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The benefits of sour cream. The benefits and harms of sour cream. About the benefits of sour cream for children's bodies


What is sour cream, the benefits and harm of sour cream for the human body, all this is of great interest to people who lead healthy image life, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Sour cream is sour milk product, made from cow's milk.

Sour cream is prepared from pasteurized milk by fermenting biological cultures. After ripening, or rather, at its final stage, flavor-forming bacteria are added to the sour cream.

At home, sour cream can be prepared from cream by adding a small amount of sour cream and whipping the mixture with a mixer.

Sour cream can have different fat content - from 20 to 40%. This is one of the highest calorie dairy products. The more milk fat it contains, the higher its calorie content.

It contains a lot of useful substances. In addition to milk fat, sour cream also contains proteins, milk sugar, organic acids, mineral salts, as well as vitamins of groups A, E, B, C, PP.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when talking about sour cream is its taste. Indeed, confectioners cannot do without it and, in addition, sour cream is used as a necessary addition to first and second courses. Well, judge for yourself: what is cabbage soup without sour cream?

But the possibilities of sour cream are not limited to culinary art: the role of this wonderful fermented milk product in treatment is undeniable. Diet foods very often include sour cream as one of the main ingredients. However, not only diets are unthinkable without it. Some diseases can be cured at home using sour cream. We'll talk about what exactly these diseases are a little later.

But that’s not all: sour cream is a good helper for women in difficult, painstaking, but certainly very the right thing- beauty restoration. Masks, baths and compresses using it will help relieve tension after a hard day and restore the skin to its former elasticity.

What is the fat content of sour cream?

Sour cream can have different fat content, that is, the presence of fat in the composition. Manufacturers of this product indicate the fat content of sour cream as a percentage. She may be:

  • lean (10, 12 or 14% fat);
  • low fat (15, 17 or 19% fat);
  • classic (from 20 to 34% fat);
  • fatty (from 35 to 48%);
  • high fat (from 50 to 58%).

The fat content of sour cream should be chosen depending on the purpose of its use. If you want to make a light vegetable salad, you will need low-fat sour cream, and if you want to make an airy cream for a cake, then at least buy the classic one.

Useful properties of sour cream:

So, what are the benefits of sour cream?

This is a natural, high-quality product that helps normalize metabolic processes. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. There are even special diets developed by specialists, which are based on sour cream. Naturally, such diets use low-calorie products - no more than 10-15% per 100 grams. The secret is that it is enough to taste one spoon of the dish to provide the body with valuable nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

Sour cream is also rich in calcium, so it is used by older people and children to strengthen a weakened skeletal system. At the same time, it is recommended to include the product in the daily diet of pregnant women, because a lot of calcium is needed to grow the fetus.

1-2 spoons of the product contain a balanced unique vitamin composition that helps solve the problem of depression, stress, bad mood and insomnia. The product is also indicated for severe physical activity.

If the metabolic process is disrupted, you also need to replenish your menu with a tasty product. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth, hair and nails due to the fact that sour cream contains a rich vitamin composition, in particular B vitamins are contained in sufficient quantities.

Sour cream consists of natural animal protein (of which there is a lot), carbohydrates (sugars), organic acids, and pure water. It contains quite a lot of macro- and microelements and vitamins. Just a few spoons of sour cream a day - and our body received all the necessary components useful for its life.

The potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and iodine it contains help maintain good health and are easily absorbed.

Sour cream, like milk, contains B vitamins, vitamins C, PP and E.

Sour cream contains the vitamin of youth - biotin.

Isn’t that why many of our women love to use sour cream in the form of various masks, baths and compresses in their struggle for beauty?!

Useful properties of sour cream:

Promotes growth and strengthening of bones, teeth and hair (lots of calcium and vitamin D);

Improves human reproductive function (contains vitamin E and a lot of protein);

Has a positive effect on hormonal levels;

Calms the nerves - a spoonful of sour cream with honey will help relieve stress, improve your mood and get rid of depression (lots of vitamin B5).

Sour cream bought in a store has varying degrees of fat content - from 10 to 40%. The lower the fat content, the more dietary it is. Doctors recommend dietary sour cream for weak digestion.

The daily dose of sour cream for an adult is no more than 100–200 g.

How is sour cream beneficial for men?

It has long been believed that this dairy product is beneficial for men's health and has a particularly positive effect on potency.

First of all, sour cream is a source of protein, and they are actively involved in the metabolism of the male body. Thanks to proteins, the body produces amino acids, and this is an active component of muscle tissue metabolism. Special nutrition for athletes is made specifically from dairy products to maintain muscles in working condition. Milk proteins and proteins directly affect the formation of muscles. The development of male muscles is influenced by the hormone testosterone, so it must be maintained in the right amount in the body. With proper consumption of sour cream and muscle training, male hormonal levels will also improve, and this has a good effect on potency. Sperm also consists of protein, which is why consuming enough of this building material is so important.

Among other things, dairy products also remove harmful substances from the body. Sour cream contains live lactic acid bacteria; during production it is enriched with live cultures of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and increase human immunity.

Despite the fact that sour cream is very high in calories, you can lose weight on it. It is worth completely replacing the butter with sour cream, so you will reduce the number of calories consumed per day. This product can also be used in many dietary salads.

It should also be noted that sour cream is a strong aphrodisiac for men and improves sexual desire.

Sour cream contraindications:

The product is not advisable to include in the diet of people with liver disease, obesity and hypertension. The listed diseases are direct contraindications for regular use.

The benefits and harms of sour cream, as in any other product, are closely combined with each other. Many believe that it is precisely the harm from this dairy product that predominates, the consumption of which can harm not only your figure, but also your health. Indeed, there is some truth in this: the high fat content and calorie content of sour cream can cause harm. If such a product with a high percentage of fat content is systematically consumed, problems with fat metabolism may arise, and, as a result, there will be stress on the liver and gall bladder.

Many people are deterred from consuming sour cream by its calorie content. But people who are prone to obesity, knowing how many calories are in sour cream of a particular fat content, can easily control their diet and not gain weight by consuming a tasty and healthy product.

The opinion that this product contains a lot of cholesterol is also not justified. Even the fattest sour cream has less cholesterol than butter. It is absorbed by the body faster than milk.

So, to summarize, excessive consumption of this dairy product can be fraught with consequences for people who have liver disease, as well as heart disease and blood pressure problems.

And something else worth repeating and noting:

Sour cream is a very high-calorie product and contains a lot of fat. Therefore, it is not recommended for people who watch their figure.

The issue of proper storage of sour cream and its period, which is usually no more than 72 hours, is very important.

If it is stored at elevated temperatures and with access to air from the external environment, sour cream quickly deteriorates. Milk fats oxidize and various bacteria begin to actively multiply in it. As a result of these processes, its taste deteriorates, mold appears, and sour cream becomes unsuitable for food.

Eating such sour cream can be harmful to the human body.

Sour cream contains a fairly large amount of cholesterol. Of course, it contains less of it than butter, and therefore it is more preferable, but its excessive consumption can lead to disorders of fat metabolism.

You should know that: sour cream does not go well with bread, any cereals or potatoes.

Therefore, you should not eat it at the same time as them!

Sour cream is undesirable for:

Diseases of the gallbladder and liver (due to the large amount of fat it contains);

Overweight, obesity, as it is very high in calories;

Various cardiovascular diseases, in particular in the presence of problems with blood pressure (cholesterol constricts blood vessels).

How is sour cream beneficial for women?

Many people know about the benefits of sour cream for men. But I would like to talk in more detail about the benefits of this fermented milk product for women.

Sour cream, in fact, is not only a concentrate of milk fat, but also of all the fat-soluble vitamins contained in milk. One of these biologically active substances, namely vitamin B4 or choline, should be given special attention: it is necessary for expectant mothers, as well as women just planning a pregnancy, since this vitamin is needed for the proper development of the baby’s brain. Young ladies using oral contraceptives should also increase their choline intake in order to avoid the depression that these drugs can cause.

In addition to vitamins, sour cream also contains some minerals, in particular calcium, which is necessary for women, especially during menopause.

Sour cream perfectly regulates hormonal levels. This is especially important for ladies, since they most often suffer from such “fluctuations”.

This food product is widely used in cosmetology. Multiple masks for skin and hair are made based on sour cream.

Sour cream, despite its high fat content, is beneficial for the female body during periods of dieting. After all, it has a great effect on intestinal function, preventing constipation.

Sour cream for face:

How is sour cream beneficial for facial skin?

  • Sour cream helps protect skin cells from aging processes. Sour cream masks have a pronounced rejuvenating effect.
  • Vitamin E contained in sour cream normalizes metabolic processes occurring in skin cells.
  • Vitamin C improves blood circulation in skin cells and is a natural antioxidant.
  • Vitamin A restores skin cells, participates in skin regeneration processes, and prevents the aging of skin cells.
  • Sour cream masks perfectly whiten the skin, making freckles and age spots on the face less noticeable. And on the skin around the eyes, sour cream helps remove dark circles and make them less visible.
  • Various minerals and organic acids found in sour cream nourish, saturate, moisturize the skin, and improve cellular metabolism.

All fermented milk products, such as kefir, sour milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc. contain lactic acid, which has a very beneficial effect on the skin and its appearance. Lactic acid, like fruit acids, is an alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA), which is used in many lines of anti-aging skin care products by the most famous brands. It is precisely for this reason that sour cream for facial skin is so popular in homemade natural cosmetics.

Interesting video about what you didn’t know about sour cream:

How to treat sunburn with sour cream?

In pursuit of a fashionable, beautiful tan, many girls, without calculating their strengths and capabilities, get sunburn. Peeling skin has never been fashionable, and the feeling of being burned is such that you don’t even think about beauty.

Sunburn occurs as a result of excessive exposure to UV rays on the skin, so you can get sunburned not only on the beach, but also get burned in a solarium.

In folk medicine, it is a very popular remedy for sunburn, as dairy products soften, cool the skin and soothe the burning sensation. Just lubricate the burns with chilled sour cream or kefir several times a day. When the sour cream begins to dry out on the skin and you feel tightness, wash it off with a damp cotton swab and apply a fresh one.

Attention: if your skin is severely damaged, there are large blisters, this method of treatment cannot be used, the result may be the opposite.

Supporters traditional medicine They claim that you can treat sunburn with sour cream. But official medicine believes that it would be much more correct to treat burns with special medical ointments and creams. And if you don’t have any at hand, then use a cool compress.

Just a few spoons of this product are enough to provide our body with substances valuable for health for the whole day. Being perfectly digestible, it is recommended for use by people of all ages, and its benefits in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases are simply enormous.

Perhaps many guessed that we are talking about sour cream - a fermented milk product traditional for Russian cuisine, for the production of which two main components are used - cream and sourdough. Sour cream gets its name from the method of preparation. In Rus', for centuries, the top layer of sour milk was carefully removed or, as the villagers said, “swept away” with a special broom. The cream was “drained”. Everything seems to be logical, but foreigners still don’t feel the difference between these two products, calling sour cream “Russian cream.”

Nowadays, sour cream is mainly produced from pasteurized cream, adding a leaven of lactic acid bacteria to it. A regular product has a fairly high fat content - 30% and energy value - 260-295 kcal. However, there are other, less fatty variations of sour cream, the use of which will not harm even the body of people who strictly monitor their weight. The most dietary is considered a product with 10% fat content, prepared on the basis of skim milk.

Composition of sour cream

Of course, depending on the degree of fat content, the amount of useful components in different types The amount of sour cream may vary, but it is always an order of magnitude greater than in the cream or milk from which it is obtained. The fact is that during the fermentation process, milk proteins change their structure and are much more easily absorbed by our body. This is the main benefit of the product. Along with yoghurt, kefir or yogurt, nutritionists recommend it for use by people with a weak or sick stomach.

The benefit of sour cream lies in its rich composition, which contains:

  • vitamins A, B2, B12, E, C, PP;
  • macroelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus);
  • trace elements (iron, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, zinc, fluorine);
  • fatty and organic acids;
  • natural sugars;
  • animal proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • beta-carotene;
  • biotin (vitamin H).

There is an opinion that sour cream contains cholesterol, the harm of which to blood vessels is simply enormous. In fact, there is cholesterol in it, unlike butter, much less, and lecithin, which is part of the product, promotes its active dissolution. So feel free to replace butter with sour cream during cooking - there will undoubtedly be benefits from this.

The benefits of snow-white treats

Sour cream is an amazing product that can be consumed in any form, both separately and as part of different dishes. It is added to cottage cheese, first and second courses, seasoned with salads, baked or stewed vegetables, meat and fish, cooked delicious sauces and gravy, eaten with fresh fruit, and made into delicious desserts or baked goods. And, perhaps, there is no person who would refuse this tasty and healthy delicacy.

Sour cream - benefits and harm

The word “sour cream” comes from the common Slavic passive participle of the verb s’metati (to collect, to remove) and literally means “what was collected from milk.” This exactly reflects the ancient process of preparing this fermented milk product: to obtain sour cream, our great-great-grandmothers put freshly milked but already cooled milk in a cool place, for example in a cellar, and left it there for a day, then skimmed off the cream that had collected on the surface, adding a little curdled milk to it (sour milk) and left them to “finish” in the cold for about overnight. And in the morning, the resulting tender sour cream could be used to season cabbage soup, flavor cabbage rolls, and pour over pancakes. In general, sour cream is the most popular sauce in the East Slavic culinary tradition. It is served with first courses (borscht, cabbage soup), and second courses (stuffed cabbage rolls), and desserts (pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes). Fish is baked in sour cream and meat is stewed; delicious cakes and other pastries are prepared with its addition.

The benefits of sour cream for women

Many people know about the benefits of sour cream for men. Usually, the stronger sex is advised to use it with nuts and honey. But I would like to talk in more detail about the benefits of this fermented milk product for women. Sour cream, in fact, is not only a concentrate of milk fat, but also of all the fat-soluble vitamins contained in milk. One of these biologically active substances, namely vitamin B4 or choline, should be given special attention: it is necessary for expectant mothers, as well as women just planning a pregnancy, since this vitamin is needed for the proper development of the baby’s brain. Young ladies using oral contraceptives should also increase their choline intake in order to avoid the depression that these drugs can cause.

In addition to vitamins, sour cream also contains some minerals, in particular calcium, which is necessary for women, especially during menopause.

The benefits and harms of homemade sour cream

Now sour cream, even homemade, is increasingly made using a separator (a special centrifuge that separates milk fat - or cream and the rest of the milk), not to mention the one produced at the factory. This process is not too different (perhaps only in speed) from traditional milk settling. The principle is the same - to separate the fatty fraction, which is then fermented with yogurt or other sourdough (homemade sour cream), or pasteurized, and then special cultures of microorganisms are introduced (factory culture).

Unfortunately, some unscrupulous manufacturers do not stop there, adding cheaper milk powder and sometimes even vegetable fats to their product, which naturally does not have the best effect on the quality of the finished product. In this sense, homemade sour cream undoubtedly wins - the benefits of a natural product are much higher than those of the surrogate that they sometimes try to pass off as it. However, if homemade sour cream is not prepared by you personally, but for example is purchased at the market, then you need to be 100% sure of the quality of the product you are purchasing (in other words, it is better to purchase homemade sour cream in familiar places), since this fermented milk product spoils quite quickly and can cause food poisoning. In addition, homemade sour cream is usually very fatty, in some cases the fat content reaches as much as 60%, which makes it not a very suitable product for people suffering from atherosclerosis, diabetes and those watching their weight. By the way, the consistency of sour cream can help you navigate its fat content - the thicker the product, the fattier it is.

The harm of sour cream

The harmful properties of sour cream are due to its high fat content and calorie content. However, if you consume low-fat versions of this product (10-14%) in limited quantities (no more than 2 tablespoons per day), you can get all the benefits of sour cream and reduce the harm from its consumption to a minimum.

Is it possible to have sour cream while losing weight?

Sour cream is a very healthy product, but people on a low-calorie diet should still limit its consumption and choose varieties with a fat content of no more than 15%.

Store-bought sour cream - is there any benefit to it?

Facts about making sour cream

The original village recipe for making sour cream says that in order to obtain sour cream from milk, it must be left for several days, and then the top layer of such cream must be removed. Modern food industry recipes for making sour cream are somewhat different from this recipe, and the further they move away from naturalness, the less healthy such a sour cream product becomes. Unfortunately, you are unlikely to find real sour cream on store shelves. Ah, only she can be useful!
Therefore, when considering the benefits of this product, we will talk about natural sour cream, so to speak, home-made. So,

it contains vitamins E, B, C, PP, biotin (also called the vitamin of youth), beta-carotene, micro and macro elements as well as useful organic acids. Also, sour cream contains calcium (which is why sour cream is useful for children and the elderly), potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and even iodine. All these beneficial substances are very necessary for the human body, they are quickly absorbed and bring their benefits to our health. Also, sour cream contains animal protein, pure water and natural sugar substances.

The benefits of sour cream

Depending on the fat content of this product, sour cream can be either dietary (with ten percent fat content) or truly fatty (with forty percent fat content). Therefore, if you are afraid of gaining weight, but are not going to give up sour cream in your diet, it will be better for you to eat sour cream with a low fat content. This sour cream will also be useful for people who are prohibited from eating fatty foods and are prescribed a diet regimen.

We are accustomed to treating sour cream as a product that is simply delicious. But sour cream (natural, of course) can still be useful! Thus, nutritionists recommend consuming sour cream people who have weak digestion or lack of appetite. Surprisingly, such a product has a positive effect on the hormonal levels of the human body and the reproductive system.

And, if you eat a spoonful of sour cream with sugar or honey, your mood will improve, your depression will go away and you will feel full of strength and energy.

In order to provide your body with all the beneficial components contained in sour cream, you will only need to eat a few teaspoons of this dairy product (anything more will simply be harmful to you!).
And, if visiting elite beauty salons is beyond your means, but you still want to look young and attractive, create your beauty and highlight what nature has given you, the same sour cream will help. Based on it, you can make various masks; after such sour cream masks, the skin becomes elastic and looks young and healthy.

It is generally accepted that since sour cream is a fairly fatty product (if you compare it with milk, kefir or fermented baked milk), it contains a lot of cholesterol, which means consuming sour cream means deliberately harming your health. This is wrong! Even if you eat the richest sour cream with spoons, you will still form less cholesterol than if you ate a piece of butter. That is why some gourmets replace butter in their sandwiches with... a layer of sour cream. So to speak, both tasty and healthy!

Unlike milk and other fermented milk products, sour cream human body is absorbed much faster.

The harm of sour cream

However, if you abuse such a useful product, you can disrupt the body’s metabolism and create additional stress on the liver and gallbladder. Also, those people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood pressure problems should limit their consumption of sour cream. But in general,

The most harmful combination for any of us is considered to be the combination of sour cream with fried potatoes, sour cream with bread (it is still better to avoid sour cream sandwiches) and sour cream with cereals.

Also, do not forget that sour cream is still a fairly high-calorie product that contains fat, so if you are hoping to lose weight and eat sour cream, you will have to give up one of your intentions.

Conclusions about the benefits and harms of sour cream

Well, as we see, there are benefits and harms in sour cream (natural!). What is more for you personally is, of course, up to you to decide. However, you can still benefit from sour cream if you use it in reasonable quantities as a dressing for salads, soups or other dishes.

Is store-bought sour cream healthy?

We could put an end to this, but in addition to natural sour cream, there is a product that is successfully offered to us by retail chains. So, may sour cream manufacturers forgive us, there is not an ounce of benefit in this product, there are all chemical additives, preservatives, thickeners, stabilizers, dyes (yes, so that the sour cream does not look like a pale moth!), and even fish oil in order to it was viscous and viscous. Therefore, buying store-bought sour cream and expecting some benefits is a very reckless step.
So, we draw conclusions - if there is sour cream, then it is homemade or of our own production, if it is store-bought, then only from a manufacturer whose honesty you do not doubt or... goodbye health!

Shevtsova Olga, World without Harm

Video about sour cream

Sour cream - benefits and harm, calorie content. What are the benefits of sour cream?

Sour cream is a tasty and healthy fermented milk product that is obtained in a special way from a special starter and cream. The benefit of sour cream is that it contains countless useful substances, and you can use it with any product, dish, or as a hearty meal.

Our ancestors also enjoyed eating the product. To stock up on useful substances and microminerals, it is enough to consume 1-2 tablespoons of white food per day.

Chemical composition

The benefits of sour cream are evidenced by the invaluable composition of the product, which is consumed by both young and old. So, it contains B vitamins, biotin, as well as A and E, D and C, PP. All these substances are called beauty vitamins by nutritionists and doctors. In order to replenish your own “pantry” with healthy substances, it is recommended to include at least a spoonful of sour cream in your daily menu. It will introduce microelements into the body: zinc and iodine, iron and manganese, copper and molybdenum, fluorine and cobalt. It will pamper a person with minerals: calcium and potassium, phosphorus and chlorine, magnesium and sodium.

Sour cream is also useful because it contains beneficial lactic acid bacteria, all of which are natural and valuable for the functioning of the body.

Calorie content of sour cream

The product is very healthy, but it is not recommended to use it in spoons due to its high energy value. So, the calorie content of sour cream is:

  • 10% - from 115 to 165 kcal per 100 grams;
  • 15% - from 150 to 160 kcal per 100 grams;
  • 20% - from 165 to 240 kcal per 100 grams;
  • 25% - from 165 to 260 kcal per 100 grams;
  • 30% - 260-295 kcal per 100 grams.

The benefits of sour cream

This is a natural, high-quality product that helps normalize metabolic processes. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. There are even special diets developed by specialists, which are based on sour cream. Naturally, such diets use low-calorie products - no more than 10-15% per 100 grams. The secret is that it is enough to taste one spoon of the dish to provide the body with valuable nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

Sour cream is also rich in calcium, so it is used by older people and children to strengthen a weakened skeletal system. At the same time, it is recommended to include the product in the daily diet of pregnant women, because a lot of calcium is needed to grow the fetus.

One or two spoons of the product contains a balanced unique vitamin composition that helps solve the problem of depression, stress, bad mood and insomnia. The product is also indicated for severe physical activity.

If the metabolic process is disrupted, you also need to replenish your menu with a tasty product. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth, hair and nails due to the fact that sour cream contains a rich vitamin composition, in particular B vitamins are contained in sufficient quantities.

Sour cream also normalizes the hormonal system. In ancient times, it was believed that the product helped restore male strength and cure impotence.

The harm of sour cream

You should not overuse and eat sour cream in jars, so as not to increase the load on the liver and kidneys, and also not to disrupt fat metabolism.

How to choose quality sour cream (video)

Sour cream - the benefits and harms of a product familiar from childhood

Since childhood, our parents told us that if you eat dairy products, you will always be healthy and beautiful. This article will focus on sour cream. Let us try to figure out what benefits and harms the use of this product brings to us.
Sour cream is made very in a simple way. To do this, you need to leave the milk for several days, then remove the top layer. IN ancient Rus' this process was called “sweeping,” hence the name “sour cream.”
We bake sour cream cakes, make mushroom dishes with sour cream, and simply add sour cream to borscht, which makes the taste of the dishes simply extraordinary. Sour cream, the benefits and harms of which are the main topic of this article, is in great demand among children.
This product can be useful in another case, if, for example, you want to lose weight, then sour cream, the benefits of which will be significant for your body, is perfect. In this case, use low-fat sour cream. It will quickly bring your weight back to normal. You need sour cream, which will be beneficial for weak digestion and poor appetite. And if you are depressed, then you should eat sour cream sprinkled with sugar.
Sour cream is also called a product of youth. Many women use it in preparing various face masks. After such a mask, the skin looks elastic and rejuvenated, and fats provide a moisturizing effect.
After eating sour cream, we always feel a surge of vigor and strength. And if you are susceptible to stress, then sour cream, the benefits of which, as they say, will be obvious, will bring your nervous system in order. You will feel complete peace and harmony with yourself.
But despite the fact that the benefits of sour cream are great, it can also cause harm. So, if you consume it in large quantities, it can cause poor fat metabolism. There will be a lot of stress on the liver and gallbladder, which will put your body in the wrong mode and create discomfort. You should not overuse sour cream if you have heart disease or blood pressure changes. In order for sour cream, the benefits of which, as we have already understood, to be significant, not to become an enemy, you should not use it in combination with cereals, potatoes or bread.
The main disadvantage of sour cream is its high calorie and fat content, but at the moment you can buy sour cream in stores with the fat content you need. It ranges from 10% to 40%.
Unfortunately, in modern world such a product is no longer made the way it was made in the time of our grandmothers. Sour cream is made in a different way. For example, substitutes are added instead of natural fats, and artificial thickeners are used to make this product viscous. Agree, such sour cream can greatly harm your body. Hence the conclusion that healthy sour cream will be the one made at home, and since the method of its preparation is very simple, it will not be difficult.
The concepts of benefit and harm of sour cream are not balanced, since it is still rather a benefit if it is not consumed in large quantities. And even if sour cream is very fatty, season your salad with it, it will saturate your body with useful substances, and it’s also very tasty.

Sour cream is a fermented milk product that is obtained by fermenting cream and adding specific bacteria to it. In general, this product was distributed for a long time only in Russia, in Europe, for example, it began to be actively consumed only after the Second World War. Sour cream is an amazing product that is used in most dishes. Can anyone imagine borscht without sour cream? What about the famous white sauces for meat and vegetable dishes? Even desserts cannot do without this fermented milk product - creams, dough, fillings... In general, sour cream is considered a frequent “guest” on the table, but how healthy is it and can everyone, without exception, consume it?

Sour cream - composition and calorie content

The composition of the product in question is quite rich - there are vitamins, microelements, sugar substances (natural), and organic acids. Sour cream also contains biotin, a microelement that is necessary to maintain the performance of the entire body and preserve the youth of the skin. In addition, sour cream is rich in animal protein, which makes it indispensable for the body's cells.

Sour cream composition:

  • Ash 0.5 g
  • Mono- and disaccharides 3.4 g
  • Cholesterol 87 mg
  • SFA - Saturated fatty acids 11.9 g
  • Water 72.8 g
  • Organic acids 0.8 g
  • Vitamins

    • Vitamin PP 0.6 mg
    • Vitamin H 3.6 mcg
    • Vitamin E 0.4 mg
    • Vitamin D 0.1 mcg
    • Vitamin C 0.3 mg
    • Vitamin B12 4 mcg
    • Vitamin B9 8.5 mcg
    • Vitamin B6 0.07 mg
    • Vitamin B2 0.11 mg
    • Vitamin B1 0.03 mg
    • Vitamin A 160 mcg
    • Beta carotene 0.06 mg


    • Cobalt (Co) 0.3 µg
    • Molybdenum (Mo) 5 µg
    • Fluoride (F) 14 mcg
    • Selenium (Se) 0.3 µg
    • Manganese (Mn) 0.003 mg
    • Copper (Cu) 20 mg
    • Iodine (I) 7 mcg
    • Zinc (Zn) 0.24 mg
    • Iron (Fe) 0.2 mg
    • Sulfur (S) 25 mg
    • Chlorine (Cl) 61 mg
    • Phosphorus (P)60 mg
    • Potassium (K) 109 mg
    • Sodium (Na) 35 mg
    • Magnesium (Mg) 8 mg
    • Calcium (Ca) 86 mg

It is also worth discussing the calorie content of the product in question - it is variable in nature and depends only on the level of fat content of sour cream. 10% sour cream has the least calories - only 159 Kcal per 100 grams of product, but in a 30% product the calorie content will already be almost 291 Kcal.

Useful properties of sour cream

Sour cream is useful for many people - this is also confirmed by official medicine. It is needed for people who have problems with their work. digestive system- for example, if appetite is reduced or completely absent, chronic diseases are present, or putrefactive processes occur in the intestines (this can happen with, and the bacteria contained in sour cream simply normalize the intestinal microflora).

If you regularly eat sour cream in combination with fresh carrots, the body’s immune system will be significantly strengthened, and the combination of sour cream with will help lift your mood. The fermented milk product in question also “works” well in terms of normalizing blood composition - it is often recommended for patients diagnosed with, weakened after surgical interventions or a long-term illness.

Sour cream is very beneficial for men's health:

  • maintains potency at the proper level even at the age of 50 years and older;
  • provides muscle support, gives strength and nutrition, which allows you to maintain body tone at the proper level at any age;
  • nourishes the hair, which inhibits the spread of gray hair and those associated with age-related changes in the body.

The female half of humanity also needs the product in question:

  • is able to normalize and stabilize hormonal levels, which is especially important during menstruation and menopause/;
  • helps restore the health of the skin of the face and décolleté - professional cosmetics are produced on a sour cream basis, even on an industrial scale;
  • necessary during diets, as it promotes normal bowel function and prevents constipation.

Sour cream will also bring a lot of benefits to a child’s body - it can be introduced into the baby’s menu as early as one year of age, but preference should be given to a low-fat product.

As for the village product, which is natural, the child’s body can easily and without consequences absorb it only at the age of three.

Despite the obvious benefits of the fermented milk product in question, it is not recommended for everyone to eat it.

There are clear restrictions that apply to the product in question. For example, sour cream should not be included in the menu for those people who have already been diagnosed with duodenal ulcers, which is due to the high content of organic acids in it. Doctors do not recommend abusing sour cream for those who have problems with the liver and/or gall bladder, although there are no categorical contraindications for this product (it is advisable to eat sour cream in this case in the first half of the day).

Note:Store-bought sour cream should be consumed in small quantities, since it always contains preservatives that are not beneficial elements. Doctors say that you cannot combine the fermented milk product in question with fried potatoes, any cereals and baked goods.

Sour cream is an extremely tasty and healthy product that should be consumed in small quantities. If there is a history of organ diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver or gall bladder, then you should consult your doctor about the advisability of introducing sour cream into the menu.

Many people know the simple and cheerful phrase “everything that fits into your mouth is useful.” However, this, unfortunately, is not the case. That is why this article will discuss such a food product as sour cream: the benefits and harm.

A few words about sour cream

If anyone doesn’t know, sour cream is a dairy product that can be obtained by fermenting cream with the help of various lactic acid bacteria. It has been eaten in our country for a long time, both in its pure form and as a sauce for many dishes. But sour cream appeared in Europe after World War II.

Foreigners called her “Russian cream.” It is noteworthy that today it is not produced in all countries on such a large scale as ours. Most often in Europe it is produced in small quantities.

Calorie content of sour cream

Separately, you need to consider how high-calorie a product such as sour cream is. So, you need to take into account its fat content.

  • 10% fat: 100 grams of product contains 115.4 kcal.
  • 15% fat: 100 grams of product contains 158.9 kcal.
  • 20% fat: 100 grams of product contains 202.8 kcal.
  • 30% fat: 100 grams of product contains 290.8 kcal.

If we talk about homemade sour cream, then it contains on average 235.65 kcal, which is 11% of daily norm for an adult healthy person.

Composition of homemade sour cream

So, sour cream: the benefits and harms of this food product. What components does it consist of?

  1. Vitamin complex: E, B, C, PP.
  2. Biotin, which is often also called the vitamin of youth.
  3. Beta carotene.
  4. Useful organic acids.
  5. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iodine.
  6. Pure water.
  7. Natural sugar substances.
  8. Animal protein.

The benefits of sour cream for an adult

You definitely need to tell us why such a food product as sour cream is so useful.

  • Sour cream is much easier and faster absorbed by the human body than plain milk. In addition, it is considered very nutritious.
  • Very useful for people who have weak digestion or no appetite. It also helps to cope with problems such as anemia.
  • Sour cream is a probitic product. It helps fight the results of putrefaction in the intestines by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria.
  • It has a great effect on human hormonal levels.
  • Traditional healers say that a spoonful of sour cream and honey can improve your mood and give you strength and energy.
  • This good remedy when fighting sunburn.
  • If you regularly eat carrots with sour cream, the body's resistance to various infections significantly increases.
  • By consuming tomato juice with sour cream, you can prevent the occurrence and development of cancer.

Sour cream: benefits for men and men's health

You definitely need to talk separately about the benefits that sour cream has on the male body.

  1. This is an excellent remedy not only for maintaining, but also for increasing potency.
  2. Specially prepared sour cream for men, the so-called biosour cream, turns out to be very useful. When manufactured, it contains a special leaven that has a positive effect on the body of the male representative.
  3. It helps maintain a man's figure and appearance in order.
  4. Sour cream gives strength to muscles, which is so important for every man.

About the benefits of sour cream for women and women's health

So, sour cream. The benefits of this food product for men - we figured it out. What is its benefit exclusively for women?

  1. Sour cream perfectly regulates hormonal levels. This is especially important for ladies, since they most often suffer from such “fluctuations”.
  2. This food product is widely used in cosmetology. Multiple masks for skin and hair are made based on sour cream.
  3. Sour cream, despite its high fat content, is beneficial for the female body during periods of dieting. After all, it has a great effect on intestinal function, preventing constipation.

About the benefits of sour cream for children's bodies

It will not be a secret to anyone that sour cream is also very useful for children. So, it should be introduced into the baby’s diet from about one year of age. However, at this time it is best to give it as sauces and additions to various dishes. In this case, you need to take sour cream with the lowest fat content.

Homemade sour cream in its pure form can be given to children from three years of age. At this time, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract has developed enough to tolerate such a fatty product without harm to its own health. Other benefits of this food product:

  • The components of sour cream - calcium, iron, potassium and phosphorus - have the most positive effect on a growing child's body.
  • Sour cream in combination with other foods, such as carrots, perfectly increases the immune system's defenses.
  • The complex of organic acids and vitamins has a positive effect on the growth and development of not only bone but also muscle tissue of the baby.

To whom and for what reasons can sour cream be harmful?

Having considered the many-sided benefits of sour cream, we also need to talk about for whom this food product can be dangerous.

  1. It is not recommended to eat sour cream for people with stomach ulcers or gastritis with high acidity. And all because of the presence of organic acids in this food product.
  2. Store-bought sour cream can be harmful due to the presence of preservatives, which are simply necessary for its long-term storage.
  3. Sour cream is a very high-calorie product. So it is contraindicated for overweight people.
  4. In large quantities, sour cream is harmful to those people who have problems with the liver and gall bladder. To prevent these problems, this food product is best eaten in the first half of the day.
  5. People who have problems with the cardiovascular system should eat sour cream with caution. And all because this food product contains cholesterol, which can settle on the blood vessels, preventing their normal functioning.
  6. The combination of sour cream with the following food products is considered the most harmful: fried potatoes, cereals and baked goods.

Of course, sour cream is considered a high-calorie product. But, daily norm sour cream (2 tablespoons) is only 52 calories, which is half as much as one tablespoon of mayonnaise.

But is it possible to have sour cream while on a diet? How to eat fermented milk product and not gain weight.

Sour cream is cream that has undergone lactic acid fermentation. Natural sour cream is cream and sourdough, and nothing more.

The benefits of sour cream for losing weight

Nutritionists can talk for hours about the benefits of fermented milk products in general, and sour cream in particular.

Easily digestible, rich in vitamins and protein, organic acids, micro and macroelements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, chlorine and many others, restoring intestinal microflora and regulating digestion due to the high content of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - these products are worthy in order to occupy the most important place in the diet modern man adhering to the principles of rational nutrition.

Sour cream can be either very fat, up to 58%, or practically fat-free.

The minimum fat content of sour cream is 10%, which makes it, contrary to popular belief, an excellent product for those who are watching their weight.

In addition, low-fat sour cream will not add centimeters to your waist; it will also bring considerable benefits to your body.

What kind of sour cream can you eat while dieting?

If for a person not burdened with a problem excess weight, the choice of sour cream lies mainly in the plane of taste preferences, then people who want to lose weight need to approach this issue more seriously.

  • Store-bought sour cream. As the basis of dietary nutrition, you should choose industrially produced sour cream, with strict control of fat content and the content of lactic acid bacteria, which the manufacturer indicates as an acceptable minimum at the end of the shelf life.
  • Homemade fat sour cream. Yes, sour cream, prepared by a grandmother in the village from homemade milk, is undoubtedly very tasty. But a product of such high fat content can only be afforded in the form of one spoon for borscht and, of course, not every day.
  • Sour cream product. However, in pursuit of reducing calories, one should not forget about the quality of the purchased product. For example, the so-called “sour cream product”, which is now widely represented on store shelves, although it has low fat content, does not have much in common with natural sour cream. Often the only advantage in favor of purchasing such products is their low price. But in this case, you should not expect the same benefits from consuming sour cream as from consuming natural fermented milk products.

Is it possible to gain weight from sour cream?

Can sour cream make you fat? Yes and no. The answer depends on the choice of product and the daily intake.

Daily norm. It is curious that nutritionists have calculated the annual intake of sour cream. It is 6.5 kilograms per person. Of course, this norm is conditional and can fluctuate depending on many factors. On average, an ordinary person can eat 25 grams of sour cream per day, that is, one full tablespoon. Overweight people should choose varieties with a fat content of no more than 20%.

Best time to take sour cream is considered morning or afternoon. In this case, the calories received from a portion of this delicious product will have time to be completely consumed during the day. Accordingly, it is better not to use sour cream at night.

Combination with products. In addition to everything familiar and really healthy cottage cheese with sour cream, it is best to combine a fermented milk product with vegetables and fruits.

Carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, sorrel, spinach, herbs and green onions are all great partners for sour cream on your menu. In this case, fat-soluble vitamins contained in many vegetables will be absorbed in the best possible way, and the fat content of sour cream will be diluted with fiber, which will only benefit the body.

The same applies to a popular drink made from sour cream and tomato juice, especially among men. Flavored with a pinch of spices, the drink, in addition to its general medical benefits, also has a positive effect on “men’s health.”

Sour cream on an empty stomach with flax seeds(ground into flour). This common recipe for weight loss is worth mentioning separately.

The method really helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and to some extent lose weight, but it has a lot of contraindications.

In particular, due to the strong choleretic effect of flaxseed, the movement of stones and sand may occur, the presence of which people often do not know for the time being. In such cases, taking flaxseed flour risks ending up in calling emergency doctors.

Pure sour cream use is not recommended. The only exceptions are special medical nutrition for people suffering from diabetes, and a sour cream diet for weight loss, which has recently been gaining popularity.

Sour cream diet

The essence of the diet is that you need to eat 400 grams of sour cream per day, dividing this amount into 5 doses. This achieves five meals a day, the so-called fractional meals, the benefits and effectiveness of which no one doubts. In addition, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses of rosehip decoction on the day of the diet and limit it to that.

Of course, sour cream is consumed in its pure form, without jams, fruits and sugar, and the rosehip decoction should also not be sweet. Sometimes it is recommended to use a product with 30% fat content, but for weight loss purposes it is more logical to limit the fat content to 10-15%, maximum 20%.

Duration. The sour cream diet is a mono-diet, and, like any other mono-diet, should not last more than three days.

Result. Typically, weight loss during this time reaches 1 kilogram per day. Unfortunately, some of these kilograms are lost due to the loss of fluid by the body, thanks to the special properties of sour cream, and will return almost immediately after the end of the diet.

Nevertheless, weight loss will still be noticeable, and if you carry out such fasting days regularly, it will not be difficult to achieve positive changes in the fight against excess weight.

Contraindications. Despite all its usefulness and effectiveness, the sour cream diet also has a number of limitations. These include: allergies to dairy products, hypertension, diabetes, gastritis, ulcer in the acute stage. Therefore, in order for the diet to bring you only benefit, it is strongly recommended that you consult your doctor before starting it.