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What will the year of the rooster bring to the lion?

In 2017, you need to develop a team spirit. Perhaps it is your friends and colleagues who will determine the direction of your movement this year: you will have many common affairs, joint work and plans. Move your individualism aside - this year it can do you a lot of harm; instead, learn to understand other people and guess their thoughts.

Perhaps, having succeeded in this, you will fly up the career ladder much faster than you can imagine. This year, the key to realizing everything planned is self-confidence and presence of mind; these two components will remove all obstacles on the path to success.

In 2017, one of your main assistants will be your intuition: learn to listen and hear its voice. Fight another voice - the voice of laziness; this year does not like lazy people. The first 2 months of the year may be hectic in terms of business, but you are required to be able to be calm and emotionally balanced in any situation, then problems will pass by. From mid-March you will feel cheerfulness, energy and vitality, and receive a well-deserved reward for your efforts.

April and May will be busy months, requiring endurance, composure and organization. The luckiest month of the year is July. This month, success awaits you in absolutely any business, seize the moment and do not refuse new offers and acquaintances. At the beginning of August, you should allow yourself a break from work and devote time to your health. From the end of September to mid-November, another streak of luck awaits you, but in the second half of November, be careful in your affairs and think about any decision. From the beginning of December until the end of the year you will be efficient and cheerful.

Love horoscope 2017 Leo

The first half of 2017 suggests a significant expansion of the circle of acquaintances in Lviv. Lonely people striving for romantic adventures this year can count on quite interesting contacts, flirting and simply pleasant company. Perhaps Lvov is expecting an affair with a visiting person, or they will meet on a trip. The fateful meeting can take place in January, February, June, or in August 2017.

In the first half of the year, Leo may not live up to the expectations of his relatives or may not fulfill his promises, which may result in major disagreements with relatives. Relationships will worsen for those who work in a company with their relatives. Here problems and complaints are inevitable in any case.

The second half of the year is extremely unfavorable for most married couples. The existing problems will all come to the surface, causing a lot of discord and conflict in the family. In the most difficult situation, divorce, division of property and housing are possible. The couple will be planning a large-scale move, it is possible that not only to another house, but also to another country.

Jupiter will help you meet a person whom Leo can trust. Mars will fill the current year with love. Therefore, if you are yourself, there is a possibility of meeting someone special. Your new friend's life experiences will be very different from yours, and they will most likely speak several languages.

In July and August, Mars will be able to turn ordinary friendly relationships into a stormy and passionate romance. By December, Leos will think about changing their place of residence.

The love horoscope for 2017 for Leo says that the meeting between the 9th and 27th of any month can be the beginning of passion, especially if the person’s name begins with “R” or “I”.

Career Horoscope for 2017 Leo

At the beginning of 2017, Leos should work according to the principle “Do what you must - and come what may.” The New Year will begin with a quiet, unremarkable period, when nothing very good will happen, but nothing very bad will happen either. You will work conscientiously, receiving the usual reward for your efforts. But you shouldn’t relax: it is quite possible that some great luck will turn up during this period. Perhaps a successful idea will come to your mind, or you will find a suitable sponsor for an event - in any case, take the bull by the horns and, without delay, use the opportunity - its implementation will bring generous results in the future.

In the spring there will be noticeable changes in your professional field. Unemployed representatives of the sign will be lucky to find a decent job, and those who are employed will have a chance to improve their status in the eyes of their superiors and even move up the career ladder. Be careful: your success will be noticed not only by well-wishers, but also by envious people. Their number will grow as your self-esteem grows. This is why being arrogant is very dangerous. Try not to take part in conflicts at work and, especially, not to create them. Do not brag about your career achievements to your colleagues - on the contrary, give advice and recommendations, help others reach your level. This is the only way you can stay on the step you will climb at the beginning of spring.

Summer is the heyday of your professional activity. You will feel successful and confident, and good luck will follow you in all matters that you undertake. You will firmly move up the career ladder and, most importantly, you will be satisfied with what you do.

At the beginning of autumn, you will still maintain your cheerful work mood, although the pace of work will noticeably slow down. Many new ideas and plans will not be realized, but losing heart and indulging in inaction is very dangerous. At any moment you may be offered a business that will bring big dividends next year. Be in work shape and complete all routine tasks by the end of the year.

Health horoscope for 2017 Leo

It is better for Leos to devote the beginning of 2017 to relaxation: after the hassle of the previous months, this is simply necessary. If you fail to get your nerves in order now, then later it will be extremely difficult to get yourself in the right frame of mind. At the beginning of winter, be very careful: as a result of your own carelessness, you can get seriously injured or provoke a relapse of a long-lived disease. If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed at the height of the Christmas holidays, you should be very careful. In general, in winter you will feel good, and the closer you get to spring, the better your health will be.

In the spring, you will be at the peak of physical health: excellent immunity, vigor and energy - even older representatives of your sign will not need this. However, such wonderful well-being should be appreciated, and you should test your body’s endurance less often. There is a high probability of starting the spring-summer season with too frequent feasts with large amounts of alcohol. This is exactly what you should avoid: it would be much wiser now to limit yourself both in food and alcohol. If you don’t take care of your health in the spring, you will no longer be able to boast of such an amazing condition in the summer.

If you take sufficient care of your health in the spring, you won’t have to complain about any illnesses or poisonings in the summer. You will continue to feel great. True, for other areas of life, the summer period may not be the easiest, which will result in nervous tension. Some of the nervousness that will overtake you now should not be ignored: among routine tasks and everyday problems, find time for relaxation, favorite activities and, of course, taking care of your health. If you decide to plunge headlong into the maelstrom of all sorts of problems, you risk developing a nervous condition, which you will subsequently have to get rid of for a long time.

In the fall, the trends will be almost the same, with the exception that life circumstances during this period will develop extremely successfully, which cannot but have a positive effect on your mood and well-being. However, it’s a good idea to save your nerves: forget about working on weekends, eat right and don’t overuse coffee and alcoholic beverages - they once again stimulate the nervous system, and you don’t need that. Remember that all diseases are caused by nerves, and take care of yourself.

Leo - annual horoscope

According to the Leo horoscope in 2017, you will find a new goal and will steadily pursue it. And you will definitely achieve your goal!

People born under the sign of Leo are under the protection of the Sun. It endows its wards with majestic posture, brightness, nobility and spiritual generosity. But there is also a downside to solar influence - excessive pride and selfishness. However, a person himself is inclined to choose which path to follow.

It is worth noting that the strong position of the Sun is not always favorable. What is more important here is a positive relationship with the benefactor planets. So, in January, strong Venus in the 8th house forms a good aspect to the Sun in the 6th house. This is the most favorable moment to pay attention to your health. Develop healthy habits, do yoga, breathing exercises, and establish a new daily routine. By the way, in 2017, the owner of the year is the Rooster, who gets up early and helps in every possible way those who follow his example.

In April and August, the influence of the Sun will be strongest, and many Leos will feel its impact due to increased energy, a surge of strength and inexhaustible optimism.

At the end of March, when the Sun connects with Venus, Leo will finally be able to make his most cherished dreams come true. Luck will favor him and give him many profitable situations. Success awaits representatives of this sign in business, study, creativity, and family relationships. From a moral point of view, it will be somewhat difficult for those representatives of the sign who have not yet found their other half. At the end of July, the Sun enters into conjunction with Mars. And if in the spring dreams come true easily and harmoniously, then in the summer Leos will be able to reach heights only as a result of active actions.

In February and October, Leos will be like domestic kittens, dozing on the couch for days on end. The reason for this is the weak Sun, which makes representatives of this sign weak and lazy. But such a soft state will have a great effect on the home atmosphere.

The Leo woman is the very personification of femininity and alluring sexuality. There are always many fans around her who are attracted by her strength and confidence. But in the year of the Fire Rooster, the Lioness, first of all, should pay attention to her offspring. This year is ideal for conceiving and having children. The year is also favorable for self-improvement.

A man born under the sign of Leo is ambitious and ambitious. He craves fame and recognition in all areas of life. And if his career does not work out, he will take revenge somewhere else: on the stage of an amateur theater, as the head of a large family that adores him; in the role of toastmaster at a grand celebration. In 2017, there is a danger that his ambition will turn into vanity, and the jealous Rooster will not hesitate to peck painfully at his inflamed pride. If the Leo man overcomes stubbornness and arrogance, 2017 will be a year of responsible decisions and great success for him.

In 2017, the Red Fire Rooster. Horoscope and astrological forecast for the sign Leo for 2017.

For those born under the sign of Leo, 2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster, promises great success, good luck, and achievements in large and small matters.

However, there is one significant “but”: Leos will have to moderate their individualism, give up trying to go against everyone, and somewhere, moderate their leadership ambitions. The numerous advantages that this sign possesses will work best in the year of the Red Fire Rooster and bring the desired result precisely in a team - this applies both to work and to the circle of friends and family.

Leos should not refuse the help of friends and colleagues, neglect their advice and ideas. But as a true leader, Leo should pick up, develop and lead the implementation of these ideas.

But if the year passes under the sign of excessive self-confidence and arrogance, then the Red Fire Rooster will certainly take advantage of this to create insurmountable obstacles for Leo on the path to his goal.

January and February will be turbulent in business terms; Leo must show emotional balance and calm. This is the only way to avoid negative consequences.

With the arrival of spring, the sign will feel a surge of energy and vitality.

The most successful month of the year in all respects will be July. All started business will be successful, all ideas will be realized, and all acquaintances will receive the development you need.

It will also be useful to listen to your intuition - this year it will become one of Leo’s faithful assistants.

Astrological forecast for the sign Leo for 2017

Leo: horoscope for 2017 from Vasilisa Volodina

Financial horoscope for the Leo sign for 2017:

At the beginning of the year, the financial position of the sign can be characterized as moderately stable. No major purchases or significant cash receipts are expected. Throughout 2017, you should refrain from visiting large supermarkets - you will not be able to restrain yourself from buying, and the product itself will not live up to the expectations placed on it. Leo needs to overcome himself and start saving. Old unpaid debts will appear on the horizon, and bills will have to be paid. To avoid being branded as a malicious defaulter, remember everyone you owe money to and pay off as quickly as possible. The stars strongly do not recommend acquiring new debts. At moments when it seems that there is no other way out, try to cut expenses, think about what you can do without during a difficult period. At the end of the year, you will receive an offer for a profitable financial investment, you should refuse it. Even if someone you trust says the idea is a win-win, give it a wide berth. The Fire Rooster will teach a serious lesson to Leos who are spendthrifts, but those who learn to keep their desires and finances under control will be able to overcome all adversities.

Professional horoscope for the Leo sign for 2017:

The beginning of the year will not please Leo in the professional sphere, but it will not bring grief either. Conscientious work will be paid according to the salary. During this period, the sign needs to be on the alert, luck will be hovering next to you: a profitable idea will come to mind, an investor will be found for a project or a sponsor to organize a large enterprise. This chance cannot be missed.

In the spring, unemployed Leos will have a chance to take the expected position, and those who are employed will get a promotion.

At work, try to focus less on your rapid rise and excellent relationships with your superiors - the number of envious people and ill-wishers will grow as the lion’s self-esteem increases.

Summer will be the heyday of Leo’s professional activity in a new field. All things will have a positive ending.

Health horoscope for the sign Leo for 2017:

Leos with chronic diseases of the venous system should begin to take their health more seriously. It is necessary to follow doctors' instructions, do not overload, and move moderately.

In 2017, Leos will be able to pull themselves together and buy a gym membership. A visit to the pool or yoga courses would also be a good idea.

Good physical condition and optimal well-being can be maintained by eating healthy foods. For those Leos who intend to lose weight, the stars recommend paying more attention to physical activity and maintaining a balanced diet.

At the end of the year, gastrointestinal diseases that were not treated in January may worsen; consult a doctor as soon as possible; the problem can be dealt with quickly and without much financial loss.

Leo: love horoscope for 2017

Love horoscope for the Leo sign for 2017:

In the first half of 2017, the Fire Rooster foreshadows Leo many pleasant acquaintances and a significant expansion of the circle of contacts. If the sign’s heart is still free, you can safely count on a pleasant romantic story, the ending of which depends solely on him.

At the end of spring, a pleasant acquaintance will occur on a trip. This person will become a part of your life for a long time.

In the first half of the year, Leo will face misunderstanding from relatives, possibly parents. Relatives will do their best to guide the child who has not lived up to his hopes in the right (in their opinion) direction, which will hurt his pride. Quarrels cannot be avoided.

The second half of 2017 is dangerous for married couples. All problems and misunderstandings will come to light; strong scandals are possible, leading to temporary separation or divorce. And only strong, time-tested and adversity-tested relationships will survive a difficult period.

By the end of the year, spouses may change their place or country of residence.

Astrological forecast for Leo - men for 2017:

From the first days of the new year, sunny men will be involved in a whirlpool of events. Unfortunately, not all of them will be pleasant. Leo may have the impression that everyone around him is hostile. All endeavors will be unsuccessful already at the inception stage. Confidence should be given by the fact that any black stripe is replaced by a white one.

Already in mid-spring there will be a clear trend towards improvement. Absolute workload in the first months of 2017 can cause discord in relationships with household members. It is recommended to devote most of the free time that appears to them.

By the end of the year, Leos may become the fathers of a long-awaited baby, or at least get a pet.

Astrological forecast for Leo - women for 2017:

For women, the year of the Fire Rooster will be no less eventful than for men. At work and in your personal life you will have to go through many events, both pleasant and not so pleasant. Often these two areas will closely intersect with each other. An office romance is not excluded, which will form the basis for creating a strong family.

Those Lionesses who cope with the intricacies of fate will be adequately rewarded both financially and emotionally, and some will even be able to amuse their pride.

The stars advise planning a vacation for September away from home. When traveling to distant countries, do not forget to leave your phone and laptop at home.

see also: Astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster.

2017 will be a mixed year for the Leo woman. Everything will depend only on you. Throughout the entire period, there will be widespread troubles in various areas of life.

This year the horoscope does not advise the Leo woman to accept any important life issues at all. If you have time, you should wait it out, especially at the beginning of the year.

Better devote your time to unresolved minor problems. You will periodically be visited by thoughts of loneliness. Try to pull yourself together and not get depressed.

Long-distance trips, both business and leisure, will be beneficial. You will gain experience and make new friends. Be careful when completing paperwork. A minor mistake can cause a lot of trouble.

Love horoscope

The love horoscope for 2017 predicts a lot of trouble for Leo. Constant jealous outbursts from your loved one will be annoying.

Try to treat such situations calmly. Under no circumstances should you provoke; this can negatively affect your future relationship, even to the point of breaking up. If you manage to survive the first half of the year calmly, then in the summer your relationship will become more romantic and calm.

The Leo woman needs to take the initiative: arrange a romantic dinner for her loved one, or a pleasant unexpected surprise. This will only benefit your relationship.

Family horoscope

For a representative of this Sign, family plays a big role in life, but due to your character, you try not to show it. Don’t close yourself off, show tenderness to your family, spend more time with them.

Get involved in home improvement together. The Year of the Rooster is very favorable for this. All your ideas will come true. You and your household will be satisfied with the result.

Financial horoscope

In financial terms, the horoscope for 2017 promises stability for Leo. Large expenses and purchases are not expected. But you shouldn’t expect gifts of fate in the form of monetary rewards.

Avoid unnecessary spending and don't fall for useless seasonal sales. It's worth thinking carefully before you buy something.

But the Year of the Rooster is an excellent time to repay old debts. If it is not possible to return it, then at least try not to take it again. In short, the financial year will be smooth if you do not create problems for yourself.

Leo's career

Along the Career line, everything will go well for a woman born under the sign of Leo. Praise will often be heard in your direction, colleagues will turn to you for help and, for their part, will not refuse.

A conversation with your boss about a salary increase will end successfully. By the end of the year there will be an opportunity to go on a business trip. She will bring a lot of information and useful contacts. The main thing is not to overdo it at the beginning of the year; try to distribute your energy over all twelve months.

Health horoscope

The Leo woman in 2017 may be disturbed by chronic diseases. From the very beginning of the year, don’t be lazy, take care of your health.

Fitness, a gym or a swimming pool will be very useful. Pay attention to your diet; your diet should contain more vegetables, fruits and grains. Don't give up dairy products.

Skin and hair also require constant nutrition. In spring and autumn, be sure to make nourishing masks. And, most importantly, don’t forget to walk and get enough sleep.

Horoscope by month

To summarize, the year of the Rooster for a woman in the sign of Leo will be relatively successful.

Already with January It’s worth pulling yourself together and making plans for the coming year.

IN February An unexpected pleasant meeting will take place.

March will cause some health problems. You shouldn’t brush this off; you may even have to go through all the doctors.

April It’s a great time to take care of your beauty, go to the hairdresser, you might want to change your hairstyle.

May will be spent in family troubles, but they will be pleasant.

June July favorable time for vacation. Try to get a good rest during these months.

IN August It’s a great time to take care of both your health and the health of your loved ones. Playing sports together will bring you closer together and help improve your health. Add more seasonal fruits and vegetables to your family's diet.

September is the perfect month to try something new.

October– a time of calm for the Leo woman, try not to drive yourself into depression.

IN November A pleasant acquaintance awaits you.

December will bring quite a few pleasant surprises, including monetary ones.

2017 promises to be a very successful year for Leo, since the most important components of success - activity and luck in business - will be in his hands.

Because of this, at times it will be difficult for Leo to figure out in which cases he achieved good results thanks to his perseverance and determination, and in which success came due to a favorable combination of circumstances. Strictly speaking, this is not so important, because the results of most of the projects that Leo will implement will exceed all his expectations.

This is especially true for the first half of 2017, since Leo will have simply inexhaustible energy, work will begin to progress, and even several things can be resolved at the same time without much fuss.

The horoscope predicts for this zodiac sign the solution to all the problems that have accumulated over many years, as well as the implementation of several new grandiose projects, if Leo is purposeful and energetic.

Despite the fact that from the second half of the year the stars predict a slight decline in activity for Leo, there will still be enough of it to end 2017 with benefit for themselves and those around them. The only thing worth paying attention to is that you should not neglect your family during the period of realizing your ambitions. This problem can become especially acute in the fall. At this time, Leo needs to wisely distribute time between work and family, even if this is slightly to the detriment of some business issues.

Love horoscope for 2017 Leo

2017 portends unprecedented success for Leo with the opposite sex. To win hearts, he will not have to make almost any effort: the stars will endow him with erotic appeal and charm, which will be almost impossible to resist. You shouldn’t be surprised at the demand for this zodiac sign in the first half of 2017 – a period of activity and determination. However, in the variety of choices there is one drawback - in the year of the Rooster, Leo will have a very difficult time understanding his preferences.

In addition, Leo will devote a significant part of his efforts and time in 2017 to the implementation of his grandiose plans. Since everything related to business activities, finances and career will be achieved without much effort, passion and the intention to accomplish as much as possible will appear. As a result, personal life will automatically fade into the background, even despite many romantic prospects.

For those Leos who in 2017 decide to find their life partner, decide on their preferences, improve existing relationships or give them new notes, the most favorable period for this will be from July to September. This time will help Leo hear his inner voice and make a choice to his liking.

Career 2017 Leo

2017 for Leo can be decisive in matters of career and finance. Not only Leo’s energy and abilities, but also luck will help you take advantage of the opening prospects. Undoubtedly, the successful implementation of any project requires not only business acumen, but also the ability to be there when necessary. In the first half of the year, the stars will more than provide Leo with both.

Just during this time, rich in pleasant surprises in life, Leo is recommended to plan the implementation of his most necessary and important affairs. Any undertaking of Leo - changing activities, improving education or qualifications, starting a business - will be successful, since the first half of the year of the Rooster will provide this zodiac sign with all the opportunities necessary for implementation.

From mid-summer to the end of September, a conflict is possible between the business and personal spheres of Leo’s life, until personal life comes to the fore. This situation will not last long - starting in October, Leo will discover new career prospects that he is unlikely to miss.

Finances in the Year of the Rooster Leo

An acute shortage of funds at the very beginning of the year may lead to Leo deciding to change his job to a more difficult one, but at the same time better paid. In addition, this person can find a quite decent alternative source of income. This year will be difficult financially for Leo, as they will have to pay off bills and pay off large debts. You should count on loans and credits, which, however, need to be taken with caution, because in the future it will be even more difficult to repay them.

Health in the Year of the Rooster Leo

In 2017, representatives of the Leo sign should take care of their health and dress warmly in the winter. The fact is that there is a risk of getting a serious cold, which will lead to pinching of the facial nerve, followed by serious treatment. In the summer, these individuals may get pneumonia. To prevent these diseases, it is important not only to dress warmly, but also to constantly increase your own immunity by taking multivitamins, hardening and running in the morning. In 2017, Leo kids should be taken to the sea and breathe in iodized air.

Horoscope 2017 Leo man

With the advent of the Year of the Rooster, energetic Leo men will look into the future with enthusiasm, because this year they plan to radically change their lives. And indeed, this year Leo will become more responsible, sedate and mature, since by the summer he will propose to his chosen one and become a family man. But men of this zodiac sign who have been married for a long time have every chance of changing jobs or starting their own business.

Horoscope 2017 Leo woman

For the most part, Leo women will spend this year engaged in self-development, training and career growth. Moreover, these ladies will succeed in everything easily and simply, and therefore in many areas Lionesses will outperform even men. But Leo women will have no time to rest in 2017. Moreover, many of them will not even have the opportunity to participate in shopping. The main thing when pursuing a career is not to forget about your own appearance and always look your best. This will allow you to warm up and maintain your relationship with your beloved man in time.

Horoscope for 2017 for zodiac-eastern signs:


These individuals should think about their behavior and attitude towards others at the beginning of the year. If Leos continue to look down on everyone and put themselves above others, this time will not bring them anything good.


Individuals born at this intersection of signs would do well to loosen up, start thinking big and think about opening their own business, since the work that these people are doing now does not satisfy them at all.


Clever businessmen, these people will often use cunning and use their official position to satisfy their needs. However, such actions are fraught with not the most favorable consequences, as this year will show.


2017 will be a changeable year for this sign because Leo will stop finding a common language with his loved one and a struggle for dominance will begin in the family. Leos have to understand that in some matters it is worth becoming more flexible and accommodating.


With the advent of 2017, these individuals must set themselves the highest goals, leading the team. They have excellent chances to climb the career ladder, but in this race it is important not to lose true friends and associates.


Leos born in the year of the Snake will act with cunning this year. They may try to develop at the expense of other people, take advantage of other people's benefits, or take credit for merits that are not their own. This must be done carefully, as exposure may occur.


The non-standard thinking that Leos will show from the beginning of this period will allow them to make many effective financial transactions and establish themselves as a person who knows how to manage money. One can hope for advancement in this area.


The year 2017 is good for working on yourself and changing your habits and principles. Leos should admit that they do not always do the right thing and ask for forgiveness from the people they have hurt. Perhaps they will be able to regain the respect of their loved ones.


With the arrival of spring, the individuals of this intersection finally realize that it is time for them to change and become more responsible and sedate. For Leos who are planning to get married, it is better to do this in the first half of the year, and have a child in the second.


Worries due to unsettled personal life or developmental problems can lead to serious diseases of the nervous system. Therefore, it is very important not to take troubles to heart and to rest regularly.


It’s high time for these Leos to understand that they shouldn’t look for their destiny somewhere overseas or on the Internet, since a loved one who has been in love with you for a long time is very close and very soon, in mid-2017, will make themselves known.


These Leos should set high goals for themselves in 2017, as luck will follow them everywhere. The year is suitable for opening a business or financial transaction that will enrich this person and make him famous in certain circles.

According to the horoscope, Leos will be able to show all their temperament and resourcefulness in the new year. Leo will enter 2018 with renewed vigor and will be able to easily complete things he started long ago. Your positive attitude will gather around you strong and ambitious people who will help advance your interests.

2018 of the Dog will be successful for men and women – Leo. The stars advise engaging in self-development, deepening your existing knowledge or training other people. The main thing is to remember that any of your actions must be desired, otherwise they will not bring the desired result. The stars recommend that Leos in the year of the Dog treat any failures as temporary difficulties. And you can deal with them in a short time.

What to expect for men and women

Horoscopes for Leo for 2018 for women believe that the ladies will experience success in the most unexpected matters. Leo people are waiting for dozens of new acquaintances that you need to pay attention to.

Take a closer look at the people around you, do not push away a person if you have not yet recognized him. It is likely that in this stream of new personalities you will find several real, sincere friends. Hold on to them, because finding a soulmate is not easy in our world.

The horoscope believes that you shouldn’t plan grandiose moves for the year - for now it’s better to stay in your cozy nest and not leave your home. Unmarried Leo girls will be surrounded by the attention of the opposite sex this year. Perhaps some will even find a “soul mate.”

According to the horoscope of 2018, a Leo man will notice that any of his undertakings ends successfully. You will have a chance to strengthen your position among colleagues, as well as climb up the career ladder. Leo will have to work long and hard, so get ready to give it your all to achieve your goals.

Free men should never forget about their personal life. You shouldn’t devote all your time to work and career - sometimes you can spend time in a pleasant company of friends or a pretty young lady.

Show character, and if you are sure that you are right, insist on your opinion on important issues. This year promises new beginnings in the labor sphere - a change in professional activity or a promotion is possible.

Matters of the heart and family

As the love horoscope for 2018 says, Leo will be able to achieve success with almost any person of the opposite sex. This year, take care of your personal life: go on dates more often and have fun. By nature, you are an adventurer who values ​​the feelings of your loved one. Free Leo will meet a potential partner with whom he will begin a relationship.

If your inner voice tells you that it’s too early for you to start a family, just leave everything as it is. If Leo understands that he has found a “soul mate” and wants to live with her all his life, he should not put off formalizing the relationship. This year is perfect for special events in Leo. Weddings played in 2018 will be magnificent and unforgettable, and Leo’s marriages with their chosen ones will be strong and durable.

Young Leos will strive to start several romantic stories in parallel. The stars warn you against such actions, as in the end this will not lead to the best outcome for you. Try to understand the inner reason why you want to date two people. Perhaps you are afraid of missing out on something interesting in life and try to grab onto everything at once. Ask for advice from an experienced adult: a parent, friend, or mentor. Explain your situation and listen carefully to the recommendations. After the conversation, the picture will become clearer for you.

Family Leos in 2018 will often remember pleasant moments from the past. You will spend many evenings in a cozy home environment, discussing previous travels, events and holidays with your loved ones. This will have a beneficial effect on the inner world of Leo. Perhaps one of the relatives will inform Leo about the imminent birth of a child.

Newlyweds-Lviv may have some disagreements on everyday grounds. Love is a long process, it is a journey that spouses overcome together. Do not rush to quarrel with your loved ones over trifles. It is better for Leos to clarify the reason for their partner’s dissatisfaction and try to find a compromise solution. Over time, you will learn to easily resolve misunderstandings that arise.

The horoscope reports that at the beginning of the year distant relatives may remind themselves. Be hospitable and shelter them for a while. If you don’t have this opportunity, then help them find housing. Perhaps the good deeds of Leo will quickly echo in their lives and make them prosperous and happy people. In general, 2018 will be rich in good news in the family circle. Perhaps you are expecting an addition or one of your adult children will announce their desire to get married.

Spend more time with your loved ones. The horoscope advises Leos to create traditions and involve their children in social activities. This will bring you closer and, perhaps, make relationships in the family trusting, and you - an example to follow and a person to whom members of the household will no doubt tell about any events in their personal lives.

Business horoscope

A financial forecast for Leo from Pavel Globa advises Leos to follow the intended path and do not hesitate to achieve their goals. The Year of the Dog promotes Leo’s career; the main thing is not to try to grab everything at once. Those born in the first decade (07/24–08/02) Leos are very strong and do not know what fear and risk are. Be careful when making expensive transactions: if your partners do not inspire confidence in you, the stars advise you to enlist the support of people who can insure you.

Born in the second decade (03.08–13.08) Leo is impetuous and persistent. It is not difficult to distinguish such a person by his signs and character traits. However, in his desires and lightning-fast decisions, Leo runs the risk of missing a good option for himself. The horoscope advises you to contain the flow of emotions and look at the situation from the other side - someone nearby is trying to help you. Do not refuse the assistance of a reliable person. This year will be successful for Leo: career growth will not be long in coming, and perhaps financial affairs will go uphill.

Leos of the third decade (August 14–August 23) may get carried away with a new activity. Judging by your horoscope, you don’t have to be afraid of being left without income. Your skills will never leave you without money, so take advantage of the opportunity to find a job “for your soul.” The Dog, the patron of 2018, will protect Leo from taking risky steps, and he will be able to devote himself entirely to finding his favorite activity. Remember that you can always go back if you feel like you are out of your depth.

The business horoscope for Leo in 2018 promises an expansion of the partnership sphere. To do this, attend all social events to which you receive invitations. Even at an informal meeting of classmates, Leo will be able to meet a person who will raise his financial level an order of magnitude higher. Circumstances will contribute to successful transactions for all Leos, the main thing is not to lose your head and carefully approach issues related to risk.

According to the horoscope, in the spring Leo may have a generous sponsor, the existence of which he may not even know. Be attentive to your colleagues and help those in need. Some Leos may find themselves in a situation in the middle of the year when a friend asks to borrow a large amount of money. In such a situation, the horoscope gives advice - evaluate:

  • Can you help the person?
  • Are you sure of his honesty?
  • Discuss all possible risks and timing of debt repayment.

Leos often act as their intuition tells them, and they rarely make mistakes. During the year, try to save a little money from your income - in winter this can serve you well and help you out in a difficult situation.

Health status

The stars advise active and impulsive Leos not to forget about rest this year. This could be active sports or outdoor recreation in the countryside. Leos born in the first decade need to pay special attention to health - it’s time to take care of the body. Make it a habit to do morning exercises or evening exercise in the park. The horoscope states that fresh air will have a beneficial effect on Leo’s appearance, the condition of his skin and will help him relax after a tiring day at work.

Leos of the second decade always liked to lie in bed until the last minute. The 2018 Year of the Dog will require you to temporarily turn into a “lark”. You will have no time to think about illnesses, so do everything to strengthen the body’s protective properties. The stars advise choosing comfortable shoes for everyday life: you will spend a lot of time on the move. In winter, try to diversify your leisure time with new sports. For example, master skating or skiing - after a while you will no longer be able to refuse this activity.

Leos born in the third decade, according to horoscope forecasts, have a small risk of catching colds in the autumn. Be attentive to yourself and do not overwork yourself at this time, and illnesses will bypass you. Remember to wear a hat on a cold day and take an umbrella when it rains. You will also have to fight another ailment - laziness. You will be able to overcome it and, perhaps, achieve stunning results in any area where you wish.

In 2018, the horoscope recommends Leos to pay attention not only to physical, but also to spiritual health. The stars advise regularly engaging in self-development. Perhaps you have long wanted to start attending yoga or personal development courses. With proper planning of your day, you can easily accomplish everything you wanted.

Brief forecast by month

According to the general horoscope, Leos will have to show flexibility towards others and try not to leave the last word - the time has come to learn to make compromises. will bring good news in the professional sphere. If you are planning a major project, make every effort to complete the deal this month, as good results will serve you well in the future.

According to the stars, Leo will have a short trip on a personal matter. Fate will guide you in the right direction, so don't be put off by small changes in your route, even if you didn't plan for them. According to the horoscope, Leo in April 2018 will be forced to adapt to surrounding circumstances in the first half of the month, while the second half of the month will allow Leos to act only in their own interests. for Leo, according to the forecast from Tamara Globa, it will be good for romantic meetings and dates. This is the right time to establish strong relationships between people.

In the first month of summer for Leo, according to the forecast for 2018 from Pavel Globa, they will have a meeting with an important person who will play a significant role in Leo’s career in the future. As the horoscope predicts, the Leo woman will be able to reveal her inner potential in creativity. Don’t force yourself to do something you don’t like, and if you feel a craving for beauty, let your imagination come out.

The 2018 horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for Leo predicts receiving good news from distant relatives. Perhaps Leo will finally be able to see loved ones from another city; the stars have already planned this meeting.

According to the horoscope, 2018 may seem gray and mediocre to Leos. Don't worry, this state will leave you soon. Spend more time with your loved ones, communicate with friends, and perhaps everyday worries will not seem so burdensome. For October 2018, the horoscope promises Leo minor expenses for household needs. To avoid the hassle of running out of funds, set aside some money in advance for unexpected expenses.

In November, the forecast for Leo is very rosy. Be careful, as there is a chance to make a pleasant find. It could be money on the street or a stash hidden many years ago. In any case, you will be pleasantly surprised by such events. According to the horoscope, December promises Leo the opportunity to prove himself as a fair and honest person. Perhaps you will find yourself in a situation where you need to make an emergency decision, and your instinct will not let you down.