Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

How to properly decorate the Christmas tree and house for the New Year of the Red Rooster. What to put under the Christmas tree in the year of the Rooster? What to put under the tree in the year of the rooster

On the night from December 31 to January 1, even the wildest dreams come true. New Year's rituals will help you attract luck and financial well-being into your life.

Every year has its own patrons. The mascot of 2017, the Red Rooster, is energetic and ambitious, which is why coming year promises to be very eventful. New Year's rituals will help you not to be confused by unexpected changes and attract good luck. They will cheer you up and enhance the magic of the holiday. The favor of the capricious Rooster of the year can be achieved with the help of talismans and amulets with the symbol of this year.

New Year rituals for money

Good luck will find its way to a hospitable and welcoming home. On New Year's Eve, collect the treats on a beautiful plate and place them under the door. Place a figurine of a rooster on the windowsill and treat it to peas. After the chimes, open the window and doors and invite good luck to the common table, as well as the Red Rooster to protect and protect you and your loved ones in the coming year.

Love rituals

Decorating a Christmas tree can not only bring a good mood, but also attract love into your home. Choose toys and balls of bright colors, with sparkles and iridescent. This way you will attract the Red Rooster to your home and enlist his support. To ensure that love and harmony do not leave your home, purchase several hearts for the forest beauty. Pin one heart with a pin above front door and say: “The door is open to happiness and love.”

Purchase small love-themed souvenirs in advance. On New Year's Eve, give a few pieces to strangers, and quietly hide the rest in the belongings of relatives and friends. The Fire Rooster is capable of pranks, so after the chimes, you can safely look out the window and shout 3 times: "Love, come!". Open the door and with a symbolic gesture invite her to the table.

Ritual for health

Tie a sprig of wormwood or rosehip to a broom and sweep the whole house before the New Year. Place the dust along with the twig in a paper bag and burn it after the New Year with the words:

“I sweep away sickness and disease, I invite health into the house. Where it is clean, there is no place for illness.”

Fortune favors the brave, so do not be afraid of your desires and achieve them. Let goodness live in your heart, and let your home be a full cup. Don't skimp on good deeds and smiles. We wish you a happy New Year, and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.11.2016 01:10

In the pursuit of well-being, we often forget about ancient but effective methods that can bring...

My greetings to everyone! There is very little time left before the New Year, so it’s time to talk about what New Year’s signs are and what you need to do to lure happiness into your home in the New Year.

Age-old signs

Signs have been accumulated over centuries, so you should not neglect them. For example:

  • If before the New Year you touch the threshold with your left foot, then expect failure, and with your right foot - good events. To Bad sign no harm done, spin around yourself 3 times counterclockwise.
  • A randomly broken Christmas tree toy means profit; the more fragments, the greater the profit. When you throw away the fragments, make a wish, it will certainly come true.
  • Before the New Year, don’t take on debt and don’t give it yourself, it will be better, and most importantly, have time to pay off all your debts so as not to be in debt for the whole year.

What a new broom will bring to the house

On New Year's Eve, place a new broom in the corner with the whisk up, always tied with a red ribbon. You can purchase a small decorative broom, but the ribbon should only be red.

The red ribbon will lead to financial profit, and you will use the broom itself for a whole year.

Signs for financial well-being

There is a sign specifically for money. Put a large bill in your pocket, try not to change it throughout the year, keep it with you at all times, it is an irredeemable bill that will bring good luck, as well as financial well-being.

Before the New Year, prepare a “yellow” coin; when the chimes begin to strike, squeeze it tightly in your fist, then the year will be monetary and profitable. The main thing is that the smaller the money in your hand, the greater the profit in the coming year.

good money sign for businessmen: give the product to the first buyer in the new year with a big discount, don’t regret it. This action of yours will result in good cash flow.

When the chimes count down the last seconds, place a well-washed coin in the champagne. You need to drink champagne and put a coin in your wallet.

We must celebrate the New Year in a clean house, with a clear conscience. Clear out all the corners, get rid of the trash, ask for forgiveness from everyone you are guilty of and forgive everyone who offended you. Believe me, it will become much easier for you to have fun on New Year's Eve.

There should be 12 dishes on the table, corresponding to the number of months in the year. Moreover, New Year's dishes cannot be thrown away, so as not to lose happiness, therefore, put a little on the plate.

Should we be superstitious?

You can often hear: “I don’t believe in superstitions!” But superstitions live among the people; they cannot be eradicated. So let's look at how to make them less menacing.

  1. Remember your New Year's dream, perhaps it will show how you will live all year.
  2. Do not throw away garbage on December 31st to avoid losing your home well-being.
  3. Don't gamble to avoid tempting fate.
  4. Place rice, nuts, and millet on the table, because they symbolize prosperity in the house.
  5. Do not wear old clothes on New Year's Eve, so as not to scare off your wealth.

The best New Year's customs

The most enduring folk traditions, for example, make a wish during the chimes. Everyone does it differently.

Here's one option: whisper into one glass of water what should go away with the old year, into another glass - your most cherished desire.

6-7 minutes before the chimes, pour out the water, which should leave your life, and drink the water with the desire during the chimes. Try it, it will come true, because water remembers information well!

Good tradition, tie the legs of a chair when all the relatives have gathered at the table, so that all families live together, happily.

On New Year's Day, they certainly visit their parents or invite them to their home to celebrate the New Year holiday together.

The custom of seeing off the old year also preserved in many families: on December 31, they bake pancakes, set a festive table, and thank the passing year for everything that was good.

How to get rid of debts

To get rid of debts, as well as everything that has been weighing you down, perform this ritual. Throw something heavy over your shoulders, such as a shawl, blanket or rolled-up blanket, and carry it on your shoulders for an hour or two.

Let these be your “debts”. You will get rid of the heavy load when the chimes strike 12. Say the words: “I am free, or I am free!” They say that the ritual helps to get rid of the burden of problems and debts.

New Year's signs for lovers

Perhaps these comic rituals will help someone find happiness, even find a soul mate:

  • Exchange a glass of champagne with someone you really like during the chime, you will certainly attract attention.
  • Whoever gets the last drop from the champagne bottle will be lucky.
  • Anyone who sneezes on New Year's Eve will certainly get married.
  • Burn the calendar of the past year if it was unlucky for you.
  • Prepare for all guests in September, the young people will have a long, happy family life and healthy offspring.

    In September 2018, you can get married on any days except September 11, 21 and 27. If you follow the directions lunar calendar, then the beginning of January and any date from the third ten days of April are considered a favorable period.

    Summer - optimal time for marriage. However, the celebration should not be scheduled for the first half of the month - this is the period of the waning moon.

    But in November, on the contrary, it is better to choose the first ten days of the month.

    A Christmas tree in the house is a powerful amulet

    Dear readers! There are many rituals and traditions that simply must be observed in the New Year, then happiness and luck will never turn away from you.

New Year's time is a time of magic and dreams come true. Since childhood, we know: if you make a secret wish while the chimes are striking, it will definitely come true. But not everyone knows that our ancestors considered the days of winter holidays to be the most mysterious period of the year. They say that on this solemn night the door to the future is opened for people. It’s no wonder that so many superstitions and demands are associated with January 1st!

Special New Year's rituals guarantee your well-being in 2017

The proverb says: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” According to legend, the events of the festive night determine our fate for the next 12 months, so there is no need to relax. The symbol of 2017 according to the Chinese calendar will be. So everyone’s task is to evoke the favor of the vocal bird. This article contains the most popular signs associated with the upcoming holiday. Let them help you attract happiness and good luck in the coming year!

Farewell to the old year

  • On New Year's Eve, not only do the numbers in the calendar change, but also a transition is made from the old life to the new. It’s not for nothing that we say to each other: “Happy New Year, happy new happiness.” So why not leave all the problems, difficulties and quarrels in the past? Before December 31st, each of us should repay all debts and ask for forgiveness from those with whom we quarreled.
  • Spring cleaning is not just a boring chore. It is better to enter the New Year with a clear conscience and in a clean home. All broken things should be fixed before the holiday. It would be useful to get rid of bad thoughts and unnecessary worries. After all, wonderful holidays are ahead!
  • Esotericism experts recommend throwing out all trash from the apartment, first of all, broken or cracked kitchen utensils. This will free up space for new useful purchases. Take the example of the Italians - residents of this country throw unnecessary things right out of the window on New Year's Eve!
  • You shouldn’t leave all the goodies for the evening of December 31st. In the last three days before the New Year, the table should always be laden with hearty dishes - then abundance and prosperity will await your family in the coming year.

The change of year is associated with renewal and the birth of everything new

Preparing for the celebration

  • New Year has been and remains a family holiday. Even if you were not able to gather all your relatives at the festive table, be sure to visit them in the first days of the new year.
  • Try to remember the dream you have on the last night of the year. According to signs, he indicates what the next 12 months will be like.
  • On a festive evening, it is not customary to wash dirty linen in public. Violating this rule can bring discord in the family.
  • On New Year's Eve you cannot give or lend your things or money, otherwise happiness will pass you by. During the celebration, it is advised to have at least a small amount money. This way you will save yourself from financial problems.
  • According to tradition, on a festive evening they wear everything new - from dresses to jewelry. If you follow this rule, next year will bring many new things.
  • will bring good luck to those who choose a fiery-colored outfit. Shiny jewelry, accessories with feathers and precious stones will perfectly complement your look and will definitely please the owner of the year.
  • To ensure strong and lasting relationships between family members, tie a rope around the legs of the festive table.
  • On New Year's Eve it is better to give up gambling. There is a popular belief that such entertainment brings misfortune.
  • Choose gifts made from natural materials. According to signs, this will scare away mercantile people from you and your loved ones.

Respect the patron of 2017 and his

Gala dinner

  • The table should be covered with a white tablecloth and sprinkled with a handful of cereals - it is associated with wealth. You can place home-baked bread and a bowl of salt in the center, and put coins in the corners. This will protect the house from all sorts of troubles and bring good luck in the financial sphere.
  • Even if you are fasting, the holiday meal menu should be varied and unusual. Be sure to include fruits, nuts and grain dishes. A rich table is a sign of prosperity.
  • Avoid chicken dishes. The symbol of the coming year will definitely not appreciate food from its relatives. It’s better to give preference to fish, pork or beef. And don’t forget about the delicious reddish shades!
  • Don't overdo it with alcohol. It is better to replace strong drinks with tasty and bright cocktails. After all, this word itself is translated as “rooster tail”!

Following New Year's customs will bring you good luck and prosperity.

New Year's Eve 2017

  • The last seconds of the passing year are a cherished moment when everyone makes their deepest wishes. You can think of up to twelve things. The main thing is that among them is the health and success of all family members.
  • The tradition of making wishes can be made more interesting. Write your dream on a napkin or piece of paper, set it on fire, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink to the bottom. If you manage to do this while the chimes are striking, your wish will certainly come true.
  • If you want to attract money to your home, at the time of the New Year, hold a penny in your palm. You can also put it in a glass and then carry it with you as a talisman.
  • In the last minutes of the year, women are advised to cover their shoulders with a scarf and throw it off as the chimes strike. This way you will leave all the troubles and problems in the past.
  • A minute before the New Year, peel the tangerine and place it under the spruce. After performing such a ritual, the year promises to be joyful.
  • Immediately after January 1st, you need to kiss your soulmate. And then your feelings will grow stronger every day!
  • It is recommended to light a fireplace in the house and maintain the fire throughout the night. In European countries there is a custom of throwing coals into the flame. However, it is undesirable to lend anyone items associated with the fire element (lighters, matches, candles).
  • Did any of the guests sneeze during the party? This means that the coming year will be successful for everyone present. The number of times a man sneezes, the number of women who will love him.
  • If three New Year's toys fall from the spruce tree and break, a new addition awaits the family in the new year.

Broken Christmas tree decorations can prophesy for you!

Signs for January 1

  • The first day of the year will show what all subsequent days will be like. On January 1, you should not take on hard work, especially cleaning. Otherwise, you face twelve months of worries and labor.
  • Be alert to random finds. Any little thing can be a sign that a lot of pleasant surprises await you in the new year. If the first person you meet on the street is a man, you will be lucky.
  • Are you involved in trading? Don't skimp on a good discount for the first buyer in the new year. Luck will accompany you in all financial matters, and profits will always please you.
  • An unmarried girl should buy milk on the first day of the year. If it doesn't turn sour within two weeks, she'll be getting married soon!

Many people are eager to find out what the New Year will be like, as well as what animal is its symbol. The year of the White Metal Rat awaits ahead. To meet 2020 fully armed, you need to know the signs for the New Year.

What will the Year of the Rat bring?

The Year of the Rat will be successful for all zodiac signs. It will be the beginning of new achievements and victories.

The beginning of the year will be quite difficult and stressful, you will have to work hard, because the metal Mouse (Rat) favors hardworking and purposeful people. You should not take risks and make rash decisions, as this may have negative consequences.

Throughout the year you need to be prepared for changes, because they can happen unexpectedly. A lot can change in life this year:

  • Job;
  • place of residence;
  • Family status;
  • worldview.

Changes can be both positive and negative in all areas of life.

The Rat is favorable to everyone who honors friendship and family life. Relationships will become stronger, you will be able to realize yourself in the profession, and perhaps open your own business. All capital investments and projects will be successful, subject to a well-thought-out plan and calculation of risks.

2020 is a leap year, and it is favorable for marriage and the birth of children.

The symbol of the year is White color, he patronizes those who perform kind and selfless deeds, respect the interests and lives of other people, and protect nature.

Those who try to achieve their goal by deception will be defeated. The mouse does not like traitors, deceivers and swindlers.

In the coming year, you will have to make a choice on which the future life and well-being of loved ones will depend. You may have to sacrifice something important to ensure peace of mind and confidence in your own future.

A high degree of tension and increased activity await many zodiac signs this year, so preference should be given to active recreation in order to relieve this tension and not harm the body. The following activities would be suitable for this purpose:

  • sport;
  • creation;
  • needlework;
  • meditative practices;
  • yoga;
  • psychological trainings.

This will help you overcome many difficulties, maintain composure and a good relationship with others.

How to celebrate 2020 Year of the Rat for good luck

A holiday celebrated correctly will attract happiness to your home. Traditions and signs on how to properly celebrate the New Year of the Rat 2020, which will help with this:

  1. Wash the coin thoroughly and put it in your glass of champagne, which must be drunk when the chimes strike. After this, put the coin in your wallet and carry it with you as a talisman.
  2. Before the holiday, you need to pay off all debts and not borrow money from December 31 to January 1.
  3. After the chiming clock, you need to open the door or window to let good luck and prosperity into your home.
  4. The decoration of the table can be coins placed in its corners. This will attract wealth to your home.
  5. To clear the house of negative energy and let something new and fresh into it, you need to get rid of old, broken and unnecessary things.
  6. You need to celebrate the New Year in a good mood, with faith in good things.

There are other common folk signs for money and luck in the year of the Rat:

  1. Celebrate the New Year in the friendly company of family and friends. It is best to spend the holiday at home.
  2. You should cover the table with a white tablecloth to attract good luck to your home.
  3. Among the decorative elements there should be metal accessories. In the absence of such, it is recommended to wrap simple decorations in foil to create the desired ambience and please the hostess of the year.
  4. The legs of the table at which the feast will be held must be tied with a rope or a bright ribbon to strengthen the marriage bond.
  5. You should not wash the dishes on the morning of January 1, otherwise you can “wash away” the joy and prosperity that the Rat will bring to your home.
  6. Serving utensils should be carefully checked for cracks and chips.
  7. The table should be filled with various treats, because the Rat does not like emptiness and always runs to where there is a lot of food supplies. In this regard, you need to put as many dishes as possible on the New Year's table, especially those that she prefers.

What to cook?

We have collected signs for 2020 about what to cook, how to celebrate and what to give for the New Year of the Rat, etc.

The rat is an unpretentious animal that eats a variety of foods and likes to stock up. In this regard, there may be various dishes on the table, but you should not buy too expensive products, because the animal does not like unreasonable expenses.

List of what can be prepared for the holiday table:

  • any meat dishes, especially smoked;
  • porridge;
  • salads with the addition of cereals (such as couscous), nuts and seeds;
  • Mice love peanuts and chocolate, so feel free to prepare chocolate desserts with nuts.

You should not prepare dishes that contain fresh cabbage. It is also not recommended to make sliced ​​cheese, because its smell can scare away the rodent and, accordingly, good luck. Mice don't like cheese at all - that's a myth.

This animal does not welcome the presence of strong alcoholic drinks and coffee at the festive table. The best option will be tea, juice or cocktail. Among herbal teas, it is better not to use those that contain:

  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • elder.

Sign in the Year of the Rat: you should not use a lot of spices when cooking, as their pungent aroma scares away the mistress of the year.

What to wear for New Year?

It is necessary to carefully select an outfit for the holiday for both women and men. It's best to buy a new one. For women, a suitable option may be:

  • formal dress;
  • dress with a fluffy bottom;
  • long silver dress with sequins;
  • multi-layer skirts, pleated, tulle, fringed, etc.;
  • blouse with ruffles;
  • 1 shoulder top;
  • loose-fitting shirt;
  • bright or plain jumpsuit;

Clothes should be stylish, comfortable and neat. It is recommended to give preference to light and flowing fabrics:

  • silk;
  • chiffon;
  • lace.

Outfits made from rough and dense fabrics will be inappropriate.

For men, it is best to wear trousers instead of jeans, as well as a shirt and jacket. The most suitable accessory would be a butterfly. If you don't have it in your wardrobe, you can wear a tie.

Shoes should not only be beautiful, but also as comfortable as possible. This animal does not like stiffness in its movements.

The Metal Rat prefers the following colors and shades:

  • white;
  • silver;
  • ashen;
  • gold;
  • sand.

You can use brighter colors:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • brown;
  • green;
  • mustard.

When choosing pale colors of clothing, you need to decorate the outfit with bright accessories. In addition, the Mouse loves everything shiny, so sparkles, rhinestones, sequins, and lurex would be appropriate.

What needs to be done before the New Year?

Things that must be done in the past year:

  • main sign: pay off all debts;
  • to attract money and get rich in the new year, you need to give alms on December 31;
  • clean up before the New Year and clear the space of unnecessary things;
  • sum up the results of the old year and make plans for the new one;
  • forgive insults and forget quarrels;
  • ask for forgiveness from people you may have offended;
  • improve relationships with family and friends;
  • make important purchases;
  • perform several good, selfless deeds.

To be happy and rich, you need to have time to do all of the above. Then the mistress of next year will definitely appreciate these actions and become supportive.

New Year's superstitions about love, marriage, pregnancy

The mouse honors love relationship and marriage bonds, so on New Year’s Eve it will be useful to perform the following rituals and rituals for love:

  1. To attract a lover, a girl should take a red ribbon and, under some pretext, pass it into the hands of a man present among the guests. This man should not be related to this girl. After this, the tape should be hidden in a dark place for a while. Then she has to tie this ribbon around her arm and wear it until it breaks or comes undone. This will be a sign that fate is already somewhere close.
  2. In order for an unmarried girl to meet her love, she needs to wash the floors and pour water onto the street on the last day of the outgoing year after sunset or 3 hours before the holiday, saying: “Where the water flows, loneliness goes.” After this, you need to take a shower and say: “Where water runs, love comes.” If your beloved is present among the guests, you need to choose a place at the table opposite him and, when the chimes strike, mentally say, looking at him: “Look in this direction, see your happiness.”
  3. In order to marry your lover and so that no one ruins the relationship, you need to choose places at the New Year's table that will be located next to each other, but far from the corners. This will help avoid quarrels and disagreements in relationships. You should not choose places at the end of the table, as this attracts other people's attention.

If a woman wants to have children, she needs to perform the following rituals:

  1. Decorate the Christmas tree with spherical New Year's toys. The ball is a symbol of natural form and procreation, so a girl should decorate the Christmas tree only with these toys, without using any others. She needs to do this on her own, while her husband must give her toys.
  2. A sign to get pregnant in the coming year: you need to purchase any baby item (pacifier, rattle, romper) and place it under the tree near the base of the trunk.

New Year's signs and customs to make money flow in 2020

  • To attract money in 2020, you should set a table with many different dishes. A poor table can cause a difficult financial situation in the coming year.
  • You need to put a high denomination banknote in your outerwear pocket. This way, the money will be available when you need it most.
  • You cannot enter the year with debts. Lending is also not recommended. It is better to do this after the holiday is over.
  • On the eve of the holiday you need light 7 green candles in the house. It symbolizes money, so such a ritual will definitely attract material wealth to the house.
  • Proven money sign: to have money all year round, celebrate the New Year by wearing 3 new things.
  • For those who are engaged in sales, it is necessary in the first days of the new year to give away the first product that will be purchased at a deep discount. This will result in a large increase in income and business development in the future.
  • You need to take a new bag made of red or scarlet fabric and put 3 coins there. Place the bag in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf and leave it there until the morning of January 1st. Then carry the coins in your wallet all year.
  • To live in abundance all year, try all the dishes on the New Year's table.
  • To attract good luck and money, you need to sprinkle grain on all participants of the holiday three times.

What you shouldn’t do on New Year’s Eve to avoid causing trouble

In order not to attract bad luck into your home and not to frighten away happiness, you should refrain from performing the following actions on the night of December 31 – January 1, 2020:

  • break dishes (The mouse does not tolerate noise);
  • wash the dishes after the feast;
  • quarrel and sort things out, especially at the festive table (the Rat will not patronize the entire coming year; this is a bad omen in any year);
  • put few dishes on the festive table (this can attract a difficult financial situation and even poverty);
  • under no circumstances should you throw leftover food into the trash can (it is better to give it to animals, then the Rat will be favorable to the owners of this home);
  • do not take out the trash on December 31 after visiting, so as not to need money;
  • play cards on New Year's Eve;
  • welcoming 2020 in someone else's thing means trouble;
  • be sad, cry, be in a sad mood or in a bad mood (the Rat does not like such manifestations and will leave this house).

Following these signs will help bring happiness and prosperity to your home in the New Year 2020.

In 2017, the Red Monkey will be replaced by the Red Rooster. This animal is special, because it is believed that it combines amazing qualities - organization and vanity, insight and selfishness, pedantry and conservatism.

You need to appease him not only with goodies on the New Year's table, but also with beautiful decorations in the room. It must be remembered that the owner of this year, the bird, is very touchy, so the preparation for New Year's Eve must be approached with all responsibility.

2017 corresponds to the element of fire. Remember the proverb about how you start the year is how you spend it? Having prepared well, you can gain the favor of one of the 12 animals Chinese calendar, which will become the protector of your home for the entire subsequent period. Find out how to properly decorate your home on the eve of New Year's Eve, how to decorate a Christmas tree for New Year 2017 and how to appease the Red Rooster.

Secrets of home decoration on the eve of the New Year 2017

There are certain signs for celebrating the Year of the Rooster. For example, the color of the animal whose year you plan to celebrate is of paramount importance. In 2017 it is red, so it should correspond to it. You can also use rich yellow and orange shades, which will add color and luxury to the interior. The article uses beautiful photos real Christmas trees that people decorated at home with their own hands.

Among the most common signs:

  • The beautiful New Year tree should stand in the center of the room. At the same time, the decorations on it should be motley and colorful.
  • Be sure to hang decorative banknotes on the branches (the higher the denomination, the better). It is believed that in this case the entire next year will be rich and generous.
  • You need to put several ears of wheat under the New Year tree and on the table. To live a year in abundance, pour several handfuls of grain into a beautiful linen bag and place it at the foot of the tree.
  • To catch the eastern guest's luck by the tail, you need to symbolically place the following attributes on the festive table: in the center - a bowl of water, in the corner - 7 beautifully decorated golden-yellow candles, in the opposite corner - bread, salt and a small container with grain.
  • Well-being in the house will be achieved if you decorate the table in rustic style– with a linen tablecloth, an abundance of fruit and vegetable compositions.

As for decorating the New Year's beauty, this is also a special ritual that will bring pleasure to all family members.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in the year of the Red Rooster

Today, stores impress with the variety of New Year's decorations. The choice is so great that it allows you to create an incredibly beautiful, themed design for the New Year's beauty. As previously mentioned, in 2017 the main color is red, as well as all shades of yellow, gold, and orange. The combination of red and gold is the personification of luxury and wealth, harmony and prosperity. Exactly this color scheme Best used when decorating a Christmas tree in the year of the Red Rooster.

Even if you are a minimalist, give in to your taste preferences on New Year's Eve. The brighter the Christmas tree is decorated in New Year 2017, the more generous the whole year will be. More tinsel, serpentine, large iridescent balls, garlands.

It is better to use a three-dimensional figurine of a Rooster as a top, and choose the decorations themselves in the shape of hens and small cockerels. This kind of thematic design will appeal to others and will promise good luck.

There is absolutely no need to buy expensive Christmas tree decorations in large quantities. Today, toys created in various techniques are in fashion: decoupage, papier-mâché, knitted, beaded and many others. Creating them is quite simple and inexpensive.

At the same time, such an activity will be a great way to spend time on New Year's Eve for those who have small children. Creating beauty with your own hands can become a New Year's ritual in your family.

Making New Year's toys with the image of a Rooster

The simplest, most exciting and inexpensive way to create original themed decorations for your Christmas tree is the decoupage technique. Even those who have never done homemade crafts before and are not involved in needlework can master it.

All you need to create exclusive decorations is inexpensive plastic Christmas balls with a perfectly smooth surface, a little white or gold paint, a sponge, napkins with multiple images of roosters, PVA glue and acrylic varnish for the final coating.

The process itself is extremely simple. A thin layer of paint is applied to the surface of each ball using a washcloth. After complete drying, the cockerels pre-cut from the top layer of napkins are glued on.

An important point: you need to glue using PVA, slightly diluted with water. The final touch is to cover the entire surface of the ball with acrylic varnish. Such decorations look simply magnificent, but their creation requires a minimum of money and time.

Jewelry made from beads, threads and paper

You can entrust such an activity to children, and it’s worth saying right away that in this case New Year's celebration will be especially remembered by them. Every child will be proud that the toys he created with his own hands are decorations for the New Year tree. Making three-dimensional toys is a more complex process. For this, it is best to use beads or knitting threads.

A papier-mâché bird family using plain paper, wire, colored threads and paints will also look original. All kinds of crafts and decorations will become talismans that attract good luck in 2017.

Why is it so important to pay attention to home decorations?

The rooster is a special bird, which is symbolized differently in different nations. This is a symbol of the sun, and prosperity, and prosperity, and exorcism, and men's health, and power. In general, he is the master of the house, a faithful guardian of peace for the whole family. Even in Feng Shui, Rooster figures have a special meaning.

In particular, the material from which the Rooster figure is made plays a role:

  • Made from crystal or porcelain - this is a means of transforming negative energy flows into positive ones.
  • Made of metal, it is a symbol of marital fidelity and wealth.
  • Made of wood means calm and peace in the house.

It is very important on the eve of the New Year to place the purchased figurine of the Red Rooster in the southern part of the home. To make the most of the power of next year’s ruler, you can purchase several figures from different materials at once.

In this case, it is better to place a ceramic decoration at the entrance to the house; to improve your financial situation, it is better to use a metal figure, placing it in the south-eastern part of the house. For those who are afraid of betrayal on the part of their partner, the best protection will be a metal Rooster located inside the closet.