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Skyrim mod for new dialogues with guards. Improved guard dialogues - Atmosphere and environment - Mods and plugins for TES V: Skyrim. NPCs - special rules

Are you tired of the standard set of phrases for your companions in the game Skyrim? Do vanilla companions seem boring and monotonous to you? Then this mod is for you! This mod expands the dialogue system of 8 vanilla companions: Belrand, Fendal, Janessa, J'zargo, Lydia, Marcurio, Sven and Utgred. Now the relationship between you and your companion will be something more than “Carry my things, slave.” Now they really there is something to say.

Update: 2.2 (translation)
The translation of the text is completely completed. Thanks vitalyudin. The mod version is unchanged, just download again and reinstall if you have already downloaded it before.

More details:
- Developed dialogue system with many options;
- Comments from satellites regarding locations;
- Reaction to the race, gender of the player (including vampirism);
- Conversation function (random comments) depending on the location, race, time of day and weapon of the player;
- romantic dialogues in a tavern or the player’s house, you can role-play the purchase of alcohol for your companions.
- Each companion is a unique individual with whom you can have a romantic relationship.
- The mod is not voiced into Russian, only text.

Fuz Ro D'Oh

The mod simply adds new lines of dialogue, so it should be compatible with most mods. All vanilla dialogue remains unchanged.

Fixing problems:
If the new dialogue options do not appear after installing the mod for the first time, simply save and reload the game.

GDO adds new dialogue to the guards, and also changes the existing ones slightly to make them more appropriate to the game situation and more respectful towards the player, especially those with status. In addition, the mod fixes all bugs related to guard dialogues and even more.

From now on, the guards will not irritate you with their inappropriate remarks; on the contrary, they will begin to adequately evaluate your actions and treat you with the utmost respect, if there are reasons for this. And in total, all this will only increase the atmosphere of your game.

Please note that the mod in no way removes any comments from the guard's vocabulary. They will still be rude and sarcastic at the beginning of the game, but as your character begins to perform tasks that earn the respect of the guards, their attitude towards you will begin to change, becoming better and better. And one day your character will become so legendary that people will tremble in his presence.

The mod unlocks many guard dialogues that were not used before or were used very rarely in the game, only in certain cases. So now the guards' remarks will be much more varied than before, and you will be able to hear comments that you have not heard before.

The mod also adds several new lines for characters with the status, which they can use when the guards decide to warn them for being too smart in the city or throwing weapons around.

The mod eliminates the guards getting stuck on the “What is it?” dialogue.

Also with this mod, some of the guards' comments will be able to be used by other non-player characters who have the appropriate sound. Comments are chosen so as not to sound out of place or look out of place from non-guard characters. If you want to disable this option, then open the console and enter: Set GDOExtraNPCs To 0

Once used, this option will remain permanently disabled for the character. It will automatically turn on when starting a new game.

Mod installs required level skill for commenting on it by guards by 50. If you wish, you can change this value using the game console. This option is governed by 3 variables responsible for the corresponding skill categories:

By default, each is set to 50. If you want to change the skill level required to trigger guard comments about it, then simply change the value to what you need.

To check the current value, use the GetGlobalValue command:

GetGlobalValue variable name

Variable names are listed above, for example GetGlobalValue GDOSkillCombat

To set a new value, use the command?

Set variable name To value

Select one of the three variables above and set the value to the desired skill level to launch comments about it. Example, Set GDOSkillStealth To 63

The set value will be recorded in your save and will not change without your knowledge. When starting a new game the value will be standard (50)


GDO is compatible with Faster Akaviri 2H Weapons and Swords Enhanced

GDO is compatible with aster Skyforge 2H Weapons

In a nutshell,Has it ever happened to you that when you press the “E” key in a dialog, another item is selected, although you did not select it. You might find this mod useful. Consider it a patch to the dialog management interface.


This mod will be most useful to those people who play with a keyboard and mouse, it will fix the problem of using the mouse and keyboard at the same time in the dialogue menu. If you move the mouse pointer after selecting a dialog item, you will encounter the following problems:

Quite often, when the mouse pointer is somewhere above a dialog menu and you use the keyboard to navigate the menu, and then vice versa, the mouse pointer interferes with the keyboard navigation in the menu.
- It also happens that when you enter into a dialogue and see that the pointer in the menu points to the first item, when you press the “E” key, the 2nd or 3rd item is selected. This occurs because the mouse pointer selects the default option. Therefore, we had to first move the pointer to the side.


- When you enter a dialogue, the mouse pointer will not select the default option.
- Keyboard navigation will allow you to select all dialogue items, from the first to the last.
- Navigation with the mouse wheel will allow you to select only the item that is indicated in the center.
- Clicking the central item with the mouse will not affect navigation in the menu, but will only select it.
- Mouse wheel navigation is smoother.

Skyrim's companions have one problem - they are boring to the point of losing their pulse. Once you hire them, 99% of them turn into dumb robots with goals that fit into three points:

1) Cut out the enemy

2)Look cool

3) Carry the owner's burden

Mods like "superlative inigo" are a great example of how things should actually be: they (companions) react to changes in the environment, your actions, what you wear, etc. These types of plugins force them to be "companions" in the truest sense of the word. But unfortunately, none of these mods fix the original companions.

This is exactly what I volunteered to do.

So, the plugin has two purposes. First. It "unlocked" original dialogue threads for certain voice types. ( From Willo-o-Wisp, Voices in Skyrim are repeated. Especially with companions. For example, Lydia and Anneke Skalolazki. But the dialogues are different. It is clear that the plugin does not “insert” those dialogues of Anneke that mention her or her life, since they simply would not fit in with Lydia. But there are comments that simply refer to the environment or the player. The same voice allows you to “enrich” one companion at the expense of another, by adding comments of the same type of voice to other speakers of the same voice)

Second. The plugin adds new dialogue threads. Which way? I combed through the comments of all voice types (not just companions), selected and trimmed suitable lines for dialogue. In this way, over 1000 new comment threads were added to the 18 vanilla companions. Moreover, some comments, despite having one type of voice, can only be said by one of the companions. For example, a Nord woman with the “commander” type will shout out “her” phrases during a battle with her adversaries. Or, some dialogues are only unlocked after certain phases of the game, for example "about dragons", only when Mirmulnir reveals his cards.

1) Will the plugin work with "my favorite companion mod"?

Answer: yes! In the event that your companion uses exactly one of the vanilla voices. If the companion is voiced by a different voice (exclusive mod with a separate voice), then the mod will not affect your companion.

2) Does the plugin work on DLC companions?

Answer: A similar rule applies here too. It all depends on whether the companion speaks with a voice from vanilla Skyrim. For example, Serana, Neloth and Tedril Sero do not speak in vanilla voices, i.e. THEY ARE NOT SUITABLE. Although I have plans for a similar expansion.

3) Does the plugin work with non-English versions of Skyrim?

Reply from Willo-o-Wisp: in our case, the plugin has already been translated by a team from Nexus (names in the table above). The question is no longer relevant.

4) Can't associates close before they're even hired? Is this on purpose?

Answer: Partially a bug. In the early stages of development, I tied companion comments to the so-called "Current Faction" (changes depending on whether he is recruited), which activated comments only while companions are in the recruiting stage. For unknown reasons, my action broke the connection with the audio files , but I plan to add a switch that will regulate which comments can be used in a particular situation.

5) Where should the plugin be placed in the loading order?

Answer: Honestly? I’m not sure myself. But the fact that the plugin practically does not conflict with others and just “reuses” dialogs suggests that it does not have a specific category. BOSS and other similar programs should solve the problem, although I have it in the middle of the boot order.

6) I don’t think that the companion (name) from the place (name) would know about such a topic?

Answer: Determining exactly what is a little and what is a lot for each companion and their dialogues is still a pain in... =) In any case, I think that I have done Good work trying to determine the "biggest rumors" in Skyrim. People travel through the Holds, so I don't think rumors have a problem spreading.

7) I think that the companion (name) could not say that.

Answer: almost the same as above.

8) At my house the Daedra knows how many companions and they all create a terrible fuss. How to stop this!!!

Answer: no worries. The plugin has an MSM (menu) in which you can configure what type of voice and at what frequency certain dialogues can be spoken. The default coefficient is 100% and in this case is intended for single companions. If you work with large companies, you can safely shift it by 10%.

9) I did so, but nothing happens.

Answer: First you need to make sure that the menu works. After you have changed the settings, enter "help fco" in the console and look for the next (sort of tab) "FCO_Frequency". If this tab shows the same number that you entered into the MSM menu, then everything is in order. If not, then something went wrong. Perhaps the presence of other mods with scripts is slowing down your MSM menu.

I think the problem is that the NPC AI and its dialogue line just got stuck and stopped functioning properly. This can happen as a result of your companion getting lost in some zone and falling behind, but then reuniting with you as a result of fast travel. The solution is to get yourself into trouble, as this switches the AI's state from "idleness" to "combat". Once the fight is over, everything should return to normal.

Attention! It requires SkyUI to work and SKSE for it to work. Preferably newer versions.


Combat state

This plugin modifies the basis of the AI ​​used by NPCs during a combat encounter. In particular, he adds the so-called "Survival Instinct".

Survival Instinct

The survival instinct allows almost all NPCs of Skyrim to adequately assess the danger posed by the enemy and react to it more realistically in battle. In short, if an NPC has no chance of winning a fight, he will run away from the enemy in search of safe cover.
First of all, four parameters determine an NPC's chances of winning:
  • Current NPC level;
  • Current enemy level;
  • NPC's current health;
  • The NPC's current resistance to physical damage (armor or protective spell).
The hideout is randomly selected, and the number of hideouts available to NPCs depends on the size of the city in which they live. The shelter can be an NPC's house, a local temple, a jarl's fortress, a mine, barracks, etc.
Basic Rules
  1. If an NPC is forced to fight an opponent who is ten (or more) levels higher than him, the NPC will run away.
  2. If the health of the attacked NPC is below a certain threshold minimum value, this NPC will prefer to run away from the enemy.
Currently there are four threshold values: 50, 40, 30 and 25. These values ​​are selected in accordance with the physical resistance of the NPC. For example, an NPC wearing cloth armor will run away as soon as their health level drops below 50%; An NPC wearing a full set of heavy armor with a shield will only retreat when his health level drops below 25%.

Additional notes:

  • Companions (like Lydia) do NOT use Survival Instinct;
  • Survival Instinct is only used by friendly and neutral NPCs;
  • NPCs will use Survival Instinct against enemies added by other plugins (like Skyrim Immersive Creatures or Elemental Dragons);
  • NPCs will use Survival Instinct against the main character (You);
  • NPCs added by third-party plugins also use survival instinct (for example, from mods (3DNPC or Inconsequential NPCs).
NPCs - special rules
In addition to the above rules, special rules have been created that are assigned to NPCs according to their personal history and social status. In the event of a conflict between the Basic and Special Rules, the latter have priority.
Civilian (peaceful) NPC : An NPC belonging to the “Peaceful” category will never resist an aggressor who attacks him. If he is attacked, he will run to the guards to warn about the enemy. An NPC falls into this category if ALL of the following requirements are met:
  • The maximum level of an NPC is equal to or lower than 10;
  • The NPC is not wearing armor;
  • The NPC is unarmed (WARNING: a sheathed dagger does not count as a weapon).
Strategist NPC: Strategist NPCs will tactically retreat for a few seconds when their health is reduced to half, allowing them to cast healing and defensive spells while keeping their distance from the enemy. After casting the necessary spells, he will return to battle. An NPC falls into this category if it meets ALL of the following requirements:
  • The NPC is a member of the College of Winterhold;
  • The NPC has more than sixty-three mana points.
Wary NPC: "Cautious" NPCs will flee if they encounter an "impressive" enemy, even if the NPC's level is higher. In addition, such an NPC runs away from an enemy higher than him by only 5 (and not ten, as usual) levels. "Impressive" opponents: dragon, giant, spider and mammoth. An NPC falls into this category if ANY of the following conditions are met:
  • The NPC is a member of the Thieves Guild;
  • The NPC is a member of the Dark Brotherhood;
  • The NPC wears fabric armor (or wears whatever their mother gave birth to), and also does not know a single protective spell.
Fearless NPC: NPCs in this category fight to the last drop of blood. The NPC belongs to the Fearless category, regardless of enemy attributes. An NPC will fall into this category if ANY of the following conditions are met:
  • The NPC is under the influence of a madness spell;
  • NPC is dead (resurrected NPCs will fight until they turn to ashes);
  • The NPC is a member of the Inner Circle of Companions;
  • The NPC is an Imperial Legionnaire;
  • The NPC is a Stormcloak.
Khajiiti Merchant NPC: Unlike other NPCs in Skyrim, Khajiit merchants remain outside the city when they decide to escape. If Khajiit are near city walls, they will hide inside a watchtower (Solitude, Riften), inside the city walls (Whiterun, Markarth, Windelheim) or inside a mine (Dawnstar). If they have to flee while traveling, they will run along their trade route.
Sleeper Agent NPC: Vampires and Forsworn who hide among the NPCs of Skyrim will follow the rules of civilian NPCs until the moment comes to show their true colors or they attack Dovahkiin.
Screenshots and videos to support the examples above.

Fighting style

As of today, defensive styles have ONLY been assigned to official NPCs.
Warrior NPC
The Warrior class NPC will try to win through counterattacks. For example, such an NPC will hit the enemy while he is using a powerful power attack or a series of consecutive quick strikes. While the enemy is dazed (stunned) and unable to block, the NPC will deliver one or two quick decisive blows.
NPC: Mage and Thief/Archer
Mages and archers will try to get out of close contact with the enemy as soon as possible into an area inaccessible to him (and therefore safe for themselves). In addition, NPCs of this class will not pursue the enemy.

Standard condition

This plugin changes the general behavior of NPCs when they are not in combat. This mod can be considered as an unofficial AI fix. Please note that this plugin does not change the AI ​​used by companions (when they follow you), adopted children, spouses, personal servants.

Human behavior

The AI ​​of each named NPC is customized according to their history, social status, personality, and relationships. To keep the description as short as possible, the AI ​​of each NPC is not considered in a special way (individually). Instead, every AI is based on generalized concepts and patterns.
Basic behavior (common to all NPCs)
Now the NPC eats 2-3 times a day and sleeps at least 6 hours a day. The time of falling asleep and feeding (when he is not sleeping) is determined in accordance with the following values:
  • The NPC goes to bed between 9 pm and 3 am;
  • The NPC wakes up between 5am and 9am.
Basically, the NPC's daily routine is assigned in accordance with his work. Thus, the innkeeper will go to bed around 3 o'clock in the morning, and the groom will fall asleep around 9 o'clock in the evening.
Features of behavior
Depending on their history, social status, personality, and relationships, some NPCs will perform specific or unique actions on a regular basis. Below are some examples of specific activities (mostly work related).
Hunter: This NPC will hunt a variety of animals (deer, horkers, hares, foxes, etc.) in areas around towns/villages inhabited by other NPCs. He will go fishing approximately three times a week in the morning. While hunting, he will check many places in search of prey. If the hunt is successful, his prey will be skins, meat and alchemical ingredients. The hunt will continue until he obtains a specific amount of meat or until the time allotted for the hunt expires. (Screenshots, more screenshots, video).
Priest Kynareth: Servants of Kynareth will pray to their goddess several times a day. They will also organize services (offer prayers with other believers). When they are not praying, their occupation will be cleaning the temple and caring for the sick. Occasionally they will go to the market before it closes. (Screenshots).
Priest of Arkay: Priests of Arkay will pray several times a day before his altar. They will also bless the dead on their mortal journey. Their other duties include cleaning the temple and maintaining the cemetery (crypt). They will also occasionally go to the market until it closes. (Screenshots).
Tramp: Some NPCs will roam outside their towns/villages for the following reasons:
  • To enjoy the beautiful scenery;
  • Collect some alchemical ingredients;
  • For departure to other cities/villages.
Lover: NPCs in love relationships will be regularly found in sparsely populated areas. If their love is condemned or completely forbidden, they will meet outside the city/village. (Screenshots).
Rider: The NPC will use a horse if they have to travel a long distance. As a result, the number of horses in each stable increased. (Screenshots, video).
Swordsman: An NPC who has dedicated his life to studying the art of sword fighting (i.e. a Warrior NPC) will train regularly. Such an NPC will both practice strikes on dummies and test his skills in numerous sparring sessions with a partner. (Screenshots, more screenshots).
Servant: Servants will perform all the tasks you can expect from them. They will prepare food 2-3 times a day and clean the employer's house daily. Sometimes they will chop logs and carry firewood to their owner's hearth. In the mornings they will go to the market to buy food.
Woodcutter: The woodcutter will use his sawmill regularly. If there are several loggers per machine, they will work in turns. They will also hand-cut firewood and distribute it to nearby yards. Sometimes they will repair wooden walls.
Farmer: The farmer will work in the field every day. If his farm has several fields, he will randomly select the one he needs every day. If he has chickens, he will also feed them daily. The same applies to cows - he will bring them water every day (it was necessary to restore some cut animations). If he has a mill, he will use it regularly, and also sometimes protect the tubs of feed from too hot sun or precipitation. (Screenshots).
Beggar: Beggars will spend most of their time in the market begging. After the market closes, you will find them drinking or sleeping in marginal areas.
Additional notes:
  • Some of the templates described above have been combined and assigned to specific NPCs. For example, if an NPC owns a farm and a sawmill, he will act as both a farmer and a woodcutter. Let's take a more specific example: Uthgerd the Unbroken. She will act as a Swordsman, a Rogue and a Horseman. She will also do more general (basic) activities in her free time. In short, many NPCs can and will have unique behaviors and act differently from day to day.
  • The author assigned immortality to those NPCs who want to take a walk in nature, so that only Dovahkiin could kill (finish off) them.
Free time
To humanize the inhabitants of Skyrim, the author instructed NPCs to choose their free time activities every day randomly from a pre-compiled extensive list. The larger the city in which the NPC lives, the more actions are potentially available to him. If an NPC only has 1 hour of free time, he will do one thing at a time. However, if he has more free time, the NPC will be able to create a whole list of activities. Below, as an example, are some of the activities available to NPCs:
  • Shopping at the market, in a general or specialized store;
  • Pray in churches;
  • Relax in a local tavern or at home;
  • Visit graves and pray at them.
In short, how NPCs spend their free time will differ from day to day (Screenshots, more screenshots, video).
Improved social interactions
Random conversations: To improve social interaction between NPCs, all dialogues cut from the original were returned by this mod. For each city/village, the number of available unique conversations has been approximately doubled. ( Video , more And more video).
Family: At least once a day, members of the same family will all eat together, unless relations between them are not tense or they live in different cities/villages. (Screenshots, more screenshots).
NPC-dependent behavior: Some NPCs will change their behavior if other NPCs are near them. This is especially true for child NPCs or NPCs involved in group activities. So, if one NPC dies, the behavior of the other NPCs will change.
Encounters with NPCs: The likelihood of a random conversation between Dovahkiin and an NPC is now very low, unless work or someone else's order directly instructs the NPC to start a conversation with the player. In practice, only merchants, beggars and couriers will now contact you. Therefore, now, when you see Nazim, you will no longer have the desire to kill him or run away. This same fix is ​​valid for all guards of Skyrim, both original cities and villages, and those brought into the game by official downloadable add-ons.
Weather influence
In Skyrim, weather is classified into four categories:
  • Clear;
  • Cloudy (foggy also belongs to this category);
  • Rainy;
  • Snowy (sandstorms also fall into this category).
NPCs will change their activities/behavior depending on the weather.
Take shelter: If it rains/snows, the NPC will stop working outdoors, unless he can continue doing it somewhere under a shelter or the work is extremely important. Accordingly, the NPC will find something to do inside the building (shop, temple, tavern, his home, etc.). A new activity is selected randomly from a predetermined list. This list will be customized according to the history, social status, personality and relationships of the given NPC. (Video).
Go home: This feature was specifically designed for NPCs, added by mods like 3DNPCs, Inconsequential NPCs, etc. During rain or snow, these NPCs will stop all their business outside. However, unlike the original NPCs, they will simply go home.
Between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., the doors of the NPC's house will be open (if they even exist, of course). However, if the NPC meets the player in his house, he will ask him to leave, and then lock the door until the next day.
After the doors of an NPC's house close at 10 pm, their daily routine will vary greatly.
If the NPC does not have a home, he will take refuge in a tavern or other public place. If there is no public place nearby, he will go to the nearest camp fire.
Please note that the NPC will not use this function if he is riding a horse or working:
  • Miner;
  • Lumberjack (lumberjack);
  • Blacksmith;
  • Driver;
  • By courier.
Additional notes: Some original NPCs will use this feature until the AI ​​is redesigned for all NPC classes. Look to find more information.
Quest giver behavior
When an NPC gives the player a quest, he will continue to lead his ordinary life. Currently this is only true for the following quests:
  • Golden Claw;
  • Trouble in Skyrim, Enemy plans, A stab in the heart and all radiant quests given by Companions;
  • Nature miracle;
  • Missing Person (Note: after Dovahkiin agrees to help, Fraylia will be in the Gray Mane house only between 17 and 23 pm).
This should prevent behavior that is inappropriate to the situation. One of the most shameful examples is Lucan Valery, who works 24/7 until the completion of the Golden Claw quest.
Other behavior
Heimskr: Instead of annoying the player between 5am and 8pm, Heimskr will only annoy you between 2pm and 6pm. (Screenshots).
Guard: The guard AI rework is still largely unfinished. So at night, for example, you can find them having fun at the Prancing Mare.
Stupid dog/good dog: For these replicas, the timer reset time is set to 1 hour.


Store opening hours:
  • Market: open from 06:00 to 17:00 (closed during rainy or snowy weather; screenshots);
  • Drunken Hunter: from 08:00 to 24:00;
  • Stalls with goods general purpose(like “Beletor’s Goods”): from 08:00 to 20:00;
  • Pharmacies: from 08:00 to 20:00;
  • Bow and Arrow Master: 08:00 to 20:00;
  • Blacksmith: from 06:00 to 18:00 (subject to working outdoors, otherwise from 08:00 to 20:00).

Error fixes (bugs)

This mod solves many problems with models, scripts and animations that caused NPCs to stop moving. The author will publish later full list corrected (fixed) bugs (when he finds enough free time and desire).

Installation and boot order

You need to copy the files from the folders with the main file and compatibility patches (if necessary) to the Data folder of your game.

To update:
Uninstall the old version of the mod and install the new one.

Loading order:
If you don't know how to properly use TES5Edit (or any other download manager) to optimize your download order, the author recommends simply moving his mod to the very bottom of the download sheet. Below are the requirements that must be followed to avoid problems:

  • The main file (Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp) should be placed above:
  • DynDOLOD
  • ELFXEnhancer (from Enhanced Lights and FX)
  • Enhanced Lighting for ENB
  • More Tavern Idles
  • Provincial Courier Service
  • Realistic Lighting Overhaul
  • Relationship dialogue overhaul
  • The provided compatibility patches
The main file (Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp) should be placed below:
  • Any plugin that changes: Home warm winds, Honeydew, Vlindrel Hall, Kjerim, High Spire Estate;
  • Breezehome FullyUpgradable
  • Breezehome TNF - Elianora's Flavor
  • BreezehomeTNF - Hearthfire
  • Civil War Repairs
  • Dovahkiin Hideout
  • Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild
  • Fox Cafe_X
  • Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim City Edition
  • Immersive Content - Realistic Outdoor Lights
  • Interesting NPCs
  • Rayeks End - Mini Hideout
  • Requiem
  • Skyrim Bridges
  • Thanes Breezehome
  • Thornrock
  • Touring Carriages
  • Whiterun Complete
  • Whiterun Mansion

A word from the developer

  • The STEP staff (z929669, TechAngel85, EssArrBee, DoubleYou, Greg) editing description
  • JawZ for FOMOD
  • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The contents of this mod may not be copied, reproduced, re-uploaded or sold in any form, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the author. Contents include, but are not limited to, all descriptions, files, quests, AI packs, and names.

    Version history:

    • Bjorlam will offer his services if the player is not in combat
    • Jorlund will offer favors even if he eats near Jorvaskr
    • Adrianna will offer her services if she uses the smelter
    • Lydia and Lucia's AI has been improved
    • The first scene between Balgruuf and Proventus starts too early, causing the player to be unable to hear the start of the scene, this has been fixed.
    • Huscarls, as well as members of the Companions, will now fight to the death, regardless of the difference between their parameters and the parameters of their enemy.
    • Fixed a level design issue in Windhelm that resulted in NPCs dying from falling.
    • Fixed a level design issue in Belin's Hlaalu House that prevented the character from loading into the playable area.
    • Fixed several level design issues in Morthal, Dawnstar and Solitude that prevented NPCs from locking houses when they left them.
    • OCS compatibility patches have been updated, as has the ELE patch
    • Compatibility patches for ELFXEnhancer.esp and ELFX - Hardcore.esp are now available.​
    Several AI packages were removed that were causing problems and did not provide significant improvements to the atmosphere
    The modification has been updated in accordance with the changes made to the characters in Hearthfire.

    Fixed bugs that prevented Bjorlam from sleeping and using his camp.
    Reworked some character AI to meet current standards
    Moved Bjorlam's camp closer to his wagon to make it easier to find
    Enhanced Lighting for ENB - compatibility patch added
