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A schoolboy from Lobnya who asked Putin a question: “I had to quit football because of exams. A schoolboy who asked Putin a question a year ago spoke about an unresolved problem. Question from Danila Prilepa to the President

A schoolboy from Khanty-Mansiysk Nefteyugansk Danila Prilepa, who asked President Vladimir Putin a question during last year’s Direct Line, told how his life has changed over the year and whether the problems voiced by the head of state have been resolved.

The finalist of the All-Russian Engineering Olympiad from Nefteyugansk, Danila Prilepa, asked Putin on last year’s “Direct Line” how the problem of corrupt officials was being solved. Prilepa expressed the opinion that house arrest of those suspected of corruption crimes does not produce results, and the problem itself affects most of the country's population.

The schoolboy also told the president that in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug The queue of Ministry of Internal Affairs employees for the right to receive subsidies for the purchase of housing is moving slowly. According to the young man, his family also found themselves in this situation. Putin clarified whether the young man had prepared his question in advance, and perhaps someone recommended him to ask it. Prilepa replied that life had prepared this question. His quick response brought laughter and applause from the audience.

The day after the “Direct Line”, the young man told RIA Novosti that his father worked for about 20 years in the internal affairs bodies, retired, but was still in line to receive payments for the purchase of housing.


A year later, Danila told the agency that nothing had changed in the situation with subsidies. According to him, last winter he sent a letter to the presidential administration with proposals to simplify the procedure for issuing subsidies, speed up the progress of the queue of those in need, as well as other requests. The response to this letter, as the student noted, contained a comment that funds to provide social guarantees to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be allocated as they become available.

“In general, nothing has changed in a year. You could say they pushed us back in the queue because state employees were moved higher up; it’s not entirely clear how this happened. They called my father, but he doesn’t work in the authorities, the issue needs to be resolved at the top,” the young man told RIA Novosti.

The question of what Danila would ask Putin if he had such an opportunity again on “Direct Line” made the student think. Taking a short break, the young man emphasized that he would definitely not miss the chance and would inquire about the achievements of the head of state over the years of his work in office.

“I would ask if Vladimir Vladimirovich considers his years as president successful,” said the young man.


Danila Prilepa and his family continue to live in Nefteyugansk. The young man himself plans to go to Armavir after graduating from school next summer. A year ago, in a conversation with a RIA Novosti correspondent, Prilepa noted that he would like to become a pilot military aviation. During this time, his plans did not change at all.

“The family will most likely stay here, but I plan to fly to Armavir - to the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Serov. The plans have not changed for the year, I am preparing for this physically, morally and mentally,” he explained.

Recalling last year’s Direct Line, Danila noted: those major corruption cases that were on everyone’s lips do not affect the lives of Russians or the system itself. According to him, the country’s military-industrial complex is actively developing, Russia is ready to confront external enemies, but “we need to start with ourselves.” “There is a saying that will not lose its relevance for a long time,” said the young man.

He emphasized that from the outside there is a feeling of a manifold improvement in the living conditions of military personnel in the country. “I don’t think this is the limit,” the student said, noting that in Russia contract service should not completely replace military service. “To think so is a big mistake, because if the money runs out, then the army will not exist,” Danila explained.


The smartphone that was given to the young man a year ago after the “Direct Line” for the most interest Ask, according to him, is still with him.

“I use it right now because it’s a memory. A symbolic gift, it reminds me of a key event in life,” Prilepa explained.

The young man said that life at school remained the same after the dialogue with the president. “There are no more friends, and fewer too. The attitude has not changed,” he concluded.

The Sirius student asked the president how he felt about feminism. “Feminism began a long time ago, and in general there is nothing wrong with it!” – Putin believes. He treats “slopes” from the army much worse, RT reports. “A man’s evasion from fulfilling this duty cannot but cause rejection and condemnation,” the Russian leader said.


Also, one of the schoolchildren asked the president what secrets of history he would like to know. The Russian President emphasized that he wants to understand nature solar system and the Universe. “As for our country, of particular interest is how our country got out of difficult and critical situations. How it got there in these troubled times,” quotes the head of state.

A boy named Sasha asked Vladimir Putin if he had a successor to the post of President of Russia. The head of state replied that the practice of nominating a candidate for such a position exists, but in any case, citizens will choose the new leader of the country. Putin himself, answering a question about his plans after the presidency, noted that there are many other interesting things to do in the world. “You can engage in political activities outside the framework of the presidency, or you can engage in social activities,” he said.

Users social networks We also asked several questions to the President. One of them asked Putin: “Do you think censorship on the Internet is justified?” In response to this, the head of state noted that there is no censorship anywhere in our country. “Freedom is a fundamental value, but it ends or is transformed where we encounter the freedom of another person. Everything that is not prohibited should be distributed on the Internet - drug propaganda, death groups,” he believes.

The head of state also spoke about the most significant event in his life. According to him, the collapse of the USSR had the greatest impact on him. “Such an adult answer, I’m sorry, but you asked me an adult question,” he said to the girl Alena.

A member of the Russian youth hockey team, Artem, asked the leader of the country how one can deal with aggression towards oneself and how the president himself acts in such situations. “I constantly have stressful situations, I don’t like a lot of things, but I’ve learned to control myself. I think I’m succeeding,” he answered. “I believe that this is an advantage. If I sometimes have a breakdown, I get angry with myself, because a manifestation of aggression is a manifestation of weakness,” Putin added.

The Russian President also noted that he considers himself an ordinary person, and, answering a corresponding question, emphasized that in his free time, like everyone else, he meets with friends. “I choose the time for this in advance. But I began to live this way before I became president,” he said.

Meanwhile, the boy Alexey asked Putin about the future of our country. The President replied that Russia is now working on creating renewable energy sources. “All of this has to be more efficient than hydrocarbons, and we need to think about it today,” he said. “Oil and gas will not run out soon, we are constantly finding new deposits,” the head of state added.

Let us remind you that Education Centre Sirius in Sochi was established in 2014 on the initiative of the head of state. As a result of competitive selection, up to 600 gifted children aged 10 to 16 years enter the institution every month. According to Vladimir Putin, he came up with the name of the center himself. “I was thinking about how to make sure that everything fits together in your establishment, so that it is clear that talented, future-oriented, bright people have gathered here,” he said.

Ninth-grader Leonid Pozdnyakov from Lobnya, Moscow Region, asked Russian President Vladimir Putin a question about the Unified State Exam during a direct line that took place on June 7, 2018. In his video message, a student asked whether additional Unified State Examinations would be introduced in Russia. English language and history, and how students can cope with exams in this case. Leonid told RIAMO whether he was satisfied with the answer, what he wanted to become after school, and whether he would go to the 2018 World Cup.

Question to the President

15-year-old resident of Lobnya Leonid Sergeevich Pozdnyakov, who is facing final exams in two years, decided to find out from the president whether in two years Russia will really introduce two more mandatory unified state exams - in the history of Russia and the English language. The student was worried about whether in this case the Unified State Examination, which is being taken now, would be canceled, and if not, then how students could prepare for so many exams.

“I read this news on the Internet and, of course, I was interested in the future of the Unified State Exam, since in a few years I will be admitted. I wanted to clarify everything so that in the future I would not encounter an unpleasant surprise and suddenly find out that we are taking many more exams than expected,” Leonid explained his question to Putin.

The President, addressing the student by name and patronymic, noted that he understood the young man’s anxiety, and at the same time forwarded the question to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, where this initiative came from.

As the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva reminded, who went live via conference call, now graduates have two mandatory Unified State Examinations - Russian language and mathematics plus one elective subject, that is, only three exams. At the same time, in the mid-50s, Soviet schoolchildren passed 11, and later 7 and 5 mandatory exams. According to her, in 2020 it is indeed planned to conduct “pilots” in a foreign language. She explained this decision by the fact that in reality modern world knowledge of English is mandatory, but this year foreign language(English, German, French and Chinese) were solved by only 11% of schoolchildren. At the same time, the issue of mandatory passing an exam in Russian history is still being discussed.

Reason for joy

Leonid was pleased with the minister’s comment and admitted that he expected approximately the same answer.

“I was pleased that a person directly involved in education in our country spoke to me and gave a complete, detailed answer,” noted the ninth-grader.

“After the call to the president, I feel elated, I plan to work hard on myself and move forward. By the way, today I have another reason for joy: I was told that there is every chance of getting an “A” for the school exam in the Russian language!” admitted Leonid.

In his opinion, the most important thing for teachers is to give students good guidance and an incentive to knowledge.

“Nowadays many people don’t like to study, but without education there’s nowhere. I hope that education in Russia will develop,” said the student.

Football and medicine

According to Leonid, he himself takes his studies very seriously. Thus, the young man even had to give up football training to prepare for exams after the 9th grade.

“I am fond of football, I was in the Lobnya football club, but due to exams I switched to studying,” the young man admitted, adding that, unfortunately, he will not qualify for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which will be held in Russia.

He also said that after graduating from school and passing the Unified State Exam, he plans to go into medicine and enter the Sechenov Moscow State Medical University.

Danila Prilepa, who last year asked President Vladimir Putin a question on Direct Line, said whether the problems he voiced during the program had been resolved.

The finalist of the All-Russian Engineering Olympiad from Nefteyugansk, Danila Prilepa, asked Putin on last year’s “Direct Line” how the problem of corrupt officials was being solved. Then the young man suggested that the arrest of those suspected of corruption does not bring results, although the problem affects most of the country's population, RIA Novosti reports.

He also spoke about the queue of Ministry of Internal Affairs employees in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug for subsidies for the purchase of housing, which is moving slowly. According to Prilepa, his family also found themselves in this situation.

A year later, Danila said that the situation with subsidies had not changed. Last winter, he already sent a letter to the presidential administration, proposing to simplify the procedure for issuing subsidies, as well as speed up the progress of the queue of those in need. In response to the letter, it was stated that funds to provide social guarantees to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be allocated as they become available.

“In general, nothing has changed in a year. You could say they pushed us back in the queue because state employees were moved higher up; it’s not entirely clear how this happened. They called my father, but he doesn’t work in the authorities, the issue needs to be resolved at the top,” Prilepa said.

The student noted that he would not miss the chance to ask Putin about the achievements over the years of his work in office, and would ask whether the president considers them successful.

Danila Prilepa said that he wants to become a military pilot; after school he will go to Armavir, to the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after Serov.

Recalling the major corruption cases that he spoke about then, Prilepa noted that they do not affect the lives of Russians or the system itself. The young man also noted that the country’s military-industrial complex is actively developing, and Russia is ready to confront external enemies. At the same time, he called for “starting with ourselves.”

Prilepa also noted that there is a feeling that the living conditions of military personnel in the country have improved many times over, but “this is not the limit.”

Let us remind you that earlier the Kremlin press service reported that on June 7 at 12.00 Moscow time on the air of the TV channels “First”, “Russia 1”, “Russia 24”, OTR, radio stations “Mayak”, “Vesti FM” and “Radio Rossii” The annual special program “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin” will be released.

The first direct line questions asked of President Vladimir Putin concern problems of science, economics, social security and public services, as well as the environment, according to information from the official website of the project.