Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

When to plant onions according to the lunar calendar. Favorable time for planting. Caring for winter plantings in spring

A winter that is too harsh can really be a problem for growing onions. But if the plant is well covered, it will survive the frosts safely. And with heavy rainfall, even at the lowest temperature, the onion will be covered with snow, which will provide a suitable climate for plant growth. And so, let’s look in more detail at how and when to plant onions before winter in 2017, in order to get a harvest that will be the envy of everyone, even in the cold Moscow region.

Favorable time for planting

A long time ago, knowledgeable people invented the lunar calendar. And for good reason. After all, based on the dates indicated in this calendar, you can grow the most fastidious crop with very little effort.
So, several days are allocated for onions in the lunar calendar. In September 2017 it is on the 9th, 13th and 19th, in October - on the 6th, 7th and 16th. But there are also “spare” days in November - 7, 12 and 14.
It is better to plant onions in the ground before the onset of cold weather. Favorable days You can also determine it with a thermometer - if for several days the temperature has reached 5 ºC, then that day has come - it’s time to plant the onions.

Boron deficiency results in short growth and deformed plants. The leaves become brittle and take on shades of green-blue and even gray. Young leaves have a yellow-green marbled appearance, while mature leaves become chlorotic and may have depressed areas and a necrotic tip.

Conditions that favor foodborne illness

In addition, cracks may appear near the base of the leaves, in which the tissue becomes yellowish. Toxicity caused by boron results in chlorotic or necrotic spots, especially on the upper part of the leaves. Acidic or alkaline soils often lead to nutrient deficiencies by immobilizing them in unavailable plant forms. Unbalanced use or excess of some nutrients can also lock others into unavailable plant forms.

It is worth considering that you should not plant onions ahead of time. But we keep in mind that before the onset of severe cold, the plant must have time to take root. Otherwise, the bow will give all its strength to the arrow, which will soon die from frost.

Use a balanced fertilization program. Analysis of soil or plant tissue can provide useful information about nutritional status and is very helpful in making decisions about a fertilization program. Sunlight can cause chlorophyll to form on the outer bulbs of bulbs, causing them to green up.

Conditions favoring the onset of this disease

Excessive or delayed application of nitrogen can promote the formation of chlorophyll in the outer tunic. Greening can also occur as a result of bulbs being overexposed to light, either during the growing season or when stored in the field for longer periods of time.

Advice: Avid gardeners advise planting onions in November, since September can be very deceiving in terms of temperature.

Selecting a suitable bow

In order to prepare the bulbs for planting, you need to decide for what purpose it will be grown. If you only need greens, then you should plant fruits 3 cm in size. If you need the fruit itself, then we choose the so-called sets - bulbs ranging in size from 1 cm to 3 cm.

Fertilization should be carried out during the first part of the growing season, and the ratio of nutrients introduced should be conducive to normal plant growth. Avoid excessive and delayed application of nitrogen, as well as unnecessarily prolonging the period when the bulbs remain in the field under direct sun exposure.

The “thick” package is represented by plants that do not form bulbs. This is fueled by excessive use of fertilizers at a time when factories are registering stagnation caused by excess water. Plants presenting this physiological disease should not be stored.

On a note: For winter planting, professionals recommend using seedlings. If he can be safely landed in open ground, then next year it will bear excellent onion fruits.

Soil preparation

Properly prepared soil plays important role in planting onions before winter. First of all, the soil for planting should not be heavy. For onion, the best “home” will be humus-sandy soil. This “whim” is due to the fact that onions have a special root system. She needs light soil.
Before planting onions, it is important to dig up the soil with the addition of humus and mineral plants. Before planting the bulbs, you can scatter wood ash on the ground.

Cleaning and conditioning became completely mechanized. To obtain quality products, it is important that the harvest is carried out in optimal time. 3 The harvest period depends mainly on the climatic conditions of the year and the time of the cultivated variety. In a uniform crop and with the appropriate size, the leaves wither and dry out in a short period of time. The onion reaches physiological maturity and is ready for harvest when the “package” is soaked and the leaves fall to the ground. The leaves die and the tunics on the outside of the bulbs turn a yellow-amber color.

Beginning gardeners often ask themselves the question: what crop is best to plant onions in place of? Out of ignorance, it often happens that a properly planted onion simply rots in the ground for no apparent reason. It turns out that in the place where the crop was planted, such plants used to grow, after which the onion does not take root.

If this point is delayed, quality losses will occur. It is very important that the product is brought to dry storage. The following operations are distinguished in the onion harvest. Mechanical removal of leaves, displacement of bulbs, collection and transportation of bulbs to storage. It is especially important that all these operations are carried out in good weather.

After the bulbs have been removed, they remain in the field for 2-3 days for some time, during which they must dry out so as not to incur additional costs by drying them in a warehouse. Once the bulbs are dry, soil clinging to their root system can be easily removed during harvesting. Thus, only the bulbs will be included in the warehouse.

Do not plant onions in the ground if the following were previously grown in the garden bed:

Red clover.

Plants, after harvesting which, onions will feel great:

Different varieties of corn;

Assembly of light bulbs and their transportation to the warehouse

During the harvesting process, the speed of the tractor must be correlated with the speed of transport of the conveyor belts to prevent injury to the bulbs during this operation. Immediately after this, the bulbs will be delivered to the warehouse. In addition, in lamp storage they must be laid in uniform layers.

The following conditions must be met in order for the drying process to be carried out in optimal conditions. This is to prevent condensation on the bulbs and to water them. To prevent dampness of the bulbs, the air in the damp housing must be replaced with dry air. This can be done by introducing cold air into the space, which will be heated by the stored bulbs and will be charged with water vapor. Air cooling is considered a target to be touched rather than cooling. The temperature will be reduced to the required value depending on the date of the month in which it was done.

If plants “harmful” to onions grew in the garden bed, then in a few years this soil will become the most favorable for planting a crop here. It is not recommended to grow vegetables in the same area more than twice, that is, after two years we plan to plant them in a different place. Having harvested the crop in the second year, it is worth taking a break of about 4 years.

This value differs depending on the key date. At the end of this period the product is truly dry. To achieve this process in good conditions appropriate measuring equipment is required. The "5° Celsius method" has shown good efficiency and particularly low cost, while periods of high outside temperatures dry the bulbs to maintain quality.

A longer period of ventilation is required in early October and November. If the outside air temperature is higher than the lamp temperature, internal ventilation should be used accordingly to prevent temperature differences inside the products and condensation. Low temperatures are required while storing onions, but the need to dry the bulbs is much more important.

Planting bulbs before winter

Preparing the land and selecting bulbs is only half the battle on the path to successful cultivation good harvest Luke. One of the main points is correct landing.

Important! The recesses for the bulbs do not need to be made too deep. It is recommended to dig furrows in the soil up to 6 cm in size from each other, approximately 20 cm apart.

The storage capacity depends on the total production volume. At a storage layer height of 3 m, the storage surface required for production per hectare is 40 square meters. Beyond environmental conditions and geographical location Genetic variability plays an important role in cultivar selection. Each variety differs in one or more characteristics, and those involved in variety breeding make efforts to achieve greater uniformity within them. The variety is evaluated by breeders in terms of disease resistance, as well as other aspects.

Dried small sets are laid out in grooves at a distance of about 7 cm from each other. The top of the bulbs should be thoroughly sprinkled with dry soil and gently tamped down with your hand. Immediately after the seedlings are planted, they should not be watered. Only if the weather does not please you with precipitation, and there is no rain at all for ten days after planting, then the crop should be watered.

The program is mainly focused on the development of hybrids. During the transition, only the best combinations are selected. The advantages of hybrids for varieties are: Opportunity for better improvement in terms of disease resistance.

  • Higher potential for producing quality bulbs.
  • Better uniformity of bulb shape.
  • High uniformity in achieving plant maturity.
  • Consistent quality.
  • Compliance with the best protective tunics, which translates into a large container.
In improvement programs, the main functions are:

After the first frost, all the soil where the onions were planted must be covered with dry leaves, you can take pine branches, and also put tree bark on top so that it holds the leaves from strong winds.

If winter brings a lot of snow, then there is no need to cover the onion planting with film. Since the snow cover will cover your onion and create the necessary microclimate for it. But if there is a shortage of precipitation, then polyethylene will come to the rescue. After covering the ground, place bricks or stones on the corners of the film. This will save your shelter from gusty winds.

Tubers are not recommended for planting in lowlands where the weather is cold, or in places where the soil is too wet. Strawberry roots are not deep, so lack of moisture has a significant impact on crops and fruit yields. Before planting strawberries, check the soil to see if it is infested with sawfly larvae, common wheatgrass and other weeds. It is recommended to plant strawberries in Puri, sandy loam, but not on sandy loam soil and where groundwater no closer than 60 cm from the soil surface. Strawberries should be protected from the wind.

Well, when the young strawberries, birch trees, in July, grow along with the strawberries. Strawberry seedlings do much worse when the soil lacks moisture. At the same time, in August we must fight plant diseases and pests. If you want to keep your vegetables warm longer, cover them with plastic wrap in August. It is advisable to pick up the cucumber every other day by flicking the bottle with your finger. The reddish and reddish tomatoes submitted in time. Garlic needs to be digested when they are not producing new letters and starting to dig.

Autumn planting of onions before winter allows you to get not only fresh, vitamin-rich greens in the very early spring, but also strong, juicy bulbs as early as the end of June. Planting before winter has a number of advantages that many summer residents and gardeners enjoy. Despite the risk of freezing in cold, harsh winters, more and more farmers prefer autumn sowing.

Sprinkle onion and garlic letters in sunny places. If the summer is rainy, dug up the onion and garlic heads in a well-ventilated area, add one layer and do not interfere with the disease, leaf through them regularly. Exhale and replace the corrugated paper strips wrapped around the trunks of the new June. Last roasted this month to remove shoots through the fall - less likely to kill them. Premature long-lasting flowers prevent mature seeds from weakening the plants. In summer, do not change the water in the pools, but simply add water. In July you can get a bite of the spring bulb flowers. Do not redistribute spring erosion. This month it is important to properly care for baby flowers. While leaving fruit untold, keep in mind that some of the already formed cucumbers may not grow. In early July, go for early carrots. Early July - best time for sowing winter ridges. They must be sufficiently polished and must not be transported nitrogen fertilizers in winter. Cut the spice to dry at the start of flowering in July. Dry in a well-ventilated, rust-free place. Keep your dry herb in tightly sealed containers or paper bags in a dark place - so you preserve its flavor until the next harvest. Sell ​​off your cucumbers early in the month before all the seeds are dry. Harvest early in the morning before the dew falls. Dry on a bed in a well-ventilated area. Don't forget 0.2 percent every two weeks. To fertilize the fertilized solution, cut off the vegetables for seasoning. To make sure the spices are still flavored, use a nitrogen-based fertilizer.

  • The trees prune the harvested crop so that it can heal its wounds before winter.
  • Flaxseed walnuts.
  • Tie roses with sticks.
  • The most important work for caring for cucumbers in July is fertilization and irrigation.
  • The sooner you get the cucumbers out, the faster the others will come out.
  • Grow seed cucumbers on only one or a few selected plants.
  • Early carrots.
The beginning of June is the right time to propagate roses from cuttings.


When planning to plant onions for the winter, you first need to decide for what purpose the planting is being done - to produce greens or turnips. In any case, no matter what seedling you plant, a green feather will grow. When planting onions in the fall, be sure to pay attention to the winter hardiness of the variety; it is recommended to plant sets that are resistant to frost.

By the way, not all types of roses are equally successful in propagating varieties. The most productive plants can be propagated by floribunda, viola, dwarf, and hybrid pink species. The park's roses are not growing well. Prepare insects 2-3 weeks before planting roses. Root cuttings taken from blooming or freshly flowering pink roses. Cut the crop from the middle part of the shoots because the upper part of the shoots is too soft and does not fit into the root. At depths of 1-2 cm deep, cut rows of roses at an angle every 4-5 cm in the sand.

Compact roses in rows, leaving 10 cm between rows. Trim insects to sows. It is recommended to spray water with roses planted during the first two weeks, even 6 times a day. On hot days, inspect the frame a few inches to make rose growers swoon. In the first 2 weeks the rose grows with the formation of clay, and after 2 weeks the cuttings also produce roots. Roasted rose plants are best left during winter inspections.

It is advisable to buy zoned onion varieties for planting in the fall, suitable for cultivation in a specific area. Before winter, the following varieties of onions are planted: Black Prince, Strigunovsky, Siberian annual, Ellan, Bessonovsky, Stuttgarten Risen, Danilovsky, Chalcedony, Arzamas, etc.

There is one little trick to planting onion sets before winter: the smaller the oat set (oat set), the larger the onion will grow. A small seedling practically does not bolt; a large seedling planted in the fall will shoot almost all of it. It is not recommended to take large sets for sowing turnips in the fall. If you decide to start winter crops for the first time, plant several different varieties to understand which onion grows best in the beds in your climate zone.

When to plant onions before winter in 2017

The time to plant onions in winter is determined by the outside temperature. A favorable period is considered to be when the temperature is in the range from 0 °C to +5 °C, provided that the night temperature is not lower than -3 °C, the ground temperature in this case will be +3 °C or +4 °C, which is what is needed for planting seedlings.

Each individual region has its own climatic characteristics, so it is quite difficult to determine the exact time frame for planting seedlings. Gardeners need to independently monitor weather conditions to determine the optimal time for sowing wild oats.

Sowing too early can cause the seedlings to germinate, and with the arrival of frost, the planting material will die. For example, in middle lane In Russia and the Moscow region, onion planting begins in the second week of October and continues until the end of the month; in Ukraine (for the northern regions), the planting dates shift to October 20-22 and last until November 5-7.


It is preferable to plant onions in sunny areas where water does not accumulate in the spring. The earth is dug up to a depth of 25-30 centimeters, 0.5 buckets of compost, one glass of wood ash are added, all fertilizers are calculated square meter area.

The bed for the seedlings is loosened, then grooves are cut 3-4 centimeters deep at a distance of 11-12 cm. When planted shallowly, the seedling does not tolerate frosts well without snow; in the spring the bulbs will stick out of the ground. Unlike planting in spring, onion sets for autumn sowing do not soak.

Small wild oats are laid out in furrows every 30-40 mm and covered with loose soil mixture or soil. The top is additionally mulched with peat or leaf litter. To get fresh greens in early spring, sow the sets more densely in the fall, every 2 centimeters. In the month of May or earlier, it will be possible to thin out the plantings by pulling out the green onions and leaving the plants for further ripening for turnips.


In the spring, as soon as the snow thaws and melts away, the additional mulch layer is removed and sent to compost. The condition of onions planted in the fall can be judged already in April, when the snow melts. If the winter was too cold and little snow, with incorrect agricultural technology, the crops may not grow well. Therefore, it is possible to plant onions again, but you need to plant larger sets in the spring.

To grow large onion, planted before winter, in April the plantings must be fed with liquid mullein (1:10). You can speed up the ripening of bulbs using a greenhouse, which can be built on a bed of arcs and film. Any film will do instead non-woven material, retaining and saving heat. Don’t forget to remove weeds from the beds and water them, then the autumn planting of onions before winter will definitely please you with a rich harvest!