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Shapes of women's hips. What are the body types for women? Shape type - rectangle

Stylists distinguish five types of female figures, which depend on the distribution of fat and muscle mass throughout the body, the structure of the skeleton, and the proportions between the hips, waist and shoulder girdle. How to determine your body type? What to do to highlight her advantages and hide her shortcomings? We will consider these questions in our article.

A-shaped or pear-shaped body type

Characteristic features of this type of figure are curvy hips (usually wider than the shoulders), low or narrow mid-waist, thin neck, narrow shoulders and small, neat breasts. Fat accumulation occurs mainly on the sides, thighs and buttocks. Moreover, the greater the weight, the more noticeable the difference between the shoulders and hips becomes. In addition, with a pear-shaped figure, there is a tendency to form cellulite. Posture plays a huge role for “pear” women: if you don’t try to keep your back straight, even a slight stoop will focus attention on figure flaws.

If you are determined to change something in your appearance, then remember that your body type needs heavy, complex exercises aimed at developing several muscle groups at the same time. In addition, you should do a couple of isolation exercises to target specific leg muscles.

Also, the shortcomings of an A-shaped figure can be corrected with the help of clothing. When purchasing new things, give preference to models that visually increase the width of the shoulders and chest, hide the massive lower part of the body and emphasize the waist. Wardrobe that suits a pear-shaped figure:

  • pencil skirt made of thick fabric;
  • dresses with a frill under the bust or a slightly high waist;
  • sweaters and blouses with transverse or wide stripes, visually enlarging the chest area;
  • diagonal and V-shaped deep necklines on dresses and sweaters;
  • top with voluminous sleeves;
  • brooches and scarves in the neck area, flounces and ruffles on the chest;
  • shoes with slightly pointed toes and high, stable heels;
  • flared from the knees, straight or narrow trousers;
  • dark colors at the bottom of the clothes.

O-shaped or apple body type

This type of figure is typical for women who tend to be overweight. Its distinctive feature is the same volume of the chest and waist, which gives the body a rounded shape. However, there are certain advantages, for example, lush breasts and slender legs.

To lose weight and maintain an attractive figure, you need gymnastics that strengthens the muscles of the chest and abdomen, as well as a diet low in carbohydrates. To hide your massive top and highlight your beautiful legs, you need to learn how to skillfully choose clothes:

  • flared knee-length skirts;
  • high-waisted trousers, slightly tapered or slightly cropped;
  • dresses with high waist(under the chest);
  • high-heeled shoes;
  • blouses, jackets and tunic tops with straight sleeves.

X-shaped or hourglass body type

X-type is a classic female figure. Characteristic structure - the width of the hips is equal to the width of the shoulders. The upper and lower parts of the body are proportional, the waist is narrow, sometimes even excessively. Detected deficiencies are easily eliminated and, in most cases, are reduced only to weight adjustment.

Fat accumulation in this body type is observed mainly on the chest and hips. If you want to make your silhouette more graceful, then first balance your diet. Then start physical exercise - do aerobics (an exercise bike, running, walking, stepper, etc. will suit you). Train at least 3 times a week.

There are no problems with choosing clothes with an X-shaped figure. Your task is to emphasize the advantages. To this end, include in your wardrobe:

  • high-waisted A-line skirts with belts;
  • V-neck sheath dress;
  • formal blouses;
  • straight trousers and jeans with a narrow belt (visually making the waist thinner and more pronounced).

H-shaped body type or “rectangle”

Signs of an H-shaped body type are a protruding belly, a wide, undefined waist, and almost the same width of the hips and shoulders. The more excess weight, the less prominent the body looks. Losing fat often changes this body type for the better.

Your main goal is to strengthen your abdominal muscles and remove fat accumulation in the waist area. The optimal solution is a combination of a training program, aerobics and a low-fat diet. Walking and long jogging are best for you.

You need to be extremely careful when choosing clothes. Give preference:

  • short sleeves;
  • slanted edges of blouses, dresses and skirts (asymmetry is the best assistant in correcting this type of figure);
  • massive, coarse fabrics with vague geometric patterns;
  • square or oval necklines on blouses;
  • high-waisted dresses (emphasize slender legs and beautiful breasts).

T-shape or "Triangle"

With a T-shape, the hips are narrower than the shoulders. The waist is usually slightly wide, unexpressed. Sometimes quite thin and slender legs are combined with a heavy upper body.

Excess fat in this type of figure is located in the abdomen, back, arms and chest, and weight loss does not lead to a good result. To balance the proportions, you need to add mass in the hips and lighten the top. Almost all types of aerobics aimed at working large muscle groups are suitable for your body type: an exercise bike, a rowing and skiing machine, a stair machine, cross-robes, walking with weights, and a treadmill. 4.3 out of 5 (8 votes)

A low bow to the man who divided women's figures into different types. This made it easier to choose the most suitable clothes and helped to understand where to look for extra pounds when gaining weight: in the legs, tummy, butt or (please!) in the chest.

So what are the body types and how to decide on yours?

Stellar examples:

  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Sophia Loren
  • Scarlett Johansson
  • Monica Bellucci
  • Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • Jessica Simpson

The parameters of such a figure are as close as possible to 90−60−90. Fat is distributed evenly throughout the body, accumulating mainly in the chest and hips. Even a slight weight gain makes an hourglass girl even more attractive. The only drawback is the “ears” that appear on the hips. To get rid of them, you need to strengthen your muscles and adjust your diet.

There are no problems with choosing clothes. The main task is to emphasize the advantages of the figure. Women with an hourglass figure have the ideal size hips, so you can choose any trousers: tight, tapered, flared, straight. But when choosing between high and regular waist, it is better to stick with the first option. Tight sheath dresses fit perfectly on the hourglass. Belts can be chosen either thick or thin. Thick belts make the look more interesting, while thin belts emphasize a thin, beautiful waist and slender figure. Strict blouses with several top buttons undone look extremely good.

Stellar examples:

  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Halle Berry
  • Beyoncé
  • Shakira
  • Adele

The “pear” differs from other figures in its light upper body and heavy lower body. Obvious advantages are a pronounced waist and neat chest. The disadvantages are massive hips and pelvis. Women with a pear shape have a tendency to develop cellulite. Difficulties often arise with the size of clothes: trousers are bought in the same size, and blouses are bought a size or two smaller. Things are even worse with dresses. However, men absolutely love this type of figure (as you know, many of them are lovers of moderately rounded hips and a narrow waist).

In order to bring the “triangle” figure closer to the “hourglass” type, you need to increase the shoulders, focus on a thin waist and visually reduce the hips. Light top and dark bottom - this is how the accents should be placed. Blouses with ruffles, frills and voluminous sleeves are suitable. Since pear-shaped women have large legs, it is important to visually make them smaller. A pencil skirt made from coarse fabric will help with this. It is important to create an emphasis on the chest to make this part of the body visually larger. It is worth taking a closer look at tight dresses with ruffles in the neckline. You can safely add brooches, scarves and ruffles to the neck area. It is advisable to choose shoes with thick heels and a slightly pointed toe.

Stellar examples:

  • Angelina Jolie
  • Demmy Moor
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Sienna Miller
  • Anastasia Volochkova

Slender legs are the main advantage of the inverted triangle figure. Disadvantages: broad shoulders, poorly defined waist and narrow hips. Such proportions make the body too athletic and massive.

When you gain weight, fat is deposited in the upper body: arms, waist, shoulders, tummy. The more extra pounds you add, the more triangular your figure becomes.

The main task of clothing is to narrow the shoulders, add volume to the hips and highlight the waist.

It is better to place accents like this - dark bottom and light top. A V-neck is suitable and will elongate the neck. The entire lower part should be lightweight, but not narrowed downwards. It is advisable to choose trousers that are flared from the hips, with patch pockets and decoration on the hips. Dresses with flared skirts, patch pockets and bright patterns on the hips look good on “rectangles”. But it is better to avoid voluminous sleeves - they create unnecessary emphasis on the upper body.

Stellar examples:

  • Keira Knightley
  • Julia Roberts
  • Milla Jovovich
  • Mischa Barton
  • Anna Kournikova

The main feature of this type of figure is that the shoulders, waist and hips are at the same level. The obvious drawback is the masculine silhouette, lack of waist and protruding tummy. The advantages of the figure include the fact that the muscles with a “rectangular” figure more easily adapt to training with weights, so the figure quickly takes on a sporty, fit look.

The purpose of clothing is to hide the tummy and highlight the waist.

Women with this type of figure are suitable for loose-fitting suits with all sorts of accents at the waist. It's a good idea to stock up on all kinds of belts and don't be afraid to use them. The sleeve should be short or completely absent. If you need to highlight your beautiful breasts, high-waisted dresses with flared skirts and sheath dresses will help with this. The cutouts can be oval or square.

Stellar examples:

  • Kate Winslet
  • Liv Tyler
  • Britney Spears
  • Kelly Clarkson
  • Kelly Osbourne
  • Queen Latiffa

The peculiarity of this figure is that its owner has the same chest and waist volume. Advantages: beautiful breasts and slender legs. Disadvantages: pronounced tummy and lack of waist.
To maintain a good figure, you need a low-carb diet and exercise.

For women with an apple body type, tapered trousers, high-waisted trousers, flared skirts, light loose-fitting dresses and high-waisted dresses with a bust fit are suitable. It is advisable to choose shoes with high heels.

Find out your character by your feet

“Give me a pen and I’ll tell you about your life.” Surely you have heard a similar statement. Did you know that you can also tell a person’s character by the shape of their legs? You just need to understand their types.


One of the most common leg shapes. Three fingers are on the same line, and the ring and little fingers are noticeably smaller. It is believed that girls with such legs are sociable, charismatic, and “at home” in any company. They find it easy to meet new people and carry on conversations. Such women make excellent speakers and entrepreneurs.


This type of foot is characterized by a dominant middle finger. The fingers following it go in a descending line. Such girls are sociable, creative, inspire and motivate people to achieve success. The Greek type of fingers is often found among people in creative professions, as well as speakers and athletes.


It's called square because all the fingers are the same height. Women with this type of legs are practical and to some extent calculating. They often listen to the voice of reason rather than the heart. They go through life with the proverb “measure seven times, cut once.” It’s not scary to rely on such a person in difficult times.

The little finger does not separate

Women who cannot separate their little finger from the rest of their fingers love a measured life and always act according to their strictly established plan. People with this type of legs are reliable and loyal, they can be trusted in any situation.

The narrow base of the second finger indicates the expressiveness of the owner. Such girls often make mountains out of molehills. When a lady is in a good mood, she becomes a real sun that illuminates even the darkest corners of human souls. As soon as she becomes sad, thunder will be heard above the ground and lightning will flash.

Bent third finger

Sometimes the third finger is slightly tilted towards the little finger. It is believed that women with this type of leg are inclined to plan their lives, keep a diary and do not deviate a single step from the schedule. They are organized and keep any situation under control.

Back in the 50s, it was at the peak of popularityideal female figurewith proportions 90-60-90. Marilyn Monroe easily fit into them, demonstrating the roundness of her forms. In the 60s and 70s, fashion suddenly switched to skinny women with flat stomachs. Then, until the early 2000s, triumph camemodel appearance, with Cindy Crawford's long legs and graceful bodyKate Moss. For two decades now I centuries pass under the auspices of girls with athletic figures. Slender hips, gorgeous abs and sculpted arms. Suchbeauty standardsto date. However, not everything depends on training and dieting. In different countriesideal female proportionsare different. In addition, there are generally accepted body types and body types for girls.

Girl's body types

You cannot measure all women to the same standard. In addition to their internal individuality, representatives of the fair sex are distinguished by their physique features. Something can be corrected with the help of sports, nutrition or plastic surgery. But there are three constant body types from which general proportionality is based.

Ectomorph. A girl with this body type is fragile and sophisticated. The fat layer is minimized. Arms and legs are thin. The waist is aspen. Height is high. It is difficult for her to gain muscle mass, since weight gain is not observed due to accelerated metabolic processes. An ectomorph girl shows others her thin wrists and fingers. Often the hip bones and collarbones protrude into relief. She can't brag big breasts and elastic buttocks. A skinny woman is good with sports and can be particularly resilient, but not when it comes to strength training. A typical representative of ectomorphs is Keira Knightley.

Mesomorph. Body sizes for this type have an ideal ratio. Well-developed leg muscles, rounded hips and broad shoulders are harmonized by the waist. She is not wasp, but without excess fat. A girl with such proportions looks athletic. With moderate physical activity the body is feminine and sculpted. Freely builds muscle mass, but can just as easily gain a couple of extra pounds. For a mesomorph, it is important not only to exercise regularly, but also to eat right. A striking example of such a physique is Halle Berry.

Endomorph. This type includes all girls who have crossed the mesomorph line in weight and volume. Their metabolism is slow. Fat is actively concentrated in the hips, buttocks, waist and arms. A distinctive feature is an expressive bust. Growth is predominantly low. Endomorphs easily gain muscle mass, which is hidden under fat reserves, if you do not include aerobic exercise and dietary restrictions. This category includes not only girls who are clearly overweight. But also those who have an idealized proportion of 90-60-90, with a tummy, extra pounds in the hips. Typical example Among famous personalities is Marilyn Monroe. The actress was not overweight, but she did not hide her curvy figure.

Photo. Endomorph body type: Marilyn Monroe

It is impossible to distribute all women in the world between the three above-mentioned types. One hundred percent agreement on all characteristics is rare. Therefore, there is such a thing as a mixed body type. The girl combines the principles of two prevailing types.

Types of female figures: which one is ideal?

Each girl has different body features. Some of them are congenital, genetically determined, and the rest depend on lifestyle. The female body type is formed from pronounced characteristics. Based on them, the trainer draws up a training program, and the stylist selects clothes.

Hourglass. This figure type is graceful. It shows balance. When a thin waist neutralizes moderately voluminous hips and bust. The buttocks are round and the legs are slender. Fat, if any, is distributed evenly over all parts of the body. An hourglass is the ideal parameters for a girl. Most representatives of the fair sex strive to approach them.

V-shape (triangle). Body type with broad shoulders, large breasts, fairly narrow hips and slender legs. When engaging in physical activity, a girl with such characteristics needs to increase the volume of her buttocks. The fat layer likes to accumulate in the upper abdomen, while the waist is visible, which means that this deficiency can be corrected with nutrition.

Rectangle. A boyish figure without relief curves. The proportions: chest, waist, hips are almost the same. A rectangular girl gains weight with great difficulty, since her metabolism is accelerated.

Pear (spoon). With this type of female figure, the emphasis falls on the lower part of the body. The buttocks are massive, the hips are wide, but the shoulders, chest and stomach look disproportionately small. The pear girl is predominantly short in stature and has short legs. Fat is concentrated below the waist.

Photo. Jennifer Lopez: a typical representative of the female pear figure

Apple. The most dangerous area for this type of figure is the waist and stomach. They create a visual association of a girl with an apple. Flat buttocks and narrow hips add fuel to the fire. Slender legs and an expressive bust improve the situation. Intense training and serious dietary changes will help restore balance in your figure.

Deficiencies in one or another type of figure are covered by correction with the help of physical exercises. For example, girls with a V-shape need intense training for large muscle groups - the legs. For the “pear”, it is important to focus on the upper part of the body. For the “rectangle,” nutrition comes first. The “apple” will need an intensive training regime. Girls with this type of figure should lean on cardio. better position there is an “hourglass”. Ideal proportions allow them to simply keep themselves in shape and enjoy the process.

Ideal parameters and standards

The world has long been struggling to develop a formula for the ideal proportions of the female body. This includes not only a visual picture of body types and body types. From basic parameters: weight, height, volume and leg length, you can’t go anywhere.

1. Ideal weight. A difficult topic for many girls. Some people want to get rid of extra pounds. Someone is trying to get the missing ones. The question arises: is there an ideal standard for female body weight and how to determine your comfortable weight? There is definitely no single standard. However, there are boundaries that should not be crossed in order to stay in shape. Each girl’s indicators are individual. For determining ideal mass The following methods and means come to the aid of the body.

Case mass index according to Quetelet's formula. In order to calculate your personal body mass index, you need to know your current weight and height. The obtained result is compared with tabular indicators. The girl’s health status is determined and a recommendation is made on what to do - increase or decrease body weight. Or perhaps not change anything, since the weight is ideal.

With clear characteristics: below normal weight, optimal, overweight, obesity, severe obesity.

Table depending on the girl's age and body type. In this case, the age category from 15 to 40 years is considered. Body build types: thin-boned, normal-boned and broad-boned.

2. Ideal height and leg length. If a person can adjust his weight throughout his life, then he will have to come to terms with growth. There are general standards:

Girls with short stature- do not go beyond boundaries 150 cm;
- below average – from 151 to 156 cm;
- with average – from 157 to 167 cm;
- tall ladies – from 168 to 175 cm;
- very tall – above 176 cm.

The ideal leg length depends on body height. Girls whose legs are less than half their height are considered short-legged. If it is greater or approximately equal, then the figure is balanced. Compliance with proportions affects the visual perception of a girl. In addition, this parameter is taken into account in the models. There is nothing to do on the catwalk without long legs. To complete the characteristics of the lower extremities, scientists derived a formula for ideal legs based on three gaps: in the ankles, under the knees and between the thighs at the top. They can be seen simply by bringing your legs together. There shouldn’t be any other “holes”, only then the girl’s legs are perfect.

3. Ideal bust, waist and hip volume. Body parts must be proportional. The most expressive female forms have always been: bust, waist and hips. We are not talking about the exact 90-60-90 standard. Everything is much more delicate. A truly thin waist should be a maximum of 70% of the hips. Each girl has an individual result. Because everyone's body type is different.

The ideal proportions of a girl’s body are not those that men came up with in the fit of their wild fantasies. This is the daily work and self-love of the lady herself. Beautiful female figures are born from jewelry work: sports, nutrition, inner harmony and the right clothes. This is the key to success.

Ideal figure in different countries

The ideal parameters of a girl are different in every corner of the planet. There is no clear standard of what a woman should be. Whether in Spain, Japan or California, each has its own idea of ​​the proportions of beauty.

Europe. Most European girls have a slim figure. Spanish sportswomen. Italian women are graceful and have a thin waist, despite their delicious food. Slavic girls at the world “council” were recognized as thin. Ladies from the Netherlands can boast of long legs.

Photo. Italian with a thin waist Monica Bellucci

Asia. Fragile and short in stature, this is how others see Chinese women. In Israel, they do not attach special importance to the figure of girls; attention is directed to facial features. In Vietnam, women are sophisticated, with thin necks.

America. Despite the massive problem of obesity, most girls in the United States dream of ideal hourglass proportions. Those who managed to achieve a thin waist are Mexicans. In Peru, women became famous for their wide hips and full bust.

Africa. On the continent, representatives of the African race have very slender bodies. They are the envy of Europeans who are on diets and American women whose standards are far from ideal. In Africa, women know a sense of proportion and balance. They eat little and are constantly on the move.

How beauty standards have changed over the years

Over the past century, significant changes have occurred in the world of ideal standards for female figures. Every ten years the proportions changed. The hips were wide and narrow. The waist was retracted, the stomach added a couple of extra pounds. The bust changed its size every now and then depending on fashion. And only long legs have always been valued by true admirers of female beauty.

At the origins of the last century there were girls in corsets. Their thinnest waist is still considered an unattainable luxury. However, literally ten years later everything changed dramatically. A boyish figure, without a full bust and graceful waist, is becoming trendy. Men could not tolerate such beauty standards for a long time and protested. In the 30s, femininity with rounded shapes returned again. After another ten years, a woman takes on the responsibility of home, family, and work, which means she trades slimness for broad shoulders on which she carries all this burden.

In the 50s, the world was rocked by the sexy forms of famous actresses. They were followed sharply by a decline and a transition to blatant thinness. During that period, diets became fashionable. Since the early 70s, a woman's tummy was supposed to have a normal percentage of fat, or better yet, no fat at all. Another 10 years later, fashion models introduced thin standards with long legs. The 90s were famous for being painfully thin. But that time has passed. Protruding ribs are replaced by slender legs, six-pack abs, or simply flat tummies and firm buttocks.

Photo. Athletic female figure

conclusions. The concept of a girl's ideal figure varies depending on the continent, time and outlook on life. There are a lot of existing proportions and ratios. You can't put female forms in general formula. Each girl is individual, which means that her parameters are only subtly adjusted to the general standards of female beauty.


Is there such a thing as an ideal female figure? Of course, there is a standard 90x60x90, but it is more of a working standard, a podium standard. In addition, in different times types of figures that were very contradictory to the modern ideal were valued.

If at first, in the era of antiquity, the most attractive figure was the one with long legs. In the Middle Ages, a woman became a true symbol of motherhood, but with the Inquisition came new fashion. The love for curvy figures was replaced by close attention to the thinness and pallor of the silhouette. Curvy figures became feminine again only during the Renaissance. At this time, a woman with natural rounded shapes and all the folds and irregularities of the body was considered perfect.

The 20th century figure is a triangle. Women with toned arms and legs, flat stomachs and narrow hips breathed a sigh of relief. But fashion is so fleeting that in the 21st century we again took aim at large busts, ample breasts and a clear waistline.

What body types are there?

You can find out your body type by measuring your body proportions. Leonardo Da Vinci spoke about them. His theory about ideal human proportions is used by all fashion designers and stylists, as well as artists. First of all, fashion designers need this to create clothes for any body type.

There are 5 main body types. They depend on the structure of the skeleton, the distribution of fat mass and the shape of the muscles. And also the proportions between the shoulders, chest, waist and hips. You can be very thin or plush, but your body type will still be the same.

Why know your body type? It's simple! To be able to choose an outfit individually to suit your figure. Emphasize your strengths, hide your flaws, look and feel confident.

So, body types:

How to determine your body type?

To find out what body type you are, take a measuring tape and take 3 measurements:

  1. Hips. We determine them by their widest part, holding the measuring tape parallel to the floor.
  2. Waist. We determine by the narrowest part, the stomach should be relaxed.
  3. Breast. We determine the volume using a regular bra, without padding or push-up. We focus on the most convex point of the chest. Don't forget to keep the tape parallel to the floor!

Now you have a more accurate idea of ​​your parameters. Determining your body type:

  • If the volume of the chest and hips is the same, or the difference is no more than 4 cm, and the waist is significantly smaller (20-30 cm), then your figure is an HOURGLASS.
  • If you have slender legs, and your waist, stomach and chest are much larger than your hips, then your figure is an APPLE.
  • If you do not have a pronounced waist, and the volume of your hips and chest is approximately the same, then your figure is a RECTANGLE.
  • If you have narrow hips, wide shoulders and chest volume greater than hip volume, then your figure is a TRIANGLE.
  • If you have small breasts, wide hips and a narrow waist, then your figure is PEAR.

FIGURE TYPE - PEAR(narrow shoulders, wide hips)

This body type is characterized by a narrow upper body, small breasts, and wide hips. The waist is usually narrow, sometimes low, and very pronounced. The pear has feminine ribs and slim stomach. Girls with this type of figure have a thin, beautiful neck, model cheekbones and enviable collarbones.

Regardless of fullness, this type of figure remains the same. Fat is deposited mainly in the thighs and buttocks. The plumper a pear girl is, the more pronounced her body type is. The main thing for a pear, no matter how fat, is to maintain posture. This way the body proportions will always look smooth and natural.

In clothing, it is important to choose accents that emphasize the roundness of the hips and thin waist. Full skirts, flared trousers, fitted shirts and jackets, bell-shaped cardigans and dresses with ruffles on the chest will create a light, exciting and stylish look for you. To properly balance your figure, it is recommended to wear blouses with voluminous sleeves and shoulder pads.

Will do

  • Fitted outerwear, trapeze coat.
  • Any fitted clothing with overhead shoulders (coats, jackets, jackets).
  • Blouses, tops and tank tops are off-the-shoulder, sleeveless or with a wide neckline.
  • A-line or pencil skirt.
  • Dark trousers or straight-fit jeans.
  • Trousers or jeans that flare out at the bottom.

Won't fit

  • Baggy outerwear, long straight-cut coats.
  • Crew neck tops or blouses, turtlenecks.
  • Bright massive belts on the hips.
  • Tight-fitting trousers or trousers, especially in light colors or with a bright print.
  • Trousers or jeans with decorative elements on pockets or waistbands, fluffy skirts, flared skirts.
  • Pants or skirts with a lot of weighting elements: lace, ruffles, folds.

FIGURE TYPE - HOURGLASS(narrow waist, same bust and hip volume)

Hourglass is the standard body shape for women. It is also called X-type. This type of figure is considered to be a model one. Regardless of whether the owner of the X-type is plump or slim, almost any clothes will look beautiful on her.

With voluminous breasts and buttocks, the hourglass waist is always narrow. Now this is extremely popular, even with extra centimeters. And all because the upper and lower parts of the X-type look organic.

Will do

Almost everything. The most advantageous way to highlight your figure:

  • Fitted silhouettes.
  • Blouses, coats and raincoats with wraps and belts.
  • V-shaped or round neckline on blouses and dresses.
  • Pencil skirt, a-line or sun skirt.
  • High-waisted jeans and trousers.
  • Waist belt as an accessory.

Won't fit

  • Baggy clothes that hide the silhouette.
  • Straight cut outerwear.
  • Dresses or blouses with high or low waist.
  • Low-rise jeans or trousers.

FIGURE TYPE - APPLE(approximately the same volume of waist, chest and hips with a smooth line)

Girls with this type of figure are lucky to have slender legs and a neckline that is “the envy of everyone.” Experts note that many women royal families had exactly this type of figure. The smooth lines from the shoulders to the hips will look majestic with the right wardrobe.

Bright makeup, a bold neckline and open legs will divert attention from the voluminous waist. In the time of Rubens, you could be in one of his paintings!

Will do

  • A-line coat, outerwear with an A-line silhouette (narrow at the chest and widening at the bottom).
  • V-neck blouses or tops.
  • Dresses with A-line or wrap.
  • Flared trousers and jeans with voluminous pockets.
  • Clothes with large details (ruffles, patterns, draperies) below the hip line.
  • Plain clothes with vertical darts.

Won't fit

  • Very tight or baggy clothing.
  • Sleeveless tops and blouses with a crew neck or ties at the neck.
  • Turtlenecks, short tops.
  • Clothes with bright prints, frills, and decorative elements on the shoulders and stomach.
  • Skinny trousers, trousers and jeans without pockets or low rise.
  • Tight skirts, pencil skirt.

FIGURE TYPE - RECTANGLE(approximately the same size of waist, chest and hips)

This type of figure has approximately equal shoulders, waist and hips. Most rectangle women tend to be overweight. At the same time, they have very developed muscle memory and therefore have no problems with losing weight when playing sports.

Rectangles suffer from a lack of waist and a protruding belly. This can be easily hidden with clothing. Thick materials and straight silhouettes will highlight your assets.

Will do

  • Fitted outerwear, coat with a belt.
  • Tops with thin straps, blouses with puff sleeves.
  • Jackets or outerwear with straight shoulders.
  • Dresses without straps or with a wrap.
  • A-line skirt, sun or with a slit.
  • Tight-fitting trousers or jeans with a mid or low rise.
  • Classic straight trousers or capris.

Won't fit

  • Baggy or oversized clothing.
  • Clothing that excessively reveals the abdominal area.
  • Straight styles of outerwear or dresses.
  • T-shirts, sleeveless or crew-neck tops, turtlenecks.
  • Leggings, pencil skirts.

FIGURE TYPE - TRIANGLE(shoulders and bust wider than hips)

This body type is usually seen in athletes and dancers. Broad shoulders, large breasts, a wide waist and narrow hips are clear signs of a triangle. Triangle women's legs are always slender.

Of course, with the right wardrobe you can balance your silhouette. It is better to abandon draperies and smooth lines. A clear contour and straight cut will emphasize your athleticism.

Will do

  • A-line coat.
  • Square, V- or U-shaped necklines on dresses, tops or blouses.
  • Low-rise trousers or jeans.
  • Dresses or tops with a peplum (a frill below the waist).
  • Wide massive belts on the hips.
  • A-line skirts, wraparound, with pleats or voluminous pockets.

Won't fit

  • Long straight coats, baggy outerwear.
  • Tops or blouses with a wide boat neckline.
  • Bright oversized sweaters or jumpers.
  • Clothes with padded shoulders.
  • Blouses or jackets with puffy sleeves.
  • Dark straight trousers or jeans, leggings.
  • Pencil skirt or ankle length.

The most important item in every woman's possession, after underwear, is a swimsuit. Below, in the picture, you can see basic examples of one-piece swimsuits for different body types.

Let's focus our final attention on the perfect dresses for different types figures, because a dress is a woman’s weapon!

If you know which styles are best suited to your body type, then it will be much easier to decide on purchases in an online store or a regular store. You will save time, be less tired, choose the perfect wardrobe and wear a new dress or trousers and skirt to meet your family and loved ones in a better mood!

With love, Lady Maria.

The clothes you wear depend on your body type, don't they? Many girls don’t even suspect that body shape and wardrobe selection is a whole science. When creating an image, this is the most important point.

How to determine a woman’s body type and choose the right clothes? Read this article and you will find out what types of figures there are and who should wear what.

  1. Straight

You probably have a straight body type if all its parameters match. This body type is known as a “supermodel figure.” It is also called a rectangle. Due to the lack of a pronounced waist, the body appears straight.

What to wear

Straight tops and dresses will look great on you. They will not only suit your body type, but will also highlight your assets. A spectacular belt in combination with a straight-cut dress is a very winning option. This will help you recreate the sophisticated and sexy hourglass shape you've been dreaming of. You should use bright colors in clothes, try different textures and cuts. What should you avoid?

What not to wear

Don't wear clothes that highlight your waist. Avoid tight, shapeless clothes. If you have a non-straight body type, your body type may be described below;

If you have large hips and small breasts, then you are a “pear”. This type of figure is also known as a triangle. You have wide hips and your waist can look attractive if you wear the right clothes. What to choose? We will help you with this!

What to wear

Opt for tops with a deep scoop neckline or boat neckline. This will make your shoulders appear wider. To complete the look, beautiful bracelets and other accessories are suitable. Wear push-up or padded bras to balance your upper and lower torso. However, not all clothes will suit you.

What not to wear

Do not wear fluffy dresses, trousers or tight skirts.

Not your body type? Let's move on to the next one;

Your body type is “apple” if your breasts are larger than your hips, have an undefined waist, small hips, and thin arms and legs. When you gain weight, your upper body is the first to gain weight. This type of figure can look advantageous with careful selection of clothes.

What to wear

Opt for soft textured fabrics, A-line dresses, blouses with elastic under the bust, V-necks, deep round necklines, flowy dresses with elastic under the bust, short dresses, dresses with darkened edges and a lightened center, flared jeans, jeans with back pockets to express the hips, vests, low-rise jeans, high-waisted shorts, wear shoes with heels or platforms.

What not to wear

Avoid clothes that are too tight, shapeless tight skirts, jeans or pants with little or no detailing at the waist. Avoid wearing wide-necked tops, shoulderless dresses, boat necklines, jeggings, low-heeled shoes, jewelry that fits tightly to the neck, and wide belts.

Scroll below to learn about other body types!

Also a very attractive body type. It is characterized by large hips that stand out from the rest of the body. This silhouette creates a figure 8 figure. You tend to gain weight in your upper torso, especially around your stomach. The lifeline in the waist area is your biggest problem and you easily gain weight in your hips and arms.

What to wear

Choose clothes that lighten the top of the body and at the same time darken the bottom. Strapless clothing, boat neckline, wide collar, short skirts and shorts to show off great legs, tops with embellishments or designs that add volume to the bust, A-line skirts, flared jeans or pants, mid-rise jeans, fitted dresses, hip-length bags , open-toe shoes, low-top shoes, tapered-toe ballet shoes.

What not to wear

Tapered trousers and jeans, tops with an elastic band under the bust, shapeless skirts, short sleeves and a round neckline, wide stripes in the mid-torso area, skirts and shorts that end at the hips, shoes with round toes, small heels;

This figure is a girls dream! Your butt and chest are very well balanced and your waistline is well defined. Your buttocks are naturally rounded and your overall body is proportional. You have slightly rounded shoulders that complement your shapely buttocks, and your legs are in proportion to your upper body. Despite all the attractiveness of your figure, you can make a mistake in choosing the right clothes.

What to wear

Emphasize your waist by choosing clothes that highlight all your curves. Wear wide belts, wrap tops, flowy dresses, skirts, tight jackets, dresses with pleated waists, pencil skirts, ¾-length skirts with a back or side slit, jeggings, strappy sandals, high heels, open-toe shoes.

What not to wear

Beware of shapeless, loose sweaters and dresses, as well as flashy jewelry.

If this is not your body type, do not despair, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead;

With this structure, the breasts stand out significantly from other parts of the body. The hips are straight and the midsection looks fuller. First of all, excess weight appears in the abdominal area. The waist is not clearly defined and is the widest part of the body. Buttocks are flat, legs are thin. Since legs are the main advantage, they need to be emphasized.

What to wear

Square neck, V-shaped and U-shaped neckline on sweaters and T-shirts. It is also recommended to wear tops, skirts and jackets with a wrap to visually make the middle part of the body slimmer, sweaters with a gathered top, tunics, dresses with a belt, jackets with a wide collar, cargo pants with pockets on the hips, dresses and skirts just above the knee, to show off the legs and make the body visually more proportional, high heels, long earrings and necklaces that reach the middle of the chest.

What not to wear

Avoid jeans and trousers that taper at the bottom, loose tops, pleated skirts, baggy jackets, T-shirts that are too tight, high necks, cardigans, short earrings and necklaces, round-toed shoes, chunky boots and flat soles;

If you have a diamond body type, then your hips are wide and your chest is on the same axis as your shoulders. The middle part of the body is quite massive. Excess weight primarily displayed on the stomach. The waist is not clearly defined. The hips are also large. The arms are lean and well built. The lower legs are also well-shaped and are the most attractive part of your body.

What to wear

The key to a successful look is overall balance with the bust. This will make your waist more attractive. You should pay attention to clothing that would highlight all the feminine curves of the body. Give preference to trousers and skirts that make you slim. If you have a sexy shin, you shouldn’t neglect it. Wear dresses with belts, flowy sweaters that fall over the buttocks, loose sleeves, dark jeans and trousers, shoulderless tops, straight and A-line skirts, flared trousers, wide belts, massive earrings and necklaces, mid-height heels and open-toe shoes.

What not to wear

A pencil skirt or skinny trousers and jeans, large prints, too flashy tops with decorations, vertical stripes and prints, chunky boots;

  1. Hourglass with small breasts feature

This figure is almost completely identical to the hourglass type and looks no less impressive. You are lucky if you have this body type! The waist is the most stunning part of your body and needs to be emphasized. The shoulders are slightly rounded and the buttocks are slightly larger than the hips. You have a beautiful, proportional body and charming legs.

What to wear

It is worth giving preference to clothes with a V-neck. You should also try wearing tops in dark colors. A couple of jackets and smart shirts wouldn't hurt. This will help highlight the buttocks and thighs. Don't forget about skirts. Length may vary.

What not to wear

Avoid baggy jeans and jackets, loose clothing, loose-fitting shirts, square necklines, boat necklines, and jewelry around the bust area;

You are the owner of this type of figure if your shoulders and pelvis are the same width. You have a thin-boned body structure and you are like an inch. You don't gain weight quickly, but you lose weight very quickly. You have thin arms and legs. The buttocks are flat, the jawline is pronounced. This is amazing as you can wear any loose clothing and look amazing.

What to wear

Skinny jeans and ankle-length trousers, ball skirt, loose jeans, harem pants, low-rise jeans, push-up bras, crop tops, flowy fabrics, high-neck tops, long skirts, pencil skirts, platform shoes, stilettos , long boots, leather jackets, jeans with hip pockets, sequined belts and colored sandals.

What not to wear

Tight tops and tight dresses, block heels, thick plastic bracelets, dark jeans and trousers, large floral prints;

  1. Athletic

The athletic figure is considered by most to be the sexiest. An athletic figure is characterized by toned, attractive shapes. You have toned muscles, elastic thighs and calves, well-built shoulders, and your neck is longer and wider than other women. The arms are well folded and toned. Here is a short list of what you should wear to look elegant, beautiful and perhaps mysterious.

What to wear

Tight dresses and knee-length skirts, highlight your shape with a variety of belts at the waist, off-the-shoulder tops, boat necklines, high necklines, you can also experiment with sleeve lengths, sportswear, sport shoes, long earrings, stiletto heels.

What not to wear

Baggy jackets, loose-fitting shirts, V-neck, U-neck, cowl neck, flat shoes and large earrings;

Yes, this name surprised me too! Did you know that Angelina Jolie has exactly this type of figure? This fact should already tell you that you are irresistible. This type of figure is characterized by large round breasts, a thin waist and graceful hips, long legs and broad shoulders. Those with this figure should wear outfits that accentuate their waist.

What to wear

Dresses and tops that visually widen the hips and shoulders, V-neck, shoulderless clothing, boat neckline, wrap clothing, thigh-high slit, silhouette and flowy dresses, peplum top, coat with belt, skinny trousers, high heels, low shoes and open-toe shoes.

What not to wear

Baggy skirts and sweaters, long skirts, massive necklaces, high-waisted trousers, flared trousers, massive sweaters, boleros and high necks;

Wow, one of the hottest body types! Naomi Campbell has this figure. You have broad shoulders, narrow hips and skinny legs. The waist is not clearly defined and the upper body is quite massive; emphasis should be placed on it to draw attention away from the waist. How to do this?

What to wear

Ruffles at the neck, peplum, jeans with back pockets, low-rise jeans, skirts with front pockets, satin dresses, V-necks, A-line dresses and skirts, shorts, chunky shoes and earrings, delicate necklaces, Long Dresses, high-waisted trousers, flared trousers and sequined skirts.

What not to wear

Baggy and shapeless dresses and sweaters, pencil skirts, skinny jeans and trousers, thin straps, ¾ sleeves, horizontal stripes on the shoulders, clothes that are baggy around the waist.

Now you know your body type and best ways emphasize the necessary forms to be irresistible in the eyes of men. Love your figure and charm everyone around you!