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What type of turnip is it. Sunshet Agrosuccess - protecting plants from sunburn and drought. Potential product hazard

Basal leaves and fleshy edible root. In the second year (and in case of unsuccessful sowings and for the same year), an elongated, leafy stem with flowers grows from the tuber.

Chemical composition

The plant contains nitrogen-free substances (6.5%), nitrogenous substances (1.1%), fats (0.2%), mineral salts (it has a very high calcium content), vitamins (A - 0.04 mg, C - 8-20 mg, Bi - 0.08-0.11 mg), a significant amount of sugars and vitamin PP.


Sow turnips in early spring, as soon as the soil dries. Light loamy soils are best suited for this crop. sunny place. During the summer you can get two crops. For the winter, it is better to store turnips from summer sowing.

Pests: cruciferous fleas and cabbage fly.

Turnip as a vegetable and medicinal plant has been known since ancient times. Turnips can be baked, boiled, stuffed, casseroles and stews are prepared from it, it is suitable for making salads. It can be stored for a long time in a cool place without losing its healing qualities; easily absorbed by the body and recommended for baby food. In Russia, the expression “simpler than a steamed turnip” has long been known, indicating the long-term and frequent use of turnips.

Due to its high calcium content, turnips served as the main prophylactic, saving peasant children from rickets, bone and blood diseases. The plant has a diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic effect. Root decoction and boiled turnip juice mixed with honey are taken for acute laryngitis, which causes a sharp cough, hoarseness, asthma and colds. Juice from fresh turnips is used as a diuretic and mild laxative and as a means of stimulating cardiac activity. Boiled pounded turnips and ointment from turnips and goose fat are applied to sore spots with gout. In order to reduce arthritic pain, a turnip decoction is used for baths. With a toothache, rinse the mouth with a warm decoction of turnips. Turnip stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, enhances intestinal motility, improves digestion. Turnip is not recommended for acute diseases gastrointestinal tract and chronic diseases liver and kidneys.



Within the species, 10 subspecies are distinguished:

  • Brassica rapa subsp. campestris (L.) A.R.Clapham - Field cabbage
  • Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis (L.) Hanelt - Chinese cabbage
  • Brassica rapa subsp. dichotoma (Roxb.) Hanelt
  • Brassica rapa subsp. japonica Shebalina
  • Brassica rapa subsp. narinosa (L.H. Bailey) Hanelt
  • Brassica rapa subsp. nipposinica (L.H. Bailey) Hanelt
  • Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera (DC.) Metzg.) Hanelt
  • Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis (Lour.) Hanelt - Chinese cabbage
  • Brassica rapa subsp. rapa
  • Brassica rapa subsp. trilocularis (Roxb.) Hanelt

Turnip varieties

There are yellow-meat and white-meat varieties. The shape of the turnip root is flat, rounded and elongated. Flat and some rounded varieties are used as table varieties, elongated - fodder varieties, called turnips. The most common variety is "Petrovskaya", medium-early and high-yielding, among the early ripening - "White Night" and "May White".



  • Everything about medicinal plants on your beds / Ed. Radelova S. Yu .. - St. Petersburg: SZKEO LLC, 2010. - P. 62-65. - 224 p. - ISBN 978-5-9603-0124-4
  • Sinskaya E. N. Genus 649. Cabbage - Brassica // Flora of the USSR. V 30 t / Ch. ed. acad. V. L. Komarov; Ed. volumes by N. A. Bush. - M.-L. : Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1939. - T. VIII. - S. 462-464. - 696 + XXX p. - 5200 copies.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


  • Plants alphabetically
  • Cabbage
  • Roots
  • Vegetables
  • fodder plants
  • medicinal plants
  • Russian folk life

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Turnip" is in other dictionaries:

    Female root vegetable Brassica napus (rapa); repin, one turnip. Cabbage and turnips are not crepe. Round girl, like a turnip. Turnip, Umbilicus plant. razlog; | a breed of small, flat apple trees. | arkhan., sib. cranium-skinned marine animal, marine ... Dictionary Dalia

    TURNIP- biennial vegetable root plant. The most common varieties are: "Petrovskaya", "Milanese white", "Milanese blue-headed", "May". "Petrovskaya" ("voshchanka") root crop has a flat rounded shape (it is convex from above, depressed from below), ... ... The Concise Encyclopedia of the Household

Turnip belongs to annual or biennial crops from the cruciferous (cabbage) family. It appeared cultivated plant back in ancient times. Homeland turnip - Western Asia. The ancient Romans used this vegetable in baked. And for Russians, once in the distant past, it was the main product on the table, few dishes could do without it. However, over time, people began to eat potatoes, which are easy to grow, and this vegetable gives more abundant crops.

What kind of vegetable is this turnip

In the first year of growth, the plant forms a fleshy root that can be eaten, as well as basal leaves collected in a rosette. The next year (sometimes in the first year, if the sowing was unsuccessful), the tuber gives rise to a long stem, which eventually becomes covered with leaves and inflorescences.

The turnip root is eaten. It is a thickened, fleshy tuber.

Turnips should be sown at the very beginning of spring in fairly dry soil. Since turnip seeds are very small, it is easier to throw them into the ground with dry sand, so it will be more accurate. Turnip is demanding on the choice of soil and planting site, prefers light sandy soil or light loamy soil. The landing site should be well lit by the sun. If you follow these rules, then during the summer you can harvest two crops of this crop. Insects such as cabbage flies and cruciferous fleas can usually harm turnips.

There are two main varieties of turnips, yellow-fleshed and white color. Varieties of root crops may also differ in shape. So, turnips are elongated, rounded or flat. Usually rounded and flat varieties are used for food. The elongated turnip has the name "turnip", is used as a fodder. The most famous turnip varieties are: "Petrovskaya", "White Night" and "Mayskaya White". They are famous for their precocity and abundant harvests.

The composition and useful properties of turnips

Turnip is considered a very useful crop, since it contains a large amount of vitamins, mineral salts, sugars, vegetable fats, nitrogenous and non-nitrous substances. Turnip is rich in iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, calcium. It also contains some manganese and iodine. This culture also contains carotene, essential mustard oil and vitamins: B1, B2, PP, C.

It is not for nothing that the people called the turnip "treasure". She really is a treasure trove of useful human body substances. So, in terms of the amount of phosphorus, turnips are far ahead of radishes and radishes. This root crop contains many mineral salts vital for humans. For example, sulfur salts contribute to the disinfection and purification of blood. Thanks to this substance, stones in the kidneys and bladder are broken down. The mineral salts found in this culture help the body cope with infections, skin ailments, and bronchitis. Turnip contains magnesium, which prevents cancer. Also, this element contributes to the accumulation of calcium in bone tissues, which is especially important for the growing organisms of children and the weak skeletal system of the elderly.

Turnip is a natural antiseptic and analgesic, and also promotes rapid healing of wounds. This root vegetable is effective as an anti-inflammatory agent. In turnips, bacteria that provoke decay processes almost do not multiply, and this is a big plus for the stomach. It also strengthens sexual function and improves vision.

Turnip is rightly called the root crop of beauty, because it dissolves uric acid, participates in the process of neutralizing the acidity of the blood, and helps strengthen hair, nails and teeth. Thanks to this vegetable, the muscles become more elastic. It also prevents the development of skin ailments. Anyone who suffers from a large number of acne on the skin or eczema should eat one such root crop every day so that there is a sufficient amount of sulfur salts in the body. Turnip is also useful for people who are overweight.

It is no secret that with a lack of vitamin B in the body, the aging process starts ahead of time, hair turns gray and falls out. Turnip contains a lot of vitamins, which helps to strengthen the immune system. This root contains many ascorbic acid. That is why it is useful to use it during colds, as well as infectious diseases, one of the symptoms of which is fever. It is also a means of preventing these ailments.

If you suffer from a dry cough, you need to take turnip juice with honey in warm form. The same expectorant will help with asthma, whooping cough and sore throat. Heated decoction from this root crop is advised to use if a tooth or throat hurts. It is also used for gout, skin cracks and scabies.

In any case, this vegetable helps to strengthen the body's defenses. It relieves joint pain, lowers blood pressure. It is also used for anemia and sexual diseases in women. In grated form, mixed with goose fat, turnips are applied to frostbitten places on the body. A paste of boiled and mashed turnips will help with inflammatory skin processes, abscesses and tumors. It is also applied to the skin behind the ears if there is a flux or a sharp toothache.

Turnip is a very satisfying vegetable. The composition of this root crop is such that they can easily satisfy their hunger. The body receives a boost of energy and not a single extra calorie. Also, thanks to the turnip, it strengthens nervous system and memory.

How to cook a turnip

Since ancient times, turnips have been used as a medicinal and vegetable crop.

Turnips are used boiled, baked and stuffed. Good casseroles and stews from this root crop. Also, turnip is one of the components of a variety of salads. It is easy to digest, so it is useful for children. If any dish is cooked with turnips, its shelf life will increase, since this vegetable has bactericidal properties.

You need to store turnips in a dark and cool room. It is in such conditions that it does not deteriorate for a long time and retains its valuable qualities.

Even long, immature turnip sprouts will benefit, as they contain a lot of iron, sulfur and calcium. The content of the latter is even higher here than in milk. The tops of a young vegetable have a diuretic effect. It is also used for anemia, eye diseases, arthritis, ailments of the skin, gallbladder and liver, and infectious diseases. The systematic use of turnips in food is the prevention of the appearance of such skin problems as abscesses and acne.

Raw turnip has a bitter taste, but if the vegetable is doused with freshly boiled water, this property is easy to get rid of. This vegetable is advised to carefully chew.

To get juice, turnips can be passed through a juicer. This healing drink with the addition of water or milk is taken for viral lung ailments, as well as during the flu. For this purpose, turnips in the amount of one hundred grams are crushed with a knife and boiled in a liter of water (milk) with the addition of a small amount of sugar. The syrup from this vegetable is even easier to prepare. For this purpose, it is necessary to cut off the upper part of the root crop, cut a hole in the turnip itself, into which sugar is poured. After some time, a syrup useful for the body is formed from it, which even a baby will be pleased to drink.

Who shouldn't eat turnips?

Turnip is not recommended for those who suffer from various intestinal inflammations, CNS disease, have chronic and acute cholecystitis, as well as hepatitis. Raw, this vegetable is contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is also not recommended for people with gastritis and enterocolitis. There is information that this root crop can harm diabetics.

If nothing bothers you, pamper yourself with turnips as often as possible.

Turnip - a truly Russian vegetable

When the turnip appeared in our native lands, it is difficult to say; considered - in the period of the emergence of agriculture.
Until the 19th century, turnips played the same role in Russia as they do now. It was sown everywhere, even on Valaam and the Solovetsky Islands. The plots on which the turnip grew and ripened were called repisches. They are often mentioned in historical chronicles, annals, bills of sale.
No nation appreciated turnips as much as the Russians. That is why it is considered a native Russian vegetable.

In today's market, you can often see how in front of the counter, where cucumbers, onions, turnips flaunt, the buyer stops, carefully examines the vegetables and, pointing to the golden-sided beauty, asks: “What is this?”.
We forgot, we don’t recognize already “by sight” the progenitor of vegetable crops cultivated in Russia!

Where did the turnip come from to Russia?

From overseas. Its history goes back about 6,000 years. Homeland is the Mediterranean, South and East Asia. The ancient Greeks knew turnips, however, they valued it much lower than, for example, beets. When sacrifices were made to the god Apollo in temples, beets were carried on a silver platter, and turnips on a pewter platter.
The Romans also succeeded in growing huge turnip fruits: some specimens reached a pood weight. Before the appearance of potatoes, turnips were a frequent guest on the tables of other European nations. She moved far to the north of Europe. It is known that in the past, Swedish and Norwegian peasants donated a tenth of their turnip harvest to the church.

From time immemorial, the glory of a very unpretentious and fruitful crop has strengthened behind the turnip. Why?

This question will be answered by the people themselves, who composed such a saying about turnips, which used to be called "green cake": "Crumbs in the ground, and cakes out of the ground"! Turnip did not leave the table of a Russian person all year round because it can be stored for a long time. Both rich and poor people included it daily in their menu. Such proverbs on the “turnip” theme have survived to this day - “Easier than a steamed turnip”, “Cheaper than a steamed turnip”! They appeared, probably, in those days when turnips, along with bread and cereals, were the main food product, and were quite cheap. But potatoes have taken a dominant position in the fields of Russia and, as they say, "tarnished" the reputation of turnips. Now the chubby beauty has become an exotic vegetable for many Russians. It's a pity. Turnip is an unusually rich vegetable and has many very useful properties.

What are the health treasures found in turnips?

It contains a lot of mineral salts, essential oils, a high content of vitamin C, carotene, about 9 percent of sugar. In turnip leaves, especially lettuce varieties, there are more vitamins and mineral salts than in root crops. So, according to the content of iron salts, lettuce leaves are not inferior to spinach, they also have a lot of beta-carotene, which is especially appreciated in children's and dietary nutrition. Mustard oil is found in all parts of the plant, giving the vegetable a piquant taste... In a word, the nutritional value of turnips is surprisingly high.

Is it true that turnips help against cancer?

Experts note that turnip, like any member of the cruciferous family, is characterized by anticarcinogenic activity. Its roots contain specific indole compounds, so turnips reduce the risk of human cancer and, very importantly, help the body fight a serious illness. But for this, turnips must be eaten regularly.

Rustic delicacy - dried turnip. You don't know what it is?

This is a very tasty dish. Several times with relatives who live in the Ryazan region, I tried dried turnips. And I can say with confidence: modern children would not refuse this old dish, preferring it even to sweets ... In general, in the old days, turnips were boiled, baked, steamed, fried, served with fish and meat. Turnips were even fermented like cabbage, and they made a refreshing drink, the recipe of which, alas, is lost.

How to make turnip popular again?

I wonder what kind of turnip the grandfather planted in the famous Russian fairy tale "Turnip"?

I can't answer this question! But it's very good that you remembered the turnip from the fairy tale. After all, this once again proves how our ancestors loved, appreciated, cherished this vegetable.
As for modern turnip varieties, there are quite a few of them. The most common mid-early turnip variety in Russia is Petrovskaya 11. Up to five kilograms of vegetables can be harvested from one square meter of soil.
Interesting varieties are "White Night" with white roots, "Yellow Ball" with golden yellow roots, "Lira" with purple-pink roots.

Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Agriculture Russian Federation Igor Vyacheslavovich Kryukov

Turnip recipes

Turnip served as the main prophylactic that saved peasant children from rickets, diseases of bones, blood, and so on, since a rare vegetable can be compared with turnips (its leaves) in terms of calcium content.
In England, a mixture of juices from turnip leaves, carrots and dandelions, taken in equal proportions, is considered very effective for strengthening teeth and all bone tissues of the body.
In Russian traditional medicine turnip decoctions were used as an effective expectorant and remedy. It was also believed that they are good for coughing in chronic bronchitis.
Here is what nobleman Vasily Alekseevich Levshin wrote more than two hundred years ago about the healing properties of turnips, whose name occupies a special place in the history of Russian culture at the end of the 18th century - early XIX centuries V. A. Levshin devoted his whole life to the cause of enlightenment, the dissemination of education, the promotion of scientific knowledge, and spiritual improvement. “The turnip root is refreshing, opens the womb, and is quite nourishing. The juice of fresh turnips, grated, squeezed and boiled with sugar, is a sure remedy for scurvy in the mouth; smearing it on swollen and bleeding gums heals them in two days. From diseases of the chest and cough, a strongly healing juice is prepared from turnips as follows: several fresh turnips should be cut into slices, and in a simple, clay new pot, making a lattice of splinters, put on this layer of turnip slices and sprinkle with fine sugar. On top of this layer, block with more splinters, put more slices of turnip, also sprinkle with sugar, and continue in this way until the pot is full. Then, putting on the lid, coat the seam and put it in the oven free spirit for the night. Juice will collect at the bottom of the pot, which should be taken in half a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening. The juice of a long turnip weakens, calms the excitement in the entrails and animal pain..
For oncological diseases or a predisposition to them, it is recommended to eat turnips with yellow flesh.
Turnip juice and decoction are wonderful antiseptics, they heal wounds well.
Turnip decoction improves sleep, calms the heartbeat. It is drunk with laryngitis, asthma, but especially with acute cough, hoarseness.
With acute warm decoction helps in the form of rinses.
Outwardly, a decoction and turnip juice are used for gout and frostbite.
Juice from fresh turnip roots is used as an expectorant and diuretic.
Turnip is well preserved, therefore it can be used for the prevention of beriberi, as well as a therapeutic product for hypoacid, spastic colitis (constipation).
Weather-sensitive people should definitely include potatoes, carrots, beans, peas and turnips in their menu. The latter, without creating an additional load on the heart (which is already high on days magnetic storms) and digestive organs, helps with its medicinal properties deal with bad health.
Turnip is useful for atherosclerosis, diabetes; it helps dissolve kidney stones.
In diseases of the joints, you need to make gruel from boiled root vegetables and apply to the inflamed joints. This recipe works very well.
Important to remember: turnip is contraindicated with hepatitis, with exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Irina Chekalina

Do you remember the fairy tale about Repka from childhood? How we were surprised how big it is! It turns out that the fairy tale has a rationale.

What is a turnip

The thing is that the turnip has been known for more than 40 centuries, its homeland is Central and Western Asia. In Russia, it was grown long before the adoption of Christianity, it came to us from Greece, many varieties reached a weight of 20 or more kilograms, so it was really problematic to pull it out of the ground alone.

There are annual and biennial varieties of turnips. But in both cases, it is quite early, early varieties ripen in 40-45 days, late - 50-60 days. You can sow it as soon as the earth dries out slightly after winter. It is very unpretentious, grows on any soil. During the season, it is possible to grow two crops, but it is better to store for the winter the one that has ripened closer to autumn.

In our latitudes, the yellow turnip is more popular, but it is not very large.

What is it eaten with

In pre-Christian times, turnips were the most important food item. What did they not do from it! They cooked, steamed, stewed, ate raw, made juice, and at the feasts of Prince Vladimir in Kievan Rus, they served baked turnips stuffed with millet and meat, and washed it down with kvass from turnips.

Young turnip shoots are very useful, they contain a lot of iron and sulfur, and even more calcium than in cow's milk. However, one must be careful - the tops have diuretic properties.

Fresh turnip gives off bitterness, therefore, before eating it raw, it must be poured with boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

With turnips, you can easily prepare a complete three-course meal.

It pairs well with both savory and sweet foods. Grate it, add a handful of raisins and a spoonful of honey - and a sweet salad is ready.

At the same time, it can be mixed with cabbage - it will also come out very tasty and healthy.

From this root crop you can make any dishes - casseroles, stews, even desserts.

Beneficial features

It is easily stored in cool rooms, and does not lose its properties for a long time.

Turnip is indispensable for those who want to lose weight - it is a low-calorie product, only 30 kcal.

Turnip juice can restore even a completely “shrunken” voice in 2-3 days.

In folk medicine

Turnip is a very valuable product - in the past, it saved people from scurvy, especially in the spring, it contains vitamins A and B, its juice was given to children as a remedy for rickets, and there is much more vitamin C than citrus fruits.

It has a lot of fiber, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, so it is indicated during pregnancy.

Turnip juice is used for colds, toothache, when joints hurt, and when it is necessary to support the heart.

It is easily absorbed by the body, shown in baby food.

It is a natural antibiotic, copes with many diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

It contains a unique component, glucoraphanin, which has strong anti-cancer and anti-diabetic properties. It is found only in turnips and a few other varieties of cabbage.

Regular use of turnip prevents the formation of kidney stones, it activates the liver.

All turnips are good. But just be careful if you have a stomach ulcer or gastritis. In this case, it is better not to eat raw turnips.

In folklore

In addition to the well-known fairy tale about Turnip, there are many proverbs and sayings about this vegetable, customs. A marriageable girl was compared to a washed turnip.

And if the girl wanted to give the unlucky groom a turn from the gate, she presented the matchmakers with turnips.

The much revered exotic Japanese daikon fruit is the same turnip. They are the closest relatives.

Turnip was considered a "female" crop, it was sown exclusively by women.

In Ukraine, there was a particularly revered profession of a turnip sower - its seeds are very small and special skill was needed to sow them.

That's how many interesting things an ordinary turnip is fraught with!

Brassica rapa
Taxon: Cabbage family ( Brassicaceae)
English: Turnip, Annual Turnip Rape, Bird Rape

Botanical description

A biennial plant with a thick, round, fleshy root, yellow or white on the outside. The upper part of the fruit, protruding from the ground, under the influence of sunlight takes on a green or brown color. The flesh of the fruit is juicy, yellow or white, with a pleasant taste. The leaves of plants of the first year are up to 50 cm long, yellowish-green, covered with bristles. Flowering turnip shoots of the second year are tall, branched. Stem leaves are blue-gray, or light green, upper sessile. Turnip flowers are yellow. The pod is long, with numerous spherical small seeds and a long spout. Seeds are brown, quickly losing viability.

Places of growth

In the wild, turnip is not found anywhere, it is grown as a garden crop everywhere.

turnip cultivation

Turnip is resistant to cold, has a short growing season. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 1-5 °C, they can withstand short-term frosts down to -10 °C. Seeds germinate on the third or fifth day after sowing. The fruit grows in 60-80 days after sowing. During the summer you can get two crops. For the winter, it is better to store turnips from summer sowing.

Collection and preparation

For therapeutic purposes, turnip root and its juice are used.

The chemical composition of turnips

Contains nitrogenous and nitrogen-free substances (6.5%), fats (0.2%), mineral salts (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur), carotene, thiamine, vitamins (A - 0.04 mg, C - 8 -20 mg, - 0.08-0.11 mg), a significant amount of sugars and vitamin PP.

Pharmacological properties of turnip

Known since antiquity, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antiseptic action.

The use of turnips in medicine

Root decoction and boiled turnip juice are recommended for asthma, severe cold cough, acute, cold loss of voice, palpitations, insomnia. Rinse your mouth with warm decoction for toothache. Turnip enhances sexual desire, is a common antidote.

turnip medicines

In folk medicine, turnips are used for coughs (in the form of juice with sugar to taste, and even better with honey). Turnip juice should be consumed 1-2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.
When coughing, you can eat just boiled turnips.
In acute bronchitis, brew 200 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. crushed turnip fruit, hold on low heat for 15 minutes and drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day.
When applying mashed boiled turnips to sore spots, and make baths from the broth to reduce pain.
For gout, mix 2 parts of mashed turnip with 1 part of goose fat and rub the mixture into sore spots. The same ointment can be used for frostbite.
From rinsing your mouth with turnip decoction: 2 tbsp. l. chopped turnip pour 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes over low heat.
The same decoction can be used for biliary dyskinesia.
Turnip preparations have a weaker effect on the body than preparations from