Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Pickled cucumbers with vodka. Crispy pickled cucumbers with vodka in jars - a step-by-step photo recipe for preparing them for the winter at home. Universal marinade: a recipe that you will definitely like

An alcohol-containing drink does not affect the taste of canned cucumbers, but greatly increases the shelf life and quality of the preparations. The properties of cucumbers in jars do not change; they remain strong and crisp throughout the entire period. Preservation is convenient to store in heated rooms. The lids do not rise, the fermentation process does not occur, since alcohol prevents the development of any mold reactions, being a good preservative. There are enough recipes for pickling crispy cucumbers with vodka for the winter. Sometimes it is very difficult to decide and choose the most interesting one.

The main goal of each pickling process is to carry it out correctly. What tricks do housewives go to in order to get a high-quality product that can be stored for a long time? Canned cucumbers are very capricious, constantly fermented, and often explode.

To increase the preservation of pickles, cooks use various preservatives. Pickled cucumbers with the addition of vodka showed the greatest effectiveness. To ensure that the taste of the product is always at its best, you should follow some recommendations:

  • Before salting, the crop must be soaked in a humid environment;
  • cucumbers with cut ends are salted faster;
  • oak leaves or bark are used for pickles, this increases the strength of the vegetable;
  • the greens are not placed in the container too tightly;
  • vodka, horseradish roots, dry mustard will protect the preparation from explosion.

Preparing the main ingredients

For canning cucumbers, crops grown in open ground. The fruits should be small, hard, with a tough skin, dark green tips or prickly pimples. IN traditional recipes Leaf blades of currants, horseradish, cherries, and dill umbrellas are used.

Spices are also added: peppercorns, bay, garlic. For pickled cucumbers, the main ingredients will include onions, carrots, parsley, celery, and cumin. The volume of herbs is determined depending on preferences, only the proportions of the alcoholic drink remain unchanged.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers with vodka at home

Cucumbers preserved in jars are in particular demand among amateurs. Every housewife tries to preserve a good harvest in the form of preservation. Cucumbers are pickled and pickled. In order for the preparations to be stored better, a certain amount of liquid containing alcohol is added during the preparation of each recipe.

A quick method for a liter jar

For a one-liter jar, take small cucumbers. Before the process, the glass is thoroughly treated with a cleaning agent and rinsed. The fruits are kept in liquid for some time, washed, and placed in a container.

To get incredibly tasty pickled crispy cucumbers, layer the filling with finely chopped leaves. Boiling liquid is poured into the container, covered, and allowed to brew. Next, the solution is poured into a saucepan and the marinade is prepared. Lastly, the alcoholic drink is poured out and sealed with an iron sealing lid.

Without sterilization

Salting without sterilization is particularly simple. A standard set of spicy leaves is placed in a well-washed large glass container. Add all the necessary spices. Place clean water on the fire and pour in all the ingredients for the marinade.

The boiling composition is poured into a glass vessel. After ten minutes, the brine is poured back into the pan and boiled again. Pour the prepared solution over the cucumbers. Add two tablespoons of vodka. Close tightly with a nylon tightening lid.

You can pamper ardent opponents of preservation with the addition of acid with cucumbers.

“Rowanberry” with citric acid, honey and vodka without sterilization

Fans of preparations with a mild taste can preserve cucumbers without vinegar and sugar. Medium-sized fruits are salted in a three-liter container. Preparatory procedures are carried out traditionally, only a sprig of rowan with fruits is added to the main composition of spices and herbs.

For pouring, use three large spoons of salt, four of the same liquid honey, two teaspoons of acid, one hundred grams of alcoholic beverage. Boiling water is poured into the cucumbers, left to steep, the solution is poured into a saucepan, and the brine is boiled. First, vodka is poured into the vessel, and then the boiling marinade. Seal with iron lids, turn over, and place in a warm place.

With lime and cognac

To prepare spicy cucumbers, you will need some unusual ingredients. To pickle one liter jar you need:

  • five lime slices;
  • granulated sugar, two teaspoons of salt;
  • cinnamon, star anise, nasturtium buds, cardamom, cherry leaf blades, tarragon;
  • alcohol-containing drink – one and a half large spoons;

Preparing vegetables and putting herbs and spices into jars is carried out in the same way as preparing the marinade - standard. Before pouring the brine, add an alcoholic drink to the jar. Canned under a metal lid, the first day the jar is kept in a dark, warm place.

Assorted with tomatoes

This is one of the most delicious options for winter preparations. You can salt cucumbers and tomatoes at the same time. Fruits with different tastes complement each other, which makes the canned product even tastier.

Canned vegetables according to the usual recipe. Cucumbers are placed in the jar first and sprinkled with herbs. Then fill to the brim with tomatoes. For a rich, tasty brine you will need salt, vinegar, fifty grams of vodka, and granulated sugar – one hundred grams.

With onions, vodka and vinegar

The fruits are soaked in water, washed, and placed in jars. To get real, pickled cucumbers, the filling is layered with herbs, chopped vegetables, and spices. On initial stage Boiling water is poured into the jar and left for ten minutes. Next, the solution is drained and boiled again.

The boiled mixture is poured into a jar and left for a few more minutes. The infused liquid is placed in a saucepan, the necessary ingredients are added, brought to a boil, and poured into the cucumbers. At the last stage, add vodka and roll up the jar with a metal lid. For sterilization to take place correctly, the container is turned upside down and left in a dark place.

With mustard

You can pickle cucumbers with mustard in the usual, simplest, fastest way. Mustard gives the preparations a piquant taste, making the cucumbers crispier and more appetizing. Even a cook without much experience can seal jars of cucumbers by adding a pinch of dry mustard.

With red currants

Every housewife, when canning vegetables for the winter, tries to roll up as many cans as possible. But, in addition to the quantity of canned cucumbers, it should surprise you with the quality and appearance of the preservation. Sprigs of red currant placed in jars with pickled cucumbers will not only complement the preparations with a new taste, but will add color and elegance.

Further storage

Traditionally, home preserves are stored in a cold, unheated room, but this is not always possible. Thanks to excellent recipes using an alcohol-containing drink, storing pickled cucumbers has been simplified. They stand perfectly in warm pantries, on mezzanines, without clouding the brine or swelling of the lids.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

I suggest making pickled cucumbers with vodka, the recipe for the winter is simple, but the cucumbers turn out crispy, moderately sweet and sour, and very tasty. In addition to vodka, we will use a little vinegar essence, spices and sweet pepper. You can add spices to your taste. Cucumbers are perfect for any dish; they can also be used for preparing first courses - rassolnik, solyanka, etc.

- cucumbers – 1 kg;
- garlic – 2 cloves;
- dill – 5 branches;
- sweet pepper – 1/3 part;
- salt – 1 tbsp;
- vinegar essence – ½ tbsp;
- vodka – 1 tbsp;
- sugar – ½ tbsp;
- horseradish - a small piece;
- hot pepper - to taste.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Prepare the cucumbers in advance - wash them with a washcloth and fill them with clean cold water, leave them completely undisturbed for 6-8 hours, the only thing you can do is change the water several times. After cutting off the tails of the cucumbers on both sides, also peel the sweet bell pepper. Wash fresh aromatic dill.

Prepare a liter jar, wash and sterilize in a convenient way. Do the same with the lids - boil in clean water for 15 minutes. Place dill, strips of pepper, horseradish, and garlic at the bottom of a liter jar. Add hot pepper to taste.

Fill the jar with cucumbers, shake the jar several times during the process so that the cucumbers fit closer together. At the same time, place a saucepan with clean water, boil.

Pour hot water into the jar, cover the jar with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.

After a while, put a nylon lid with holes on the neck of the jar. Pour hot water into a saucepan. Add 70-100 ml to the resulting amount of water, just in case. Also add a tablespoon of salt and half a tablespoon of sugar and boil for a couple of minutes.

Pour vinegar essence and vodka into a jar with steamed cucumbers, and immediately pour in the boiling marinade.

Instantly throw on the lid and immediately roll up the jar with a key or simply twist it tightly. Place the jar upside down and cover it with a blanket. Leave the pickled cucumbers with vodka alone for a day. Then store it in the cellar.

Enjoy your meal!
And they turn out very tasty

Pickled and pickled cucumbers are the main winter preparation available in the arsenal of every housewife. But not always prepared cucumbers turn out elastic and crispy, which undoubtedly spoils the overall impression. What should be done to ensure that the finished product is of high quality? Use vodka as the main ingredient. Alcohol will not affect the taste and smell, but the cucumbers will be crispy and dense, and their shelf life will increase. Let's look at several proven recipes for preparing cucumbers for the winter with vodka.

Recipe No. 1 Marinating

Cucumbers marinated with vodka according to this recipe are moderately spicy, with a spicy aroma and, of course, crispy.

Ingredients included in the preparation (calculation per liter jar):

Cut off the ends of the washed greens. We put spices in pre-sterilized jars: cherry and currant leaves, dill and horseradish, garlic and pepper. Pour boiling water over the future preparation, cover the jars with lids and leave for 10-15 minutes. After the allotted time, drain the liquid and put it back on the fire to boil.

Add salt and sugar directly into the jars and pour boiling water again. It is necessary to leave a little space for vodka and vinegar; these ingredients are added at the last moment. Tighten the jars and place them in a warm place with the lids down. Leave the jars under the blanket until they cool completely.

It is better to store the preparation in the cellar, but cucumbers will be stored for quite a long time in a regular pantry.

Recipe No. 2 Salting

For the winter, cucumbers with vodka can not only be pickled, but also pickled. To prepare for one three-liter jar you will need:

  • cucumbers - how many will fit in the jar;
  • water - approximately 1.5 liters;
  • vodka - glass (50 ml);
  • salt - 4 tablespoons without a pea;
  • spices to taste (dill, bay leaf, cherry and currant leaves, hot pepper and peppercorns, garlic, horseradish).

Wash the cucumbers, you can cut off the ends, or you can leave the greens whole. Pour cold water over the vegetables and leave for 6 hours. Soaking allows you to fill the existing voids and make the cucumbers more elastic. Place spices in sterilized jars and pack cucumbers tightly. Pour in salt and fill the workpiece with cold water. After 3 days, a white film with bubbles will appear on the surface, this is a sign that the cucumbers have fermented and it’s time to seal them.

Drain the brine and bring to a boil. Pour a shot of vodka into a jar, add brine and seal. Remove until completely cooled with lids down, wrapped in a blanket.

Recipe No. 3 Assorted vegetables

Using vodka you can prepare not only cucumbers, but also assorted vegetables. Let's take:

Vegetables are placed in layers in sterilized jars on top of spices (we take half of the total volume), putting tomatoes last. Pour boiling water over the assortment, cover with lids and let it brew. After 10 minutes, pour the water back into the pan. Add sugar, salt and coriander here. After boiling, pour in vinegar and vodka. Pour the liquid into the jars and roll up the lids. Keep the jars warm upside down until they cool.

It would seem that vodka and cucumbers are a rather strange combination, but the result is completely justified. Instead of vodka, high-quality homemade moonshine or diluted alcohol can be used. Try making pickled or pickled cucumbers according to the recipes we suggested, and please your household. These cucumbers are especially suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to store winter twists in the cellar.

Homemade preparations are always relevant. Over time, the popularity only grows. New technologies and unusual combinations are emerging. Crispy cucumbers with vodka for the winter, the recipes of which delight with their simplicity, are loved by many. And this is not without reason. This is a wonderful appetizer, an excellent addition to second and first courses. These cucumbers are also good in salads.

On a note! Dear housewives, before pickling cucumbers, purchase an herb such as amaranth. For what? A few leaves are enough, and the cucumbers will turn out extremely crispy.

Just don’t think that vodka will “intoxicate” the preparation. Not at all! Alcohol is not here for taste or aroma. It's just a secret ingredient for long-term storage. But the twists will not deteriorate when room temperature and won't explode.

No matter how much salt you add, do cucumbers turn out soft and watery? Then this article is for you.

The proposed conservation technologies are the best and most proven. The vegetables are dense, crunchy and delight with a rich taste.

Don't forget to prepare all the ingredients before salting. Rinse and dry. It is also important to sterilize jars and lids. You choose the processing method yourself: oven, water bath, microwave, etc.

Can't wait to spin as many crunchy cucumbers as possible? Then let's move on to the practical part.

Whole crispy cucumbers with vodka for the winter - recipe for a liter jar

An unusual and very simple way of pickling. There is no need to boil the brine. The blanks are simply poured with boiling water in several stages. Let's see what comes out of this.

List of components per 1 liter:

  • a couple of sprigs of fresh dill;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 700 g cucumbers;
  • 7-8 black peppercorns;
  • a couple of sweet peas;
  • 1/3 chili;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vodka;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. essences 9%.

Recipe note! Fresh cucumbers just picked from the garden do not need to be soaked.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Fill the cucumbers with water and soak for 6-12 hours. Meanwhile, sterilize the jars and lids.
  2. Then add greens, garlic, peas, and chili to the bottom of each container. We fill the rest of the space with cucumbers.
  3. Fill the contents of the jars with boiling water, cover with lids and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Drain the water and cover the workpieces with boiling water again. Cover with lids and leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Drain the water. Pour 1 tbsp into each jar. l. salt. Pour boiling water over everything, add vinegar and screw the lids on tightly. Turn the containers upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket. A day later we send the twists for storage.

Pickled cucumbers with vodka without vinegar

The cucumbers turn out very tasty and crispy. They store well at room temperature, although they can be preserved without vinegar.

  • cucumbers;
  • garlic;
  • celery;
  • cherry leaves
  • black peas;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • vodka;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • Chile;
  • dill (umbrellas or seeds).

Note! There are no strict instructions on the consumption of ingredients. We take everything according to our taste. For example, if you like “villainous” cucumbers, then don’t skimp on garlic and chili.

Recipe description:

  1. Pre-soak the cucumbers for 3 hours. Place the components in a dry, clean jar.
  2. Garlic, cut into slices, greens, bay leaf, a piece of chili.
  3. Next, fill the container with cucumbers. Pour salt into the middle of the layout. For a 3-liter jar, 2 tablespoons will be enough.
  4. Fill the contents of the container with cool water. We send it to ferment for 2-3 days under a nylon lid.
  5. It is advisable to place the workpieces in trays, as some brine may leak out. When 2-3 days have passed. Let's start conservation. Fill the lids for rolling with boiling water. Hold for 15 minutes.
  6. The brine will become cloudy by this time. There's nothing wrong with that. Pour it into a saucepan. Place on the fire and bring to a boil.
  7. Pour vodka into a jar of cucumbers. For a volume of 3 liters we take 50 ml of alcohol. Then fill everything with hot marinade.

Turn the twists upside down and leave them like that until they cool completely.

How to preserve cucumbers with vodka so that they turn out crispy (like barrel cucumbers)

Such cucumbers cannot be distinguished from barrel cucumbers. Just as tasty and crispy. The fermentation method is very simple. See for yourself.

Set of components:

  • 50 ml vodka;
  • 1.5-2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves;
  • water;
  • 100 g salt;
  • marigold;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • currant leaves;
  • amaranth;
  • horseradish leaves.

Note! Consumption is indicated for a 3 liter jar.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Soak the washed cucumbers in water for a couple of hours. Place herbs, marigolds and garlic at the bottom of a sterile jar.
  2. Then fill the jar with cucumbers. Dissolve salt in water and pour over cucumbers. Leave the workpiece in the brine under a nylon lid for 4 days. Then pour everything into the pan.
  3. Place on the fire and wait for it to boil. Meanwhile, fill the contents of the container with cold water, shake everything under a closed lid. Then drain the liquid and add vodka to the jar.
  4. When the brine boils, count down 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and pour in cucumbers. Roll up with a sterile lid. Cool the twists upside down.

Recipe with citric acid and vodka

A simple technology for preserving green cucumbers. Citric acid and vodka ensure long-term storage of preparations even at room temperature. Just protect the workpieces from direct sunlight and moisture.

We will need:

  • cucumbers;
  • spices;
  • greenery;
  • vodka;
  • lemon acid;
  • sugar.
  1. We wash the vegetables, pour boiling water over them and then immerse them in ice water for a few minutes. Then we place the cucumbers in sterile containers, alternating layers with your favorite greens.
  2. Let's start cooking the marinade. Bring the water to a boil. First add salt, sugar, citric acid and spices to taste.
  3. Pour boiling brine over the workpieces, after 5 minutes. pour it into the pan and bring to a boil again. Add vodka to the jar, then refill with hot marinade.
  4. We seal the containers hermetically and cool them upside down.

Delicious crispy cucumbers with cold vodka

Cold-cooked twists do not require sterilization. Cucumbers according to this recipe are crispy, tasty and can be stored for a long time.

Let's prepare the ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

  • cucumbers;
  • 3 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 50 ml vodka;
  • spices.

Recipe note! The most suitable spices are: horseradish and currant leaves, peppercorns, celery, dill umbrellas, garlic.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Soak the cucumbers in water for 3 hours. Then dry, cut off the ends and distribute into containers.
  2. First add garlic, herbs and spices to the bottom of each jar. Next, add salt and vodka.
  3. Fill the contents with cold water, close the lids and leave to ferment for 3-4 days.
  4. We store such preparations in a cool place.

Rowan cucumbers with honey and vodka without sterilization

Recipe note! Consumption is indicated for 1 liter of brine.

An unusual snack with a special mild taste. The vegetables turn out firm and tasty.

  • cucumbers:
  • dill in umbrellas;
  • rowan and cherry leaves;
  • horseradish root;
  • garlic;
  • peppercorns;
  • bunches of red rowan;
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vodka - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp.


  1. Soak green vegetables in water for 3 hours, then dry with a kitchen towel. We also rinse the greens, berries, peeled garlic and roots.
  2. Cut the horseradish root into 2 cm pieces. Sterilize the jars and begin filling them. To the bottom we will send rowan leaves, dill, pepper, horseradish and garlic.
  3. Then place the cucumbers tightly, alternating with clusters. Throw cherry leaves on top and pour boiling water over everything. Let's leave it like that for half an hour.
  4. Then pour the water into the saucepan, measuring the volume. The amount of ingredients is indicated per liter.
  5. We will prepare as many components as required in volume.
  6. Boil the liquid that was drained and refill the workpieces. After half an hour, pour the water into the pan again and bring to a boil. Add salt, citric acid and boil for 3 minutes. Add honey, stir and remove from heat.
  7. Pour vodka into the jars and cover the contents with hot brine. We close it hermetically, turn the top upside down and wrap it in warm flooring. Leave it like this until it cools completely.

The best recipe for assorted vegetables with vodka: video

How to prepare an awesome salad for the winter? Watch the video recipe for assorted vegetables. Ingredients are indicated for a 3-liter jar. Vegetables with such pickling come out simply excellent. All relatives will be delighted.

I have an old friend Marina Sergeevna, very interesting person. Having a rather difficult fate, she managed not only not to break down and survive, but also to absolutely selflessly help other people, no matter what question they turned to her with.
I have never seen Marina Sergeevna in a bad mood or upset about anything, because her life motto is: “Never stand still, but only forward!” When I found out that she was a little sick, I immediately ran to check on her. On the way to the pharmacy, I stopped by the store and bought the freshest pastries with apple jam for tea to brighten up our tea party. I also advise you to watch this one.
But to my surprise, even with a headache, Marina Sergeevna prepared a small lunch to feed me. But most of all I liked the delicious crunchy pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars with vodka, so aromatic, crispy, and moderately spicy. And the main thing is that they are simply stored in her kitchen, not even in the basement, and do not deteriorate at all. This is because they are prepared according to a special recipe.
Of course, I wrote down the recipe and have already made a couple of servings of this snack, and now I want to tell you how you can make such a delicious dish quickly and easily. It is only important to select good strong cucumbers of special varieties for pickling, because salad varieties are absolutely not suitable for such a task. I also often cook these crispy ones.
The recipe is designed for a 3 liter container. I salt in 3 1 liter jars. It's much more convenient.


- cucumber (small pickling variety) - how much will fit into 3 jars of 1 liter each,
- water (filtered) – 1.5 l.,
- finely ground non-iodized kitchen salt – 3 tbsp. (without top).,
- table vinegar (9%) – 2 tbsp.,
- vodka – 2 tbsp.,
- currant leaves, garlic, dill, spices.

Soak the sorted cucumber fruits in cold water for at least 3 hours. During this time, they will completely restore their water balance and will have sufficient elasticity and strength after canning. If the cucumbers are picked directly from the garden, you can not soak them, but immediately salt them.

We prepare a jar for pickling: to do this, wash it well with a soda solution, then rinse it and sterilize it with steam or in the oven.
We put sorted and washed dill and currant leaves into the jar. You can optionally add peeled garlic cloves, bay leaves and pepper.

Next, pack the soaked cucumbers quite tightly so that there are no empty spaces left in the jar.

Cook the brine in a saucepan: pour in water and add kitchen salt to it, heat it up.

As soon as the salt dissolves and the water boils, remove the brine from the stove and pour table vinegar and vodka into it.

Immediately pour it into a jar of cucumbers, cover it with gauze and leave it warm for 12 hours so that the fermentation process begins.
Then we cover the jar with a simple nylon lid (rinsed in boiling water) and place it in a cool pantry or refrigerator for storage. Be sure to prepare some oh so spicy ones too.

Crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars with vodka can be consumed in a couple of days, but the longer they stand, the tastier and more vigorous they will become. The choice is yours!
Bon appetit!