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Interesting facts about winter for children. Intellectual quiz “What do we know about winter.” Preparatory group Questions on the topic of winter for children

Winter quiz with answers about the snowman for primary schoolchildren

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 47 Samara city district
Description This material can be used by primary school teachers and class teachers to conduct extracurricular activities dedicated to the winter season.
Target Testing children's knowledge on the topic "winter fun"
- systematize and generalize students’ knowledge on the topic “Winter fun”
-expand the understanding of Russian traditions, rituals and other peoples associated with winter time of the year;
- develop students’ individual creative abilities and imagination;
-instill interest in the traditions and values ​​of your people.


Let's make a snowman
Sculpts since the morning
Snowman baby.
Rolls snow globes
And laughing, he connects.

Below is the largest lump,
Slightly smaller lump on it.
Even smaller is the head,
We barely made it.

Eyes are cones, nose is a carrot.
They put the hat on deftly.
A bright scarf, a broom in his hands.
And the kids are happy.
1.Who made the snow figure of a snowman for the first time?
(Italian sculptor Michelangelo Buanarroti)

2.Which people invented the word “snowman”?
(Invented by the Germans)

3.What were the first snowmen and why?
(They were ferocious monsters of enormous size, since winters used to be fierce and frosty)

4.What was the belief about snowmen?
(That snowmen pose a real danger to people)
5. In what century did the snow figures become good?
(In the 19th century they became an attribute of Christmas and New Year)

6.Who were snowmen considered according to Christian legend?
(They were considered an angel. After all, snow is a gift from heaven. They sculpted a snowman from freshly fallen snow and quietly whispered their wish. When the snow melted, the wish should come true)

7.What does the snowman’s carrot symbolize?
(In the old days they asked for mercy from the spirit that sends the harvest, fertility)

8. What was the symbol of what was the inverted bucket on the snowman’s head?
(Symbol of prosperity)

9.Where in Europe was a snowman made?
(Near the house, they generously decorated it with garlands)
Big Foot

A. Shlygin

Why look for it in the mountains?
You will find it in the courtyards.
From year to year, from century to century
Bigfoot lives here.

He's on the yard heel
Stands holding a broom in his hand.
He amuses the kids all day long
I pulled the bucket on one side...

10. Why did they decorate a snowman with garlic beads in Romania?
(So ​​that the snowman gives people health and protects them from dark forces)

11.Name the author of the fairy tale "The Snowman"
(H.H. Andersen)

12.How were snowmen treated in Rus'?
(As to the spirit of winter, with respect)

13.Where were the Snow Woman and the Snow Maiden invented?
(In Rus')

Snow woman

A. Brodsky

We made a great snow woman.
For glory, for glory, for fun.
She looks at us with black eyes,
It's like laughing with two coals.
Although our woman is standing with a broom,
But don't let her seem evil to you.
We put a bucket on her instead of a hat...
The game is more fun with a snow woman.

14.Which Russian city hosts the Snowman Parade every year?
(In Moscow)

15.Name International Snowman Day
(January 18)
16.Why exactly January 18?
(In many countries there is already snow in January, and the number 18 looks like a snowman holding a broom)

17.When is Snowman Day celebrated in Russia?
(28th of February)

Snowman from a children's fairy tale
The kids are flushed -
I rolled three balls!
They were stacked on top of each other,
And they piled up the bucket.

The nose is a carrot, the coal is eyes,
Snowman from a children's fairy tale!
Hands are branches, mouth is candy...
Let it stand now until summer

Game - quiz: with answers for older and preparatory children on the topic: “Do we know winter?”


Efimova Alla Ivanovna
Place of work: GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg.

Description of material: The material will be of interest to educators, methodologists, primary school teachers, after-school teachers and organizers of extracurricular activities. The quiz game can be used in working with children of preschool and primary school age.
In my case, 22 children played.

Target: organization of children's leisure.
- develop logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination
Materials and equipment: top, hourglass, envelopes with questions. Prizes for teams: treat - 22 tangerines.
Preliminary work: reading literature on a given topic, solving riddles...

Quiz progress

Leading: Good afternoon, dear players. We are glad to welcome you to our game. You are ready? Begin. Good luck.
1.What is the shortest winter month? (February)
2.Who knows which forest dweller dries mushrooms on a tree for the winter? (squirrel)
3.What are the signs of winter weather? (it’s cold, the water turns to ice, the days are short, the nights are long)
4.What winter fun do you like? (sledding, skating, skiing, playing snowballs, making a snow woman, going down the hill...)
5.What are the winter holidays? ( New Year, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland Day, baptism)
6.What do you think winter smells like? (New Year, Christmas tree, tangerines)
7.What weather does the snow crunch underfoot? (in frosty weather)
8.Name a bird that hatches its chicks in winter? (crossbill)
9.On what winter holiday do people swim in the ice hole? (baptism)
10.Do you know which tree is a symbol of the New Year? (spruce)
11.What does a bear do in winter? (sleeping)
12.What are the winter months? (December January February)
13.What is snow? (frozen water)
14.When is Santa Claus's birthday? (November 18th)
15 Who draws winter patterns on the window? (freezing)
16.What are the names of the berries that bullfinches eat in winter? (Rowan).
17.Think and answer: white, but not sugar, no legs, but walking? (snow)
18. Who meanders in the forest and confuses his tracks? (hare)
19.What is the name of the holiday when a lot of pancakes are prepared and eaten? (Maslenitsa)
20. Santa Claus comes to the holiday, and in his hands is what...? (staff)
21.Who do you think came up with, or rather who introduced, the New Year holiday in our country? (Peter 1)
22.What does Santa Claus wear on his feet? (felt boots)
23. Is the New Year's tree decoration round in shape? (ball)
24 New Year's winter ball, we call it... (carnival)
25.What is the very first month of the year? (January)
26.What color is a hare’s winter coat? (white)
27.The most famous New Year's round dance song? (The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…)
28. Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, blizzards, when does this happen? (winter)
29.What are the bravest birds that are not afraid of frost? (sparrows, pigeons, crows)
30.What happened to the weather in winter? (it became cold, the trees fell asleep under the snow, frosty)
31.Where do you and I go ice skating in winter? (on the rink)
32. Who has a carrot instead of a nose? (at the snowman)
33.Without whom the New Year holiday cannot take place? (without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)
34. Decorates the New Year's table, orange, round in shape? (mandarin)
35.What date is New Year celebrated in our country? (1st of January)
36.What are the names of birds that fly to warmer regions for the whole winter? (migratory)
37. We made three lumps, and we got it, the kids are happy, it turned out with a bang! (snowman)
38.Tell me, is it possible to see identical snowflakes? (no, they are all different)
39. Homeland of Santa Claus? (Veliky Ustyug)
40.What is the name of Grandfather Frost’s granddaughter? (Snow Maiden).
Leading: Well done boys. Well, you completed the task, answered the questions correctly, and Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden left these gifts for you as a reward. Give treats to the children. Thank you very much to all of you, you are all great fellows and smart people

Name: Intellectual quiz “What do we know about winter”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, quizzes, Preparatory group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten"Herringbone"
Location: Kudymkar, Komi-Permyatsky autonomous region Perm region

Quiz “What do we know about winter” in the preparatory group.

Target: To develop children’s ability to cooperate and cooperate in team play.


Strengthen children's knowledge about winter, natural phenomena, folk signs.

Develop thinking, attention, memory.

Activate vocabulary, form a culture of speech.

Cultivate interest in the world around us and respect for nature.

Preliminary work: observing nature, guessing riddles about winter natural phenomena, getting acquainted with proverbs and folk signs, listening to musical works “Blizzard”, “December”, “January”, “On Troika”.

Progress of the lesson:

Quiz participants, children preparatory group, are divided into teams in advance and choose a captain. By lot, the team chooses a theme from 3 proposed ones - “Signs of winter”, “Animals and birds”, “Fairytale winter”. The jury evaluates the teams' answers and awards 1 point for each correct answer. The team that came up with the most adjectives for the word “winter” (snowy, angry, blizzard, etc.) starts first.

Theme “Signs of Winter”

1.Which month ends the year and begins winter? (December)

2. Name the winter months in calendar order (December, January, February)

3. What old flies appear in nature in winter? (snow)

4. How many rays does a snowflake have? (6)

5. Which ruler came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year in Russia in winter? (Peter 1)

6. Which month was popularly called “studen”, “section” and “prosinets”? (January)

7. Complete the proverb “In December the day died, and in January ...” (resurrected)

8. Finish the saying “A lot of snow - a lot of ...” (bread)

9. What month do they say: sows, blows, stirs, twists, tears and sweeps? (February)

10. What holidays are celebrated in winter? (New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Theme "Animals and Birds"

  1. How is a bear similar to a hedgehog in winter? (both hibernate)
  2. What does a brown bear store for the winter? (subcutaneous fat)
  3. Which forest animal sheds its antlers every winter? (elk)
  4. Which bird hatches chicks in February? (crossbill)
  5. What does a hare eat in winter? (twigs and tree bark)
  6. Which forest dweller can loop? (hare)
  7. Which forest dweller mouses? (Fox)
  8. What reserves does a squirrel make for the winter? (nuts, mushrooms, berries)
  9. What animals change color for the winter? (hare)
  10. What bird swallows pebbles to grind up rough food? (grouse)

Theme “Winter in Fairy Tales”

  1. Name the author of the poem “White Birch” (S. Yesenin)
  2. Which work by H. H. Andersen describes the mistress of snow and ice who kidnapped a boy? (The Snow Queen)
  3. In which fairy tale does the action take place in winter: Teremok, At the command of the pike, Geese-swans? (At the command of the pike)
  4. In what fairy tale did the wolf catch fish in an ice hole with his tail? (Fox and wolf)
  5. What animals made their winter quarters? (Bull, ram, pig, goose, rooster)
  6. Who had an ice hut? (fox)
  7. Which girl turned into a cloud during Russian folk fun? (Snow Maiden)
  8. What is the birthplace of Santa Claus? (Veliky Ustyug)
  9. Who does K. Choliev compare winter trees with in the poem “The Trees Are Sleeping” (trees sleep just like people)
  10. Name the author of the fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich”? (Vladimir Odoevsky)

Result: The number of points for each team is calculated and the winner is determined. Pre-prepared certificates and sweet prizes are awarded.

Nadezhda Korosteleva
Quiz for older children preschool age"Zimushka-Winter"

Quiz for older preschool children« Zimushka-Winter»

Target: generalization of ideas about winter.


summarize and systematize ideas children about the characteristic signs of winter, winter entertainment;

expand and activate vocabulary on the lexical topic Winter";

develop ingenuity and intelligence children, their erudition;

develop the ability to work in a team, make collective decisions;

cultivate cognitive interest, a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game.

Equipment: pictures depicting snowmen and snowflakes for drawing lots, two trees, snowflakes - glasses; pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds, presentation "Name a fairy tale"; soundtrack for the game "The deer has a big house"; cardboard snowman parts in duplicate; prizes for awarding children(chocolate medals).

Leading. Hello guys! I invite you to take part in an interesting quiz. What will the tasks be about? Guess it.

She came so snowy.

Covered with white clothes

Forests, fields, houses and streets.

She is a diligent artist,

Everything will be painted into the kingdom of snow,

Hanging lace from frost,

So fabulously beautiful...

What is it about? (about winter)

Leading. Now we will divide into teams. Each of you takes out from this magic bag a small piece of paper on which a symbol is drawn teams: Snowman or snowflake. Children who have a drawing with a snowman in their hands sit on the chairs to my left, children whose drawings have snowflakes sit on the right...

So we have 2 teams: "Snowmen" And "Snowflakes". For each correctly completed task, the team receives a snowflake and can decorate their winter tree with it. The team that earns the most snowflakes will win.

Now the teams must choose their captains.

1st round: Warm-up for captains “Who can name the most?” "winter" words"

The captains take turns calling out words related to the topic. "Winter". The last person to answer earns a snowflake.

2 round: Riddles for teams.

Each team is asked a question or riddle on a winter theme. If the team cannot answer, the floor is passed to the opponents. The one with the most correct answers wins. Answers - shouts without a conditional signal are not counted.

The most important grandfather at the New Year holiday. (Freezing)

Storage of gifts from Santa Claus. (Bag)

Granddaughter of Santa Claus. (Snow Maiden)

Why, winter is coming (for autumn)

What month, according to folk wisdom, "The year is ending, and winter begins» ?

What month, according to popular proverb, “The beginning of the year, and the middle of winter”?

How is a hedgehog similar to a bear in winter?

What is popularly called "white flies"?

What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter? (wintering)

Who wanders around angry and hungry in the cold winter? (wolf).

A fast little animal, it leaps and leaps through the trees. (squirrel)

Guess what kind of bird it is, afraid of white light

Beak with a hook, eyes with a snout

Eared head, what's her name? (owl)

Walks in summer, rests in winter (bear)

Walks through the forest, carries a tree on his head (elk)

Look at this one, it’s all burning like gold

He walks around in an expensive fur coat, his tail is fluffy and big.

She's a master of subterfuge, what's her name? (fox)

3 round: A game "Migratory and wintering birds» .

Leading: We know that in winter all the birds stay with us; some have flown to warmer climes. What do we call them? (migratory) What are the names of those that remain? (wintering) I suggest checking how you know migratory and wintering birds.

One team selects pictures depicting migratory birds and attaches them to a magnetic board under the sun, and the other team selects pictures depicting wintering birds and places them under a snowflake. Players approach the table with pictures one by one.

Dynamic pause "The deer has a big house"

The deer has a big house

He looks out his window,

The hare ran across the field, through the door knocked:

“Knock, knock, open the door,

there in the forest there is an evil hunter"

"Hare, hare, come in,

Give me your paw"

Performed 3-4 times at an accelerating pace.

4th round: "Winter Tales"

Leading. You all love fairy tales very much. My next task such: name fairy tales that mention winter and winter natural phenomena. To make it easier for you to remember such fairy tales, look at the screen. Don't forget that teams answer in turns.

Children must name fairy tales:

"The Snow Queen"

"The Fox and the Hare"

"Wolf and Fox"

"Winter quarters of animals"

"Snow Maiden"

"Gray Neck"

"Snowman Postman"

"Twelve months"


5th round: A game "Make a Snowman"

Leading. Now we’ll check how friendly and attentive you are. The following task can only be completed by the whole friendly team at once. To the music you go to roll imaginary lumps of snow. By command “One, two, three - build a snowman!”, each participant finds one of the parts and connects it into a common figure. Who is faster and friendlier? Please note - snowballs of two colors: pink for the team "Snowflakes" and blue for the team "Snowmen".

Round 6: “What do I do in winter?”

Leading: Winter is time fun games outside and you know a lot of winter fun. I suggest that the teams take turns showing each other actions - winter fun, but without words. One team shows the movements, and the other guesses. Then they change.

For each correct answer, the team receives a snowflake.


Leading: So my tasks are over. And your winter trees are decorated with carved snowflakes. Let's count the snowflakes on the trees and find out which team was more attentive and smarter today. We congratulate the winning team!

I want to reward everyone with sweet prizes!

Publications on the topic:

Quiz game "Birds" for older preschool children Game - quiz on the topic: “Birds” for children of senior preschool age. Goals: To teach children to write descriptive stories about subjects.

Synopsis of NOD on music in the senior preschool age group “Zimushka - winter” GOAL: To create conditions for nurturing a sense of love for music about nature. Problem: How composers, poets, and artists talk about winter.

Summary of the open developmental lesson “Winter-winter” for younger preschool age. Summary of an open lesson for primary preschool age. Topic: “Winter-winter”. Prepared by educational psychologist Maria Alekseevna Chernova.

Intellectual quiz “What? Where? When?" for children of senior preschool age move: (the call signs of the program “What? Where? When?” are heard) Educator: Guys, today I invite you to play the game “What? Where? When?” Maybe,.

Quiz “Hello, summer!” for children of senior preschool age The goal is to ensure safety and healthy image children's lives; nurturing an ecological culture and respect for the environment.

Extracurricular activity literary reading V primary school on the topic: “Favorite winter tales”

Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, primary school teacher at Zolotukhinskaya Secondary Educational Institution comprehensive school", Kursk region
Purpose: literary quiz game designed for children, educators preschool institutions, primary school teachers, class teachers, additional education teachers and parents. A variety of tasks and questions will help children remember and consolidate their knowledge about winter fairy tales and their characters, and will also bring them positive emotions from the lesson.
Target: consolidating children’s previously acquired knowledge about their favorite fairy tales.
1. Organize active leisure time for students.
2. To attract children's attention to literary creativity, cultivating an interest in reading.
3. Remember and consolidate children’s knowledge about the names, authors and heroes of children’s fairy tales about winter.

All children love fairy tales. There are many fairy tales in which winter reigns. Magical, enchanting, perky. In this literary game based on winter tales, you will again meet the heroes of popular winter tales.
1. What did the Needlewoman see in Moroz Ivanovich’s well when she was fluffing his feather bed (V.F. Odoevsky’s fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich”)? (Green grass-winter bread)

Winter crops- these are annual plants (winter wheat, rye, barley, rapeseed, camelina, vetch, etc.), sown in the fields in the fall; They give a harvest for the next year. More productive than crops sown in spring.
2. In what fairy tale only the brave Cockerel managed to drive the Fox out of the Bunny's house? (Zayushkina's hut)

3. How did the wolf from the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Wolf” catch fish in an ice hole? (Tail)

4. What vehicle in the Russian folk tale “At the Pike’s Command” went home on its own at Emelya’s request? (Sleigh: “Go, sleigh, go home yourself...”)

5. What is the name of the fairy tale by E. Uspensky, in which a boy, a dog and a cat decorated a Christmas tree with toys made of silver foil, sweets and shiny cans? (Winter in Prostokvashino)

6. The professor teaches a wayward girl - the Queen. When it comes to the New Year, she wishes that tomorrow there would be snowdrops on the festive table so that she could see what kind of flowers they are. The professor assures her that this is impossible, but the Queen issues a decree - whoever brings a basket of these flowers to the palace will receive the same basket of gold. Who is the author and what is the name of this fairy tale, in which snowdrops miraculously appeared in winter? (S.Ya.Marshak “Twelve Months”)

7. What magical object shattered in H.H. Andersen's fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? (Mirror)

8. What word did Kai need to collect from ice shards in the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Snow Queen" to become "your own master" and to receive from the queen "the whole world and a pair of new skates"? (Eternity)

9. What was the name of the main character of the Austrian fairy tale “Mistress Blizzard”? (Maria)

10. What question did Morozko from the fairy tale “Morozko” ask the old man’s daughter when she was sitting in the forest under a spruce tree? (“Are you warm, girl?”)

11. How many children did Father Frost have in the Russian folk tale "Children of Father Frost"? Tell them their names: (Wind, Ice, Frost, Snowflake)
"Children of Santa Claus"(r.n.s)
Santa Claus had three sons and one daughter. Their names were Wind, Ice, Frost and Snowflake.
Santa Claus called his children and said:
- Winter is coming soon. Which one of you will help people better?
The children went to people. Santa Claus waited for them for a long time. So they came home and told me.
The Wind began to tell:
- I've caught up with the cold. Let people know that winter is coming. Let the stoves be lit.
Ice said:
- I built bridges on rivers.
Frost says:
- I decorated the forest. He is now white. How beautiful it is!
Snowflake said:
- I felt sorry for the land. I covered it with white snow.
“Okay, children,” said Santa Claus. - You all helped people. And you, Snowflake, helped the most.

12. In the fairy tale by K. D. Ushinsky, Staruza-winter planned to “squeeze every breath from the world.” What did she do? (First I got to the birds, and they flew away to warm countries. Winter covered the fields with snow, filled the forests with snow. It sent frost after frost, but the animals were not afraid of winter. Winter wanted to freeze people, and people lit the stoves, baked pancakes, laughed. Even children they are not afraid of her: the kids sled, skate, make a snow woman, play snowballs. And Winter began to cry with anger).

13. What color were the noses of the two Frosts from the Russian folk tale “Two Frosts”? (Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose)

14. What animals ran away into the forest from the old man and the old woman in the fairy tale “The Winter Lodge of Animals”?
(The old man and the old woman had a bull, a ram, a pig, a goose and a rooster).

15. What miracle did the girl Darenka see in P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”? (She saw Silver Hoof tapping his foot, and how chrysolite gems were falling around).

16. In which fairy tale and why was the duck unable to fly south in the fall? (D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck”, the duck’s wing was broken)

17. This sad fairy tale by H.H. Andersen is known to everyone. The little Christmas tree's dreams of a wonderful future came true, she was taken from the forest and dressed up, but what will happen to her then? What is the name of this fairy tale? Come up with your own continuation of this story. (H.H. Andersen "Spruce")

"I would like to end this fairy tale a little differently. It's over new year holidays and the Christmas tree was taken out into the street. Now this is her place. The Christmas tree was placed next to the gazebo in the yard. There were only bumps left on it. To make the Christmas tree more elegant, the children hung birds made of paper and cardboard and small feeders made of waste material on the Christmas tree. The children poured various food into the feeders for the wintering birds. A new life has now come for the Christmas tree. It will delight children during walks, birds will chirp on its branches, find food and shelter from the cold. Soon the children will make a snowman next to the Christmas tree - he will guard the Christmas tree.
Now the Christmas tree enjoyed every minute, rejoiced at every moment. “I live, I will make children happy every day,” the Christmas tree rejoiced. Summer is still a long way off. I believe that I will be useful in the summer too!” (Zhilyaeva Elizaveta, 3rd grade)
18. Why did the animals and birds stage a trial of December in N. Sladkov’s fairy tale “Judgment for December”? (December day shortened)

19. The most famous New Year's ballet was written by P.I. Tchaikovsky based on the fairy tale by T.A. Hoffmann. What ballet are we talking about? (Nutcracker)

20. Remember the fairy tale by V.I. Dalia "Girl Snow Maiden". What was the Snow Maiden made of and how was it warmed? (“I am the girl Snow Maiden, rolled up from spring snow, warmed and rouged by the spring sun”).
“The evening has come. The girls played around, put wreaths on their heads, lit a fire from brushwood, began to jump over the fire... The Snow Maiden ran and jumped...” What happened to the Snow Maiden in this fairy tale? (The Snow Maiden has melted)

A fairy tale is a seed from which a child’s emotional assessment of life’s phenomena grows. V.A. Sukhomlinsky.
Today, the most effective and proven methods and means of raising children have become undeservedly forgotten. Fairy tales are one of the most ancient means of moral and ethical education, and also form behavioral stereotypes of future members of adult society. The rejection of this method of raising children seems, if not a mistake, then a noticeable omission on the part of educational institutions and parents. Through fairy tales, a child learns about the world, gains experience for an independent adult life, builds his own model of the world and learns to live in it. At the very beginning of her life, she meets children with fantastic images, exciting adventures, and the colorfulness and brightness of her world. All this freshness, purity, melodiousness, and harmonious integrity of the fairy tale serve as the first impetus for children to develop imagination, thinking, and creativity. And the artless simplicity and beauty of fairy-tale heroes and their actions are necessary for children’s consciousness as the first reflection of the world, true human relationships in the pure mirror of true art.
Read to children, read folk and literary fairy tales with your children!