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Early ripening peppers. Various varieties of peppers for a greenhouse The best varieties of peppers for a greenhouse

We all love peppers. They are unusual - large, cube-shaped, sweet, with thick walls. wants to advise on the best bell pepper seeds to choose for planting so that tasty and aromatic fruits grow.

In central Russia, growing pepper is only possible by seedlings, since the ripening period of pepper is longer than our summer, so early and mid-early varieties of sweet pepper are interesting.

Agricultural companies that are engaged in breeding new varieties of pepper and seeds, such as Gavrish, SeDek, recommend planting pepper hybrids rather than varieties.

What is the difference between a hybrid and a variety?

A variety is the result of selection. All his genes are identical and like two peas in a pod, similar to his parents. The variety is selected and adapted to a specific climate and location. When pollinated, it produces seeds of the same variety. You can get seeds from the variety. For this purpose, the most characteristic and best fruits are selected from the most developed bushes.

A hybrid is the result of crossing. The effect is obtained by a certain combination of parents. Hybrids are much superior to their parents in growth vigor and productivity, sometimes exhibiting very unique properties. But it is impossible to get seeds from them; most often they will look like unremarkable grandparents.

It is very easy to distinguish a pepper variety from a hybrid. The hybrid bag will say F1. This means that it is a first generation hybrid.

The best varieties of sweet peppers

California miracle

If you still decide to plant sweet pepper varieties, then this could be a California miracle. Early pepper, 100-130 days pass from the germination of seedlings to technical ripeness. The plant is determinate. It bears fruit for a long time, the fruits are large, cube-shaped, thick-skinned (wall thickness 6-7 mm) and aromatic. Peppers grow weighing 80-130 g. From this variety you can get seeds with 100% germination and you will have your own best varieties of sweet peppers. Can be used fresh and canned.

What do they say about the California Miracle pepper reviews:

  • I studied for a very long time which seeds are best to buy for our lands middle zone. Not all sprout, or die during night frosts. I decided on two varieties, one of which was “California miracle”. The germination of the pepper did not produce any special emotions, everything went as usual, maybe it requires a little more water at the stage of the appearance of the first flowers than ordinary seedlings. But at the landing stage everything went much better than usual. Of the 10 plants planted, 9 took root in the ground (this is taking into account that I used special soil for seedlings, which is generally wrong). The tenth one also resisted for a long time, but it was my fault I didn’t keep an eye on him. Then everything went like clockwork, I mean like clockwork. Leaves, beautiful flowers and fruits. I was very pleased with the taste of the fruit: sweet, aromatic, pleasant. Ideal for all kinds of preparations. Winter has almost passed, but pepper still pleases with its presence on the table at dinner, there was a lot! I recommend the California Miracle pepper to everyone - this is an excellent bell pepper variety for central Russia, it takes root well and bears fruit well! The fruits are strong, tasty, and grow abundantly! Happy gardening everyone!
  • I have been growing California Miracle peppers for many years. This reliable variety gave yields even in open ground in Siberian conditions. This productive pepper sweet varieties for Siberia. One drawback: the thinness of the fruit, but apparently this is due to the lack of sunny days and warmth.

ox ear

This is a mid-early variety; 70-75 days pass from the moment of planting seedlings to fruiting. These hybrids and varieties of peppers are for polycarbonate greenhouses and open ground. They grow low, the bushes are about 60 - 70 cm in height, so they can be grown under film covers.

The fruits grow juicy, tasty, weighing 120 - 150 grams, retain their appearance well and are easily transported. An elongated variety of bell pepper, the average fruit length is 10 - 12 cm with thick walls. Refers to thick-walled peppers.

Pepper Ox's Ear reviews from gardeners:

  • My first Ox's Ear peppers grew up to 40 cm in length. Then they began to get smaller, to about 8 - 12 cm, but the first ones simply amazed me. Very tasty and aromatic!

Yellow hybrid sweet pepper Gemini F1

These Dutch pepper seeds are the best for open ground because they do not grow tall. The bushes are about 60 cm in height and can grow well under film covers.

Highly productive early varieties of sweet pepper. They can even be called very early ripening, since the fruits begin to ripen 72-78 days after planting the seedlings. The fruits are large, cuboid-elongated, four-chambered, turn from dark green to bright yellow, and have high taste. They tolerate stress well and are resistant to sunburn, air drought. These are the beautiful best varieties of peppers for open ground. They grow on a long stalk, so they are easy to pick when harvesting.

Pepper Gemini F1 reviews:

  • For several years in a row I have been delighted with Gemini. They grow well, you can eat them green (the peppers have more vitamins when they are technically ripe), and I love the yellow Gemini ones, they are very sweet.

Sweet pepper Claudio F1

This is a high-yielding hybrid of sweet peppers of the Dutch line, it can be grown:

  • in open ground,
  • in film greenhouses,
  • glass greenhouses,
  • in polycarbonate greenhouses.

Pepper Claudio F1 is early ripening, the first peppers begin to ripen 72-80 days after planting the seedlings in open ground or in a greenhouse. The best varieties of this bell pepper seed have cuboid-elongated fruits. At technical maturity, peppers are dark green and then turn dark red. Very tasty and aromatic, weighing approximately 200 grams. Peppers, subject to growing technology and sufficient heat and sun, grow thick-walled, with a wall thickness of 10-14 mm.

Pepper Claudio F1 reviews from gardeners:

  • For me it turned out rather late, it didn’t turn red for a very long time. But perhaps due to the cold rainy summer. Grew in open ground, without shelter. I covered it only in August so that the fruits would turn red faster. I liked the taste - sweet, juicy. The wall thickness was 8-10 mm. The fruits were all the same size, but there were few on the bush. Perhaps it would have performed better in a greenhouse or in an exhaust gas under normal weather conditions. Germination rate is 100% - out of 5 seeds, all five germinated.
  • I'm a beginner. I planted pepper seeds, variety Claudio F1 (Holland), it says super new 2010, 50 pieces on 02/12, every single one of them sprouted on 02/19, they stand like soldiers, handsome men (ugh, ugh). I bought the seeds not in the store but directly from the Semko company. So there I received recommendations for planting that seeds purchased from serious companies are not soaked, this applies not only to peppers. And tomatoes and cucumbers... I planted everything and everything came up quickly and amicably. Last season I bought seeds in stores - there were a lot of tears.
  • IN That year I planted 5 Gemini f1 and Claudio f1 plants each - the harvest was excellent, this year I plant 10 bushes each.

The best varieties of peppers for 2016

In 2016, it is best to plant proven varieties of peppers. They always show themselves very well both in seedlings and in terms of yield:

  • Claudio F1 is a very productive, early, large pepper hybrid.
  • Gemini F1 - large, sweet.
  • Hercules - cuboid, medium ripening,
  • Samander - early, productive, fruits were harvested until late autumn, canonical shape.
  • Kakadu - harvested in open ground, tasty, sweet fruits.
  • Bogatyr has a medium ripening period, the peppers all grow evenly.

New varieties and hybrids of pepper seeds:

Manufacturer "Sortsemovosch":

  • Patricia F1 - medium ripening, high 130 cm, large, cuboid, yellow,
  • Santia F1 - height 120 cm, large, cone-shaped, red, disease resistant,
  • Viking red and Viking yellow - height 110 cm, early, very tasty saber-shaped fruits.

The manufacturer "Sedek" has released abundant varieties of small-fruited peppers for whole canning:

  • Black sugar
  • Mother-in-law's tongue.

Seed producer "Search":

  • Atlas - height 70 cm, very early, red, thick-walled.

Among the early ripening hybrids of bell peppers are Apollo, Bonus, Kakadu, Marya, Pygmalion, Shuttle. Early ripening varieties of pepper - Jack, Zorka, Irene, Mavr, Mirage, Peacock.

Excellent sweet peppers from the Eastern Star series are hybrids of a wide variety of colors: yellow, golden, brown, purple, white. All thick-walled, large, early or mid-early, brightly colored.

New varieties of hot pepper:

  • Dagger,
  • hybrid Lightning,
  • Gorgon hybrid.

Which pepper is best to plant, according to gardeners:

  • Bulgarian 79. Sweet pepper. Mid-early high-yielding variety for open ground and film greenhouses.
  • Bouquet of the East F1. Peninsular. Mid-early hybrid for open ground and film shelters.
  • Eastern Star Violet F1. Sweet pepper. Mid-early high-yielding hybrid for open and protected ground.
  • Igalo F1. Sweet pepper, yellow. Designed for cultivation in all types of greenhouses.
  • Kazbek F1. Hybrid for film greenhouses and open ground in the southern regions.

Bell peppers in a greenhouse - features of agricultural technology

Sweet bell pepper is loved by almost everyone, and it is very popular in the market, because of its content of vitamins and useful minerals among vegetables it has no equal. The taste is also amazing, and unlike eggplants, peppers can be consumed both processed and raw. But this crop is quite capricious and demanding on conditions, so many summer residents and gardeners have switched to growing peppers in a greenhouse - glass, film, polycarbonate, in order to protect the crop from weather adversities and numerous pests. About the secrets of growing sweet peppers indoors in this article.

Biological characteristics of peppers

These vegetable plants come from the tropics, and therefore have increased requirements for heat, soil fertility and humidity. In our latitudes, it is customary to grow peppers, like eggplants, as an annual crop, although in fact these are perennial plants, and if proper wintering conditions are provided, they can produce full harvests for many years.

After seed germination, the sprout first forms a taproot, which grows to a depth of 60-80 cm. Then horizontal branches are formed on it, the lateral shoots of which also penetrate to a depth. Ultimately, the root system of peppers, like eggplants, has a fibrous shape. Since peppers in a greenhouse are mainly planted through seedlings, the central rod breaks off, and the entire root system is located in a soil layer of up to 40 cm. Therefore, plants have increased demands on soil fertility, and they also need enough space for full growth. High yields of sweet peppers can be obtained on well-fertilized, non-acidic soils.

Bell peppers are heat-loving plants, in particular, they have higher temperature requirements than tomatoes.

Seeds germinate only when the soil warms up to 13-15 degrees, and the bushes grow well at 20-25 C. At a soil temperature of +3 C, the roots die. It is possible to grow a high yield in a greenhouse only when daytime temperatures are +25-28 and nighttime temperatures are not lower than +16 degrees. If the heat is above +30 C, the pollen becomes sterile and the number of ovaries decreases. Yields are also significantly reduced when there is insufficient moisture.

The stem of peppers, like eggplants, is vertical, does not lie down, and becomes rusty at the bottom. The flowers are bisexual, can be solitary, or can grow in bunches (bouquet peppers). The larger the flower, the larger the fruit will be. Flowering begins with a single flower at the first branch, then their number increases exponentially. On one bush, before frost, from 40 to 100 flowers can form, simultaneously with ripening fruits. bell pepper, like bitter, self-pollinates, and when different species and varieties are grown together, cross-pollination occurs with the help of insects and wind. The shape of the fruit can be very different. Varieties of bell peppers are divided into the following varieties:

  • early ripening - 110 days from germination, mid-ripening - 120-130 days, late ripening - from 140 days;
  • by growth strength: tall - up to 2 m, tall - 1.2-1.3 m, standard - up to 0.5 m;
  • according to the fruiting period: short - no more than 30 days, long - up to 7 months;
  • according to the shape of the fruit - from round to trunk-shaped;
  • by fruit color: white, all colors of yellow, orange, red, purple, chocolate;
  • by fruit weight – from 3 to 650 grams;
  • according to the quality of the fruit: thin-walled and fleshy.

Pepper in greenhouses - from seed to harvest

This crop can be grown in all types of greenhouses - glass, film, polycarbonate, with or without heating. Often, bell peppers are planted in the second rotation - after selecting tomato and eggplant seedlings.

In greenhouses made of polycarbonate and film without heating, seedlings can be planted only when the soil warms up to +15 C, and this is in mid-latitudes - the 3rd decade of May. You need to sow sweet pepper seeds on March 25-30 in cups in order to replant by transshipment, without picking, which significantly delays the development of plants.

In heated shelters, sweet pepper seeds can be sown directly in a permanent place starting from the New Year. It is necessary to plant to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, between rows - at least 12 cm. The distance between plants in a row is determined by the growth rate of the bush. In general, peppers require a smaller feeding area than tomatoes and eggplants.

Growing seedlings

At soil temperatures above +20 degrees, seedlings appear on the 7th day, and at +15 – only on the 20-25th day. Caring for sprouts includes regularly maintaining soil moisture in this mode (this eliminates blackleg disease):

  • before emergence - watering every other day with a consumption of 3 liters of water per 1 sq. m;
  • from germination to the appearance of the first true leaf - 2 times with a flow rate of 7 liters per square meter. m;
  • then every 2-3 days with a flow rate of 15 liters per 1 sq.m.

Between waterings, be sure to loosen the rows. 2 weeks after germination, the seedlings should begin to be hardened, periodically ventilating the greenhouse made of polycarbonate or glass. In film greenhouses, hardening begins from the 3rd week, making sure that the temperature does not fall below +16 degrees.

The feeding regime for seedlings is the same as for tomatoes and eggplants: every 7-10 days, liquid fertilizing alternately with a solution of ready-made fertilizers for seedlings, a highly diluted solution of organic fertilizers, a Solution (Epin or Zircon according to the instructions) - to strengthen the plants' immunity.

Planting seedlings in greenhouses

If the peppers were sown as seedlings in cups, then they can be planted in a permanent place at the age of 40-45 days, the height of the bushes is 20-25 cm, 8-9 leaves. The planting scheme for sweet peppers depends on the timing of cultivation and the vigor of the bush and is 3-10 plants per square meter. Vigorous varieties in early dates It is recommended to plant according to the scheme 70x40x30 or 80x40x25. Low growing varieties can be compacted more: 80x40x16 cm.

When planting, the stem, like that of eggplants, cannot be buried, since additional roots do not form on the stem, but the incidence of plant diseases increases.

Forming bell peppers in a greenhouse

There are many contradictions about this, but the most effective is the so-called Dutch technology, which involves the following ways to grow a good crop in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or other material:

  • Low-growing varieties are grown without tying or pinching.
  • A vigorous bell pepper is tied to a trellis and pinched, forming three stems. To do this, all side shoots are removed before the first branching, then only three shoots remain. They are tied with a fan, all other new shoots and leaves in the internodes are plucked out. In this case, the first flower is always removed.

The second option for forming sweet peppers of vigorous varieties: at the first branch, the flower is removed and only 2 shoots are left. As it grows, the stronger one is left on the next branch to continue the branch, and the weak one is pinched above the first fruit. And so on. Each shoot is tied to a trellis, since this formation makes it possible to grow a large harvest, and under the weight of large fruits, fragile shoots break off. Productivity can be up to 9-15 kg of fruits per 1 square meter.

A month before the end of cultivation, the tops should be pinched to speed up the ripening of the entire crop.

What do peppers like in the greenhouse?

Increased requirements for water supply - 60-70% relative air humidity and constantly moist soil. With a lack of watering, 1-2 day old flowers and ovaries fall off. Overwatering is also very dangerous - it develops root rot. On very hot days, it is recommended to shade a greenhouse made of glass and polycarbonate with lutrasil or spunbond so as not to overheat the plants, as ripening peppers will become like boiled ones.

It is necessary to feed the same as tomatoes - once every 7-19 days, depending on the vigor of the bush. The dose of fertilizer is 25% lower than for eggplants and tomatoes. It is especially important to adhere to the potassium balance, since with a deficiency of this element, the leaves become coarser, become light-colored with a gray coating, and the fruits become smaller and become tasteless. It will be very difficult to correct the situation - pepper is difficult to recover from a lack of nutrition.

Diseases and pests of peppers in a greenhouse

If you follow the above rules of agricultural technology, peppers usually do not get sick. The most interesting thing is that domestic varieties, especially medium-sized ones, are the most resistant to diseases, while foreign hybrids get sick quite often and it is rarely possible to grow them without the use of chemicals. The most resistant varieties are Svetlyachok, Pioneer, Druzhok. They can only get sick when there are sudden changes or a strong drop in temperature (below +10 C) - purple blooms and spots appear on the fruits. When the heat returns they disappear.

Folk recipe for fighting aphids on peppers

Pass a glass of hot onion pulp and dandelion leaves through a meat grinder. Dilute in 10 liters, leave for 30 minutes, strain, add 1 tablespoon of liquid soap and treat all plants. After 3 days, rinse off with sprinkling and ventilate well until the leaves dry.

The best varieties of peppers for greenhouses

The best varieties of sweet peppers for open ground and film shelters

Not every pepper will have time to grow and ripen in short summer conditions, with a lack of heat and light. This requires low-growing, early-ripening, resistant to low temperatures unpretentious varieties. So, their fruits will be completely different from the sweet, juicy, fleshy southern peppers? Not at all. The old varieties, suitable for the Non-Black Earth Region, really did not have a special taste. Herbaceous and dry, with thin walls, the peppers were suitable only for preparations. But thanks to the success of breeders, today gardeners have plenty to choose from. New products have appeared with fruits of a wide variety of colors, from pale yellow to purple, not to mention orange, red, burgundy, large and small, round, cube-shaped and cone-shaped. At the same time, they have a compact bush, which makes it easier to care for plantings, are cold-resistant, do not require complex shelters for growing, are resistant to diseases, are tasty and productive.


Very early. The height of the bush is 30-50 cm. The fruits are light green at technical ripeness, orange-red when ripe, cuboid in shape, weighing 140-180 g, wall thickness - 5 mm. It is characterized by friendly yield and a high load of fruits (up to 16 pieces per bush). The variety is ideal for compacted plantings using the strip method (every 12-15 cm). Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, verticillium, blossom end rot.



cabin boy


Early ripening. The height of the bush is 50-70 cm. The fruits are green at technical ripeness, when ripe they are red, large, cone-shaped, weighing 140-180, wall thickness 5-7 mm.

It is characterized by friendly yield and excellent taste. The harvest is formed on two tiers. 12-18 fruits are formed on the bush. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus and verticillium.


Very early. The height of the bush is 60-70 cm. The fruits are yellow-orange at technical ripeness, when ripe they are orange-red, cone-shaped, weighing 170-220 g, wall thickness 5-6 mm. Characterized by good fruiting, high yield, the fruits are very decorative and suitable for consumption at any stage of development. 13-17 fruits are formed on the bush.

cabin boy

Early ripening. The height of the bush is 50-60 cm. The fruits are dark green at technical ripeness, red when ripe, cone-shaped, weighing 130-180 g, wall thickness 6-7 mm.

It is characterized by a good load of fruits on the bush (8-15 pieces), high taste qualities of the fruits. Suitable for compact planting.


Early ripening. The height of the bush is 50-70 cm. The fruits are green at technical ripeness, when ripe they are red, large, cone-shaped, weighing 140-180, wall thickness 5-7 mm.

It is characterized by friendly yield and excellent taste. The harvest is formed on two tiers. 12-18 fruits are formed on the bush. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus and verticillium.


Very early. The height of the bush is 60-70 cm. The fruits are yellow-orange at technical ripeness, when ripe they are orange-red, cone-shaped, weighing 170-220 g, wall thickness 5-6 mm. Characterized by good fruiting, high yield, the fruits are very decorative and suitable for consumption at any stage of development. 13-17 fruits are formed on the bush.

cabin boy

Early ripening. The height of the bush is 50-60 cm. The fruits are dark green at technical ripeness, red when ripe, cone-shaped, weighing 130-180 g, wall thickness 6-7 mm.

It is characterized by a good load of fruits on the bush (8-15 pieces), high taste qualities of the fruits. Suitable for compact planting.

F1 Pinocchio


F1 Pinocchio

Very early. The height of the bush is 70 cm. The fruits are dark green at technical ripeness, red when ripe, long cone-shaped, weighing 80-120 g, wall thickness 5 mm.

It is characterized by friendly yield, the fruits are well stored and used for canning. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus and blossom end rot.


Early ripening. The height of the bush is 70-100 cm. The fruits are light green at technical ripeness, when ripe they are red, cone-shaped, weighing 160-190 g, wall thickness 6 mm. It is characterized by high taste qualities of fruits and suitability for canning. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus and verticillium.


Early ripening. The height of the bush is 80 cm. The fruits are green at technical ripeness, when ripe they are yellow, long, cone-shaped, weighing 170-200 g, wall thickness 6 mm. Characterized by consistent fruiting, adaptability to various growing conditions, the fruits are good fresh. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.



Early ripening. The height of the bush is 50-90 cm. The fruits are yellowish when technically ripe, orange-red when ripe, beautiful cone-shaped with a rounded top, 3-chambered, weighing 80-160 g, wall thickness 6-7 mm. It is characterized by uniform fruiting, a good load of fruits on the bush (20-30 pieces), high decorativeness and excellent taste of the fruits.


Early ripening. The height of the bush is 70-150 cm. The fruits at technical ripeness are light green, when ripe they are bright red, cone-shaped, weighing 250-300 g, wall thickness 6-7 mm. It is characterized by high productivity, original coloring of fruits and undemanding conditions for growing. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.


Early ripening. The height of the bush is 80-100 cm. The fruits at technical ripeness are dark green, when ripe they are brown, drooping, prism-shaped, weighing 180-200 g, wall thickness 5-6 mm. Characterized by good fruit set, continuous fruiting, the fruits have a high content of vitamin C and carotene.



Early ripening. The height of the bush is 80-100 cm. The fruits are green at technical ripeness, when ripe they are red, dense, heavy, juicy, directed upward, heart-shaped and prism-shaped, weighing 160-260 g, wall thickness 8-10 mm. It is characterized by high taste qualities of fruits, increased shelf life and transportability, and low shedding of flowers.


Early ripening. The height of the bush is 70-100 cm. The fruits are green at technical ripeness, when ripe they are red, cone-shaped, weighing 180-250 g, wall thickness 6-7 mm. It is characterized by stable yield, good taste of fruits (suitable for food in the early stages of development). Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.



Early ripening. The height of the bush is 80 cm. The fruits are light green at technical ripeness, when ripe they are yellow, cube-shaped, ribbed, weighing 150-200 g, wall thickness 6-8 mm. Characterized by good yield, the fruits are used fresh and for canning. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, verticillium and blossom end rot.


Early ripening. The height of the bush is 70-90 cm. The fruits at technical ripeness are dark green, when ripe they are red, wide, cone-shaped, weighing 140-170 g, wall thickness 6-8 mm. It is characterized by long flowering and fruiting, high resistance to unfavorable growing conditions, and excellent fruit taste. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.

Photos and descriptions of pepper varieties were provided by the Manul Breeding and Seed Company LLC.

Growing sweet peppers in a greenhouse to sell an expensive product

Sweet pepper is considered a vitamin dope and an antidepressant. It is especially beneficial for our cardiovascular system. It also has an aromatic taste and is often used in cooking. For these and many other reasons, the demand for sweet peppers is always stable.

Wholesale prices for sweet peppers range from $0.7-$1. The average retail price is $1.5. One of the most expensive vegetables on the market!

The ripening period for early ripening varieties from planting seedlings to fruiting is 50-55 days. And the yield of sweet peppers in a greenhouse often reaches 18 kg per square meter.

These and other advantages attract farmers to grow sweet peppers in a greenhouse. After all, this solution gives a larger yield per square meter than in open ground. The temperature conditions required for the active growth of this vegetable crop are 25-30 degrees; they are much easier to maintain in a greenhouse.

To organize a pepper growing business you will need:

  1. Pepper seeds of the variety you are interested in.
  2. High-quality fertilizers.
  3. A plot of land.
  4. Containers and transport for the sale of grown products.

It is important to choose those varieties that you are best at. There are often cases when vegetable growers choose a variety because of its beauty, but it turns out to be one of the most “capricious” to care for. The more you learn about each specific variety, the better harvest you can get.

The best varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses

Selecting suitable varieties of pepper for a greenhouse is not easy, because today there are a lot of types, more than 500 (including hybrids). A number of varieties were bred specifically for growing indoors. The most prolific of them are “Orange Miracle”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Tenderness”.

“Apricot Favorite” is considered one of the best early ripening varieties for both greenhouses and open ground. The Atlant variety stands out. It is classified as early and mid-ripening. It stands out for its compactness and fertility.

One of the earliest ripening varieties is the “Cardinal” variety, which is excellent for greenhouse conditions. The time it takes for the latter to reach ripeness actually does not exceed 100 days. The height of a bush of this variety can reach more than 1 meter.

Pests and diseases of sweet peppers in a greenhouse

Diseases and pests of peppers can appear when grown even in greenhouse conditions.

Sweet pepper is a rather capricious plant, and growing it is quite difficult. Therefore, its cost is always high level. As already mentioned, this is not a cheap greenhouse crop. With sudden changes in temperature, the plant can get sick; at temperatures below +10, a bloom and a purple spot appear.

Among other common diseases, it is worth highlighting blossom end rot; it is not infectious and appears when the humidity and feeding regime are violated. Pepper can be treated by adding a handful of ash under the bush in time, which will alkalize the soil.

The viral disease stolbur is also common, due to which the growth of the plant stops, the leaves fade and the fruits turn yellow. It is carried by various pests. Alternaria blight, or black mold, appears as brown spots covering leaves, stems and fruits. The most dangerous pest is considered to be aphids.

Growing sweet pepper seedlings at home

Before planting peppers in a greenhouse, you need to grow seedlings at home. It is recommended to plant seeds from February to March. Before planting, they are usually kept in warm water for several hours. The soil for seeds should consist of soil, peat and humus in a ratio of 1:1:1.

The optimal soil Ph should be 6.4-6.8. One or two seeds are buried to a depth of approximately 2 cm. The distance between seeds should be 1.5-2 centimeters, and between the beds - 5-6 centimeters.

In order for the seedlings to germinate successfully, it is necessary to constantly maintain a temperature of +25-+27 degrees in the greenhouse. It is important to provide abundant lighting for 12-14 hours daily; lamps can be used for this. The plant requires frequent, but not abundant watering. It is recommended to carry out drainage so that water does not stagnate in the soil. Complementary feeding in the form of mineral fertilizers is given once every 10 days.

The first shoots appear on days 5-10. Please note that after the sprouts rise, the temperature regime needs to be changed slightly. Immediately after the formation of seedlings, the temperature drops to +15...+18 degrees for 2 days, after which it must be maintained around +22...+25 degrees during the day, and +15...+18 at night.

The seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse from mid-March to April; it is important to ensure a temperature of about +15...+18 degrees. The thickness of the soil should be at least 25 cm. Despite the fact that sweet pepper is a very heat-loving plant, if the temperature rises to +35 degrees, the bushes should be shaded.

Conditions for growing sweet peppers

Secrets of growing sweet peppers in a greenhouse - what you shouldn’t forget:

  1. When the pepper reaches 15-20 centimeters in height, it is necessary to trim the tops of the plant, so the plant will branch better.
  2. In a greenhouse where there is no wind or extreme cold, sweet peppers will grow very actively, so you can attach the upper growing points to bamboo poles (trellises).
  3. It is important to feed the plant with both organic and mineral fertilizers, alternating them.
  4. For planting the plant, soil in which onions, cabbage, and cucumbers were previously grown is suitable. If nightshade plants have previously grown in the ground, then you should wait 3-4 years before planting this crop. And it’s best to change the soil - this is another advantage of greenhouse conditions.
  5. The temperature of the soil itself in which the pepper is planted should not be lower than +15 degrees.
  6. It is worth loosening the soil regularly, so the plant will receive more oxygen.
  7. Sweet peppers should not be planted next to bitter ones, otherwise the sweet fruits will taste bitter. The distance between these plants must be at least 100 meters!

How to effectively sell your harvest on the market?

When the planted plants bear their first fruits, you need to start selling the grown product. The easiest way is to sell sweet peppers at the market. And although you will face fierce competition here, the largest influx of buyers at the very beginning of promoting your business is easiest to find here.

You can establish connections with establishments that purchase products for cooking - restaurants, cafes, canteens. You can also become a supplier of homemade fresh vegetables to local stores. Don't underestimate the power of the Internet. You can offer your product in in social networks or on your online store.

The harvest can be sold not only to individual buyers for food consumption, but also to stores and companies producing pepper tinctures. By growing fruits in a greenhouse, you can also sell seedlings to amateur gardeners.

Today, growing vegetables in a greenhouse is a profitable and quickly pay-off business idea. The consumer wants to consume fresh and organic locally produced vegetables all year round. Therefore, finding a buyer for yourself will not be a problem.

Early varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses are quite easy to grow. It is enough to follow all the rules of agricultural technology.

The benefits of early varieties of sweet peppers

There are a lot of varieties. They are determined according to various criteria.

  • According to the place of cultivation - greenhouse, open ground (or universal).
  • According to the speed of fruit ripening - ultra-early (early), mid-ripening, late-ripening.
  • According to the height of the stem.

As a rule, many farmers prefer early varieties of sweet peppers.

The vegetable is one of the healthiest. Ultra-early ripening varieties for greenhouses contain a lot of vitamins. First of all, these are carotene and vitamin C.

Attention! Even with heat treatment, this vegetable will not lose vitamins.

Miniature, ultra-early ripening fruits are often used in cooking. They make very beautiful dishes.

In a greenhouse, plant fruits ripen quite early. At the same time, they have a very attractive appearance and are stored for a relatively long time. They are not difficult to grow. To do this, it is enough to have minimal knowledge correct landing and care.

Ultra early ripening peppers

Attention! In addition to varieties for greenhouses, universal species have also been bred.

Such ultra-early ripening plants develop well in open ground conditions.


This early sweet species is intended exclusively for growing in a greenhouse. It does not exceed 1m in height. Very fleshy fruits. Their color is unusual - from green and red to dark purple. This is not a pure variety, it belongs to hybrids.


It can rightfully be called ultra-early. This sweet pepper ripens in a greenhouse in a minimum amount of time - 100 days. The fruits are very large and dense, reaching 400 g in weight. The bush itself is small in height, very compact.


This ultra-early variety is intended for large greenhouses. In low film buildings the plant will be cramped. Its fruits are large in shape and burgundy in color. Their weight ranges from 200 to 250 g. The plant itself is large. It can reach a height of more than 125 cm. The bush is spreading and has many branches.


This plant grows ideally in a small greenhouse. The early variety of pepper does not grow higher than 85 cm and still gives a good harvest. The fruits are fleshy, juicy and large. The color when ripe will be green. Over time, the pepper will turn red.


It grows very large (up to 1.5 m) and spreading. To grow this early variety you need a large greenhouse. This is an ultra-early ripening species; 100 days are enough for it to fully mature. The weight of the fruit is very large. At proper care– 500 g.


This is a hybrid ultra-early representative. The fruits have grown quite large, their weight reaches approximately 200 g. The peppers are fleshy, with thick walls of 7 mm. When fully ripe, the fruit has a rich yellow color. The plant is small in height



It has a long shelf life and rapid ripening. That is why this early species is often grown in greenhouses for sale. The fruits are quite fleshy and large, weighing up to 300 g. In general, the plant is not picky and resists diseases well.

Snow White

This plant belongs to the ultra-early ripening variety. But it is intended only for film greenhouses. In other conditions, the plant will develop, but the yield will decrease. The fruits are colored white. As the peppers ripen, they turn red. The height of the bush is small.


This is an ultra-early ripening variety of sweet pepper. In the right greenhouse conditions, it gives a large harvest - up to 14 kg per 1 square meter. The bush is tall (1m), but compact. Ripe fruits have an even red tint. This is one of the best hybrid representatives.


This variety is distinguished by its small growth. Usually the plant reaches a height of no more than 35-40 cm. This is how it earned its popularity (it is much easier to care for). The fruits of this pepper weigh about 80 g, but they are quite fleshy.


A very popular ultra-early variety. The variety is very resistant to diseases. Changing conditions is also not a hindrance for him. Small in height, compact in stature. The fruits are small, weighing no more than 115 g. The color is different - white, gold, green, pink. Pale shades.

Winnie the Pooh

The height of the plant does not exceed 30 cm. The fruits are small, they weigh only 50 g. But the species is quite popular. It is often used to prepare gourmet dishes. Another big plus is simultaneous maturation.


This early species loves warmth and moisture. It belongs to the medium-sized varieties, but in general it is very compact. Productivity is good, but subject to the right conditions– 7.5 kg per 1 m square. The color of the pepper can be combined, or it can be even. These are mainly shades of red and orange.

Marinka's tongue

The fruits of this ultra-early ripening species ripen very early. At the same time, its resistance to diseases and changes in the environment is quite high. The plant is of medium height (about 60 cm). One bush grows up to 15 fruits weighing 240 g. The color is even, dark red.


This early representative is characterized by a high degree of resistance to diseases, pests, changing conditions, and so on. Very high yield - about 40 small or medium fruits per bush. The fruits are quite fleshy, wall thickness 6 mm. Colors – red, yellow, orange.

So, we looked at the best ultra-early varieties of peppers for greenhouse cultivation. Now let's look at the seed selection criteria.

Five selection criteria

When choosing seeds of an ultra-early variety of peppers for greenhouse cultivation, questions and doubts often arise.

Before purchasing seeds, please read the following information:

  1. growing environment;
  2. fruit ripening;
  3. plant size;
  4. susceptibility to disease or pests;
  5. regional features.

If you plan to start the plant in a greenhouse, make sure the seed growing medium indicated on the package is appropriate. Each variety is designed for different conditions.

The timing of fruit ripening is also important. If you want the fruit to ripen quickly, choose ultra-early ripening varieties.

The size of the plant matters a lot. Especially if the sweet pepper will grow in a greenhouse. Choose compact early varieties. This will greatly facilitate further care of the plant and will not affect its productivity.

The most important criterion is susceptibility to diseases or pests. Early plants have different level vulnerabilities. Of course, the advantage is on the side of resistant varieties.

Regional characteristics of early varieties are also important. In order for sweet pepper seeds to develop correctly, the necessary conditions must be created in the greenhouse.

Attention! All information can be found on the back of the seed packets, on the Internet, or you can get it from a sales consultant.

Pure variety or hybrid

To make it easier to make a choice, let’s talk about the differences between pure and hybrid plant samples.

Early varieties grow much better in a greenhouse than in open ground.

Pure varieties are the result of long-term, high-quality seed selection. Farmers grow plants, then select the best ones:

  • the highest;
  • the most meaty;
  • with the most delicious and largest fruits.

The seeds are removed from the fruits of this plant. Then the seedlings are planted by hand. The qualifying round is repeated until the result is perfect. This is how a pure variety appears.

Attention! As a rule, such peppers grow in certain regions and require careful care.

Ultra-early ripening sweet pepper hybrids are the result of crossing early varieties in greenhouses. These plant samples differ:

  • thick stem;
  • high yield;
  • quality fruits;
  • attractive appearance;
  • compactness of the bush;
  • endurance to diseases;
  • resistance to pests.

Important! The seeds of an early hybrid sweet pepper variety grown in a greenhouse do not retain genetics.

In other words, they are disposable. To plant next year you will need to purchase new seeds. At the same time, their considerable cost should be taken into account.

Proper planting of early varieties

It is best to germinate the seeds of greenhouse ultra-early sweet peppers first. In order for the seedlings to turn out to be of high quality, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • capacity;
  • priming;
  • distance;
  • temperature;
  • transfer.

Be sure to choose the container in advance. For initial sowing, a shallow container is quite suitable. In the future, the sprouts will need to be replanted. In this case, you will need a larger container, preferably peat. You can use wooden boxes.

The soil for planting early peppers should be well moistened. There should not be excess water. It is best to generously spray the soil with seeds from a spray bottle. This way you can control the amount of moisture. If you have heavily flooded the soil, simply mix it with dry soil.

Attention! Some farmers use compost instead of soil to grow seedlings of ultra-early varieties of greenhouse peppers.

Distance plays a big role in planting seeds. Sprouted peppers will interfere with each other and stretch if the correct spacing is not observed. Plant the seeds two inches apart. Then the seedlings will develop freely and correctly.

The most important role is played by temperature. Greenhouse early varieties of sweet peppers need its stability. When growing seedlings, monitor the thermometer. The temperature should be kept at 21. This affects the future harvest of the plant.

It is necessary to replant sweet pepper seedlings. Greenhouse ultra-early ripening varieties require double replanting: the first is carried out in a container, the second - directly into the greenhouse soil. When the seedlings have sprouted and become stronger (about 12 weeks), carefully transplant them into large peat containers. This is necessary for good root development. This way they become stronger and more branchy.

In a greenhouse, early varieties of sweet pepper seedlings should be planted at a distance of half a meter from each other. For the right further development plants need to be looked after. Let's talk about the rules.

Planting ultra-early peppers

Early greenhouse varieties of sweet peppers, even unpretentious ones, need proper care. In order for the plant’s yield to meet expectations, you need to perform small tricks.

  1. Bush garter. Tall, early peppers may break during growth. To prevent the plant from deteriorating, it needs help. If the pepper reaches a height of 60 cm, tie it up.
  2. Watering. Don't forget to implement it on time. Early varieties of sweet peppers love moisture.
  3. High yield. Be sure to remove the first ovaries in order to increase yield.
  4. Temperature. Each pepper variety has its own temperature preferences. If you are growing several early varieties of pepper in one greenhouse, you need an average temperature. The most optimal indicator is 18 degrees. Stick to it for good yield.
  5. Formation. Too spreading varieties of ultra-early ripening greenhouse peppers need to be shaped. To do this, excess shoots are removed from the bush. Thus, you will increase the productivity of the plant and protect it from many diseases.

So, we have looked at the rules for selecting, planting and caring for early varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses. By following them, you can easily grow large, fleshy fruits yourself.

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Sweet vegetable pepper is loved by many. Every family wants to see aromatic bell peppers on the table. The culture came to us from subtropical countries, so in our temperate climate we have to take care of it. Due to the short summer with cool weather, the plants set few fruits or they do not have time to ripen, so it is safer to grow peppers not in the open air, but in a greenhouse.

Pepper varieties for commercial production


Can be grown in a winter-spring cycle on low-volume substrates. The fruits are suitable for vegetable salads and for preparing homemade dishes. The cultivar is mid-season - about 120 days pass from germination to the stage of technical readiness. The bush is on a trunk and does not need staking, despite its impressive height (up to 150 centimeters), since there are few leaves on the shoots.

The peppers look down, have a prismatic shape with weakly defined ribs and a slightly curved end. At the beginning of ripening the color is light green, after the seeds ripen it turns red. The stalk is slightly depressed, the tip is blunt. The weight of the fruit is no more than 140 g, the wall is of medium thickness, the taste and aroma are well expressed. In a greenhouse, up to 7 kg of pepper is harvested per square meter, the average yield per bush is 1.8 kg. 3-4 plants are planted per square meter.

Winnie the Pooh

VP is an early ripening cultivar that produces its first fruits on the 107th day. The bush is small (only 30 cm high), compact, and does not need hanging or shaping. The fruits are arranged in bouquets - this ensures a significant harvest, despite the small size of the bushes and peppers. Up to 5 kilograms of pepper are harvested per square meter of greenhouse.

The weight of peppers is up to 50 g, the taste is decent, the color is green or red. Suitable for winter greenhouses. Despite its early ripening, Winnie the Pooh's taste is not inferior to late varieties.

California miracle

KCh is a variety of American selection, confidently one of the ten most popular in the world. An early-ripening cultivar of universal use, ripens 100 days after the appearance of seedlings. The growth of the bush is limited; after reaching a height of 70 cm, stem elongation stops.

The California miracle has large and heavy fruits weighing up to 150 grams. The shape of the fruit is cuboidal, the pulp is juicy, thick, dense, the skin is smooth and shiny. As it ripens, the color transforms from dark green to dark red. The value of the fruit is its high taste and strong aroma of the fruit.

Orange miracle

OC is an early-ripening hybrid of Dutch origin that can be grown in film structures. The bushes are not spreading, reaching a height of 1 m. The fruits look down, cuboid in shape, the color is dark green, orange and dark orange.

The fruits are large, massive (up to 200 g), with excellent taste. In greenhouses, plants are placed according to a 70 x 40 cm pattern. Row spacing should not be less than 60 cm, since the shoots branch strongly and will have to be tied up. In film greenhouses the yield is 10 kg per square. The orange miracle is suitable for preservation and consumption in a fresh video. The value of the variety is its high consumer and commercial qualities, resistance to viral diseases of nightshades.

Pepper varieties for lovers

The best varieties of peppers for amateur polycarbonate greenhouses are interesting varieties and hybrids that have important advantages, but do not show stable results. For example, a variety may be particularly aromatic or have an interesting fruit color, but its yield depends on factors that are difficult to correct in an industrial environment - for example, bushes must be carefully shaped, flowers must be pollinated by hand, or numerous sprayings must be carried out.


Mid-early variety, ripening after 110 days. The bushes are tall, the shoots are closed, the leaves are large - the plants need support. The fruits are short-prism-shaped, shiny, yellowish, and red when ripe. The mass and wall thickness of the peppers are small, but the taste is very good. High yield is the main advantage of this variety. Up to 15 kg is removed per square meter in winter greenhouses. To increase the yield, the plant is formed into three stems and the Silk growth regulator is used.


Mid-early variety, ripening after 115 days. Barguzin has a standard bush, tall (80 centimeters), with closed shoots. This shape allows you to reduce the cost of shaping and gartering. The cone-shaped fruits face downwards, the shiny surface and bright yellow color give the reasons an appetizing appearance. At the technical stage, the fruits are dark green. There are few nests - 2 or 3, weight up to 170 g, thick walls.

Barguzin has a good taste and a pronounced aroma. In a winter greenhouse, you can get up to 11 kg of pepper per meter, and when shaped into 3 stems, up to 17 kg. The variety is valued for its large and fleshy fruits and its ability to adapt to any growing conditions.


A mid-early variety with large cone-shaped fruits that change color from light green to red. The weight and thickness of the fruits are small, but the cultivar is valued for its taste and aroma. Vigor gets excellent marks at tastings. Bodrost's bushes are tall, standard type, the shoots are pressed to the stem. At technical ripeness, 10 kg of fruits are collected per square meter of land in a greenhouse. Vigor is resistant to fusarium and is suitable for cultivation in OG and GR. The variety is productive and unpretentious, bearing fruit abundantly in any weather.


An early variety of pepper for greenhouses is a Dutch hybrid with a growing season of 100 days. The first fruits can be harvested 80 days after transplanting the seedlings. It is recommended to grow on low-volume substrates. The bush grows tall, but open, thanks to which the plants can be formed even into 4 stems.

Throughout the season, the hybrid will produce high-quality cube-shaped fruits with a thick wall. The color ranges from dark green at the technical stage to dark red at the biological stage. Thickness up to 1 cm. The crop can be moved over long distances.


Varieties of bell peppers for greenhouses. The fruits of Health cannot be called large - their length is up to 12 cm and thickness up to 4 mm, the weight of the fruit is about 40 g. Thanks to the prism-shaped shape and small size, the fruits are well transported. The variety is suitable for preparing winter salads. The taste is very decent, the aroma is strong.

The height of the bush reaches 170 cm, which explains the high yield of Health - up to 10 kg of fruits are collected from a meter of winter greenhouse, and up to 15 peppercorns are simultaneously poured onto each bush. The peculiarity of the variety is good fruit set in low light conditions.

Hot peppers for greenhouses

Hot and sweet peppers belong to different types, but to the same genus. The agricultural technology of hot peppers is the same as that of Bulgarian peppers.

Astrakhansky 628

A productive mid-season pepper variety for the greenhouse with sharp-tasting fruits. It tolerates heat and drought well, so even in hot weather it does not shed its ovaries. The plant is not tall - the stem length is about 50 cm, but at least 15 fruits are formed on each bush. The peppercorns are located singly, have a cone shape, and are medium to small in size.

When cut, the peppercorns are 3-chambered, reaching a length of 10 cm and a diameter of 20 mm. The average weight of Astrakhan is 20 g, the pulp is thin. Color from dark green to scarlet. The aroma is strong, the pungency is pronounced.

The variety was created in Volgograd, zoned in the south of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The variety is old, has existed since 1943. In southern climates it can grow in the open air; in temperate climates it is better to plant it in film greenhouses, since the long growing season does not allow Astrakhan to fully ripen in a short season.

elephant trunk

Mid-early variety, suitable for greenhouses and greenhouses. Elephant trunk is valued for its high productivity and pleasant medium-spicy taste. Peppercorns are used as a spice for canning and for preparing spicy marinades and sauces.

Peppers - vegetable or sweet - are loved by many high-yielding and healthy crops. Many summer residents prefer to grow peppers. But the yield is higher for those who grow peppers in a greenhouse. One of the important growth parameters is the correct choice of seeds.

What are the best pepper seeds for polycarbonate greenhouses?


Pepper for greenhouses of the Atlant variety is best suited for polycarbonate greenhouses small sizes. It grows in height during the growing season by 80 centimeters. The rate of fruit ripening is 110 days after appearance. It is considered an early and highly productive variety. The Atlanta fruit is quite large, weighing more than 100 g, the cellulose is juicy, but the layer is thick.


This is considered one of the best in the line of midwives. Vegetation lasts 120-130 days. The height of the bush is 90-100 cm. The fruit has a pyramidal shape and an average weight of 90-115 g. At the beginning of ripening they are pale green in color, in the middle - dark green, at the end of full maturity they acquire an intense red color.

Prince Silver

It has an early repayment period of up to 120 days. The shrubs are low - up to 70 cm. The shape is compact and holds well. Has fruits - cones, smooth. The pulp is soft. Many people take this pepper at the stage of technical ripeness, because during this period its fruits are yellow. Later they turn red.

Orange miracle

Ultra early ripening. It is removed already on the 90th day. The color of the fruit at maturity is a technical dazzling lemon color, later acquiring a rich orange color. It weighs more than average - up to 150 g. The shrub is 120 cm high. The pulp is not very soft, dense.


This variety is very interesting. Average maturity - after 120 days. The bush is compact, compact, height 60 cm. Dense cube-shaped fruits grow up to 200 g.

  • On average - about 140.
  • The walls are thin.
  • The color is classic red.

Tall peppers for greenhouses

According to the experience of our farmers, the following varieties are considered the best peppers for greenhouses.

  1. Businessman. This type of pepper belongs to the early ripening pepper and is planted not only in greenhouses, but also in open ground.
  2. Dealer- a high-yielding variety with pyramidal-shaped fruits. The growing season begins with 95-100 days from the first shoots. The height of the bush during growth arrest can reach 120 cm.
  3. California miracle. Middle aged high variety sweet peppers for growing in greenhouses. The fertilization period occurs 100-110 days after sowing seeds for seedlings. When fully ripe, the cube-shaped fruits reach a weight of two hundred grams. In greenhouses, up to 5-6 kg of crop is removed from one bush.
  4. Miracle Tree F1- This unique variety, bred by breeders, actually increases the height of a small tree during the growing period. The height of an adult plant reaches 1.6-1.8 m. The hybrid ripens early, and, grown in greenhouses, it produces the first fruits within 90-95 days from the moment the first shoots appear.
  5. Cockatoo. A high variety of sweet peppers with a truly gigantic fruit length - up to 25-28 cm. One such pepper during the full ripening period can weigh up to 400-500 grams. Long, sweet, slightly curved, resembling a cranberry beak, used for cooking, preservation and fresh consumption. The growing season begins 100-105 days after the first shoots. From one bush, height 1.3-1.5 meters during the harvest season, yields up to 5 kg of fruit.

Fruitful varieties of peppers for the greenhouse

There are several varieties that give a rich harvest.


A sweet variety of peppers that matures in 115 days. Plant up to 80 cm, compact. The fruits are cone-shaped, up to 170 g. The skin is shiny, bright yellow, the walls are thick. The taste and aroma are excellent. The yield is 11-17 kg, depending on the time of cultivation and care.


Grows up to a meter in height. Ripens in approximately 100-110 days. The fruits are red, cube-shaped, ribbed, 200 g on average. About 8-14 kg of pepper is harvested from 1 m2, depending on conditions and care.


Provides a stable yield of 9.5-10.3 kg/m2. Ripens in a maximum of 120 days. The plant is small, compact, and does not take up much space. Pepper fruits are large, sweet, up to 120 g, smooth and slightly ribbed, in a prismatic shape. The wall thickness is 5-7 mm, the taste is pleasant, the aroma is strong.

The best pepper varieties for the middle zone

We present to you, in our opinion, the best varieties of peppers for polycarbonate greenhouses for the middle zone.


Ripens on average 118 days. Diversity of Dutch selection. The bush grows up to 130 cm, powerful, rather stretched. Pepper up to 250 g, dark red, after complete aging. The shape is elongated, conical. It is not afraid of all the main and most famous and dangerous diseases of pepper. Up to 2.5 kg of pepper is harvested from the plant per season.


This is an early version of sweet peppers for growing in any type of greenhouse. Grows up to 170 cm, needs garter. The yield is approximately 4-4.6 kg/m2. The fruits are prism-shaped, slightly ribbed, length 8.5-12 cm, weight in the range of 50-70 g. After full ripening, the color is red, and at technical maturity - green. The walls are 3-4 mm thick. The taste is excellent.


Ripens in 115 days. It grows up to 80 cm, a shrubby bush. The fruits of sweet pepper are elongated, pyramidal, up to 110 g. The skin is red after full ripening, the flesh is tender in taste. The plant capacity is 1.9 kg.

New varieties of peppers for greenhouses

From all the variety, we have chosen the following good varieties of peppers for greenhouses.

  • Gogoshary. One of the most popular varieties is of medium ripening - the first fruits can be harvested on the 120th day after planting. The bushes grow small and low - up to 50 cm. The peppers themselves are also small - up to 10 cm in diameter, have a round shape and green color.
  • Gladiator. The variety is best grown in areas protected from the wind - it has spreading bushes reaching a height of 80 cm. The plant is resistant to pepper diseases and produces high yields of up to 5 kg.
  • Gift of Moldova. One of the most beloved bell pepper varieties, most often consumed by local traders and truck farmers. I fell in love with this pepper for its excellent taste and high yield. The culture is suitable for growing in greenhouses and open ground. Able to adapt to the climatic conditions of the region, but bears fruit best in the south.

  • Big Mama. The “Big Mama” bell pepper is valued for its taste - its flesh is very aromatic and juicy. The bushes grow high - up to 100 cm and spread. On the branches there are many ovaries with large fruits, weighing up to 200 grams. The wall thickness of the fruit is about 13 cm and it is a fleshy variety.
  • Bogatyr. One of the middle varieties is Bogatyr. The first fruits appear on the bushes on the 120th day after sowing. The bushes are quite common and tall - up to 0.6 meters in height.
  • Martin. The medium-term variety “Swallow” produces fruit on the 110th day after planting in the ground. Peppers are suitable for growing in any way: in a greenhouse, greenhouse or garden bed.

Peppers for the Urals for the greenhouse

We share our experience: peppers suitable for the Urals for greenhouses.

  • Montero. Variety early maturation, from the first shoots to the first fruits takes about 100 days. Montero is a tall plant up to 120 cm high. Large-fruited - bright scarlet fruits get an average weight of up to 200 grams, but can be much larger.
  • Bush. One-time ripening of a popular variety, adapts to any growing conditions. It grows in different climates. Can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Bush up to 75 centimeters high. The fruits are cube-shaped (about 10 by 12 cm), rich red color at biological maturity, wall thickness is about 1 cm.
  • Winnie the Pooh. The variety ripens early. From full shoots to fruit takes up to 110 days. The plant itself is small, compact up to 30 cm in height, it is better to plant it more densely. And the fruits of Winnie the Pooh pepper - small red cones up to 60 grams, a growing bouquet.

  • Amber- early ripening, from shoots to fruits takes up to 112 days. It is advisable to grow in a greenhouse. The plant is medium-sized, up to 90 centimeters high.
  • Amber- fruits in the form of large orange cones, smooth, with good taste. Weight 110 g, average wall thickness is about 7 mm. This will delight you with a high yield of beautiful bright fruits.
  • Agapovo- an early ripening variety, it takes up to 120 days to technically mature the fruit. Medium plant, compact, many large dark green leaves. The fruits are large (up to 120 grams), smooth, prism-shaped, bright scarlet. The wall thickness is about 7 mm. The fruits are of high quality, good taste and aroma.


The guarantee of obtaining a good harvest from growing several vegetable crops in one greenhouse is, first of all, the compatibility of the plants. As for cucumbers and peppers, everything is not so simple.

Cucumber prefers:

  • high temperature;
  • humidity (frequent watering and spraying).

At the same time, cucumbers absolutely do not need additional and frequent ventilation of the greenhouse.

Pepper has other preferences:

  • moderate temperature indicators;
  • timely feeding.

From all of the above, we can say that growing peppers and cucumbers in the same greenhouse is not the best solution.

Tomatoes and peppers in one greenhouse

It would seem that the relationship of both peppers and tomatoes with one type of nightshade eliminates all doubts and requires an unequivocal positive answer. But not everything is simple and unambiguous - to achieve a bountiful harvest, a number of important conditions must be met:

  • If sowing tomato and pepper seedlings in a greenhouse should be done at one time, the sowing time depends on the variety, and this time may not coincide.
  • The main rule that should guide vegetable growers when planting peppers and tomatoes together on the same bed is an individual approach to each plant. Different cultures do not take the same approach.

Do you think it is possible to plant peppers next to tomatoes?


Agricultural technology of pepper in a greenhouse

Pepper seedlings can safely be considered ready for planting in greenhouse soil if they already have 12-14 leaves and buds are developing in the leaf axils. As a result, healthy seedlings have a thick stem, a height of 25 cm and even a green color. And in an unheated film greenhouse, pepper seedlings should be planted when the soil in it warms up to 15 ° C - and this is not before May 15. And the seedlings must be at least 55 days old.

It is necessary to prepare the soil for planting pepper seedlings. To do this, you need to add potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, 40 g/m2 and nitrogen 30 g/m2. But fresh manure cannot be fertilized by peppers - because of this, bushes can grow and flowers will fall. It’s better to hum, or compost: a bucket for each 1 m 2.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

Planted peppers in a greenhouse should be on a meter-long ridge with a step between two rows. But the density of planting seedlings will depend on the characteristics of the variety. For hybrids and vigorous varieties, the distance between plants in one row should be 35 cm, and for medium-sized ones - 25 cm. But for low-growing early ripening varieties, plant in a row after 15 cm, i.e. 10 plants per 1 m2. And to plant seedlings you need to pre-wet the holes with 2 liters for each. And after planting, the soil should be well sealed with hands and covered with peat or humus.


You can also watch a video where they will tell you how to grow peppers in a greenhouse.

Of course, you can also experiment with the taste of greenhouse pepper - if only its improvement was a joy for you, and the harvest lived up to all expectations. What we wish for you!

TOP 5 best pepper varieties for greenhouses in the Moscow region for 2019: ideal for the Moscow region

Each lover of growing vegetables with his own hands develops his own methods for obtaining a high-quality and rich harvest. But the initial key to success is the correct choice of variety.

  • What is the most popular pepper?
  • Which the best varieties of sweet peppers, recommended for growing in greenhouses near Moscow?
  • What to plant for seedlings in 2019 and get a great harvest pepper both in appearance and taste?

We offer TOP 5 best varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses in the Moscow region for 2019, determined according to the opinion of experts and numerous positive reviews from summer residents.


Pepper variety Bagration

Bagration– one of the best options for closed ground. It is popular for its unpretentiousness to cultivation and resistance to diseases. It grows well in waterlogged environments and in rainy, cloudy summers. The fruits are medium-sized, no more than 200 g.


Pepper variety Alyonushka

Alyonushka It is distinguished by its impressive bush size. The stems can reach 1.5 m. The fruits are in the shape of a truncated cone, amazing in taste, very juicy. The color is bright red, the weight is around 80 g. Considering the spreading nature of the bush, per square meter. only three bushes fit in a meter, which yield about 7 kg.


Pepper variety Nochka

Night refers to mid-season species. Attracts summer residents with its unusual appearance. The fruits are purple in color and have excellent taste. The plant has an average height (60-80 cm), is resistant to tobacco mosaic and fungal infections.

California miracle

Pepper variety California miracle

California miracle- a favorite variety of summer residents. It germinates well and, thanks to its good survival rate, does not respond to transplantation. It is this quality that attracts inexperienced vegetable growers. The fruits are ready for harvest 100 days after sprouting. Each bush produces approximately 2 kg of fleshy, delicious varieties. Planting 4 bushes per square meter. meter.

Orange King

Pepper variety Orange King

Orange King– unpretentious, early ripening, productive. The fruits are large, bright orange in color. Look great in salads and preparations. The bush is compact, which allows you to grow 5 bushes per square meter. m.

The following varieties of sweet aromatic peppers have also proven themselves well in greenhouses in the Moscow region:
  • Cardinal,
  • Tenderness,
  • Latino,
  • Ruza,
  • Golden calf,
  • Bagheera,
  • Pinocchio,
  • Hercules,
  • Ox Ear,
  • Arsenal.

These pepper varieties ideal for growing in greenhouses near Moscow : They tolerate a lack of sunlight and excess air humidity well. Many of the varieties we mentioned above have passed the “strength test” and have shown themselves to be high-yielding, resistant to unfavorable climatic conditions, many diseases and pests.

Key points of planting and carefor sweet peppers in the Moscow region

Before we begin to consider pepper varieties for the Moscow region, you need to know the main points of caring for and planting sweet peppers in the Moscow region. After all, even the best varieties, if grown incorrectly, will bring a poor harvest.
  • To plant peppers, you must first choose a well-lit place. The best soils for peppers are light soils.
  • Before planting, the crop seeds must be treated. To do this, the seeds are placed in water at a temperature of +50°C for five hours, after which they are placed in a moistened cloth until they hatch for three days. This preparatory period allows you to get seedlings already on the first or second day after sowing.
  • The best predecessors for growing this crop are cucumbers, carrots, cabbage and legumes. You should not plant the plant in the ground where potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants grew.
  • The soil for peppers must begin to be prepared a year before growing. To do this, first of all they introduce into it organic fertilizers, in the fall I add fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, and in the spring only 50 grams of ammonium nitrate are added to the top layer.
  • Pepper seedlings are planted 60 cm apart.
  • Pepper is a very moisture-loving plant. To do this, it is necessary to monitor watering, because during drought the crop may wither. Different varieties have their own individual watering, but, in general, the crop needs to be moistened twice every seven days at the root of the plant.
  • Proper care of pepper consists of the following activities: watering the crop, tying it up, weeding and fertilizing. It is necessary to loosen the soil under the pepper with special care, because the root system is located very close to the surface and can easily be damaged.
  • Some gardeners have concluded that for better harvest it is necessary to remove the central flower. Also, in order to get a good harvest, you need to attract pollinating insects; for this, peppers are sprayed with a solution of sugar and boric acid per liter of water.
  • You can also hang small jars of honey solution nearby.
  • When planting peppers in greenhouses, you should first put up stakes so as not to harm the crop in the future.
  • On particularly dry and hot days, peppers must be protected from the sun.
  • A ripened harvest must be harvested on time so that the ripened fruits do not interfere with the ripening of the others.
Video: 10 mistakes when growing sweet peppers

The formation of pepper takes place in several stages:

Sweet pepper is one of the most common indoor crops. To increase productivity indicators, timely shaping must be applied to it. Otherwise, some of your time, effort and money will be wasted.
  1. Crown bud. When the seedlings reach 17-20 cm, the sprout begins to branch, and the first crown bud is formed at the branching site. It must be removed so that the plant can develop well.
  2. We cut off the excess. When 10 leaves are formed, the peppers get rid of excess branches, leaving 2-3 sprouts from the crown bud. These shoots will form the main "skeleton" of the plant. With further growth, the pepper forms new branches from the skeletal branches. They need to be monitored and weaker shoots removed. Buds will appear in the branches.
  3. We remove fruitless shoots. Barren shoots periodically appear on the main shoot, interfere with growth, and create unnecessary shadows, so you also need to get rid of them.
  4. We prevent diseases. Pepper loves moisture, but not frequent watering. It would be optimal to water once a week, but generously. Be sure to inspect the plants for diseased leaves that need to be removed. This will reduce the risk of diseases. The plant also needs to be protected from various diseases; for this, every two weeks you need to water them with a solution of Fitosporin-M, Alirin or Trichodermin.
  5. After the fruits of the lower tier appear, the leaves are pruned from the main stem, 2 leaves per pruning. After the second row of fruits appears, the leaves are pruned again. And this is done as all tiers ripen. 1.5 months before full ripening, the bush is not touched.
  6. The last stage is pinching the buds. To obtain a high yield, it is necessary to promptly remove excess ovaries. No more than 25 pieces should be left on one bush. Of these, 15–17 buds form fruits. The rest should be removed, and later ovaries should also be pinched. They will not produce good fruits, but will draw strength from the plant.
Video: Forming peppers (all the subtleties and nuances of formation)