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Sample outdoor games for high school students. Outdoor games in physical education lessons Outdoor games in the gym for high school students

OUTDOOR GAMES for students in grades 5 - 9


Tag marching
Two teams are located in ranks on opposite sides of the court, behind the lines. One team marches (in a line) in the direction of the other. When the marchers are at a distance of 3-5 m from the enemy line, the teacher suddenly gives a signal, according to which the attackers run behind their line, and the players of the other team try to rush them to the line. Then the teams change roles. The team that kills the most players on the other team wins.

Running for flags
The players are divided into two equal teams. Each of them is located on opposite sides of the playing area, behind the lines. Parallel to these lines, in the middle of the site, a strip 2-3 m wide is designated, on which flags are laid out. At the teacher’s signal, the players of both teams quickly run out to the transverse strip and try to collect as many flags as possible, and then with the flags return to their lines and line up. Team captains collect and count the flags brought by their players. For each flag, the team is given one point. The team with the most points wins. Each player can collect any number of flags. Flags cannot be taken away: for each violation of this rule, the team is fined one point. You cannot run into the lane with flags.

Line relay with running
Three teams line up in lines arranged in the shape of the letter P. A common starting line is drawn in front of the team located between the other two. Ahead, 15-20 m away, three towns are placed in a row. The first numbers of each team stand at the start and, on command, the teachers run to their towns, run around them, come back and, touching their palm, pass the baton to the next player of their team, who has already started at the start. The next players repeat the actions of the first numbers, etc. The team that finishes the races before the others wins.

Dashes with revenue
The site is divided by a transverse line into two equal sections. At a distance of 2 m from each of the short sides of the site, one “playing” line is drawn. Behind them, 10 chocks are placed (along the entire width of the site) at equal distances. The players are divided into two equal teams; are located in their areas in random order. At the signal, the players of both teams, running across the transverse line, try to take the logs of the other team to their side. Players fire at running opponents, who then remain in place. A player from his team can help out those who have been harmed when he touches them with his hand. The team that moves the most chocks in a given time wins. You can only pick off players from the other team in your own half of the court. You can only take one lump per run. If a player is caught with a chock, then the chock is taken away and taken back, the beaten player remains standing in place until the rescue.

Guarding the Runs
Students are divided into two teams: throwers and defenders. The team of throwers, in turn, is divided in half and located in ranks behind the opposite (con) lines, the distance between which is 25-30 m. The right-wing player of one of the ranks of throwers is given a small ball. A circle with a diameter of 1.5 m is drawn in the middle of the site. A jumping stand with a height of 2.5 m is installed in the center of the circle. The defending team, having settled in order, is located around the stand on the outside of the circle. The first number becomes at the end of one of the con lines. At the signal, the throwing team tries to hit the rack with the ball as quickly as possible. One or the other group of this team takes turns throwing the ball at the target. The defending team prevents this. Player No. 1 of this team, at the beginning of the game, runs from the end line to the opposite end and back; the player who runs up to the starting place is replaced by another player, and the first one goes to defend the post, etc. The runs continue until the ball hits the post, after which the game is temporarily interrupted and the number of runs made by the defending team is counted. After this, the teams change roles and places. At the end of the second half of the game, the number of runs made by the defenders is counted. The team that makes the most runs wins. The ball that did not hit the goalpost and flew towards the opposing group is picked up by the players of this group, for which they are allowed to go beyond the line. If the ball, hit by the defenders, falls into the circle near the post or near the defenders, then such a ball is picked up by the next player from the group of throwers who runs over the line. For each run of a player from one line to another and back, the defending team is awarded 2 points. The next player, waiting for the arrival of the runner, must be on the line in advance and be ready to start running at the moment when the runner touches his hand. Defenders must not enter the circle with a stance.

Obstacle course relay
The game is played similar to a linear relay race, but across the path of the runners at a height of 60 cm a rope is suspended on racks and behind it a strip 2 m 10 cm wide is marked on the ground. The next players jump over the rope and across the strip.

Relay in a circle
Four to six teams line up like the spokes of a wheel, turning their right or left side to the center of the circle, in fan-shaped diverging ranks. At the signal, the first numbers, standing at the outermost from the center of the circle, run around and, having reached their team, pass the baton to the next one, and they themselves stand at the end of their ranks (towards the center). The team that finishes the run first wins.

Large, relay race in a circle
Flags are placed at the four corners of the site, and a large flag is placed in the center. The class is divided into three teams, which line up in columns one at a time near the starting line. One runner from each team is called to the starting line. At the signal, they run around four flags and, having reached the finish line (next to the starting line), pass the baton to the second numbers. The winner is the team whose last player finishes running around the flags, is the first to reach the central flag and tap the relay baton on the pole.

Running in teams
Several teams (10-12 people each) are given a start in turn. The winner is the team that runs the distance (up to 500 m) the fastest, without stretching, and finishes in full force in a “corridor” 10 m wide.


Fishing rod with “stepping over” jumps
The players are divided into groups of 6-8 people. The leader in each group spins a rope with a bag at the end so that the bag slides along the floor. The rest of the players stand two steps from the circle along which the bag slides. When the bag is close, the player takes a step forward and pushes off from the ground with another step and jumps over the bag with a string by “stepping over” and then quickly moves back to its original place. The one who touched goes to lead. The one who has been the driver the least number of times wins.

Rope under your feet
The players stand in three (four) columns, one at a time. The distance between the columns is at least 2 m. The head players of each column receive a short rope. At a signal, the first two in each column carry the rope under the feet of the entire column (the rope almost touches the ground). Those standing in the column jump over a rope. When all the players in the column have jumped over the rope, the first player remains behind the column, and the second runs forward and, together with the third player, again carries the rope under the feet of those standing in the column, etc. The game is played until all players run with the rope. The column whose players hit the rope the least number of times wins.


Jump by jump
Two teams stand in columns of two, parallel and at a distance of 2 m from each other. All pairs of players hold short jump ropes by the ends at a distance of 50-60 cm from the floor. At the signal, the first pair of each team quickly puts the rope on the ground, runs to the end of the column, then sequentially jumps over the ropes of all pairs standing in the column. Having reached their previous places, the players stop and take their jump rope. Now the players of the second pair put down their rope, jump over the first rope, run to the end of the column, then jump over all the ropes to the same place, etc. The team that finishes jumping first wins.

Jumpers and tags
The players are divided into two teams: jumpers and tags. Each team stands in a line behind its side line of the court. At a distance of 1 m from one of the front boundaries of the site (parallel to it), the first start line is marked, and in front, 3 m away, the second line. A strip 1.5-2 m wide is designated 10-12 m ahead of the second start line. At the teacher’s command “To the start!” The next four players from the jumping team take places behind the second starting line, and four from the tag team stand behind them at the back of the head (behind the first starting line). At the command “Attention!” jumpers and tags take a high start position, and at the command “March!” everyone runs forward. Jumpers try to quickly reach the strip and jump over it; tags - have time to make fun of the jumpers before they make a jump (tags do not jump). Get one point each: the jumper who will not be hit before the jump, or the one of the tags who manages to get the jumper who has not yet made the jump. The team with the most points wins.

Relay with jumps
Teams of 6-8 people stand for common feature one at a time in columns. The lead players hold in their hands a rope 3 m long, folded in half. A flag is placed in front of each team, 6-8 m away. A 1.5 m wide strip is designated between the flags and the starting line. At the signal, the leading players run forward, jump over the strip, and run around their flag. Returning to the column and jumping over the strip a second time, together with the next player they “pass” a rope folded in half under the feet of the players (at a height of 30-40 cm). Those standing in a column jump over a rope using the “legs bent” method. Then the lead player remains behind the column, and the next one, taking the rope, repeats the actions of the first player. Returning to the column, he, together with the third player in order, draws a string along the column, etc. When the first player receives the string again, he lifts it up, indicating that his team has finished the game. The game is repeated, but in the following version. Players returning to the place of their teams do not pass the rope under the feet of those standing in the column, but hold it with the next player by the ends, stretching it to its full length above the starting line of the run. Running players take turns jumping over the rope by “stepping over”.

Obstacle relay race
At a distance of 50-60 m, various obstacles are installed: a log for climbing, shields for throwing balls at a target, a rope suspended from the posts for high jumps, a “ditch” for long jumps 2 m wide (marked on the ground). A relay race is held along the same obstacle course. Having crossed the strip, the players do not overcome any obstacles on the way back.


The players stand in one open line and count on first or second. The first numbers make up one team, the second numbers make up another. The players of one of the teams are given a small ball. In front of the ranks, at a distance of 6 m, 5 towns of one color and 5 towns of another color are placed in a row at intervals of 1-2 steps, interspersed. Each team has towns of a certain color. At the signal, the teams take turns volleying (all players at the same time) throwing balls into the towns. Each knocked down town of its color moves one step further, and the knocked down town of the other team moves one step closer. The team that managed to move its goals further during the game wins (the total number of steps by which the goals were pushed is taken into account).

The game involves two teams of 9 people. The game requires a flat area measuring 40x30 m. Retreating 3 m from the short lines of the field, draw the city and horse lines. On the. at a distance of 1.5 m from the city line, on the right side of the site, draw a suburb line 3 m long. The city, city and suburb lines are marked at the ends with flags. Accessories for the game: small rubber ball, lapta, distinctive armbands, 6 flags. Before the game (by lot), one team (hitting) goes beyond the city line, the other team (field) is located on the court in random order. At the signal, the first player in line from the kicking team, standing behind the suburb line, hits the ball with his rounder, directing it into the field. If the shot was good and the ball flew far, then the player who struck the shot, leaving the rounder, runs across the field beyond the line and back beyond the city limits. If the blow was weak and the ball fell nearby, then the player waits for a good blow, the next player and then runs with him. Players from the field team try to catch the kicked ball from the air or grab the ball from the ground and hit one of the running players from the city team. A caught “candle” gives the field players the undisputed right to move to the city; the other team becomes the field team in this case. If one of the field players manages to hit the running player of the kicking team with the ball, all players on the field must quickly run away into the city, since the players of the kicking team can grab the ball and, in turn, hit any player on the field who did not have time to run beyond the city limits. , etc. The task of the team’s kicker is to lead the opponent’s field longer, and the opponent should try to change the team of kickers as quickly as possible. Each player on the kicking team who successfully runs from the city to the end and back beyond the city limits receives a point for his team. The team with the most points wins.

1. Each player of the kicking team can kick the ball only once, regardless of whether he hits or misses the ball. He gets the right to a second strike and further ones every time after he runs off the line and returns to the city without being hit by the ball.
2. Two or three players can make dashes at once.
3. For return runs from the knight line to the city, players can wait for the most favorable moment. In this case, running out from the stake line is allowed after the next blow from the suburb line.
4. Field team players have the right to run with the ball across the entire field and throw the ball to one another.
5. Field team players are prohibited from interfering with those running across (getting in the way, delaying).
6. Runners are prohibited from crossing the side lines of the site.
7. A ball deliberately hit by a player out of bounds is not counted and the kick is taken again.

Strong throw
The players, divided into two teams, stand one against the other at a distance of 20 m behind the lines. Ahead, 3 m from each line, another parallel “city” line is drawn. There is a basketball in the middle of the court, and all players have one small ball. At the signal, the players (in random order) throw their balls at the basketball, trying to roll it beyond the opponent’s city limits. The team that rolls the ball first wins.

Four racks (lapta version)
Two teams play. One is located in the “city”, the other in the “field”. In four places of the field, four stands are placed at a distance of 10 m from one another. The players of the city team take turns throwing the ball into the field with a rounder and run, touching each of the four posts with their hand, and return to their city. In case of danger, the running back can stop at one of the posts, waiting for the next ball to be served. Players on the field team try to catch the kicked ball on the fly or pick it up from the ground and hit someone running across with the ball. When they succeed, the teams change roles. Each player who returns safely back to the city receives one point for their team. The team that scores the most points during the game (15-20 minutes) wins.

Agile and accurate
On the site, three circles with a diameter of 3, 10 and 15 m are drawn one inside the other. 6 towns are placed around the circumference of the small circle. Two teams play. Each team has one captain and three defenders. The rest of the players are servers. Captains stand in a small circle, defenders stand in the middle, and servers are randomly placed in a large circle. The teacher gives a volleyball to one of the captains, he throws it to his player in the large circle (server), the player from the large circle tries to pass the ball back to his captain, but the defenders try to intercept the ball and pass it to their server. The captain, having received the ball, knocks down one of the towns with it. The downed town is being cleaned up. The teacher gives the ball to the other captain and the game continues. The team whose captain knocks down four towns first wins. It is prohibited to take the ball out of your hands or hold it in your hands for more than 3 seconds. If the defender of one of the teams accidentally touches the town with his foot and knocks it to the ground, then the town is considered as if it was hit by the ball of the captain of the other team.

Step forward
The game is played on a large court. On both sides of the center line of the site, retreating 60 m, horse lines are marked. Two teams are randomly located on their sides of the court, 15-20 m from the center line. One of the team players, starting the game, throws a volleyball towards the other team's end line. Game 1 players of the second team try to catch the ball on the fly. If the ball is caught, then the next player has the right, holding the ball in his hands, to take three large steps (jumping) forward from the place where the ball was caught and throw it towards the end line of the opponent’s court. The ball that has fallen to the ground is thrown by the next player from the place where the ball fell. Throwing and catching the ball continues until one of the teams manages to throw the ball over the front line of the other’s court. This team wins


Lapta with obstacles
Two teams play. One is located in the “city”, the other in the “field”. Three circles with a diameter of 1 m are drawn in the field at a great distance from one another. These are stations. One of the field team begins to serve the ball in the city. Players from the city team, in turn, hit the ball with a rounder and run in order to the first, second and third stations, trying to return to the city without being greasy. On the way from the third station to the city, they have to overcome two obstacles: a marked trench 1.5 m wide and an inverted barrier (a fence 60-70 cm high). The player who hits the ball and manages to run through all three stations without stopping, overcome two obstacles and return to the city unscathed gets four points for his team. If the run comes after the second or third hit (by the second or third player), then the team receives only one point. During dashes, field players catch the ball and throw it at those running while they are outside the city or outside the station. If someone is upset, the teams change places and roles. The game lasts 15-20 minutes. The team with the most points wins.

Relay race with running, jumping, throwing

For the relay race, two rows of obstacles should be prepared: logs 50-70 cm high, a smooth palisade (fence) 80 cm high, a “trench” (a strip 2 m wide) and a circle with a diameter of 3 m. Two people start (one from each team). At a signal, they run 15 m, overcome a log, run another 20 m and jump “stepping” to overcome the palisade; run 15 m, jump over the “trench” and throw to the fan in a circle marked 15 m from the throwing line. After throwing grenades, the players quickly return, avoiding obstacles, to the starting line. The one who comes running first and hits the circle with a grenade gets two points for his team; The one who comes running second when entering the circle gets one point. Then the start is given to the next pair. The team with the most points wins.

"Who is faster?"
On the court from the center line there are two lines on both sides at a distance of 20 m. Two teams play. Compete in pairs (one player from each team). The next pair stands on the designated opposite lines. At the teacher’s signal “March!” they run towards, sticking to the right side, and try to run through the center line (middle) earlier. Whoever succeeds gets a point for his team. The teacher stands on the side of the middle line and awards victory. Then the next pair starts. The team with the most points wins. Outdoor games for primary schoolchildren

— Holding competitions, creating a festive atmosphere in the team;

— development of students’ creative abilities;

— formation of communication skills of boys and girls.

Equipment: boxes with paper, strips of fabric, cellophane, newspapers, prizes for the winners.

Preparation for the competition: A few days before the evening, 3-5 boy-girl pairs are determined, 1 or 2 presenters are selected, and a jury is elected.

Progress of the evening:

Presenter: Dear girls and boys! Imagine that to celebrate a holiday together, you went on a boat trip and went to a bar to drink a cup of coffee. The young man, wanting to win over the girl, tells her jokes.

Competition 1 – for the best joke

Host: You are drinking coffee, listening to music, and suddenly your ship crashes. The current washes you ashore. You looked around the island and realized that the island was uninhabited. The most unusual adventures await you here. Usually girls are very emotional, but in extreme situations boys are more likely to panic.

Competition 2 “Don’t panic, friend!”

Host: You, dear girls, need to find the necessary words and calm your friend.

Well, you calmed down and pulled yourself together. We looked around, made sure that the island was really uninhabited, and you would have to settle down for the night.

Competition 3 “My house is on the edge”

Presenter: Boys must draw a design for a home, and girls must draw clothing models. After all, your clothes have become unusable.

Each couple chooses what material the clothes will be made from - paper, strips of fabric, cellophane...

Housing projects and clothing models are demonstrated and commented on.

Host: As you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Competition 4

create a menu for one day from what grows and runs around

Host: Now that you are well-fed, you have a cozy home, suitable clothes, you, dear young men, have noticed what a wonderful friend you have - she cooks deliciously, sews, supports you, and you are already in love with her.

Competition 5 “Oh, the light of my eyes!”

“Oh, the light of my eyes!” - declaration of love (you can invite the young man to congratulate the girl on the holiday and give her a gift - a flower, a souvenir, etc.)

Host: While the lovers were declaring their love, a storm began and your island is flooded with water.

Competition 6 – dance on a newspaper

Couples dance on the newspaper, the newspaper is folded in half, then in four, etc.

Host: So far everything has been going well, but it turns out that there are owners on the island. They have been watching you for a long time and wanted to get to know you better.

(Exit of the Papuans - dance)

But your intentions are unknown to them, maybe they want to roast and eat you, or, conversely, invite you to the fire of friendship.

Competition 7 “Mine is yours, don’t understand”

It is necessary to communicate with the locals through dance, song, and pantomime.

Host: But, fortunately, the Papuans turned out to be sociable and kind, and you found a common language perfectly.

Competition 8 “Cry of the Soul”

Host: Your life on the island is going well. You have everything here: a good home, a beloved girl, many friends... But you increasingly began to remember the comfort of civilization. And when you saw the ship, your soul began to sing.

A song is being performed.

The results are summed up and the winners are awarded prizes.

These musical fun games can be used at parties and discos for high schools.

Creative tasks

1. Compose a story from lines of songs on the topic: “Russia is my homeland”, “Travel to my native land”, “Forest is a wonderland”, “School time”, etc.

2. “Our words are your music.” To the melody of a famous song, come up with your own words.

3. Compose a medley of famous songs. Sample themes: “Childhood, childhood...”, “Summer in the countryside,” “Fairy-tale state.”

4. Present a clip to the lyrics of the song (your choice or theme).

5. Illustrated song. Match the song to the given pictures.

7. Try marching in formation using a well-known song, for example:

“There was a grasshopper sitting in the gravel”;

"Tired toys are sleeping";

“The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”


For the game, prepare theme cards and put them in a bag. It is necessary to name the song or the corresponding lines from the song. Thinking time is 30-60 seconds. Sample answer options are provided. It is possible that another team (or player) will offer an answer if a timely response is not forthcoming. The team with the most answers wins.

Topic name

Title of song or line

1. Transport

1. Blue carriage

2. Antoshka

3. Geographical names

3. Chunga-Changa

4. Life is everywhere

4. Grasshopper

5. It’s fun to walk together

6. Events

6. Song of the crocodile Gena

7. Joy

8. Lesson schedule

8. Twice two is four

9. Apple trees in bloom

10. Lily of the valley, lily of the valley

11. Beginning

11. Smile

12. Infancy

12. Top-top

13. Toy

13. I was once strange...

14. A coward doesn't play hockey.

15. Yummy

15. Five hundred popsicles as a gift

16. Radio Siberia

17. Color palette

17. Orange song

18. Profession

18. Hold on to the steering wheel tightly, driver...

19. Seasons

19. What is autumn?

20. They teach at school


Flip cards can be numbered and teams can be asked to name 3-5 numbers. Do not repeat the numbers mentioned. And then, according to the well-known logic of the game, read what is proposed upside down.

1. Melons and watermelons withered,

The rains drowned underground.

2. The night of defeat, it was so close to you.

3. Friends restored someone else’s hut, healed half of her loved ones...

4. Pigs, pigs, wake up the generals.

5. A birch tree was cut down in the field.

6. Crawl, crows, crawl!

7. I offered myself a hundred times.

8. There are so few unmarried girls.

9. A grimace makes a bright night darker.

10. It was never a good subject without a name.

11. There someone stood up in a beam.

12. Over the lake from the shallows,

From the gorges of swamp waters.

13. A man’s grief is not happy with the nasty thing in the distance.

14. Drivers don’t have to crawl gracefully in the snow.

15. The dance prevents me from destroying and dying.

16. Think about the weeks below.

17. Grandfather’s one sad chicken died.

18. The boy laughs: the cube crawled.

1. Apple and pear trees bloomed,

Fogs floated over the river.

2. Victory Day, how far it was from us.

3. Enemies burned my home,

They killed his whole family...

4. Nightingales, nightingales, do not disturb the soldiers.

5. A Christmas tree was born in the forest.

6. Fly, pigeons, fly!

7. You refused me twice

"Don't want!" - you said.

8. There are so many guys who are single.

9. A smile makes a gloomy day brighter.

10. I was once strange toy unnamed.

11. Someone came down the hill.

12. From behind the island to the core,

Into the expanse of the river wave. ,

13. Women's happiness - if only a sweetheart were nearby.

14. Let pedestrians run clumsily through puddles.

15. The song helps us build and live.

16. Don't think down on seconds.

17. Two cheerful geese lived with grandma.

18. The girl is crying - the ball has flown away.


According to the proposed description, teams or players, filling out their card, mark answers numbered 1, 2, etc. Whoever has the most correct answers wins.

1. A song about a long journey of a little girl wearing a headdress

2. A song about keeping the head of one of the mammals with brown fur

3. A song about animals, thanks to which our planet moves around its axis

4. A song about animals with long ears who work as lawn mowers.

5. A song about four men in feathered hats who are grateful for a lot of things.

6. Song about the tragic death of a small insect

7. A song about the future, which should not be cruel to our contemporaries

8. A song about a tanned girl picking grapes in a neighboring garden

9. Song about the paramount™ of aviation

10. A song about a city where trains don’t go and planes don’t fly.

11. A song about an animal that the whole house hates

12. Song about a lonely swimmer with a pipe

13. A song about using a smile as electricity

14. Song about the country,

where can you meet the firebird

and a golden horse

15. A song about a creature that every mongrel knows

16. Song about misuse of sodium chloride

17. A song about the daily activities of children for 10-11 years

18. Song about a lonely beauty


1. “If for a long, long, long time...”

2. “There is sawdust in my head...”

3. “Somewhere in this world...”.

4. “But we don’t care...”

5. “It’s time, it’s time, let’s rejoice...”

6. “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass...”

7. “The beautiful is far away...”

8. “Dark-skinned woman.”

9. “First of all, airplanes...”

10. “The boy wants to go to Tambov...”.

11. "Black cat."

12. “And I will go into the water...”

13. “A smile will make the day brighter...”

14. “Small Country.”

15. “Now I am Cheburashka...”

16. “Don’t rub salt in my wound...”

17. “What they teach at school.”

18. “There was a birch tree in the field...”


Prepare question cards. In this game, questions are focused on attention, observation, and memory. The task of the players or team is to give the exact answer using the lines of the song.

1. What words did the boy “write in the corner” in his drawing?

2. What can you do in a fairy tale?

3. Who is grazing in the meadow far, far away?

4. What were the geese doing in the puddle by the ditch?

5. What happened to the bear when he walked to his den along a country road?

6. Who was the grasshopper's friend?

7. Why did you fall in love with the beetle, the good old man?

8. What's in Winnie the Pooh's head?

9. What are our girls made of?

10. Where does friendship begin?

11. A piece of paper is hanging on the fence, swaying in the wind. What's written on it?

12. Dad can do anything! Swim breaststroke, argue with bass, even chop wood. Why can't daddy do it?

13. What causes a dog to bite?

14. What weapons do the royal guards use to kill the sparrows?

15. Bremen musicians believe that there is nothing better in the world than...?

16. What does a candidate of sciences do when a first-grader is given a problem at school?

17. What happened to the half-educated wizard when he wanted to make a thunderstorm?

18. Once a needle, two needles - what will happen?

19. The fast train is picking up speed. What kind of trailers does he have?

20. If you stomp, drive and run along the path for a long time, where can you come?

21. What song does the cheerful wind sing?

22. What song did the brave captain sing both in trouble and in battle?


1. May there always be sunshine,

May there always be heaven

May there always be a mother

May it always be me.

2. In a fairy tale you can swing on the moon

And ride across the rainbow on a horse.

3. That's right, cows!

4. The geese washed their feet in a puddle near the ditch.

5. Stepped on the fox's tail.

6. He didn’t touch the booger and was friends with the flies.

7. He has a very light soul, a merry fellow.

8. There is sawdust in my head, yes, yes, yes!

9. From flowers and bells, from notebooks and exchanges of glances. From handkerchiefs and balls, from riddles and marmalades.

10. Well, friendship begins with a smile.

11. A dog named Druzhok disappeared.

12. You can’t only be a mother.

13. Only from the life of a dog does a dog become a biter.

14. If a sparrow is close, we are preparing a cannon.

15. Wander around the world with friends.

16. The candidate of sciences even cries over the problem.

17. And he received a goat, a pink goat with a yellow stripe.

18. There will be a Christmas tree.

19. The blue carriage is running and swaying.

20. You can come to Africa.

21. He who is cheerful laughs,

Whoever wants it will achieve it,

Who seeks will always find.

22. Captain, captain, smile,

After all, a smile is the flag of a ship.

I bring to your attention a selection of several outdoor games for high school students - for students in grades 10-11.

"Kick and head through the net"

Preparation. Two teams of 5-8 people are located on different sides of the net on the volleyball court. Mesh height 180-200 cm.

Contents of the game. At the manager’s whistle, a player from one team kicks the ball (from his hands) through the net into the opponent’s half. The task of the players on whose side the ball is to send it over the net with no more than three kicks or head kicks. If one of the teams makes an error, the game is stopped and the team that made it loses the point or service. The score in the game is kept to 10 points, three games are played.

With a change of serve (after an error by the serving team), players move clockwise on the court, as in volleyball. After each game, players change sides of the court.

The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Rules of the game: 1. The game is scored according to volleyball rules. 2. It is prohibited for one player to hit the ball twice, touch the ball with his hands, hit the wall (beyond the line limiting the court) or under the net.

"Break through the wall"

Preparation. The site is divided by a center line. A line is drawn on the front sides of the wall at a height of 1.5 m. The space from the floor to the line is the zone of an improvised gate. The players are divided into two teams of 5-8 people. Each, at its own discretion, is located on one half of the site.

Contents of the game. The soccer ball is thrown in the middle between two players. The players can pass the ball on one half of the field among themselves in order to choose a convenient moment to hit the target, which is the lower part of the wall in the opponent’s half. The team without the ball organizes a defense against the zone where the ball is located, puts up a “wall”, and uses individual interceptions. If the attackers manage to direct the ball into the goal area (in an open area - the end line), they receive a point. The opponent begins to play the ball and, in turn, tries to complete the attack. The game lasts 10 minutes, after which the teams change sides of the court.

The team that scores the most points within the set time wins. Playing with two balls is also practiced.

Rules of the game: 1. It is prohibited to cross the center line or hold the ball with your hands. 2. The ball that bounces off the wall in the field of the kicking team (without touching the defenders) is returned to the opponent. 3. For touching the ball with your hand or three inaccurate shots above the goal line, a penalty kick is awarded, which is taken from the center line into a conditional goal defended by one player. 4. The ball can be held with your foot, body, or hit with your head.

"At a ground target"

Preparation. On each side of the volleyball court, two circles with a diameter of 1.5 m are drawn near the attack line. Two teams are located on opposite sides of the net. Players on the same team have a tennis ball in their right (or left) hand.

The team whose players managed to score the most points wins.

Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. The player behind the net, placing a block, tries to interfere with the opponent. 3. For hitting any circle, the attacker receives two points, and if he went around the block but missed (the ball landed within the court), - 1 point.


Preparation. Players are positioned on both sides of the net (as in volleyball). The team has 6-8 people.

A player who makes a technical error is sent to the opposite side beyond the captivity line. The team loses serve. The game resumes. The game lasts 10-15 minutes.

The winner is the team that has fewer players in the prisoner zone at the end of the game.

Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. During the game, the prisoner (without going into the field) tries to intercept the ball and serve (without interference from the opponent) to his court. The players of his team send the ball back with any blow (out of three). If they successfully complete the attack, the prisoner returns to his partners, and in case of an error, the second player goes beyond the line of captivity. 3. During the game, members of the attacking team can deliberately throw the ball to their partners who are in captivity. 4. The game follows volleyball rules

Elimination Volleyball"

Preparation. Two teams of 6-8 people are located randomly, each on its own half of the volleyball court.

If during the game the team makes a mistake again (the sixth violation in a row), then it loses one more player, etc. When both sides have suffered “losses,” the game continues, but the team that made the next, third, mistake decides (based on tactical considerations) whether to remove its next player from the field or remain in the same lineup, but allow the opposing player to return to the court teams. The game consists of 3-5 games. Each ends when the last player of one of the teams leaves the court.

The team that wins the most games wins. You can limit the games to time (12-15 minutes) and determine the winner in each of them based on the largest number of remaining players.

Rules of the game: 1. Mistakes are recorded according to volleyball rules. 2. After a participant leaves the game, the team that made the mistake serves. 3. Participants return to the game in the order in which they were eliminated (1st eliminated, then 2nd, etc.). 4. Players in teams take turns serving, moving clockwise on the court (as in volleyball).

List of used literature:

  1. Zhukov M.N. Outdoor games: Textbook. for students ped. universities - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 160 p.



Number of players: from 10 to 40 people.
Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. at a distance of 15 - 20 m, two parallel lines are drawn. This is "home". The driver becomes in the center of the site, and everyone else is located behind the line of one of the “houses”.

Description of the game. At the leader’s signal, the children say in chorus:
We. funny boys,
We love to run and play.
Try to catch up with us!
After the word “catch up,” the players run to the opposite “house.” The driver tries to catch up with them and touch them with his hand. The stained ones step aside. After this, the game is repeated again.

Rules: 1) you can run across only after the word “catch up”; 2) you cannot run back behind the home line; 3) you can catch those running across only to the line of the opposite “house”.
Guidelines. The poem must be memorized first. The drivers should be changed after 3-4 dashes. Along with the new driver, the stained ones also enter the game.
Pedagogical significance of the game. The game helps improve running skills with changes in direction, develops courage, intelligence, speed of reaction and orientation.


Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. In the center of the site, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 60 - 80 cm from one another. On opposite sides of the hall, two “houses” are marked with lines. 1 - 2 drivers are selected - “wolves”, who take a place in the “ditch”. The rest of the players - the “goats” - are located behind the line of one of the “houses”.

Description. At a signal, the “goats” run to another “house”, jumping over the “ditch” as they go. “Wolves” are trying to tarnish the jumpers. Those caught move aside. After this, the run is repeated. Those who are never caught win.
Rules: 1) Dash runs are allowed only at a signal; 2) you cannot step on the “ditch”; 3) “wolves” do not have the right to run out of the “ditch”; 4) those who linger in front of the “ditch” must jump over it at the command of the leader, otherwise they are considered caught.

Methodical instructions. When there are a large number of players, dashes are carried out in several groups. The distance between the lines and the number of “wolves” in the “ditch” can be increased.
Options: 1) jump over the “ditch” from a standing position (with a push of one or two legs); 2) after counting, the stained continue to play.
Pedagogical significance of the game. The game helps improve running and long jump skills, develops orientation, intelligence, and courage.


Number of players; 20 - 30 people.
Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. On opposite sides of the hall, two “houses” are marked with two parallel lines. Two drivers - “frosts” - stand in the middle of the platform. The rest are located behind the home line.

Description. Two “frosts” but the leadership team addresses the players with the words:
We are two young brothers.
Two frosts are removed:
I am the red frost of the village.
I am blue nose frost*.
Which one of you will decide
Set off on a path?
The children answer them:
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost.
*The drivers pronounce the third and fourth phrases in turn.

With these words, the children begin to run to the opposite “house”. “Frosts” stain them - “freeze them.” Those caught remain in the place where the “frost” touched them.
During the reverse run, performed after the same command, the players try to help out the stained ones by touching them. Frost interferes with this.
After several dashes, the drivers change. Those who are not caught win.

Rules: 1) you can run across only after the words “and we are not afraid of frost”; 2) you cannot return to the “home”; 3) you cannot run out of the “house” to free those caught.
Methodical instructions. The words must be learned before the game starts. It is better to place the drivers one behind the other, outlining their area of ​​action. Assistants should be involved in judging.
Pedagogical significance of the game. The game requires players to quickly navigate, dexterity, and courage. It helps to develop a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance, helps to improve the ability to run quickly, easily changing the speed and direction of movements.


Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. The players are counted in threes (fours or fives). Two players join hands, and a “hare” becomes between them. Two drivers are selected - “hunter” and “hare”. All players are evenly distributed around the court.
Description. At the signal, the “hunter” begins to catch the “hare”, which is running away from him. Fleeing from persecution, the “hare” runs into someone’s “house”. The owner of the “house” is forced to run away from the “hunter” himself. If the “hunter” manages to touch the runner, then they change roles.
Rules: 1) you cannot run through the “house”; 2) those standing in the “house” must immediately run out to make room for the “new hare”; a “hare” that hesitates can be stained; 3) you cannot stop the “hare” from running into the “house”.
Methodical instructions. Those standing in pairs must be replaced with those running away, having established the rule that the one running away must be replaced by the players forming the “house”. One should not be allowed to catch one pair of players for a long time.
Options: 1) move the “houses” around the site; 2) close “houses” upon a signal.
Pedagogical significance of the game. The game helps improve reaction speed, orientation, dexterity, and fosters resourcefulness and determination.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. The players are divided into two subgroups. Some, holding hands, form a circle - a “cage”. Others are located on the outside of the circle. It is better to play the game with musical accompaniment, for which two melodies are selected.
Description. At the leader’s signal, those standing in a circle to the music begin to move in one direction. The other part of the players - the “birds” - with their arms spread out to the sides, moves in the opposite direction. Then the melody changes, those standing in a circle stop and raise their hands up. The “birds” run in and out of the “cage”. At the second signal, the music stops, those standing in a circle squat and lower their hands down. Those who find themselves inside the “cage” are considered caught and join the general circle. So the game continues until all the “birds” are caught.
Rules: 1) you cannot lower your hands (“close the cage”) before the signal; 2) those whose heads are inside the cage at the moment of the signal are considered caught; 3) during the second melody, all the “birds” must run through the cage.
Methodical instructions. The direction of the players' movements needs to be changed. The duration of the melody should be different. It is necessary to ensure that children do not use force when detaining them.
Options: 1) move with dance steps; 2) select several melodies that require in various ways movement.
Pedagogical significance of the game. The game improves reaction speed, develops an ear for music, rhythmic movements, develops determination and creative activity.


Number of players: 10 - 20 people.
Place: hall, corridor, platform.
Preparation. The players form a circle. The driver becomes inside the circle.
Description. At the direction of the leader, the driver closes his eyes. One of the players approaches the driver, touches him and, changing his voice, calls his name. After the player returns to his place, the leader allows the driver to open his eyes and name the appropriate one. If he guesses correctly, the named player takes his place.
Rules: 1) you cannot open your eyes without the permission of the manager; 2) you only need to return to your place.
Methodical instructions. The driver who has not guessed correctly several times must be replaced by another. You can allow the players not to say the name, but to imitate animals and birds.
Pedagogical significance of the game. In this game, children learn to move silently. They develop hearing and observation skills. The game is typical for the final part of the lesson.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. The players are divided into teams with an equal number of players. Each number receives the name of an animal: “lion”, “bear”, “elephant”, etc. All teams line up in a column behind the starting line. At a distance of 5 - 8 m, another line is drawn.
Description. On command, the first numbers of all teams begin to move to the opposite line. At the same time, they imitate the movement of the animals they depict. Having reached the line and touched it with their hand, they return back. The first one to arrive brings his team a point. After this, on command, the second numbers start running, etc.
Rules: 1) you can start moving only with the command “March!”; 2) having reached the line, you need to touch it with your hand; 3) while running, be sure to imitate the movements of the animal.
Methodical instructions. You should not choose too complex methods of transportation. It is necessary to ensure that the order and discipline of the players are maintained. If necessary, you can arrange the students not in columns, but in a line. After each dash, the total score must be announced.
Option: sudden call of numbers.
Pedagogical significance of the game The game promotes the development of speed, dexterity, strength, and fosters responsibility for one’s actions before the team.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place and equipment: hall; 4 - 6 balls, the same number of clubs.
Preparation. The players are divided into four to six teams, which are located in columns behind the starting line. At a distance of 4 - 6 m from the starting line, a mace is placed in a circle against each team. A ball is placed in front of each team.
Description. At the signal, the first players throw or roll the ball along the floor, trying to hit the club with it. After that, they quickly run after the ball and return it to the second player. The fallen mace is placed in a circle. The second player repeats the actions of the first. For knocking down a mace, the team gets a point. The team that finishes the relay earlier wins (for this it receives 10 points) and knocks down more clubs, i.e., scores more points.
Rules: 1) the mace can only be knocked down in the specified way; 2) when throwing, do not step over the line; 3) players must not be prevented from picking up their ball or club; 4) it is not allowed to throw the ball to the next player before reaching the starting line.
Pedagogical significance of the game. The game improves throwing skills, develops dexterity and accuracy of movement.


Place and equipment: hall, platform; small ball.
Preparation. The driver receives the ball and stands inside the circle. The rest of the players stand in a circle and are counted in numerical order.
Description. At the leader’s signal, the driver throws the ball to the floor and calls any number. The called player runs into a circle and tries to catch the ball. At this time, the rest of the players scatter around the court. Having caught the ball, the player shouts: “Stop!” Everyone stops at the place where the team found them. The driver throws the ball at one of the players, who can dodge the ball without leaving their place. If the ball hits a player, he is given a penalty point and the game starts again. If the throw is unsuccessful, then the driver runs after the ball and, having caught it, again commands: “Stop!”
Rules: 1) it is not allowed to move from the place after the command “Stop!”; 2) you can’t throw the ball too hard.
Methodical instructions. After an unsuccessful throw by the driver, all players must return to their places in the circle. You should not be allowed to hide behind each other or in any shelters. The game is played until a certain number of penalty points
Options: 1) give each player a number or name of the animal; The driver, when throwing the ball, must correctly name this player; 2) include a rule about “receiving the ball” from the driver. The player receiving the ball. becomes a driver. These options are suitable for children of older age groups.
Pedagogical significance of the game. The game helps to consolidate the skills of catching and throwing a small ball, helps develop reaction speed, orientation, and the ability to quickly switch from one action to another.



Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. Two parallel lines are drawn in the middle of the site. All players are divided into two teams, which are located along the line opposite each other. Behind them, two or three meters from the wall, lines of “houses” are drawn. One team is called "day", the other - "night".
Description. The leader names one of the teams. The named team catches the players of the other team, who turn and run away to their “home”. After counting the spots, the teams return to their places and the game is repeated again. The team that catches the most players wins.
Rules: 1) start running only on command; 2) catch those running away only up to the “house” line; 3) you cannot run away from pursuers by changing the direction of your run.
Methodical instructions. Commands must be called unexpectedly. Assistants should be involved in judging.
Options: 1) use different starting positions for the players; 2) invite the players to perform various tasks - exercises.
Pedagogical significance. The game improves the speed of reaction to auditory signals.


Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. Lines of “houses” are drawn on opposite sides of the site. The players are divided into two teams, which are located behind the lines in one line.
Description. By appointment of the captain of one of the teams, one of the players runs to the “house” of the “enemy”. Participants extend their arms forward with their palms facing up. The running player touches the palms of one or three different players three times. After the third touch, the player runs to his “home”, and the participant he called tries to catch him. If he does not succeed, then he stands behind the head of the player who called him, and if he is successful, the escaper is taken “captive” by the other team. After this, the captain of the opposing team nominates his player to take out the “enemy”. The team with the most caught players wins.
Rules: 1) you cannot start running before the third touch;
2) you can only fish up to the “home” line; 3) the one caught goes over to the opposite side and becomes a “prisoner” of the player who called him; 4) the “prisoner” can be rescued.
Methodical instructions. Captains should not be allowed to send out the same players for call-ups in a row. The game must be played without long pauses, requiring quick action from the players.
Pedagogical significance. The game helps to develop reaction speed, running speed, courage and mutual assistance.


Number of players: 30 - 40 people.
Place: platform, hall.
Preparation. On opposite sides of the site there are two lines of the “house of crucian carp”. The driver - “pike” - stands in the middle of the site, the rest of the players - “crucian carp” - are located in one of the houses.
Description. At the command of the leader, the “crucian carp” begin to run to the opposite “house”. The "pike" is trying to catch them. The stained ones move aside, and then, when there are 5-6 of them, they join hands and form a “net”. The “pike” stands behind the “net”. Now, when running, the “crucian carp” are required to run through the “net”. Those caught later form a circle - “basket”, and then - “top”, standing in two ranks facing each other. The last one to be caught wins.
Rules: 1) running is allowed only on command;
2) “crucian carp” are obliged to run through all the “nets” of “fishermen”;
3) the players forming the “net” should not interfere with the running “crucian carp”; 4) the “pike” cannot run into the “net” (players can catch it).
Methodical instructions. If there are a large number of players, there may be two drivers. Participants should be encouraged to take active, decisive action.
Pedagogical significance. The game helps to develop speed, dexterity, orientation, courage, and teamwork.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place and equipment: hall, platform; two big balls.
Preparation. The players form a circle and settle for 1st - 2nd. The first numbers make up one team, the second numbers make up another. The directors of both teams - the captains - are given a basketball or volleyball.
Description. At the signal, the captains pass the ball to the nearest players of their team. Moreover, it is determined in advance that one team passes the ball clockwise, and the other in the opposite direction. The ball is passed to each team player in turn and returned back to the captain. The team that manages to pass the ball a certain number of times around the circle first wins.
Rules: 1) the ball can only be passed through one player; 2) you cannot leave your place; 3) the fallen ball must be caught and, returning to its place, passed to the next player.
Methodical instructions. If there are many players, then several circles are formed. Each circle must have its own judge. The ball should only be passed in a certain way.
Options: 1) perform transfers in a sitting position;
2) before the start of the game, give balls to players located on opposite sides of the circle; 3) pass the ball to both teams in one direction. The game ends when one ball catches up with the second.
Pedagogical significance. The game improves the skills of catching and passing the ball, develops reaction speed and orientation, and cultivates a sense of teamwork.


Number of players: 20 - 25 people.
Preparation. The players are divided into two teams. The site is divided by a line into two halves. On opposite sides of the site, two lines are drawn 2 - 3 m from the wall of the hall. All players are located inside the field, each team on its own side.
Description. One of the teams receives the ball by lot. At the signal, the players of this team begin to hit the players located on the opposite side of the court with the ball. The players of this team do not go out of bounds and try to avoid being hit by the ball. They catch the ball that bounces off the court or player and, in turn, begin to stain the “enemy.” The stained player leaves the game. The team that manages to eliminate the opposing team's players faster wins.
Rules: 1) the player who is hit by the ball from the volley is considered to be spotted; 2) you cannot step over the court lines;
3) catching the ball is allowed, but if the ball is not caught, the player is considered dirty; 4) you cannot run with the ball in your hands (you can move freely without the ball).
Methodical instructions. Each team should have a captain. The length of the field should not be too long, as this will complicate the actions of the players. It is better to determine the methods of throwing in advance and ensure their use. Do not throw the ball too hard, do not aim at the head of those running away.
Options: 1) the stained are captured between two lines on the enemy side. You can help them out by throwing the ball to them; 2) allow shots at players only from two or three points on the center line. The ball can be passed to players at these points.
Pedagogical significance The game is a typical example of team games, which require high coordination of the actions of the participants. It helps to consolidate and improve skills in throwing a ball, develop speed, orientation and reaction, foster teamwork and mutual assistance.


Number of players: 12 - 15 people.
Place and equipment: hall, platform; large ball, three gymnastic sticks.
Preparation. A circle is drawn in the center of the hall. The players are evenly positioned behind his line. A “strengthening” is installed in the center of the circle - three connected sticks. A driver is selected and stands next to the “fortification”.
Description. At the signal, the players try to hit the “fortification” with the ball. The driver interferes with this. The player who hits the target changes place with the driver.
Rules. 1) throw the ball without going beyond the circle line; 2) the driver has no right to hold the fortification with his hands; 3) change the driver only after the “fortification” is knocked down (or the defender himself drops it).
Methodical instructions. The distance between reinforcement and throwing should be adjusted according to the students' abilities. It is necessary to stimulate collective action in every possible way, giving preference to passing the ball.
Options: 1) instead of “strengthening”, place several clubs in a circle, which the driver has the right to install again after a fall; 2) the driver protects the player who is part of the outside circle.
Pedagogical significance The game helps improve the skills of throwing, catching and passing the ball, develops courage, quickness of orientation and decision-making.


Number of players: up to 10 people.
Preparation. The players form a circle with a diameter of 8 - 10 m. 2 - 3 drivers stand in the center of the circle. One of those standing in a circle is given a ball.
Description. At the signal, the players begin to pass the ball to each other. The drivers try to intercept the ball or touch it. If they succeed, then the player who made the mistake takes the place of the driver, who moves into the circle.
Rules: 1) the driver has the right to touch the ball not only in the air, but also in the hands of the players; 2) you cannot run with the ball in your hands; 3) it is not allowed to throw the ball over the driver’s head.
Methodical instructions. It is necessary to draw the attention of the players to the importance of using distracting movements with the ball and the consistency of the actions of the drivers. To teach the players to keep their place, you can arrange them in a drawn circle.
Pedagogical significance. The game is a preparatory game for basketball and handball. In it, students master the skills of technology and tactics of these games.


Number of players: 20 - 40 people.
Place; hall, platform.
Preparation. The players are divided into pairs according to their abilities. In each pair, the players stand opposite each other on one leg, bending the other leg, with their hands behind their backs.
Description. At a signal, the players try to push their shoulder to unbalance the “opponent”, forcing him to stand on two legs. For each successful attempt, one point is scored. The one with the most points wins.
Rules: 1) you cannot push with your hands; 2) you cannot change your leg without a command.
Methodical instructions. The playing area must be level, without holes or potholes. There should be no crowding of players in the hall, which can lead to injury.
Pedagogical significance. The game is used mainly in the introductory part of the lesson. It promotes strength, agility, and reaction speed.


Number of players: 30 - 40 people.
Places: hall, platform.
Preparation. The players line up in one line.
Description. The leader gives various commands. It is necessary to perform those of them before which the word “class” is said. Those who make mistakes take a step forward but continue to play. At the end of the game, the most inattentive ones are marked.
Rule: the player who does not carry out the command with a preliminary word, as well as the one who carries out the command without a preliminary word, take a step forward.
Methodical instructions. You need to pause between successive commands. The game does not have to be played while standing still.
Pedagogical significance. The game helps to learn drill commands and formation changes, develops attention and speed of reaction.



Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. Three squares are drawn in the middle of the hall.
one measuring 10X10 m and two 5X5 m. All players stand in a large square.
Description. At the signal, the fight begins. Everyone strives to stay in the big square. Those behind the lines move to the next square. After a certain time, upon a signal from the leader, the fight stops. Those who have moved to the next square are preparing there to continue the fight. Those who manage to stay in the large square win.
Rules: 1) during a fight, it is allowed to grab the “opponent” only by the arms and body; 2) you cannot attack a player from behind; 3) the one who crosses the limiting lines with both feet is considered eliminated.
Methodical instructions. The game is recommended for boys only. The time of struggle must be strictly dosed (no more than 1 minute). This is followed by a break for explanations and transitions. Each square must have its own judge. It is necessary to demand from the players a fair fight, excluding attacks from behind and two against one.
Option: alternately call one or two pairs into the square. For winning a pair, a team receives a point.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. 3 - 4 m from the steppe on opposite sides of the hall two parallel lines are drawn. An inverted gymnastic bench is installed in the middle, and a gymnastic horse and goat are placed 5 - 6 m from the lines.
The players are divided into 2 teams, which, in turn, are divided into two halves. One part of the team is located on one half of the hall, the other is opposite it (Fig. 2).
Description. At a signal, the guide columns located on one of the sides begin to run to the opposite column. Along the way, they jump over a goat, run along a rail, a gymnastics bench, and crawl under a horse. Then the guides touch the next player on the starting line, who repeats their entire path, and they themselves stand behind the last ones in the column. The game may end when all players have switched sides or returned to their seats.
Rules: 1) you can start running only after touching the next player; 2) for violating the method of overcoming obstacles, players are penalized with points.
Methodical instructions. When distributing players among teams, it is necessary to take into account their strengths. Assistants should be involved in the refereeing to count penalties. You can determine in advance the amount of points for the winner, from which penalty points can be subsequently subtracted.
Pedagogical significance. The game improves skills in overcoming various obstacles, develops dexterity, a sense of balance, coordination of movements, and develops responsibility for one’s actions before the team.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. A line of 3 - 4 m is drawn in the center of the hall. The players, divided into two teams, are located in two opposite ranks. Team captains decide by lot which team to start the game (Fig. 3).
Description. The player designated by the captain jumps forward from the starting line. At the landing site, the judge draws a line along his heels. A player of the other team jumps from this line in the opposite direction. And so the game continues until all participants have jumped. The team whose last player jumps over the starting line wins. After this, the teams change roles.
Rules: 1) when jumping, you cannot step on the line; 2) the jump length mark is made at the closest touch to the start line; 3) everyone has the right to jump no more than once.
Methodical instructions. The game is best played on soft ground. When playing in the hall, you can use mats. Before starting the game, it is useful to repeat the standing jump technique. To avoid disputes, it is advisable to make accurate measurements using a tape measure, meter, etc.
Pedagogical significance. The game improves the standing long jump skill. At the same time, strength and jumping ability are developed, concentration, perseverance, and responsibility for one’s actions are fostered.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place and equipment: hall, platform; lapta and a small ball.
Preparation A “city” line is drawn in the immediate vicinity of the wall of the hall. In the rest of the field, 3-4 circles with a diameter of 1-2 m are planned.
The players are divided into two teams. By lot, one team gets the right to play in the “city” and stands behind the line, and the other is located under the “city”, in the rest of the court (but not in the circles). Each team selects a captain (Fig. 4).
Description. The captain of the team playing in the field takes the ball and, standing in the “city”, throws the ball in front of him. A player from the other team hits the ball with a rounder.
After this, the puncher runs out of the “city” to the first station and, if given the opportunity, runs into the remaining stations and returns back. For this, the team is awarded a point.
After the kick, the players in the field try to catch the flying ball. If they succeed, then the teams change roles. If it is impossible to catch the ball, then the players try to hit the running player with the ball. The game continues until the allotted time expires or a certain number of points are scored. The team with the most points wins.
Rules: 1) you can only cross when the ball is in the field; 2) each player has the right to serve the ball once, the captain can serve three times; 3) a player who was hit by the ball during a run can take the ball and immediately mark the players of the opposing team; 4) hitting the ball and catching the “candle” gives the right to move to the “city”. A change is also carried out if the team in the “city” has no one to serve the ball.
Methodical instructions. In the game it is necessary to use assistants - score counters. It is necessary to draw the attention of team captains to the correct placement of participants depending on their capabilities.
Pedagogical significance. This game is one of the variants of the widespread game of lapta. Its value lies in the active influence on the entire motor system of those involved. The game strengthens the skills of running, throwing and catching a ball, improves speed, accuracy and dexterity of movements, and develops a sense of camaraderie and collectivism.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place and equipment: hall; gymnastic equipment, medicine balls.
Preparation. The lines of the “city” are drawn on opposite sides of the hall. The players are divided into teams of 6 - 8 people. Captains are selected. Each team takes a place in the “city” and has at its disposal the same means of crossing - benches, medicine balls, etc.
Description. At the signal, all teams begin crossing to the opposite “river bank”. To do this, they use the shells they have. When moving, do not touch the floor. The team that solves this problem faster and with fewer losses wins.
Rules: 1) whoever touches the floor is eliminated from the game; 2) when crossing, everyone can help each other (except for those who have dropped out of the game).
Methodical instructions. Before the start of the game, you need to give the teams time to think about their plan of action. The equipment chosen for the game should not be too heavy or bulky. Each team is watched by its own judge. In some cases, you can appoint assistants to insure the players.
Those who drop out of the game take their pre-allocated place. They should not interfere with the game with their tips.
Pedagogical significance. This task type game is very useful. It promotes the development of creative initiative, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and collectivism of the players, and also improves balance, accuracy of movements and strengthens strength.


Number of players: 30 - 40 people.
Place and equipment: hall, platform; several basketballs.
Preparation. The players are divided into several teams and located in columns on opposite sides of the court. Each team receives a ball (Fig. 5).
Description. On command, the guides quickly dribble the ball to the opposite backboard and throw it into the hoop. Having picked up the bounced ball, they bring it back and pass it to the next participant, and they themselves stand behind the last player in the column. The team that finishes the relay first and scores the most points wins.
Rules: 1) dribbling starts only from the court line; 2) a point is counted for hitting the ball into the ring; 3) for violation of the rules of dribbling and moving with the ball, a penalty point is awarded.
Methodical instructions. The relay race can be used to study dribbling and throwing the ball into the hoop. Those throwing the ball into the hoop may be allowed several attempts. Each team must be observed by a referee - a scorekeeper. The method of performing passes and throwing the ball must be determined.
Pedagogical significance. The relay race helps to consolidate the skills of catching, passing, dribbling and throwing the ball into the hoop.


Number of players: about 20 people.
Place and equipment: hall, platform; big ball.
Preparation. The game uses basketball court markings. The players are divided into two teams. Each team wears jerseys or headbands of the same color.
Description. At the leader’s signal, the team captains play the ball. The team that has possession of the ball tries to keep the ball and make as many passes as possible. The other team tries to win the ball and prevent many passes from being made. Having taken possession of the ball, this team, in turn, tries to keep the ball in its hands. The game continues for a certain time or until a specified number of points. The team with the most points wins.
Rules: 1) it is not allowed to take more than 3 steps with the ball and step beyond the court lines; 2) players cannot be held back by hands, pushed, etc.; 3) the intercepted ball is put into play from behind the lines; 4) the ball cannot be passed between the same players more than twice; 5) with each new transfer, the team captain must name the score.
Methodical instructions. If there are a large number of players, you need to create four teams playing in their own halves of the field. The assistants referee the game, and the director monitors the score and time of the game. When organizing the actions of the players, it is important to draw their attention to the correct game of defense, based on holding one specific player.
Pedagogical significance. The game is a preparatory game for basketball and handball. Students learn the technical and tactical elements of these sports games.



Number of players: 15 - 20 people.
Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. In the middle of the site, a corridor 5-6 m wide is outlined. At a distance of 8-10 m from the corridor, four stands for players are installed. Teams are located in columns opposite each other (Fig. 6).
Description. At the leader’s signal, the guides of both teams take a place on the starting line. On the command “March!” they start running to the counter, run around it and head in the opposite direction. Having rounded the second counter, they run into the corridor, where they pass the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the run first wins.
Rules: 1) pass the baton only in the corridor; 2) you cannot hold on to the posts while turning and interfere with the running participant.
Methodical instructions. It is necessary to ensure that the baton is passed correctly. The direction of running of the players should be changed.
Pedagogical significance. The game improves special athletics skills (passing the baton and running along a distance), develops strength and speed, and develops orientation and accuracy of movements.


Number of players: 15 - 20 people.
Place: hall, platform.
Preparation. The players are divided into several teams, each of which lines up in a column. The starting places of each team are marked on the site (Fig. 7).
Description. On command, the guides of each team begin running clockwise. Moreover, everyone tries to catch up and tarnish the one running ahead. Having run around the circle, the guides touch the next participants, who continue the competition. The team whose player is the first to catch up with the “rival” running in front wins.
Rules: 1) do not start running before touching; 2) you cannot interfere with running players of other teams; 3) when running, strictly follow the distance markings.
Methodical instructions. It is better to indicate the path of movement of the players using some objects (stands, medicine balls). While waiting for the start, the next participant must be located behind the second line. If the teams are equal in strength and it is not possible to catch up with anyone, then the game should be interrupted with a pause for rest.
Pedagogical significance. The game helps improve running speed and endurance, and fosters responsibility to the team for one’s actions.

Tug of war

Number of players: 20 - 30 people,
Place and equipment: hall, platform; rope.
Preparation. In the middle of the hall, a start line and two finish lines are drawn, spaced 1 - 2 m from the start line.
The players are divided into two teams in strict accordance with their strength and capabilities (Fig. 8).
Description: The players take the rope and are caught on both sides of the starting line. Moreover, the mark on the rope is located strictly on the starting line. On command, the players try to pull the “opponents” to their side. The team that wins is the one that manages to pull the “enemy” the most times during the game.
Rules: 1) pull only at the command of the leader; 2) the game stops as soon as the mark on the rope crosses the finish line of one of the teams; 3) you must not suddenly release the rope at the moment of tug-of-war.
Methodical instructions. Of great importance is the selection of team composition and the appointment of a good captain who would correctly arrange the participants. Players must be in sports shoes. After each attempt, you need to take a short break to perform several relaxation exercises.
Pedagogical significance. The game promotes strength, strengthens the sense of camaraderie and collectivism. It can be carried out both during training sessions and during recess, physical education holidays, etc.


Number of players: 12 - 20 people.
Place and equipment: hall, platform; volleyball.
Preparation. The players are divided into two equal teams, one of which becomes the server, the other - the receiver. Both teams are located on opposite sides of the volleyball courts (Fig. 9). At the signal, the first player serves the ball in the agreed manner to the opponent’s side, and he quickly runs around the court and returns to his place. Players of the opposing team receive the ball and play among themselves, trying to make as many accurate passes of the ball as possible while the player serving the ball is running. As soon as he returns to his place, the ball is stopped and the ball is passed to the next player to serve. This continues until all players on the serving team have made a run. After this, the amount of points awarded for each pass is calculated, and the teams change roles. The team whose players manage to score more points wins.
Rules: 1) serve the ball only at the signal; 2) a running player does not have the right to run into the court and, to change direction, grab players of the opposing team or touch the ball; 3) two attempts are given to complete the serve. If after the second attempt the ball is not served correctly, then the opposing team is awarded 5 - 10 points; 4) when passing, the ball cannot be passed to the same players repeatedly; the ball should be sent to a different player each time; 5) the play of the ball stops after the completion of the run, after the ball falls on the floor and after a technical error made when passing the ball.
Methodical instructions. The game can be used after students have mastered the technique of serving and passing the ball. You can play not only on the volleyball court, but also in an unequipped room. To play the game, it is necessary to allocate a score counter. The method of serving and passing the ball must be determined in advance.
Pedagogical significance. The game helps to consolidate and improve the technical techniques of playing volleyball, promotes the development of speed of action and running speed, educates composure and responsibility to the team for their actions.


Number of players: 20 - 40 people.
Place and equipment: hall, platform; racks and bars for jumping.
Preparation. Two teams are created from the players, the players of which have differences in form. Teams line up in front of the jumping area (Fig. 10).
Description. At the signal, the first participants from each team begin jumping. They must overcome a set height to participate in the further competition. Everyone makes two attempts in the general flow. If the height is achieved in one of the attempts, the participant continues the competition.
When performing a jump, points are awarded for the correct take-off and landing. For repulsion from the line “3” - 3 points, from the line “2” - 2 points, from the line “1” - one (in accordance with the markings). Same for landing. At best, a participant can get 6 points for a jump. The game is played either until the agreed amount of points scored, or until the largest number of remaining participants is determined.
Rules: 1) all jumps are performed in a certain way, according to a signal; 2) those who do not reach the height are eliminated from the competition.
Methodical instructions. It is necessary to clearly mark the places of take-off and landing. Perform the next jump only after full preparation competition places. Several people are involved in judging: score counters, judges at the lines, at the bar and in the jumping pit.
Pedagogical significance. The main purpose of this game is to consolidate the skills of athletics high jumps, develop the ability to compete and help the team achieve victory.


Number of players: 26 people.
Place and equipment: hall, platform; jumping racks, handball ball.
Preparation. A circle with a radius of 6 m is drawn in the center of the site. A middle line is drawn through it, which divides the site in half. Jumping stands are installed in the center of the circle at a distance of 3 m from one another. The players are divided into teams. Each team consists of 13 people - one goalkeeper, G forwards and 6 defenders. Teams choose a half of the field and the beginning of the game by lot. Each team leaves 6 attackers in its half of the field, and sends a goalkeeper and 6 defenders to the enemy side. The goalkeeper takes his place in the goal, and the defenders are located along the radius of the circle (Fig. 11).
Description. At the signal, the team in possession of the ball begins an attack. By passing the ball and moving, the attackers try to throw the ball into the goal. The defenders interfere with them and, having intercepted the ball, pass it to the opposite side to their attackers. They, in turn, begin to attack the enemy’s goal. The game continues until a certain time or points are counted.
Rules: 1) you cannot go beyond the center line, outside the court or into the central circle; 2) it is not allowed to hold the ball for more than 3 seconds. and run with it more than 3 steps; 3) it is prohibited to detain, push players, or snatch the ball from their hands. For all these violations, the ball is taken away from the team in possession of the ball and passed to the attackers of the opposing team, and the defending team is punished with a free throw from the place of the violation (in this case, the defenders cannot be located closer than 3 m from the ball).
Methodical instructions. The number of players may vary. In the first stages of training, it is advisable to play in small teams. Moreover, there should be more attackers than defenders. In the future, this ratio gradually equalizes.
Pedagogical significance. The game is used in hand ball classes. It helps to consolidate and improve the elements of technique and tactics of this sports game. This version of the game can be played in small halls, and almost a subclass can participate in it at the same time.


Number of players: 15 - 20 people.
Place and equipment: hall. area; racks.
Preparation. Start and finish lines are marked. In the middle of the site, several special stands are installed (5 for each team) at a distance of 2 - 3 m from one another. The players are distributed into teams (of 3 people each) and stand behind the starting line (Fig. 12).
Description. At a signal, the guides run around each post to the finish line and return back. At the start line, the second team numbers take them by the belt. Now they cover this distance together, then three. Returning to the starting line for the third time, they quickly change formation: two take a prone position, and the third takes them by the ankle joints. In this position, they advance in the corridor between the posts to the finish line. Here they change the position again: the two extreme ones carry the middle participant hanging between them. The team that finishes the distance first and receives fewer penalty points wins.
Rules: 1) you cannot knock down the posts and disrupt the formation; 2) it is not allowed to start or end the run prematurely - before the partner arrives and before the lines intersect. Penalty points are awarded for all these violations.
Methodical instructions. It is better to play the game on the ground, on a slope. Tree branches can be used as stands. The distance between the stands can be changed according to the preparedness of the participants. The distance between the start and finish lines should not be more than 20 m.
Assistants are involved in refereeing, counting the mistakes of each team.
Pedagogical significance. The game helps to acquire the motor qualities and endurance necessary for a skier. speed and strength, fosters perseverance in overcoming difficulties, collectivism and coordination of actions. The game can be used in the preparatory period of training young skiers.


Number of players: 15 - 20 people.
Place and equipment: hall, specially equipped area; soccer ball.
Preparation. On opposite sides of the site (at a distance of no more than 30 m) two parallel lines are drawn. The place of delivery is marked on the “city” line. All players are divided into two teams, one of which takes a place in the “city”, the other in the field. The team in the “city” is given a ball (Fig. 13).
Description. At the signal, one of the players kicks the ball into the field from the serving place, and immediately rushes to the opposite “city.” The players of the team operating on the field receive this ball and kick the ball and try to mark the running participant. If the latter manages to run unspotted, then his team gets a point. Otherwise, the teams switch places. The team wins. which will be able to score more points in a certain time.
Rules: 1) when serving, the ball must fly with a low trajectory and must hit the field; 2) it is not allowed to stop the ball with your hands; 3) you cannot interfere with a running player; 4) the person running after a strike must in all cases run into the field. He can return back only after crossing the line of the opposite “city”; 5) the ball that goes out of the field or into the “city” goes to the other team; 6) the player who does not serve the ball is deprived of a run. After two unsuccessful serves, the teams change roles.
Methodical instructions. The game is played in a specially equipped room with protected windows or on the court. Hitting the ball and stopping must be done in a certain way.
Pedagogical significance. The game helps improve the technique of playing football, develops speed, courage, and decisiveness in action.

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