the fall of the ovaries.

Arrange the greenhouse taking into account the degree of illumination of the entire area.

It is necessary to take measures when setting up a greenhouse, and not during the period of plant growth. For this:

  1. Place the greenhouse on the site taking into account the cardinal directions. Greenhouses in the southern regions are oriented from north to south, in the rest from east to west.
  2. For greenhouse structure choose materials with good light conductivity.
  3. Properly calculate the greenhouse area for the required number of plants. For parthenocarpic hybrids you will need 1 sq. meter for 2 plants, for bee-pollinated varieties - for 3 bushes.
  4. Carefully select “neighbors” for cucumber bushes in the greenhouse. Fast-growing plants can overtake cucumbers in growth and shade them.
  5. Shape plants so they do not shade themselves. Leave the length of the upper part of the shoot no more than 25 cm.
  6. Remove tendrils, side shoots and flower buds in the leaf axils. This will prevent the development of excess green mass and shading of the mother bush.

Providing optimal temperature parameters for soil and air during the fall of cucumber ovaries in greenhouses

To prevent the death of ovaries on cucumber bushes, it is necessary to maintain soil and air temperatures:

Tip #2. Increase the temperature for bee-pollinated cucumber species by 1°C -2°C to ensure a comfortable environment for the varieties.

How to adjust the temperature in a greenhouse:

Required result Actions
Increase in temperature indicators Use of additional shelters with an air gap between the main film 3-5 cm thick.

Protecting greenhouse walls with foam film.

Covering the ground with black material.

Installation of additional heaters.

Decrease in temperature indicators High-quality and regular ventilation of the greenhouse.

Abundant watering in the morning.

Spraying the film cover to reflect excess light. To do this, use a solution of chalk in water (2 kg of chalk per bucket of liquid) + 400 ml of fresh milk.

Regulating the supply of minerals during the fall of cucumber ovaries in a greenhouse

It is precisely the deficiency of certain nutritional components that leads to the fall of cucumber ovaries. Lack of nutrition affects the ability of plants to grow full-fledged fruits. When the soil is depleted and additional fertilizing is not applied in a timely manner, the plants react in a similar way. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to parthenocarpic varieties. Excessive watering of plants leads to excessive leaching of nitrogen and potassium. Without compensation of nutrients, plants shed ovaries. To adjust the balance of mineral components:

  1. Apply wood ash to the soil at the rate of 300 grams per 1 square meter. meter of area.
  2. Feed the plants with Kemira, Master, Kristalon, and Mortar.
  3. Spray the bushes with a mixture of 1 tbsp. spoons of urea and 3 tbsp. spoons of wood ash in a bucket of water.
  4. Minimize organic feeding with manure.

Watering cucumbers in a greenhouse when the ovaries fall off

The next factor after lighting and temperature indicators, which performs important role in the formation of ovaries on cucumbers. Plants have large leaves, so moisture evaporates actively. Watering has to be adjusted depending on the stage of development of the bush. It is important to know that until fruiting, cucumbers in the greenhouse should be watered moderately. As soon as the plants begin to bear fruit, it is increased. But, at this moment, care is taken to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged, which also leads to the ovaries falling off. What measures regulate the number of ovaries on cucumber bushes?

  1. Watering plants with warm, settled water. It is prohibited to use cold water for watering cucumbers.
  2. On hot sunny days, practice morning watering, on cool days - afternoon watering.
  3. At the moment of setting flowers, stop watering for 3-5 days to dry the soil and increase the number of female inflorescences. Read also the article: → "".

Falling of ovaries on cucumbers in a greenhouse due to bacteriosis

The ovaries turn yellow due to cucumber diseases. Bacteriosis (angular spot) is an unpleasant and dangerous disease. The reasons for its spread are:

  • waterlogging of the soil;
  • high air humidity;
  • thickened plantings;
  • non-compliance with crop rotation;
  • infertile poor soil.

To avoid the appearance of bacteriosis, you will need to spray cucumber plants with Bordeaux mixture (1%) and treat the greenhouse with sulfur bombs in the fall. For treatment, the drugs “Farmayod-3”, “Bayleton”, “Aktellik” are used.

Carefully inspect the plants to notice the presence of bacteriosis in time.

Falling of cucumber ovaries due to poor pollination in a greenhouse

Pollination is required for certain varieties. Problems with it arise in a greenhouse in cloudy weather, which is unfavorable for bees to fly. The intensity of insect flights also decreases in extreme heat. In addition, at elevated temperatures, pollen becomes sterile and does not lead to fertilization of cucumber ovaries.

To improve the situation, attract bees with a sweet solution of honey (1 teaspoon per glass clean water), plant self-pollinating hybrids and varietal cucumbers, carry out artificial pollination by hand. If all the recommendations suggested above are followed, and the ovaries fall off, then pay attention to factors - the presence of a viral disease or the quality of the seed material.

Learn how to properly artificially pollinate cucumbers in a greenhouse to prevent the ovaries from falling off.

Mistakes made by summer residents when cucumber ovaries fall off in a greenhouse

The main mistakes that vegetable growers make are violations of agricultural technology requirements:

  • Water the cucumber plantings with cold water. The root system of cucumbers is close to the soil surface. When the soil warms up, cold water brings stress to the plant, the reaction to which is the fall of the ovaries.
  • Cucumbers are planted densely in a greenhouse. The bushes shade each other, depriving them of precious light and air.
  • Plant formation is not carried out. Excess shoots are consumed nutritional components and the plant does not have enough strength to bear fruit.
  • They do not follow the alternation of fertilizing, they apply too much nitrogen fertilizers. This leads to the growth of green mass and weakening of the ovaries.
  • Fruits are not picked from the bushes in a timely manner. While the cucumber is growing on the bush, new ovaries are not actively developing.
  • They do not prepare the greenhouse before planting cucumbers.

Questions for gardeners when the ovaries fall off on cucumbers in a greenhouse

Question No. 1. What should you do with rotting ovaries on cucumbers in a greenhouse?

Remove such ovaries and treat the cut area. A solution of potassium permanganate is suitable.

Question No. 2. What is the maximum number of ovaries left on cucumber bushes?

Cucumbers in a greenhouse are characterized by rapid growth. Therefore, do not leave more than 25 ovaries on one plant.

Question No. 3. I regularly add mineral and organic fertilizers, but the ovaries on the cucumbers continue to fall off. What is the reason?

In addition to the main components, plants need boron to form ovaries. Therefore, regularly (once every 3 years) add microelements - zinc, boron, manganese. To do this, use “Kemira Combi”, “Master”, “Aquarin cucumber”, “Kristalon” or wood ash. It also contains trace elements in sufficient quantities.

The optimal time for pollination by bees is in the morning from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. Provide insects with access to cucumber plants. Open greenhouse doors, transoms or vents.

Many gardeners complain about the lack of cucumbers, but at the same time the crop is full of barren flowers. What to do in this case, and what actions to take to get a good harvest? Experienced vegetable growers claim that the presence of a large number of barren flowers is associated with poor quality of seed material. In the case when you use last year's seeds collected with your own hands, the male inflorescences of the flowering type appear on the plants first, and then the female ones. When using cucumbers that are two years old, female flowers appear much earlier than male ones.

The second possible reason why cucumbers do not set may be a violation of the metabolism of useful substances. Typically this problem is caused by excess nitrogen in the soil. This element causes accelerated development of stems and leaves and the massive appearance of barren flowers.

Another reason for the appearance of male flowers is considered to be watering crops with cold water. When moistening the soil, it is recommended to use water slightly warmed in the sun. Watering is carried out in the early morning or late evening.

Do not overdo it with moistening the soil, because excess moisture can also be the reason for the lack of ovary on cucumbers. The way out of this situation is to dry the soil for several days. As a result of this action, the leaves on the crops may wilt, but female flowers will appear on them.

What to do if cucumbers do not set

If using fresh seeds, warm them up before sowing into the soil. Crops grown from heated seeds produce much more female inflorescences than male ones. Hardening the seed material at slightly negative or variable temperatures will help speed up the appearance of female inflorescences.

If the reason for the lack of ovaries on cucumbers is considered to be an excess of nitrogen, then it is necessary to fertilize with fast-acting fertilizers with a high phosphorus content. For this purpose, 10 grams of superphosphate are diluted in a bucket of heated water; in addition, you can use an infusion of wood ash.

Some gardeners ask the question of what to do with barren flowers; many simply remove them, thinking that such a procedure will stimulate the formation of female inflorescences, but this does not happen. You don’t have to touch the barren flowers; after a while they will fall off on their own.

Another method of combating the weak set of cucumbers is the use of self-pollinating varieties, as well as hybrids mainly female type flowering. Such crops differ from others in their excellent fruit quality and high yield.