Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

DIY flowers made of corrugated paper, asters. How to make an aster from colored paper. How to make an aster flower from paper with your own hands step by step. Corrugated paper aster

Asters are perfect for creating chic bouquets and compositions. The variety of shades and shapes of these flowers is simply huge, which allows you to create even the most complex compositions. In addition, autumn “stars” are very versatile plants that fit into any bouquet, organically combining with even the most exotic flowers. In today's master class we will show you how to make asters from corrugated paper with your own hands.

To create an aster from corrugated paper, we will need the following tools and materials:

  • crepe paper of a bright and rich shade to create a bud;
  • a piece of green colored paper;
  • green crepe paper;
  • scissors;
  • threads or very thin wire;
  • glue stick;
  • wire for the base of the stem;
  • ruler.

Master class on creating flowers “Do-it-yourself asters from corrugated paper”:

1) So, first you need to create an aster peduncle. We wrap a small crepe strip around the prepared piece of wire. To prevent the stem from losing its original appearance in the future, secure the tip of the tape with a small amount of glue.

Roll the first piece into a ball.

2) Pierce the resulting ball with the tip of a thin wire.

Then we wrap the ball with the second piece, and secure the lower part with thread.

We wrap the base of the bud with a short strip of crepe paper.

Now you can start creating the aster petals. Cut a strip of about 5 cm wide from a roll of crepe paper.

Then we lay out the tape and cut it into several parts.

To create the inner petals we will need two or three of these strips. Using scissors, carefully curl the ends of the petals. To prevent the petals from coming off, it is better to twist several strips at once.

4) Now we apply glue to the end of the workpiece and attach it to the ball at the end of the stem. When the glue dries a little, we begin to slowly wind the strip.

5) Please note that the inner petals should curl inward. In the same way we attach two more stripes.

We wrap the base of the blanks tightly with thread.

We also stretch the ribbon itself at the base of the petals.

6) We wind these blanks with the reverse side so that the petals are turned outward.

When all the blanks are attached to the stem, their lower part needs to be processed with threads.

Then we hide the threads with green crepe tape.

7) Cut out the sepals from a green strip of crepe paper. Just like the petals, we curl the leaves.

We divide the resulting workpiece into two parts. Then, one by one, we attach them to the aster’s receptacle.

You need to cut out two or three round-shaped leaves from colored paper.

Glue the leaves with glue to the middle of the stem.

Asters- These are lush flowers with a large yellow center. They bloom at the end of summer and are pleasing to the eye before the onset of cold weather. But if you want to admire the beauty of this flower all year round, then make it from corrugated paper.
Today you will learn about the intricacies of making asters from multi-colored crepe paper. The master class also presents an original idea for presenting flowers in a bouquet with sweets.

To work you will need the following components:

  • tube with PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • corrugated paper in green, yellow, pink, lilac and red shades;
  • wooden thin skewers (sticks);
  • sweets;
  • scotch;
  • bright paper for gift wrapping.
First, make lush asters with thin petals and a bright center.
Take yellow crepe paper and, without opening the roll, cut it into strips 3 cm wide.

On one side, make a fringe 1.5 cm long.

Press it lightly with your hands.

Then unfold the workpiece along its entire length.

Cut into three equal parts and begin to form the center of the future flower.
To do this, take one wooden stick and attach it to the edge of the yellow strip. The fringe should be above the edge of the skewer.

Apply a drop of PVA glue and wrap the strip around the stick. Glue its edge with glue.

Repeat the procedure 6 times. Use the same method to make 7 such blanks.

Now make blanks for the petals. Cut a strip of 6 cm wide from the lilac corrugated paper.

Make a fringe 3 cm long. Fluff it with your hands.

Open the strip along its entire length.

And glue it on top of the yellow center. Don't forget to periodically add PVA glue to keep the petals securely in place.

The result is such a beautiful bud.

Open the petals so that the yellow center of the flower is visible.

Make more pink and red asters. All together they will make a magnificent bouquet.

But first you need to cover the wooden sticks with green paper.
Cut strips 1.5 cm wide and wrap them around the skewers.

The stems should look something like the photo.

The bouquet can be placed in a vase, placed in a prominent place and admire the beauty of artificial flowers.

DIY crafts made from colored paper.

Master Class. Asters

Moskalenko Anna Nikolaevna, teacher, BMKDOU kindergarten No. 19 of compensatory type. Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk region.
The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, teachers, and parents.
Purpose: This work can be used as a gift for holidays or for interior decoration.
Target: production of volumetric applique.
1. teach techniques and methods for creating paper crafts;
2. develop:
- fine motor skills of hands;
- creative abilities and aesthetic taste of preschoolers;
3. cultivate perseverance, accuracy and hard work.

The stars of the earth are so familiar.
Asters are simple, double... Various.
Unusual in their diversity.

Motley autumn lives with carnivals,
Extending summer into stormy weeks,
Indulging in bright days and colors -
Asters purple, yellow, red...
Elovikova Diana

Papermaking is one of the simplest, most exciting and accessible ways to work with paper. This type of activity is close to any child.
This amazing material is paper. Natural, noble, grateful. And how unexpectedly plastic! A little warmth, a little imagination, a little perseverance and the result is stunningly beautiful volumetric installations. You look at the result, and it’s hard to believe that these are just thin sheets of pressed cellulose, cut at a certain angle, rolled into geometric shapes and glued together. Everything else is the author’s unique skill, talent that breathes life into the material.

Exciting activities allow children to discover their creative abilities, develop imagination, develop spatial thinking, a sense of beauty, cultivate the ability to observe, stimulate the development of memory, fine motor skills, eye, sense of color, composition. Even with little effort on the part of the children, the work attracts with its unusual execution and makes the child want to do something original and unusual.
Today I invite you to a master class on making three-dimensional appliqué “Asters”.

For work we need materials and tools:
- colored cardboard;
- double-sided paper in red, yellow and green;
- single-sided paper of lilac or lilac color of your choice;
- a simple pencil;
- scissors;
- ruler;
- compass;
- PVA glue.

Manufacturing stages
1. Let's make the stems. Cut three strips of green color, approximately 0.5 cm wide and of different lengths. The length is arbitrary - measure according to the size of your frame.

2. Glue a long strip in the center of the base, and the other two on the sides.

3. Making flowers. From colored paper, cut out eight circles with a diameter of 6 cm.

4. Now we will cut the fringe petals along the edges. To make it more convenient for the child, you can draw an inner circle-border.

5. Here's what we got.

6. We collect the flowers as follows: take one of the circles, put the center on the blunt end of a pencil and press the sides around the pencil.

7. Apply glue to the part of the flower placed on the end of the pencil, place the next circle on top and press the edges of the flower in the same way. In this way we will collect the entire flower - eight layers.

8. Using the same pattern, we will make two other asters. To get a two-color aster, you need to take one-sided colored paper and alternate the sides of the circles when assembling the flower.

9. Next, we will glue our flower heads to the stems. We insert a pencil into the middle, coat the back of the flower with glue and press the head against the top of the stem for a few seconds. Take out the pencil and straighten the petals.

10. Place the remaining two asters on the sides.

11. From a sheet of green paper, cut a strip 4 cm wide along the long side. Fold it in four, then in half lengthwise. Let's draw the outline of a leaf with carved teeth.

12. Cut it out.

13. Apply glue to half of the leaf and glue it near the stem on the side.

14. Our application is ready. Let's frame it, decorate it and we have a simple and beautiful gift.

15. Can be hung on the wall, used as an interior element in a group, locker room or kindergarten hallway.

16. Thank you for your attention. I will be very glad if my master class is useful to someone.

Panel: Asters for decorating a group in kindergarten on September 1st. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Chasovskikh Svetlana Olegovna.
Purpose: Decoration of the group for the holiday "Day of Knowledge"
Target: Making panels from colored paper using the quilling technique.
Objectives: Continue to introduce the quilling technique.
Teach new techniques for working with paper: carefully cut strips of paper with “grass”.
Improve the ability to roll strips of paper into a tight roll.
Cultivate perseverance and accuracy.
Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Develop children's compositional skills.
The stars of the earth are so familiar.
Asters are simple, double... Various.
Unusual in their diversity.

Near the houses he is bowing with age
A low picket fence, whitened by thunderstorms,
And in the front gardens - for a long time, I remember -
Asters in the constellations of fawn and pink.

The day will flash by unfamiliar faces.
The sun is falling with ripe Antonovka.
At dusk the last lightning will flash
Blue asters, burgundy, white...

Motley autumn lives with carnivals,
Extending summer into stormy weeks,
Indulging in bright days and colors -
Asters purple, yellow, red...
Author: Elovikova Diana.

Asters are the last smile of autumn. These unpretentious flowers evoke different feelings in people: joy and sadness, because winter is about to come.
Asters can withstand frosts down to - 7 degrees.
There is a belief: if you stand among the asters at night and listen carefully, you can hear a subtle whispering - this is how asters communicate with their sisters - the stars in the sky.
This is not surprising, because according to legend, the aster grew from a speck of dust that fell from a star. This legend was originated by the Parisian astronomer Alexandre Henri Gabriel Cassini. As a young man, Cassini studied the science of celestial bodies, but devoted his entire life to botany. In 1826, he isolated a new genus from the aster family - callistephus, which translated from ancient Greek means “beautiful flower”. In flower science practice, callistephus are called annual or Chinese asters, and true asters are called perennials.
The aster flower is a symbol of women born under the astrological sign of Virgo. Aster is a symbol of sadness. This flower was considered a gift to man from the gods, his amulet, amulet, a piece of his distant star. Therefore, the sadness it symbolizes is sadness for the lost paradise, for the inability to rise into the sky.

Autumn over the shady park... Lies down
Gold maples on the waters of the pond.
The leaves are spinning... The birds have fallen silent...
Looking into the cold sky
Aster, radiant aster - star.

Aster with its straight petals
Since ancient times it has been called a “star”.
That's what you would call it yourself.
The petals in it scattered like rays

From the core it's completely golden.
Dusk is approaching. Thin and sharp
The light sways in the sky of the constellations.
An aster in a flowerbed, fragrant and colorful,
Watches how distant sisters shine,
And sends greetings to them from the earth.
(Sunday Christmas)

The mysterious light of a star is not the same: sometimes it is pinkish, bluish, sometimes golden, and the stars also twinkle.
Romantically minded people are sure that the stars transmit signals to the Earth with their twinkling and receive them in return. And sometimes, stars fall from the sky and fall down. Ancient people began to look closely at the trees and flowers on the ground, trying to find out where she was, the fallen mysterious beauty? And they saw small flowers, blue, with yellow circles in the middle, and then they realized - here it is - a star, swaying from a light breeze!
This flower came to Europe, or more precisely to France in 1728, from China. It took a whole 22 years for the first terry aster to appear! The genus of asters has several hundred species. The simplest asters resemble daisies, and there are stunningly beautiful peony-shaped asters.
These flowers are annual and perennial, blooming from late summer until frost.
Aster is an autumn flower.
Among the asters there are both low and tall, their inflorescences have all kinds of colors: snow-white, blue, cream, yellow, dark red and even multi-colored! According to the structure of the inflorescences there are: peony-shaped, rose-shaped, chrysanthemum-shaped. The inflorescences can be small, or can reach 17 or more centimeters in diameter.
Aster is a very ancient plant. The ancient Greeks considered it an amulet.
In the language of flowers of Hungary, the aster represents autumn and is called “ostiroza”, which translated into Russian means “autumn rose”.

Material required for work: Colored paper of different colors, scissors, glue, quilling tool or toothpick, frame and shampoo bottle (optional).

Step-by-step manufacturing process:
To make asters, you need to cut strips of paper with a width of 2,3,4, and 5 centimeters. If you need to make smaller flowers, you can skip the size of 3 centimeters, since it goes into the middle and does not affect the size of the petals. Glue the strips together in one long strip. If we want to make the centers of a different color, then the 2 and 3 centimeter strips should be of a different color.

Cut one edge of the strip finely, “grass,” as we call it with the children. We cut the edge that is not smooth, then we will twist the smooth one.

Take a quilling tool or a toothpick and start twisting from a side of 2 centimeters.

We twist it as tightly as possible so that the flower does not crumble. We remove the twisted flower, seal the edge, and coat the bottom with glue.

Only after this we begin to “fluff” the petals. This process must be done very carefully and therefore preschoolers at this stage need the help of an adult. Using scissors, we twist the petals 4 centimeters inward and 5 centimeters outward.

I drew the leaves myself, folded a sheet of paper like an accordion, traced the leaf and cut it out. I folded the leaf in the middle and along the veins to give it volume.

I made the frame myself from gray packaging cardboard. I painted the frame and glued wallpaper in the middle.

I decorated the frame with strips of corrugated cardboard.

I cut a bottle of suitable shape to the height I needed.

DIY crafts made from colored paper.

Master Class. Asters

Moskalenko Anna Nikolaevna, teacher, BMKDOU kindergarten No. 19 of compensatory type. Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk region.
The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, teachers, and parents.
Purpose: This work can be used as a gift for holidays or for interior decoration.
Target: production of volumetric applique.
1. teach techniques and methods for creating paper crafts;
2. develop:
- fine motor skills of hands;
- creative abilities and aesthetic taste of preschoolers;
3. cultivate perseverance, accuracy and hard work.

Unusual in their diversity.

Elovikova Diana

Papermaking is one of the simplest, most exciting and accessible ways to work with paper. This type of activity is close to any child.
This amazing material is paper. Natural, noble, grateful. And how unexpectedly plastic! A little warmth, a little imagination, a little perseverance and the result is stunningly beautiful volumetric installations. You look at the result, and it’s hard to believe that these are just thin sheets of pressed cellulose, cut at a certain angle, rolled into geometric shapes and glued together. Everything else is the author’s unique skill, talent that breathes life into the material.

Exciting activities allow children to discover their creative abilities, develop imagination, develop spatial thinking, a sense of beauty, cultivate the ability to observe, stimulate the development of memory, fine motor skills, eye, sense of color, composition. Even with little effort on the part of the children, the work attracts with its unusual execution and makes the child want to do something original and unusual.
Today I invite you to a master class on making three-dimensional appliqué “Asters”.

For work we need materials and tools:
- colored cardboard;
- double-sided paper in red, yellow and green;
- single-sided paper of lilac or lilac color of your choice;
- a simple pencil;
- scissors;
- ruler;
- compass;
- PVA glue.

Manufacturing stages
1. Let's make the stems. Cut three strips of green color, approximately 0.5 cm wide and of different lengths. The length is arbitrary - measure according to the size of your frame.

2. Glue a long strip in the center of the base, and the other two on the sides.

3. Making flowers. From colored paper, cut out eight circles with a diameter of 6 cm.

4. Now we will cut the fringe petals along the edges. To make it more convenient for the child, you can draw an inner circle-border.

5. Here's what we got.

6. We collect the flowers as follows: take one of the circles, put the center on the blunt end of a pencil and press the sides around the pencil.

7. Apply glue to the part of the flower placed on the end of the pencil, place the next circle on top and press the edges of the flower in the same way. In this way we will collect the entire flower - eight layers.

8. Using the same pattern, we will make two other asters. To get a two-color aster, you need to take one-sided colored paper and alternate the sides of the circles when assembling the flower.

9. Next, we will glue our flower heads to the stems. We insert a pencil into the middle, coat the back of the flower with glue and press the head against the top of the stem for a few seconds. Take out the pencil and straighten the petals.

10. Place the remaining two asters on the sides.

11. From a sheet of green paper, cut a strip 4 cm wide along the long side. Fold it in four, then in half lengthwise. Let's draw the outline of a leaf with carved teeth.

12. Cut it out.

13. Apply glue to half of the leaf and glue it near the stem on the side.

14. Our application is ready. Let's frame it, decorate it and we have a simple and beautiful gift.

15. Can be hung on the wall, used as an interior element in a group, locker room or kindergarten hallway.

16. Thank you for your attention. I will be very glad if my master class is useful to someone.

Decorating with paper flowers has become especially popular lately. These crafts are used to decorate your own interior. The process of creating such flowers is very simple, so even a novice needlewoman can master it. Today you will learn how to make a very realistic aster from ordinary paper.

For work, prepare the following materials and tools:

Lilac colored paper;

Dark green colored paper;

Light green crepe paper;

Yellow colored paper or strip for quilling;


The wire is thin;

Small scissors;

Glue stick or PVA.

1.So, first we create the main petals of the aster. To do this, you need to fold a small piece of lilac paper three or four times.

2. We collect all the resulting strips of paper, fold them and bend them in half.

After which we use a pencil to draw the outline of thin aster petals onto the paper.

We cut them along the contour, rounding their tips.

The petal blanks are ready, let's start creating the aster stamens.

3.Cut a strip of yellow paper and fold it several times. Using scissors, make small cuts along the entire length of the strip.

We got this yellow “fringe”.

5.Now we assemble the aster bud from the prepared blanks. Apply a little glue to the tip of the yellow ribbon, glue it to the peduncle and begin to wind it. We fix its tip with glue so that the base of the bud does not lose its shape.

6.The main petals should not be even; they must be given a natural shape using scissors. This is what you should get.

7.Then we apply glue to the tip of the lilac ribbon, glue it to the base of the flower and continue to wind it. Secure the end of each tape with glue.

8.When all the aster petals are glued, decorate the lower part of the bud with green crepe paper.

9.Now you need to add sepals to the flower. Fold a piece of green paper four times and cut out these petals. The tips of these petals should be sharp.

Then we give them the required shape and glue them to the bud.

We decorate the lower part of the sepals with crepe paper. We straighten all the petals of the flower, bending them to the sides.

10.Cut out an aster leaf from green paper and glue it to the peduncle.

That's all, the realistic paper aster is ready.

Now you can decorate your interior with them. A bouquet of asters in rich colors will create a warm autumn atmosphere in the room.

Panel: Asters for decorating a group in kindergarten on September 1st. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Chasovskikh Svetlana Olegovna.
Purpose: Decoration of the group for the holiday "Day of Knowledge"
Target: Making panels from colored paper using the quilling technique.
Objectives: Continue to introduce the quilling technique.
Teach new techniques for working with paper: carefully cut strips of paper with “grass”.
Improve the ability to roll strips of paper into a tight roll.
Cultivate perseverance and accuracy.
Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Develop children's compositional skills.
The stars of the earth are so familiar.
Asters are simple, double... Various.
Unusual in their diversity.

Near the houses he is bowing with age
A low picket fence, whitened by thunderstorms,
And in the front gardens - for a long time, I remember -
Asters in the constellations of fawn and pink.

The day will flash by unfamiliar faces.
The sun is falling with ripe Antonovka.
At dusk the last lightning will flash
Blue asters, burgundy, white...

Motley autumn lives with carnivals,
Extending summer into stormy weeks,
Indulging in bright days and colors -
Asters purple, yellow, red...

Asters are the last smile of autumn. These unpretentious flowers evoke different feelings in people: joy and sadness, because winter is about to come.
Asters can withstand frosts down to - 7 degrees.
There is a belief: if you stand among the asters at night and listen carefully, you can hear a subtle whispering - this is how asters communicate with their sisters - the stars in the sky.
This is not surprising, because according to legend, the aster grew from a speck of dust that fell from a star. This legend was originated by the Parisian astronomer Alexandre Henri Gabriel Cassini. As a young man, Cassini studied the science of celestial bodies, but devoted his entire life to botany. In 1826, he isolated a new genus from the aster family - callistephus, which translated from ancient Greek means “beautiful flower”. In flower science practice, callistephus are called annual or Chinese asters, and true asters are called perennials.
The aster flower is a symbol of women born under the astrological sign of Virgo. Aster is a symbol of sadness. This flower was considered a gift to man from the gods, his amulet, amulet, a piece of his distant star. Therefore, the sadness it symbolizes is sadness for the lost paradise, for the inability to rise into the sky.

Autumn over the shady park... Lies down
Gold maples on the waters of the pond.
The leaves are spinning... The birds have fallen silent...
Looking into the cold sky
Aster, radiant aster - star.

Aster with its straight petals
Since ancient times it has been called a “star”.
That's what you would call it yourself.
The petals in it scattered like rays

From the core it's completely golden.
Dusk is approaching. Thin and sharp
The light sways in the sky of the constellations.
An aster in a flowerbed, fragrant and colorful,
Watches how distant sisters shine,
And sends greetings to them from the earth.
(Sunday Christmas)

The mysterious light of a star is not the same: sometimes it is pinkish, bluish, sometimes golden, and the stars also twinkle.
Romantically minded people are sure that the stars transmit signals to the Earth with their twinkling and receive them in return. And sometimes, stars fall from the sky and fall down. Ancient people began to look closely at the trees and flowers on the ground, trying to find out where she was, the fallen mysterious beauty? And they saw small flowers, blue, with yellow circles in the middle, and then they realized - here it is - a star, swaying from a light breeze!
This flower came to Europe, or more precisely to France in 1728, from China. It took a whole 22 years for the first terry aster to appear! The genus of asters has several hundred species. The simplest asters resemble daisies, and there are stunningly beautiful peony-shaped asters.
These flowers are annual and perennial, blooming from late summer until frost.
Aster is an autumn flower.
Among the asters there are both low and tall, their inflorescences have all kinds of colors: snow-white, blue, cream, yellow, dark red and even multi-colored! According to the structure of the inflorescences there are: peony-shaped, rose-shaped, chrysanthemum-shaped. The inflorescences can be small, or can reach 17 or more centimeters in diameter.
Aster is a very ancient plant. The ancient Greeks considered it an amulet.
In the language of flowers of Hungary, the aster represents autumn and is called “ostiroza”, which translated into Russian means “autumn rose”.

Material required for work: Colored paper of different colors, scissors, glue, quilling tool or toothpick, frame and shampoo bottle (optional).

Step-by-step manufacturing process:
To make asters, you need to cut strips of paper with a width of 2,3,4, and 5 centimeters. If you need to make smaller flowers, you can skip the size of 3 centimeters, since it goes into the middle and does not affect the size of the petals. Glue the strips together in one long strip. If we want to make the centers of a different color, then the 2 and 3 centimeter strips should be of a different color.
Cut one edge of the strip finely, “grass,” as we call it with the children. We cut the edge that is not smooth, then we will twist the smooth one.

Take a quilling tool or a toothpick and start twisting from a side of 2 centimeters.

We twist it as tightly as possible so that the flower does not crumble. We remove the twisted flower, seal the edge, and coat the bottom with glue.

Only after this we begin to “fluff” the petals. This process must be done very carefully and therefore preschoolers at this stage need the help of an adult. Using scissors, we twist the petals 4 centimeters inward and 5 centimeters outward.

I drew the leaves myself, folded a sheet of paper like an accordion, traced the leaf and cut it out. I folded the leaf in the middle and along the veins to give it volume.

I made the frame myself from gray packaging cardboard. I painted the frame and glued wallpaper in the middle.

I decorated the frame with strips of corrugated cardboard.
I cut a bottle of suitable shape to the height I needed.

Print Thanks, great lesson +1

Flowers decorate our home both outdoors and indoors. However, they fade very quickly. Therefore, we invite you, with the help of our detailed lesson, to make an aster that does not need care and will delight you for a long time. The aster can be any color. In our case, the color chosen was yellow.

  • Sheets of green and yellow paper
  • Stationery glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler

Step-by-step photo lesson:

Take a sheet of yellow paper and begin to create the bottom layer of petals. They will be the longest. Their length will be 21 cm, and their height will be only 1 cm. 18 such strips should be cut out.

Now we glue them together in droplets using office glue.

Cut out a circle from yellow paper, the diameter of which will be 3-4 cm. Glue all the petals of the first tier onto it.

Now let's move on to the second layer and cut out nine strips of paper 15 x 1 cm.

Glue them together in the form of droplets and let them dry.

We attach nine petals to the center of the aster, which will create a second layer.

A third tier should definitely be created. Therefore, we will cut out nine strips of 10 x 1 cm.

Glue them one by one to the very center of the flower.

Finally, let's make the last layer of petals. They will be both shorter and narrower. To do this, take a sheet of yellow paper and cut out five stripes 6 x 0.5 cm. Glue them in the middle of the flower.

Not a single flower is complete without a leaf. Therefore, we cut out a large sheet of green paper and glue it to the back.

Now the paper aster is ready. Such a bright and voluminous craft will certainly decorate your home and attract the attention of every guest.

Asters- These are lush flowers with a large yellow center. They bloom at the end of summer and are pleasing to the eye before the onset of cold weather. But if you want to admire the beauty of this flower all year round, then make it from corrugated paper.
Today you will learn about the intricacies of making asters from multi-colored crepe paper. The master class also presents an original idea for presenting flowers in a bouquet with sweets.

To work you will need the following components:

  • tube with PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • corrugated paper in green, yellow, pink, lilac and red shades;
  • wooden thin skewers (sticks);
  • sweets;
  • scotch;
  • bright paper for gift wrapping.
First, make lush asters with thin petals and a bright center.
Take yellow crepe paper and, without opening the roll, cut it into strips 3 cm wide.

On one side, make a fringe 1.5 cm long.

Press it lightly with your hands.

Then unfold the workpiece along its entire length.

Cut into three equal parts and begin to form the center of the future flower.
To do this, take one wooden stick and attach it to the edge of the yellow strip. The fringe should be above the edge of the skewer.

Apply a drop of PVA glue and wrap the strip around the stick. Glue its edge with glue.

Repeat the procedure 6 times. Use the same method to make 7 such blanks.

Now make blanks for the petals. Cut a strip of 6 cm wide from the lilac corrugated paper.

Make a fringe 3 cm long. Fluff it with your hands.

Open the strip along its entire length.

And glue it on top of the yellow center. Don't forget to periodically add PVA glue to keep the petals securely in place.

The result is such a beautiful bud.

Open the petals so that the yellow center of the flower is visible.

Make more pink and red asters. All together they will make a magnificent bouquet.

But first you need to cover the wooden sticks with green paper.
Cut strips 1.5 cm wide and wrap them around the skewers.

The stems should look something like the photo.

The bouquet can be placed in a vase, placed in a prominent place and admire the beauty of artificial flowers.