Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Fire safety rules for installing an entrance door. Opening side of the entrance door to the apartment Entrance door to the outside

There is no clear answer to this seemingly simple question, because if you put together SNIPs, individual preferences and cultural and historical traditions, many unexpected nuances open up.

Entrance door

Historical and esoteric traditions in this matter contradict modern building codes. Since ancient times, in the northern climate, the doors of houses opened only inward, because when there are snowdrifts outside, otherwise it is simply impossible to open it. Only when a porch appeared, protecting the house from snow drifts, did the doors begin to open outward.
The ancient Chinese tradition of Feng Shui is in agreement with the beliefs of our Slavic ancestors. The door is the most important part of the house, through which luck and positive energy penetrate, therefore it can only open inward so that this positive flow is not interrupted.
Huts are huts, but specialists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SNIP have a completely different opinion on this issue: the doors at emergency exits should open exclusively in the direction of exit from the building, so that in case of an emergency it is convenient to carry out the wounded on a stretcher.
In addition, if the front door opens outward, it is almost impossible to knock it down, therefore, criminals trying to break into the house for the purpose of robbery will have to spend more time and effort to break into it. So, opening the door from the outside is considered more correct from the point of view of rescuers and law enforcement officers.

Another thing is that in a cramped stairwell of an apartment building it is not always possible to comply with this requirement. In addition, it conflicts with another rule, which states that the direction of swinging the door leaf must be coordinated with the closest neighbors, since an open door should not interfere with the evacuation of people in the event of a fire, etc.

Interior doors

All these recommendations relate mainly to the entrance doors of apartments. In a private space, hardly anyone will interfere with installing the door in a way that suits you. What do experts advise about interior doors?
SNIPs are more interested in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet. In these rooms, doors should open outward so that in an emergency you can exit by simply pushing the door. If the person inside becomes ill, it is easier to open such a door, since the likelihood of it accidentally blocking is extremely low.
These recommendations are worth listening to. True, if the door swings open into a narrow corridor, it can hit the forehead of a passing family member - and then he will need medical attention.

The conclusion is simple: in tight spaces it is better to equip the entrance as common sense dictates. In the end, if there is a catastrophic lack of space, you can install a sliding door, which is especially important for small bathrooms, tiny kitchens and dressing rooms.

In the nursery, it is recommended to choose a door that opens inward, since it is easier to knock it out in an emergency if the child suddenly locks himself from the inside. However, the age of the children also matters. Locks and bolts are rarely installed in rooms for little ones, but a door that opens inward can accidentally hit a baby.
In general, the decision is again yours.

Ferrero Legno

What else needs to be taken into account when choosing the direction of opening interior doors?

If two doors are located close to each other, you should think about moving the doorway; if this is not possible, consider the option of one door opening into the room and the other into the corridor. In any case, the doors should not block or overlap each other. This is dangerous!
If the door is located in the corner of the room, it should swing open towards the nearest wall without blocking the view of the room. When the door is placed in the center of the wall, it is better to open it towards the window so that the light from it enters the corridor or adjacent room.

Right or left?

It also matters whether the door opens to the right or to the left, and here cultural and historical differences again come into play. In Russia, “right” is a door with hinges on the right and handle on the left. In European countries, the situation is exactly the opposite: the “right” door has a handle on the right and hinges on the left.

Portek, Legnoform
Therefore, if you are buying an imported door rather than a Russian one, make sure that you order exactly what you need.
By the way, if you are left-handed, take the opportunity to equip convenient doors at least in your home, because in public spaces, opening doors is usually designed for the “right-handed” majority.

Ferrero Legno
Choosing the opening direction may seem like a small thing in the scale of a renovation, but improperly installing doors can cause inconvenience and even injury. Therefore, solve the problem based on specific living conditions, safety considerations and common sense. Also, be aware of folding, sliding, and rotary doors, as they can sometimes be the way out of a sticky situation—literally and figuratively.

This question arises for almost everyone who decides to purchase a new door block. There is no definite answer to this, since it is necessary to take into account some features of the structure in which they will be installed, as well as the existing Building Codes and Rules and requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

First you need to figure out which door is called “right” and which is called “left”. And it's not that simple. The fact is that in many European countries, the opening side is determined when the door is positioned “away from you,” while in Russia it is determined from the opening side “towards you.” Hence the difference: Russians consider doors with a handle on the right to be “left”, and doors with a handle to the left – “right”. But in Europe it's the other way around.

In order to avoid confusion and difficulties in selection, many manufacturers prefer to install universal hinges on their products, although this option is not entirely convenient. Universal hinges, as a rule, are one-piece, and in order to remove the blade it is necessary to completely dismantle the hinges.

There is another way out - when going to a door salon, have a floor plan with you indicating the location of the doors. Experienced consultants themselves will determine the desired side of the door swing and tell you which hinges are best to use for installation.

Where should doors open according to fire safety rules?

Another important point: according to SNiP, doors in apartment buildings must be installed with outward opening, since from the point of view of fire safety this is the most suitable option. In the event of evacuation or carrying out a wounded person on a stretcher, such a door does not pose a serious obstacle, which cannot be said about a door that opens inward. However, it is not always convenient to install an outward-opening front door, especially when it comes to an apartment building. It is important to coordinate the direction of opening the door with your closest neighbors, since an open door should not interfere with the emergency evacuation of people living nearby in the event of a fire or any other emergency.

On the other hand, if the standards established by the Ministry of Emergency Situations are not met, the owner of the “wrong” door will face fines, and in some cases, legal proceedings, which in any case will not acquit the violator. In order to change the opening side, you do not need permission from the BTI, since this event is not a redevelopment. But no oral, or even written, agreements with neighbors relieve the owner of an incorrectly installed door from liability.

But for owners of private households there are no restrictions - doors can be installed in any direction and changed direction without any approval from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

As for administrative buildings and enterprises, there are also certain requirements in this regard. If a door opens into a hall or corridor that is intended to accommodate a large crowd of people, it should open toward itself. This is necessary in order to avoid bruises and injuries passing along the corridor. In other cases, entrance doors must unconditionally be installed with outward opening.

The issue of installing a door and changing the direction of its swinging must be approached with special responsibility. If you need to buy an entrance door, contact trusted manufacturers, large, well-known companies. This will allow you not only to purchase a high-quality door, but also to receive advice regarding the direction of opening. The fact is that consultants and managers of such companies, as a rule, undergo special training and know all the intricacies of selecting the correct door design from the point of view of direction. One of such enterprises is the Gerda company.

When installing a swing door, there are four options for installing it on the opening side. How to choose the right one from four options so that it is convenient to open and close doors, turn on and off the lights, go in and out of a room? What regulations and safety requirements are there regarding this?

Before you buy interior doors, you need to know not only the exact dimensions of the doorways, but also where these doors will open. And if you are making repairs, then the direction of opening the doors must be determined at the design project stage, since the location of the furniture and switch in the room will largely depend on which direction the doors will open.

The direction of door opening should be convenient and safe. The safety of opening doors in Russia is regulated by the building code and regulations (SNiP) “Fire Safety of Buildings and Structures” dated January 21, 1997, the main thesis of which reads: “Doors at emergency exits and on evacuation routes must open towards the exit from the building.” This is necessary to make it easier to get out of the room: faster to open the doors, easier to break into.

This is especially true for non-residential public premises. Office doors must all open outwards, especially, according to SNiP standards, for rooms in which there will be more than 15 people.

10 problems faced when installing interior doors >>>

Rule 1: Doors should open from a smaller room to a larger one.

For example, opening a bathroom or dressing room outward rather than inward will not take up additional space in an already small room. In addition, opening bathroom doors from the outside makes the bathroom safer in case someone falls ill and falls on the floor, blocking the doors.

It is more correct to open the doors to the children's room inwards. If a child locks himself in a room and at this time a situation arises in which you need to urgently provide assistance to the child, then it will be much easier to break open the doors if they open into the children's room.

Rule 2: The door should swing open to most of the room.

When we enter a room, we should immediately see everything that is in it at the entrance. This is possible in cases where the entrance is located in one of the corners of the room, and not in the middle of the wall. In this case, the door opens towards the nearest wall.

If the entrance to the room is in the middle of one of the walls, then the opening should be towards the switch. This means that when we come in or out, we open the doors with one hand and turn the lights off or on with the other. If the switch has yet to be installed, then it is more correct to open it towards the window so that when entering the room, the first thing we see is the window, the light from which would fall into the corridor.

Rule 3: Adjacent doors should not touch each other when opened simultaneously.

If the doors are very close and touch each other even when installed to the far edges of the opening, then you will have to install one of the doors with the opening to another room, or move the doorway. Doors touching each other when opening can not only damage themselves, but can also hit someone leaving the room. But the most important thing is to prevent one door from blocking another.

Medical doors must meet the requirements of hygiene, safety, and practicality. Therefore, they are most often made of plastic and metal.

Important parameters

It is no secret that most healthcare facilities, including hospitals - hospitals, emergency departments, first aid stations - were built during the Soviet Union and require updating. Medical doors are one of the cost items for the refurbishment of premises, for which quite extensive requirements are put forward. They concern not only technical characteristics, but also put forward special strength criteria.
Doors for medical institutions are a concept that is not limited to entrances to wards, operating rooms or office premises. In many cases, steel or wooden structures with special requirements are used. Eg:

  • Hospital elevators for transporting bedridden patients;
  • Fire exits;
  • Entrances to high-risk areas, such as laboratories containing biological samples or valuable equipment.
  • In such cases of use, doors for medical institutions must first of all comply with the conditions of use. That is, to provide sufficient strength, the possibility of visual control, as well as a level of protection. Other requirements that these doors must meet fade into the background, but do not disappear.


    It should be remembered that medical doors are constantly under load. It's hard to imagine a more intensive use mode. Visitors, repeated opening and closing, environmental exposure, mechanical damage - all these are harsh working conditions.
    Therefore, for medical purposes, frame structures with linings that are hollow inside are not used. Most often, these are either canvases made from slats, or filled with honeycomb filler.
    The key features that these products should have look something like this:

  • High strength of the fabric;
  • Hinges selected with a reserve of sash weight and designed for long-term operation;
  • The use of coated fittings is not recommended; most often hinges and handles made of brass or stainless alloys are used;
  • For the safety of visitors and staff, the use of glass for inserts is discouraged. If this is necessary, reinforced materials, high-strength transparent plastic or tempered glass that does not form large fragments are used.
  • Similar requirements for the level of glass safety are imposed on technical doors equipped with openings for observation. In addition, there is often a requirement to separate safety zones. For example, the use of complex latch-lock mechanics is not encouraged. Separate blocks are installed. This is not necessary, but is advisable because it simplifies actions in the event of a breakdown.

    User characteristics

    Medical doors must comply with certain institutional rules, as well as sanitary and environmental safety requirements. A short list of sample requirements looks something like this:

  • The coating and material must be certified for environmental safety and not produce emissions of harmful substances or foreign odors;
  • The surface material must have good resistance to active chemicals without changing its appearance or breaking down;
  • Doors must have a coating that does not interact with household cleaning products;
  • The surface of the valves must have sufficient strength to resist mechanical stress, including impacts;
  • The coating must be well resistant to abrasion and scratches;
  • The materials from which the doors and frames are made should not absorb odors or various substances.
  • Decorating fireplaces with artificial stone

    Such requirements are due not only to the huge number of hand touches, the presence of various odors, and sometimes potentially dangerous substances. Elements of the interior of medical institutions require mandatory wet cleaning several times a day, which is due to regulatory approved cleaning schedules for operating rooms and wards.

    Plastic products

    It is difficult to find modern medical doors made from classic materials such as wood. Also, linings made of MDF or other rather fragile materials are almost never used. Today, plastic and metal are widely used. This is very convenient, and also justified in terms of spending money and meeting the necessary requirements.
    Plastic doors have become popular due to the following properties:

  • absolute moisture resistance, zero absorption of liquids and odors;
  • environmental safety is confirmed by numerous certificates and studies;
  • excellent sound insulation due to the strength of the canvas, tight closure, and the use of high-quality seals;
  • high stability of geometry, reliability of hinges, which eliminates the effects of temperature, humidity, increases the reliability of the mechanisms;
  • good ability to retain heat, no drafts;
  • the surface, as well as the material, is neutral to almost all chemicals: PVC doors tolerate cleaning well using simple household cleaning products and fairly caustic chlorine-based substances;
  • zero reaction to radiation, in particular, plastic surfaces on the side of the ward or operating room will not change their appearance for many years, even if the room is quartzed daily.
  • The coating that is applied to modern medical doors made of PVC profile has antibacterial properties. When using a laminated coating, the films have the same positive characteristics as plastic, and the technology used guarantees perfect application.
    Not the least important role is played by the ability to give plastic doors any shape, as well as use overhead decoration elements. Such structures are installed much faster than wooden ones, the setup is more convenient, plus it is possible to adjust almost any parameters of the position of the sash in the frame.

    Composite solutions

    Although PVC doors are quite convenient and practical, from the point of view of saving resources, you can resort to the use of composite structures. This is a door leaf of a frame structure, on which linings made of plastic sheets are applied. This reduces cost, increases user performance, without complicating installation. Such canvases are more common, and they can also be mounted in existing boxes.
    Modern medical designs boast not only excellent properties, but also a pleasant appearance.
    Despite the emphasized utilitarianism and emphasis on durability, you can easily find products that are pleasant to look at. Moreover, they will be durable in the same way as simple smooth canvases. Glass inserts made of reinforced or tempered glass, which are safe for people, are also widely used.

    When moving into a new apartment or changing the metal entrance door, homeowners think about which way and in which direction it should open. Judging by discussions on the Internet, even engineers and firefighters sometimes find it difficult to give an exact answer to this question, let alone civilians. Let's understand and look at the topic from different points of view.

    If we take the requirements of SNiP as a basis, the opening of doors must be organized in the direction of evacuation from the premises. This is stated in the regulation “Fire Safety of Buildings and Structures”. The content of Federal Law No. 123 does not contradict this requirement: people must leave a burning building towards the emergency exit, opening the doors from the premises to the outside.

    What raises doubts is the fact that the law does not specify the types of buildings that fall under this fire safety rule. However, the information is explained in more detail in the technical regulations, namely in Article No. 32.

    According to its content, ensuring fire safety in private apartment buildings is the work of homeowners, while opening doors in public, industrial, and administrative buildings is regulated at the legislative level. Thus, the requirements of developers and management companies play a dominant role when installing entrance doors, but over time the apartment owner can change the way the door opens at his own discretion.

    What to look for when choosing a door opening option?

    If you have to determine where the front door will open, pay attention to the following points:

    • The door, which opens onto the landing, saves useful space in the apartment, makes it easier to exit in case of fire and makes it possible to install a second door to improve heat and sound insulation;
    • If your floor has a small vestibule with a separate entrance or the corridor on the site is too narrow, it is better to install a door that will open inward - this will eliminate the possibility of a collision with neighboring doors and injury to people present in the vestibule. The Guardian DS 7 company has similar models.

    The opening side also matters. The main criteria in making this decision are convenience and safety. If the area at the entrance is quite spacious, you need to proceed from the layout of the apartment. If there is a vestibule, you need to agree on the opening direction with your neighbors so that when leaving the apartments at the same time, you do not block each other’s path. Traditionally, the front door opens from left to right (when viewed from the inside) - this option will be familiar to almost everyone.

    If the conditions allow you to implement any solution, you can do everything according to Feng Shui. According to Taoist practices, the door should open towards the inside of the home, as this allows the energy to flow through the house. When opened externally, they will spill out, depriving you of the strength and desire to achieve an improved quality of life.

    Installing doors is one of the finishing processes of any renovation. And many owners focus in this process solely on the aesthetic side of the matter, forgetting that even in this case there are written and unwritten rules.

    Where should the interior door open?

    Compliance with them determines not only how convenient the use of new door leaves will be, but also the safety of residents. So, installed correctly?

    In or out?

    Most of us know that the front door to an apartment should open exclusively outward. This is due to two reasons:

    • If the door opens inward, then it can be knocked out or squeezed out without any special complications, opening access to the room. Robbers and others with bad intentions can take advantage of this;
    • In the event of a fire, a door that opens inwards can create additional inconvenience for people trying to leave the premises.

    Interior doors can be installed solely depending on the wishes of the apartment owners.

    However, if we are talking about bathroom renovation, then the installation of the door leaf must also obey a certain logic. Doors leading to the bathroom (as well as doors to the toilet and other small rooms) should open outward. First of all, this is due to the fact that the interior space of a standard bathroom is already too small for the door to open inward. A standing person will experience some inconvenience when opening it, since he himself will interfere with the movement of the door leaf. Even a small corner bathtub 125x125×125/ can become an irresistible reason for opening the door inward.

    We should also not forget that a person, as Woland said, is suddenly mortal. Let’s not talk about fatal cases, but even a simple fainting can cause a person’s body to fall to the floor, block the door that opens inward and deprive him of the opportunity to provide assistance. In addition, in the bathroom you can easily slip with similar consequences by falling on a sharp edge, which even some acrylic bathtubs have. Of particular concern in this sense are our elderly relatives, who are most often susceptible to lack of coordination of movements, heart ailments and problems with blood pressure. It is for these reasons that doors to the bathroom should always open only outward.

    What if there is more?

    Speaking of bathrooms and... where does the bathroom door open?, we most often mean standard premises with an area of ​​no more than 5-6 square meters. However, in many modern houses with improved layouts, they take up much more space. In a large spacious room, even an inward opening door is unlikely to interfere with an acrylic corner bathtub 140x140×140/ and even larger. And the issue of compliance with safety precautions is not so acute here. So is it possible to install a door in such a bathroom that will open inward?

    No. According to building codes and regulations (SNIP), the doors of all bathrooms, toilets and kitchens, as well as entrance doors, must open only outward. There is no indication that these standards may change depending on the area of ​​the room, therefore the installation of a canvas that opens inward will be a direct violation of the standards established by the state. It’s better to follow the laws, right?

    Publication date:

    Where should the interior door open? No matter how strange this question and the obvious answer may seem to you, there are entire standards according to which interior doors must open in a strictly defined direction.

    Schemes for opening interior doors.

    Moreover, it can open not only outside and inside the room, but also to the left and right. That is, there are as many as 4 ways to place an interior door.

    According to fire safety rules and SNIP, which all construction organizations without exception must comply with, in small rooms (bathtub, toilet, kitchen) doors must open outward. This arrangement is determined by the fact that in case of an emergency it will be easier for a person to leave the room by opening it to the outside. In addition, if a person becomes ill and is unconscious in a small room, he will not be able to block the door that opens outward. This means that precious minutes will be saved, and help will come much faster.

    So how should doors open correctly? The basic rule for installing interior doors is: they should open in the direction where there is more space. Most often, with a standard layout, this rule implies that interior doors should open towards the room. But on the staircase the situation is the opposite. That is, it should go out, not in. This requirement is dictated by security considerations. Outsiders will not be able to break into it with simple physical effort, that is, such a door cannot be knocked down. However, if when you open your front door it takes up a significant amount of space in the stairwell and makes it difficult to move through, it may make more sense to have it open in the opposite direction.

    SNiP standards

    Door installation diagram.

    According to the building codes and regulations (SNiP) “Fire safety of buildings and structures” dated January 21, 1997, doors at emergency exits and on evacuation routes must open towards the exit from the building. In all other cases, the direction for opening is not regulated, since there are no standards. Below is a list of them:

    • apartment buildings;
    • private houses;
    • premises in which no more than 15 people can be present at the same time;
    • storage rooms with an area of ​​no more than 200 m²;
    • bathrooms;
    • external walls of buildings located on the northern side of the climate zone.

    Fastening the interior door.

    Also, the SNiP document dated January 21, 1997 states that at the design stage of a building it is necessary to position the doors in such a way that when they open simultaneously, they should not block each other.

    Where should the interior door open: the basic rule

    That is why there are situations when in the same room the doors, although they open in one direction, but from different hands. Today, there are “right” and “left” doors. In Russia, these standards differ significantly from European canons. For example, in the case of opening a door with the right hand, it is usually considered “right”. And if you need to use your left hand to open it, then such a door is considered “left-handed”. Experts advise to be extremely careful when purchasing them and not to neglect the advice of consultants. If you need a “left-handed” door, be sure to describe it to the seller as one in which the hinges are located on the left side when opening toward you.

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    Design solutions to save space

    Modern housing layouts sometimes present homeowners with a difficult choice: follow fire safety rules and install doors strictly according to the rules, or carry out installation following the intended design, which, although it looks beautiful, does not always have a functional component.


    We all know the fact that a full swing door can take up a sufficient amount of space when opening and closing. Therefore, when you install it, try to find a “golden mean” in which the location will not only be beautiful, but also convenient and safe.

    If your priority is saving every centimeter in the room, then the front door should open outward.

    And if the corridor space is occupied by shelving or a wardrobe, then for greater convenience it will have to be mounted in such a way that it opens into the room.

    In some cases, designers recommend sacrificing the front door and designing the opening differently. For example, this is done when connecting the kitchen and living room with a decorative arch. Thanks to this technique, you can not only visually increase the space, but also make it easier to pass between rooms.


    When installing an interior or entrance door, remember that for best operation it must not only be installed correctly, but also positioned in such a way that it opens in accordance with fire safety rules and regulations. Otherwise, you risk receiving a court order for forced alteration.

    Feng Shui entrance door

    The front door is an object of close attention in Feng Shui. And this is not the case, because the front door itself serves as a home protection function, encloses the house, makes it comfortable and safe for its inhabitants.

    Apart from these obvious functions, the front door is also the main “supplier” of positive Qi energy for your home. Directly through the door, excellent energy enters the house and circulates freely throughout the apartment if nothing interferes with it.

    Planning the space: or where should the doors open?

    An entrance door according to Feng Shui, its correct placement, decoration and color is a guarantee of your success and health, even if the rest of your apartment is not arranged according to all the rules of Feng Shui.

    Feng Shui placement of the front door

    As for the location of doors in general, Feng Shui has several very strict rules for their placement:

    Entrance door and mirrors

    Feng Shui generally treats mirrors with caution. This also applies to the front door, which under no circumstances should be reflected in the mirror. So, if a mirror hangs opposite the front door or in an adjoining room or corridor, and the door is reflected in it, then the appropriate Qi energy will be reflected, refracted in this mirror, and quickly go back. She will not stay in the house, and this threatens trouble for all family members.

    Otherwise, mirrors are absolutely appropriate in the hallway, so don’t be afraid of them, but place them so that the front door is not reflected in them.

    Entrance door and stairs

    Staircase relative to door

    Stairs and entrance doors must be in the correct position in relation to each other. The staircase inside the house should under no circumstances start close to the front door or become its continuation - this will not only lead to a lightning-fast release of Qi energy, but also increase the impact of negative Sha energy. Make sure that the staircase is not connected to the front door - it does not “continue” the entrance, is not part of it and is not located on the same lane as the entrance.

    Poor position of the entrance door

    If in front of the front door there is a staircase leading to the 2nd floor or down, this is also not necessary, since in this case energy leaks along the stairs, such a staircase distracts the attention of the person entering. In this case, attention can be distracted by placing an obstacle in the form of a plant, sculpture, bedside table, curtain, etc. It is excellent to use musical pendants for the proper distribution of energy, and highlight the upcoming path along the hallway with a prominent carpet or path in accordance with the area in which your corridor is located.

    The most unfavorable placement is the external and internal stairs, which form one line, but are broken by the entrance door. This should not be done under any circumstances, because in such a house you will always feel danger, discomfort, and often get sick.

    Feng Shui color for front door

    The color of the front door is directly related to the sector in which your door is located.

    With the help of the lopan compass, you can simply find in which zone your front door is located, and design it in such a way as to enhance the beneficial effect or block the negative one.

    Door leading west

    Responsible for the affairs of children and parents, it should be decorated with metal elements (the element of the West), choosing white or brown.

    Keep all the decorations on the door in a very clean, “shiny” condition - this will activate the zone.

    Door facing east

    Door to the apartment of a happy friendly family. You will enhance family happiness and the well-being of all apartment residents thanks to the wood from which it is recommended to make “oriental” doors. Both the door itself and the ornament on it can be wood. The main thing is that the wood is always in good condition - without cracks, shiny, varnished. Black or green are suitable colors for this door.

    Door facing south

    If your front door faces south, you can safely make it red or green, and then your activities will be crowned with success and even fame.

    Door facing north

    A door facing north, to the career area, can be painted blue or black, decorated with wavy elements (the north is under the influence of the Water element), and then you will be successful in career advancement.

    Door facing northeast or southwest

    For a door in the northeast or southwest, brown or yellow colors are suitable; southeastern doors can be made yellow or any of its colors - these are the colors of wealth.

    Color enhancement also applies to all interior doors. If you need to strengthen the impact of a sector on your life, just take care of the door that falls into it: paint it in a suitable color, decorate it with suitable elements.

    Apartment interior doors

    Sliding doors

    A few words about other doors in the house, for example, those opening into the hallway. If you are building a house yourself, then it is better not to plan the doors to the toilet, bathroom or kitchen next to the front door. The corridor should lead directly to rooms for common use, and not for personal or business purposes. Your guest should enter the living room or dining room through the corridor, bypassing all other personal rooms.

    Because many of us live in houses that were not built according to an individual project, we have to put up with what we have and look for a better way out of the situation.

    Doors to the toilet and bathroom, if they open into the hallway, should not be very large and massive, otherwise they will attract a lot of energy with their size. You will spend a lot of time in these rooms; the toilet and bathroom may become the most important in your life, and this, you see, is not great. It is also important that the doors to these rooms are always tightly closed, otherwise you risk losing good luck flowing through the sewer. (By the way, this also applies to the toilet lid).

    The same can be said about the door to the kitchen: if people entering your hallway see the “kitchen surroundings”, get ready for the fact that they will have an extraordinary appetite and will always come to you first to eat deliciously, because the open door to the kitchen directly evokes such “inviting” associations. Therefore, if your kitchen door is visible to guests, close it. If the door has large transparent glass elements (for example, half of the door is made of transparent glass), they should also be covered from prying eyes.

    The doors to the owners' private rooms should also be closed, at least when guests arrive. The rest of the time, they can be left open, thereby not creating barriers to the flow of Qi energy.

    All doors in the apartment, even if you don’t use them, need to be opened more often. This way, energy will circulate freely throughout the apartment, and at the same time you will activate the area of ​​your life to which the door belongs. Do not forget about the cleanliness of the doors, maintain them in working order, lubricate the hinges, and promptly get rid of shabby, old and disgusting doors. Remember that with good doors, positive Chi energy will enter with ease and will never leave your home, making it comfortable, comfortable and safe.