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The best quotes on how to make your dreams come true. How to realize your dreams? How to make your dreams come true

It doesn’t matter whether a person is successful or not, everyone dreams. We dream about many things, often and for a long time. We differ only in that some people fulfill their dreams and others don’t.

Moreover, most people are afraid of their dreams, sometimes we run from them, looking back in fear. We simply don't believe that what we want to have can become part of our lives.

What is the obstacle to achieving your dreams? Why are we afraid that we won't succeed?

The first thing you need to understand is: YOU are the reason for everything in your life. This is never the government, not your superiors, not close or unfamiliar people from your environment, everything depends only on you. This is a very important point.

Another point is this: we have EVERYTHING we want. If you think that you deserve more than you have, then you don’t want it enough.

Using an example, this can be described as follows. Imagine that you wanted to relieve yourself of natural need, but not too much. Why not be patient, you might think. Now let’s assume that you have a very specific urge. You won’t care what’s happening around you, who thinks about you and what, how people look at you, whether there are any barriers, and if they exist, your brain immediately finds a solution to the problems that arise, it’s like you’re breaking time and space, focusing on one goal.

A drug addict who has been blocked from receiving a new dose behaves in a similar way (may readers forgive me for such comparisons). Such a person will be able to step over anything, do everything possible and impossible to get what he wants.

To fulfill your dream, you should acquire the necessary skills, and also not shift the focus from your goal. You must be obsessed with your dream, you must simply be shaken by the realization that this is your goal, and you are moving towards it like an interceptor plane that has turned on the afterburners.

How to realize your dream

  1. Determine for yourself what you really want

    What makes your body and mind shake, no matter how big it may seem. In reality, this is the most difficult thing and sometimes it takes years to finally draw the right conclusions. But don’t think that it is very difficult. The sooner you start searching, the faster understanding will come.

  2. Use reverse visualization

    Imagine that you have achieved your dream. Take a mental look at yourself, who are you? So ask yourself the question: “Who have I become on the way to my goal?” What did you gain from fulfilling your dream? Where and who are you surrounded by? How does this make you feel?

  3. Turn your dream into a goal

    Write down your dream on a piece of paper indicating a specific date for achieving it. Believe me, this is very important. A dream will remain a phrase paired with the word “unrealistic” until you reflect it on a piece of paper: in a notebook, diary, notebook, it doesn’t matter, be sure to do it. The brain will not start thinking in the right direction without the first mechanical action.

  4. Make a plan to achieve your goal

    Describe ways to achieve the goal, and also complement and expand them over time. The better all the above steps are detailed, the closer your dream will become to your consciousness, the easier it will be for you to convince your brain that it is possible.

Over one year old

Few of us can boast that their childhood dreams have come true. This is because with age we become overly critical and forbid ourselves to think about the impossible. SHAPE explains how to learn to realize your dreams.

Dreaming is healthy and very important. If we don't dream, we are marking time. After all, dreams are an impulse, a call to action, a stimulus for development. But provided that they are yours, and not your parents, boyfriend or best friend. The main thing that prevents us from dreaming is that we are too concerned with the opinions of others, instead of focusing on our own desires. Lack of faith in one's own strength or hope for luck makes a person helpless. Thus, successful people spend more than 70% of their free time thinking about the future, but unsuccessful people, on the contrary, remember past events 90% of the time.

Action plan

More often than not, we focus on what we don't have or what we don't want, instead of focusing our energy on what we want. Think positively!


In order for a dream to come true, it must be imagined - not abstractly, but in the smallest detail. Professional athletes master this technique like no one else. “A dream is a product of our imagination. And it is the main instrument of consciousness. It is with the help of imagination that consciousness builds a picture of a better future,” says Russian Tennis Federation psychologist ANNA SAMOKHINA. Our brain, like a computer, works with the data we give it. If you consider yourself not the smartest, the most beautiful and the most athletic, then the result will be appropriate. Without seeing the goal of the path, you will not be able to choose the right direction. Johannesburg-based clinical psychologist NEIL SO advises learning to think differently. “Try using the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for imagination. And only him. For example, when you imagine that you live in a luxurious house by the sea (right hemisphere), your logic (left hemisphere) immediately objects: “It costs hellish millions!”

Action plan. At this moment, you need to drown out the voice of reason and allow your imagination to develop on its own. Once you have imagined your dream in all its details, you can use logic again. Now let her decide how to achieve all this.


Imagination can be developed with the help of the most simple exercises: - together with your younger brother, sister or your own child, draw, sculpt, dance, write fairy tales - in a word, do whatever you want; - do everything that gives you truly childish delight (or try to feel how it could be); - turn to your inner “child”. American psychoanalyst ERIC BYRNE created the theory of three ego states, according to which a “child”, “parent” and “adult” live in each of us. “Child” is your creativity. Periodically allow him to freely express his favorite “I want!”, without thinking that it is “not allowed”, “at the wrong time” or “expensive”.


  • Other people's dreams (imposed by relatives or society). If “processing” occurs from childhood, then a person may not even realize that these dreams are someone else’s, and take them for his own. For example, a mother wanted her daughter to become a pianist, and she really became one, but in this way it was not her dream that came true, but her mother’s.
  • Various types of losses, such as illness or death of someone significant.
  • A bad experience can discourage you from striving for anything (if something doesn’t work out many times, apathy sets in - and it seems like you didn’t really want to).
  • Destructive parental attitudes: “this is unrealistic”, “you won’t succeed” - all this can significantly interfere with our desires and dreams!


There is nothing more correct than positive thinking. Stand in front of the mirror and remind yourself that you were born a winner. After all, this is what you thought as a child, and this is why every dream seemed achievable. Athletes often benefit from triggers—victory cries that set them up for success (think “Fort Boyard”). Triggers can be unusual, funny and even naive! “They return the athlete to a state of confidence and mobilization when he is excited and anxious,” says the master of sports in athletics OLGA SENATOROVA. “Living into favorable images forms the will to win through the mechanism of associative connection.” Gestalt therapy also offers effective methods of working with dreams: imagine the dream in all its details and always in the present tense. Then say it out loud, or better yet, write it down on paper to compare the results in the future.

Action plan. Be attentive to the feelings that this or that fact evokes in you during visualization. For example, “I was made the head of a department: I’m surprised and happy at the same time, I’m planning to buy a car, I really want to send SMS to my friends.” If your dream involves someone else, it can be helpful to speak or write it out on behalf of everyone involved.

“Try to fulfill even your small desires, because a fulfilled desire improves your mood and gives additional energy, joy of life...” - Paulo Coelho.


Very often our fears prevent us from achieving our dreams. Psychologists distinguish between moving forward based on the fear of looking unworthy and making a mistake, and from the desire for success. Only the latter leads to achieving your dreams. “Any development is impossible without overcoming difficulties,” Anna Samokhina is sure. “It is these “bumps on the road” that spur us on, forcing us to go even harder towards what we want!” Very often we put off achieving our dreams until better times, when we lose weight, find interesting work or ideal man... Neil Tuck warns: with this approach, this time may never come.

Action plan. Move towards your goal in small but clear steps. Imagine the worst thing that can happen at each stage. And calm down - most things are reversible!


“The winner is always the one who prepared best,” says Olga Senatorova. “For example, I more carefully studied the strengths and weaknesses of my opponent, and better calculated all possible options for the upcoming fight. But I note that the winner is also a person with nerves of steel who knows how to implement the plan! Calmly working according to the schedule, as if in training, he will not allow himself to relax for a second, stumble, he will give everything that he is truly capable of - and make his dream come true!” However, we should not forget that a victory must be followed by a new victory, and an achieved dream must be followed by another dream, which also requires implementation. Otherwise, you will have to experience all the horror of what psychologists call goal achievement syndrome... When what you have dreamed about for so long comes true, an emptiness forms in your soul. At this moment, a crisis or even depression may well begin.

Action plan. Unfortunately, the mechanism of our motivation is such that if there is no tasty morsel ahead, it means there is nothing to strive for, life is not interesting. Therefore, it is better when dreams are large-scale, involving the implementation of several stages.

Approach every task as if the possibilities are unlimited. This should become a habit.


It is also very important to maintain a balance between dreams and reality. Sometimes a person is completely immersed in dreams and... The perception of reality is distorted: he begins to perceive the world through the prism of your own fantasies. A striking example is the state of falling in love: a lover always sees not a real person, but projections that he himself “directs” to the object of his dreams. “You may be surprised, but there are dreams that should not become reality,” says Anna Samokhina, “and this is their main advantage. Because it is thanks to our dreams that we have certain qualities, such as determination and perseverance, and can endlessly experience a whole range of vivid emotions that we need.” Not every dream can be achieved, and our life does not always look like a wonderful dream, but our self-confidence can turn every day into a holiday.


  1. Learn to separate your own desires from the goals that others persistently dictate to you.
  2. Understand the concepts of “dream” and “goal”, so that there is no confusion. A goal is certain steps that help you get closer to your dream. A dream is something desired that cannot be achieved quickly.
  3. Set your priorities. It is important to feel what exactly you want, even if it takes a long time.
  4. Compete with yourself for success. A little competition is always good. The main thing is not to compete with others, otherwise the realization of your dream can easily fade into the background.
  5. Find your resource state. Pay attention to what pleases you most: moments, places where you truly feel good. Try to mentally linger on pleasant moments, as if photographing them (the most important thing is to create and remember the image in detail). And if the path to your dream is suddenly blocked by stress, fear or depression, close your eyes and for a few minutes “return” to those moments where you felt so good.
  6. Control your body Avoid overexertion. Even in stressful situations, try to keep your breathing even and moderately deep. This way you can regain your strength faster.
  7. Take up auto training. When you say “I can’t,” think about whether it really is so. And replace it with “I can.” This is how you turn on the programming mechanism for success. When you set your psyche to be positive, your body triggers biochemical processes that usually occur when you are happy.

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Greetings, dear readers! Who among us would not like to turn our dreams and desires into reality? And if you haven’t done this yet, perhaps you just didn’t have a clear step-by-step algorithm that will help you with this. Let's see how to make your dream come true with the power of your thoughts.

Do you realize how great the power of thought is?

Everything you observe in your life was once just a thought in your mind. You probably know how powerful your thoughts are. Of course, to achieve any goal, as well as to realize your dreams, you need to take action. But it all starts in our head.

Thoughts have power. Each individual thought has some power to create reality, but the thoughts that you constantly scroll through your head day after day reinforce each other many times over. This is how you create your reality.

What you think about is deeply rooted in your subconscious. It is these deep attitudes that determine your life.

Are you aware that you create your reality with your own thoughts every minute of every day? You are creating even right now. What are you creating now? It all depends on what thoughts fill your mind at that very moment.

What you are thinking about O most of the time, slowly but surely it becomes reality with the help of the subconscious. But it doesn't think. It does not evaluate whether you think negatively or positively, whether you think about what you want or about its absence - the subconscious mind perceives this as your will and begins the work of creation. As a result, we have what we have.

Make this extraordinary force - the power of thought - work to make your dreams come true. Let's see how to do this.

How to make a dream come true with the power of thought. 5 practical steps.

  1. Decide on a dream
    It is important to find a dream that will light you up and make you move forward. Such a dream is truly motivating. You know, I recently saw the following phrase: “There are just dreams, desires, and then there are things you can’t live without.” So your dream should not just be something you really want, but something you cannot live without, something without which you cannot imagine your future. This is what the power of your dreams should be. Then you will do everything to make it happen. And no difficulties can stop you. You simply won't have a choice.
  2. Set goals and make a plan
    Transform your dream. Then make a plan to achieve it. Read more about this in the article . Define specific tasks for each day. By moving step by step and doing just a few steps, but constantly, it will be easier for you to achieve the desired result. Read more about this in the article .
  3. Overcome obstacles
    When the goal is set and the plan is ready, it is necessary to remove obstacles. First of all, mental blocks that can greatly interfere with the realization of dreams with the power of thought. Trust my experience. Sometimes this is the only thing that prevents your dream from coming true. This article will help you overcome mental blocks .
  4. Set your mind up for success
    When we have dealt with mental obstacles, we need to... Visualization will also help us with this.
  5. Don't forget to take action
    Despite the fact that we want to make our dream come true with the power of thought, and have spent all our time for this necessary work with the subconscious, you should not neglect practical actions in real life. I wrote about why this is important in the article.

By using this simple step-by-step system, you can easily achieve your dream with the power of your thoughts. And when the Universe provides you with opportunities to achieve what you want, all you have to do is notice them in time and use them.

It was according to this system that I acted when I went towards the fulfillment of my desires. How I managed to make my dreams come true, you will find out in the section.

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There is no better time than now to start making your dreams come true. You can achieve anything you want if you are diligent and develop a smart plan of action. All you need to do is know what you want and take small steps towards your success. You will, of course, encounter a few obstacles along the way, but if you learn from your mistakes, you will come even closer to your ultimate goal. Want to know how to make your dreams come true? See Step 1 to get started.


Part 1

Develop a plan

    Be specific. The first thing you need to do is be specific about what you want. You can write down all your dreams and desires in a special diary or notebook. If you don't know what exactly you want, how are you going to achieve it? However, you can start moving towards your goal even if you are not 100% sure what you want yet. At a minimum, you need to have an idea of ​​what you want to achieve, and you need to figure out how to make that idea more and more specific as you get closer to success.

    • For example, let's imagine that you love writing and want to become a real writer. You may not yet know whether you want to write novels, be a journalist, or write an inspirational blog, but you can decide as you move closer to your dream.
    • Don't worry if you don't have it all figured out yet. It's possible that you simply dream of finding a job that makes you feel like you're making a difference in the world every day. Many paths can lead you to this goal, so having a common goal can work to your advantage.
  1. Turn your dream into a burning desire. You will need to turn your dream into a burning desire in your heart. Having a strong desire to achieve your dreams will boost your self-confidence and help you get through the worst stages of your life. To turn your dream into a burning desire, you need to believe that your dream is achievable and that you can achieve it. If you imagine your dream as a generalized desire (for example, you want to lose 10 pounds this year or move to a warmer climate) but don't do anything about it, then you won't be able to take it seriously.

    • When your dream has become a burning desire, you can no longer call it a dream, because the whole point of a dream is that it is not real. You have to see her as something more.
  2. Turn your burning desire into a goal. Now you should turn your burning desire into a goal. In the last stage, you turned your dream into a burning desire because you believed that it was feasible and that you could fulfill it. To now turn your desire into a goal, you need to believe that you will fulfill it. This confidence is based on your dedication to the idea that if something is possible, then you can do it, and if you can do it, then you will do it now. It's important to remember that goals have a time frame. Thus, by setting a time to achieve a certain goal, you accept the fact that you are dedicated to achieving it.

    • Once you turn a burning desire into a goal, you can no longer talk about it as a dream or desire. Now this is the goal of your life, a goal that you must achieve.
  3. Develop an action plan. Develop a strategic action plan. You need to develop a strategy to achieve your goals; this strategy is usually called an action plan. There is no universal plan of action that would suit every person; Each strategy depends on the person and their goals. This is why the key to creating your action plan lies within yourself, and you need to find it within yourself.

    • Write down every step of your plan. This will help you develop a more solid plan. Remember, however, that life does not always go according to plan, and that you may not be able to complete every step of the plan as you wrote it down, and that you may need to change or reformulate your action plan as you go along. to your goal.
  4. Take action now. Once you have turned your goal into a personalized action plan, you need to take action and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. It's time to stop making excuses and putting off until tomorrow what you can do now. Of course, there are many good reasons to put off achieving your goal for a while, such as planning your wedding, a busy work schedule, difficult personal relationships, etc., but if you treat your goal in this way, then you are risking everything life continue to postpone its achievement until later, and never achieve anything.

    • The universe operates on the principle that similar things attract each other. Where there is a need, the universe finds a way to meet that need with new opportunities. You should be prepared for new opportunities as you begin to act on your plan to achieve your goal, which will help you realize your burning desire and make your dream come true.
  5. Set short-term goals. Divide your main goal into several parts and set a time frame for completing each of them. Your success lies in small steps in the right direction. For example, if you dream of writing a novel, then you can start moving towards this goal by taking a creative writing workshop or even trying your hand at writing a short story for several pages. If you start a novel right away, it will be much more difficult for you to finish it without having necessary basis, which will provide you with the skills you need to achieve your dreams.

    • Whether you're setting short-term goals to achieve your dreams or thinking about long-term goals, it can be helpful to get advice from people in your industry, whether they're close friends or acquaintances, to learn how they've achieved their goals. This will help you better understand what short-term goals you should set and how realistic they should be.
  6. Monitor your progress regularly. When you are pursuing your dreams, it is important to have an idea of ​​what you have already achieved. Moscow was not built in a day, and you may not be moving forward as quickly as you would like, but it is nonetheless important to recognize that you are moving forward. Here's what you should pay attention to when creating a personalized progress report:

    • Have you achieved all the goals that you have set for this period of time.
    • Do you want to continue following your dream?
    • Have you been distracted from fulfilling your dreams?
  7. Enjoy your journey. The most important thing is not to think that your life is terrible and that you will not be happy unless you achieve your dreams. In fact, when you achieve your dream and the euphoria wears off, you may return to your old life and look for a new dream. This kind of desire is completely normal, so try to enjoy every step of the way, instead of thinking that you will only be happy/proud of yourself/find meaning in life when you achieve your goal. Instead, enjoy the journey and be proud of yourself along the way.

    Part 2

    Don't lose motivation
    1. Visualize success. From time to time, close your eyes and imagine what your life will be like when you achieve your goal. Tell yourself that you have already got what you want and imagine what your life, home, relationships and thoughts will look like when you get what you crave most. This is a great motivational tactic for those times when you feel discouraged and start to think that you will never be able to make your dreams come true. Visualizing the happiness and satisfaction you will feel when you achieve your goal will help you see that your goal is much closer than you think.

    2. Maintain your self-confidence. If you want to succeed and make your dreams come true, then you cannot become a pessimist when things start to go wrong or when your dream seems unattainable. Always keep your head up, believe in yourself and keep moving forward. It's completely normal to doubt yourself sometimes, but at the end of the day, you have to have complete faith in your abilities because if you don't believe in yourself, then no one can believe in you.

      • Having a positive attitude towards life will help you maintain your self-confidence. If you imagine only the worst outcome of the situation, then it will turn out that way.
    3. Don't forget to leave time for rest. While persistence in pursuing your dreams and achieving your goals is essential, you should also remember to take rest so you don't overwhelm yourself and stay calm. You don't want to overwhelm yourself with anxiety, not get enough sleep and forget about your friends. In fact, if you take rest breaks from time to time, you will feel renewed energy and an even more passionate desire to achieve your goals when you return to achieving them.

      • Regular meditation will help you stay calm, remain peaceful and visualize your goals.
      • Yoga is also suitable for bringing balance to your body and mind. It will also help you let go of whatever is bothering you and stopping you from reaching your full potential.
      • It's important to stay happy and healthy throughout your journey to your ultimate goal and remember to take care of yourself, no matter how hard you work. Make sure you sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, eat three healthy meals a day, and don't drink too much alcohol. This will help you keep your sanity stable and you will be much more likely to get what you want.
    4. Learn from mistakes. If you want to achieve your dreams, you must be able to learn from your mistakes and failures and use them to move forward. If something doesn't work out for you, then you should sit down and think about what went wrong and what you could do differently next time. Of course, sometimes you just might get unlucky and all you can do is just keep moving forward, but usually, you'll see that you could have done something differently. After all, crazy is the belief that you can do the same thing the same way but expect different results, and you definitely don't want to fall into that category.

      • Instead of letting setbacks discourage you, use them to get back to pursuing your goals with even more energy.
    5. Accept constructive criticism. While staying focused on your goal and not letting other people get in your way is extremely important, it is also important to listen to the people who are trying to help you. Of course you can ignore everyone negative people people who are trying to ruin your mood and lead you astray, but if a friend you can trust or someone who knows a lot about your goal tells you that you should do something differently, then you should do well reflect on their words and decide whether their advice is helpful to you.

      • Of course, just because someone cares about you or knows a lot about your goal doesn't mean he or she knows what's best for you to do. You must decide for yourself which advice you will follow and which you will not.
    6. Make the necessary sacrifices. You may have to give up many things you care about to make your dreams come true. You will have to work very hard and give up some of the things you enjoy, such as frequent parties with friends or time with your family. You may need to give up on your goal of running the next city marathon because training will take up too much time, leaving you with little time to study for your final exams. Make a list of the things that take up your time and decide which ones you can give up.

      • Nobody said it would be easy. Something like cutting back on the time you spend with your family can be quite painful, but you must remember that you will be able to restore balance in your life when you achieve your goal.
    7. Remove all obstacles that stand in your way. Consider: What is the biggest obstacle to you in pursuing your goals at this moment? A bad friend who constantly puts you down and tells you you're worthless? A relationship that leaves you no energy for yourself and your dreams? A job that doesn't allow you to be fulfilled? Maybe a love of alcohol that sometimes leaves you too tired to do anything worthwhile? Whatever obstacle (or several) stands in your way, it’s time to get rid of it once and for all.

      • Make a list of all the things that are holding you back from achieving your goal. Ask a close friend to help you. You may not even realize how something as simple as a TV addiction is holding you back from reaching your full potential.
    8. Stop making excuses. One of the most important characteristics of highly successful and driven people is their ability to stop making excuses and keep moving forward, no matter what. Of course, you may believe that your parents treated you poorly and caused your low self-esteem, that you are often unlucky, that people always treat you badly, and all this may be true, but you must use all adversities to become stronger, not as an excuse for why you can't get what you want.

      • Not everyone is born lucky. You can stop, feel sorry for yourself, and address the issues that need to be addressed, but you can't go through life feeling like a victim if you want to succeed.
    9. Reconsider your dream if you cannot achieve it. This shouldn't make you depressed. Of course, if you work hard at executing the right plans, you will have a better chance of success. However, not all dreams come true, especially if you dream of something like a career as a famous actor or writer. Even the most talented celebrities and successful people have had simple luck on their side more than once; you can be the most talented and driven person on earth, but still not achieve what you want. If this is the case and you have already tried many times to achieve your goal but failed, then at some point there will come a time when you will have to realize that you need to change your goals or create completely new goals in order to live a full and happy life .

      • You can't rely entirely on achieving your dreams, as you risk feeling like a failure if they don't come true. Instead, you must find a way to live a fulfilling life that has many positive aspects. This may require you to rethink your expectations, but you will feel more fulfilled and proud of yourself.
    • You must KNOW that nothing is possible to make your dream come true.
    • Be good about everything you do and remember that only you can set boundaries for yourself.
    • Dreams will always remain dreams. If you want to exceed your dreams in real life, then you must work hard - this is the only way to success. Believe in your dreams, don't let others prove you wrong, believe in yourself.
    • From the first step to the realization of your dream, you will come across one word that many very often do not understand, but which, nevertheless, plays a very important role. important role in the process of turning your dream into a burning desire, a desire into a goal, a goal into an action plan, and then into life itself with a dream come true. You cannot copy someone else's method, since your method should be yours alone. The word is MEDITATION, which actually means “to think deeply about something.” When you think about something, you consult the wisdom within you to find the right answer. This answer lies within you, because deep in your soul there is a connection with the source of power in this world.
    • You can't just decide that your dream has become a burning desire. While meditating on your dream, it will grow in such a way that the seed that it was originally will give rise to your burning desire. In turn, the burning desire will automatically become a new seed, which, during meditation, will grow into the goal. Your goal will become a new seed, which, again, when meditated, will give rise to a plan of action that you will have to follow in order to achieve greatness in life.