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Daily water requirement. How much water to drink per day? How many liters of water should a person drink per day?

Surely, many have heard that you need to drink 2 liters of water a day...

I won’t say that this is a myth circulating on the Internet, but I want to talk in more detail about a competent drinking regime, which is necessary for everyone, from a newborn baby to... the age when you want to be young.

A baby's body is 90% water, an adult's body is about 70%. And why is it so important to drink water? There is a very simple comparison: with a river and with a pond. When a river flows, the water in it is constantly renewed and movement occurs. There is even a saying that “you cannot step into the same river twice.” And imagine a pond with standing water. Which gradually becomes covered with mud, algae, and becomes clean only if it is specially cleaned.

This is how you maintain your drinking regime. If we expel excess stagnant water from our body and replenish it with fresh water, the body will function better and metabolic processes will actively occur in it. Of course, the quality of the water consumed is also important here, I personally last years I use it, but any purified, filtered water will do. It is best, of course, to use a well, but not everyone manages to do this.

How much water should you drink per day?

Very simple formula: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. That is, if a child weighs 10 kg, but he needs to be prescribed at least 300 ml of water. If you drink more, it’s not scary, the main thing is not to drink less. If your weight is 50 kg, then you should drink 1.5 liters of water. And if your weight is 80 kg, then, accordingly, 2.4 liters. Therefore, they usually write “average option” - 2 liters.

I want to say: we are talking about water. About plain water. All kinds of teas, coffee, compotes, milk, soups and other liquids are NOT INCLUDED in this quantity! If you think this is difficult, I’ll convince you. Nobody forces you to drink glasses of water. Just provide yourself with the required amount of water, place it nearby (or carry it with you), and take a sip throughout the day, at least every 10-20 minutes. You simply won’t notice how easily you can master them.

I taught myself to drink regularly, and it seemed to me that it would be difficult: nothing like that! The main thing is a determined attitude and regularity.

Yes, for those who have diseased kidneys. When the kidneys cannot cope with the elimination of toxic substances, then when trying to restore normal drinking regime, firstly, do not drink water in large portions, but, as I already wrote, take a sip at a time, accustom yourself to the norm gradually, daily increasing the amount you drink by 100 g per day. And secondly, don’t be surprised if you sweat more or have small rashes on your skin: the nastiness of our body is always looking for a way out. And if it cannot exit through the kidneys, then it exits through the pores of the skin.

And what’s also important: drink water with pleasure, with good thoughts, because then your body will respond to the changes with gratitude.

We asked Alexey Paramonov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, medical director of the Dobromed family clinic network, to tell us how boiled water differs from raw water and how much fluid you actually need to consume every day.

In English-language literature one can quite often come across the concept of “light” liquid. No, we are not talking about water devoid of tritium and deuterium. Everything is much simpler - by this phrase foreign colleagues mean ordinary drinking water, juices without pulp, broths, carbonated and non-carbonated drinks. Light fluids are most often used to treat dehydration caused by a medical condition, such as infectious diarrhea. At the same time, salt and sugar are not only not a hindrance, but also a necessary ingredient for restoring the balance of water in the body. But milk, kefir, pureed soups and coffee are not included in the list of “light” liquids and in case of dehydration, on the contrary, they can only worsen the patient’s condition. The fact is that milk and kefir contain a large amount of protein, and a lot of water is needed to digest and metabolize it. The same goes for thick soups. Yes, they mainly consist of water, but most of it is spent on “maintenance” of the calorie components of the soup - water is necessary for metabolism and removal of metabolic products from the body. And coffee, which is known for its diuretic properties, in turn, can only aggravate fluid deficiency in the body. But nevertheless, you should not think that all these liquids are “not considered” liquids. We can say this: they count if the doctors count. For example, in medicine there are situations in which it is necessary to calculate water balance. That is, calculating how much liquid a person drank and excreted per day. It is worth noting that most often this is required for heart or kidney failure, less often for other health problems. So, in these cases, everything is counted - soup, coffee, and even water in fruits and vegetables.

It cannot be stated unequivocally that consuming juices, kvass and fruit drinks instead of plain water is dangerous and threatens serious problems with health. Dangerous, but not for everyone. The listed drinks are primarily a solution of sugars. It's clear that if you have diabetes or are overweight, then choosing sugary drinks is a bad decision. However, for active, thin and underweight people - especially children and adolescents - including sugar-containing drinks in their diet is more likely to be the right dietary decision. A solution designed to correct the prevailing catabolism - the process of metabolic breakdown in which complex substances are broken down into simpler ones.

Nevertheless, there are solutions that, although they pass themselves off as plain water beneficial to health, are very far from it in their composition. For example, one bottle (1.5 liters) of medicinal mineral water can contain up to 20 grams of salt, and this is with a daily allowable intake of five grams. An important note: we are talking about the consumption rate for a healthy person, that is, in case of heart failure, such a drink can kill.

And all this talk about free molecules that are found in clean water and supposedly have some special properties is complete nonsense. Water molecules are simple polarized molecules that, interacting with each other, form intermolecular bonds even in superpure distilled water. And whether this water has been boiled or condensed (distilled) even a million times, frozen or thawed, it Chemical properties this does not change. They haven't changed for billions of years. Therefore, the assertion that boiled water is worse than “raw” is complete nonsense. When boiling, two important processes occur: first, microbes die (not all, but many), the water becomes safer from the point of view of the presence of pathogens in it; second - the water is deprived of some of the soluble calcium salts, which precipitate in the form of scale. All. From the point of view of benefits, the correlation here is this: if the water is initially of poor quality, then it is healthier to drink it boiled. If the water is initially of good quality, then there is no difference. The only thing is that raw and boiled water may taste different, but this is a matter of preference.

Remember: water in the body is always a solution of many substances. So all this semi-mystical talk about special molecules comes from ignorance - the school chemistry course has long ago debunked such myths.


Water. How much water should a person drink per day?!!

A person should drink water on average about 2 liters per day. These are the recommendations of experts, reflected in the popular medical literature.

Once I counted how much tea, coffee, compote I drank during the day, I even added some soup (and it seemed that all I did was drink tea), and it turned out to be only 1.25 liters - much less than the norm.

As soon as the body feels a lack of water, the processes of digestion and hematopoiesis are immediately disrupted.
Without water, the body cannot maintain a constant temperature. It provides biochemical reactions inside cells, lubricates all joints, and helps get rid of harmful substances by removing them through the kidneys, intestines, skin and lungs. When a person urinates, sweats and breathes, he loses up to 2 liters of water per day. And therefore a person should drink water.

It is especially important for women to drink their quota. Their physiology obliges them to thoroughly flush the urinary system to avoid inflammation of the bladder.

The body, losing fluid, seems to dry out, the skin becomes flabby, and the muscles weaken. Sometimes a lack of water manifests itself as lethargy, decreased attention, a state of confusion, and constipation.

Nutritionists believe that insufficient water intake in the body can cause headache, fatigue and absent-mindedness. This is explained by the fact that the brain is 75% liquid. For comparison: bone tissue contains only 20% water.
Dehydration primarily affects, as the unforgettable Hercule Poirot would say, the activity of gray cells. Americans advise starting your morning with a glass of water, not eating dry food, and always drinking salty foods.

Well, this is exactly a controversial issue. Better drink water not with food, but 30-40 minutes before meals. And any time between meals. Immediately after eating, it is better not to drink for at least an hour.

If you are in doubt whether you are thirsty, or you just imagined it, choose the first option and treat your body - the water-drinker - with a glass of water. And thinking about how much water should you drink, remember this information:

With a loss of fluid of less than 2% of body weight (which is a liter and a half), a person feels thirsty, with a loss of 6-8% he falls into a semi-fainting state, 10% - hallucinations begin, and the swallowing process is disrupted.

A loss of 10-20% is life-threatening. A person can live only a few days without water. On average, we drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. It is difficult to calculate how much our body receives from fruits, vegetables, butter and other products. Probably at least 0.5 liters. For example, bread is 36% water, and potatoes are 80%.

But sometimes we drink more than 2 liters in the heat, after a bath, heavy physical work or sports activities. This is fine.
In the summer heat or when working in a hot shop it is better drink water, or vitamin drinks - rosehip infusion, herbal tea.
During illness, you need to drink as much as possible: water removes toxins from the body. If there are no specific recommendations in the instructions for use of the medicine, be sure to take it with a full glass of water.

Urologists advise: you need to drink so much so that the urine is not very concentrated, otherwise the risk of stone formation in the body increases. Healthy a person has enough to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. In case of renal failure, you need to drink more in order to remove all toxins with less concentrated urine, but in larger quantities.

By the way, kidney stones are more common in hot countries than in countries with cold climates. So in the summer, when your body is sweating hard, drink more.

H2O plus...
Drinking only mineral water to get useful microelements from it is a dubious idea. These same minerals are found in vegetables and fruits, and in much larger quantities. Use mineral water for medicinal purposes. Of course, a glass or bottle of table water won't hurt, but only table water! Therapeutic mineral water in large quantities changes the acidity of urine, which can cause the development of certain urological diseases.

But in general, experts believe: we more often underdrink than overdrink.
Don’t be afraid to drink - all the excess will come out!

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Drinking the right amount of water per day is the key to health, strength and energy. Experts say that water is an invaluable source of life. Water is responsible for a large number of important functions of the body.

Water maintains all systems of our body in normal condition, which is why it is a necessary product for maintaining health and immunity.

What are the benefits of drinking water?

  • Water helps maintain youthful and elastic skin.
  • Supports normal organ function.
  • Removes all waste and toxins from the body.
  • Fills the body with the necessary substances and microelements.
  • Nourishes us with strength and energy.
  • Helps get your body in shape and lose excess weight.

How much water should you drink per day

There is an opinion that a person should drink 2 liters of water a day. But this is just a general figure. Each person needs to base their weight on their own. Below is the water consumption rate calculated by weight:

  • 50 kg. - 1.8 l. approximately 9 glasses
  • 60 kg. - 2.1 l. approximately 11 glasses
  • 70 kg. — 2.5 l. approximately 12 glasses
  • 80 kg. - 2.8 l. approximately 14 glasses
  • 90 kg. - 3.2 l. approximately 16 glasses
  • 100 kg. - 3.4 l. approximately 17 glasses

How to drink water correctly

  1. You need to drink water in its pure form, that is, the daily intake of water cannot be replaced with various liquids - tea, coffee, compote, soda, etc.
  2. Drink only when you feel thirsty, do not force water.
  3. Try to drink water evenly throughout the day, in small doses.
  4. Always have a bottle of water with you, so you definitely won’t forget your daily requirement.
  5. Be sure to drink 1-2 glasses of water in the morning after waking up. This will energize you for the whole day.
  6. If you want to lose weight, then make it a rule to drink a glass of water about 30 minutes before meals.
  7. To lose weight, you can add lemon to water - this liquid will help satisfy your hunger.

Do not forget about the purity of the water you drink, as your health also depends on its content! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.05.2015 09:48

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How much water should you drink per day? Before we find the answer to this seemingly simple question, let me, dear readers, remind you how important water is for human body. H 2 0 is the basis of life. Depending on our age, we are 60-80% water. We drink it, and it dissolves and delivers nutrients to every cell of our body, and also removes toxins and all sorts of unnecessary substances from the body. In fact, it is our fuel and cleaning system at the same time.

That is why, friends, it is so important to decide how much water should you drink per day. After all, our health and longevity directly depend on this. In addition to the required daily amount of water, we will learn: What kind of water should you drink? Do tea, coffee, juice and similar liquids count? How to drink water and lose weight? These and other topics are discussed in detail in the article.

WHO (World Health Organization) specialists have concluded general formula to calculate the required amount of water that we should drink per day. This formula is incredibly simple: a person needs 30 ml of water for every kilogram of body weight . This is the recommended daily intake. That is, with a weight of, for example, 60 kilograms, the body requires 1.8 liters of water. Here is a simple calculator to calculate how much water we need to drink per day.

Of course, accurately calculating the required volume of water is quite problematic. After all, this is influenced by a huge number of factors: humidity and ambient temperature, food consumed, level of mobility and physical activity, even individual characteristics of a person have their influence. Therefore, guys, it is recommended that you simply take a more conscious approach to drinking water. That is, drink when you want, but at the same time try to adhere to the above formula. If there are aggravating factors (for example, heat), then you need to drink a lot of water, preferably no less than the recommended volume.

So, what guarantees us drinking water in required quantity, which we calculated using the formula above?

  • Firstly, This is how we will maintain our health. Yes, water delivers nutrients to all cells of our body, but that’s not what we’re talking about now. It is no secret that along with the rapid development of human civilization, we are quite heavily polluting our planet, turning it into one big garbage dump. After all, it’s already everywhere: not only on earth, but already in the ocean and even outer space! In addition, the food that we buy in supermarkets mainly consists of harmful chemicals due to the desire of manufacturers to reduce its cost as much as possible. In general, it’s a stretch to call such food food - one continuous chemical substitute. As a result, through the so-called food and our environment, we receive a huge amount of harmful substances that settle and accumulate in our body. Water is a natural solvent and purifier, as it washes away everything harmful, saving us from diseases. As they say, genius is simple!
  • Secondly, Drinking the right amount of water promotes longevity. What is old age? Old age means lack of water. As we age, water leaves our body. Chronic dehydration occurs. This is why wrinkles appear! We need to drink a lot of water so that it circulates inside us longer. Thus, we nourish our body and prevent it from aging. Water is an accessible and effective remedy to prolong and improve the quality of life.

Here’s some more interesting information about the role of water in our body.
Please read (click to enlarge):

That's how things are. I think, friends, you have realized why you need to drink the right amount of fluid and avoid chronic dehydration of the body (which most often we don’t even feel, because we quickly get used to it). But what exactly do we mean by water?

What kind of water should you drink?

To follow the recommendation (30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight), you need to drink clean water. Other liquids (tea, coffee, juice and other drinks) are not suitable. Why? After all, this is ordinary water with substances dissolved in it! But it's not that simple. Since one of the main functions of H 2 O is to cleanse the body, as an example, just think: is it convenient for us to wash ourselves with fruit juice? What about milk and cocoa? To cleanse our body from the inside, the situation is the same: we need regular pure water. Otherwise, the body’s forces are spent on cleansing it of impurities, and this in turn leads to a waste of our

Nobody says you can't drink anything other than pure water. It is possible and even necessary!

Our advice on consuming H 2 O is aimed only at a certain amount required for a particular person. That is, this is the amount that should be obtained in its pure form.

Soups, fruits, vegetables, any drinks and even also contain water, but it comes separately, we do not take it into account in our formula.

To lose weight, you need to drink a lot of water, because this is a simple but effective method of achieving your goal. According to recent studies, by drinking half a liter of water, we temporarily speed up our metabolism (metabolism) by 24-30%.

In addition, burning calories requires a certain amount of fluid. With a lack of water in the body, the fat burning process is inhibited.

Don’t forget about all sorts of toxins that are washed out of the body when you lose weight. What are they washed with? The answer is obvious. All this burning plus the washing out of harmful substances ultimately leads to weight loss.

And with the help of H 2 O you can deceive the body when losing weight. If you drink water, you feel less hungry. If you are trying to lose weight and limit yourself in food, then this trick will come in handy.

Considering all of the above, the benefits of water for weight loss are undeniable. The moral of this story is: if you want to lose weight, drink more fluids.


How much water to drink in the morning? And is this necessary at all? Yes, it is necessary, because it is very useful. Half an hour before breakfast, drink one or a couple of glasses of water - and this will serve as an excellent cleanser and tonic. Let drinking water in the morning become another healthy habit of yours, with which a new wonderful day begins.

Please remember that it is recommended to drink water no later than half an hour before meals. And only an hour and a half after the meal. Such norms are necessary in order not to interfere with our digestion (so as not to reduce the concentration of gastric juice).

So, dear readers of Healthy Lifestyle, I will be very glad if this article helped you find the answer to the question of how much water you should drink per day. Please write comments and visit us often!

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