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What is reincarnation and the law of karma briefly. Basic laws of karma with their brief characteristics. What is reincarnation and the law of karma

The kind of life we ​​live now is influenced by the states we experienced in the past and the actions we performed. And how many positive and negative moments there will be in our lives is influenced by the past we ourselves created. The theory of karma speaks very well about this; in this material we will consider it, as well as the basic laws of karma.

The Law of Karma is one of the basic laws of the Universe. In the scientific field, it is known as the law of cause and effect.

Its abbreviated form is as follows:

“For every action there is a reaction.”

This is also described in the famous Vedas:

“For each of our actions, no matter in what form they are manifested - as thoughts, feelings, words or physical effects, there are certain counteractions in the Universe. And whether they will be expressed in the form of reward or punishment - this will be indicated by the act committed by the person.”

At the same time, in their everyday life, people often do not wait for the reward or punishment due to them, since it is regulated by the same people. But the Creator carefully monitors that this law is observed at the level of the Universe.

Fate - what is it and who creates it?

It is probably impossible to find a person who would not be troubled by questions about who he really is, why he appeared in a family with just such and not other conditions, in such a city, with such appearance, financial situation, and so on. In addition, people are constantly looking for the cause of their suffering, trying to understand what they are doing wrong.

Every person from birth already has a certain destiny with a series of events recorded in it. You can find out your destiny by looking at the lines on your palm (palmistry), as well as by drawing up a personal horoscope.

The fact that fate can be predicted has long been proven - so, to many famous people Even in childhood, no less famous seers discovered their fate. Scientists completely deny the possibility of predicting future events; they are convinced that everything in the world is chaotic. In reality, the future, predicted with a probability of at least a few percent, can no longer be chaotic or random.

This also includes modern Christian doctrine (precisely modern, because initially the Slavs had a belief in rebirth, which was later excluded).

If you ask any Christian preacher the questions: “Why do some young children suffer from serious pathologies and die?” or “Why are some people born into rich families, while others are forced to suffer from lack of money throughout their lives?”, they are unlikely to be able to give an intelligible answer to them. As for the concept of transmigration of souls, here you can get answers to any of your questions.

Fate is the totality of all the bad and good deeds that a person has done previously. Knowing this helps to improve one’s present, because a person already begins to think before doing something bad, knowing that in the end it will turn against him. Next, let's look at the basic laws of Karma.

What are the laws of karma?

Today, probably every person has heard about the concept of karma. Different people fill this word different meaning, and many “experts” offer their services for clearing karma. Often they do not even know what is actually hidden under this word.

Translated from Sanskrit, the word “karma” means “action”. It includes the following types of concepts:

  • sanchita - is karma accumulated in past reincarnations;
  • prarabdha - represents the part of accumulated karma that relates to the present incarnation;
  • kriyaman - the karma that we create in our present;
  • agami - karma of future lives, provided that real life is not the last one.

Now let's look at all the laws of karma with their interpretation.

1st Law (also called the Great)

We all know it by the saying “What goes around comes around”, and it is also known as the concept of the law of cause and effect. It is explained simply: a person, wanting to be happy, to live in peace, love and friendship, must do the same in relation to other people. Everything we send will definitely come back.

2nd Law (known as the Law of Creation)

Human life is not an accident or a misunderstanding; it requires constant participation and effort. We are part of the body of the Universe, having both an external and an internal side.

If you want to have a harmonious inner state, learn to be independent from the world around you. Always be yourself - communicate with those to whom your soul is drawn, do what gives you pleasure, and you will be happy.

3rd Law (called the Law of Humility)

If you want to change a situation, you first need to accept it. If you have enemies, and some of the character traits or habits of your loved ones irritate you, the surest decision would be to shift the emphasis to something else. For example, do not focus your attention on enemies, but more on friends. And try to notice more positive things than negative ones.

4th Law (called the Law of Growth)

In life, our path is more important than its end point. It is much more important for a person to change himself than to wait for his environment, city, country, technology, and so on to change.

In reality, all we have is just our life and time. All changes begin with ourselves, and only then are they transferred to the people around us.

5th Law (called the Law of Responsibility)

If you systematically encounter any difficulties in life, their source lies within yourself. We are a mirror of the surrounding reality, and vice versa, our reality is a mirror of us.

6th Law (called the Law of General Interconnection)

Even actions that seem insignificant at first glance are actually of great importance, since everything in our Universe is closely connected. The next one follows from each previous step.

To complete a task, it must first be started. There is a lot between the past, present and future; you will never be able to start a completely new life, because you will have old experience behind you.

7th Law (called the Law of Focus)

A person cannot think about two things at the same time. Therefore, if you concentrate on something important (for example, on spiritual values), you can no longer think about greed or anger.

8th Law (called the Law of Gifts and Hospitality)

Are you convinced that something is true? Then get ready to prove it on your own personal experience. If you do not have such readiness, it means that you only have an opinion and not real knowledge. We can only know what we have practically experienced.

9th Law (called the Law of Here and Now)

When you start thinking about the past or future, you automatically distance yourself from what is happening to you at the present moment. You risk missing out on something new because of old thoughts, behavior patterns, and desires from the past.

10th Law (called the Law of Change)

The same situations will arise in your life until you learn the lesson you need from them and change your behavior strategy. It would be naive to make the same mistake over and over again and expect different results.

11th Law (called the Law of Patience and Reward)

To get any reward, you first need to make an effort. Only those rewards for which you have to work constantly are distinguished by lasting value.

True satisfaction in life lies in doing what you love and being confident that sooner or later it will bear positive fruit.

12th Law (called the Law of Inspiration)

A person gets only what he deserves.

To know the real value of something, you need to calculate how much effort and energy was invested in this matter.


Good day. Are you interested in the topic of reincarnation? Today I propose to consider the laws of reincarnation and its mechanisms. In the meantime, here are some interesting facts about reincarnation:

  • every person is able to remember their past lives and use their experience;
  • memories of past incarnations (earthly incarnations) can be returned using regression therapy;
  • many scientists who are convinced agnostics believe in the theory of reincarnation;
  • the first documentary mentions of the reincarnation of souls are more than five thousand years old;
  • The founders of the world's major religions firmly believed in the theory of reincarnation of souls, but unscrupulous adherents seeking earthly power rewrote fundamental religious treatises in order to make it easier to control the population.

Reincarnation mechanism

The vast majority of men and women around us believe that the basis of any personality is the body. Due to their own ignorance, they think that when a child is born, a new personality is born, pure and innocent, who will have to go through his own life. life path to end their earthly existence with death. Adherents of this theory firmly believe that any life is a path that has a beginning and an end, and there is no chance to correct one’s mistakes.

However, the sacred texts of various religions indicate that personality- this is an intangible component of the body that can be embodied in a new body some time after death.

The soul can incarnate in any body, regardless of religion, nationality, gender, social status and age of the wearer. With each new birth, the soul forgets the details of its past life. (in other words, earthly incarnations).

Here you will want to ask me about how is body type determined?, which a reborn soul receives during incarnation? This is defined as follows. As the ancient Vedic treatise says: Bhagavad Gita, thoughts during death most influence the embodiment of the soul. What a dying person thinks about takes on a certain thought form. And she, in turn, forms the body, where the incarnating soul ends up.

If we give an example that will be clear to everyone, we can think of athletes. In anticipation Olympic Games they devote all their strength and thoughts to exhausting training. The success of an athlete is determined not by his desire to win at any cost, but by the quantity and quality of his training.

Thus, our new body depends on the choices we have made every day throughout our current life. Thus, higher powers give you not what you wanted most, but what you deserve through all your actions.

Ambitious poor students dream of studying at prestigious universities. But for admission, desire alone is not enough - you need knowledge in certain areas, skills and funds to pay for your studies. So in the case of reincarnation, work now to improve your situation in the future.

The laws of karma, first set forth in Sanskrit in the sacred Vedic books, have the greatest influence on the processes of reincarnation.

What is karma and how does it affect the incarnation of souls?

In Sanskrit, the word “karma” means feat, deed, deed. Karma is commonly called causation and the totality of all human actions and thoughts. The concept of karma is often used to describe fate and luck.

Karma is connected and affects not only the current life, but is based on past lives and affects future ones.

Law of Karma states that all sentient beings are responsible for their karma and their development.

Ignorant people call the concept of karma a religious belief or even a superstition, which, in my opinion, contradicts common sense. Even in Russian legends, far from Vedic culture, the concept of karma is described in the saying "What goes around comes around". And in physics it perfectly describes karma Newton's third law, indicating that the action force is equal to the reaction force.

And while science adheres to dry facts from the material world, theorists and practitioners of the occult sciences recognize that every act, every word and every thought of a person affects threads in the energetic web of the universe, and their consequences can manifest themselves at any moment.

Due to our own limitations, we cannot always predict what the consequences of a particular action will be. But we can be firmly confident that there will be consequences.

In addition to individual karma, there is generic (family) karma, which is influenced by the actions and thoughts of all members of the family. Now we will not consider this topic in detail and will return, if necessary, to it later.

The concept of karma in Western culture

In addition to the works of Isaac Newton, reflections on karma can be found in the form of “ Law of cause and effect", as well as in the treatises of early Christian esotericists. The Gnostic branches of Christianity, like many modern theologians, believe that the Bible contains references specifically to karmic laws (for example, the verse about Jacob, Joseph, Moses and the Egyptians).

In addition, such representatives of Gnostic types of Christianity as the Paulicians, Bogomils, and Cathars recognize reincarnation as a natural process of spiritual development.

In the text Messages Saint Galatians apostle paul several quotes directly speak about karmic laws, in particular chapter six, verses seven and eight. In the same treatise, the apostle explains that all the actions committed during earthly life will certainly overtake him in the future.

In order to understand the opinion of ancient Christians about reincarnation and karmic laws, it is worth carefully studying Revelations of John the Theologian(the ones about the apocalypse and the end of the world), in particular verse ten of the thirteenth chapter, where we are talking specifically about the effect-cause relationship.

Karmic laws and the mechanism of reincarnation are mentioned in more detail and in depth in the works of Gnostic philosophers, Buddhists, and Hindus.

Laws of Reincarnation

Although this concept has been studied very little, researchers have already derived the main trends:

  • alternating gender of the spirit bearer
  • There are temporary breaks between the rebirth of the spirit
  • the new incarnation is designed to test the soul

But reincarnation has interesting laws, doesn’t it? But why is it this way?

series of earthly incarnations spirit is to get what you need to move to the next level development experience and fulfillment of a task for which the soul was programmed by higher powers between incarnations.

Since the experience, skills and knowledge gained over several lives and the feelings experienced must be versatile, reincarnation occurs with a change of gender, although this is not always the case. You are probably wondering in what cases the gender of the spirit bearer does not change?

If earthly life the spirit is over sudden death due to an accident or an unprogrammed murder, or the soul was unable to gain the necessary experience and fulfill its mission, it is possible to be reborn in a body of the same gender as in a previous life. However, such incarnations usually face many difficulties. Such difficulties may be the predominance of feminine qualities in a man (or masculine qualities in a woman), the desire for homosexuality and even the desire to change gender, the choice of inappropriate professions, mental disorders and diseases.

Gaining experience in a female body is associated with a lot of difficulties, both physical and emotional, so there is more “rest time” after living in a female body.

What affects the time between incarnations?

In addition to the gender of the body-carrier of the soul in the completed life, the interval between rebirths is influenced by how developed the soul is in terms of awareness of the plans of higher powers and its purpose in the world. And also whether the death of the physical body occurred due to natural causes, whether it was the result of an accident, murder or suicide.

You must have been interested in the connection between the end of physical life and the time spent by the soul between incarnations. I was also worried about this question.

There is an assumption that in the event of an unprogrammed violent or accidental death, the soul does not have time to learn what it should have learned in the current life. For reasons beyond the control of the bearer, she does not have time to accumulate the necessary experience and fulfill the plans of higher powers. That is why souls so rudely and abruptly torn from their carriers instantly incarnate in babies and those whose soul has left the physical body due to illness, injury, etc.

This theory is supported by many stories when a person who suddenly woke up from a coma ceased to be his former self.

Three-year-old Laynali Tsang from Malaysia spent four months in a coma due to complicated meningitis. Her family was already completely desperate to see the girl living a full life when she suddenly came out of her coma. And she didn’t just go out - she started smoking, swearing and throwing tantrums over her refusal to wear girls’ clothes. The family had to move to another city and work with psychologists for a long time to return the child to normal life.

So one American, who fell into a coma as a result of a car accident, woke up some time later as a Swede with a different name, surname and memories of the past. He even spoke Swedish, a language he never knew existed.

The souls of those who have achieved required level spiritual development and enlightenment, who managed to obtain everything necessary for at this stage experience and fulfill the assigned mission, they can wait for relocation to a suitable body for a long time - from several years to several centuries. Such a long wait is explained by the need to program new tasks and the appearance of a worthy container, i.e. a strong healthy body of the required level.

How does the soul “rest” between earthly incarnations? People who have been in a state of clinical death talk about seeing corridors of light and meeting with deceased relatives.

How does suicide affect karma and reincarnation?

Most religions do not accept suicide. Christians They consider suicide a mortal sin and prohibit burying suicides in cemeteries; services are not held for them and prayers are not read.

A similar position is expressed by Muslims, whom Allah has forbidden to commit crimes not only against other people, but against themselves. In the Islamic religion, a suicide is also subjected to hellish torment after death, which in this case is considered a grave sin.

Is suicide capable of leaving its mark on karma and influencing the reincarnation of the soul?

According to the theory of rebirth of souls, suicide indicates:

  • about conscious neglect of the entrusted mission,
  • about conscious refusal receiving necessary experience
  • and about consciously restraining one’s own spiritual development.

The suicide of one of the family members significantly aggravates the family karma. After all, by this act a person harms not so much himself as his family, whose representatives will have to pay for this unseemly act from the point of view of higher powers. The payback may be staying in a similar situation when one of your close relatives decides to commit suicide. The life of the incarnation of a suicide will be full of difficulties and hardships aimed at correcting heavy karma and cleansing the soul from such a serious sin.

Many theologians, regardless of the religion they profess, they believe that the soul of a suicide does not go after death into oblivion, where it rests between earthly incarnations, but wanders around the world as a ghost. By another theory, the souls of suicides are in a place similar to Purgatory, but filled with pain and suffering, where they remain until they realize their own mistake.

How can you influence your karma and new physical embodiment today?

One of the main postulates for those following the path of spiritual development is the need to realize one’s own power. Every person contains the potential of a prophet, messiah, god.

Show yourself some love by forgiving everyone who has ever hurt you. It doesn't matter how the pain was caused, whether it was physical or mental. To rise one step higher, you need to get rid of ballast, the extra burden of suffering and resentment. After forgiving others, you need to forgive yourself.

When a person forgives himself, and sincerely and consciously, and not “for show,” his karma seems to be “zeroed,” allowing him to move on. Try to forgive yourself for the sins and mistakes of your current and past lives. For those who need help, a 2-hour consultation in your RV is possible.

Share important information with family and friends by clicking the buttons social networks. Remember that the road will be mastered by those who walk, and walk together in any case, be it a journey from point A to point B, or the path of spiritual development.

Best regards, Elena Izotova.

This area has not been sufficiently studied, however general principles already scheduled.

1. Gender alternates. Most often, birth in a female body follows birth in a male body. It is more difficult to be a woman, so after the female incarnation there are long “vacations”.

2. There are breaks between incarnations. No one knows exactly how the rest takes place, but those who flew along the light corridor and were returned back through the efforts of resuscitators testify: some are met by relatives.

3. Each new rebirth provokes you and tests your strength. If you perceive some specific difficulties with gratitude, as a lesson, a test is taken. Let's say you were born very ugly, but this did not upset you, you lived your life to the fullest, did not reflect. Therefore, your subsequent incarnations will be quite nice.

All early cults carried ideas of rebirth. In the VI century. BC. Pythagoras, in the 4th century. BC. Plato and Christ's contemporary Philo wrote about the plurality of existences. Of the currently relevant large faiths, only Hinduism and Buddhism openly develop this topic.

What does Hinduism say?

The Hindu sacred texts, the Upanishads, say that all the dead go to the moon, where the gates of the celestial world are located. Accepting the subtle bodies of newcomers, the Moon swells and releases those who are in agreement with it into the immaterial spheres. The rest “is poured into this world in the form of rain. He is reborn in this world in the form of a lion, or in the form of a fish, or in the form of a man, or in the form of someone else, in accordance with his actions...”

The Vedas say: “Attachment to the opposite sex leads to a change of sex in the next life, and for a woman to receive the body of a man is better than for a man to get into the body of a woman.”

What does Buddhism say?

A person's personality is not whole and indivisible. She is a combination of dharmas (pieces of information). Every person goes through life with an ikebana, a patchwork quilt. After death, the mosaic falls apart, pieces of one person fall into the composition of different personalities.

This explains that several declare themselves to be a reincarnation of the same person, each of them remembers the circumstances of the life of that long-gone person, names, faces, addresses.

Who remembers their past lives?

People are impressionable and those who need it vitally. The latter receive such knowledge suddenly and strictly individually: by looking at an old photograph, falling into a trance, or receiving a concussion. Impressionable people often come up with ideas. It is they who declare themselves to be reincarnations of great people, without possessing their talents. They press on the physical similarity, although various sources agree on one thing: outwardly, the “twice-born” are unrecognizable. They can be recognized by their habits, skills, and inclinations. A former artist will draw from early childhood, an inventor will craft, a writer will amaze with the coherence of phrases.

When embarking on the path of investigating your roots, you must remember that there are much more unremarkable people, not recorded in the tablets of time, than famous ones. And if in this life, every day of yours is similar to the previous one, you raise children, go to the office, read ironic detective stories - then last time you lived measuredly. I mean, they were neither Van Gogh nor Roksolana, the wife of the great Sultan.

How is the theory of reincarnation useful?

Firstly, it brings back into our boring world the elements of a fairy tale, and with them dreams, hope and other sentimental nonsense.

Secondly, the fear of death becomes not so scary. Yes, it will hurt a little, but we will get home. Where loving parents, grandparents, and dogs are waiting. Where the table is set with wine and homemade pies, the apple tree is blooming and the wind is blowing warm wind from the sea.

Thirdly, reincarnation is closely related to the concept of karma, retribution for good and bad deeds. If we lived only once, it would be completely incomprehensible why murderers and criminals enjoy all the benefits of civilization, while good, honest people barely live to see their salaries. The theory of rebirth explains such injustice, on the one hand, by past merits, and on the other hand, by temptations. A person who could not cope with temptations, did not share benefits, played in a casino, when someone’s children died because they did not have enough of an ampoule worth ten gambling chips, this person lost. His next life will be spent in a trash heap or in the body of an equally sick child.

What is regression therapy?

The fourth benefit about the theory of rebirth is that people suffering from phobias can now be cured without drug regimens. By immersing people in situations of their past lives, the doctor finds out how the person died and what he suffered from. Chronic migraines can be cured by the knowledge that you died from a gunshot wound to the head, but that was a long time ago, and now your life is going completely differently, and the gun is not a threat to you.

Regression therapy uses shallow levels of hypnosis, where the patient is fully aware of what is happening and has the power to stop the process if it turns out to be too painful.

In Russia there are almost no regression therapists, but in America the Association for Research on Regression Therapy was created back in 1985 (today it includes about a thousand members from more than twenty countries around the world). Three years later, the first book was published about a woman who remembered her former self under hypnosis and was cured. It was written by classic psychotherapist Brian Weiss, who had previously indignantly rejected the very idea of ​​​​the possibility of reincarnation. After this, books by doctors, psychoanalysts and hypnotherapists fell like a cornucopia. It turns out that every tenth person had a similar experience, but no one dared to admit it publicly.

This once again shows how powerful we are.

We need to forgive everyone who has hurt us, even if it seems that what they did cannot be forgiven. Forgive them not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you don’t want to suffer anymore and endure this pain every time you remember how you were treated. And it doesn’t matter how exactly they offended you, forgive them, because you don’t want to continue to be hurt. Forgiveness is essential for your own spiritual healing. You forgive because you have compassion for yourself. Forgiveness is an act of self-love.

Take, for example, a divorced woman. Imagine that she was married for ten years, and then she quarreled with her husband because of some terrible misdeed. She got divorced and sincerely hates her ex-husband. Even the mention of his name makes her stomach cramp and feel nauseous. The emotional poison is so strong that she can no longer tolerate it. She needs help and goes to a psychotherapist. She says: “It hurts. Everything in me is seething with anger, jealousy, indignation. This is not forgiven! I hate this man!

The psychotherapist replies: “You need to throw out your emotions, speak out, release your anger. Give vent to your irritation: take a pillow and bite it, hit it! Let the rage come out!”

She goes and throws a tantrum at herself, creates a conscious explosion of emotions. It gets easier. A woman hands a psychotherapist a hundred dollars with the words: “Thank you, doctor! I feel much better!” A wide smile appears on her face for the first time in a long time.

And then she leaves the office - and guess who passes by her on the street? At sight ex-husband her rage flares up more than ever. She rushes like an arrow to the psychotherapist, slips him another hundred and carries out another “release”. An explosion of emotions in this case can only bring temporary relief. Yes, it helps to get rid of some of the poison, and for a while the person feels better, but this technique does not heal the wound itself.

The only way to heal wounds is forgiveness. That woman needs to forgive her ex-husband for the offense he caused her. How do you know if you have truly forgiven a person? Meeting him no longer awakens old feelings. The name of this person no longer evokes a strong emotional reaction. In other words, touching the wound no longer causes pain - this means that you have truly forgiven. Of course the scar will remain; marks remain on the emotional body, just like on the skin. What happened remains in your memory, you remember everything you experienced, but when the wound heals, it no longer hurts.

You may be thinking right now, “Forgive others: easy to say! I would be happy to, but it doesn’t work out.” We have hundreds of reasons and excuses for why we are unable to forgive. But this is not true. The truth is that we do not know how to forgive because we are accustomed to not forgiving. We have never tried to forgive, we have only mastered the skill of unforgiveness.

There was a time when we children had forgiveness in our blood. Before we became infected with the general mental illness, we forgave without any effort, it happened by itself. Usually we forgave almost immediately. Look at the children playing together: they quarreled, even fought, and one runs to his mother with tears in his eyes: “Mommy, he hit me!” Two mothers enter into a conversation that quickly turns into a loud scene, and within five minutes the children are playing together as if nothing had happened. What about their mothers? They hated each other for the rest of their lives!

It's not even that we need to learn to forgive - we have an innate ability to do this. But what's going on? We are taught the exact opposite, and we are constantly trained in non-forgiveness. Of course, over time we simply lose the habit of forgiving. No matter what offense a person inflicts on us, we will not forgive him for anything, we will erase him from our lives forever. A war of egos begins. Why? Because when we don't forgive, our sense of self-importance is strengthened. Our opinion sounds more weighty if we declare: “Be that as it may, I will never forgive her! This will not be forgiven!”

But the real problem is pride. Pride and pride force us to add fuel to the fire of the offense caused, constantly reminding ourselves that it is impossible to forgive! Moreover, we get used to suffering only in order to punish the offender. We act like little children who throw tantrums when really they just want attention. We hurt ourselves by saying, “Look what I'm doing! And all because of you!” Jokes aside, but that's exactly what happens.

Throw your pride in the trash, throw it away! Forget about self-importance and just ask for forgiveness.

First, make a list of all the people you think you need to ask for forgiveness from, and then apologize to each one. If you don't have time to see someone or the ability to call, ask for their forgiveness in prayers and in dreams. Then make a list of those who have wronged you - those you need to forgive. Forgive them all, realize that whatever they did, you had nothing to do with it. Remember, everyone dreams of him own Dream.

Forgive them all, realize that whatever they did, you had nothing to do with it. Remember, everyone dreams their own Dream. Sooner or later you realize that you need to forgive yourself for all the wounds and all the poison, for all the suffering that you caused yourself by creating just such a dream. And when you forgive yourself, harmony with yourself comes and self-love strengthens. This is the highest forgiveness - when you finally forgive yourself. Beliefs about good and evil cause us to feel shame for what we consider to be bad. We admit ourselves guilty, we are sure that we deserve punishment, and we punish ourselves. We are convinced that what we have done is so dirty that it requires cleansing. And if you sincerely believe, then - “Thy will be done” - it becomes completely real. In this sense, we create our own karma and are obliged to pay for what we have created with our beliefs.

This once again shows how powerful we are. However, getting rid of old karma is simple: just throw away this idea, refuse to believe in it - and the karma will no longer be there. There is no need to suffer, there is no need to pay for anything: the matter is over. If you can forgive yourself, karma simply disappears. From this moment on, life begins anew.

Based on materials -

Karma, translated from Sanskrit, action, deed, is energy-consciousness in action, the law of cause and effect, reward. Also called the law of cycle, which states that whatever we do comes full circle and returns to our threshold for resolution. Law of Karma makes it necessary to reincarnate the soul until all karmic cycles are balanced. Thus, from century to century, man determines his destiny by his own actions, including his thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.

Doctrine of Karma cannot be separated from the doctrine of reincarnation. Because we continue to create negative karma, which we then have to balance out (until we learn not to do it). Reincarnation and becomes the opportunity that a merciful God has given us.
According to the law of karma your thoughts, words and actions in past lives determine the conditions of your present life, and your thoughts, actions and words in this life determine your destiny in future lives.

This is quite difficult to accept. People love to blame their parents, or circumstances, or heredity, or what happened to them in childhood, or the opportunities they missed - anything, but not themselves.

Karma does not deny free will . Every day people exercise their right of free will to be good or evil, regardless of past karma.
There is simply not enough time in one life to experience the return or compensation of everything good or bad. Instead of leaving us at the mercy of an inexorable fate, reincarnation gives us the opportunity to change the future with our actions today.

God's teaching also lies in the fact that both good and bad souls are not born, they are created. God creates the soul as a blank white page, endows it with a divine spark, its substance, and introduces free will to the soul. From now on, she exists on her own.

From the moment she incarnates in her earthly body, she has to make a choice. It is hoped that she has wise parents and teachers, this choice will be enlightened, dictated by love and aimed at fulfilling the will of God. Since the gift of free will allows for good and evil in thoughts, desires, actions or beliefs, we must conclude that good souls become good and bad souls become bad by choice.

Good karma , created in past lives, follows the soul into subsequent lives, and the momentum of personality, ego and character accumulates. Each person, before coming into this life, appeared before the Lords of Karma and received instructions on where to go and what to do. What will be the life expectancy, what rewards of good karma will fall to your lot, whether natural disasters, untimely death, fatal illness or meeting difficult trials are included in karma and if so, why. You have been told that if you are diligent in your service to God and his people, and balance this karma to the joy of God before it falls upon you, You can be spared the main blow - its sudden “destruction”, and you can also extend your life. God in His mercy sets up a protective shield when we enter the birth channel. And this is an act of mercy because we have a task in life and we cannot focus our attention on more than one life at a time to achieve success.

There is personal karma and group karma. Every country, city or family creates karma because of its opposition to life. Everyone acts as a single organism and therefore must be reincarnated together.

It is most likely that we have positive or negative karma with family members. With people we know or with people we will meet. Life is a challenge and an opportunity at the same time.

Gautama Buddha taught that immoderate passions and desires cause all suffering and negative karma. You need to accept your karmic fate. It is important, regardless of karmic circumstances, to express love to everyone who is included in the circle of our lives, to share with others if they are rich, to rely on God if they are poor. When immoderate desires arise, the fulfillment of which entails a violation of the laws of God, infringement of the rights and disturbance of the peace of other people, this is negative karma accumulates.

Our deeds and words come back to us like our teachers. The law of karma operates automatically and impartially. That's why there is no injustice. You just need to remain calm and remember the words of the Lord: “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” Our job is to forgive. Let us not wish harm upon anyone, even our imaginary enemies.
A large percentage of people living on Earth today do not want to take responsibility for their karma.

Example: A man shot his wife and children and shot himself. He will not be able to balance his karma because he is dead. If he had not shot himself, he still would not have been able to compensate the debt to his wife and children (they died). In any case, he and they will return to exercise their right of choice in accordance with the law of mercy and correct the situation. Most likely, he will have to give life to all of them in the next incarnation in order to restore the life that he himself took. They will have to learn to forgive and pass the test - not to get even with him, not to take revenge. He must serve them.

God always tries to give us opportunity. A thousand possibilities: to give up an existing bad habit, or the desire to cause suffering to another person. Over and over again we make mistakes on the same situation and on the same problem with the same person.

People lay the foundations for negative karma to operate on a daily basis. Some people readily harm others, just as one nation harms another, even if there are no prerequisites for this in a past life.


We may not understand where misfortunes suddenly fell upon us. We forgot that we ourselves once created this negative energy, and now it has simply returned to us, like a boomerang that always returns to the one who threw it.

Negative karma, accumulating, worsens fate, health, affects the ability to have offspring, and distorts the very genetic structure of a person. Only with a creative attitude, only with a state of harmony, negative karma goes away and positive experience accumulates.

Most people perceive personality as a body. In my own way
ignorance, they think that when a child is born,
a new personality is born. She grows, develops, ages and dies.
From this point of view, life is a monotonous event that has
beginning and the end.

According to the sacred Vedic scriptures, personality is the eternal
a wanderer who travels from one body to another. She appears in
in different guises - a genius, a fool, a poor man, a rich man. It could be
American, English, Indian or Russian, man or woman. AND
each time changing the body, the person forgets the previous life.
So, the question arises: what determines the type of body that receives
living entity, individual soul in his next birth?
According to the oldest sacred scripture on earth, the Bhagavad Gita,
which is more than five thousand years old, our next incarnation depends on
the direction of our consciousness at the moment of death. What a person is about
thinks when he dies, and determines the form of life, the form of the body in which
his soul will be incarnate. And the direction that our consciousness takes in
the moment of separation of the soul from the metareal shell naturally depends
from the activities that we performed during our lives.
Here we can give an analogy: before the upcoming Olympics
the athlete has been training for several years. And how successful will it be?
his performance at the competition depends to a large extent on how
he was training.
In the same way, our next body depends on our thoughts and
actions now. We have years of our lives at our disposal, then
When the exam comes, death comes. At the hour of death our
consciousness. We spent our lives in the best way for ourselves, and now
death has come. The time of our life has expired and our consciousness is leading us to
next body.
But not only our desire will determine our next incarnation - we
We get not what we want, but what we deserve. The student may have
desire to enter Moscow State University or Harvard University, but one desire
not enough. He must receive appropriate grades, pay his
training and so on. Likewise, we may not become rich.
aristocrats, for example, in our next birth, no matter how we
We were striving for this now. First of all, we must act like this
in a way to deserve it.
So, people are born in different countries, different families and different bodies
not by chance, but according to clear and complex laws of nature, the laws
causes and consequences. These laws are known in Sanskrit, (the language of the Gods),
like the laws of karma.
The word “karma” literally means “action”, “deed”, but also
carries such a semantic connotation as “fate” and “fortune”. This is quite
justified, because it is our actions that determine our future
fate. The essence of the law of karma can be briefly expressed by a well-known proverb:
"What goes around comes around". This is not a religion or a superstition, but
common sense and practical experience of our daily life.
Suppose if someone puts his hand into the fire, this will cause quite
The predictable consequence is that he will get burned.
In physics, the law of karma is known as Newton's third law, meaning
which is that “any action has
opposition.” Science operates in this case only with objects
consisting of rough matter: a ball, a car, and so on. But the Vedas
they say that not only human actions on the gross physical plane
bring similar consequences with the opposite sign, but also
our words and thoughts, which have a certain mental energy,
will also return to us after some time. This may be in
a minute, in an hour, a day, a year or even in the next life.
In everyday reality, our actions have certain
consequences - cause and effect are always contained in the action. We are not
we have complete knowledge due to the limitations of our mind and not always
We understand what the results of our actions will be. But at least
we can be sure that everything that is happening now is
result of something that happened in the past, and will also affect
From a materialistic point of view, cause and effect haunt us
during life in this body, but everything stops as soon as it begins
death. I died - and the chain of actions and their consequences ends.
The Vedic teachings left to us by the great sages of antiquity,
takes this concept one step higher. Chain of actions and their consequences
extends not only in this life, it continues from the past life and from
a whole sequence of past lives. Why is the soul born?
in this particular body? Because of your past karma, because of your
past actions. In what body will she incarnate in her next life?
Again it depends on the karma of that living entity. His current
actions added to the total sum of previous actions,
predetermine the direction of consciousness at the moment of death, which sets
future place, time and form of birth.
Moreover, a living being can wander not only from one
human body into another, but also descend to the level of body shape
animal or plant. In these lower forms of existence
birth and death also take place - consciousness enters the body,
stays in it for some time and then leaves it to accept
Of course, it is almost impossible to count the number of life forms
existing in the universe, but we can take on faith the number
given in the sacred Vedic scriptures. In Bhagavad Gita
it is said that there are eight million four hundred thousand forms in total
life, ranging from tiny insects and bacteria to humans and
demigods, inhabitants of higher planetary systems responsible for
control of natural processes.
So, the soul wanders from one body to another, from one species to
other. Sometimes she rises to the human form of life, sometimes
descends into the world of plants and animals. In material life everyone is alive
beings have the same spiritual nature, and yet they think and
act differently, according to different material bodies,
which they received. The soul in the body of a cat thinks and acts like a cat,
in the body of a fish - like a fish and so on.
The laws of nature completely control her behavior. Living things in
lower forms always develop from a lower species to a higher one
high until they gradually reach human form. And since
plants and animals have no freedom, they never do anything
contrary to the laws of nature. The tiger eats meat because that's his nature
nature, but he will never steal oranges.
Man has a more developed mind, so he has
the ability to distinguish between good and bad, what should be done and what
what you shouldn't do. Unlike lower forms of life, human
the body offers us freedom and we can use this freedom
right or wrong, as you choose.
According to the laws of nature, human life is specifically designed for
spiritual self-awareness, awareness of God and one's eternal relationship with
They are like servants. In lower forms we can eat, sleep, lead
sexual activity and self-defense. These are the four principles of animal life. like this
We can perform the same activities in the human body. But, being
in this intelligent form of life, we can develop love for the Lord,
which, according to the five thousand year old wisdom of the Vedas, is the meaning and purpose
Animals also have intelligence, but they can only use it to
eating, sleeping, copulating and self-defense. If a human being
uses his mind only for these purposes, then it is wrong
uses the freedom given to him. So wrong
consumption is known as “bad karma”.
Many of you have heard or said this phrase, using it usually
to trivial events, such as a fine, minor injury, while
how bad karma can have much more serious consequences.
The girl on the magazine cover probably thinks she's lucky to have a job.
naked fashion model, but she is unaware of the consequences that
take place. Human life has higher purposes than
exposing one's body. There are other forms of life - for example,
a tree for which the naked state is completely
natural. So, the girl, in her ignorance, directs her
action and consciousness in such a way that her next body may
will have the shape of a tree. And only after a huge period of time,
equal to the lifespan of a tree, the soul can move higher through
millions of other species and finally gain the possibility of human
Sometimes we say that someone eats like a pig or sleeps like a bear.
Here again the laws of karma operate with their own peculiar poetic
justice. If someone eats like a pig or sleeps like a bear,
why should he take the next birth in a human body? Consciousness
pig - the body of a pig. These are the laws of nature.
The soul has neither beginning nor end. This is the definition of eternal. That's why
it will remain in the material world and exist in various
forms of life until he is freed from material captivity,
having gone through the purification process.
A living being in the material world is entangled in a net
karmic consequences of one’s activities. And to enjoy or
suffer, reaping the fruits of its actions, it is forced to remain
here and change your material bodies one after another.
A sinful action cannot be neutralized by a pious action,
because sinful activities have bad consequences, and
pious - good, that is, they do not differ from each other
only familiar but also of high quality. To avoid the consequences of sin
actions, you need to master the art of atonement for sins or cleansing.
But, in accordance with the highest principles of Vedic philosophy, and
good and bad consequences of our activities are equally not
desirable, because both of them keep us here in
material world, which in itself is evil, because, until then,
as long as a living being is in this world, he will experience
incessant suffering.
A reasonable person sooner or later realizes that he is a hostage
birth, death, old age and illness and will try to find the cause of their
People are unable to solve these problems themselves and don’t even try anymore
to do this, although they are still making efforts to overcome
diseases. Unfortunately, the number of diseases from this not only does not
decreases, but also, on the contrary, constantly grows. Although medicine is winning
one illness after another, people continue to get sick. Now
hospitals are more crowded than ever because of AIDS, cancer,
Cardiovascular and other diseases do not allow a person to get rid of
from suffering neither in this life nor in the next. The only thing
there is no doubt that mortality will always remain
hundred percent.
“He who is born will certainly die, and after death he will be born
again,” says the Bhagavad-Gita. Therefore, the value of the human form
life is that by receiving it, a living being can achieve spiritual
self-awareness of oneself as a soul, different from the temporary material
body in which it is located, and understand its true purpose
eternal servant of the Supreme Lord Krishna. This is what the Vedic scholars say
Then the soul can return to its natural existence in
spiritual world, full of eternity, knowledge and bliss, deprived
the need to go through a cycle of reincarnation.