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Australian musical instrument didgeridoo. What is it and how to play it? What group of surgical instruments does the Muze tissue forceps belong to? What group does the Australian didgeridoo belong to?

Hello, dear readers of the Sprint-Response website. Today is September 2, 2017, which means the popular TV game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” is on air on Channel One. In this article you can read an overview of the game, as well as find out all the answers in today’s game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” for 02.09.2017.

Our favorite colleagues of Dmitry Dibrov are visiting us today: Vladimir Gomelsky And Dmitry Borisov . These comrades know the procedure, how hard it is to earn money on television, especially on Channel One, but they did not come to work, but to relax. But these guys are very confident in themselves, if they named a fireproof amount of 400,000 rubles, at least they intend to answer 12 questions. Let's see what comes of this.

1. What are long shorts called?

  • Canaries
  • Maldives
  • bermuda shorts
  • Kuril Islands

2. What fictional creature has recently become a popular meme on the Internet?

  • Chatterbox
  • Howler
  • Munchkin
  • Zhdun

3. What is the name of the species of butterfly?

  • orange maker
  • lemongrass
  • grapefruit girl
  • kumquat girl

4. The name of which plant coincides with the nickname of the hero Fenimore Cooper?

  • St. John's wort
  • immortelle
  • Kalanchoe
  • burdock

5. What height was Sergei Bubka the first to overcome in pole vaulting?

  • 5 meters
  • 6 meters
  • 7 meters
  • 8 meters

6. What is the name of the administrative-territorial unit of Germany?

  • fire
  • Earth
  • air

7. What prevents liquid from flowing out of the cylinder high pressure in a hydraulic jack?

  • collar
  • button
  • cuff
  • strap

8. What faculty did Rodion Raskolnikov study at?

  • medical
  • legal
  • philosophical
  • mathematical

9. Which character is missing from the wedding in the classic production of the ballet Sleeping Beauty?

  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Puss in Boots
  • Thumb Boy
  • Blue Beard

10. What do sailors often call a “marusa belt”?

  • cap ribbon
  • waterline
  • anchor chain
  • deck railing

11. What group of instruments does the Australian didgeridoo belong to?

  • brass
  • strings
  • drums
  • keyboards

12. Who became the first full Knight of St. George in Russia?

  • Kutuzov
  • Golitsyn
  • Suvorov
  • Menshikov

13. Who or what did Parisian couriers smuggle into newly emerged mailboxes so as not to be left without work?

  • mice
  • nettle
  • coals

14. What mineral forms the beautiful transparent variety “Maryino glass”?

  • mica
  • spinel
  • gypsum
  • cinnabar

Unfortunately, the players were unable to answer the fourteenth question correctly, but they managed to win a fireproof sum. Therefore, the players' winnings in the game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" for September 9, 2017 amounted to 400,000 rubles.

The second part of today's game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" has begun, in which participants Olga Prokofieva And Valery Garkalin . The players chose a fireproof amount of 100,000 rubles.

1. What do they say about a person who does not want to tell anything?

  • like looking into the water
  • like water off a duck's back
  • seventh water on jelly
  • took water in his mouth

2. How does a hockey match begin?

  • from throwing out
  • from throw-in
  • from toss
  • from an offering

3. What do men say they love?

  • lips
  • teeth
  • eyes
  • brains

4. What is the name of a young worker, trainee?

  • trainee
  • major
  • boyfriend
  • editor

5. What expression can be used to define folklore?

  • from hand to hand
  • Tet-a-tet
  • word of mouth
  • from foot to foot

6. What position did Gerasim, the hero of Turgenev’s story “Mumu”, hold in the manor house?

  • blacksmith
  • groom
  • street cleaner
  • coachman

7. What should a producer do as part of his job?

  • make chandeliers
  • read letters
  • illustrate books
  • put people out of work

8. Which name is not usually shortened to the diminutive Seva?

Muse clamp(Museux, French surgeon of the 19th century; synonym Museux forceps) - an instrument for grasping the cervix during gynecological operations, which is a long surgical clamp, each of the branches of which ends with two sharp curved teeth.

38. To which group of surgical instruments does the clothespin belong? Tools for clamping tissue.

Clothes clips – designed for fixing surgical linen around the wound,

sometimes together with napkins for greater strength, they grip the skin after anesthesia. Used to hold surgical linen on dressing and operating tables.

39. . To which group of surgical instruments do retractors belong? Instruments that widen wounds and natural openings

40. Which group of surgical instruments does surgical tweezers belong to? Tools for gripping tissue.

41.What are the stages of preparing the surgical field?

· Hair removal

· Mechanical cleaning, degreasing

· Disinfection of tanned surfaces

Isolation of the surgical field

42. What are the stages of preparing a surgeon’s hands?

1 Mechanical cleaning - running water, 5-7 min.

2 Chemical treatment hands – alcohol, disinfection, degreasing.

3 Tanning - iodine, a film is formed and prevents the remaining m.o. into the wound.

43-44. How should you approach an animal?

First of all, you need to obtain information from the owner about the behavioral characteristics of the animal. The owner helps with fixation. The fearful must be treated kindly and patiently, and the angry and disobedient must be treated strictly and decisively. Be ready to dodge at any moment. You can't hit or show fear. You have to be careful not to be pressed against the wall. You should not stand close to the animal. You should never approach a horse from behind, but rather a cattle from behind and from the side. They approach from the front - call out, gently stroke, pat on the neck or back.

45. When should you not work with an animal?

Contraindications to surgery are determined by the general condition of the animal at the moment: exhaustion, age, exacerbation of the process, inoperability due to large lesions, advanced pregnancy or heat. Operations cannot be performed until quarantine is lifted on the farm if it has highly infectious diseases. It is impossible if there are no postoperative conditions. It is not allowed before the journey or during the period of mass preventive vaccinations.

46.What is the Vinogradov fixation table intended for?

Designed for medical veterinary manipulations and surgical interventions on domestic animals and farm animals.

A Vinogradov operating table-machine is known, which makes it possible to fix the animal in standing and lying positions. A removable wall with crossbars is installed on the base of the table at the outer edge. On the other half of the base there is a lid with a rotating mechanism. There is a hinged section at the front edge in the middle of the lid. The back third of the cover is made in the form of a frame, the edges of which are covered with tarpaulin. When the animal is in a lateral position, the tarpaulin hangs down, preventing the table cover from squeezing the protruding parts of the body and abdominal area. There is a removable section to fix the head. The machine-table is bulky, stationary and requires special sites to accommodate.

47. What is the Kitaev machine designed for?

Designed to secure large animals in a standing position.

48. What is Sapozhnikov’s table intended for?

The floor table is also called the operating table, because with the help of special designs the animal can be given any position.

For fixing the animal in a supine and dorsal position.

From operating tables for large animals that can be made with your own means, the L.S. table is most widely used. Sapozhnikov, which is a wooden frame and a movable lid

The frame is made of square birch or oak bars, fastened with strip iron, and has two rear corner posts that prevent the animal from sliding off the table during a fall, and they are also used to fix the pelvic limb when it is abducted up and to the side. Between them there is a removable vertical intermediate stand with a block at the upper end to give the animal a dorsal position

49. What is the Zemaitis-Jurevicius table intended for?

For fixing large animals for operations in any position.

He is metal structure, including a frame to which a tabletop (lid) is attached. The front edge of the table has two folding corner sections. The rear section is made with the ability to tilt down and up to give the animal the required position. The table is equipped with special straps for fixing the animal’s limbs and pads for the head and limbs. The table is equipped with a rotating device, an electric motor and a manual drive in case of lack of electricity.

Fixation of a horse in a dorsal position on the operating table by I. Zemaitis and A. Jurevicius

50. What is the purpose of a yawner?

Zevnik, an instrument used to expand the oral cavity of an animal during its examination and treatment. Inserted between the jaws along the toothless edge or between the molars of the upper and lower jaw.

51. What is the purpose of the Baer wedge?

Designed to fix the cavity in an open state for manipulations in the oral cavity.

They are used to examine the oral cavity in more detail if the animal is restless or has an angry disposition, as well as if an infectious disease is suspected (foot and mouth disease, etc.), since the instruments can be easily and reliably disinfected.

Used for cattle, pigs, cats and dogs.

The Bayer wedge is used as follows: the animal's mouth is opened as described earlier, and a wedge-shaped yawn is inserted along the cheek between the molars on the side opposite to that on which the tongue is extended.

52. What are the ShchFS-1 fixation forceps designed for according to P. P. Wiebe?

Used to fix the dog's head.

53. What are A. N. Marinichev’s forceps intended for?

Universal fixing head holder for dogs.

54. What is the purpose of the Ghana table?

Along with these tables, veterinary practitioners successfully use Ghana medical operating tables to restrain dogs. For fixing small animals (dogs, fur animals)

55. What is the purpose of Frick's table?

From operating tables of older designs that were produced earlier, for fixing pigs in a supine position The Frick operating table can be successfully used for small animals. For fixation of small animals during surgery.

56.What is Korshunov felling used for? - for felling pigs.

57.What is Haacke felling used for? - for felling pigs.

58. What is Andreev’s felling used for? - for felling pigs.

59.What is Hess felling used for? - for cattle felling.

60. Why is Hertwig felling used? - for cattle felling

61. What is Cinotti felling used for? - for cattle felling

62.What is felling according to Latifov used for? - for felling cattle

63.What is the Russian felling used for? - for felling horses

64. What is the Berlin felling used for? - for cutting down horses

65. What is Reshetnik felling used for? - for felling horses

66. What is the Kazakh felling used for? - for felling horses

67.What is the Italian felling used for? - for felling cattle

68. Why do I use Garms forceps? - nasal forceps. for fixing cattle.

69. What are Solovyov’s forceps used for? - for fixing cattle


The didgeridoo (English didjeridoo or English didjeridu, original name “yidaki”) is a musical wind instrument of the Aboriginal Australians. One of the oldest wind instruments in the world. It is made from a piece of eucalyptus trunk 1-3 meters long, the core of which has been eaten away by termites, and the end is treated with black beeswax. The instrument itself is often painted or decorated with images of tribal totems. To put it simply, the didgeridoo is a wind musical instrument of the Aborigines of northern Australia. This is one of the most ancient musical instruments on Earth. But how to talk about the didgeridoo to tell a little about it. When you hear the live sound of a didgeridoo for the first time, you will experience real contact with a miracle and will never forget it. The didgeridoo is not made by man, it is created by nature itself. Australian termites eat the inside of tree trunks and branches. All that remains is to find these “blanks” and the didgeridoo is almost ready. Not every native succeeds in doing this, since searching requires a special state of consciousness... Didgeridoos are also made from bamboo. Many instruments are decorated with traditional paintings and images of animal totems.

Playing the didgeridoo involves the cheeks, diaphragm, larynx, tongue, and lungs. Your whole body becomes a tool. Training allows you to learn how to control all muscles. The aborigines say that usually the muscles of the cheeks are needed only to prevent food from falling out of the mouth while eating. But if you train them...

Didgeridoo - didgeridoo is the European-American name for the wind overtone musical instrument of the Aboriginal Australians. In northern Australia, where the didgeridoo originated, it is called Yedaki. The largest didgeridoo reaches a length of 2.5 meters. It is intended for sacred ceremonies of the Dream Time holiday.

Didgeridoos come in a variety of shapes, depending on the shape of the branches and trunks. The voice of the didgeridoo is never repeated; each has its own special timbre and beauty. It is best to start learning on an instrument with a length of 1 m. up to 1m. 30 cm. The inner diameter of the hole on the mouthpiece side should be approximately 3 cm.

When playing, the technique of continuous breathing is used. Playing the didgeridoo accompanies rituals and helps to enter a trance. The uniqueness of the didgeridoo is that it usually sounds on one note (the so-called “drone”). At the same time, the instrument has a very large range of timbre. Only the human voice, the jew's harp, and partly the organ can compare with it.

1 - This is the oldest musical instrument on earth
2 - This is a wind musical instrument in its original form existing in Arnhem Land in northern Australia
3 - A didgeridoo is made from a hollow tree trunk or a knot inside that has been eaten away by termites.
4 - The length of the didgeridoo is usually 1.3, there should be no knots on the didgeridoo - the trunk must be absolutely smooth
5 - The didgeridoo is commonly used to accompany Aboriginal songs.
6 - When playing the didgiridu, “ring breathing” is used, which produces a kind of “endless sound”
7 - The didgeridoo produces a very low-frequency sound rich in resonance and rhythmic patterns
8 - Traditionally a male instrument, but in group performances the song is sometimes played by women and children
9 - The largest variations in didgeridoo shape are found in central Australia in Alice Springs
10 - Didgeridoo - the sound of Australia
11 - If the earth had a sound, that sound would be the sound of a didjiridu
12 - The whole world has been playing the didgeridoo for a long time!! Numerous clubs have been created, didgeridoos are sold on every corner! There are didgeridoo festivals!! And only in Russia nothing is known about her...

One of the most ancient musical instruments, according to the method of sound reproduction, it belongs to the group of wooden aerophones - wind instruments. Thanks to its exotic appearance and unusual timbre, similar to the throat singing of the peoples of Altai and the murmur of water, it has become quite widespread in modern music.

History of the didgeridoo instrument

The didgeridoo is an Australian wind musical instrument (Didgeridoo), used in the practice of totemic religious rites to enter a state of trance. This name was artificially assigned to it by Europeans and supposedly means “black” or “local trumpeter”. Different tribes of the indigenous people of the mainland call the instrument differently, for example: “Yolngu”, “Jinan”, “Kakutu”, “Mayalai”, etc. The most common ethnic name is “yedaki”.

Since the 20th century. Western musicians began to actively use the didgeridoo in their work, and Aphex Twin, who created the British dance hit “Didgeridoo,” played a special place in its spread. At the same time, many Australian publications began to write about the instrument.

Design and manufacture of didgeridoo

The Australian didgeridoo pipe is made of wood. To create an instrument, the natives use a termite-eaten eucalyptus trunk, from which they shake out the rot and attach a mouthpiece prepared from beeswax. Then they are covered with patterns and tribal symbols. The length of the classic didgeridoo reaches 1-3 m, and among modern European and American performers you can see specimens up to 7 m long. The body can be smooth, expanding towards the bell and spiral.

Currently, there are “budget” options made of plastic.

Types of instruments

Didgeribone - has some similarities with a trombone - consists of two tubes nested one inside the other. Thus, by pulling out or retracting one of them, the performer can change the pitch of the sound directly during the game. Inventor - C. McMahon.
Keyed - has a valve system, invented by G. Wiggins.

Multidrone – is distinguished by a long thin bell and mouthpiece, thanks to the oval shape of which the musician has the opportunity to play several sounds simultaneously. Inventor U. Thoren.

Didjflute - equipped with holes similar to those of a flute. You can play quite complex melodies on it, but the timbre of the instrument is inexpressive.

How to play the didgeridoo: Method of playing

Like playing music on other wind instruments, playing the didgeridoo trumpet requires a considerable amount of breathing. Therefore, for beginners in the “spiritual business” the first time will not be easy; they may even feel dizzy or have a little darkness in their vision. To avoid such “troubles”, those who want to seriously learn to play an instrument should master the technique of diaphragmatic breathing. Professional performers use a complex technique of cyclic (continuous) breathing, which consists of drawing “reserve” air into the swollen cheeks - when the breathing ends, the sound is produced by supplying this air, and at this time a deep breath is taken through the nose.

Sound production here is similar to the technique used when playing brass instruments, the so-called “bazing” - vibrating lips, as when pronouncing the sounds “fr” or “tpru”. This is quite difficult, so those who want to learn should be a lot patient.

This instrument, when it comes to the classic didgeridoo, recreates one tone, which is called a “drone”. While playing, the “trumpet player” can raise or lower the sound by pinching or relaxing his lips and regulating the air supply – “overblowing.”
At the same time, when playing the yedaki, you can pronounce different syllables and individual sounds, which will make the sound more varied and interesting.

It is also possible to perform a double staccato stroke—quickly pronouncing the syllables “ta-ka, ta-ka.”

Didgeridoo in the modern world

The instrument is played by many modern musicians, mostly electronic music performers. Fans of beatbox music choose the didgeridoo. It can be used to change and enhance the sound of your voice, creating richer sounds.

Doctors and representatives of the University of Zurich also paid attention to this instrument; they claim that playing the didgeridoo is good for health: it trains the upper respiratory tract, strengthens the heart, nervous system and relieves snoring.

Based on all of the above, we can say with confidence that the didgeridoo is one of the brightest and most unusual ethnic instruments, which is not without reason popular with lovers of exotic music.

Playing the didgeridoo video

Watch the video below to listen and enjoy the sound of the instrument.

Didgeridoo(English didjeridoo or English didgeridoo, original name “yidaki”) is a musical wind instrument of the Australian aborigines. One of the oldest wind instruments in the world.

Device and sound production

It is made from the trunks of eucalyptus trees, which are eaten away from the inside by termites. Tools similar to idaks are also made from bamboo, reed and plastic ( modern version). But the sound timbre of such instruments differs from the “voice” of their Australian “brothers”. To play the didgeridoo, the so-called “circular breathing” technique is used, due to which you can inhale without interrupting the sound. The lips, tongue, larynx, jaw, diaphragm and voice of the performer actively participate in the formation of sound. This explains the individuality of the sound of the didgeridoo in each individual case.
The uniqueness of the didgeridoo as a musical instrument is that it usually sounds on one note (the so-called “drone” or drone). At the same time, the instrument has a very large range of timbre. Only the human voice, the jew's harp, and partly the organ can compare with it.
Despite the fact that this is a single-tone instrument, adding a voice to the main tone, due to sound interference, you can obtain various melodic sound options: from rumble to imitation of the voices of animals and birds. By actively using the tongue, lips, the space of the oral cavity and varying the force of exhalation, you can significantly change the timbre coloring of the sound. The musical genres of music performed on Idaki can be roughly divided into two varieties: the meditative-trance genre and the rhythmic action. The first one speaks for itself. The second is interesting because it is, in essence, a practice of rhythmic breathing, because... the forced inhalation must be organically integrated into the “body” of a continuous rhythmic pattern. Those. the result is a kind of breathing technique similar to some well-known breathing techniques.
Thus, the overall ideology of the didgeridoo can be expressed by the following combination of words: “breath + sound + rhythm”.


The didgeridoo is closely woven into the mythology of the Australian aborigines, symbolizing the image of the rainbow snake Yurlungur. Playing it accompanies corroboree rituals and helps to enter a trance.
Since the end of the 20th century, Western musicians have been experimenting with the didgeridoo (for example, Sophie Lacaze, Jamiroquai).


This instrument, having a very specific and low-pitched sound, is traditionally used by the Australian Aborigines to perform the Corroboree ritual.
The didgeridoo is widely used in electronic and ambient music. Steve Roach was one of the first to use the didgeridoo in ambient music and learned to play it during his many trips to Australia in the 1980s. In 1992, Aphex Twin used the sound of the didgeridoo in the dance song "Didgeridoo", which became a hit on British dance floors.