Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Initiation to fifth graders. Holiday script. Training sessions for fifth-graders to increase the level of psychological comfort during the adaptation period. Games and tasks with fifth graders

On our page you can choose the right entertainment for a great, noisy group of students.

Two from each team come out and stand side by side: hand in hand. In pairs, touching hands are tied, and with free hands, that is, one of the participants with the left hand and the other with the right hand, must wrap the package prepared in advance, tie it with a ribbon and tie it with a bow. The pair that finishes ahead gets a point.

A fun game for schoolchildren "Guess who I am!"

The game becomes more fun when many guests take part in it at once. The leader is blindfolded, the rest join hands and stand around the “blind” person. The leader claps his hands and the children begin to move in a circle. The leader claps again and the circle freezes. Now the presenter must point to a player and try to guess who it is. If he manages to do this on the first try, then the one who was guessed leads. If the presenter does not guess who is in front of him on the first try, he has the right to touch this player and try to guess a second time. If the guess is correct, the identified child drives. As a variant of this game, you can introduce a rule according to which the presenter can ask the player to say something, to imitate an animal - to bark or meow.

The fastest girl of the evening is revealed. To do this, 6 chairs are placed in a circle on which the young men sit. 7 girls are invited. The music plays, and when it stops, the girls must sit on the guys' laps. The one who doesn’t make it in time is eliminated. One guy with a chair also leaves. In the end, the most frisky girl remains.

Game with everyone's favorite balls

Try it, pierce it! One or two balloons are tied to the leg or both legs of the children. The players' task is to puncture other people's balls in any way and protect their own.

All players dance and simultaneously pass a small object to each other. The presenter turns off the music from time to time. The one who has the item in his hands at that moment is eliminated. The last player remaining on the dance floor wins.

Interesting game "Fairy tales in pictures"

The presenter begins to tell a well-known fairy tale, for example, Kolobok, and the designated hero-participants, when their hero is mentioned, must play out the plot of the fairy tale. It turns out very funny when the Host constantly mentions the resting heroes. Example: the bun was rolling and rolling and met a wolf. And at that time the grandfather and woman were sitting on the threshold of their house and looking into the distance, waiting for the kolobok.

A stool is placed at a distance of 10 meters from the start, and the first participants are blindfolded. At the signal, they must walk or run to the stool, walk around it and, returning to the team, pass the baton to the next participants, who are already standing blindfolded! And so does the whole team. While moving, the team can help its participants by shouting: “to the right,” “to the left,” “forward,” “backward.” And since all commands are shouting at the same time, the player must make out which calls apply specifically to him. When the last player returns to the starting line, it is “day” for the entire team. For whom the “day” comes earlier, they won.


However, she let me finish speaking and only after that she spoke herself.
And then for the first time I heard that people should be divided not into evil and good, and not even into rich and poor, but in a different way: into those who produce with their labor all the values ​​of the world, but receive only enough so as not to die of hunger, and those who own factories, factories, mines, and lands.
On that quiet winter day I learned for the first time the great concept of division into classes - those who own the instruments of production and appropriate surplus value, and those who, in a society where everything is based on buying and selling, can only sell their hands.
What about the peasantry? What about the intelligentsia? But Anna Semyonovna had a clear and precise answer to everything. It turns out that the peasants were also robbed, but they were robbed by the landowners and the government. I still knew something about this from my father...
But about the intelligentsia, Anna Semyonovna’s answer seemed unexpected and offensive to me. The intelligentsia also lives off the surplus value that it receives from the capitalist or from the state.
Noticing that I was offended on behalf of the intelligentsia, Anna Semyonovna looked sideways at me, good-naturedly and cheerfully, and began to explain that there was nothing to be offended about, this is the harsh truth about the structure of a modern capitalist society doomed to death.
- And this war, which the capitalists are waging among themselves different countries for the division of markets, and that “Volcano” that you and Seryozha keep talking about and where our Pelageya died - all these are manifestations of the greatest disorder of capitalist society, these are signs of its doom and lack of coherence... Your father is a doctor, and when he is called to patient, he first of all makes a diagnosis, determines the disease that has developed in the patient’s body. This is what Marx did. He considered modern society and proved that it suffers from an incurable disease, doomed to perish according to the same objective laws by which one season replaces another. Unlike all the socialists who came before Marx, he approached the question of socialism scientifically and proved that in the depths of this society a force is ripening that will destroy this society and establish a new, socialist system. This force is the proletariat! - said Anna Semyonovna. This word sounded impressive and thick in her mouth.
Unlike her sister, Anna Semyonovna rarely raised her voice, but when she did, it sounded like a bell.
Thus, for the first time in my life, I learned about the teachings of Marx, about the proletariat - the gravedigger of the old society and the creator of the new society.
Years passed. I came to the Silins more and more often, and Anna Semyonovna simply and clearly presented to us the ideas of the “Communist Manifesto”, without even naming this book. And so, among the bloody chaos of the war, among the savagery into which humanity seemed to be plunging during the years of terrible, despair-inspiring massacre, as if in a bright light I saw the way to the future and realized that the chaos surrounding us is only apparent, that there are certain laws , which caused a terrible storm around us, and that we only need to know these laws - and then, in accordance with them, we can act...
What saved me from expulsion from a real school was the fact that I was the son of a military man. The punishment was limited to a B for behavior. But thanks to Anna Semyonovna Mashitskaya, I learned some significant lessons from this incident.
Probably, under the leadership of this woman, Serezha and I would have gone much further, but then she suddenly left Chelyabinsk with extreme haste - she was threatened with arrest.
And yet a start has been made. The further direction of my spiritual growth was indicated in that harsh winter of 1914/15, in the roar of volcanic eruptions of the First World War.
This happened shortly before the end of the holidays, on one of the last sunny summer days of 1916. It’s impossible to stay at home in the morning at times like these...
Not far from the house where we lived, there was a city square the size of an entire block - a green square embedded between the straight Chelyabinsk streets. Three alleys intersect with other three; at the intersections there are round platforms and flower beds.


1. Development of students' cognitive abilities.

2. Formation of the ability to work in a group.

The class is divided into four teams of six people. The game consists of six rounds.

Progress of the game

Presenter's opening remarks. Presentation of teams (team name, motto).

Time 1. “Deep into the ocean - behind the secret.”

The leader asks riddles, and the teams take turns answering. The fifth riddle is a spare one, in case one of the teams was unable to answer in the order of their turn.

1. I can smell it a hundred miles away,

I spin at sea day and night

And like a hound dog,

I'm following the trail of my prey. (Shark.)

2. At the bottom of the deep sea

And at the very shores

Which fish are electrocuted?

Drives away all enemies? (Electric Stingray.)

3. I'm rushing across the sea,

I roam the sea,

Looks like it's reactive

I have a motor inside. (Squid.)

4. I have never known fear.

I will boldly repel the enemy.

A sharp nose, like a torpedo,

I can break through a tanker. (Swordfish.)

5. I love to live in gray seas,

I'm looking for food in the dark waters,

Your tail is like a reliable anchor,

I throw where I want. (Sea Horse.)

Time 2. “Legends about flowers.”

Leading. There is nothing more poetic and picturesque than flowers. Legends and fairy tales about flowers have always inspired poets and composers. The works created by them sound like a hymn to nature, tenderness, and love.

Flowers, like people, are generous with goodness,

And, generously giving tenderness to people,

They bloom, warming hearts,

Like little warm fires.

Now we will check if you know the names of the colors.

Questions for Team 1:

1. In England, this flower is sung by poets; in fairy tales it serves as a cradle for little fairies and gentle elves. His homeland is Persia. From there it migrated to Turkey, and in the 19th century it came to Europe. In Holland there is a cult of this flower. In Amsterdam, two stone houses were bought for three flower bulbs. What is the name of this flower? (Tulip.)

2. Which flower is considered a symbol of the sun and a symbol of Japan? (Chrysanthemum.)

3. Which countries have national holidays dedicated to flowers? (Bulgaria - rose, Germany - violet, Yugoslavia - mimosa, Japan - chrysanthemum, England - forget-me-not, Russia - fern.)

Questions for Team 2:

1. According to popular legend, this flower arose from pieces of the sky that fell to Earth. Its color resembles the blue of the sea. Many peoples believe that this flower heals the sick. It is considered a symbol of a cheerful mood. It is one of the first to appear in our area. Its stem is thin and fragile, and the flower itself evokes tender and touching feelings. What is it called? (Scilla.)

2. The Latin name of this flower - “galactus” - comes from the Greek words “gola” - milk and “actus” - flower. An ancient legend says: when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily and Eve was cold. Then, in order to somehow calm her down and warm her, several snowflakes turned into flowers. What flowers are these? (Snowdrops.)

3. Where was the art of arranging bouquets born? (In Japan.)

Questions for Team 3:

1. Which flower admires itself all its life? (Narcissus.)

2. What does the concept of “ikebana” mean? (Living flowers or literally “flowers that live.”)

3. Legend tells that one of the beautiful daughters of Atlas, pursued by the burning rays of the Sun god, turned to Zeus with a prayer for protection, and the great thunderer hid her in a shady grove, turning her into a flower. Roman poets sang the beauty of these flowers. Goethe dreamed that his native Weimer would be drowned in the fragrance of these flowers, and, when going for walks, he scattered their seeds wherever possible. What are these flowers called? (Violets.)

Questions for Team 4:

1. Which flower is considered the last smile of autumn? (Astru.)

2. An old Slavic legend tells: the daring Sadko was loved by the water queen Volkhova. One day, in the moonlight, she saw her lover in the arms of the earthly girl Lyubava. The proud queen turned away and left. Tears rolled down from her beautiful blue eyes, and only the Moon witnessed how these pure tears turned into delicate flowers, like magic pearls. Since then, this flower has been considered a symbol of pure and tender love. What is it called? (Lily of the valley.)

3. What is a boutonniere? (A miniature bouquet of flowers, which serves as a decoration for hairstyles and clothes, is placed on the festive table with each cutlery.)

Time 3. “Water of Life.”

1. What place does the Amur occupy in our country in terms of basin area? (IV place.)

2. Name the tributaries of the Amur? (Left - Zeya, Bureya, Amgun; right - Hungari, Ussuri.)

3. Everyone goes around this place:

Here the earth is like dough,

There are sedges, hummocks, mosses...

No leg support. (Swamp.)

4. Falling from a great height,

He roars menacingly

And, breaking on the stones,

He gets up foaming. (Waterfall.)

5. Doesn't burn in fire, doesn't sink in water. (Ice.)

6. Born in the evening, lives at night, dies in the morning. (Dew.)

7. She grows upside down,

It grows not in summer, but in winter. (Icicle.)

8. What summer holiday is associated with water, water games, swimming? (Ivan Kupala Day, July 7.)

Time 4. “Smells.”

For this competition you need to prepare samples various plants: laurel, dill, parsley, rose petals, etc. Place each sample in a jar with a lid. Team representatives must identify the names of plants by smell. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

Participants listen to a recording of various birds singing. The task is to determine the name of the bird by its voice. The team that names the most birds in the shortest time wins.

Summarizing. Rewarding.

While the jury is summing up the results, you can hold a song singing competition or listen to recordings of songs about nature, animals, and plants.

You can also hold a riddle competition:

1. The sisters are standing in the field -

The dress is white, the boots are green. (Birches.)

2. White sheep run around the candle. (Verba.)

3. Her sister is a pine tree in the forest. Tell me, who is she? (Spruce.)

4. No wonder this fashionista

Bent over the water.

All summer long it looks into the river -

He admires himself. (Willow.)

5. Takes from my flower

The bee has the most delicious honey.

And everyone insults me:

The thin skin is peeled off. (Linden.)

6. No one is scared, but everyone is trembling. (Aspen.)

7. Eh, bells, blue color,

With the tongue, but no ringing. (Bells.)

8. Grows wherever it needs to

And it bites and it burns. (Nettle.)

9. White peas on a green stem. (Lily of the valley.)

10. There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt,

Heart of gold.

What it is? (Chamomile.)

Scenario of the competition program for schoolchildren “Race with the Wind”

Goals: develop logical thinking, creativity, ingenuity, dexterity of students; contribute to the unity of the class team.

Progress of the event

Leading. Hi all! Today we are gathered here to find out which of you is the fastest! So, first task...

In some competitions the whole team participates, in others one person from the team participates, so that everyone can participate.

Competition "Fishing"

Each team is given a spoon. It is necessary to catch the largest number of peas floating in a plate of water with a spoon, which must be held in the mouth, in a certain amount of time.

"Pass the Ball" Competition

Each team stands in a line and begins to pass the ball:

Hands above your head;


Pinched between the chin and shoulder.

Competition "Who is faster"

Each team stands in a circle. Participants are given a piece of paper that is passed around the circle. Whoever makes the most circles in a certain amount of time wins this competition.

Competition "Practical"

It is necessary to find a new use for unnecessary, used items:

Empty tin can;

Leaky sock;

A burst balloon;

Burnt out light bulb;

Empty pen refill.

Competition "Writer"

Each team must write short story, in which all words must begin with a specific letter:

(Adventurer Andrei Arkadyevich Antoshkin rented a car. He corporatized the watermelon barn, and Andrei was arrested by the ataman of the aborigines.)

Competition "Dance"

One person from each team sits on a chair. He will need to dance, without leaving his chair, the following dance:




Competition "Nogopantomnma"

It is only necessary to demonstrate the emotional state with the help of legs:






Competition "Sculptor"

It is necessary to imagine a monument, that is, to freeze in the form of a monument, which is called one of the proverbs and sayings:

Truth is born in dispute.

Love for all ages.

A well-fed man is no friend to a hungry man.

You never know what you can do till you try.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Competition "Pantomime"

It is necessary to use pantomime to depict a person who is in a hurry and therefore does two things at the same time:

Irons linen + blow-dries hair;

Rocks a stroller with a child + draws a house project on paper;

Stirs semolina porridge + picks ear;

Buttons up + brushes teeth;

Cleans shoes with one brush + cleans trousers with another brush.

Competition "Creative"

It is necessary to come up with new names for old professions:

Fireman (boiler room operator)",

Cleaning lady (technical employee)",

Street cleaner;


Shoe shiner.

Competition "Fairytale"

It is necessary to come up with new fairy tale names for the following items:

Pillow, blanket, sheet;

Bag, briefcase, backpack;

Pants, T-shirt, coat;

Armchair, chest of drawers, bedside table;

Glass, mug, wine glass.

Competition "Linguistic"

It is necessary to say the sentences differently, without repeating a single word, but maintaining the meaning.

The fly landed on the jam.

There is a glass on the table.

The clock strikes twelve times.

A sparrow flew into the window.

The detachment was walking along the shore.

Competition "Fantasy"

It is necessary to come up with the types of goods that would be sold in stores. For example:

Everything for losers.

Everything for truants.

Everything for sluts.

Everything for repeaters."

Everything for malicious shoe forgetters.

Competition "Pairs"

Perform the simplest actions from the point of view of a normal person. But at the same time, two participants need to hug each other so that the right hand of one and left hand another. For example:

Thread the needle;

Light the candle using matches;

Cut a paper circle with scissors;

Tie the shoelace;

Replace the refill in your ballpoint pen.

Competition "Pictogram"

It is necessary to write, using drawings, like ancient people, a short letter addressed to a friend:

Call me today at 6 o'clock.

Let's go play football in the evening.

Let's do it together homework.

Give me a puppy for my birthday.

Bring me scissors and colored paper.

Asbestovsky municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 24

City competition of educational and methodological products

teaching staff dedicated to the Year of the Teacher

Nomination: best experience as a class teacher in working together with students’ families, parent activists, public organizations in the education of children and adolescents

Methodological development

intellectual game

for fifth grade students

and their parents


Developed by:

Tolkacheva Natalya Vladislavovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

AMOU secondary school No. 24,

Asbestovsky urban district

The purpose of the developed game is to create conditions for the successful adaptation of fifth-graders to a second-level school, interaction with adult participants in the game, their parents, who are support and support for their children, carriers of information necessary for children about school life, school problems, and school joys.

The intellectual game “Steps” was held in grade 5-B as part of the adaptive period and within the framework of the organization of the FD “JUISU”.

This game allows you to develop the communicative competence of students, correlate the knowledge and experience of students with the knowledge and experience of adults, their parents, taking into account the lessons of adults, and adequately evaluate themselves; The game also allows students to develop their social competence.

The methodological development is accompanied by an electronic version of the methodological development and a presentation for conducting the game.

Methodological development

games for fifth graders and their parents


Purpose of the game: creating conditions for successful adaptation of fifth-graders to second-level schools.

  1. exchange school experience gained in the learning process (children - in primary school, parents - during their lives);

  2. be able to generalize and draw conclusions, develop communicative competence;

  3. enrich yourself with the conclusions obtained during the game;

  4. develop the ability to apply knowledge in a non-standard situation;

  5. show the value of the ability to establish partnerships between students of the team and their parents;

  6. form a patriotic attitude towards your own school.

Planned result:

  1. there was an exchange of school experience on the part of both children and parents;

  2. improved ability to generalize and draw conclusions;

  3. the game participants were enriched with school experience;

  4. improved ability to apply knowledge in non-standard situations;

  5. demonstrated the value of partnerships between team students and their parents;

  6. a patriotic attitude towards one’s own school is formed..

Game participants: The game involves 2 teams (the number of team players is not limited): a team of children and a team of parents.
Equipment: computer, multimedia installation (projected onto a screen), presentation of the game with tasks for the participants, paper for written answers (for the team of fifth graders and for the team of parents); markers, a “magic backpack” with school supplies, cards with situations, karaoke with school-themed songs.

"Steps" - a game for fifth graders and their parents
Leading: Good afternoon, dear game participants!

Our game is called "Steps". Each team must climb the ladder, gain experience at the expense of the other team and become, at least a little, taller, smarter, more disciplined.

So here we go!

(Parents and children are seated at specially prepared tables in different teams - 2 teams are formed: a team of children and a team of parents. Names are invented for the teams).
First competition

Difficulties and joys(4 sheets A3 format + 4 felt-tip pens)

Exercise. Recall school years and write on the sheets:

Parents: “Difficulties of fifth-graders before”

“The joys of fifth-graders before.”

Fifth graders: “Difficulties of fifth graders now”

“The joys of fifth graders now”

Result: compare them and draw a conclusion - have the difficulties and joys of fifth-graders changed or not? The parents also had difficulties, but they still became successful people and found their place in life.

Second competition

Life success(2 sheets A3 format + 2 markers)

What helped parents (in general, not specifically each) achieve success in life?

Exercise: Fifth graders fill out the table: what, in their opinion, helped their parents. And parents generalize what really helped them.

Result: Both lists are compared again. Children need to focus on the true values ​​that helped their parents: knowledge, hard work, perseverance in achieving goals, family, children, etc., and not money!
Third competition

Situation(situations are printed on cards)

Now let's see how the path to success actually works.

Exercise: Members of one family are invited from each team and 4 pairs are formed. Each pair receives a card with a situation and will have to play it out. But the role of adults is played by children, but parents will play fifth-graders.


The teacher gave a mark for the answer, but the student did not agree with it, came home and told his parents... What next?

The child did his homework poorly, the parent asks to redo it, otherwise there will be a “C”. The child replies: “Why do I need five?” … What's next?

Weekend. The child does his homework, but cannot concentrate and is constantly distracted. Parents say: until you complete your assignments, you won’t watch a movie or play on the computer. The child answers...What's next?

Result: The child must understand that it is very difficult to be a parent; you don’t always know what to say when looking at a child’s action, or how to counter his response. Children must understand that parents want only the best for their children.

Competition Four

I believe - I don't believe.
A team of parents remembers or makes up two incidents from their school life. Students must guess whether it really happened.

And fifth-graders also remember or make up two incidents from their school life in the 5th grade. Now parents must guess whether this happened to their children or not.

Fifth competition

What's in my backpack?(quiz) (backpack with accessories)

Exercise: Alternately, teams must guess school objects based on their descriptions.
1. This subject is necessary in history lessons, but, unfortunately, fifth-graders often forget it at home, so they have to run to get it during recess... (Atlas)
2. And this item very often fails at the most crucial moment... It suddenly stops working... (Pen)
3. Teachers always scold you for this subject, but a modern schoolchild cannot do without it - something must be done about mistakes... (Stroke)
4. I really want to get these items in class, but if this happens, they can be taken away and given only to parents. And it’s so interesting to look at them in class... (Cards)
5. These two objects are constantly passed from one desk to another, although they cost pennies... (Ruler and eraser)
6. This subject can be thin or thick, and in high school it is most often “general”... (Notebook)
7. You always want to lick this object, it’s a pity that the breaks are so short, and you spend the whole lesson waiting for it to end so you can put your favorite one in your mouth again... (Lollipop)
8. You don’t really want to take this item out at home, but you’re so drawn to it. tests, only then do you realize that there is something interesting in it, and most importantly, useful.


9. And without this object we cannot imagine life, it is with us everywhere: in class it lies next to us in a pencil case, during recess it is always in our hands or in our pocket, looking at it, we may not even notice what is happening around us. The loss of this item is tantamount to a global catastrophe... (Mobile phone)
10. This item is always new at the beginning of the year and worn out by the end, because everyone who is not too lazy asks for it, everyone needs it, everyone strives to write something in it, not always pleasant... (Diary)

Competition sixth

Musical(karaoke “school medley”)

Who will pick up the song about school first?

Seventh competition


And now the teams will exchange wishes on the path to knowledge, but this must be done in the form of a pantomime without words. 1 minute to prepare.

Associations (pause games, used when preparing pairs of participants for the “Situation” competition)

What parents and children associate with:

school desk


teacher's room

director's office

dining room

doctor's office

head teacher's office, etc.
What do parents and children know about their home school?

In what year was school No. 24 founded? (1962)

How many offices? (51)

How many steps lead up to office 15? (48)

How many teachers work at the school? (42)

How many items does 5-B have? (eleven)

How many people are there in 5-B? (25)

The thickest textbook? (Russian language (theory))

How many hours a week do you study Russian? (7+2), etc.

Annex 1.

Card material

The teacher gave a mark for the answer, but the student did not agree with it, came home and told his parents... What next? Act out this situation in a child-parent dialogue.

The child did his homework poorly, the parent asks to redo it, otherwise there will be a “C”. The child answers him: “Why do I need five?” Parent says...What's next?

A parent, entering the child’s room, sees that the child is copying homework from the workbook. He tells the child that if he cheats, he will not gain knowledge. The child answers... What next?

Act out the situation in a parent-child dialogue.

Weekend. The child does his homework, but cannot concentrate and is constantly distracted. Parents say: until you complete the task, you will not watch a movie or play on the computer. The child answers... What next?

Act out the situation in a parent-child dialogue.

Appendix 2

Multimedia presentation with tasks for the game, made in Power Point, to illustrate the content of teaching materials

Participants arrange chairs in a circle and sit facing inward. Before this, one participant is selected - he is blindfolded. After the eyes are blindfolded: those sitting on the chairs mix and change places. This is done so that...

You will need a ball. The players draw a large circle on the ground or with chalk on the asphalt and are divided into two equal teams. One team stands in a circle and the other outside it. Progress of the game: players from the outside...

It is drawn on the ground or drawn with chalk on the asphalt - two even stripes with a distance of 4-5 meters from one another, opposite each other. Then all participants are divided into two equal teams and preferably with equal...

You will need any small object (an apple, a box, a souvenir), a spread of a newspaper, and a string or, better yet, a ribbon that can be used to wrap the package and tie a bow. This is a set of props for one pair - accordingly, if the number of expected...

You will need a rope, preferably no thinner than a finger, no less than 5 and no more than 10 meters long. A ribbon is tied tightly in the center of the rope so that it does not move. Each round involves only...

In this game the principle is rock, paper, scissors, but instead we have: a dragon, a princess and a knight. Two teams are determined, not necessarily equal. You can split into boys and girls. The presenter explains: the dragon defeats the princess, the princess...

One leader is selected, everyone else stands opposite him in a line. The presenter’s task is to show the clap, and the participants to simultaneously repeat it. But it's not that simple. The presenter must show a new clap each time, if anyone...

In this game there will be no winners and losers, but there will be a cheerful mood, which can then be used in outdoor games. Participants line up in one line. One leader is selected. The presenter’s task is to come up with any word, for example:...