Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Maximum level of armor in Skyrim. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Blacksmith craft. Selecting the type of armor


Unlike other Elder Scrolls games, weapons and armor in Skyrim do not degrade with use and therefore do not need to be repaired. The Repair skill is replaced here by the Blacksmithing skill, which is simply necessary for a character who is passionate about creating and improving weapons and armor.

Leveling up the Blacksmithing skill:

Creating (or crafting) items in forges gives the greatest increase in skill; after the release of patch 1.5, its increase is directly dependent on the cost of the items created - the higher it is, the more the skill grows. Upgrading items on workbenches and grindstones increases skill depending on the added value of the item being upgraded.

Blacksmithing can only be done in certain places, such as equipped forges, anvils in camps, etc., where you can find several types of tools:

  • Forge or Anvil (Anvil): used to create new weapons and armor. What you can create is determined by your perks.
  • Grindstone: sharpens weapons to increase the damage they deal. The higher your skill, the more weapon damage increases.
  • Workbench: allows you to improve your armor. The higher your skill, the more your armor class increases.

The materials used in the process of crafting weapons and armor are made on other equipment:

  • Tanning Rack: tanning leather from hides and cutting it into strips.
  • Smelter: Smelting pieces of ore of various metals and Dwemer scrap metal into ingots.

I would especially like to note that smelting metals in smelters and tanning leather on tanning machines does not increase the Blacksmithing skill.

  • +5 to skill given to: Nords, Orcs and Redguards.
  • Ghorza gra-Bagol, specialist (1-50), Markarth;
  • Balimund, expert (1-75), Riften, The Scorched Hammer;
  • Eorlund Gray-Mane, Master (1-90), Whiterun, Skyforge;
  • Gunmar, Master (1-90), Fort Dawnguard - requires Dawnguard to be installed.
  • Light Armor Forging:
    • Cracked Tusk Keep;
    • Embershard Mine;
    • Falkreath, Lod's House, in the basement (Lod's House, Falkreath);
    • Silent Moons Camp;
    • Chest in a hole east of Dushnikh Yal and south of Reachcliff Cave;
  • Heavy Armor Forging:
    • East Empire Company Warehouse;
    • Gloombound Mine, at the entrance to the mine (Gloombound Mine);
    • Pinepeak Cavern;
    • Silent Moons Camp, near the Lunar Forge;
    • Whistling Mine;
  • Last Scabbard of Akrash:
    • South-east of Black-Briar Lodge;
    • Fort Sungard - Parade Ground, in the armory (Fort Sungard Muster);
    • Gallows Rock, near living quarters;
  • The Armorer's Challenge:
    • Bile Mine (Bilegulch Mine);
    • Mor Khazgur, near the anvil (Mor Khazgur);
    • Riften, “The Scorched Hammer” (Riften);
    • Whiterun, Skyforge (The Skyforge in Whiterun);
    • Tower of Mzark, in the first room (Tower of Mzark);
  • Cherim's Heart:
    • Broken Oar Grotto;
    • South-west of the Great Tree Sanctuary, on a table in the hunters' camp (south-west of Eldergleam Sanctuary);
    • Morvunskar, near the anvil (Morvunskar);
    • Pure Water Run, in a flooded chest;
    • Dawnstar, Quicksilver Mine, Dawnstar.
  • +1 for finding the sword of Queen Freydis, on the quest of Oengul War-Anvil from Windhelm;
  • +1 for searching for the book "Night Comes to Sentinel", according to the quest of Rusleif from Dawnstar;
  • +1 for searching for the book “The Last Scabbard of Akrash”, according to the quest of Ghorza gra-Bagol from Markarth;
  • +1 for finding Rjorn's drum, following the quest of Giraud Gemane from the College of Bards;
  • +5 (as well as all other combat skills) if you choose "Path of Power" when reading Oghma Infinium.

Blacksmithing Skill Perks

The Blacksmithing perk tree consists of 10 perks that require a total of 10 perk points. It's shaped like a circle, but it's actually two different paths that end with the same ability to craft light and heavy Dragon Armor, the best armor in the game. There is a small branch on the tree that provides the ability to improve enchanted armor and weapons - the Blacksmith Wizard perk.

You can take all 10 perks, but for most it will be enough to master one of two branches - either the left (mainly represented by light armor) or the right (heavy armor). The left branch is shorter and requires one perk point less than the right branch to achieve the ability to create dragon armor. Since the left branch of the perk tree includes plate heavy armor (perk Complex types armor), then it can also be good choice for lovers of heavy armor.

It is also worth mentioning that the reduction in damage taken by a character due to armor protection stops at armor class 567, and this value can be achieved by many game armors, provided sufficient attention is paid to their improvement.

An important difference between the left and right branches of the perk tree is the weapons available for crafting. Ebony and Daedric weapons are more lethal than glass ones, which are the best offered by the left branch. However, when the quality of a weapon is upgraded to legendary, the difference in damage between glass and Daedric weapons will be less than 10%. The official Dawnguard plugin, in addition to crafting all kinds of arrows, adds the ability to create the most powerful dragon weapons.

Form ID
Perk Description Skill Size Requirements Required Perks
Steel armor
Steel Smithing
You can craft steel armor and weapons at all forges and upgrade them to twice the size high level. - -
Blacksmith Wizard
Arcane Blacksmith
You can upgrade magical weapons and armor. 60 Steel armor
Dwemer armor
Dwarven Smithing
You can create Dwemer armor and weapons at all forges and upgrade them to twice the level. 30 Steel armor
Orc armor
Orcish Smithing
You can create Orc armor and weapons at all forges and upgrade them to twice the level. 50 Dwemer armor
Ebony armor
Ebony Smithing
You can create ebony armor and weapons at all forges and upgrade them to twice the level. 80 Orc armor
Daedric armor
Daedric Smithing
You can create Daedric armor and weapons at all forges and upgrade them to twice the level. 90 Ebony armor
Elven armor
Elven Smithing
You can create elven armor and weapons at all forges and upgrade them to twice the level. 30 Steel armor
Complex armor types
Advanced Armors
You can create lamellar and plate armor at all forges and upgrade them to twice the level. 50 Elven armor
Glass armor
Glass Smithing
You can create glass armor and weapons at all forges and upgrade them to twice the level. 70 Complex armor types
Dragon armor
Dragon Armor
You can create dragon armor at all forges and upgrade it to twice the level. 100 Daedric armor or Glass armor

Quality of weapons and armor

The game has 6 levels of quality for weapons and armor: Good, Excellent, Best, Flawless, Epic and Legendary. Quality levels are unlocked when the character reaches a certain level of the Blacksmithing skill, which also depends on whether the character has the corresponding perks (see the table in the spoiler below).

For example, with a Blacksmithing skill of 60, having necessary materials and the Orc armor perk, you can upgrade orc armor to flawless, and ebony armor only to excellent.

The Smithing skill can be raised above 100 by using enchanted items and potions with the Fortify Smithing effect, allowing you to reach Epic or Legendary quality for any item. Enchanted items can be found randomly somewhere or bought, and the alchemical ingredients that will make a potion with this effect can be selected using the Skyrim ingredients filter or the alchemical calculator.

Fast leveling up your Blacksmithing skill

To speed up your skill leveling, you should take the blessing of The Warrior Stone (+20% to the growth rate of all combat skills) and have a good rest (from +5% to +15% to the growth rate of all skills for 8 hours). You should also complete the quest “Unfathomable Depths” as early as possible in order to obtain the “Ancient Knowledge” effect (+15% to the growth rate of the Blacksmithing skill).

  • The Embershard Mine near Riverwood and the Halted Stream Camp near Whiterun are places where a low-level character can mine a lot of iron ore.
  • A convenient place to level up the Blacksmithing skill is the Warmaiden's in Whiterun, as there is access to all the equipment and two merchants: Adrianna Avenicci outside and Ulfbert the Furious Bear inside.
  • The hides weigh less (half or less) than the leather made from them. Therefore, it is more profitable to carry skins in your inventory and make leather from them immediately before creating or improving items.
  • At the top of the Throat of the World you can find a special pickaxe enchanted with +5 to the Smithing skill - Notched Pickaxe.

Before patch 1.5: skill growth depended on the number of items created, so it was possible to stamp iron daggers on an industrial scale, which required only iron ingots and strips of leather. It is also worth noting that iron daggers are beneficial for leveling up the Enchanting skill, and you will make a small profit even by buying materials for stamping daggers and empty or filled tiny soul stones from traders.

After patch 1.5: The cost of the items created began to be of decisive importance, so the production of iron daggers, priced at 10 gold apiece, which was put on stream, will give a very small increase in the Blacksmithing skill and can no longer be used to quickly level it up. However, this skill can still be leveled up quite quickly by making jewelry. Good way(an additional effect will also be an increase in the Alteration and Speech skills): look into the Halted Stream Camp, located north of Whiterun, and find in the mine of this camp a volume of the Transmute Mineral Ore spell, with which you can transform iron ore into silver, and silver into gold. Considering the abundance of iron ore in the game, it will be possible to flood all Skyrim markets and shops with jewelry. Moreover, adding various precious stones to the product, which often fall out during ore mining, significantly increases the cost of the finished jewelry, so this should be used;)

The epic saga of the heroes and dragons of Skyrim has many advantages - deep dungeons, interesting adventures, a rich world. It’s just that there isn’t even close to a well-established balance there. But such is the tradition in The Elder Scrolls games - they always find completely legal ways to turn a character into a real superhero. Read about how this is done in Skyrim in this article.

What can we achieve

An ordinary dragon. Slightly beat up.

TES traditions are very peculiar. There were always enough holes in the balance there. Many of you remember how in Oblivion any character could cast armor into complete invisibility, and the alchemists of Morrowind, enhancing intelligence, created potions of divine power. In Skyrim, as in Morrowind, there were similar ways to circumvent the developer's restrictions. However, we are more interested in the capabilities of a hero developed in an honest, and only honest, way.

They are quite "modest":

  • Hits thousands of HP.
  • Complete invulnerability to magic.
  • Maximum possible armor.

This is enough to complete the game at any difficulty level without any problems.

In general, if you try hard (potions, orcish talents, stealth, and so on), you can achieve the goal of demolishing the enemy with one blow twenty to thirty thousand HP. But this is already an activity for fans who care about the process itself and the ability to destroy five hundred percent of the dragon’s health with one blow.

As for magic, here, with some cunning, you can reduce the incoming damage to almost zero. But, alas, it will not be possible to reduce physical damage to such figures - even the most well-equipped and enchanted hero can be picked off by enemies in close combat or shot with a bow.

How it works

Our goal is +116% enchantment and +130% blacksmithing potion.

The basic idea is for alchemy and enchantment to mutually enhance each other, and then together to strengthen blacksmithing. This way you can forge (and enchant on top) an extremely powerful set of weapons and armor.

But, in fact, step by step recipe superheroes:

Level up blacksmithing to 100, take the ability daedric armor(this will require 5 ability points - you need to go from steel armor counterclock-wise).

Develop enchantment to 100, take enchanter (5/5), enchant skills, life charms, additional effect(total 8 points).

Develop alchemy to 100, take alchemist (5/5), healer, pharmacist(total 7 points).

Cook a few enchantment enhancement potions.

After drinking this potion, enchant four objects (head, hands, ring, necklace) to alchemy boost. The potion lasts 30 seconds - for especially fast Gonzales, one bottle will be enough for everything. But it’s better not to rush, so that you have time to enchant the object and give it a name.

Having weighed yourself with the resulting set, weld new ones enchantment enhancement potions.

Under these potions, enchant a new set of clothes. If you did everything correctly, then as a result you will be able to brew in the “alchemist’s clothes” potions +32% to spells and, having drunk on his own "sorcerer's potions", enchant +29% to alchemy and blacksmithing. If something goes wrong and your numbers come out lower, it’s okay - just repeat the cycle.

Enchant under potions set of clothes +29% to blacksmithing(a total of four items will give you +116%).

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: The type of items doesn’t matter, and you won’t be able to fight in them anyway, so take weightless slippers and light bracers so that your “work kits” don’t weigh on your pocket.

Create several potions +32% to blacksmithing.

Forge a weapon, shield and armor set from your favorite material. It is better to make weapons and shields Daedric, and you can use any armor - the one you like best.

Put on “blacksmith armor”, drink “smithing potion” (in total you get +246% to your skill!) and quickly improve everything you forged at the workbench and whetstone.

With all this, you can already go to war, even against Alduin, even against the giants. True, first you should tinker a little with bringing the “super set” to mind through enchantment. And to do this, we need to understand exactly what effect we want to achieve.

Finishing the “super set”

Ready! An improved bow in combination with enchanted armor gives five hundred damage. No bow enchantment or expensive arrows are needed.

So what exactly do we need?

  • Good weapon damage.
  • Adequate protection against magical attacks.
  • Maximum possible protection against physical attacks.

To increase weapon damage to enormous levels, enchant (under potions, of course) armor to enhance the skill of your favorite weapon type. One-handed in both hands will give the most damage, one-handed weapons and a shield will give the best protection. Two-handed weapons are something in between. If you like a stealthy approach, then your choice is a bow and triple damage on the sly.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Enchantments to enhance one-handed weapons do not affect daggers. It’s hard to say for sure whether this is a bug or intended, but daggers fall out of the overall picture. If you need them for some reason, you will have to invest as quickly as possible in an ability that gives fifteen times damage with a dagger from stealth.

The Lord's Stone is the most useful for those who need protection from magic.But the Lord's stone on the map is east of Morthal on the mountain.

To protect yourself from magic, you need to bring your total magic resistance to 85%. To do this you will have to be quite heavily enchanted. You can save charms different ways. If you are playing for Breton, you already have 25%. Gives another 25% Lord's stone. Having completed the multi-part quest " Book of Love", you will receive another +15% (you can take the quest from the dark elf Dinia Balu in the Riften Temple of Mara).

It is impossible to raise protection against magic above 85%... but if you really want to, then you can. To do this, you need to additionally be enchanted for protection from the elements. If you raise the protection against fire, ice and electricity well (for example, put on Otar mask from the Rangwald dungeon, north of Markarth) and add a chance to absorb spells on top ( Atronach stone, the ability of the same name in the constellation magic of change), you can reduce the incoming damage several times more, bringing it to almost zero.

THIS IS A BUG: Please note that patch 1.2, among other things, “broke” the game’s protection from the elements. This important thing stopped working for the Nords, the dark elves, and even the summoned atronachs. And by turning on spell absorption, you can forget about the school of witchcraft - for some reason all summoned creatures are considered enemy magic and all attempts to summon them will consistently end in nothing.

You can stand and smoke quietly under the shield, and the necromancers will fight against it in impotent anger.

With armor everything is a little more complicated. Put it on, go to the “Items - Clothes” menu, select any piece of armor and look at the “Armor Class” parameter. If you use a shield in battle, take that too. Most likely the amount will be less 567 . This needs to be fixed.

“Finish” protection to the required size There are two ways, depending on what you want to save - ability points or space for enchantments. If you can sacrifice one or two points, invest them in a skill agility in defense or juggernaut -- depending on whether you wear light or heavy armor. An alternative option is to add a light or heavy armor skill enhancement enchantment to your armor. Your goal is to make sure that your total armor gives you at least 567 armor. But no more. This is the limit of its effectiveness ( armor cap), giving the maximum protection that is generally possible in the game - 80% . Unfortunately, it is quite far from absolute, and a large crowd of opponents (especially on high difficulty) can easily kill the hero.

And no fraud

The thunder mage didn't even have time to understand what it was.

Here a vigilant reader can ask a reasonable question: “Is all this fair?” Indeed, complete invulnerability to magic, blows for hundreds and thousands of HP - aren’t these holes in the balance?

But everything described above is provided by the developers. They introduced a mechanism of diminishing returns into the profession ( diminishing returns), which will not allow, even with their combination, to raise the alchemical enchantment to enhance the profession above +29% and brew a potion more effective than +32%. The ceiling is installed!

Another thing is that there are still ways to cheat and go beyond what is permitted. For example, if you sip a few recovery potions, the loop can be closed, and the player will have the opportunity to improve things to any value, up to variable overflow. But then it’s easier to enable “god mode” in the console.

It is worth remembering, however, that sometimes in the game you need to make an effort to Not cheat - there are so many bugs and holes in it. Namely:

You shouldn't drink while in close combat. Potion of Accuracy- due to a bug, it increases the damage not only of bows, but of all weapons in general.

You should not complete the quest " From the depths”, which is given by the Argonian From-the-Depths at the docks of Riften. It is assumed that as a reward we will receive +25% to the effect of Dwemer armor and +15% to the speed of development of blacksmithing. In reality, the hero is given +25% to the effect of any armor and +15% to the effect of improving weapons or armor. If you have already completed this quest, even removing the “unfair” effect will not help console commands.

Should not be worn falmer helmet And hoop on top of it. Two hats at the same time, and both can be enchanted - this is definitely a bug. There are other ways to wear more than one thing at a time (for example, the “prison bug” known in some circles), and, of course, it’s better not to use them either.

It is not recommended to disassemble for enchantments " Shield of Solitude", so as not to be able to enchant an item to resist magic twice. The rules prohibit two identical enchantments, so most likely this is also a glitch not intended by the developers.

How to raise three professions

The main problem with the “professional” approach is that the hero first needs to develop all three professions to 100. Luckily, there are ways to do this quickly.

blacksmith craft

Rawhide bracers and iron daggers are our ticket to the heights of blacksmithing. Strange but true.

Everything is simple here: do it iron daggers And rawhide bracers in industrial quantities. Blacksmithing is the easiest to develop. Iron is cheap, so is leather. And if you run out of money, there are a lot of wolves in the area. It is advisable not to sell the products - they will be useful for the development of the next profession.

BY THE WAY: Remember about guardian stones, which speed up skill development by 20%. Use them. Blacksmithing is a Warrior stone, enchanting is a Mage stone, and alchemy is a Thief stone.


Another way to improve your trading skills is to wear the Volsung mask. With her the burden is less.

We take any item, buy all available soul stones - the cheapest ones are tiny and small. We spend the filled ones on enchantment, then sell them. We fill the empty ones with the help of weapons conspired to capture souls. It is easier to enchant clothes than weapons - there are fewer body movements.

There is another way that is economical in terms of money: go to Azura's Shrine, complete the Daedra quest and receive a reward - a soul stone, which is not consumed when enchanting. After that, we go into nature, kill any animal, catch its soul in a stone and immediately spend it on recharging the thing.

But you don't have to save money. If you get such valuable enchantments as exile or health absorption, money will no longer play any role. You can simply buy all the inexpensive stones, convert them to enchant the same daggers/bracers and immediately sell them for a profit. Then we wait two days (during this time the sellers replenish their assortment) and repeat. To gain access to several sellers of soul stones at once, it makes sense to join NIICHAVO in Winterhold.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: To look for the enchantments we need, go shopping for enchanted weapons and armor. The best place to start is with the Shining Clothes in Solitude. In the jewelry department, you often come across rare alchemy enchantments. Sometimes you can find items enchanted to improve their prices.


Baby Babette is the best alchemist in Skyrim. But even her lessons will not help you achieve the maximum skill.

Here the method is similar: having acquired a couple of thousand coins, we buy all the available ingredients and begin to experiment. We hand over everything that turns out to pharmacists - at a loss or with a profit, if we come across valuable effects. Well appreciated slowdown And regeneration, a lot of money can be made from selling poisons to regeneration damage and potions with mixed effects (even the most wild and incompatible ones).

If you are enchanted with alchemy, use the relatively quickly growing skill of eloquence and Zenithar amulet with mask Clavicus Vile or Volsunga, the development of alchemy is becoming such a profitable business that raising the skill by manually brewing potions is no longer necessary. Having stocked up on potions, go to " Arcadia's bowler hat» in Whiterun and buy lesson after lesson, selling potions in return. True, you can only learn five times for each level, but that’s enough.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: there is a quest in the game "Return to Roots". If you complete it, the hero begins to receive an additional potion when brewing with a 25% chance. But to get to this quest, you need to delve deeply into the plot.

After level 75 of alchemy, Arcadia will refuse to teach further. It will save you here The Dark Brotherhood. You can look for a way to join it in Windhelm, overhearing conversations on the streets about a boy looking for this organization. By the way, before that, I recommend visiting the Lorey farm, which is north of Whiterun and the White Watchtower, to complete a fun quest and get to know your future fraternity colleague, the merry fellow Cicero.

Alas, no master will teach you beyond 90, and the last ten points must be “finished off” manually. To do this, you will have to shake off the old days, buy up all Skyrim pharmacies several times and brew so many potions that you will be selling them for weeks.

Subtle points

Choosing a race

My Khajiit is wearing a work kit and a Clavicus Vile mask.

In general, the method described above allows you to make a hero out of anyone - even a frail Bosmer. But most of all it suits the Bretons and Orcs.

Bretons has no equal due to its natural resistance to magic. 25% is Very a lot of. What is especially important is that their ability is passive, it works on its own - it saves protective spells and never goes to waste. Don’t forget about the Breton “daily” ability, which also protects well from spells.

And here orcs It’s worth taking for those who want to halve the incoming damage and double their own at a critical moment. This is an active ability - you need to be able to remember about it in time. But doubling the damage will give some really crazy numbers, and this may turn out to be more interesting than the boring Breton defense.

ADVICE: a female character benefits more from the reward for Dibella's quest in Markath (+10% damage to all the opposite sex). After all, there are noticeably more male opponents in the game.

Selecting the type of armor

The search for the dog Barbas, who escaped from Falkreath, is the most easy way get a great helmet for better prices in stores.

Everything is ambiguous with armor. Of course, with heavy Daedric armor it is easier to reach the coveted number 567. But the best examples of light armor (glass, dragon) are not much inferior to it in protection.

At the same time, light armor is in many ways more convenient: it weighs less, makes less noise, and slows down less. And according to the constellation of abilities, light armor “makes” heavy armor, excuse the pun, “light.” Double the speed of recuperation - most useful thing both in battle and in nature. And what can the heavy one boast of? Reduced fall damage? Fist fight? Khajiit laughs! Even the return of damage doesn’t sound that great if you remember that it is given only at the very end, when the skill has already been developed to a hundred.

The problem is that even those who wear armor made from the skin of a dragon's butt would be very useful in using Daedric weapons. But in order to get to it, blacksmiths must invest four ability points in heavy armor (steel, Dwemer, orc, ebony).

Of course, you can not touch these stars, get to dragon armor through steel, elven, complex and glass, limiting yourself to glass weapons and losing about 10% of the damage. But you can do it differently - using light armor, invest in heavy armor in blacksmithing and come to dragon armor “from the other side.” Of course, at first we will have to use armor from stores and dungeons, but we will get the right weapons, save abilities, and be able to enjoy all the benefits of light armor.

Choosing a charm

A properly equipped companion can clear dungeons on his own.

There are no particularly important rules when choosing enchantments. This is greatly facilitated by the sorcerer’s ability to trample two effects into one object at once. Use your imagination, because as a last resort the item can be reforged. The basic principles here are:

The main thing you need is armor of at least 567, protection against magic around 85%. Then throw everything at damage from your favorite weapon type.

It is better to think through the combination of enchantments in advance, taking into account what exactly can and cannot be hung on different elements of armor, a ring and a necklace.

Without any problems and without any special sacrifices, you can build zero mana costs into your armor for any one school of magic (and with problems and sacrifices, for two).

Build yourself separate ultra-light pickpocketing, hacking and/or stealth kits and you'll save a ton of ability points.

If you're going into dungeons with a companion, pack them in high-quality enchanted armor with protection enchantments, and you'll have a much harder time accidentally hitting your buddy in the heat of battle. This is important, because with a super set of armor and weapons, the main problem in battle will be protecting the companion from his own heroic strength.

* * *

Honesty is the best policy. Now you know how to absolutely honestly make a superman out of a character who can easily knock down dragons and giants left and right, regardless of ranks and difficulty levels. We cannot expect favors from nature. Taking them is our task. And, using this guide, any person, elf or Khajiit will walk through Skyrim as a master - from the southern mountains to the northern seas.

There wasn’t much to do during the holidays; I played Skyrim.

While surfing the expanses of the game world, it was impossible not to philosophize about “what is the power, brother.” Which sent me on a quest to find the ultimate weapon. A weapon that makes battles fleeting and the philosopher's travels serene and safe. :)

Path of the Magician

I completed my first run on Skyrim as a mage. The spells of the school of destruction were my main weapon, and the main motto was “your weapon is your mind,” which is constantly voiced by one of the NPCs in the school of magic.

For those who want to follow the path of a magician, I can only advise creating a set of items that reduce the mana consumption of spells from the school of destruction. It is possible to enchant 4 items (ring, amulet, helmet and cuirass or robe, etc.). With a developed enchanting skill, without additional tricks, each of the enchanted items (at fortify destruction) reduces the cost of spells by 25%, which in total will be 100%. As a result, you can shoot fireballs and throw lightning bolts completely free of charge. Isn't this the perfect weapon for a magician?

Way of the Warrior

The warrior's path is more thorny, which makes it more interesting. For myself, I chose the classics - heavy armor and a combination - shield + sword. Other combinations will find their followers, and I will share my own experience.

The damage of a weapon is determined by its base, your wielding skill, and enchantment. Further details.

Weapon base

In the game you find different versions of the same swords (hammers, axes, etc.) differing in the material from which they are made. It is clear that the more expensive the material, the better the weapon. The best light material for making weapons is Glass, and the best heavy material is Daedric. To make it, you need the appropriate ingredients, the blacksmithing skill itself (for Glass - 70, for Daedric - 90) and the blacksmithing specialty for forging the required material. It’s clear that the type of weapon you need can be found on your travels and you won’t have to worry about finding the ingredients.


Each intended use of your weapon improves your skill in using it. The skill doesn't grow very quickly. You will notice when looking at your inventory that as your skill increases, the damage of the corresponding weapon class will increase. The effectiveness of wielding a weapon can be doubled with the help of appropriate perks. For one-handed it is the Armsmen perk, for two-handed it is Barbarian and for a bow it is Overdraw.


I have never found an already sharpened weapon in the game. And with even a minimum level of blacksmithing skill, you can sharpen and improve any weapon and armor (to sharpen enchanted equipment you will need to take the appropriate perk). In addition, the blacksmith specialty for forging a certain material will double the sharpening effect of weapons and armor made from that material.

Those. To create the ultimate weapon, we will need advanced blacksmithing and weapon skills + a number of perks. Go ahead.

Blacksmith is different from blacksmith

Once you have forged or obtained a weapon, you can sharpen it. The same applies to armor. And the higher the effect, the better the blacksmith’s skill.

You will probably find that it is possible to enchant a set of items to improve your blacksmithing skill. This is again a set of 4 items (ring, amulet, gloves/bracers and armor, etc.). Without additional tricks, with a developed enchanting skill, we will receive a total of 100% increase in the blacksmith’s abilities (It is an increase and not a doubling, since all the effects here add up to a common piggy bank, giving an increase to the base value). And if you resort to certain tricks (using alchemy when enchanting), then you can increase the total amount to 120%.

Alchemy will also be useful - the developed skill of an alchemist allows you to create truly powerful potions. And the alchemist will be helped by an enchanter who will create a “young alchemist” set, again of 4 items (ring, amulet, helmet, etc. and gloves, etc.), giving from 100 to 120% an increase in the alchemist’s skill.

Having donned the “young blacksmith’s” kit, stocked up on the necessary ingredients and consumed the flask with the “elixir of the blacksmith,” we have 30 seconds to sharpen our weapons and improve our armor. This is how long the created elixir lasts.

Those. we will need developed skills in enchantment and alchemy.

Let's summarize

The path of the magician, as you can see, is much simpler. You just need to develop enchantment (create a set of “freeloader magician” :)) and delve into the study of the school of destruction magic.

A warrior does not look for simple paths; we will need alchemy, enchantment, blacksmithing and the weapon skill itself. Every time you create a set of items (for an alchemist and a blacksmith), you should not hesitate to drink the “enchanter’s elixir”. The effect is not great, but everything is a plus. And before the final chord - sharpening - drink the blacksmith's elixir (you can achieve an effect of more than 120% with just one elixir).

The last step is to enchant your "everyday" set of items to improve your mastery of your main weapon. With a developed skill, the enchanter will improve 4 items (ring, amulet, boots and gloves) by at least 40% each. And on the weapon itself you can apply magic damage effects (I prefer cold and shock damage), but this is already a bonus, hardly comparable to the main damage.

As a result, I (and I must admit I was a little lazy - I sometimes disdained alchemy, and I’m still not 100% proficient with one-handed weapons) got this Daedric sword.

I believe the limit would be around 500 units. physical damage and about 60 units of total magic damage. For two-handed weapons, physical damage can be received even more, because the base value is higher there.

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Comments on “The Ultimate Weapon in Skyrim (TES 5 Skyrim)”

Many comments in “The Ultimate Weapon in Skyrim (TES 5 Skyrim)”

    As a result, I made myself an improved Dwemer crossbow that ignores 50% of armor - the damage with 100 mastery skill and with 4 things that I enchanted myself turned out to be around 650. And this is not the limit because I still haven’t finished the lightweight dragon bone armor, tailored for bows and stealth. I'm going through Solstheim Island because there is Azidal armor that gives a 10% bonus to enchantment (the only item that gives a bonus to enchantment) with which it will be possible to make a set of a young alchemist and then a blacksmith even stronger and, accordingly, sharpen the bow even more strongly and apply stronger enchantments to increase damage from small arms. The crossbow now hits the area 648 and the dragon bow 638 something like that, plus there’s also damage from magic, but I don’t count it - I rarely load the crossbow with soul stones - I’m too lazy to go into my inventory. And don’t think that I’m beating everyone down with this crossbow. I set the difficulty level to legendary and all the creatures and NPCs began to bend over me and I kill them once with 5 shots, and I have to shoot 20 arrows at dragons and lurkers before they die, and at the same time they extinguish me the first time, just like ordinary magic NPCs - two lightning strikes and you are ashes. So the game balances your weapon anyway. The only thing that really helps is the triple damage from sneak attacks - I crawl through caves and ruins on my haunches and extinguish everyone from afar - with a sneak attack they die the first or second time. So this is not the limit. I made this crossbow without any bugs. If you use a bug with a restoration potion that gives an exponential infinite increase in all enchantments on clothing, even if it is drunk while naked, then I made a bow with damage “-200...” - that is, the damage there was with a minus sign and did not fit into the window. And I made potions that cost 200,000 and with the effect of increasing enchantment 123,000,000 - if you make the potion stronger - that is, the figure goes beyond a billion, then the game crashes - because such a figure cannot be stored in this variable. And it’s not interesting to play - you knock out everyone with one hit - the only cool thing is probably to make gloves and a ring with increased melee damage and extinguish everyone with your fists))

  1. I didn’t want to play as a mage, and I was too lazy to improve the perks for war - I only upgraded heavy armor and one-/two-handed sticks, a solution was found suddenly.
    In Solstheim, Krestius Karelia has a quest. Enter the mine near the town at Raven Rock and listen to him. He will need to get information about his father from the depths of the mines, which the Eastern Imperial Company is hiding from him. After passing it, you will come across ghost draugrs and other strong undead. Get to your father's corpse. Take the diary from him, and most importantly, the Bloodstar sword. Use the sword to open the gate. Return to Krestius and receive 500 gold for the diary. He will not take the sword from you.
    This sword deals only 19 basic damage, but with a power attack it releases a mid-range attack with 30 damage. And it has UNLIMITED such discharges, plus it (although this is not indicated in the properties) has a very high chance of a finishing blow (when there is a death roller enemy) - can overwhelm a lurker with one power attack if he has 40% HP.. This sword lasted me until about level 25. I recommend it to beginners, with level 10-15 character leveling.

    I won’t go into all the details, but I’m afraid that the article was written by a noob.
    For example, enchanting a weapon for cold and electrical damage to get a small bonus...
    The most delicious thing for a warrior is the ABSORPTION of the reserve of strength and vital energy!
    On the one hand, strong blows now fly like hail, on the other hand, health hardly flies away at all!
    Here he is, a real warrior!
    Otherwise, “cold/electricity”... At the beginning of the game, maybe it would have made the difference.

  2. The Elder Scrolls 5.Skyrim.v + 4 DLC without other mods can be improved even more than described here. effectiveness of blacksmithing equipment + potion (137% increases the effect of blacksmithing). To do this, you need to develop the skills of alchemy + blacksmithing + enchanting. Each skill has an individual approach. Simply put, you need to increase the effectiveness of the three components (alchemy potion + enchantment skill + blacksmithing + Hermaeus Mora's book on Solstheim (gives a bonus to enchantment) + a set of armor, putting on a full set of them gives another 10% to enchantment) after collecting all this, you will have to sweat, re-enchanting a set of armor to create the most effective potion, after you create the potion, re-enchant the armor for alchemy, blacksmithing until you achieve the maximum effect. Azidal's armor set, which gives a bonus, can be obtained through a quest on Solstime.

Not all people who play TES V know how to quickly improve their blacksmithing in Skyrim. Indeed, unlike other skills, which for the most part are designed for participation in various battles, this branch can be upgraded quite simply, without even leaving the city. In this article we will look at the main ways to quickly upgrade your blacksmithing in Skyrim, using a minimum of resources.

Why does the blacksmithing branch swing?

First of all, many people upgrade the blacksmithing branch in order to provide themselves with the most effective equipment. It is worth noting the fact that while the player has practically no combat skills, using equipment for him is the most optimal option for completing various missions, and this is especially true for those people who play on high difficulty. It is worth noting that if you are not used to using it and are trying to achieve everything on your own, then in Skyrim the blacksmithing skill will allow you to quickly raise your character’s level in order to get the ability points you need to develop the main combat branches.

Fast and guaranteed

Many people value time rather than the gameplay itself. In order not to delay people who are looking for how to quickly level up blacksmithing in Skyrim, and for whom the speed of raising the level of a given branch is important, the simplest and fastest method is provided - to use console commands. In this case, there are two main options for pumping branches:

1. Player.setav blacksmithing 100 - standard code for Skyrim. Blacksmithing simply rises in level, but at the same time it is not given the opportunity to level it up, that is, it does not give the actual skill points that we would receive when raising the level by leveling up.

2. Player.advskill blacksmithing 1,000,000 - a more optimal version of the code. If you are looking for how to quickly level up your blacksmithing in Skyrim and at the same time ensure maximum leveling efficiency, this code is for you the best option. He invests 1,000,000 experience points in the blacksmithing branch, as a result of which the branch rises to the maximum level, simultaneously raising the level of your character.

In addition, you can also find all kinds of cheats for Skyrim on the Internet. Blacksmithing can develop and expand with such cheats, but in most cases these are only additions to the new capabilities of the branch, and not pumping it up.

Standard pumping option

There is also a “legal” opportunity to quickly level up blacksmithing in Skyrim. In this case, pumping will be carried out naturally, that is, in order to raise the level of our skill as a blacksmith, we will forge. As with any other branch, there is a simple way in Skyrim to increase blacksmithing - you just need to perform a certain action the maximum number of times. In this case, it doesn’t matter what exactly you do.

What are we doing?

Since we are interested in how to quickly level up blacksmithing in Skyrim, that is, it is precisely the number of actions performed, and not their type, it is necessary to forge something that requires a minimum amount of resources - we are talking about an iron dagger.

The branch swinging in this case is quite simple. Initially, you should accumulate a certain capital (to fully upgrade the branch you will need approximately 15,000, but the amount may vary depending on the prices of resources), and then begin to quickly move around the cities in order to buy up absolutely all the ingots, leather and strips of leather from local merchants. If some cities are not yet open to you, you can use the services of a carriage, which for a nominal fee will take you to the gates of any castle. The thing is that each individual merchant definitely won’t have enough resources for you (and what’s more, even all of them won’t have enough resources for your capital), so you’ll have to make several circles. Most likely, enough time will have passed in the process of moving so that by the beginning of the next circle the assortment of the first merchant will be updated, but if this does not happen, you will need to wait a little.

It didn't work out. What to do next?

After you have acquired the resources for your entire capital, fly to the city, process the leather into strips of leather, and then begin crafting daggers in the quantity you need. When you make daggers, sell them in full to the first merchant (if he has enough money for your goods, of course). If at this moment the blacksmithing has not yet reached its limit, then in this case you again use the money you earned as resources and repeat the procedure. This way, you will eventually be able to quickly level up your skill to level 100 without any significant investment in time or money.

The methods presented here are an option for pumping this branch as quickly as possible. In addition, you can simultaneously create other things, as well as craft equipment for your companions, which will also allow you to eventually level up the branch, but over a longer period of time and at higher costs.

Balance between security and attractiveness? Is the protection rate important? How much does it reduce damage taken?

This guide covers everything you need to know about armor in Skyrim. It will be useful to anyone who is looking for better protection - both in quantitative terms and in terms of appearance. Guide for all versions of the game, including .

Maximum armor level

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim there is such a thing as a maximum defense rating. It is 567, and this is the highest level of armor that can be obtained without resorting to the use of mods.

Of course, to achieve this figure you need to wear a full set of armor. At the same time, Skyrim has bonuses when wearing armor elements from the same set: +25 for body armor, helmet, gloves and boots. There is no bonus for the shield. Total +100, which is very good.

How exactly does defense level affect damage received? There is a balance in the game between protection and actual damage reduction. If the character's defense is 567, then physical damage received is reduced by 80%.

Thus, when wearing the best armor in the game, the character will receive only 20% of the damage, that is, only a fifth of the physical damage dealt.

How to increase defense using magic

If the character does not yet have the necessary items to achieve maximum protection or, according to the player’s plan, should not wear a full set of armor, he can use magic.

Most the best option is the spell “Dragonhide”. It provides maximum protection for 30 seconds, that is, it increases the protection rate to 567 and due to this reduces physical damage inflicted on the character by 80%. This spell is very useful for magicians who cannot afford heavy luggage.

Of course, Dragon Skin is one of the two best spells from the school of Change. To master it, you will have to develop the corresponding skill. Therefore, for some time the character will be able to effectively use simplified versions of this spell:

  • Oakflesh;
  • Stoneflesh;
  • Ironflesh;
  • Enbonyflesh.

Interestingly, the effect of these spells can be greatly enhanced if the Alteration skill is not high enough. To do this, you need to use skill enhancement potions. They are quite rare and expensive, but with some skill, an experienced alchemist will be able to provide himself with a good supply of such “flasks”.

How to increase your defense using crafting

There are several skills in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim that allow you to craft and upgrade items. This process in games is usually called “crafting” (from English word"Craft") Here are three crafting skills:

  • Alchemy;
  • Smithing;
  • Enchanting.

As mentioned above, alchemy can be used to increase knowledge of the school of Change, which in turn enhances the effect of spells that increase armor.

Smithing allows you to forge almost any set of armor in Skyrim, but the best items require a high level of skill. Ideally, you should have level 100 Smithing, level 100 Light or Heavy Armor (depending on what you want to forge), and complete the Unfathomable Depths quest to get the Ancient Knowledge talent.

The latter accelerates the development of Blacksmithing and gives a bonus of 15% armor when wearing a full set of Dwemer armor.

Enchanting is another useful skill that makes it easier to achieve maximum defense. Everything is very simple here: each item worn on the character must be enchanted with the same Fortify Smithing effect. It is important to understand that enchantments are applied not only to elements of armor, but also to clothing and jewelry (rings, amulets).

If a character has reached the maximum defense level (567), then further increasing this indicator does not make any sense, since the percentage of reduction in physical damage received, in principle, cannot be higher than 80%. Alas, that's the game.

The best light armor in Skyrim

Light armor is very convenient for characters who want to find a middle ground between mobility and protection. They do not take up much space in your inventory and do not interfere with the use of stealth. Of course, in my own way light efficiency armor is almost always inferior to heavy armor, but that is the price for the advantages mentioned above.

To get more protection from Light Armor, you should improve the corresponding skill to 100 as early as possible. In principle, it grows on its own if you use light armor, but development can be accelerated by reading books and paying teachers for lessons. The higher the skill, the more armor any armor set will provide.

If we talk about specific sets, then in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim there are 2 most valuable sets: Nightgale Armor and Dragonscale Armor.

Nightingale armor. A magical set of light armor that increases Stamina and improves damage dealt with One-Handed weapons. Nightingale armor can only be obtained as a reward for completing the last mission of the Thieves Guild - “Trinity Restored”.

At maximum upgrade, full Nightingale armor increases stamina by 40, improves cold resistance by 50%, and adds 25% additional damage to all attacks with one-handed weapons.

But that is not all. Nightingale armor is useful to any thief: it improves the effectiveness of Sneaking, makes Lockpicking easier by 25% and reduces the cost of Illusion spells by 17%.

Dragonscale Armor. In terms of its protection indicators, this light armor is the best in its class. It is the easiest way to achieve the maximum level of protection. Plus she looks really cool.

You can get dragon scale armor only through crafting. In this case, you will need the following resources: dragon scales (“drops out” only from killed dragons), iron ingots, strips of leather. You will also need to raise your Blacksmithing skill to 100 and unlock the Dragon Armor perk.

The best heavy armor in Skyrim

Due to the fact that the game has a defense threshold, there is no fundamental difference between light and heavy armor, since in the end everything will be the same: 567 defense and an 80% reduction in physical damage. However, heavy armor allows you to reach the maximum faster, and also leaves room for experimentation with incomplete sets.

As with light armor, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has 2 sets of armor that can be considered the most effective: Daedric Armor and Ahzidal's Armor.

Daedric armor. This set of equipment has a very high armor value, in fact it is the best armor in Skyrim, if you do not take into account the content of official add-ons. She also looks very impressive.

Daedric armor can be forged from ebony ingots, Daedra Hearts and Leather Strips. To do this, you need to have a developed Blacksmithing skill (at least 90) and an open perk with the appropriate name.

Armor of Azidal. Can be obtained by completing the mission “Excavation” (Unearthed). The armor has several very useful enchantments. First of all, it gives a chance that opponents attacking the player character will be paralyzed. Conjuration and rune spells cost 25% more but have increased range.

And if you attach 4 items from the set to Dovahkiin at once, he will receive an increase of 10 points to his Enchantment skill.

How to forge the best armor in Skyrim

Not all armor sets can be forged. For example, Nightingale armor and Azidal's set can only be obtained by completing certain tasks. An experienced blacksmith does not necessarily need to go through them, because he can get maximum protection without leaving the forge.

Daedric Armor (Heavy Armor):

  • perk “Daedric armor”;
  • Level 90 Blacksmithing;
  • 10 leather strips;
  • 17 Ebony Ingot;
  • 5 Daedra hearts.

Dragon Plate Armor (Heavy Armor):

  • perk “Dragon Armor”;
  • Level 100 Blacksmithing;
  • 6 Dragon Scales;
  • 6 Dragon Bone;
  • 10 leather strips.

Draconic Scale Armor (Light Armor):

  • perk “Dragon Armor”;
  • Level 100 Blacksmithing;
  • 14 dragon scales;
  • 4 leathers (Leather);
  • 2 iron ingots (Iron Ingot).

Leather strips can be cut from leather at a special workbench or purchased from merchants ( average price- 3 gold per piece). Iron ingots are available for about 7 coins from the very beginning of the game, and Ebony ingots are available only after reaching level 27 (cost approximately 150 gold).

Most quick way get a lot of Daedra hearts - clear the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon in the White Coast area (The Pale).