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Anubis warface trading cards. Warface: Season of Siege. Content review and guide to the new special operation. Set "Spring training"

is a great opportunity to build a personal collection and receive unique rewards for it. For example, to become the owner of special class achievements, you just need to open boxes of luck for credits or warbucks. This is discussed in more detail below.

How to get these cards?

All you need to do to win prizes is collect cards. Nothing complicated! Cards can be received as a gift when opening boxes of good luck. So:

  1. You open boxes of luck in Warface. Boxes for both credits and warbucks are suitable.
  2. If you're lucky, you'll get trading cards. They are not displayed as items in Warface, but are counted on the page.
  3. Have you completed a collection? Great! You will be able to claim your prize soon!

Each card has a different drop rate, and some of them are quite rare! Information on the website about received cards is updated in about half an hour.

Class collections

Introducing special achievements for each game class for collecting collections "Assault Squad", "First aid", "Explosive Fan" And "Death Shot".

To get them, collect cards from the selected collection from the corresponding lucky boxes. That is, you can receive a card for the class whose box you open.

Example. Medic cards are found in Medic luck boxes and not in Stormtrooper luck boxes. When you open a Stormtrooper box, you can receive a Stormtrooper card.

Important! Lucky boxes with weapon sets, signs of return, additional or melee weapons do not contain class cards.

Set "Champion character"

An exclusive achievement for spectators of the Warface Open Cup tournaments!

"Bread and Circuses" badge

Collection cards are periodically distributed during the Warface Open Cup finals. Do you want to collect such a collection? Continue to follow tournament activities!

With a small chance you can get such cards in .

Set "Man vs. Machine"

Collection cards were previously issued for battles in the mini-game "". By collecting cards from this series, you can get a unique badge!

Man vs Machine icon

Set "Spring training"

Set "Skull"

This set of cards could be collected by taking part in. By collecting cards from this series, you can receive a special insignia for capturing Blackwood special agents.

Hidden Strike Badge

Now you can get such cards in .

Set "Retribution"

This set of cards could be collected by participating in the "" season. By collecting cards from this series, you can get a unique token.

“Retribution Season Participant” Token

Now you can get such cards in .

Siege Pack

A set of cards could be collected by participating in the "" season. By collecting cards from this series, you can get a unique achievement.

“Siege Season Participant” Token

Now you can get such cards in .

Brain activity set

This set of cards could be collected by participating in. By collecting cards from this series, you can receive a special badge.

Brainstorm icon

Now you can get such cards in .

Icebreaker set

This set of cards could be collected by completing tasks. By collecting cards from this series, you can get a unique achievement.

“Icebreaker Veteran” Token

The long-awaited special operation is here! "Black Shark". This time you have to blow up a huge skyscraper that the Blackwood corporation is building on its territory. But it's not that simple. The structure is guarded by armed mercenaries, various turrets (including the new kind"Scolopendra") and many different zombies.

Your task is to mine all the key floors in the building, get to the roof and evacuate by helicopter. The team will have to develop tactics for each floor. They are not alike - you can’t just sit in cover and shoot bots.

The special operation has three difficulty levels. The first two can be mastered by most players without much difficulty, but the fun begins with “Pro.” Here you will need an experienced and well-coordinated team game with voice communication.

  • You will have to shoot a lot, which means you need at least two attack aircraft with machine guns, and preferably three. One medic with a pump-action shotgun or semi-automatic. This time the medic will have to shoot a lot, and not just heal his teammates. A sniper with an automatic or semi-automatic rifle with at least 15-16 rounds of ammunition in the clip. The so-called "bolt guns" are not suitable for this mission due to their speed of fire. You can take an engineer as an additional shooter, but I would recommend another attack aircraft or sniper.
  • All fighters should acquire pistols with large ammunition capacity. If possible, take a golden weapon or one from the Anti-Zombie series. It has increased damage against zombies.
  • Helmets should have automatic health regeneration, and body armor should have automatic armor recovery or an increased supply of ammunition. Everything else is up to your taste.
  • Stock up on resurrection signs. They will be very useful to the entire squad, and especially to the medic.
  • As you move through the floors, first wait for enemies to appear, then try to take cover on the opposite side of the building. Once the wave ends, get ready to run for another cover. Enemies appear from different directions in a random order.
    *If there are no shelters or they are too small, then take positions opposite each other. So that each player covers the other's back. The medic must heal and shoot enemies who get too close. In some cases, cover one of the shooters while reloading. A sniper should pay attention to fighters with grenade launchers and laser sights.

  • Turrets will appear on some floors. They can kill an entire team in seconds. There are two tactics in the fight against them: fire a couple of shots while reloading the turret or hide. You can also cling as closely as possible to the shelter and gradually move towards its end. As soon as you notice a small piece of the turret, shoot at this pixel. She should not pay her attention to you and dealing with her will not be difficult.
  • When fighting zombies, first of all, pay attention to the guys with explosive barrels and “screamers”. These are the most dangerous opponents for you.
  • On the roof, just before the evacuation, take positions at the end of the helipad and simply press all weapons into the horde of zombies. One shooter must wait for his comrade to reload and only then open fire. You cannot allow even one of the enemies to get close to you. After this, the entire team usually dies.

For passing, according to tradition, we are given various weapons for a while in a new coloring and increased damage to zombies.

Briefly about the rest:

For Halloween, the developers have added themed equipment to stores and for daily login into the game, as well as an atmospheric night “Farm” map with holiday decorations. Two new weapons have been added to the game store Russian production: machine gun "Pecheneg" for credits in good luck boxes and a sniper rifle (bolt rifle) "Orsis T-5000" for Warbucks for a while.

Increased rewards are now given for the first battle in PvP modes (similar to PvE missions). Added new beautiful achievements with sharks for completing a special operation "Black Shark" in “Pro” mode and many other achievements.

All about trading cards WHAT ARE "TRADING CARDS"? Cards are a great opportunity to build a personal collection and receive unique rewards for it. For example, to become the owner of special class achievements, you just need to open boxes of luck for credits or var bucks. This is discussed in more detail below. CLASS COLLECTIONS Introducing special achievements for each game class for completing the Assault Squad, First Aid, Explosives Fanatic and Deadly Shot collections. To get them, collect cards from the selected collection from the corresponding lucky boxes. That is, you can receive a card for the class whose box you open. Example. Medic cards are found in Medic luck boxes and not in Stormtrooper luck boxes. When you open a Stormtrooper box, you can receive a Stormtrooper card. Important! Lucky boxes with weapon sets, signs of return, additional or melee weapons do not contain class cards. In the future, it is possible to add new ways to obtain cards of this type. "CHAMPION CHARACTER" PACK An exclusive achievement for spectators of the Warface Open Cup tournaments! This set of cards was played during the broadcast of the finals of the "Warface Open Cup: Winter 2016" championship. Do you want to collect such a collection? Continue to follow tournament activities! Important! The ability to transfer the achievement into the game will be available soon. HOW TO GET THESE CARDS? All you need to do to win prizes is collect cards. Nothing complicated! Cards can be received as a gift when opening boxes of good luck. So: You open boxes of luck in Warface. Boxes for both credits and var bucks are suitable. If you're lucky, you'll get trading cards. They are not displayed as items in Warface, but are counted on the collections page. Have you completed a collection? Great! You will be able to claim your prize soon! Each card has a different drop rate, and some of them are quite rare! Information on the website about received cards is updated in about half an hour. HOW TO TRANSFER PRIZES TO THE GAME? To receive a reward for collected collection, just follow a few steps: Go to the page with the cards. Make sure you have fully assembled the set for which you want to receive a prize. Click the "Get" button corresponding to this collection. Go to the "Item Basket". Select the desired item in the "Transfer items into the game" table. When the desired reward appears in the "Selected Items" table, select the server to which the prize should be sent. Click the "Submit" button to send the item to the game. Check that the reward has appeared in Warface. these are the cards

12.04.2017 15:13

Today Warface turns 5 years old. Behind are millions of battles, ups and downs, oceans of furious emotions and hundreds of hours spent with friends. But even more adventures await us! Let's spend this great day together in our favorite game.

Holiday statistics

We have prepared funny game statistics especially for you. Warface has reached a truly cosmic scale, hasn't it?

Card collection

In honor of the game's fifth anniversary, a special card collection has appeared. Complete all tasks and collect a complete set of cards! You can receive them until 00:00 Moscow time on May 17.

Please note: PvP challenges count towards Quick Play or Ranked matches. For special operations and PvE missions, any rooms count.

Find out details

Card Exercise
Complete each of the special operations on any difficulty: “White Shark”, “Vulcan”, “Anubis”, “Black Shark”, “Icebreaker”.
Win 5 victories in each PvP mode. For "Meat Grinder" and "Survival" you just need to complete the matches.
Destroy 2,500 enemies in PvE missions or special operations.
Destroy 750 enemies in PvP.
Complete 25 PvE missions on any difficulty except Training.

Holiday awards in RM

We remind you that in honor of Warface's birthday, we have increased rewards. Participants in the first seven leagues will receive camouflages instead of just one, you can earn additional boxes with camouflages, and rare yellow smoke grenades have been added to the rewards.

Join the fight!

We remind you that from April 10, the game is hosting many interesting events. Find out more about them. A unique achievement, bonuses for awards, gifts for logins, competitions and a drawing for an amazing gaming station: entertainment for every taste!