Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

The simplest DIY battery. Homemade battery from improvised means

Of course, the battery is easy to buy at any hardware store, electronics store or hypermarket. However, for the sake of interesting experiments and gaining “school of life” knowledge, it is still worth knowing how to make a battery with your own hands. Moreover, the process of such work is very entertaining and uncomplicated.

Lemon battery: two options

For the first option you will need:

  • lemon itself;
  • galvanized nail;
  • 2 small pieces of copper wire;
  • copper coin;
  • small light bulb.

The working process is as follows:

  1. Make two cuts on the fruit at some distance from each other.
  2. Place a nail in one cut and a coin in the other.
  3. Connect a piece of wire to both the nail and the coin. The second ends of this improvised wiring should be in contact with the contacts of the light bulb.
  4. And that's it - let there be light!

You can also make a homemade battery from sour fruit using:

  • the same lemon;
  • paper clip;
  • light bulbs;
  • 2 pieces of insulated copper wire with a diameter of 0.2-0.5 mm and a length of 10 cm.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Strip 2-3 cm of insulation from the ends of each wire.
  2. Attach the exposed part of one wire to a paperclip.
  3. Make two cuts in the lemon, 2-3 cm apart - along the width of the paperclip and for the second wiring. Insert these elements into the fruit.
  4. Attach the free ends of the wire to the contact part of the light bulb. If it does not light up, it means that the selected lemon is not powerful enough - connect several fruits in series and repeat the experiment.

Potato battery

Stock up:

  • two potatoes;
  • three wires with clamps;
  • two chrome nails;
  • two copper nails.

So, how to make a battery from tubers:

  1. Give symbol each of the potatoes - "A" and "B".
  2. Insert a chrome nail into the edges of each tuber.
  3. On the opposite side is a copper nail. The nails should not intersect in the body of the potatoes.
  4. Take any battery-powered device, remove it, and leave the compartment open.
  5. The first wire should connect the copper pin of the tuber "A" to the positive terminal in the battery compartment.
  6. The second wire connects the chrome pin of potato "B" to the negative terminal.
  7. The last wire connects the chrome nail of tuber "A" to the copper nail of tuber "B".
  8. As soon as you close all the wires in this way, the potato will begin to supply energy to the device.

Potatoes in this experiment can be replaced with banana, avocado or any of the citrus fruits.

Battery made of foil, cardboard and coins

Before making a battery, prepare:

  • copper coins;
  • vinegar;
  • salt;
  • cardboard;
  • foil;
  • scotch;
  • two pieces of insulated copper wire.

All is ready? To the point:

  1. First you need to thoroughly clean the coins - to do this, pour vinegar into a glass container, add salt there and add money.
  2. As soon as the surfaces of the coins have transformed and shone, remove them from the container, take one and trace its outline on the cardboard 8-10 times.
  3. Cut out cardboard rounds along the outline. Then place them in a container with vinegar for a while.
  4. Fold the foil several times so that you end up with 8-10 layers. Trace a coin on it and also cut out round parts along the contour.
  5. At this point, start assembling the battery. This is done like this: a copper coin, cardboard, foil. In this order, put all the components you have in a column. The final layer should only be a coin.
  6. Remove the insulation from the ends of the wires.
  7. Cut a small strip of tape, glue one end of the wire onto it, place an improvised battery on top, and place the end of the second wire on it. Securely secure the structure with adhesive tape.
  8. Connect the second ends of the wire to the “+” and “-” of the device that needs to be saturated with energy.

Eternal battery


  • glass jar;
  • a silver element - for example a spoon;
  • cling film;
  • copper wire;
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda;
  • 4 bottles of glycerin;
  • 1 teaspoon 6% apple cider vinegar.
  1. Wrap the spoon tightly in cling film, leaving the top and bottom ends slightly exposed.
  2. Now it's time to wrap the spoon over the film with copper wire. Remember to leave long ends at the beginning and end for contacts. Make space between the turns.
  3. And again a layer of film, followed by wire using the same method. There should be at least seven layers of “film-wire” on this improvised reel. Do not tighten the layers too much - the film should roll freely.
  4. In a glass jar, prepare a solution of glycerin, salt and vinegar.
  5. After the salt has dissolved, the coil can be immersed in the solution. As soon as the liquid becomes cloudy, the “eternal” battery will be ready for use. Its service life directly depends on the silver content in the base element of the coil.

Graphite rod: application

The graphite component from old batteries is not only the basis for a new energy source, but also an element that can be used for electric welding. This is done according to a simple scheme:

  1. Sharpen a graphite rod from an old battery at an angle of 30-40 degrees.
  2. Using an alligator clip with a non-conductive handle, connect it to the "+" and "-" AC or DC power sources.
  3. Connect “0” and “-” to the stripped part.
  4. As the electrode burns out, it must be sharpened periodically.

How to make a battery at home? You will need available materials, a little enthusiasm and perseverance. In exchange you will receive alternative energy sources.

Electricity surrounds modern man constantly. But even against this background, it is surprising that tension is present in ordinary things and products. Using them, you can make a simple battery at home and recharge a non-power-intensive device, such as a radio, flashlight or phone.

Lemon battery

In order to make a battery from fruit and scrap materials, you will need the following components:

  • lemon;
  • steel object;
  • copper item;
  • two insulated wires.

Before you start creating a simple battery, you need to strip the steel and copper items. This can be done with sandpaper.

Advice! It is convenient to use nails as a steel object; you almost always have them in the house. As a copper coin, you can use a coin of 10 or 50 kopecks.

Next, you need to stick them into the lemon at a distance of 3-2 cm from each other. And connect wires to the improvised contacts. They can also be carefully inserted tightly to the contacts. The copper element will act as a plus, and the steel element will act as a minus.

Interesting! You can also use an apple instead of lemon. But it is necessary to choose sour fruits, as this is necessary for the reaction.

A homemade battery based on one lemon or apple can produce approximately 0.5-0.7 Volts. This is not enough to charge a simple mobile phone or receiver. If you need a voltage of 3 to 5 Volts, then it is quite possible to do this. The growth occurs due to an increase in the number of fruits.

Important! Lemons can be charged to increase their charge. For example, when connecting to the crown or to charging a mobile phone.

Creating a battery from a lemon or an apple is possible thanks to a chemical reaction between copper and steel. It occurs under the influence of acid in the fruit. The improvised battery will not stop working until the acid leaves the fruit or the contacts dissolve.

Glass container with electrolyte

This design is very similar to the first battery created. To assemble it you will need:

  • glass container (glass or jar);
  • zinc or aluminum plate;
  • copper plate;
  • wires;
  • ammonium chloride;
  • water.

It is desirable that the areas of the aluminum (anode) and copper (cathode) plates be the size of the palm of your hand. This will increase the battery efficiency. Solder a wire to each plate. Then place them in the jar so that they do not touch each other. It is also important that the records are higher than the can.

To prepare the electrolyte, you need to mix ammonium chloride and water. Take 50 g of powder for 0.1 liter of liquid. Then pour the resulting mixture into a jar. The electrolyte can also be made from sulfuric acid. The solution should be 20%.

Important! When making an electrolyte from sulfuric acid, it is necessary to pour the acid into water. Otherwise, the water will boil from contact with the acid and both liquids will splash out from the reaction. When working with a caustic substance, you must wear safety glasses and special gloves.

Pour the prepared solution into the jar to the brim. By combining these several elements, you can get a good battery that can charge even an energy-consuming device. This battery is an analogue of a salt battery, as it is similar in composition.

Coin battery

A structure made of coins as the simplest galvanic element is also called a Voltaic column. To make it you will need:

  • copper coins (50 or 10 kopecks);
  • foil;
  • paper;
  • vinegar or very salty water.

For the beauty of the design, it is necessary to choose coins of the same denomination. Also, before the experiment, dip them briefly in vinegar. This will remove plaque and dirt. Then you need to cut out elements in the shape of coins from paper and foil. Their number should be 2 less than coins.

The voltaic column is assembled like this:

  1. The paper is soaked in a solution of vinegar or salt water and attached to a coin.
  2. A circle of foil is placed on top of the paper.
  3. Next, the next coin is placed.
  4. The stages are repeated until the selected amount of coins runs out.
  5. The design should be such that at one end there is a coin (+) as the last element, and at the other end there is foil (-).

The more coins are used in the experiment, the more voltage the battery will produce. It is important to understand that after the experiment the coins will not be suitable for use. Elements become covered with rust.

The charge occurs due to the fact that an electrolyte (vinegar or saline solution) placed between two metals (foil and coins) creates a potential difference.

Battery in a beer can

To create a battery with your own hands in a beer can, you need to take:

  • aluminum can;
  • coal from a fire in the form of crumbs or dust;
  • paraffin candle;
  • graphite rod;
  • salt and water;
  • foam more than 1 cm thick.

First you need to cut off the top of the can. Then make a circle out of foam plastic that fits the bottom of the jar. It is necessary to make a non-through hole in the circle for the rod. Place polystyrene foam at the bottom of the jar and stick graphite into it. It is important that the rod is positioned exactly in the center of the jar. The space around the graphite rod must be filled with coal.

Important! The graphite rod should not touch the can.

Then all that remains is to make a saline solution using 0.5 liters of water and 3 tbsp. spoons of table salt. Stir the solution until the crystals dissolve, it is better to do this in warm water. Pour the electrolyte into the jar and seal it with wax. It is important that the graphite rod looks outside the can.

Connect the wires to the graphite rod (cathode, plus), and the body of the aluminum can (anode, minus). In order to obtain a voltage of 3 Volts, you must connect at least 2 cans in series. The resulting battery can power a light bulb, calculator and watch. They can also be recharged.

Battery made from potatoes, salt and toothpaste

It is worth noting that the potato battery is used only once. The design is not designed for reusable use. It can be used to start a fire by shorting wires.

To make a battery with your own hands you will need the following components:

  • large potatoes;
  • insulated copper wires;
  • toothpaste;
  • toothpicks or thin wood chips;
  • salt.

Potatoes must be cut lengthwise in such a way as to obtain the largest possible cut area. You need to make a hole in one of the potato parts using a knife.

You need to pour salt into it and mix it with toothpaste. There should be enough mixture to reach the edges of the hole. The end result is a bowl of half a potato filled with electrolyte.

In the other half of the vegetable, it is necessary to make two holes at such a distance that they are both above the electrolyte when the halves are connected. You need to insert copper wires into these holes, having previously stripped 1-2 cm of insulation from the ends. Connect the two potato halves together and secure with toothpicks.

You must wait at least 5 minutes. Then, by connecting the wires, you can get a spark. A potato battery will help you start a fire by setting fire to flammable materials.


All of the above methods for creating batteries are not full-fledged substitutes for them. But they can be collected for the sake of an interesting experiment to clearly demonstrate the operation and structure of galvanic cells.

In May 2015, Elon Musk introduced beautiful Powerwall home units to store energy from rooftop solar panels - and supply free electricity to your entire home, day and night. Even in the absence of solar panels, such backup power for a home is especially valuable if there is a power outage in the area. The computer and all equipment will continue to work quietly.

The second version of the Powerwall stores up to 13.5 kWh, which should be enough for several hours (standard power is 5 kW, and at peak 7 kW). The only problem is that the original version from Tesla costs as much as $5,500 (plus $700 for related equipment, a total of $6,200, plus installation work costs from $800 to $2,000) - very expensive. DIY makers have solved this problem with the help of used batteries, which are found free in discarded laptops.

You can assemble a block with your own hands best characteristics than Tesla (for example, 30-100 kWh) - and much cheaper.

DIY assembly enthusiasts share their experiences on specialized DIY Powerwalls forums, in group on Facebook And on YouTube. A special section on the forums is dedicated to safety - this is an important aspect when you are assembling such a powerful thing that can also catch fire on the street (they are usually installed outside the house, so as not to break the law and for safety reasons).

For makers, assembling and connecting such a power supply is not only an interesting activity and saves money, but also an opportunity to understand how electrics work in the house.

Almost all enthusiasts in the comments Motherboard noted that their own systems are much larger in capacity than Tesla's. The company probably sacrificed capacity for the sake of a beautiful, thin design of the power supply and for greater cooling efficiency and safety. One of the French makers from the forum under the nickname Glubux assembled a 28 kWh unit. He says that this is enough for the whole house, and he even had to buy electric oven and an induction cooker to spend excess energy somewhere.

Australian maker Peter Matthews I assembled a 40 kWh unit, which is powered by 40 solar panels on the roof, fortunately there is no shortage of sunny days in Australia.

The largest homemade block that could be found Motherboard, assembled from 22,500 cells from laptops and has a capacity of more than 100 kWh. From such a block a small house can operate for several months - for example, all winter - even if solar panels completely out of order or inactive.

A Californian blogger Jehu Garcia intends to assemble a 1-megawatt system from laptop batteries, the largest such private energy storage system in the United States.

Most enthusiasts use 18650 lithium-ion batteries in their builds. They are usually packaged in colored plastic cases and installed in laptops and other electronics. New 18650 batteries cost about $5 each, so the system will be slightly cheaper than the Tesla model. Therefore, collectors usually buy used batteries and remove batteries from discarded broken laptops. Unfortunately, many people simply throw away the batteries with their broken laptop, even though they are still fully functional. According to the director of Call2Recycle, the largest battery recycling company in the United States, about 95% of batteries are not reused and end up in a landfill, although almost all types of batteries can be reused in one form or another.

Finding enough discarded equipment is not so easy, and has become even more difficult recently because many people have begun to assemble their own power systems like Powerwalls from them, and laptop manufacturers generally do not encourage the reuse of their batteries in homemade devices from other brands.

After finding the batteries, they are tested, then “updated” through cycling with a full discharge. Then the batteries are combined into “packages”. Such boxes for hundreds of batteries can be bought on the market or assembled yourself. Electrically conductive copper busbars are attached to the top, and battery contacts are soldered to them.

The entire structure is attached to the inverter and mounted in a rack, which is usually installed outdoors. You can install a monitoring system there to control the temperature with automatic shutdown of energy banks that get too hot.

Now there is a whole community of makers from all over the world who are constructing such “battery home farms” from old laptop batteries to store electricity from solar panels. The community brings together enthusiasts from all over the world, they share experiences and safety tips, engineering systems, compatibility of different types of batteries, etc. The success and safety of Powerwall has proven that it really is secure systems, suitable for constant long-term use (Powerwall has a 10-year warranty).

In this article, a DIYer will guide us through all stages of battery assembly, from material selection to final assembly. RC toys, laptop batteries, medical devices, electric bicycles and even electric cars use 18650 batteries.

18650 battery (18*65mm) is the size of lithium ion battery. For comparison, regular AA batteries have a size of 14*50 mm. The author made this particular assembly to replace the lead-acid battery in a homemade product he had previously made.


Tools and materials:
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
-Screws 3M x 10mm;
- Spot resistance welding machine;
-3D printer;
-Stripper (insulation stripping tool);
- Hairdryer;
-Charger for lithium-ion batteries;
-Protective glasses;
-Dielectric gloves;

Some tools can be replaced with more affordable ones.

Step one: choosing batteries
The first step is to choose the right batteries. There are different batteries on the market ranging from $1 to $10. According to the author, the best batteries are from Panasonic, Samsung, Sanyo and LG. They are more expensive than others, but have proven themselves to be of good quality and performance.
The author does not recommend buying batteries with the names Ultrafire, Surefire and Trustfire. These are batteries that did not pass quality control at the factory and were purchased at a bargain price and repackaged under a new name. As a rule, such batteries do not have the declared capacity and there is a risk of fire during charging and discharging.
For his homemade product, the master used Panasonic batteries with a capacity of 3400 mAh.

Step Two: Selecting Nickel Strip
Nickel strips are needed to connect the battery. There are two products on the market: nickel plated metal and nickel strips. The author recommends using nickel strips. They are more expensive, but have low resistance and therefore heat up less, which affects the life of the batteries.

Step Three: Spot Welding or Soldering
There are two methods for connecting batteries: soldering and spot welding. The best choice spot welding. At spot welding the battery does not overheat. But a welding machine (like the author’s) costs approx. 12 t.r. in a foreign online store and approx. 20 t.r. in a Russian online store. The author himself uses welding, but has prepared several recommendations for soldering.
When soldering, keep contact between the soldering iron and the battery to a minimum. It is better to use a powerful soldering iron (from 80 W) and quickly solder than to heat up the solder area.

Step Four: Check the Batteries
Before connecting the batteries, you need to check each of them separately. The voltage on the batteries should be approximately the same. New high-quality batteries have a voltage of 3.5 V - 3.7 V. Such batteries can be connected, but it is better to equalize the voltage using charger. For used batteries, the voltage difference will be even greater.

Step five: battery calculation
For the project, the master needs a battery with a voltage of 11.1 V and a capacity of 17,000 mAh.
The 18650 battery capacity is 3400 mAh. When connecting five batteries in parallel, we get a capacity of 17,000 mAh. Such a compound is designated P, in this case 5P

One battery has a voltage of 3.7 V. To get 11.1 V, you need to connect three batteries in series. Designation S, in this case 3S.

So, to obtain the necessary parameters, you need three sections, each consisting of five parallel-connected batteries, connected in series. Package 3S5P.

Step Six: Battery Assembly
To assemble the battery, the master uses special plastic cells. Plastic cells have a number of advantages over connecting them, for example, using a glue gun.
1.Easy assembly of any quantity.
2. There is space between the batteries for ventilation.
3. Vibration and impact resistance.

Collects two 3*5 cells. Installs, in the cell, the first package of 5S batteries with the plus side up, the next five with the minus side up, and the last five batteries again with the plus side up (see photo).

Places the second cell on top.

Step seven: welding
Cuts four nickel strips for parallel connection, with a margin of 10 mm. Cuts ten strips for serial connection.

Places a long strip on the + contacts of the first (when turned over, it will remain the first) parallel 5P cell. Welds the strip. Welds the strips with one end to the + of the third cell and the other to the - second. Welds a long strip to the + third cell (on top of the plates). Flips the block. He welds the plates on the reverse side, taking into account that we are now connecting the third section in parallel, and the first and second sections in parallel and in series (considering that it has been turned upside down).

Step Eight: BMS (Battery Management System)
First, let's understand a little what BMS is.
BMS (Battery Management System) is an electronic board that is placed on the battery to control the process of its charge/discharge, monitor the condition of the battery and its elements, control temperature, number of charge/discharge cycles, protect components battery. The control and balancing system provides individual control of the voltage and resistance of each battery element, distributes currents between the components of the battery during the charging process, controls the discharge current, determines the loss of capacity from imbalance, and guarantees safe connection/disconnection of the load.

Based on the received data, the BMS performs cell charge balancing, protects the battery from short circuit, overcurrent, overcharge, overdischarge (high and excessively low voltage of each cell), overheating and hypothermia. The BMS functionality allows not only to improve the operation of batteries, but also to maximize their service life.

Important parameters of the board are the number of cells in a row, in this case 3S, and the maximum discharge current, in this case 25 A. For this project, the master used board with the following parameters:
Model: HX-3S-FL25A-A
Overvoltage range: 4.25~4.35V±0.05V
Discharge voltage range: 2.3~3.0V±0.05V
Maximum operating current: 0~25A
Operating temperature: -40℃~+50℃
Solders the board to the ends of the battery according to the diagram.

Of course, now there are no problems with buying batteries and accumulators, but, apparently, you will be interested in meeting

with gas accumulator design. Let's look at the design of the simplest battery. Design

battery is so simple that anyone can repeat it. (Which is quite important, and has already been discussed in the comments..)

1. container 5.15% sodium chloride solution

2.lid 6.bag with activated carbon

3.carbon rod 7.terminal (clamp)

4.activated carbon 8.stopper

The design of the battery is clear from the figure. Opaque container 1 with lid 2 is filled with electrolyte - 15%

table salt solution. Two identical electrodes are placed in a container. The electrode consists of a carbon rod,

around which there is a bag 6 with activated carbon 4. The bags must be wrapped tightly

threads to ensure good contact of the electrode with the activated carbon. Activated carbon layer thickness

should not exceed 15mm.

Battery. A simple homemade battery.

If you add 1 g to the solution for each liter boric acid and 2g sugar, the battery performance will improve.

Sugar is added during long discharge cycles. Charging the battery DC based on 4.5 volts

for each element (jar). Charging time up to 12 hours. The full charge signal is a profuse release of gases. For

To prevent gases from “squeezing” the electrolyte out of the container, a plug is provided, which is necessary when charging

open. To get a capacity of 1a*h, you need to use 65g of activated carbon. Change the electrolyte once every

1. If the walls of the vessel allow light to pass through, the battery will discharge quickly. Container from outside can be

2. It is better to use distilled water or melt snow, since tap water is highly mineralized, and

3. A 15% solution of table salt is obtained by diluting 5 tablespoons of salt in one liter of water.

and here's another:
Homemade battery
If you don’t have a set of fresh batteries on hand, you can make a homemade power source. To do this, you will need two carbon rods from an old battery, two fabric bags with a diameter of 20.25 mm and a height of 60 mm. Rods are installed in them and filled with activated carbon (crushed medical tablets).

The following solution is used as an electrolyte: dissolve 5 tablespoons of table salt, 2 g of boric acid and 3 g of sugar in 1 liter of water.

The walls of the glass jar need to be painted with black paint.
The power supply will output 1.5V.

How to make a battery with your own hands
Of course, now there are no problems with buying batteries and accumulators, but, apparently, you will be interested in getting acquainted with the design of a gas battery. Let's consider

200A battery packs

Next, we solder 80 pieces in each block in parallel, 4 cans each, we use cassettes for a set of battery cans, you can buy them on aliexpress. We will also need copper bus 1-2mm thick. thin copper wire. Next, we solder the leads from every 4 pieces. 18650 for a controller that will monitor the charge of the cans.

We connect 3 such assemblies in series and get a powerful battery.

High-quality Li-ion 18650 charging systems


Opus BT-C3100 (version 2.2) Intelligent Li-ion/NiCd/NiMH battery charger

how does the BMS board work?

- increase service life,

– maintaining the battery in working condition.

Functions BMS (Battery Management System)

  1. Monitoring the condition of battery cells in terms of:

– voltage: total voltage, individual cell voltage, minimum and maximum cell voltage,

– charge and depth of discharge,

– charge/discharge currents,

Incorrect charging is one of the most common causes of li-ion battery failure, so charge control is one of the main functions of the BMS microcontroller.

Based on the above points, BMS makes an assessment:

– maximum permissible charge current,

– maximum permissible discharge current,

– amount of current during discharge,

– internal resistance of the cell,

– total operating time of the battery during operation.

The BMS protects the battery by preventing it from exceeding its safe operating limits. BMS guarantees the safety of connecting/disconnecting the load, flexible load control, protects the battery from:

– current overload,

– overvoltage (during charging),

– voltage drop below the permissible level (during discharge),

  1. Balancing. Balancing is a method of distributing charge evenly among all the cells of a battery, thereby maximizing the life of the battery.

– providing a modular charging process,

– regulating the output currents of the battery cells connected to the consumer.

How to do powerful battery with your own hands
Making a powerful power bank for 12 volt 200A/h We will need 240 pcs 18650 A lot of tin and a lot of patience

A battery or galvanic cell is a chemical source electric current. All batteries sold in stores essentially have the same design. They use two electrodes of different compositions. The main element for the negative terminal (anode) of salt and alkaline batteries is zinc, and for their positive terminal (cathode) is manganese. The cathode of lithium batteries is made from lithium, and a variety of materials are used for the anode.

The electrolyte is located between the electrodes of the batteries. Its composition is different: for salt batteries, which have the lowest resource, ammonium chloride is used. Alkaline batteries use potassium hydroxide, while lithium batteries use an organic electrolyte.

When the electrolyte interacts with the anode, an excess of electrons is formed near it, creating a potential difference between the electrodes. When the electrical circuit is closed, the number of electrons is constantly replenished due to a chemical reaction, and the battery maintains the flow of current through the load. In this case, the anode material gradually corrodes and breaks down. When it is completely used up, the battery life is exhausted.

Despite the fact that the composition of the batteries is balanced by manufacturers to ensure long and stable operation, you can make the battery yourself. Let's look at several ways you can make a battery with your own hands.

Method one: lemon battery

This homemade battery will use an electrolyte based on citric acid, contained in lemon pulp. For electrodes we will take copper and iron wires, nails or pins. The copper electrode will be positive, and the iron electrode will be negative.

The lemon needs to be cut crosswise into two parts. For greater stability, the halves are placed in small containers (glasses or shot glasses). It is necessary to connect the wires to the electrodes and immerse them in the lemon at a distance of 0.5 - 1 cm.

Now you need to take a multimeter and measure the voltage on the resulting galvanic element. If this is not enough, then you will also need to make several identical lemon batteries with your own hands and connect them in series using the same wires.

Method two: a jar of electrolyte

To assemble a device with your own hands, similar in design to the world's first battery, you will need a glass jar or glass. For the electrode material we use zinc or aluminum (anode) and copper (cathode). To increase the efficiency of the element, their area should be as large as possible. It would be better to solder the wires, but the wire will have to be attached to the aluminum electrode with a rivet or bolted connection, since it is difficult to solder.

The electrodes are immersed inside the can so that they do not touch each other, and their ends are above the level of the can. It is better to secure them by installing a spacer or a cover with slots.
For the electrolyte we use an aqueous solution of ammonia (50 g per 100 ml of water). Aqueous ammonia solution ( ammonia) is not the ammonia that is used for our experiment. Ammonia (ammonium chloride) is an odorless powder white, used in soldering as a flux or as a fertilizer.

The second option for preparing the electrolyte is to make a 20% sulfuric acid solution. In this case, you need to pour the acid into the water, and in no case vice versa. Otherwise, the water will instantly boil and its splashes, along with the acid, will get on your clothes, face and eyes.

When working with concentrated acids, it is recommended to wear safety glasses and chemical-resistant gloves. Before making a battery using sulfuric acid, it is worth studying in more detail the safety rules when working with aggressive substances.

All that remains is to pour the resulting solution into the jar so that there is at least 2 mm of free space left to the edges of the vessel. Then, using a tester, select required amount cans.

A self-assembled battery is similar in composition to a salt battery, as it contains ammonium chloride and zinc.

Method three: copper coins

The ingredients for making such a battery yourself are:

  • copper coins,
  • aluminium foil,
  • thick cardboard,
  • table vinegar,
  • wires.

It is not difficult to guess that the electrodes will be copper and aluminum, and an aqueous solution of acetic acid is used as the electrolyte.

Coins first need to be cleaned of oxides. To do this, you will need to briefly dip them in vinegar. Then we make circles from cardboard and foil according to the size of the coins, using one of them as a template. We cut out the mugs with scissors, put the cardboard ones in vinegar for a while: they should be saturated with electrolyte.

During the operation of this DIY battery, the coins will become completely unusable, so you should not use numismatic material that is of cultural and material value.

Method four: battery in a beer can

The anode of the battery is the aluminum body of a beer can. The cathode is a graphite rod.

  • a piece of foam plastic more than 1 cm thick,
  • coal chips or dust (you can use what’s left from the fire),
  • water and regular table salt,
  • wax or paraffin (candles can be used).

You need to cut off the top part of the can. Then make a circle of foam plastic the size of the bottom of the jar and insert it inside, having previously made a hole in the middle for the graphite rod. The rod itself is inserted into the jar strictly in the center, the cavity between it and the walls is filled with coal chips. Then an aqueous solution of salt is prepared (3 tablespoons per 500 ml of water) and poured into a jar. To prevent the solution from spilling out, the edges of the jar are filled with wax or paraffin.

You can use clothespins to connect the wires to the graphite rods.

Method five: potatoes, salt and toothpaste

This battery is disposable. It is suitable for starting a fire by short-circuiting the wires to produce a spark.

To create a potato lighter you will need:

Homemade battery from improvised means
How to make a homemade battery from available materials. Short description principle of battery operation. How to make a battery from lemon, copper coins, potatoes, aluminum cans.

How to make a battery easily

Hello again everyone Brainiacs! Today I’ll tell you how to make a battery yourself and from scrap materials!

AA batteries are widely used cylindrical batteries with a rating of about 1.5V, approximately 49-50mm in length and 13.5-14.5mm in diameter. They are easy to make yourself, and the very production of this braincraft can serve as an excellent visual aid for explaining physical and chemical processes to children.

Step 1: Materials and Tools

  • corrugated cardboard
  • copper flat washers with a diameter of 10mm – 12 pcs.
  • zinc flat washers with a diameter of 10mm – 14-16 pcs.
  • heat-shrink tubing
  • distilled water – 120ml
  • vinegar – 30ml
  • table salt – 4 tablespoons.
  • soldering iron and solder
  • cup for mixing solution
  • digital multimeter
  • scissors
  • sandpaper
  • needle nose pliers
  • lighter or hot air gun
  • old AA battery for testing

Step 2: Stripping the washers

The basis of this homemade products 11 copper-zinc elements that “produce” 1.5V. Copper and zinc washers must enter into chemical reactions, so we clean them of oxides, dirt, etc. Using brainskin With 100 grit we don’t just clean the washers, we polish them to a shine.

Step 3: Electrolyte Preparation

Copper and zinc create a potential difference, but you also need a medium through which the charges between these potentials will pass. For the electrolyte, dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt in 120 ml of distilled water, mix everything thoroughly until completely dissolved, then add 30 ml of vinegar and let it brew.

Step 4: Cardboard

To keep the washers at a distance from each other, you need to lay them brain cardboard, namely corrugated cardboard impregnated with electrolyte. We cut the corrugated cardboard into squares with a side of 1 cm and soak them in electrolyte, which was infused for at least 5 minutes after adding vinegar.

Step 5: Stretch the Tube

Now you need to slightly modify the heat shrink tube. To make it easier to install copper-zinc battery elements into the tube, use needle nose pliers to stretch the tube itself by about 10% of the initial diameter.

Step 6: Testing

It's time to test our elements. Place it on a copper washer brainboard, soaked in electrolyte, and a zinc washer on it. Use gloves! Next, turn on the multimeter in the “constant 20V” mode, touch the copper washer with the black wire, and the zinc washer with the red wire. The multimeter should show about 0.05-0.15V, this is enough to create a battery of 11 copper-zinc cells.

Step 7: Battery Assembly

We assemble the battery from prepared elements: copper – zinc – cardboard. Exactly in this sequence. See photo.

First, we insert a copper washer into the tube, align it perpendicular to the length of the tube, place a zinc washer on it, then cardboard, and so on, all 11 elements. For convenience, lightly compact the elements with a plastic rod.

After installing the last zinc washer, we check the resulting workpiece homemade products with an old standard AA battery, if necessary add another zinc washer. After adjusting the length, we heat the tube, thereby forming a battery, and cut off the excess ends.

Step 8: Mounting Contacts

All that remains is to add contacts. Heating brain soldering iron and solder balls of solder to the ends of the battery. That is, we solder a ball of solder onto the copper end, so that when installed in the battery holder, our homemade product touches the contact of the battery holder. Then we turn the battery over and do the same with the zinc end.

Step 9: Everything is ready, let's use it!

The homemade battery is ready, let's try it in action. We connect the multimeter in the “constant 20V” mode and measure the voltage, it should be about 1.5V

If the voltage is below 1.5 V, then try stretching the battery a little; if this does not help, then you may have made a mistake in the order of installing the washers.

If everything is in order, then install the battery in your favorite brain gadgets and enjoy their work!

How to make a battery easily
How to easily make a battery Greetings again to all brainiacs! Today I’ll tell you how to make a battery yourself and from scrap materials! AA batteries are widely available