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Interior decoration of houses from a log design. What should be the interior of the house from the rounded log

Houses from a bar (the rounded log) gain the increasing popularity, they are especially good in a country interior. The wooden house is very beautiful, natural and original. From it and breathes home warmth and comfort. Houses made of logs look great both outside and inside, so you need to carefully consider all the decor issues so as not to spoil the unique interior.

The interiors of wooden houses made of logs: what should I look for?

In no case can not spoil the house from a bar wallpaper or plasterboard. Everything inside should remain as natural as possible. Inside, the room can be sheathed with clapboard or wood panels, which will make the house even warmer and more suitable for all weather conditions. Parquet or parquet flooring will be the ideal floor covering. As for the ceiling, there are appropriate panels of wood, as well as beams of this material.

You can not spoil the interior of the house with plastic windows and doors of MDF. Everything should be natural, wooden. If the house has more than one floor, its interior design will be perfectly complemented by a beautiful and functional staircase.

The interior design of the house of the log should be as harmonious as possible, so do not forget about such an issue as choosing the right furniture. Of course, wooden tables, chairs and beds are ideal, but they can include elements of materials such as metal, glass and leather. The choice of furniture is very dependent on the overall style of the room. If country style is traced in the house, then wood, flax, and cotton are best for decoration. If the interior of the house is more to the minimalism or high-tech style, in the interior must be present metal and glass elements.

The combination of the interior of the logs with decorative design elements

When it comes to a wooden house, involuntarily a picture pops up before my eyes. And this is not by chance: it will perfectly fit into the interior of such a distinctive home. It is best to install a fireplace on the first floor in the living room.

Such a decorative element as a natural stone will be well combined with a tree. They can finish the walls or fireplace. The individuality of the house will give pictures, statues, which must necessarily fit into the overall style of the room.

The house from a bar is, first of all, naturalness. This should be remembered when starting its interior decoration, and try not to spoil its ecological concept.

Houses made of logs are not only a continuation of the traditions of Russian construction. Today it is a modern comfortable accommodation with an original and interesting design inside and out. Wood has a high environmental friendliness and safety. Pleasant forest aroma and healing properties of the tree will create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere inside the room. Natural material contributes to the rapid change of oxygen and independently maintains the required level of humidity.

Assembling a wooden house passes quickly and without the involvement of special expensive equipment. In addition, the logs do not require serious finishing, because they themselves look very attractive and aesthetically pleasing. All this has a positive effect on the total cost of construction.

Features of the interior of the log house

The internal arrangement in the wooden house begins after the shrinkage of the log house. Today, more and more customers are choosing finish under zero. Wood is a noble and aesthetic material that does not require special finishing. If you want to keep the natural design, it is enough to process the logs with decorative varnish or paint. They will add shine to the surface of walls, ceilings and floors, preserve the natural properties of wood. You can give the wood a gloss or shine, get the desired shade or color. To preserve the texture of the logs, choose transparent paints.

However, you can use other options. In any case, the interior of the house from the rounded log should emphasize the natural beauty of wood, preserve the unique atmosphere and environmental friendliness of the wooden structure. Therefore, it is desirable to choose natural finishing materials.

The interior of the house from the rounded log depends on the style of the building as a whole. Today, eclecticism is gaining more and more popularity, when owners of country houses are increasingly combining styles, building and finishing materials. So, it is easy to combine a board with a brick, a rounded log with stonework, and a tree with a stone and glass.

Styles of wooden houses

Russian style - the traditional option for log houses. Wooden or zero finishing of the house from the rounded log and the volume of space inside gives ample opportunities in design and application of non-standard decisions. This style is determined by spacious balconies and protrusions, porch and teremki, carving and other characteristic elements. In the wooden house of the Russian style is appropriate antique furniture, a stove or a massive fireplace.

Classic style   - simplicity of solutions, strict and straight lines. In this case, the exterior and interior is made only from natural materials, which are designed to highlight the beauty of wood. Solid furniture with clear shapes and lines, square or rectangular rooms, laconic design without unnecessary details - the specificity of the classical style. Such a house looks strictly and sophisticated.

Scandinavian style   - simple construction of houses with a rational combination of the necessary things. At the same time, the design involves a large amount of light, bright colors and details. Such a house is distinguished by its functionality and practicality, conciseness and minimalism. The building is characterized by an attic and low ceilings in the bedrooms, an adjacent compact and cozy terrace with a roof.

Modern   suitable for lovers of space. Light and muted colors in the interior, floor-to-floor windows and plain furniture - this is what defines this style. The design is unobtrusive, airy and sophisticated. Lightweight construction and panoramic windows will give a lot of light and free space. This style is characterized by soft and smooth lines that can be found in window and door openings, furniture and other items.

Country music   - free design, which depends on national characteristics. Thus, the northern peoples use natural stone in the decoration, the southern nations provide for a terrace or terrace in the planning, the British love lacquered furniture and elements of chic. Among the distinctive details of the style are the presence of a fireplace, rocking chairs and long rectangular terraces.

Chalet   - fresh romantic design, which suggests a large sloping roof in a wooden house. The roof protrudes two to three meters from the building, which protects the logs from the effects of precipitation and will provide space for the arrangement of the terrace. A distinctive feature of this interior is a peaceful and cozy atmosphere in the houses using warm, soft and calm tones without bright details.

  • Wood of natural color, fireplace and comfortable furniture - the basis of a warm and cozy living room;
  • White furniture and interior details look spectacular against the background of wood. White color will make the design alive and modern. The use of white walls and white furniture will make the design expressive, and the room will be spacious and bright;
  • Bleached log complement the furniture of light shades;
  • Walls, furniture and interior items look harmoniously in one color range. But it is important to dilute the monotony with bright details (pillows, curtains, vases, etc.);
  • Wood and natural stone harmoniously complement each other. This combination is suitable for a strict and discreet interior;
  • The combination of white and dark tones, furniture with smooth lines, the use of a maximum of white in the interior with splashes of contrasting black will give a strict and precise design;
  • The combination of different shades of wood, dark and light colors in the interior will make the design cozy and sweet;
  • The combination of light and dark wood is a fresh and original design. Be sure to add emphasis to things or parts;
  • The combination of wood and glass will make the setting easy and relaxed. The room will be spacious, airy and bright;

  • The tree is dark in color with white trim - a luxurious and rich interior. And to add originality, use bright cushions;
  • If you want a noble and luxurious design, choose dark wood furniture with rich burgundy upholstery;
  • To give the interior a gloss and luxury, choose antique furniture in the Russian traditional style;
  • Furniture and interior with clear lines emphasize the severity and natural beauty of a wooden cottage;
  • For the bedroom is suitable massive wood furniture. It will give the room luxury and chic;
  • It is interesting to look at the ornaments on the ceiling, which are made with the help of relief battered panels;
  • Large beams on the ceiling will give originality and, if necessary, divide the space into zones. Beams can be placed in the form of figures and drawings. But keep in mind that bulky and massive beams are not suitable for rooms with low ceilings;
  • If one of the partitions in the living room is made of glass, there will be more light and space in the room;
  • An interesting decor for windows in a wooden house will be tricolor curtains. The secret of this technique lies in the proper selection and combination of colors;
  • Draperies for windows add softness and comfort;

  • Another simple technique to decorate the design of a dining room or living room is to use chairs of the same model, but in different matching colors. Then the laconic interior will sparkle with colors.
  • Revive the interior bright accent on one of the walls of the room. It can be a big picture, a lamp in the form of horns, imitation of framed doors and other interesting decorative elements;
  • Repetition of interior elements and mirrors complicate and expand the space;
  • A rational option for a small house is to combine the dining and living room, which adds light and expands the space. It is possible to delimit zones by means of color scale, partitions or furniture;
  • Partitions in the spacious living room with a built-in fireplace, shelves or an aquarium will be an interesting move;

  • It is better to use wide openings without doors in the living room, dining room and hall. Such a move will expand the space and increase the amount of light;
  • Wooden doors with stained glass windows diversify the solid color of the walls;
  • The abundance of natural lighting will increase the space, make the interior sunny and bright. Panoramic glazing and floor-to-floor windows will be suitable for the living room; a solution with a second light will be interesting for a two-story house. The second light in architecture implies the absence of a ceiling between floors;
  • For small and compact homes, choose a spiral staircase. They look elegant and do not take up much space. The majestic staircase is suitable for a spacious cottage. It will make the interior of the house luxurious and rich. In addition, such a ladder is convenient to use for carrying heavy things;
  • Do not forget that the space under the stairs can be useful to use. For example, make shelves for books, cabinets or bedside tables;
  • For the decoration of stairs, use the original railing and balusters. They not only serve as a support, but also complement the interior.

A cozy, warm house made of round logs is an excellent choice for permanent or temporary residence. Such structures are characterized by a long service life, unique design and a special mood. But it is not enough to build or purchase a finished house, as we see in the photo, it is very important to properly equip the interior design of housing.

Today, choosing a finishing material is not a problem. But, it is important not to give preference to artificial samples, but to purchase natural materials. After all, this finish will bring comfort, warmth and special harmony to the house. Of course, choosing a paint or tile must take into account the functional purpose of the premises. For the bathroom and kitchen are ideal, moisture-proof and practical materials. For the hall, dining room and bedroom, the decoration should fit into the overall picture of the arrangement.

Getting Started

Creating a beautiful and cozy interior design inside a round building includes several points:

  • Thorough sanding of the walls.
  • Warming the house.
  • Surface treatment with protective agents.
  • The construction of partitions between rooms.
  • Wiring, sewage, water supply and heating.
  • Installation of doors and windows.
  • Arrangement of ceilings, floors and bathrooms.
  • Installation of the ventilation system.
  • Installation of stairs.

Making inside the house, it is necessary to focus on wood. The walls are lined with clapboard. Parquet on the floor. The ceiling is also finished with wooden elements. By the way, beams can be placed on the ceiling in a dwelling from a rounded log. This solution will create a special, cozy rustic style. Window and doorways in such housing should be made of wood. This also applies to the stairs, which, in addition to aesthetic beauty, has a serious practical function.

Styles arrangement

In the house created from the rounded log, wooden furniture looks best. A good option would be artificially aged furniture. An excellent option would be to purchase wicker furniture. If you like decor furniture created from glass, leather or plastic, then this option also has a right to exist. The photo shows chairs decorated with leather inserts.

The structure of logs and rustic themes - one might say, a single whole. In this interior there are objects and accessories made of flax, wood and cotton.

The direction of high-tech and minimalism require the use of metal and glass products. At first glance it may seem that these design directions are incompatible with a house built from a rounded log. But, with a reasonable combination of wooden and metal elements, the internal design can become unique.

Just a few words about the design

It is reasonable in the wooden structure to use innovative finishing materials to a minimum. Agree, it is much more pleasant to contemplate the environmentally friendly wooden surfaces in the house than the walls, sewn into plasterboard and foam. For a tree to admire its beauty for decades, it is recommended to cover it with a special antiseptic. As mentioned above, the doors and windows should be made of wood only. Agree, it is somehow absurd to open a plastic window or a door in a log building.

Decorative solutions in the arrangement

The magnificent and successful solution in the arrangement of the structure of the rounded log is a fireplace, which is located in the main room of the house, as shown in the photo. Just imagine a frosty winter day, and you drink fragrant mulled wine in the circle of your loved and loved ones and sit by the fireplace, in which logs brought from the cold crackle. This picture is worthy of being translated into reality! Fireplace adds comfort and warmth to any interior, and the interior of a wooden house, and even more so.

To add originality to the arrangement, it is possible to arrange large glass, porcelain, and painting items in the rooms. If you create accessories yourself, then this will be the best solution to give a special character to your home.

Usually, houses made of round wood are constructed on two floors. Of course, inside this structure there is a staircase. In addition to the main role played by this element in the interior, it can be a highlight of the design. The staircase can be decorated with forged or carved railing. Moreover, it is not necessary to make the staircase straight, it can be a spiral one with wide steps. This option we see in the photo.

Advantages of log house interiors

First, it is environmental friendliness. In such housing it is hard enough to find something that is not environmentally friendly or dangerous to human life. Secondly, the unique flavor that is inherent in such structures. Long-term wood retains its natural flavor and therefore your home will smell special. Thirdly, at home from the rounded log has a beautiful appearance that does not require additional finishing. Moreover, such facilities have excellent heat and sound insulation. And this means that the owner will not need to purchase additional materials for insulation.

Cons wooden structures

With all the variety of advantages, the dwellings of logs have their shortcomings. Such structures do not tolerate significant changes in temperature and humidity conditions. Under adverse conditions, the tree can crack and crack. Therefore, in such buildings it is important to observe comfortable climatic conditions.

Summing up, it should be noted that housing from a timber is a wonderful investment, which can be an ideal family nest in which many generations will be born and grow.

In contact with

Wooden houses are a classic way to build housing. The interior of the house from the rounded log has undergone changes in accordance with the development of finishing technologies and the emergence of new materials. The development of styles for the construction of such structures and design solutions for the design of interior dwellings added to them creativity and glamor, made them even more attractive.

Despite all the innovations, the interior of the house from a rounded log adheres to the main line - simplicity and reliability, proximity to the origins of humanity and unity with nature. It is not for nothing that they say that such houses “breathe” and, accordingly, everything that is being done inside such structures is aimed at preserving this natural principle.

Finishing facilities

The internal design of the house is trying to bring closer to the natural color. When processing and painting the walls, natural, natural beige, light brown, golden colors and dark shades of bog oak are used.

The walls in the house of rounded logs are often trimmed with the same tree, clapboard, sheets of chipboard. Using such options for trimming logs with other materials, the builders are aiming to increase the sound insulation properties or make the room warmer.

The most acceptable and convenient, conveying a natural flavor, is a method of direct further refining of logs inside a wooden house. Additional cylindering, internal processing of logs.

They can be planed and sanded, and then coated with stain or varnish. Wood (in itself) is such a material that looks very solid and prestigious, without requiring additional decorating, except for a protective coating.

The ceiling is also created from boards or sheets of wood production. Hosts seeking a creative solution to an interior design can leave beams holding roofing outside the rooms.

The floor in such a house is also lined with wooden planks, and it can be covered with linoleum with a wood pattern or a brown-beige coating. An excellent solution for the interior of wooden houses is the parquet floor, but it is the most expensive compared to other options.

Elements of decor

In a wooden house will look great stove or fireplace. The choice of heating equipment depends on the taste of the owner. If the whole design style adheres to the village hut, then the Russian stove with shelves will be a great addition to the interior design.

When the most modern style is chosen, the fireplace, equipped in the hall, will give the whole room and home a special chic and romance. The wood crackling in it in winter evenings will allow you to fully taste the feeling of comfort and security.

If there are two floors in the house, then a wooden staircase made in the form of a ladder or spiral will perfectly fit into the interior. Creating such a design, you can achieve the effect of lightness and expansion of space. The space under the stairs can be successfully used to create various lockers and drawers that will serve as a storeroom in the complex, while decorating the interior of a wooden house.

The whole interior can be made individual, brightly emphasizing the taste of the owner, with the help of various wicker baskets with flowers, flowerpots, hanging on the walls, and ceramic products. Special color can give the rooms stuffed wild animals or mannequins of heads of predators. But in modern housing, where clear, even lines and ultra colors predominate, the head of an angry bear or boar hanging on the wall will look ridiculous, whereas in a wooden house this element will add personality and zest to the interior.

Furniture in the house

Furniture in a wooden house is better to install made from the same material. In this case, imagination and possibilities in interior decoration are practically unlimited. Wood is a natural material, perfectly treatable. From it you can make all sorts of products and designs that match the interior design of your home.

Cabinets and shelves can be decorated with various cut-out patterns or decorative slats. Tables and chairs to make any size, with all the legs they can be carved, with figures, corresponding to the decor of the entire room.

Materials for decorating wooden houses

When finishing and creating coziness in such houses it is common to use natural materials of natural origin, natural stone is good for this.

Various types of granite, limestone, even brick will perfectly fit into the interior decoration. Forged hardware can be used forged iron products - lattices, handles, latches.

When constructing doors and windows, preference is also given to wood. Weeds, window sills and frames are perfectly woven into the overall design, while plastic windows or iron doors will look awkward.

Interior wooden doors can be decorated with stained glass windows, which will give the house more unusual and sophisticated. Windows, if the climate allows, can be made high and large, it will give a greater sense of unity with nature and will give a lot of pleasure when contemplating the view from such a window in any season.


Wooden houses and their interior are considered the most environmentally friendly and do not contain various harmful impurities and materials. Finishing of a wooden house can be made with appropriate natural coatings. Such houses, according to ancient tenets, even have their own soul and are able to influence the life of their owner in the best way: to give proper rest, help in making the right decisions, and protect from life's turmoil.

Wood is a natural material, it is afraid of moisture and fire. Creating such housing, carefully calculate the heating system of the building and the ventilation of the room.

In order to avoid accidents or fire, it is desirable that a fire extinguisher be neatly fitted into the interior of any room or hidden.

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