Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Chistov, Nikolai Alexandrovich. Chistov, Nikolay Tank aces: Zinovy ​​Kolobanov, Andrey Usov, Nikolay Nikiforov, Nikolay Rodenkov, Pavel Kiselkov

An expert club has started working in the Nizhny Novgorod region, which will develop villages and villages in the region. It was created during the interactive round table "Development of the Nizhny Novgorod outback", held on December 16 at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. The new association brings together the best minds in the field of development of small towns and rural areas.

Nikolai Chistov (right) and Gleb Tyurin. Photo: Territory Development Agency "Vysoky Bereg"

The main sponsor of the creation of the expert club was the Vysoky Bereg territorial development agency. Its leader Nikolai Alekseevich Chistov told why and why the expert community gathered in the Nizhny Novgorod outback:

On the agenda of the round table there was only one, but extremely important question - how to raise the Russian hinterland not in words, but in deeds? How can we make it possible to live in the village, raise children and earn a decent living?

They didn’t reinvent the bicycle; they invited an expert who had already walked this path - the legendary Gleb Vladimirovich Tyurin. His unique experience in the development of abandoned villages in the Arkhangelsk region is being studied both in Russia and around the world. There, residents who have awakened from many years of hibernation are building houses and gyms, harvesting crops in abandoned fields, developing tourism, and in general - they are not relying on government subsidies, but are making money on their own.

At first, we took as a basis an honest plot that the future of the village is not only agriculture, which is increasingly moving towards automation and reducing the number of workers. We need to look for other niches. Sometimes liquid goods are lying right under your feet. A little funny, but a very clear example. When you go to any pet store, it’s easy to notice that they sell everything foreign. Even hay for hamsters and stones for aquariums. Our fields are full of hay. There are no problems with stones either. There is a problem in collecting, packaging, organizing logistics and sales.

Such “scary” concepts as marketing, branding, accounting, sales - all this is too incomprehensible and difficult for village residents. A village person cannot master the basics of modern economics on his own. As a result, we went on an experiment.

By analogy with what Gleb Tyurin did in the Arkhangelsk region, they decided to create a mobile expert club that would make expeditions to the Nizhny Novgorod outback. Several pilot territories have already been selected where there is mutual understanding with the heads and local activists. There, a local expert club will gather residents, together search for, and then practically implement the model that will help their particular village rise to a new standard of living.

In this idea, of course, we will need the support of the governor. We intend to present our action plan to him in the coming days. It does not require budget money; all that is needed is wise guidance and moral support for a group of people ready for a difficult experiment. Our expert associates decided this: if it worked out in the Arkhangelsk region, why are we worse? Moreover, there is already a first attempt at writing.

This is not a metaphor at all. Not long ago, the “Vysoky Bereg” agency was lucky enough to take part in organizing a large-scale event in a real outback - in the village of Klin, Vachsky district. The pen shark forum was held there with great success. Writers from all over Russia gathered there for several days. The forum was dedicated to the work of the great Russian poet Nikolai Nekrasov, whose 200th anniversary will be celebrated in 2021. I won’t talk about the creative component; I will emphasize the economic component. Participants, guests, experts, food, accommodation, souvenirs, gifts, the final gala concert - this is all the money that ended up in the pockets of residents and the budget. Now local activists are thinking about how to make such writers’ gatherings annual and on a larger scale. Down and Out trouble started…


Chistov Nikolay Alekseevich - Chairman of the Board of the Territory Development Agency "Vysoky Bereg". The agency has implemented a number of landmark projects for the development of territories, including: Nekrasov readings and seminars for young writers, a project with the NGO "Russian Geographical Society", within the framework of which a long-term environmental program is being implemented for the certification and preservation of springs in the Nizhny Novgorod region and many others. Nikolai Chistov was born in 1969 in the Bogorodsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Graduated from Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after Alekseev with a degree in economics and management. In 2009, the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region was included in the managerial personnel reserve to fill groups of positions in organizations in priority areas of the economy and social development of the region.

The material was prepared jointly with ANO ART "Vysoky Bereg"

Nikolai Alexandrovich Chistov(1909-1989) - foreman of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1943).


Nikolai Chistov was born on May 9, 1909 in Moscow. After graduating from primary school, he lived and worked in Gzhatsk. In 1928-1930 he served in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. In 1941, Chistov was re-drafted into the army and sent to the front of the Great Patriotic War.

By September 1943, Sergeant Major Nikolai Chistov was a scout in the 346th separate reconnaissance company of the 253rd Infantry Division of the 40th Army of the Voronezh Front. He distinguished himself during the Battle of the Dnieper. On September 25, 1943, Chistov was one of the first to cross the Dnieper near the village of Velikiy Bukrin, Mironovsky district, Kyiv region, Ukrainian SSR, and took an active part in the battles to capture and hold a bridgehead on its western bank. He personally participated in repelling German counterattacks and transmitted data about the enemy via radio to the command.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 29, 1943, Sergeant Major Nikolai Chistov was awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

After the end of the war, Chistov was demobilized. Lived and worked in the village of Rodniki, Ramensky district, Moscow region. Died in 1989.

He was also awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and a number of medals.

A small house, a Russian stove, a wooden table, a bench and a candle. This is how a certain Chistov lives - Nikolai Mikhailovich and Alexandra Nikitichna. Both are veterans of the Great Patriotic War, both are already approaching 90. Looking at their forgotten house, which stands somewhere in the Penza region, you might accidentally think: “So Ivanushka’s dream came true, he lived his whole life with his beloved princess Zabava in his cozy hut. » Only now they have no time for fun, and their life is not much like a fairy tale. 15 years ago there was a street here that consisted of 17 houses. The distance to the nearest village is still 2 kilometers off-road, but before this path did not seem so far. Today, a couple of abandoned buildings and one residential building remain. If you decide to come for a visit, the owners will be happy, just don’t forget to take skis in winter, otherwise you won’t get through, and take a closer look - the hut is covered with snow almost to the very roof. And in the spring, be sure to take a boat and taller rubber boots. During high water, the river comes close to the threshold.

Despite the weather conditions, the house has been standing for decades, in both heat and bitter cold. It turned out to be hardy, just like the owner who built it. Nikolai Mikhailovich personally sawed each board, hammered each nail with his own hands... with hands crippled in the war.

Private Chistov fought for only a month. He served only briefly, but bravely. Years later, the Soviet government will award a medal.

Nikolai Chistov, disabled person of the Great Patriotic War

“I was wounded by a machine gun... And from the machine gun, explosive fragments hit my hands... All my fingers were broken...”

Hit by an enemy bullet, sent to the hospital, received disability, transferred to the reserve. This was the end of the military exploits of soldier Chistov. I decided to return to my native Leningrad region. It didn’t work... the Germans, who had already occupied the city, didn’t let me in. Nikolai Mikhailovich had no choice but to go to his friend in the city of Kuibyshev. Meanwhile, the Germans settled in their house. So they lived together with the children and mother.

Nikolay Chistov, WWII veteran:

“When they began to retreat, they burned... my house, ours, our fathers...”

In Kuibyshev, Nikolai met his Alexandra, with whom he has lived for more than half a century. Looking at this couple, you begin to truly feel the warmth of family relationships. Years later, they love each other as before, and the light of hope for a better future still glimmers in their eyes. It’s a pity that both of them were in bad health. If it weren't for my daughter it would have been very difficult. Apparently, the parents were able to pass on something to them that did not allow them to abandon the elderly to the mercy of fate. Nina and Tatyana help them sincerely, as best they can - both with housework and money that they scrape together from their pensions, since they themselves are no longer girls. The eldest daughter moved in with her parents, the youngest comes 100 km away every weekend.

There is no gas or running water in the veteran's house. You have to go to the well several times a day. To fill a bucket of water, an adult man needs to make a considerable effort, but the Chistov daughters are already used to it. Just as we are accustomed to the fact that we have to go to the neighboring village for the same medicines and products... The path is not close. Of all the benefits of civilization, only light, and even that barely lasts. Over the years, the wires have become almost completely unusable, and the day is not far off when candles will actually be lit in this house.

To warm up you need to light the stove. Firewood is ordered from the forestry enterprise; one car costs 5 thousand rubles. So it turns out that every piece of firewood is worth its weight in gold. It is not yet known what kind of winter this year will be... We need to save money.

Nina Chistova, daughter:

“And she loves to wash... In the summer I wash it often...”

Washing an old man is a whole story. Fetch water, light a fire, flood the bathhouse, bring the old man. Five years ago, Nikolai Mikhailovich suffered a stroke, and since then he has hardly gotten up. Someone will say, you can buy a stroller and that’s it. There is a wheelchair in this house, but the thresholds are too high, you can’t get through. So the old man’s daughters ride on themselves. One takes him under his arms, the other takes him under his feet... Alexandra Nikitichna takes care of her husband with all her might, but they don’t last long. And how she would like to provide both herself and her beloved husband with a dignified old age. But she can't do anything. Even if he gathers his last strength and money...

They are tired of living in such conditions. Every day they hope and expect that they will move to city apartments.

Nikolay Chistov, WWII veteran:

“You can wash there too... I’ve been waiting for a long time to be taken out of here...”

Grandfather Nikolai often asks for boots. Alexandra Nikitichna and her daughters are surprised, they say, where should you go? And he’s still going somewhere... Perhaps closer to civilization.

What about local authorities? As always, they shrug their shoulders. Some say that they do not have the opportunity to provide elderly people with comfortable housing near a hospital and a store. Others make empty promises. Even doctors don’t come in to inquire about health. And requests for help from the city administration have been refused more than once.

And as soon as the hand rises to print such unsubscribes? And as soon as the tongue turns to give unrealistic hopes? Will veterans get real help? There is one answer to all these questions that everyone knows. It is more convenient for the authorities not to pay attention to the elderly. They don't have much time left anyway. One can only be surprised at people's callousness. One can only hope that not everyone is like that.

Where are you now? Perhaps someone is reading this article while sitting in their Moscow, Bryansk, Penza or any other apartment. Someone is at work, while others have the opportunity to access the Internet without leaving their own car. But imagine for a second that somewhere on a land forgotten by God and everyone there is a small house, in the window of which the light is still on. But very soon this light may go out forever.

In the program “Man and the Law” there was a story about Nikolai Chistov. After the broadcast came out, an unknown girl from a nearby city transferred an amount to the account of the old man’s daughter, which allowed her to buy a new apartment with furniture! Another program “Man and the Law” has just aired, where they talked about this. Many will say that miracles do not happen. Happens. An ordinary human miracle.

Fighter pilot, guard senior lieutenant. Participant of the Great Patriotic War. Fought as part of the 16th Guards. IAP, was deputy. squadron commander.

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H istov Nikolai Aleksandrovich - reconnaissance officer of the 346th separate reconnaissance company of the 253rd rifle division of the 40th army of the Voronezh Front, foreman.

Born on May 9, 1909 in Moscow into a working-class family. Russian. Received primary education. He worked as an electrician at a power plant in Gzhatsk, now Gagarin, Smolensk region.

In 1928-1930 he served in the Red Army. Called up for the second time by the Kargapol RVC of the Chelyabinsk region in 1941. In the battles of the Great Patriotic War since 1942. He fought on the North-Western and Voronezh fronts. Was wounded twice.

At the end of September 1943, scout of the 346th separate reconnaissance company, Sergeant Major N.A. Chistov distinguished himself during the crossing of the Dnieper near the village of Khodorov, Mironovsky district, Kyiv region, and in the battles for maintaining and expanding the bridgehead on its right bank.

The divisional reconnaissance officers were to be the first to cross the Dnieper River and seize a bridgehead. We prepared thoroughly, although we were in a hurry. A group of a senior sergeant, an experienced intelligence officer, was supposed to quietly cross the river in a small boat and report the situation via radio.

On the night of September 25, 1943, a group of senior sergeants, which included Sergeant Major N.A. Chistov, set sail from the left bank. From time to time, short machine-gun bursts pierced the silence of the night. We landed safely on the right bank. We got out to the mountain.

Sergeant Major N.A. Chistov, moving forward, scouted out the location of the enemy's advanced units and reported everything to the senior sergeant. Brave scouts occupied a crater on a small height under the very nose of the Nazis.

In the gray pre-dawn darkness, the Nazis managed to notice the boats on which the first company of the battalion was crossing. The Nazis tried to approach the shore, but the scouts met them with machine gun fire, not allowing the German soldiers to even raise their heads.

Trying to break the resistance of the brave scouts, the Nazis fired at them with mortars and conducted continuous machine-gun and machine gun fire, but Sergeant Major N.A. Chistov, being under enemy fire, not only returned fire at the Nazis, but also simultaneously transmitted information about the enemy’s position to the command ashore via the radio he had with him.

The battle did not subside for a minute. The Nazis tried several times to go on the offensive, but, met by heavy fire from our soldiers, they were forced to roll back. The Nazis never managed to reach the crossing. The artillery supported the scouts with its fire, to the aid of Sergeant Major N.A. The first units of the division arrived in time for Chistov and his comrades.

U Order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on October 29, 1943 for the successful crossing of the Dnieper River, the strong consolidation of a bridgehead on the western bank of the Dnieper River and the courage and heroism shown to the foreman Chistov Nikolai Alexandrovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 3524).

After the end of the Great Patriotic War he was demobilized. Lived and worked in the village of Rodniki, Ramensky district, Moscow region. Died May 24, 1989. He was buried in the village of Osechenki, Ramensky district, Moscow region.

Awarded the Order of Lenin (October 29, 1943), the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (03/11/1985), and medals.

In the village of Rodniki, Ramensky district, Moscow region, a memorial plaque was installed on the house in which the Hero lived. On Victory Square in the city of Ramenskoye, Moscow region, near the Eternal Flame, there is a granite slab on which the name of the Hero is carved.

From the award list for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union:
Petty Officer Chistov Nikolai Aleksandrovich born September 25, 1943, in the group