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The fool tarot meaning. Career, work, finances. Combinations with Tarot card Fool

There are arcana in the Tarot deck, the mood of which is quite difficult to understand. They describe a person's internal state or developmental tendencies. These cards include the major arcan Fool (Tarot). Its meaning is so great that it can change the entire situation. But you need to understand the essence of the lasso, feel it, as experts say. Let's discuss the meaning of the Fool Tarot card to gain a deeper understanding of the deck's predictions. You should be warned that you will have to strain your imagination, the lasso will not open for you just like that.

Direct Fool (Tarot): meaning and interpretation

The world develops from chaos to a certain structure, which again collapses and returns to its original state. This circle is eternal and concerns both the entire universe and the individual. Chaos is characterized by the absence of a rational grain, recognition of the divinity of the universe. Structure is a reliance on previous experience, logic, established rules and order. But it contains a denial of the primacy of the divine over what the individual achieves on his own. The Fool (Tarot), whose meaning corresponds to the primordial chaos, shows a state of complete denial of previous achievements, accumulated experience, and acquired knowledge. This is purity and infantile gullibility, actions under the guidance of intuition, recognition of the Supreme leadership. Arkan describes a situation when nothing previously acquired can be used. You need to listen to your intuition and rely on its prompts. When a person knows what the truth is, you cannot lead him astray or deceive him. He is under the protection of a Guardian Angel, who leads him along the path necessary to achieve happiness. The Fool card in the Tarot is numbered “zero”. This is the beginning of everything, the primordial chaos.

Fool reversed (Tarot): meaning

As bright and positive as the image of the direct lasso is, it is so unpredictable and destructive in its reverse form. This is a situation popularly described by one phrase: “without a king in my head.” Inverted, the Fool (Tarot) has the most destructive meaning. In a certain sense, this lasso is worse than the Tower. He talks about the inability to navigate the situation to such an extent that all achievements are destroyed with one’s own hands. This lasso foreshadows the leadership of a stupid, self-confident swagger, despising everything around. It is necessary to look at whether it influences the fortuneteller or shows the action of external forces. In any case, you need to freeze, stop all processes, avoid important steps and decisions. The fool says that the situation is developing in the most unfavorable way; a cunning, insidious enemy is nearby. This person weaves intrigues, the essence of which is difficult for a normal person to understand. He spreads gossip, arranges unwanted meetings, steals documents, and the like. It is difficult to resist his activity, since it is not possible to understand his logic. The meaning of the Tarot card The Fool in reverse is the most negative. In its extreme version, it describes a situation when they deliberately try to drive a person crazy by building a different reality around him.

Influence on the love alignment of the direct lasso

Experts do not really trust the alignment for amorous affairs when the Fool (Tarot) appears in it. The meaning of this card in love is unpredictability. It is difficult to assess what exactly to prepare for. Our lasso is complete chaos. It can foreshadow both a new acquaintance and the oblivion of an old love, as well as a base trick of the current gentleman. Sometimes the card is interpreted directly - one of the couple is stupid as a plug. And nothing can be done about it, you can only accept this fact. The lasso gives hope. He suggests that it is necessary to follow the voice of intuition. The guardian angel leads straight to a meeting with fate. But the road will be replete with oddities, unpleasant, infuriating events. A powerful, ancient force has entered the fortuneteller’s life; it will force him to find himself in (this is evidenced by the general meaning of the Tarot card Fool) relationships that the person himself is now unable to imagine. Everything will be turned upside down, including your worldview. Arcanum advice: submit to the primordial energy, do not resist.

Decoding an inverted card in a love reading

You will encounter or yourself will demonstrate childish spontaneity, bordering on stupidity. Relationships will be very seriously tested. There are situations when true love helps to forgive. This is precisely what our lasso portends, and it is not for nothing that its second name is the Jester. The Fool (Tarot) meaning in this situation is not just negative, but destructive. It is especially unfavorable for married couples. Your partner probably has a hobby on the side. If the Three of Swords falls nearby, the outcome of the situation will be a complete break. This is not necessarily a divorce, but a cooling to the point of hatred, the inability to tolerate each other’s company. If fortune telling is carried out for a person who is just planning a relationship, it means that he has fallen under the influence of a bad personality, he is carried away by a beautiful shell that hides a narcissistic, dishonest egoist. At best, you will be disappointed by your prospective partner. To judge in more detail what the Fool lasso (Tarot) has in a relationship should be determined by its position in the chart. For lonely people, this card foreshadows an affair with a sad ending. It will leave, as they say, an unpleasant aftertaste. You will regret that you entered into a relationship without thinking.

What features of relationships does the direct lasso foreshadow?

You are at the very beginning of the romantic path. The partner beckons, makes you want to get to know him better. Everything arouses delight and interest: appearance, gestures, smile, gaze. The prospective partner is prone to shocking and extravagance. This is what attracts, there is a certain zest in it. Another option: the acquaintance took place in an unusual place or in a strange way. It intrigued and gave rise to a feeling of mystery or “forbidden fruit.” Sometimes the lasso shows that the fortuneteller will meet his fate far from home, or his chosen one will be a wanderer, an alien, a resident of another country or city. It should be noted that the Fool card in the Tarot has an ambiguous interpretation. Sometimes it means a fan with an unusual hobby or profession.

The meaning of the lasso for couples with experience

The partner will reveal himself from a different, unfamiliar side. For example, a cheerful person will turn into a gloomy homebody, fiery passion will be replaced by indifference, and the like. This “other person” will not necessarily be unpleasant. But you will have to get used to different “rules of the game”, adapt or get used to it again. Sometimes the lasso portends simply stupid behavior in some situation, an inability to make mature, thoughtful decisions. In a male scenario, the Fool indicates the subtle intuition of the partner. If it is followed by favorable cards (Peace, Empress, Pope), the fortuneteller should be more attentive to her words. A woman, without realizing it, guides this man through life, pushes him in the direction necessary for his development and success. We can say that this is a sign of special favor of fate towards the couple.

The meaning of the straight lasso for single people

You are entering a phase of uncertainty. Loneliness, even very comfortable, does not last forever. An event will happen soon that could change your life. The outcome is unpredictable. Usually he is judged by the neighboring lasso. The layout creates a unique picture, which is necessarily associated with the personality of the fortuneteller; this is precisely the advantage and meaning of Tarot cards. A fool in combination, for example, with the Sun portends great, warm and long-lasting love for single people. If a Magician is present in the layout, it means that this connection will seem mystical and unusual. But in combination with the Moon, our lasso speaks of the deceptiveness of the situation. Most likely, love will turn out to be ephemeral, and the partner will be an ordinary business trip. He will suddenly disappear from the life of the fortuneteller as soon as the production necessity of staying in his city ends.

The meaning of the lasso in the “past” position

The relationship began in an unusual way, probably far from home. At first glance, the partner seemed strange, a little out of control. The whole situation seems unreal to the fortuneteller, fantastic; he is not confident in his soul mate, he is afraid to open up completely. Sometimes this lasso speaks of a large difference in age or social status. Inverted, it describes a betrayal that occurred earlier, some sudden strong experience. It may indicate shame caused by the behavior of a partner, which worries the person who turned to Tarot cards.

The meaning of the lasso in the “present” position

You have reached a point of uncertainty in your relationship. Any turn can occur, either a break or a complete connection of souls. In this situation, it is necessary to rely on feelings, rejecting logic. No matter what happens around you, try to listen to your heart. Sometimes the card indicates the sudden departure of a partner. This turn of events will destroy insincere relationships, but will strengthen true love. The separation will be long. However, there is no need to be afraid of these changes. They will allow you to experience the joy of reunion in a new way, if, of course, you both pass the test. With negative cards (Tower, Hanged Man) it foretells a separation due to stupidity, which people will regret for a long time.

The meaning of the lasso describing outside influence

Lovers constantly communicate with other people, close and not so close. Friends and relatives influence their mood, thoughts, and actions. If the Fool lasso falls in this position, it means that the couple will encounter unfavorable events. Someone from their environment will “fool the heads” of both. This person will try to create doubts that the partner is sincere, open and honest. You know, sometimes older relatives consider it their duty to warn lovers against a “fatal mistake.” This, of course, is annoying and stressful, especially if you trust the person. The cards recommend looking for the rational grain in a situation, relying on the voice of intuition. After the test, the relationship will reach a new level of trust.

The meaning of the lasso in the “result” position

This is probably the most ambiguous fortune telling. If the alignment ends with the Fool lasso, it means you need to take strict control of the situation. Life flows smoothly towards stormy rapids. And no one can predict how the two will cross. Almost all couples have such periods. They should be passed holding hands, without allowing the hearts to lose constant connection. The situation may seem absurd and uncontrollable for a while. We need to trust each other, walk through the fog, by touch, but together. Only in this case the couple will not suffer and will reach another level. Sometimes, however, only one of the partners gets there. Then for some time he will act as a mentor for another. How the relationship develops further depends on both of them.

Negative aspect of the lasso

We have described how to decipher the Fool Tarot card in the upright position. Only a few words can be said about the inverted one. Its meaning is negative. If an inverted lasso appears in a reading, you should prepare for the worst. Often he describes the so-called This is a relationship between people, one of whom is much wiser than the other. Such a connection may exist for some, probably a long time. But sooner or later people will experience disappointment. Such a moment is already coming, the inverted lasso speaks of this. Some event will occur where the partner’s stupidity and different worldviews will be very clearly visible to both. Further communication will be impossible, people will calmly disperse, realizing with relief that such a decision was made by agreement.

This card recommends that the fortuneteller immerse himself in childhood for a while in order to remember the feeling of delight from learning about the unknown world. This state will come in handy if you want to complete the upcoming lesson correctly. Fantastic discoveries of knowledge lie ahead. Experience will not help you perceive and understand everything correctly. You reach a different level of development of either personality or relationships. Everything will be different in him, previously unknown sensations, circumstances, character traits, and talents will be revealed. The fool is the chaos of the birth of another world. Trust your intuition, listen to your heart, rely on the love given from above. If your partner is with you not by the will of fate, let him go, wishing him true happiness. Arcana Fool is the path to emptiness, which can be turned into hell or filled with the splendor of harmony. It's up to you to decide. Good luck!

Fool, Fool, Joker or Jester are the names of the same lasso, which is considered senior and is zero in a row. Its appearance in a reading carries a lot of meaning, because it means the beginning of something completely new, which the questioner had no idea about. Most card authors place the Jester before the Magician, but there are also those who place him after the last major arcana.

To some extent, the Fool has the strongest influence on the layout, because the card denotes wisdom and childish ease in one person. For example, when fortune telling about finances, the lasso can tell about new opportunities that you never even dreamed of. The questioner will take a completely different look at this area of ​​life and forget about past types of income.

Moreover, the cards standing next to the zero lasso will tell you about the result. Any favorable money card standing nearby will indicate that a new look will ultimately bring a lot of money. For example, the Hanged Man lasso speaks of a difficult situation when a person will have to get out of his current financial situation, because he has done a lot of stupid things. In general, the Jester brings the beginning; nearby cards will tell about the nature of the updates.

General meaning of the card

Zero lasso means potential without limits. Lacking his own number, the Madman carries the meaning of carefree and freedom, while he also personifies wisdom and a deep understanding of all things. Astrologically, it corresponds to the planets Mercury and Uranus, which are alien to feelings, but known to change and logic. It also personifies the transition from the last sign of the zodiac Pisces to the beginning, that is, to Aries. The extreme sign means an understanding of all processes and your own opinion on everything that happens, and the first sign speaks of childish ease.

The appearance of this card in the layout indicates the beginning of a new road, which is full of uncertainty, but the person understands that the chance is not worth losing. And also his presence can indicate an upcoming choice, which is simply necessary. Moreover, any of them will be correct for the questioner. For example, a person decides which educational institution is best to enroll in. In his case, any choice will be correct, because he will use the acquired knowledge himself. The card, one might say, denotes the questioner himself and his wisdom. He himself knows what to do and how to use the information received.

Another card can mean easy attitude to life due to wisdom and knowledge of many processes in it. The planet Mercury associated with the lasso rules the zodiac sign Gemini, with which such a manifestation can be associated. He quickly assimilates information and constantly strives for new knowledge, but this makes him more carefree about life. After all, he often considers himself smarter than others.

In general, the zero lasso carries the following meanings:

  • Carelessness from wisdom;
  • Unpredictable start of a new process;
  • An important choice that will turn out to be correct in any case;
  • Curiosity and desire for new knowledge;
  • Frivolity and irresponsibility;
  • Simplicity.

Inverted position

Unlike many cards, in its opposite meaning the Fool actually carries the corresponding definition. In the scenario, it can symbolize the impossibility of starting due to the unfinished business of old things or prejudices. The card symbolizes a person who takes life too responsibly, and at the same time does not have a store of knowledge. This can be compared to a sales agent who distributes a product that others think is unnecessary. He does not understand that he is engaged in wrong actions, and only a person like himself will buy anything from him. But he treats the matter responsibly and with every persuasion of a new client, he firmly believes that his product will be needed.

Also, as an option, the inverted Jester carries with him carefree attitude towards life at its worst. A person wants to prove something to everyone with his rash actions. This manifestation can be compared to a teenager who has one grade left to complete his studies before graduating with honors. But he was given a B in one subject, and he decided to beg the teacher, and then the director, to correct his grade. After the refusal, he lost hope of receiving a honors diploma and decided to commit suicide, thinking that he would prove something to others.

That is, unlike the direct position, the card personifies rash actions that will prove critical.

In the case of its loss, one can also speak of an unwillingness to look into the future; a person is afraid of losing stability, although it does not bring him joy.

Reversed Joker card - overall meaning:

  • Fear of losing stability;
  • Unwillingness to make new endeavors;
  • Difficulties and fatal mistakes due to rash actions;
  • Stupidity without wisdom;
  • Lack of experience.

The meaning of the lasso in areas of life

The zero lasso brings with it the opening of new opportunities in a reading and promotes new beginnings. It has a more favorable effect on those areas where there is still no stability and confidence. For example, falling in the scenario of an established relationship, it will bring an unexpected end when one of the partners will never be able to be kept in a couple. Well, for a lonely person, he can prepare a new stage of life, where you can expect a romance that will drive you crazy.

The Fool Tarot in Relationships

The planets Uranus and Mercury corresponding to the lasso are asexual, which means that this will not have the best effect on relationships. But this concerns rather the situation in relationships, where harmony and stability reign. If there is nowhere else to strive in a favorable direction, then the card can bring unexpected misunderstandings in the couple and possible disintegration. That is, a completely new stage in life will begin for the couple. The remaining cards in the layout will indicate a more specific situation. If there is a favorable card like the Ten of Cups, then the couple will experience a thaw when feelings take on a new look. In the case of an unfavorable major arcana such as the Tower, the couple is not promised a continuation; perhaps the guy and the girl are tired and need to rest.

If the relationship is just developing, then the lasso will definitely bring happiness to the couple. People will have sincere feelings, and no thoughts of any benefit. The jester lets you know that a new period is beginning in the couple, where only pure and noble intentions will be present on both sides. In a relationship, a feeling of carefreeness and confidence in the seriousness of intentions may appear.

For those who have been single for a long time, the Jester in the scenario will bring a new stage in the field of relationships. The questioner should tune in to a dizzying romance. Its duration will be indicated by the remaining cards standing close to the zero lasso. But at a minimum, the person will lose his mind and be completely immersed in a new relationship that will definitely remain in his memory. The questioner expects passion, crazy love and a desire for new sensations. Perhaps his partner will give him faith in himself, and he will begin to do new things that will bring him pleasure. A person will definitely learn the depth of real feelings, and the novel will bring him a lot of experience in relationships.

In general, Madman carries the following definitions:

  • Destruction of stability;
  • Revival of feelings;
  • Transition to a new stage in relationships;
  • A dizzying novel;
  • Self-improvement thanks to support from a partner.

Business and career

In a professional situation, the zero lasso usually promises a completely different view of the work process. At a minimum, a person simply needs to change his mind if he wants to move forward in his career. The questioner most likely spent a lot of time on monotonous work and did not try to carry out additional instructions from management, thanks to which they would have a different opinion of him. But now the situation will change, the management, like the work team, may change. A person should be more active in his work and try to carry out more assignments, then he will definitely be promoted. The Jester speaks of a complete change in approach to the work process and of activity that will help the questioner move forward.

If you fall into a profession that is associated with creativity, The Jester talks about new possibilities. But they are beyond a person’s control; he feels a surge of new strength and new horizons open up for him. But he doesn’t know how to use them at all. This is more suitable for people who are creative, but are not squeezed into a framework and the customer does not rush them. This is because responsibility is alien to the Jester, and the deadline only restricts the full development of his abilities. This means that the zero lasso is favorable to people who are not engaged in creativity by order. For those who perform work for hire, the Jester will have a negative impact; conflicts with customers cannot be avoided.

When planning for a new workplace, the Madman speaks of good opportunities. The person will lack knowledge and experience, but management will appreciate the enthusiasm and new perspective on the job. Due to this, the questioner can show himself well in the work team and gain a foothold in a new place. But this may happen at first; in the process, a person will need to actively gain experience and further develop ideas. The rest of the cards in the layout will tell you how the questioner’s future work will turn out in the new place. But at least in the beginning everything will go well for him.

When dealing with a new or existing enterprise, the Jester lasso carries a rather negative meaning. An entrepreneur may have difficulties with partners. They will behave irresponsibly and carelessly. The questioner himself may also treat the existing business carelessly, which will entail a lot of problems. The Arcana Madman personifies a lot of abilities that are not used to their full potential. A person may experience stagnation in his business, so it is better for him to go on vacation and entrust his affairs to a deputy.

In general, the Jester carries the following meanings:

  • Workplace activity;
  • Change of management and work team;
  • Promotion through entrepreneurship;
  • A surge of creative energy;
  • Success in a new workplace;
  • The use of business skills is not to their full potential.

Importance in the field of health

In a health situation, the Jester can talk about a surge of strength and a new stage in case of existing complications. A person may suddenly recover, but this is due to complex diseases and broken limbs. When dealing with mental disorders, the zero lasso has a rather negative effect. A person may develop psychosis, neurosis or mania.

In particular, the development of mental illness will make sense when combining the Jester with negative cards in the layout. A person may begin to destroy himself with ordinary depression, from which he does not want to get out. This will then develop into a more acute form, and she may become dependent on drugs and alcohol. This is usually associated with a strong shock, after which the person does not want to believe in reality.

In general, three values ​​can be distinguished in the health situation:

  • Unexpected amendment in severe diseases;
  • A surge of strength for a healthy person;
  • The development of mental illness after severe shocks.

Joker Tarot as card of the day

When the lasso, symbolizing carelessness and frivolity, falls out, we can say that the day will not bring difficulties. You can relax without thinking about anything.

If there were no goals set for the day, then it is better to go into nature and invite close friends with you, they will appreciate the idea.

This is not the best time to earn money; it is better to spend it well. On this day there is a danger of catching a cold, so it is better to dress according to the weather.

If a person is in a relationship, then it is definitely better for him to give an unexpected gift to his other half, this will definitely cheer him up.

Attention, TODAY only!

The Fool is one of the most significant cards in the Tarot, representing a person seeking new things. It may imply the beginning of a new chapter in life, perhaps a risky one that requires wisdom and courage.

The lasso can also mean recklessness and lack of motivation.

The card speaks of pure character and sincere belief in miracles. A fortune-telling independent, rebellious, enterprising person who loves life.

A completely new chapter in life.

The fool is the harbinger of a new beginning. When this card appears, it shows that the upcoming life path is very potential and new, it has a deeper and spiritual meaning.

The white sun represents power and the strong, bright aura emanating from the Seeker, but its power has not yet created worldly substances of meaning. This is about power in general, but not about the product.

The character of the lasso is a pure spirit, sincere, like a child, innocent and naive. Has a Peter Pan mentality - boastful, careless, a bit arrogant, and has a willful refusal to take responsibility or be mature.

He has a searching, beautiful, creative soul. Perhaps indicates a person with a foolish belief in achieving impossibly beautiful goals.

There's a trace of swagger and flamboyance in The Fool. He's a thug. The Fool's whimsical dressing style represents one who is attached to superficiality, seeking the truth with great pride.

This card can also mean that there are many options to choose from. The choice before the Seeker may seem insignificant, but it is a choice that can affect an entire life, so one must tread with caution (otherwise, the Seeker might fall off the edge of a cliff).

Arkan points to issues that give rise to immediate concern. When the Fool makes a choice, his decision will have a profound impact on the fullness of his life.


  • Independence of thought and originality are the basis of success.
  • Greater potential and accomplishing tasks in a revolutionary way.
  • Actions with the hope of success achieve the goal.
  • Success comes from being entrepreneurial and trying new methods.
  • Listen to your own inner voice
  • Maintain balance; know everything is temporary (both failures and achievements).
  • If you listen to the voice of your heart, you can start a new life.
  • A significant leap in spiritual advancement will lead to lasting peace of mind.
  • new beginnings
  • decision, choice
  • opportunity
  • awakening
  • ease
  • irresponsibility
  • susceptibility
  • insufficient reliability
  • confidence
  • openness
  • possible mistakes
  • calmness
  • the birth of a child
  • homosexual
  • new easy relationship
  • curiosity
  • wisdom
  • joy
  • positive people relationships
  • adventures
  • uncertainty

Flipped over

The seeker is considering a new beginning, but he must be careful as this decision may not be the best choice. A fool, on the contrary, shows that a person acted in reckless disregard of consequences.

In relationships, this is spontaneity. If the request is work related, then there is uncertainty as to whether your move will be a huge success or a huge failure.

The card indicates that the chances of failure are high. The fortuneteller must have great wisdom and maturity if he is to change course and succeed.

The Reversed Fool says that you have not yet fallen to the bottom and have made mistakes, you are at the point where you should have chosen a different path.

A fool indicates that a person is far from wisdom and forbearance, he has plunged into vanity, superficiality and materialism.

May indicate a person who is selfish or lazy and unable to progress. On the carefree, reckless attitude of the fortuneteller to the consequences. The seeker acts foolishly, ignoring the consequences of his decisions.

  • Irresponsibility and rebellion can be destructive if taken to extremes.
  • Foolish Recklessness with money that may cause difficulties.
  • When you reach a crossroads in life, think carefully about your future direction.
  • Carelessness and trusting the wrong people can ruin everything.
  • Learn from past mistakes. If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.
  • Don't dwell on injustice. Discuss issues openly.
  • Stupid excitement and thoughtless travel.
  • Make important decisions carefully to ensure a happy future.
  • lack of responsibility
  • treason
  • not seriousness
  • no obligations
  • wrong or ill-considered choice
  • problems due to stupidity
  • exhaustion
  • impulsive actions
  • inexperience

Combination of the Fool with other cards

This card only combines with those cards that are very spiritual and balanced, and strong material cards such as the wheel of fortune or the devil.

If the card follows the Hermit, then your secret will be revealed. If the Hermit is ahead, your secret is now hidden.

The Fool with the Chariot represents important news.

The Fool and the Sun imply that something unexpected will bring order, comfort and happiness.

  • Priest - routine, monotony, implementation of agreements
  • Devil - no faith, cynicism
  • Death is completion
  • 2 of swords - step back, tension, non-acceptance of experience
  • 3 of Wands - journey to something new, expansion of spaces
  • Court - reconstruction, new ideas and their implementation
  • Hanged Man - unity, faith
  • Star - trust, integrity

A fool in a relationship

When divining love, a direct card symbolizes positive feelings, a feeling of spring in the hearts of two people. She talks about a harmonious, cloudless union with a partner who gives confidence. These are honest relationships and pure feelings based on sincerity; there is no calculation or intrigue in them, only sincerity and lightness. Arcanum means pure thoughts, in combination with the 2 of Cups predicts romance, with the Ace of Wands passion. New love. Renewing existing relationships.

The inverted jester has a meaning that is not entirely serious, it indicates flirting and irresponsibility.

You should not trust a person completely and count on a long-term union; hopes for love will not come true; this is a card of frivolous, non-binding relationships. The fool says that you are self-confident and do not want to see the truth.


  • Extraordinary personality
  • Gay person
  • Child
  • Inexperienced
  • Dreamer, dreamer
  • Mystic
  • Self-sufficient
  • Traveler


  • new area
  • strength to cope with the new job
  • curiosity
  • unnecessary actions
  • irresponsibility
  • learning from any situation
  • going beyond limits
  • success

General value

  • Number - 2
  • Astrological element - air selfids, uranus
  • Aether Spirit 0
  • Chakra - crown
  • Color - pale yellow; baby blue; turquoise, white;
  • Hebrew letter - aleph
  • Alchemical sound - separation
  • Mythology: nudes, children's myths, green man

Order of the Golden Dawn Card Review

The fool personifies the idea, thought, spirituality, that which is higher than the physical. But if the prediction concerns a material event in life, this card is not good, it shows madness, stupidity, originality and even mania, unless accompanied by very good cards.

The Jester says your affairs are too unstable.

This card does not answer "Yes" or "No". In fact, it means a fairly neutral position and is pure potential regarding the issue. What the card says, however, also depends on the type of question you ask.

In many cases, the fool will tell you that your question is either stupid, or the plaintiff should already know the answer to it, or the question is premature because the result has not yet been determined.

When the situation is related to issues of home/housing, the jester replies that everything is uncertain or unstable.

In other matters, he can show the plaintiff about spontaneity.

In travel problems, it symbolizes sudden and unplanned trips, traveling without a specific direction.

In financial matters, a person may be presented as not knowing how to manage money, he does not care about it or saves it. Or, the card could simply mean that money, unfortunately, is not part of your life.

The jester can represent a small child or a young man.

However, in all planes of existence, this card has to do with something unexpected or awakening. You need to take a new step, it will lead to success and has great potential. Are you ready for it?

Old and new interpretation of the Fool card

The Fool was represented as a wandering vagabond or madman, which many associated with ancient Celtic festivals in which the Fool was depicted as the man who heralded the beginning of Spring. This showed man that his mind was on another level of existence, completely unaware of the hidden energies of nature.

Golden Dawn took this concept to its optimum point and applied the meaning of a newborn amid the approaching dawn of a new era. The main difference between these two methods of interpretation is that the Fool tarot card takes on existing reality. He has the opportunity to grow and learn the secrets of Divine innocence.

In the old meaning, the Fool had luck in spiritual matters, but madness in material matters. In the Golden Dawn, the Fool promises hope and greater potential for both aspects, manifest and physical.

All changes that occur with the Jester will be made very quickly. In that brief flash of understanding, he summed up the situation. This shows that his mind has advanced far beyond normal levels of understanding.

When denoting this card, older versions of the interpretation spoke of excess, but it is no longer interpreted that way.

The best name for the Fool card is Awakening, as this word truly reflects the true meaning of the card. He is the Man coming to perfection, who is knocking on the door to the Divine.

Detailed description

The Fool in the Golden Dawn, is the Hebrew letter Aleph. This is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the card has a connection to this key based on its shape and its symbolic and numerological associations.

Aleph stands for potential growth factor. It shows the enormous potential that it is going to give to the world. Symbolically, it also refers to humanity as a whole.

The numerology value of the Hebrew spelling of the Fool is 831, this suggests that the card relates directly to “learning” and shows another hidden aspect of the Fool. Because even though the Jester is an abandoned child, he is considered a teacher in the wilderness and rules over its environment.

In English, Aleph means "Ox", which is associated not with the astrological sign of Taurus, but with the age that it symbolizes. In the past, the Bull was worshiped as the most famous god in various cultures. He is also a symbol of Air. In Egyptian drawings, the image was interpreted as the area between Fire and Water.

The Elemental Association of this card is dual, as the Fool is not only associated with the element Air, but also with the planet Uranus.

In the Golden Dawn this card was called the "Spirit of Air". The card was also associated with the Sylph element. These are winged beings that appear in every civilization and bestow Intelligence and Wisdom on all who offer devotion to them.

The psychological way of expressing the card is awakening. This is more than a new beginning, it is a complete destruction of old values, a new era of development.

Some believed that awareness becomes so acute that one enters the realm of Superconsciousness, which many have called "Illumination."

The new approach of the Fool card is based on the perception that awakening, new levels of development, are expected to be achieved.

Speed ​​in achievement is one of the key features that this level of consciousness achieves. The situation can be summed up here. The negative expression of this conscious state appears when there are blockages to goals and the person is fussing.

In the Kabbalah, the Fool card is associated with the Eleventh Path of Blazing Intelligence, which concerns the "veil" placed before the Divinity of the spirit. No one has gone through it because it is the truth, no one would be able to feel its meaning.

The use of the term "Radiation" refers to the principle of the divine spark of life. Its direct application to the Fool card shows the raw essence, the blank slate, the child. Through such pure consciousness a person is able to control the environment. These are acts of purity, energy and strength.

Although this card reflects the energies of the Eleventh Path, it is also associated with "Illuminating Intelligence", which is associated with Wisdom and shows many of the characteristics innate and hidden in the Fool.

The alchemical stage this card represents is Separation. This is a process where the three vital components are individualized and isolated from each other. The first of these three divisions is Mercury, which represents Spirit. The Process of Separation actually involves numerous steps and is the concept of identifying and controlling each of the three vital parts of alchemy.

In mythology, one of the associations of the Fool is the form of the God Nu. By analogy, as one addresses the Deities, one can also address directly the child who is in Man. This shows us that humans are created through evolution and have god-like powers. Man enters a new level of dawn, a renewed area of ​​development.

The numbering of the Fool is zero, he is an intangible, unmanifested Monad. Zero is considered a limitless and infinitely potential number. This is an empty circle, the space from which the Source of everything emerges.

Jester card keys

Entanglement is the first half of any cyclical process in life or a necessity. This is a karmic need to be born and grow, to become manifest and knowledgeable.

Evolution is the second half of any cycle, even in the power of death it is a continuation of the life process.

This is also a developmental process where awareness has been experienced at the peak of the involutionary phase, and the desire to return to the source is very strong. Thus, evolution requires growth in consciousness towards full awakening.

At first glance, everyone will think that the Fool is crazy. Despite this superficial opinion, there is much more depth here.

Because of the conscious state of superconsciousness that the Fool has achieved, he works according to a plan that is not perceived by others. In fact, he is superior to others both in thought and in action. People see things on their own level of perception, while he sees the world on his own.

The Crown Chakra, which in itself is almost indescribable, is similar to the archetype of the Fool, and is a doorway that opens to entirely new dimensions of thought. Its physical seat is in the pineal gland, and its association with the spiritual organization is the point of Spirit, the highest of the subtle bodies and the most difficult point to reach on any conscious level.

By looking closely at the number in this Key, one will see that one is reaching the lowest flowering, which is in reality the crown chakra. Above it are five more blossoms, which show an additional five centers above the head. These five centers work to align the subtle bodies with each other so that Spiritual Source can communicate to us exactly what is required for us to achieve change in our lives.

Tarot symbolism says that a child must learn to understand and touch his spiritual growth. The negative or shadow area of ​​the subconscious is under control. The child also raises his hand to the sky, which indicates that he is striving for the intellect to try to grab it.


Uranus / Mercury in the sense of openness of character, curiosity, spontaneity and some crazyness; in interaction with Neptune - a feeling of guidance from above.

Straight position:

The Jester symbolizes idealism, the willingness to surprise and be surprised. The card means the beginning of a new cycle of life, you can choose any direction, unexpected events that can turn everything upside down. It can also mean thoughtlessness, whims, immaturity, defenselessness, remorse after each offense, the inevitability of redemption, and the inability to calculate consequences.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: completing a cycle, achieving a goal. In addition, this means that actions are rash, a waste of energy is in vain, the choice is wrong, the decision can be fatal.

0 Jester (upright position)

General value:

The unknown, classified information, possibly the road, theft (a young man with a bag over his shoulders), reckless behavior, youthful stupidity, madness.


1. Tourism; show business (something related to the stage, circus, entertainment); criminal business; petty pickpocketing.

Not the best card for business; reckless actions, letting things take their course, conducting business according to the principle “the curve will take you out.”

An unfinished career. He often talks about changing jobs.

One of the poverty cards.

2. Frivolous attitude towards health. Mental illness, poor health.

Conception is possible.

One of the cards symbolizing death (reversed in combination with surrounding cards)

3. Flirting, holiday romances, affairs. Nothing serious.

4. A frivolous person of an adventurous disposition. A person with “his own god” (luck of a drunk) will carry and save in a difficult situation and end up where another will pass without faltering.

Can symbolize a person immersed in his own world.

The desire to attract attention, eccentricity.

5. In the position of advice: go with the flow, trust fate. Don't make grandiose plans. Change the environment, change your job, go unwind.

In a warning position: the situation is unpredictable and precise recommendations cannot be given. Warns that the question is not formulated precisely.

6. It is impossible to give an exact answer. The reasons may vary. For example, some circumstances of the case are not taken into account, or everything depends on how the questioner behaves.

0 Jester (inverted position)

General value:

gives hope for clarification of the situation, speaks of the onset of stability.


1. Clarification of the situation for the better (money will be found, the contract will be signed). Finding a job or promotion. Promising project, end of internship, probationary period. Returning from a business trip.

2. Recovery, conception or birth of a child.

3. Meeting (acquaintance) with prospects. Clarification of circumstances, relationships (what such clarification will lead to - check)

5. Look at things more seriously. Don't leave things to chance.

6. Probably yes"(possibly with conditions)

General value:

The jester is our inner child. It means the spontaneous start of something new, impartiality, openness. This is a carefree game, the most elementary joy of life, a period when we enter the unknown with cheerful surprise and without any specific expectations. However, it can also mean infantilism with all its attributes - frivolity, naivety, gambling, and simply stupidity. Or - wise simplicity, modesty of requests and humility, which we usually come to only at the end of a long and difficult path. A jester can also be a cunning, mischievous person. One way or another, he lives only in the present, he is a frank, sincere, mobile person. Is it good or bad? What this card means: our stubborn reluctance to become an adult or, on the contrary, the simplicity acquired along with long experience - will have to be judged by the whole scenario as a whole. The jester always warns about something completely new that is ready to burst into our lives, which causes chaos in it, and we ourselves may get a few bumps, but there is actually nothing dangerous about it.


The jester shows that we have to enter some new, as yet unfamiliar area, but we have enough curiosity and the ability to cope with new tasks. On a purely event level, it can also mean mistakes, some extra steps or irresponsibility. However, its deeper meaning is the wisdom gained from any, even the most negative experience, awareness of the limitations of any rules that we are accustomed to following, and the ability to go beyond them in order to achieve satisfaction and success.


Here the Fool means surprise, with which, according to Plato, all knowledge begins. And here again it can symbolize both a childish inattention to important things and a deep awareness that nothing in the world is worth making a problem out of it - that is, genuine life experience. And, although the Fool is always an image of high consciousness, this does not mean that every fool is a sage.

Personal relationships:

Here the Fool is a symbol of the joy of life. True, even in this case it can mean excessive frivolity and irresponsibility, which can lead to unreliability, that is, to the collapse of the union; however, in general, it personifies the union of two cheerful, cheerful people who are at ease with each other, who are happy to discover something new in their partner every day and love him for his uniqueness and versatility. At the event level, this card can mean new love or renewal of an old one, which in the latter case often occurs due to the birth of a child.

In a love relationship

Relationships during the period of love interests, which are characterized by the feeling that the relationship is an easy and non-binding affair. Either this will really be true, or lovers are afraid of serious feelings and attachments, and therefore I try to bring frivolity into the relationship. In general, these relationships can be called young and immature.

One would like to say that this will be a stupid relationship, but if we remember that most stupid things in the world are done with a serious expression on the face, then we will reject this interpretation as unsuitable. Most likely, this will be a relationship in which no one is responsible for anything. If the Sun lasso falls nearby, then there is a possibility that the relationship could lead to an unwanted or, conversely, desirable pregnancy. If the Gebo layout is used, then on whose side the Jester will be, he will be prone to a childish and infantile position in the relationship. This is especially obvious if on the other side there is some kind of parental card, like the Pope, Emperor, Empress. The Jester in the center of the Gebo layout will mean an easy relationship, full of unpredictability and, at the same time, optional in relation to each other. Together with the Lovers or the Court, the Jester can mean a civil marriage, and with the Devil or Leo, a tendency to flighty actions and love affairs. In general, the Fool is not a good thing in a love scenario, but love with a flavor of the Fool makes it possible for a relationship to constantly feel waves of renewal. Sometimes the Jester can mean that the other party has a child, and the presence of a Priestess or the Moon nearby indicates a desire to hide his existence.

0. The Fool in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Magician” card - crazy impulse; crazy idea; uncontrollable impulse.

With the “High Priestess” card - an accidental or unexpected discovery.

With the “Empress” card - unplanned pregnancy; unexpected income.

With the "Emperor" card - the end of anarchy and lawlessness.

With the Hierophant card - a search leading to understanding.

With the “Lovers” card - an open manifestation of feelings; unlimited trust in relationships.

With the Chariot card it is an uncontrollable situation.

With the “Strength” card - limit your impulse.

With the Hermit card it’s a futile search.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - unexpected changes.

With the “Justice” card there are problems with the law.

With the Hanged Man card - stupidity that can lead to falling into a trap, imprisonment or injury.

With the “Death” card - shock.

With the “Moderation” card - a successful experiment.

With the “Devil” card there is a danger of falling into the clutches of a deceiver, succumbing to impulse; risk of getting into trouble.

With the Tower card - negligence leading to irreparable consequences.

With the “Star” card - the divine path.

With the Moon card - drug or alcohol intoxication; deception due to naivety.

With the Sun card - creative glory.

With the “Court” card - public speaking.

With the "World" card - travel abroad.


With the Ace of Wands card there is a danger of arson; crazy orgasm.

With the Two of Wands card there are intoxicating possibilities.

With the Three of Wands card - lack of leadership; the matter was left to chance; traveling along an unknown route.

With the Four of Wands card - a mess in the house; crazy house

With the Five of Wands card - provoke a conflict out of simplicity of heart.

With the Six of Wands card - blindly following the leader; intoxication with success.

With the Seven of Wands card - envious people who drive you crazy.

With the Eight of Wands card - increasing madness or irresponsibility.

With the Nine of Wands card - connivance.

With the Ten of Wands card - let go of problems.

With the “Page of Wands” card - skip classes; ignoring training.

With the Knight of Wands card - change the vehicle in order to speed up the movement.

With the “Queen of Wands” card - ignoring professional responsibilities.

With the King of Wands card there is a midlife crisis.


With the Ace of Cups card - alcohol abuse.

With the “Two of Cups” card - intoxication in love.

With the “Three of Cups” card - “think for three.”

With the Four of Cups card - a hangover morning.

With the Five of Cups card - irresponsible behavior leading to loss.

With the “Six of Cups” card - a trip to your native land, where you spent your childhood.

With the Seven of Cups card - get drunk as hell; hovering in a narcotic dope.

With the Eight of Cups card - vagrancy.

With the Nine of Cups card - a love of excessive feasting.

With the “Ten of Cups” card - a return to the bosom of the family.

With the “Page of Cups” card - seduce with something.

With the Knight of Cups card - offer something from the heart.

With the Queen of Cups card - meet a noble woman.

With the King of Cups card - find a drinking buddy.


With the Ace of Swords card - a bladed weapon in the hands of a madman.

With the Two of Swords card - ignoring problems, avoiding obligations.

With the Three of Swords card - a stab in the back.

With the Four of Swords card - injury during travel.

With the Five of Swords card there is a crazy conflict.

With the Six of Swords card - hide from problems.

With the Seven of Swords card - cover up your stupidity.

With the Eight of Swords card - ignore remorse.

With the card “Nine of Swords” - dissipation, leading to despair.

With the Ten of Swords card - neglect of health led to surgery or the need for health procedures.

With the “Page of Swords” card - an evil clown.

With the card "Knight of Swords" - an enraged clown.

With the "Queen of Swords" card - a crazy woman.

With the "King of Swords" card - a vengeful simpleton.


With the Ace of Pentacles card - easy money.

With the Two of Pentacles card there is a split personality.

With the Three of Pentacles card, health requires consultation with a specialist.

With the Four of Pentacles card - stupid savings.

With the Five of Pentacles card - a path through the desert.

With the Six of Pentacles card - an imprudent waste of money.

With the Seven of Pentacles card - meaningless investments.

With the Eight of Pentacles card there is a reluctance to work and master a profession.

With the Nine of Pentacles card - ignoring material values.

With the Ten of Pentacles card - the return of the “prodigal son”.

With the “Page of Pentacles” card - quit your studies.

With the Knight of Pentacles card - unstable exchange rates or quotes; problematic financial movement.

With the Queen of Pentacles card - ignoring savings.

With the King of Pentacles card - unstable or unsuccessful financial transactions.

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The Fool Tarot card is one of the most significant in the major arcana. This is a symbol of an open, versatile and inquisitive personality. A person who is capable of surprising and surprising himself, his inner child never sleeps. Let's look at the detailed meaning of the card.

The values ​​in this case are as follows:

  • Symbolizes bright actions, a rich life, vigorous activity. All this attracts a lot of attention. But as a rule, this is just window dressing, without deep inner filling.
  • Indicates such qualities of human nature as extreme selfishness, infantilism, narcissism, youthful maximalism. The existence of these character traits in a person forces him to commit frivolous, thoughtless actions in order to attract the attention of others, which will definitely come back to haunt him in the future.
  • The jester also indicates that a person is in a vain search for the meaning of life and his purpose. He searches and searches and does not find, because of which he cannot be fully realized and find his place in the sun. The reason lies in the inability to complete at least some started work.
  • The inverted Fool is also a symbol of futile efforts, thoughtless actions, waste of energy, wasted efforts. The card indicates that you are scattered about completely unnecessary things, so you cannot achieve your goals.
  • The 22nd Arcana of the Tarot has this meaning: you are shackled by the past and cling to it. Because of this, it is impossible to move to a new stage in life, develop and improve.

Watch the video about the meaning of the Jester Tarot card:

Jester Tarot Card: Meaning in Relationships

In a relationship scenario, the Fool most often symbolizes frivolous, frivolous and immature relationships, in which the partners lack a sense of responsibility. But such a union may well become happy and harmonious, filled with joy, if the man and woman “grow up” and are able to transform the period of falling in love into more serious feelings.

What the Jester will talk about in a relationship scenario:

  • You know how to enjoy even the little things, you rejoice in everything, you are able to find something good even in the most unpleasant person. Therefore, you get a huge return
  • The fool is a harbinger of the revival of strong, but long-extinguished feelings in the family. Or the card indicates the birth of the first child, the realization of some common, large, long-set goal (for example, buying a home or organizing a joint business)
  • The jester is a symbol of a relationship without obligations, not bound by mutual promises or marriage bonds. Partners simply have a pleasant time together, but do not want responsibility and expression of their intentions. In combination with the Sun card, in this case the alignment promises an unexpected and extremely unwanted pregnancy
  • If the Fool card falls on your relationship, don’t expect too much from it. Your union is most likely nothing more than a light affair. At best, it will end in long-term cohabitation without legalizing the relationship. At worst, there will be a lot of betrayal and even the birth of children on the side.

This is an extremely unpredictable and frivolous relationship that is only suitable for teenagers without plans for the future.

Combination with other cards in the layout

The jester acquires the following meanings when appearing in a layout with other cards:

  1. Magician - strange, almost crazy ideas will begin to come to mind. Try to understand them thoroughly before you start implementing them.
  2. The High Priestess is an unexpected victory in a long-planned matter
  3. Empress - the birth of an unwanted child
  4. Emperor - peace and harmony after a long anarchy
  5. The Hierophant is the personification of a person who is in search of a second half
  6. Lovers are an auspicious sign, symbolizing harmony and happiness in a couple
  7. Chariot - the situation has become uncontrollable, it is now impossible to influence it, rely on the will of Fate
  8. Strength - you need to learn to take control of your emotions and use your reason more often when making any decisions
  9. Hermit - a long and hopeless struggle with something
  10. Wheel of Fortune - unexpected but very good news
  11. Justice - you will find yourself drawn into unseemly affairs, which will result in problems with the law
  12. Hanged - state house, imprisonment as a result of frivolous actions
  13. Death is sudden and extremely unpleasant news that will plunge you into a state of horror
  14. Moderation - to luck and success
  15. Devil - you are surrounded by ill-wishers and insincere people
  16. Tower - serious problems will arise in life due to rash actions committed in the past
  17. Star - wait for a sign from the Universe that will guide you on the true path
  18. Moon - addiction to drugs or alcohol
  19. Sun - you will become famous and recognizable
  20. Court - you have to speak in front of a large crowd of people
  21. World - you'll be traveling soon

When paired with the Wands of Tara, the meanings of the Fool card are as follows:

  • Ace - you are in serious danger, be on your guard
  • 2 - gain great power, which will intoxicate you and make you unable to act rationally
  • 3 - you need someone who will manage you (in a good way)
  • 4 - your thoughts are in complete chaos, you need to put them in order
  • 5 - you are careless in your statements, often hurt others with your words
  • 6 - you need to stop blindly following other people’s instructions, think with your own head
  • 7 - you are surrounded by ill-wishers
  • 8 - you will probably have to visit a psychologist soon due to emotional distress
  • 9 - things go on their own without your influence or interference from outsiders
  • 10 - you are unable to influence current events, relax and wait for the outcome
  • Page - you need new knowledge, but stubbornly ignore opportunities to get it
  • Knight - the means you use to achieve your goals are wrong
  • Queen - your other half is destined for you, don’t lose her
  • King - you are attached to a close friend who has a bad influence on you and is dependent on bad habits

Despite the positivity of the Jester card, its lightness and optimism, you should be alert. Because optimism can easily turn into blind faith, lightness into frivolity, and positivity into irresponsibility and frivolity.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

✚ "One card" layout

General value

It symbolizes stupidity or innocence. The jester speaks of childlike spontaneity and great prospects. Its appearance in fortune telling indicates that it is time to change something in life and start a new project. In this case, you need to act spontaneously, and not make plans.


This card indicates the frivolity of the current situation. The jester may say that the relationship itself should not be taken seriously, since it is only a temporary fling. The card can also say that what happens between lovers - quarrels, scandals, conflicts - is not serious. In any case, the situation will soon be resolved.


The jester means that you are careless about your health. If you do not reconsider your position on this issue, you may soon encounter serious problems. The jester can also talk about a tendency towards mental pathologies. Another meaning of the lasso is possible conception soon.


The Jester is a card of poverty. Arkan speaks of a poor financial situation. The card may indicate that a career has not yet been formed or that a person constantly has to change jobs. The jester also says that show business, activities related to the circus or other entertainment will bring success.

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✚ For the future

The most creative and original tarot card, denoting something new in a person’s life and destiny. If it appears in a reading, it means that the time has come to make a fateful choice that can measure fate. A new stage - this time will change for the better, end the old bad time in order to achieve new successes in your career or personal life. If you are in a relationship, then the birth of a child is possible. This characterizes a person as an open personality with great creativity. A fateful beginning that will bring new impressions and colors to your life.

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✚ On relationships

If you got this particular tarot card while fortune telling about relationships, then it can be interpreted in different ways. The meaning of the Jester depends not only on the meaning of the card itself, but also on the cards surrounding it. It means something light, fun, without unnecessary obligations and burdens.

It turns out that in the context of a love relationship, the Jester can either mean finding some kind of like-minded person with whom it will be easy to build a relationship and relax, but you should not expect seriousness from such communication, at least in the near future.

If you get such a card, and you are already in a relationship, then it can mean marriage. The most positive meaning of the Jester tarot card is new easy relationships, the most negative is frivolity in relationships, even betrayal.

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✚ For today

In the near future, a person will have to choose the direction of his further path. Regardless of the decision, it will most likely be the right one, but the chosen path is not without obstacles. Inconveniences will happen for good. The Jester's card can mean some major and very unexpected surprise, rarely a journey full of impressions. Sometimes the Fool symbolizes the try-everything, creative person in your environment, with whom you need to be careful: you can be harmed by his frivolity in relation to your requests. Meaning in relationships: the beginning of a new romance or the revival of an extinct relationship. You are a person free from prejudice, without emotional attachments, for whom big troubles are insignificant.

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✚ For tomorrow

The Fool, according to various experts and theorists of tarot cards, can act as both the lowest arcana, zero, and the most senior, following the World card. It personifies childhood and carefreeness, but also intuitive wisdom, coming not from the mind, but from the depths of the subconscious. The jester is expressive, extravagant and prone to unexpected and rash actions, so the card often carries the meaning of unexpected changes in life and updates.

As for the new day under the sign of this lasso, it will bring joy to the questioner if he goes on this day with a light heart. But the result will always be unexpected. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the Jester is not just portrayed as standing at the edge of the abyss.

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✚ What does he think about me

This Tarot card is not positive for fortune telling about relationships. If you are just looking for your destiny, then you need to change the criteria. You are too fixated on ideal relationships that do not exist in the real world. Try to look at the world around you with a sober look and understanding.
If you are in a relationship, then your partner is trying to give a false impression. He is not who he says he is. This needs to be understood; most likely, this person is not your destiny and you are simply wasting your time and nerves.

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✚ On request

There is no need to worry for no reason. Don't make hasty predictions or conclusions. But you shouldn’t let the situation take its course either. Try to keep your actions under control, but don't obsess over them. Perhaps now fate will require more freedom of action from you. Don't complicate the situation, move in the direction that you consider more correct. Fate has prepared a pleasant surprise regarding your cherished desire, which will help you achieve excellent results. If you are still wondering whether it is worth taking any action now, then just listen to your emotions.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Rash decisions and lack of preparation can lead to chaos in life. New opportunities open up for you to realize your inner potential. Life changes, interesting and unpredictable events are coming.

There is a need to make quick decisions based on intuition, but the goal is still far away. Don't miss the chance and don't hesitate to make decisions. Trust your inner child!

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✚ For the betrothed

The jester means a kind of thaw in your relationship. It shows an easy and serene path hand in hand with a potential (or future) soul mate. However, in most cases this feeling is unfounded, perhaps even naive. But you shouldn’t be discouraged, because there is a possibility that ideal feelings are the fruit of true love. In general, do not lose your head over them, but if you are confident in your partner, then the jester predicts unprecedented warmth created by your love. Marriage in this case is more than possible, but it’s worth figuring out whether this is definitely your soul mate.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Light and dark are always present in man, this has been the case since the creation of the world.

Having learned the very essence of human nature, you can learn to control it. By coming to terms with your true essence, you can achieve any goals that others cannot achieve.

By abandoning cliches and usual paths, you will achieve everything you dream of.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

A completely new stage in relationships begins in your life. There is a great opportunity to abandon past grievances and omissions and go on a journey together. Even if you do something reckless and unusual, make sure that your man is endowed with wisdom and intelligence. The card speaks of new facets that you will discover in each other.

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