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What is an ovarian cyst and why is it dangerous? Kidney cyst: is there a threat to life? Speed ​​of development of the disease

The word kystis itself means “bubble” in Greek. This is exactly what a bubble is - a benign neoplasm filled with liquid. Ovarian cysts occur for various reasons, for example due to hormonal imbalance or inflammation.

Ovarian cyst: symptoms and types

  1. Functional ovarian cyst (follicular or corpus luteum). As a rule, it occurs in women aged 16−45 due to hormonal disorders. The disease may not manifest itself in any way for a long time; it can only be noticed on an ultrasound. Signs of an ovarian cyst are disruptions in the menstrual cycle, pain during menstruation, as well as problems with urination, pain during sexual intercourse, nausea and fever. Why is an ovarian cyst dangerous? When it begins to grow, it may rupture and release its contents directly into the abdominal cavity. But do not worry, because such an outcome of the problem is very rare and most often the functional cyst resolves due to the use of hormonal drugs. Pay attention to menstrual cycle irregularities in order to notice the neoplasm in time and take it under control.
  2. Dermoid. This type of tumor occurs much less frequently, but it still happens. It grows slowly and when it reaches a large size it begins to “press”, causing pain that “radiates” to the lower back.
  3. Endometriotic. Occurs when cells that are found only in the uterus somehow end up in the ovaries. A dangerous tumor that can become malignant if not treated promptly.
  4. Cystadenoma. Another dangerous tumor that requires mandatory surgical intervention.

Ovarian cyst - consequences

As already mentioned, a benign tumor in some cases can develop into a malignant one. That is why it is important to regularly visit a gynecologist and pay attention to painful symptoms, because timeliness is most important in treatment here.

Another danger is rupture of the tumor, which requires immediate hospitalization. Be attentive to yourself so that you can be cured in time and prevent infertility.

Ovarian cyst - what to do?

First of all, if you suspect a neoplasm, you need to do an ultrasound, which will allow you to find out the details of the disease. Then you just need to follow the doctor’s recommendations - get treatment folk remedies under no circumstances is it worth it.

Ovarian cyst - treatment

How to treat an ovarian cyst? Treatment in each case is selected individually and most often consists of taking hormonal drugs. If hormones do not help within six months and the tumor does not resolve, surgery is prescribed, for example by laparoscopy. By the way, this is a fairly common operation, and it does not pose any health hazard. Reproductive function is completely preserved. So don’t forget to go to the gynecologist once every six months and be healthy!

An ovarian cyst is a small formation in the form of a bubble filled with fluid that occurs in the ovary.
In modern medicine, specific measures to prevent the appearance of a cyst are still unknown, but the reasons for its appearance may be:

  • regular use of hormonal medications;
  • stress and constant nervous tension;
  • irregular and poor nutrition;
  • inflammatory processes.
  • Most often, women have a question: can an ovarian cyst resolve on its own?

    To answer this question, you need to know clearly. There are several types of cysts: follicular, paraovarian, serous, entometriotic, dermoid, each of which has its own characteristics and consequences.

    Entometrioid cyst

    It is usually found in young women who have not given birth. During menstruation, the formation on the ovary fills with blood and enlarges. Doctors often call a cyst a chocolate cyst because of the color of the blood that fills the tumor.

    Signs of an entometrioid cyst are regular pain in the lower abdomen and dark-colored discharge before and after menstruation. The presence of a tumor can be confirmed using ultrasound, during which a circle is visible at the site of the tumor white. The endometrioid type of ovarian tumors is similar in its characteristics to a corpus luteum cyst, but unlike the latter, the endometrioid tumor does not resolve itself and cannot be eliminated by treatment with hormonal medications.

    You can get rid of an endometrioid cyst only through surgical treatment, after which a course of hormonal medications is prescribed. After treatment, a woman needs to be regularly monitored by a gynecologist, because the disease can recur. Pregnancy and childbirth help prevent its occurrence.

    Paraovarian view

    Growing near an ovary or fallopian tube formation that is small in size. The cyst is formed from the remains of eggs or embryonic material.

    The formation does not pose a serious threat to women's health, and its presence is usually detected during a routine examination by a gynecologist. The consequences of a paraovarian cyst, which can be felt when the size of the tumor is greatly increased, are pain in the lower abdomen, disruption of the menstrual cycle and a feeling of discomfort during sexual intercourse in women aged 20 - 40 years. Education can develop even in pregnant women.

    The causes of a paraovarian cyst may be uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs that protect against pregnancy, having sex at an early age, or a large number of abortions.

    Treatment is with hormonal medicines, the formation resolves on its own exceptional cases.

    Follicular formation

    A benign unilateral tumor filled with fluid containing estrogens. Formed on the follicle. Its dimensions are about 10 cm. The presence of a follicular cyst, which can occur in the absence of ovulation, usually does not cause discomfort to a woman; the appearance of symptoms depends on the activity of hormones and the presence of possible diseases of the pelvic organs.
    Inactive formations up to 4 cm in size develop asymptomatically and dissolve after several menstruation, without negative consequences. Unpleasant consequences occur when a cyst has increased by 2 cm or more:

    • menstrual irregularities, heavy discharge and pain during menstruation;
    • increased body temperature;
    • spotting that appears after sexual intercourse;
    • discomfort and pain in the abdomen.

    Methods for treating the cyst are determined by the doctor after monitoring the development of the tumor over several menstrual cycles using ultrasound.

    Dermoid appearance

    The formation is distinguished by its appearance: it looks like a small bag, inside of which there are various tissues: particles of bones, nails and hair. The reasons for its appearance are embryonic rudiments, which almost every representative of the fair sex has.

    The dermoid type of tumor has a size of 5-7 cm, but sometimes there are specimens that are twice as large and more than 10 cm, the consequences of which are much more dangerous.

    Symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, general malaise, weakness - can only be recognized when the formation has become large.

    Dangerous consequences: the formation grows, displacing healthy ovarian tissue, and malfunctions occur in the functioning of the ovarian circulatory system. The leg of the formation can twist and cause cessation of blood circulation to the organ.

    A dermoid tumor can form regardless of a woman’s age; currently there is only one method for its treatment - timely surgery. Education diagnosed in the early stages is more effective in treatment, without leaving negative consequences.

    Serous tumor

    The tumor, which contains serous fluid, forms inside the ovary and can develop on both sides.

    Symptoms of the formation are severe pain in the lower back, a feeling of pressure in the bladder, painful menstruation, and fever. The general condition worsens, the woman feels overwhelmed and irritated.

    The size of the formation can be so large that the abdomen swells on the side of the tumor. In rare cases, a cyst can develop into a malignant one. The following factors influence this process:

    • stressful situations, long-term abstinence from sexual relations;
    • consequences of sexually transmitted or infectious diseases;
    • endocrine system disorders;
    • inflammation of the pelvic organs after termination of pregnancy;
    • promiscuous sexual intercourse.

    The cyst cannot resolve on its own; it is treated with medication or surgery to prevent negative consequences; treatment depends on the stage of development and size of the tumor.

    Why is an ovarian cyst dangerous?

    The main symptom of the disease is pain in the lower abdomen, if the symptom is repeated repeatedly, lasting for several hours, in this situation you cannot speculate for a long time: is the disease dangerous and wait for the consequences to occur. There is simply no time to discuss this topic; you need to immediately go to see a doctor before dangerous consequences of the disease occur. An ovarian cyst can cause serious negative consequences for the female body, and a late visit to a specialist will no longer save the health, and most importantly, the life of the patient.

    The most common consequences of ovarian cysts include:

    • twisting

    some types of cysts have a kind of “leg” that can twist, which will result in poor circulation and necrosis of ovarian tissue may occur. In such cases, the formation is removed along with the damaged ovary;

    • tumor rupture

    under the influence of certain factors, the cyst may burst, and the fluid it contained may enter the abdominal cavity. As a result, dangerous diseases begin to develop in the female body, for example, peritonitis;

    • malfunctions of internal organs

    a large tumor puts pressure on the surrounding organs and interferes with their full functioning;

    • the appearance of gynecological diseases.

    Repeated appearances of cysts have negative consequences on ovarian tissue: the activity of the organ decreases and in the future its complete atrophy is possible.

    Ovarian cyst, symptoms, treatment. Video

    Can a cyst turn into cancer?

    The most dangerous consequence of an ovarian cyst is its ability to develop into a malignant tumor. A woman who cares about her life and health needs to know that modern medicine knows of cases in which an ovarian cyst developed into cancer. Malignant neoplasms of the ovaries are diagnosed mainly in patients during menopause. The situation is significantly worsened by the fact that most women go to the doctor when the tumor begins to degenerate and begins to cause severe pain (often this is already stage 3-4).
    Late stages of malignant tumors are treated with surgery and chemotherapy. Radical intervention, which doctors were able to carry out in a timely manner, can cure ovarian cancer in one out of two patients. A timely diagnosis allows doctors to do everything possible to restore health to the patient.

    Representatives of the beautiful part of humanity should remember what an ovarian cyst is and not allow its uncontrolled development. Regular gynecological examinations by a competent specialist will help women avoid the negative consequences of ovarian cysts.

    A cyst is considered a benign tumor in the form of a sac that contains fluid. The size of this formation can vary from several mm to 15 cm. It can also have different localization, both inside and outside the organ. The tumor affects the ovary, kidneys, liver, urethra, pancreas, thyroid and mammary glands, and can be detected on the tailbone and some other organs.

    A woman most often has no signs of a cyst. This pathology manifests itself clinically only with a significant increase in the cyst and compression of nearby organs.

    A cystic formation can be diagnosed in a woman of any age. Often it disappears spontaneously and then appears again. You can read about why cysts form in.

    In women, cysts come in several varieties. The reasons for the occurrence of one or another cystic formation are different. There are several general factors that contribute to their occurrence.

    Among the reasons for the formation of cysts are:

    • Disturbed menstrual cycle. A woman may complain of a prolonged absence of menstruation or, conversely, of a longer duration. Any irregularities in menstruation are caused by hormonal imbalance, which can lead to the formation of a cystic cavity.
    • Changed hormonal levels. This can provoke the appearance of a cyst and also negatively affect the process of its treatment.
    • Surgical interventions. Any surgical procedure can provoke the formation of cysts in the future. Women who have undergone a caesarean section, abortion or any other surgical intervention are at risk.
    • Frequent stress. In people whose lives are full of experiences, metabolic processes are often disrupted, and pathology of the endocrine glands also occurs. These changes can provoke the formation of cystic neoplasms.
    • Long-term use of hormones. These medications must be taken under the strict supervision of a physician. The drug should also be replaced in a timely manner, which will prevent the development of adverse consequences in the future.
    • Infectious processes in the body. Absolutely any infection can provoke the formation of a cyst, so you should promptly treat all emerging diseases. Cysts in the ovary also form with frequent changes of sexual partners.

    To make a correct diagnosis and subsequent effective treatment, you need to understand in detail the type of tumor, as well as the features of its treatment.

    There are many types of cystic formations. Cysts are most often classified depending on the cause of their appearance and the nature of their contents.

    There are cysts:

    1. . This cyst can be luteal (the functioning of the corpus luteum is disrupted) and follicular (the cause of which is an unruptured graafian vesicle). In menopausal women, this pathology cannot be diagnosed.
    2. Endometriotic in nature. This cyst appears as a result of excessive proliferation of endometrioid cells. The size of the formation can be huge, reaching 20 cm. Women complain about constant pain and disrupted menstrual cycle. Often it ruptures, which forces the woman to urgently go to the hospital.
    3. . Usually this is a congenital formation containing bones, hair, and cartilage. Its formation occurs in embryogenesis. Characteristically, there are no obvious symptoms. This type of cyst requires prompt removal.
    4. Formation. This formation is also called a serous cyst; it is multi-chambered and highly prone to spontaneous rupture.

    Serous cysts

    This group of cysts is characterized by formation inside the ovary (papillary tumor) or directly on the fallopian tube (paraturbar tumor).

    Paraturbar tumors are diagnosed quite often. Their size is usually no more than 2 cm, they are filled with serous fluid and may contain several chambers. A distinctive feature of these cystic formations is their inability to transform into an oncological process.

    Papillary cysts are located near the uterus. They are single-chamber, filled with transparent contents. During the growth process, they can cause discomfort in a woman. These formations will be deleted without fail.

    Fibrous tumors

    Another type of cyst is fibrous. It is represented by dense connective tissue and is much more difficult to treat than other cystic formations. In case of hormonal imbalances, there is a high probability of rapid tumor growth. This type of cyst includes dermoid, cystic adenoma, as well as pseudomucinous cyst, which can transform into a cancerous tumor.

    Often fibrous tumors are diagnosed on the chest. In the first stages, the tumor does not manifest itself in any way, but subsequently the woman may complain of discomfort in the mammary gland. The pain is characterized by a cyclical nature, in which it intensifies before and after menstruation.

    Among the reasons for the formation of fibrous growths is an increase in the mammary duct as a result of secretion accumulated in it, followed by the formation of a capsule. The size of the cyst ranges from a few mm to 5 cm.

    Atypical formations

    This formation is similar to a fibrous cyst. Its difference is the proliferation of cells inside the atypical formation.

    The development of an inflammatory process in the cyst cavity is possible. As a result, the woman’s temperature rises, breast tenderness occurs, and regional lymph nodes become enlarged.

    Cyst symptoms in a woman

    Symptoms of cystic formations various types has certain similarities. All of them do not manifest themselves in any way at the initial stages, and only after a significant increase in their size do certain symptoms appear, which include:

    • Lack of pregnancy for a long time;
    • Disturbed menstrual cycle. This is explained by the intensive production of hormones by cysts;
    • Pain during sexual intercourse;
    • A large cystic formation can be palpated through the anterior abdominal wall;
    • Complaints of lower back pain radiating to the leg;
    • Disturbed urination process, characterized by pain and frequent urges. Often such manifestations are caused by the presence of a paraurethral cyst.

    Depending on the location of the cyst, the formation can be palpated if it is actively growing.

    Dangers and Consequences

    If the pathology is not treated in a timely manner, the following dangerous consequences may occur:

    • Torsion of the cyst stalk. At the same time, the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, which requires immediate hospitalization.
    • Apoplexy cyst. More often, this condition accompanies tumors of the corpus luteum and is characterized by the formation of hemorrhage. This situation also requires emergency assistance.
    • Adhesive process. In addition to severe pain in the lower abdomen, infertility is diagnosed. Such complications occur more often with endometrioid cysts.
    • Malignancy of the process. The provoking factors in this case are hormonal disorders, improper treatment, and poor environmental conditions.
    • Development of infertility. This terrible complication can be diagnosed even after removal of the cystic formation.

    The question often arises whether tumor formation is dangerous during pregnancy. The cyst must be identified and removed during pregnancy planning. If the diagnosis is made while the baby is expecting, the doctor gives his recommendations on treatment or removal of the tumor in each specific case. Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can provoke a sharp growth of the cyst and a high probability of its rupture.

    Regular visits to the doctor will help avoid complications.

    Treatment of cysts in women

    Therapeutic tactics when a cystic formation is detected is determined by the location, size, and nature of the cyst.

    You should definitely contact a qualified specialist to select the optimal treatment method, since in each situation the treatment is individual.

    If the size of the cyst does not exceed 5 cm, they try to treat it with medication. In this case, you should be regularly observed by a specialist and undergo the necessary examinations to monitor the therapy process. In addition to the main treatment, physiotherapy is usually prescribed. The most commonly used are balneotherapy, electrophoresis and some other methods.

    If conservative methods are ineffective, laparoscopic removal of the cyst is performed. This method allows the patient to recover in a short time after surgery. Often there is a need to remove part of the organ along with the tumor.

    If you contact a medical facility in a timely manner and follow all medical recommendations, treatment of the cyst will be successful and result in a complete recovery.

    Even during intrauterine development, almost 2 million follicles are formed in the girl’s ovaries, each of which contains an egg in its infancy. By the time reproductive age approaches, there are no more than 200 thousand of them left. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, under the influence of estrogen, one follicle enlarges, ruptures and is sent into the fallopian tube to meet the sperm, and in its place a corpus luteum is formed in the ovary. If fertilization has occurred, it nourishes the child until the placenta takes over the same function (12–14 weeks). And if conception does not happen, it dies, and after 10–14 days menstruation begins.

    But there are other options. For example, the follicle has matured, but there has been no ovulation, and then a cyst can form in it, which is called follicular, which is also functional. Or ovulation and fertilization have taken place, and the corpus luteum continues to function, but at the same time accumulates excess fluid, and then a luteal cyst is formed. Each of these types of cysts has the same outcome: they will most likely resolve, luteal cysts - after a couple of months, functional ones - by the beginning of the next menstrual cycle.

    Cyst formation: the reasons are questionable

    Doctors have not yet fully figured out the reasons for the formation of cysts. When you ask your doctor this question, you will probably hear about the individual characteristics of the functioning of the ovaries and pituitary gland, which produce sex hormones. There is a version that contraception is to blame for the formation of cysts; they say, in the old days, a woman gave birth 5-7 times, so menstruation occurred less frequently, and the ovaries rested more. Now the load on them has increased, and this is the result. There are other assumptions: it is believed that cervical cysts appear only after inflammation or erosion. Some doctors insist that the lack of regular sex life and orgasm also favors the appearance of cysts, since it provokes stagnant processes in the pelvis. It is difficult to test these hypotheses. The same cannot be said about endocrine problems (hypothyroidism, obesity), which, of course, affect hormonal processes.

    Recently, an expanded EFORT test has appeared in the arsenal of researchers, which determines the tendency to form ovarian cysts, including several at once: on the 3rd–4th day of the menstrual cycle, you need to take a blood test for hormones twice. The first is done in the morning on an empty stomach, it indicates the level of hormones - follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is responsible for the proper development of eggs in the follicles, and luteinizing hormone, which starts the process of the release of a mature egg from the follicle. After the test, the woman is given a special drug and her blood is tested again 24 hours later. They get two indicators, compare them and identify risks.

    Different types of cysts

    There are many types of ovarian cysts - each with its own structure and growth rate. Some can develop into a malignant tumor. Luteal and follicular cysts are less of a concern than others: they hardly grow and often resolve on their own. The body usually signals the presence of others, but with a delay.

    Alarming signs are conventionally divided into several groups.

    First– hormonal: cysts always intensively produce hormones, and this can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Menstruation comes irregularly, and in the interval between them there is spotting.

    Second category of symptoms indicates physical discomfort. If the ovarian cyst grows (a paraovarian cyst can reach 20 cm), then the ovary increases in size and “invades” other pelvic organs, for example, it compresses the rectum, causing constipation. The bladder is also attacked and the urge to urinate increases. As well as a feeling of heaviness, nagging or aching pain in the lower abdomen, on the right or left side. In some situations (sexual intimacy), the discomfort intensifies, radiates to the rectum, causing nausea, vomiting and other complications. The most dangerous of them is twisting of the pedicle (some cysts have this), its rupture and hemorrhage.

    Is cyst diagnosis necessary?

    During a routine examination, the gynecologist, examining the vagina, discovers a protrusion from the ovary, reminiscent of an inflated bladder, and may assume that it is a cyst. This happens in almost 1/3 of young women under 40 years of age. This symptom is best noticeable in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle, a week or two after the end of bleeding.

    To confirm or refute the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes blood and urine tests for hormones and sends for an ultrasound. This study is quite sufficient to establish the type of cyst, its essence, location, size, structure, contours, contents.

    When a danger is identified, various measures are taken. If the cyst does not exceed 3 cm, medications are prescribed and its “behavior” is observed for 2–3 months. When its parameters are greater, an operation is required.

    As is the case if the formation contains seals or its walls are deformed. The situation is clarified by testing the blood for the tumor marker CA-125 - malignant cells.

    Heavy artillery: surgery to remove a cyst

    If medications do not help, surgery will be required to remove the cyst. Aspiration is considered the most gentle method - this is a type of surgical treatment in which, using a vaginal ultrasound sensor and a puncture nozzle, 10-15 ml of ethyl alcohol, which has a sclerosing (freezing) effect, is injected into the cyst cavity. In second place is laparoscopic surgery - 3 incisions of 1 cm each are made on the abdomen. An optical device is inserted into one, and manipulators are inserted into the other to remove the cyst.

    If treatment is carried out in a timely manner, the healthy ovarian tissue will remain intact, which means that the follicular apparatus will be preserved, and the woman will be able to become pregnant.

    A few hours after the operation to remove the cyst, the patient is already lifted out of bed, fed liquid food, and on the 5th day she is discharged from the hospital and is recommended not to lift heavy objects, not to exercise, and to exclude sexual activity for a month. If you do not violate the regime, there will be no complications.

    Gentle methods for treating cysts

    Some cysts (follicular) can be treated with oral contraceptives. Vitamin complexes are prescribed along with them. If a woman is overweight, she is recommended to lose weight through exercise and a balanced diet.

    Treatment of cysts with folk remedies

    Infusion of mature chaga mushroom(the mushroom should sink in water). Rinse the raw materials in cold running water, soak in boiled and cooled water, in a ratio of 1:5. When the chaga softens (after 7 hours), grind 1 part, add 5 parts of the water remaining from the previous soaking, heat to 50°C and leave. After two days, the water should be drained, the sediment should be squeezed out and an infusion of 20 g should be taken before meals for several courses - 3 months each with a break of a week. During treatment, it is necessary to adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet, including more grains, bran, carrots and beets. Antibiotics and aspirin are contraindicated.

    Walnut tincture. Take 14 pieces, wash and break them, place the shells in a liter jar, pour in 500 g of vodka and keep in a warm, dark place for 7 days. Then pour the infusion into a bottle and store in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. spoon.

    When, after an examination, the doctor says the phrase “You have ovarian cystosis,” many women panic. What to do next? How is this treated? Is it possible to remove a tumor without surgery? It’s good when the doctor is sensitive and explains to the patient the whole essence of the problem. If not, you have to figure out the issue yourself.

    Follicular ovarian cyst

    An ovarian cyst is a cavity filled with fluid. Unlike a tumor, such a neoplasm grows and enlarges due to the addition of fluid, and not due to cell proliferation. A follicular ovarian cyst is caused by a lack of ovulation. When the corpus luteum does not come out to meet the sperm, and the follicle continues to develop, fluid accumulates inside.

    In gynecology, any follicular cystic formation of the ovary is usually called retention. Based on the nature of fluid accumulation, it is divided into several subtypes:

    • Luteal tumor - a change appears if ovulation has occurred, but liquid contents still continue to accumulate in the endocrine gland.
    • Serous cystosis - most often affects only one ovary, is formed from the corpus luteum and contains gray, yellowish or brown fluid inside.
    • Mucinous formation - has a bilateral or two-chamber lesion. These capsules are filled with mucus and are very similar to jelly.


    Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst is another classification of follicular neoplasms. Its peculiarity is that instead of cloudy liquid, blood or blood clots begin to accumulate inside the follicle. This formation can affect the left and right ovary, is considered a complication of the disease and requires immediate treatment. A hemorrhagic growth can develop as a result of lifting weights, due to injuries, during rough sexual intercourse, and even as a result of an improper gynecological examination.


    The name alone gives women a hint about what an ovarian cyst of endometriotic origin is. Such capsules are formed as a result of mutation of endometrial cells. They have thick walls, and inside, instead of a greyish, bloody or yellow liquid, there is a dark brown content (which is why it is sometimes called chocolate). More often than other women, those who were previously diagnosed with endometriosis suffer from an endometrioid cyst on the ovary. Find out in more detail what folk remedies and medicines are.


    Only 20% of women are susceptible to the appearance of a dermoid ovarian cyst - a benign tumor shaped like a circle or oval. The size of such a formation can reach 15 centimeters, and the cavity inside it is filled with fat, hair, cartilage, bones, teeth or fragments of other tissues. The exact origin of this form has not yet been established, but it is believed that the main cause is a disturbance in the structure of the tissues of the embryo. Therefore, dermoid cysts are more often diagnosed in adolescence or childhood.


    Paraovarian ovarian cysts affect women of reproductive age. This type of disease does not affect the gland itself, but the supraovarian appendage. The size of the capsule can be different and range from very tiny to huge tumors. As in the case of a dermoid cyst, the causes of the appearance of paraovarian growths have not yet been precisely established.

    Torsion of ovarian cyst

    When the growth reaches a large size, and a stalk appears at the base of the tumor, the likelihood of torsion of the ovarian cyst increases sharply. As a result, the veins are compressed and blood flow worsens. If, against the background of this, the size of the capsule continues to grow, there is a chance that the walls may burst. It is possible to provoke torsion in several cases:

    • from lifting weights;
    • with sudden movements;
    • during pregnancy;
    • for constipation, poor intestinal permeability;
    • with weakness of the abdominal muscles.

    Ovarian cyst - symptoms

    As a rule, a woman learns about the presence of such a disease only after a gynecological examination in a chair or an ultrasound examination. Often the disease does not manifest itself and goes away on its own over time. Much less often, the signs of an ovarian cyst in women are pronounced. The following symptoms indicate that it is time to seek help from a doctor:

    • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
    • heaviness in the hip region;
    • heavy bleeding during menstruation, irregular menstruation;
    • weakness, nausea, sometimes vomiting after sexual intercourse or intense exercise;
    • pressure in the abdomen during urination;
    • constant body temperature above 38°C;
    • sudden weight loss with a normal diet.

    Right ovarian cyst

    Determine the presence of an uncomplicated form of tumor on the right or left without medical equipment it is forbidden. In cases where the process has worsened, the cyst on the right ovary will make itself felt:

    • sharp pain in the right side;
    • abdominal muscle tension;
    • bloody discharge that is in no way related to menstruation;
    • frequent urge to urinate, but scanty emptying;
    • asymmetrical enlargement of the right side of the abdomen.

    Left ovarian cyst

    A woman can determine that a functional cyst on the left ovary has grown to an impressive size by the presence of the following signs:

    • nagging pain, mainly in the left side of the abdomen;
    • tachycardia;
    • false desire to urinate;
    • feeling of pressure in the pelvis;
    • weight gain;
    • acute pain in the middle of the cycle, followed by spotting vaginal discharge.

    Rupture of an ovarian cyst - symptoms

    When an ovarian cyst ruptures, typical symptoms are:

    • fever that does not go away even after taking antipyretic medications;
    • the appearance of acute, incessant pain in the hip part of the abdomen;
    • general weakness, pallor of the skin;
    • presence of signs of poisoning: nausea, vomiting;
    • spotting of brown or bright scarlet color;
    • a sharp decrease in pressure.

    Causes of occurrence

    Why a cyst appears on the ovary in women is not reliably known even to qualified doctors, but it is generally accepted that in most cases the following conditions of the body are to blame:

    • Hormone imbalance. Therefore, the disease can affect young girls with an unstable menstrual cycle, adult women during menopause (menopause) or pregnant women.
    • Stress, nervous shock, chronic fatigue syndrome.
    • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
    • Endocrine diseases. Excess body weight is especially dangerous for women. diabetes, hyperthyroidism. These diseases can provoke multiple polycystic disease.

    In addition, a large amount of male hormones in the body provokes the development of polycystic disease. Those with too much estrogen are more likely to develop endometriomas. Women at risk include nulliparous women or those who have recently had an abortion. But in those who have given birth, ovarian cysts rarely appear. Gynecologists argue about whether it is necessary to remove a tumor if it is diagnosed during pregnancy.


    The chance to detect the presence of an ovarian cyst in time and begin proper treatment is through diagnosis and regular gynecological examination. Since a cyst can be distinguished by touch from malignant tumor is not possible, the patient will need to undergo an ultrasound, which will reveal the nature of the formation. If, based on the results of such an analysis, the doctor determines the presence of a functional cyst, then treatment, as a rule, is not prescribed - it should resolve on its own. However, regular visits to the doctor and reduction physical activity, will become mandatory criteria.

    When the nature of cystic neoplasms is in doubt, the gynecologist asks the woman to take additional blood tests - tumor markers (for endometrioma they are slightly elevated). If doctors’ hesitations remain even after such an examination, diagnostic laparoscopy may be needed - a surgical research technique when the doctor examines the organ from the inside through two small incisions.

    Ovarian cyst - treatment

    Functional ovarian cysts do not require treatment. As practice shows, such capsules dissolve on their own without surgical intervention or medication. However, a woman with a similar diagnosis must regularly visit a gynecologist, undergo a transvaginal ultrasound examination and take a hormonal blood test.


    Laparoscopy - surgery to remove an ovarian cyst is prescribed only when the size of the tumor has reached its maximum point or if the capsule with liquid has a leg and there is a high chance of bending it. The essence of the operation is that through a small puncture the abdominal cavity is filled with carbon dioxide, which facilitates the removal of pelvic tumors. After such a surgical intervention, you need to follow the recommendations of doctors:

    • Bed rest is prescribed for two weeks.
    • You will have to give up sexual contact and sports for a month.
    • In the first three months you must follow a diet. She prescribes the inclusion of foods rich in fiber and a complete avoidance of fried, spicy and salty foods.

    Without surgery

    For many reasons, tumor removal using a laparoscope may not be possible, for example, when the patient suffers from poor blood clotting or cannot tolerate anesthesia. In this case, the question arises: how to treat an ovarian cyst? Taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs helps relieve inflammation, especially in the first days of menstruation. Physiotherapy is sometimes recommended. Among the medications most often chosen:

    • Duphaston;
    • Wobenzym;
    • Terzhinan;
    • Fluconazole.

    In addition, with functional neoplasms, women are often advised to take combined oral contraceptives to normalize hormone levels. As an alternative, possible means traditional medicine. Help to cure cyst formation:

    • onion tampons, made from nettle, mumiyo and honey, aloe or Kalanchoe;
    • decoctions and tinctures of herbs: boron uterus, currants, thyme, wormwood, hawthorn, white damselfish, calendula, flaxseed;
    • medicinal ointments based on sea buckthorn oil, beeswax, eggs and aloe juice.


    The doctor will additionally outline the scope of prohibited and permitted actions. The main contraindications for ovarian cysts are as follows:

    • if the formation progresses, you need to give up steam rooms and sunbathing;
    • moderate sex, as too intense sexual intercourse can lead to strain;
    • Avoid physical activity on the lower abdomen.

    Is it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst?

    Especially often, young girls are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with a cyst on the ovary. Any gynecologist will give an affirmative answer, but only if it remains the same size and belongs to the follicular group. It is worth saying that after removal of a tumor, pregnancy is an ideal option to avoid complications, because the operation itself is regularly performed to treat infertility.

    Why is an ovarian cyst dangerous?

    Whether an ovarian cyst is dangerous will be determined only by a qualified doctor after passing all the necessary tests. If the tumor does not grow and the disease is asymptomatic, there is no need to worry too much. However, when ovarian cystosis progresses, the consequences can be serious, for example.