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First Deputy of the Presidential Administration. Structure of the Russian Presidential Administration. Its functions and powers. Reaction to changes in the presidential administration

The president Russian Federation– a person under whose control there is a huge variety of tasks. Many Russians and even residents of other countries are often surprised how the head of Russia manages to do so much in a very short period of time - 24 hours. Take, for example, one of the recent completely ordinary working days of the Russian leader. On December 11, Vladimir Putin visited Egypt in one day, where he held a working meeting with the Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and concluded a number of agreements, then Syria, namely the Khmeimim airbase and Latakia, where he announced the withdrawal of a contingent of Russian troops and spoke with the President of the Syrian Arab Republic Republic Bashar al-Assad, and then flew to Turkey and met with the head of Ankara Recep Erdogan.

At the same time, as candidate of sociological sciences Aleksey Grishin noted, such a high pace of life is quite in the style of Vladimir Vladimirovich. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief had to give the order for the withdrawal of the troops of the Russian Federation personally, since this demonstrates the prestige of the country. In addition, Vladimir Vladimirovich’s further visits to Turkey and Egypt showed that Russia is in control of the situation in the Middle East region. And it should be rightly noted that there are almost every such day in the president’s work schedule. Even speaking about the head of state’s vacation, his press secretary Dmitry Peskov noted that, most likely, the Russian leader will not go anywhere, since there is simply no time for this.

Putin's most famous assistant

Of course, for one person, and despite all the positive qualities, Vladimir Putin is still an ordinary person, it would simply be impossible to cope with such a busy schedule. To keep such a number of tasks under control, to be responsible for the life of the vast Russian Federation with its multi-billion-strong population - all this requires the work of assistants. Of course, the head of state also has them. Putin's most famous assistant is his press secretary Dmitry Peskov. But since Peskov works both as an assistant to the president and as the official mouthpiece of the Kremlin, he will not be physically able to perform all the tasks assigned to the assistant. In reality, everything is a little more complicated. Assistant to the head of state has been a special position in the Presidential Administration since the reign of Boris Yeltsin in July 1991. Moreover, the number of assistants is determined by the Russian leader himself.

Functions of President Putin's assistant

Among the main functions of Vladimir Putin’s assistant are those that were approved by decree of the head of state in 2004. So, what does Putin’s assistant do:

  • Prepares proposals to the head of state for the implementation of his powers.
  • Together with the Presidential Administration, prepares analytical, reference and information materials for work.
  • Prepares proposals for long-term and current work plans of the country’s leader.
  • Participates jointly with the presidential departments and other independent divisions of the Administration in the preparation of state, official and other types of visits, official negotiations, conversations and working trips of the head of state.
  • Ensures, subject to the relevant decision of the President, the activities of the State Council and other advisory and consultative bodies.
  • Prepares draft instructions of the president, and also carries out individual instructions of Vladimir Vladimirovich.

As can be seen from the above list, the scope of tasks for Putin’s assistant includes many small subtasks. It is quite natural that one person cannot cope with these tasks due to the impossibility of this from a physiological point of view. That’s why Putin has 39 such assistants at once. As mentioned above, one of them is Dmitry Peskov, who communicates with the press, conducts press conferences and is responsible for many other tasks. Some are better known to Russians due to the fact that they are more actively involved in the political life of the country and take part in events covered by the media. mass media events. Others are unfamiliar or not known at all to the residents of the country, but this makes their work no less important.

Putin's assistant - Yuri Ushakov: what he is responsible for

Yuri Ushakov became Vladimir Putin’s assistant on May 21, 2012. He has held this position for seven years now. But before he received this post, Ushakov was in politics at the forefront for many years. It all started in 1970, when until 1986 Yuri held various posts at the USSR Embassy. Thus, Yuri Ushakov was the USSR Ambassador to Denmark, in the Department of the Scandinavian Countries, in the General Secretariat of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Afterwards, until 1992, he was deputy head of the mission, and also managed to work as a counselor-envoy of the USSR and then Russian embassy in Denmark.

After 1992, for four years, Putin’s future assistant Yuri Ushakov worked as director of the Department of Pan-European Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry. His control and responsibility included tasks for cooperation with the OSCE, the European Union, NATO, Soviet North Atlantic Cooperation and the Western European Union. In addition, Yuri Ushakov was responsible for working with the Council of Europe and a number of regional European organizations.

From 1996 to 1998, future assistant to Vladimir Putin, Yuri Ushakov, served as Russia's permanent representative to the OSCE in the Austrian capital, Vienna. After that, he was Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. At that moment, Ushakov controlled issues of interaction with the UN, as well as legal and humanitarian issues, problems of protecting human rights, issues of language and archives. In the same year, Yuri Ushakov was co-chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordinating Moscow’s Participation in Peacekeeping Activities.

For ten years, starting in 1998, Yuri Ushakov, now Putin’s assistant, was again engaged in the diplomatic representation of Russia in other countries - he served as Russia’s ambassador to the United States. The diplomat concurrently worked as a permanent observer of the Russian Federation at the Organization of American States in Washington.

Well, after working as an ambassador, before becoming an assistant to President Putin, Yuri Ushakov worked as deputy head of the Government Staff. As Putin's assistant, Ushakov is responsible for foreign policy issues. It is under his control that the most important issues of Moscow's foreign policy are located.

Putin's most famous assistant to Russians is Dmitry Peskov.

As noted above, Putin’s most famous assistant is his press secretary Dmitry Peskov. Like Yuri Ushakov, Peskov worked for several years at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Peskov's political career began in 1989. Two years later, Peskov holds the post of duty assistant, attaché and third secretary of the Russian Embassy in the Turkish capital Ankara. Over the course of four years from 1996 to 2000, Putin’s current press secretary and assistant Dmitry Peskov received the position of first second and then first secretary of the Russian Embassy in Turkey.

But in 2000, Peskov left the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and began working as head of the media relations department, then deputy, and then first deputy head of the press service of the head of state. In the same year, he took the post of press secretary of the President of Russia.

Since this year, Peskov has become Putin’s main assistant. On behalf of the president, the press secretary comments on Russia's current information agenda, conducts important press conferences and, in general, can be recognized as being responsible for the Kremlin's information policy, speaking from the position of official Moscow.

Dmitry Peskov, like Yuri Ushakov, was promoted to the rank of official assistant to Putin on May 21, 2012. Initially, Peskov was considered as one of the likely candidates for Ushakov’s post, and then issues of international politics would be under his control. But after that, Putin decided that his assistant Dmitry Peskov would better, as before, control the information agenda.

Assistant to Vladimir Putin Surkov Vladislav

The political career of Putin’s assistant Surkov began due to the fact that Vladislav held senior positions in leading financial organizations for a long time. Thus, from 1991 to 1996, Vladimir Putin’s future assistant Vladislav Surkov was a top manager at the Menatep Association of Credit and Financial Enterprises, which then merged into the bank of the same name. The following year, for a year, Surkov was the deputy head, and then the head of the Public Relations Department of Rosprom. In the same year, Putin’s future assistant Surkov took the post of first deputy chairman of the Council of the Commercial Innovation Bank Alfa Bank.

Since 1998, for a year, Surkov worked as first deputy general director, and later as director of public relations at Public Russian Television. Surkov received the position of assistant to the head of the Presidential Administration of Putin in 1999. At the same time he was appointed deputy head.

In 2004, Surkov received the post of deputy assistant to President Putin, and four years later began working as first deputy head of the presidential administration. In 2011, Vladislav Surkov was promoted to Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, and only two years later, in 2013, Vladislav Surkov became an assistant to Vladimir Putin. The area of ​​responsibility of the politician in this position includes resolving issues of relations with Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

According to unofficial sources, since September 2013, Putin’s assistant Surkov also became responsible for relations with Ukraine. Thus, some claim that at the beginning of 2014, the diplomat made two trips to Kyiv to visit the now former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych. The reason for the trips was allegedly to collect information about how the protests were taking place, how and by whom the Maidan was organized, as well as the source of its financing.

In October 2016, Putin’s assistant Vladislav Surkov took part in the Normandy Four negotiations in Berlin, during which issues regarding the implementation of the Minsk agreements were resolved. Currently, Surkov, as Vladimir Putin’s assistant, represents Russia’s interests in resolving issues of resolving the armed conflict in Donbass in negotiations with the United States. The meetings between the American Kurt Volker and Vladislav Surkov are actively covered in the media, so Putin’s assistant is known to everyone interested in the fate of the neighboring state and the self-proclaimed republics in eastern Ukraine.

Assistant to Vladimir Putin Andrey Belousov

The political career of Putin’s current assistant Andrei Belousov began relatively recently. In 2006, Andrey took the post of Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Russia, having previously worked in the scientific field for ten years. In 2007, he received the honorary title of Honored Economist of Russia, and a year later, in 2008, Andrei Belousov took the post of Deputy Minister of Economic Development and in the same year became director of the Department of Economics and Finance of the Russian government.

From 2008 to 2012, Putin's future assistant Belousov served as director of the department, and from 2012 to 2013 he also served as Minister of Economic Development. Even before this, since 2011, he has held the post of Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class. On June 24, 2013, Belousov was appointed assistant to President Putin on economic issues. Previously, this position was held by the current head of the Central Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina.

Head of the Presidential Administration and Putin's assistant Anton Vaino

The current head of the presidential administration and assistant to Vladimir Putin, Anton Vaino, began his political career in 1996 - then he took a post at the Russian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, and later worked in the second department of Asia in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In the period from 2002 to 2004, Vaino held various positions in the Presidential Protocol Department, and after that for three years he worked as deputy head of the protocol and organizational department of the head of state. In 2007, Vaino became the first deputy head of protocol for the Russian leader, and until 2008 he worked in the government apparatus as deputy head. Anton Vaino received the position of deputy head of the administration of the head of the country and assistant to Vladimir Putin in 2012, and only four years later he himself became the head of the administration.

Starting in August 2016, Putin's aide was also included as a permanent member of the Economic Council under the head of state.

Putin's first deputy chief of staff and his assistant Alexei Gromov

Like many other colleagues, Putin's aide Alexey Gromov began his political career by working at the Foreign Ministry. So, in the period from 1982 to 1996, Gromov worked first in the foreign policy department of the USSR, and then in the Russian Federation. In parallel with this, for three years he served as secretary of the USSR Consulate General in Karlovy Vary, and from 1985 to 1988 he worked as an attaché at the USSR Embassy in Prague.

From 1988 to 1991, he worked as first the third and then the second secretary of the secretariat of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Until 1992, he was the first secretary of the General Secretariat of the Foreign Ministry of the USSR and later of Russia. For a year until 1993 he worked as consul of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Bratislava, and from 1993 to 1996 he served as adviser to the Russian Embassy there.

Since 1996, for four years, Putin’s assistant worked as the head of the press service, and later as the head of the press service of the head of state. For eight years from 2000 to 2008, Alexey Gromov was Vladimir Vladimirovich’s press secretary. Later, when he was replaced in this post by Putin’s current press secretary and assistant Peskov, Gromov became deputy, and in 2012 first deputy head of the presidential administration.

Another first deputy leader and assistant to President Putin, Sergei Kiriyenko

In addition to Alexei Gromov, the position of first deputy head of the administration and assistant to Putin is occupied by one more person - Sergei Kiriyenko. Kiriyenko's political career began in 1990 with work as a deputy of the Gorky Regional Council of People's Deputies. In 1997, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of Russia, and in the same year he himself became the head of this department.

A year later, in 1998, Sergei Kiriyenko took over as chairman of the country's government. Two years later, the politician became the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian President in the Volga Federal District, as well as a permanent member of the country's Security Council.

From 2001 to 2005, the future assistant to Vladimir Putin concurrently headed the State Commission for Chemical Disarmament of the Russian Federation. From 2007, for nine years, Kiriyenko served as General Director of Rosatom, and on October 5, 2016, he was appointed First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration. From that time on, Kiriyenko became Putin’s official assistant.

Vaino's deputies and Putin's assistants Magomedsalam Magomedov and Vladimir Ostrovenko

Magomedsalam Magomedov and Vladimir Ostrovenko occupy the positions of deputy heads of the administration of the head of state Anton Vaino, thanks to which they are included in the list of Putin’s assistants. In the period from 1998 to 2006, Magomedsalam worked as the head of the working group of the Russian government in Dagestan on the development of the Dagestan sector of the Caspian Sea shelf. From 2010 to 2013, Magomedov served as President of Dagestan, and then, on January 28, 2013, he was appointed Vaino’s deputy, thanks to which he also became considered Putin’s official assistant.

In turn, Vladimir Ostrovenko in 2008 took the post of director of the protocol department of the Russian government, and in 2011 he became the head himself. Putin’s assistant Ostrovenko was appointed to the post of Anton Vaino’s deputy only a year ago – in 2016.

Putin's assistant and head of protocol Vladislav Kitaev

The political career of one of Vladimir Putin’s youngest assistants, Vladislav Kitaev, began 17 years ago - from 2000 to 2005, he worked in the North America department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then at the Russian Embassy in the United States. Later, for two years, Putin’s future assistant held various positions in the protocol and organizational department of the head of state, and from 2007 to 2008 he worked as an assistant to the first deputy chairman of the government, Sergei Ivanov.

Since 2008, Kitaev worked for four years, first as deputy director, and later as director of the protocol department of the Russian government. Since 2014, again for four years, Putin’s assistant worked as the head of the protocol department, and from 2016 to the present day he has been serving as the head of Putin’s protocol. It should also be noted that Vladislav Kitaev has the class rank of Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

Assistants to Vladimir Putin

One of the three women in the post of Putin’s assistant is the head of the state and legal administration of presidential affairs, Larisa Brycheva. Since 1993, Vladimir Putin’s assistant has held senior government positions. So, Brycheva managed to work as the head of a department of the presidential administration; head of the working apparatus of Putin's plenipotentiary representative in the Federal Assembly and deputy head of the main state and legal department of the head of state. Since 1999, Larisa Brycheva headed the main state and legal department, and since March 2004 she became Putin’s official assistant.

Putin's second female assistant is Alexandra Levitskaya. From 1999 to 2000, Levitskaya was assistant to the head of the presidential administration, and from 2000, for three years, first deputy chief of staff of the Russian government. In the period from 2004 to 2007, Putin’s current assistant worked as deputy head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, and after a whole year as deputy minister of economic development and trade. From 2008 to 2012, Putin's assistant Levitskaya worked as deputy head of the economic development department, and then first deputy chief of staff of the government. Alexandra has been Putin’s adviser and assistant since August 2013.

Putin’s third assistant is Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights under the head of state. She can be described as the “youngest” assistant of Vladimir Putin, since Kuznetsova took this post only on September 9, 2016. Kuznetsova devoted her entire life to helping children, so her appointment to the position of children's ombudsman is logical.

Assistant to Vladimir Putin Levitin Igor

The start of the political career of Igor Levitin, who is currently Putin’s assistant, was in 2004 - then the man was appointed to the post of Minister of Transport and Communications of Russia. On May 21, 2012, Levitin took the position of presidential adviser, and on September 2, 2013, he became an assistant to Vladimir Putin.

Putin's assistant Andrei Fursenko

Andrei Fursenko, who has served as Putin’s assistant since 2012, entered politics in 2001 - then the man worked as Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology. Since 2002, Fursenko became the first deputy minister of industry, and a year later, he became the acting head of the department. However, a year later, in 2004, Vladimir Putin’s current assistant was appointed head of the Ministry of Education and Science.

From 1992 to 1996, Harry Minh worked as head of the public law sector, as well as deputy head of the department of public legal management of Vladimir Putin's affairs. Since 2002, for two years he was the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian government in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Since 2004, he worked for five years as director of the legal department in the government, and starting in 2009, he became Putin’s plenipotentiary representative and assistant in the State Duma.

Other aides to President Putin

Name Year of appointment Field of activity
Alexander Beglov May 2004 Assistant to Putin and head of the control department, and since 2011 - plenipotentiary representative of the head of state in the Central Federal District
Veniamin Yakovlev February 2005 Putin's assistant on justice issues
Mikhail Krotov November 2005 Putin's Plenipotentiary Representative in the Constitutional Court
Konstantin Chuychenko May 2008 Control management
Vladimir Ustinov May 2008 Representative in the Southern Federal District
Mikhail Fedotov October 2010 Development of civil society and human rights
Sergey Grigorov May 2011 Protection of state secrets
Mikhail Babich December 2011 Plenipotentiary Representative in the Volga Federal District
Evgeniy Shkolov May 2012 Personnel issues
Igor Shchegolev May 2012 Communication issues
Alexander Bedritsky May 2012 Special Representative for Climate Affairs
Sergey Glazyev May 2012 Economics and banking
Vladimir Tolstoy May 2012 Putin's assistant for culture
Igor Kholmanskikh May 2012 Representative in the Ural Federal District
Boris Titov June 2012 Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs
Yuri Trutnev August 2012 Assistant to Putin on natural resources issues, and from August 31, 2013 became the presidential representative in the Far Eastern Federal District
Arthur Muravyov October 2013 Plenipotentiary representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly
Oleg Belaventsev March 2014 Plenipotentiary Representative in the North Caucasus Federal District
Kobyakov Anton April 2014 Foreign policy
Kozhin Vladimir May 2014 Military-technical cooperation
German Klimenko January 2016 Economic Advisor
Sergei Menyailo July 2016 Representative in the Siberian Federal District
Nikolay Tsukanov July 2016 Representative in the Northwestern Federal District

Until Friday morning, the figure of Mr. Vaino, who had been close to Putin since 2003, when he began working in the presidential protocol department, was of no interest to absolutely anyone. Only in the spring, when members of the AP reported on their income, the media sparingly reported that Vaino did not have his own car, but he did have a plot of land in Estonia. The craving for a country that is exotic in comparison with Spain or Italy, as it turned out, is explained by the origin of the official. The grandfather of the new head of the AP was Karl Vaino - from 1978 to 1988, the first secretary of the Central Committee Communist Party Estonia. And although the grandson left the Baltic states before school, nostalgia for his small homeland apparently remained.

The offspring of the party nomenklatura were often destined for a diplomatic career. Vaino was no exception: he graduated from MGIMO in 1996, worked for 5 years at the Russian Embassy in Japan, and 2 years at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And as a relatively young man - only 30 years old - he came to the Kremlin, where he successfully moved up the administrative line.

“Anton Vaino is an apparatchik of the highest class. For many years he kept track of the President's daily work schedule. Very correct! Always collected and organized. The kind of person who doesn't make mistakes. Amazingly efficient. He knows the entire political and managerial elite of the country perfectly,” the former head of the department wrote on his FB domestic policy Presidential Administration Oleg Morozov.

Other acquaintances of the new head of the Administration give him similar characteristics: “very efficient”, “super efficient”, “never gets involved in politics.” And indeed: as Ivanov’s deputy, Vaino did not have his own front of work. Dmitry Peskov oversees the press service. Vyacheslav Volodin - domestic policy. (By the way, it was Vaino who was supposed to replace him during the pre-election leave, but in the end he jumped much higher.) Alexey Gromov - information policy. Vaino dealt with technical issues related to ensuring the activities of the president: he prepared documents, monitored the execution of decrees and instructions, was responsible for the schedule, and controlled personnel. Putin clearly valued his technical qualities and diligence: in 2008, he took him with him to the White House, and in 2012 he again called him to the Kremlin. And although some experts suggest that the powerful head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, who is connected with the official’s father (Rostec owns 25% of Avtovaz, in which Eduard Vaino holds the position of president for external relations), may be behind Vaino’s promotion, to a greater extent This appointment fits into the personnel policy of Vladimir Putin himself, who has recently been relying not on old comrades, but on people little known to the public, but personally devoted. Security guards and members of the protocol service are physically closer to the president (they are constantly nearby: in the Kremlin, on trips, in country residences) and psychologically clearer to him. At least he knows exactly what to expect from them. “For Vaino, the new head of the FSO Dmitry Kochnev, and the Tula governor Dyumin, Putin has always been a conditional presence, under him they rose to the highest positions. This generation cannot imagine Russia without Putin. For these people, Putin is a sacred figure,” sums up political scientist Alexei Makarkin. By the way, it is no coincidence that the current head of the Kremlin protocol, Vladimir Ostrovenko, was appointed as the new deputy head of the Administration by presidential decree.

Initially, the Administration consisted of 13 divisions. Later, by mid-1993, with the release of the Regulations on the Administration, it included 26 directorates and departments. This provision emphasized that the Administration is “an apparatus created to support the activities of the President of the Russian Federation.” In December of the same year, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted and the Presidential Administration received constitutional rank (clause “and” of Article 83).

On October 2, 1996, a decree “On approval of the regulations on the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation” was issued, which put into effect the Regulations on the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. However, this did not change anything in terms of the appointment of the Administration.

As for the real functions of the Administration, much depended on its leader. For example, in the city this post under President B. N. Yeltsin was occupied by the famous politician A. B. Chubais. He decided to elevate the role of the Administration, strengthen its influence on socio-political processes, and make the federal executive power highly dependent on it. The 1996 decree precisely reflected the claims of the head of the Administration. The Regulations stated that “the Administration is a state body that ensures the activities of the President of the Russian Federation,” and many of its control capabilities were expanded in relation to other bodies, especially executive authorities.

Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation

Deputy Heads of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation

  • Kiriyenko, Sergei Vladilenovich
  • Gromov, Alexey Alekseevich - First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration
  • Magomedov, Magomedsalam Magomedalievich - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration
  • Ostrovenko, Vladimir Evgenievich - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration
  • Peskov, Dmitry Sergeevich - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration - Press Secretary of the President


  • State legal management
  • Control management
  • Protocol Management
    • Kitaev Vladislav Nikolaevich
  • Management by foreign policy
  • Information and Documentation Support Department
    • Osipov Sergey Nikolaevich
  • Expert management
    • Simonenko Vladimir Alexandrovich
  • Department of Internal Policy
  • Office for Ensuring the Constitutional Rights of Citizens
  • Press Service and Information Department
    • Tsybulin Andrey Mikhailovich
  • Department for Interregional and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries
    • Chernov Vladimir Alexandrovich
  • Directorate for Supporting the Activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation
    • Bryukhanov Mikhail Dmitrievich
  • Department of Civil Service and Personnel Affairs
    • Fedorov Anton Yurievich
  • Office of State Awards
  • Department for handling appeals from citizens and organizations
  • Department for Socio-Economic Cooperation with Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic of South Ossetia
  • Department of Public Relations and Communications
    • Smirnov Alexander Yurievich
  • Directorate for Scientific and Educational Policy
    • Bilenkina Inna Petrovna
  • Office for the Application of Information Technologies and Development of Electronic Democracy
    • Lipov Andrey Yurievich
  • Public Projects Office
    • Novikov Sergey Gennadievich
  • Anti-Corruption Department
    • Bad Oleg Anatolyevich

Operations Department

  • Department for ensuring the activities of the Reception of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the President of the Russian Federation

References of the President of the Russian Federation

  • Information and Analytical Support Department
  • Department for preparing materials for public speeches and addresses
  • Department for preparing materials for welcome and other addresses
  • Department of Humanitarian Cooperation

Heads of the protocol of the President of the Russian Federation

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 3, 1995 No. 661, the Protocol Service of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation was transformed into the Protocol Office of the President of the Russian Federation, the position of the head of the Protocol Service of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation was transformed into the position of the head of protocol of the President of the Russian Federation - Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation.

Deputy Chief of Protocol of the President of the Russian Federation

  • Menshikov Vitaly Vitalievich, First Deputy Head of the Protocol of the President of the Russian Federation - Head of the Protocol Office of the President of the Russian Federation (November 4, 2002, No. 1288 - April 5, 2004, No. 478)
  • Oleg Aleksandrovich Markov, First Deputy Head of the Protocol of the President of the Russian Federation (April 9, 2004, No. 151-rp - March 16, 2007, No. 111-rp)
  • Anton Eduardovich Vaino, First Deputy Head of the Protocol of the President of the Russian Federation (April 26, 2007, No. 194-rp - October 8, 2007, No. 567-rp)
  • Smirnov Igor Aleksandrovich, Deputy Head of the Protocol of the President of the Russian Federation (May 14, 2008, No. 788 - May 30, 2012, No. 756)
  • Kazarinov, Mikhail Anatolyevich, Deputy Head of the Protocol of the President of the Russian Federation (since June 25, 2012, No. 883)

Commissioner of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 29, 1998 No. 310 established the position of Commissioner of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 20, 2007 No. 370, ensuring the activities of the Commissioner of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights, previously carried out by the State Legal Department of the President of the Russian Federation, is entrusted to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

  • Laptev Pavel Aleksandrovich, Commissioner of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights / Commissioner of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights (November 29, 1999, No. 1585 - February 8, 2005, No. 134; February 8, 2005, No. 134 - March 20, 2007, No. 369)

Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for Children's Rights

  • Golovan Alexey Ivanovich (since September 1, 2009, No. 987)
  • Astakhov Pavel Alekseevich (from December 30, 2009, No. 1518)
  • Anna Yuryevna Kuznetsova (since September 9, 2016, No. 466)

Office of the President of the Russian Federation

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 6, 1992 No. 465, the Secretariat of the President of the Russian Federation was reorganized into the Service of Assistants to the President of the Russian Federation and the Office of the President of the Russian Federation.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2004 No. 400, the Office of the President of the Russian Federation (with management rights) was included in the list of independent divisions of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The regulations on the Office of the President of the Russian Federation were approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 9, 1997 No. 313 (recognized as invalid by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2004 No. 1465) and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2004 No. 1465.

In the period 2000-2008. the head of the Chancellery was not appointed, although the position was not formally abolished. The duties of the head of the Chancellery were performed by the Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Igor Ivanovich Sechin.

  • Semenchenko Valery Pavlovich, head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation (May 8, 1992, No. 497 - August 9, 1996, No. 1148; in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation of August 16, 1995 No. 381-rp, he was assistant to the president Russian Federation), Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation - Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation (August 9, 1996, No. 1148 - January 3, 2000, No. 3)
  • Konstantinov Nikolay Nikolaevich, director (December 10, 2009, No. 1416 - May 7, 2012, June 9, 2012, No. 785 - November 6, 2012, No. 1482)
  • Kobyakov, Anton Anatolyevich (from November 6, 2012, No. 1483)


Secretariat of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR

By Decree of the President of the RSFSR dated July 19, 1991 No. 13, the Secretariat of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR was established.

By Decree of the President of the RSFSR dated November 6, 1991 No. 172, the President of the RSFSR decided to form the Government of the RSFSR under the direct leadership of the President of the RSFSR for the duration of the radical economic reform (a separate legal act on the abolition of the Secretariat of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR was not published).

  • Zakharova Alla Anatolyevna, director (July 24, 1991, No. 15 - September 30, 1991, No. 133)

Secretariat of the Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation

Educated? (not included in the structure of the Administration of the President of the RSFSR, approved by Decree of the President of the RSFSR dated July 19, 1991 No. 13; Decree of the President of the RSFSR dated August 26, 1991 No. 23-rp established the staffing level of the Secretariat of the Head of the Administration of the President of the RSFSR).

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 22, 1993 No. 273, the Secretariat of the Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and his deputies was included in the structure of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 29, 1996 No. 117, the Secretariat of the Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and his deputies was reorganized, and the Secretariat of the Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation was formed.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2004 No. 400, the Secretariat of the Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (with management rights) was included in the list of independent divisions of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

  • Orlov Valery Fedorovich, director (February 29, 1992, No. 94-rp - January 18, 1993, No. 40-rp)
  • Pryamukhin Vladimir Nikolaevich, director (January 27, 1993, No. 66-rp - July 26, 1994, No. 407-rp)
  • Korolko Petr Petrovich, director (July 26, 1994, No. 407-rp - September 1, 1995, No. 407-rp)
  • Rumyantsev Valentin Borisovich, director (January 18, 1996, No. 23-rp - July 30, 1996, No. 403-rp)
  • Volzhin Sergey Nikolaevich, director (1996-1997)
  • Nagaytsev Viktor Nikolaevich, director (1997 - 2012)
  • Chobotov Andrey Sergeevich (since 2012 - present)

Other divisions

Library of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation

By Decree of the President of the RSFSR of August 31, 1991 No. 103, the Library of the President of the RSFSR was formed on the basis of the Government Library of the Administration of the Administration of the President of the RSFSR.

In accordance with the order of the President of the RSFSR dated November 13, 1991 No. 79-rp - Government Library of the RSFSR.

In accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation of July 23, 1993 No. 510-rp - Library of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Regulations on the Library of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 1993 No. 510-rp, establishes that the Library of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation is a structural unit (as a department) of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and has the status of a scientific library.

  • Zaitsev Valery Grigorievich, Director of the Government Library of the RSFSR / Russian Federation (November 13, 1991, No. 80-rp - March 28, 1993, No. 207-rp), Director of the Library of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation (?)

Bureau for Information Support of the Administration of the President of the RSFSR/Russian Federation

Decree of the President of the RSFSR dated September 7, 1991 No. 36-rp established that the Bureau for Information Support of the Administration of the President of the RSFSR reports directly to the head of the Administration of the President of the RSFSR (by Decree of the President of the RSFSR dated August 5, 1991 No. 32, the Bureau for Information Support of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR was transformed into Bureau for Information Support of the Administration of the President of the RSFSR, subordinating it to the Department of Affairs of the Administration of the President of the RSFSR).

By order of the President of the Russian Federation of September 7, 1992 No. 494-rp, the Bureau for Information Support of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation was transformed into the Information Resources Directorate of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Medical and Health Association of the Administration of the President of the RSFSR/Russian Federation

Decree of the President of the RSFSR dated September 7, 1991 No. 36-rp established that the Medical and Health Association reports directly to the head of the Presidential Administration of the RSFSR (by Decree of the President of the RSFSR dated August 5, 1991 No. 32, the Medical and Health Association was transferred to the former Administration of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Directorate of Affairs of the Presidential Administration of the RSFSR).

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 9, 1992 No. 380, the Medical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation was established on the basis of the Medical and Health Association of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Group of Experts of the President of the RSFSR/Russian Federation

By Decree of the President of the RSFSR of September 13, 1991 No. 121, the Group of Experts of the President of the RSFSR was created.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 22, 1993 No. 273, the working apparatus of the Expert Council under the President of the Russian Federation was formed on the basis of the Group of Experts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Secretariat of the Chairman of the Expert Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

  • Nit Igor Vasilievich, director (September 14, 1991, No. 41-rp -?)

The Regulations on the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 1994 No. 151-rp, establishes that the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation is a specialized division of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation with the rights of a department.

  • Korotkov Alexander Vasilievich, director (February 17, 1992, No. 56-rp - ?)

Publishing house "Legal Literature" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

By order of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 18, 1992 No. 112-rp, the publishing house “Russian Law” (formerly “Legal Literature”) was transferred from the Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

By order of the President of the Russian Federation of August 8, 1992 No. 428-rp, the publishing house “Russian Law” was reorganized into the publishing house “Legal Literature”.

In accordance with the Charter of the publishing house "Legal Literature" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 3, 1997 No. 289, the publishing house is a state institution under the jurisdiction of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Most of the complaints sent to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for working with appeals from citizens and organizations are immediately and automatically forwarded to those about whom they are complaining. If they try to answer themselves, often the answers are completely inadequate to the requests.
1. 2015. To address the facts of identified violations of legislation in the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg.
Answer: "...considered and sent to the government of the Leningrad region..."
They mixed up the region and sent it for review not to 78, but to 47.
2. 2016. On an appeal on the facts of illegal non-consideration - illegal refusal to consider by the St. Petersburg Administration applications drawn up in full compliance with the requirements of 59-FZ.
Response dated August 11, 2016 No. A26-01-83756891 signed by the deputy. Head of the Department of Analytical and Legal Support A. Tuaev
“In terms of your request to bring employees to criminal liability in connection with the consideration of your appeals, we inform you that the law does not provide for criminal liability in connection with the consideration of citizens’ appeals.”
3. 2016 Based on the facts committed officials The Department for Work with Citizens' Complaints of the Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg for crimes, on facts of corruption, compiled a 15-page complaint statement with a list of what, where, when and by whom (by name) was violated and a list of violated laws for each fact.
Response dated 08.08.2016 No. A26-02-NO-81574191 signed by A. Bragina, consultant of the Department of Written Appeals from Citizens and Organizations (illustrated).
Appeals from citizens are called “dispatches,” which is unacceptable for civil servants and letters on the official letterhead of the Department.
“Your email does not contain the essence of the proposal, statement and complaint, as well as a request for information, so it is not possible to give an answer on the merits of its content or provide information about the activities of a state body or local government body.”

  • Official information about the administration of the presidential of Russia on the website

MOSCOW, August 12 – RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin dismissed Sergei Ivanov from the post of head of the presidential administration, the Kremlin said in a statement.

Ivanov was appointed special representative of the president on environmental issues, ecology and transport, and in his new position he retained his seat on the Russian Security Council.

Why is Ivanov leaving?

Putin noted that he was pleased with the work of the head of his administration. According to the president, Ivanov himself asked to be transferred to another job.

“I understand your desire to move to another area of ​​work. I really hope that in your new place you will use all your knowledge and experience to work effectively,” the president said.

“I will try to work just as actively, dynamically and effectively in my new post,” Ivanov replied.

Sergei Ivanov has served as head of the presidential administration since December 2011. Before that, he worked as Deputy Prime Minister for three years.

© Ruptly

Who headed the presidential administration

The presidential administration was headed by Anton Vaino, who previously served as deputy head of the presidential administration. Putin noted that Ivanov himself recommended his candidacy.

Vaino noted that in his post he will continue the anti-corruption work that his predecessor began. Also new chapter The presidential administration promised to cooperate with the government.

“We will carry out all this work in close cooperation with the government, the chambers of the Federal Assembly, heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public organizations and associations,” the new head of the presidential administration noted at a meeting with the head of state.

Anton Vaino has worked in the presidential administration since 2002. Since May 2012, he served as deputy head of the administration.

Instead of Vaino, Putin appointed head of presidential protocol Vladimir Ostrovenko as deputy head of the administration.

Anton Vaino also joined the Security Council. In addition, Putin included in the Security Council his plenipotentiary representative in the Siberian Federal District Sergei Menyailo, plenipotentiary representative in the Northwestern Federal District Nikolai Tsukanov and Deputy Secretary of the Security Council Rashid Nurgaliev.

The Security Council is an advisory body under the head of state, which was formed in June 1992. Members of the Security Council are personally appointed by the President; the post of Secretary has been held by Nikolai Patrushev since May 2012.

Reaction to changes in the presidential administration

Political scientists believe that personnel changes indicate Vladimir Putin’s intention to rejuvenate his team, and do not rule out that today’s decisions will be followed by a continuation.

“This decision, in my opinion, needs to be considered in the context of previous personnel decisions. Various characteristics were pointed out there, but there was one more characteristic that was lost and which, in general, now comes to the fore in this particular case. I mean age. Vladimir Putin is consistently rejuvenating his team. People of younger ages are coming, a new generation of elite is coming," Alexey Zudin told RIA Novosti.

“I don’t see any conflict situation here or anything related to the emergence of disagreements, problems in Ivanov’s relations with the president. I think that we are talking, perhaps, about Ivanov’s desire to simply leave this post and we are not talking about there was no conflict background. It is known that Ivanov himself has somehow been less immersed in business lately, so this may well be his voluntary decision," said Nikolai Mironov, head of the Center for Economic and Political Reforms.

Reshuffle in the presidential administration: what political scientists sayIt is hardly worth seeing a political motive in the change of the head of the Russian presidential administration. Rather, we are talking about a simple human factor, say political scientists with whom Vladimir Ardaev spoke.

Mironov called Anton Vaino a “good, faithful performer” and a “convenient” figure in the post of head of the presidential administration.

“The fact is that there are different groups of influence, and this person specifically did not have any direct relationship with any of them, that is, he is such an equally distant figure and a very good performer in fulfilling his position,” added the head of the Center economic and political reforms, emphasizing that new personnel changes in power are possible in the fall - in preparation for a difficult 2017 from an economic point of view and presidential elections in 2018.

“The reformatting of the team will be quite significant. Many people, firstly, are already old, many people have simply lost the necessary energy and are not seriously involved in business,” the political scientist is sure.

Kadyrov expects the new head of the Kremlin administration to support ChechnyaThe acting head of Chechnya expressed hope that with the appointment of a new head of the presidential administration, assistance to the region will become even more serious.

President of the Center for Strategic Communications Dmitry Abzalov, in turn, believes that the appointment of Anton Vaino will increase the efficiency of the presidential administration and “fit it into a tight schedule on the eve of the presidential election campaign.” At the same time, according to Abzalov, Sergei Ivanov will most likely remain one of the key figures in the circle of the head of state.

The first deputy chairman of A Just Russia, Mikhail Yemelyanov, said that the reshuffle will not entail changes in the substantive policy of the administration, since it is largely determined by the head of state himself.

A transcript of the president’s meeting with Sergei Ivanov and Anton Vaino appeared on the Kremlin’s official website.

Vladimir Putin:Dear Sergey Borisovich!

You and I have been working together for many years, and we are working successfully. I am pleased with the way you complete tasks in assigned areas. I remember well our agreement that you asked not to be used in this area of ​​work in the position of Chief of the Presidential Administration for more than four years, so I understand your desire to move to another area of ​​work. I really hope that you will use all your knowledge and experience to work effectively in your new place.

Anton Eduardovich has been working with us as your deputy, also for several years, and has been working successfully. Sergei Borisovich recommended you as his successor to the post of Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. I want to offer you this job.

I hope that you will do everything to ensure that the work of the Administration is as effective as before, that it is carried out at a high professional level, that here, in this work, there is as little empty bureaucracy as possible, on the contrary, that it is filled with specific content and contributed to solving problems that face not only the Administration, but also in key areas of economic and social development.

Sergey Ivanov: Vladimir Vladimirovich, first of all, thank you very much for your high assessment of my work over the past 17 years.

Indeed, at the beginning of 2012, you and I had a conversation where I asked you to entrust me with this very difficult, of course, one might say, even troublesome area of ​​work for 4 years. It so happened that I was the head of the Presidential Administration for 4 years and 8 months.

I recently became interested in history. The Presidential Administration turned 25 years old, I was already the 11th head of the Administration, and to my surprise I discovered that I was a record holder: I worked in this position for 4 years and 8 months.

I will try to work just as actively, dynamically and, most importantly, effectively in the new area of ​​work.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you.

Anton Vaino: Thank you for your trust, Vladimir Vladimirovich. I consider the main task of the Administration to ensure your activities as head of state. This concerns legislative work, monitoring the implementation of your decrees and orders, including the May decrees. Of great importance is the analytical work carried out in the Administration on monitoring and assessment of internal political processes, socio-economic issues, and events in the international arena.

I think important work, which, on your instructions, was started by Sergei Borisovich in the Administration. It concerns anti-corruption, improving personnel policies and the fundamentals of the state civil service.

I mean that we will carry out all this work in close cooperation with the Government, the chambers of the Federal Assembly, the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public organizations and associations.

Sergey Ivanov: I would like, if possible, to add two more words.

Anton Eduardovich and I have known each other for a long time, from the time we worked in the Government under your leadership. For the last almost five years we have been communicating literally on a daily basis, and I am absolutely convinced that Anton Eduardovich, in all his business, professional, and personal qualities, is ready for this work.

Vladimir Putin: Fine.

Anton Eduardovich, I wish you success in your new area of ​​work. I hope that you will work efficiently, professionally, and energetically. And you will help not only me as the head of state, but also your subordinates. You will help ensure that the same working and highly sought-after contacts for joint effective work continue between the Administration and the Government of the Russian Federation.

I also hope that public organizations and public associations will feel in you as the head of the Presidential Administration their reliable partner.

Anton Vaino: Thank you for your trust.


Medvedev Dmitry Anatolievich

Head of the Presidential Administration (since October 30, 2003)

Born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad in the family of a professor. Graduated from the Leningradsky Faculty of Law state university(1987), graduate school of law (1990). During his studies, he repeatedly went to potato harvesting as part of a student team led by a teacher civil law Anatoly Sobchak. In 1990-1999 he worked as a teacher at the Department of Civil Law at St. Petersburg State University (formerly Leningrad State University), and was engaged in private legal practice. Since 1990 - Advisor to the Chairman of the Leningrad City Council Anatoly Sobchak (joined at the invitation of Sobchak's advisor Vladimir Putin). Since 1991 - expert of the Committee on External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, whose chairman was Vladimir Putin. Since March 1994 - Advisor to First Deputy Mayor Vladimir Putin. At the same time, since November 1993, he was director of legal affairs at Ilim Pulp Enterprise CJSC (St. Petersburg). In 1998, he was elected as a member of the board of directors of Bratsk Timber Industry Complex OJSC (as a representative of Ilim Pulp Enterprise CJSC). On November 9, 1999 he was appointed deputy chief of staff of the government of Dmitry Kozak, on December 31, 1999 - deputy head of the presidential administration of Alexander Voloshin. From February to March 2000 he headed the election headquarters of Vladimir Putin. On June 3, 2000, he was appointed first deputy head of the presidential administration, Alexander Voloshin. Since June 30, 2000 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom. On June 29, 2001, he took up the post of deputy chairman of the board of directors of OAO Gazprom. In June 2002, he was re-elected chairman of the company's board of directors. On October 30, 2003, he was appointed head of the presidential administration. Since April 2004 - permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Candidate of Legal Sciences (1990, dissertation topic: “Problems of implementing the civil legal personality of a state enterprise”). Married, son Ilya (b. 1996).

Sechin Igor Ivanovich

Born on September 7, 1960 in Leningrad. He graduated from the philological department of Leningrad State University with a degree in philologist-novelist, teacher of Portuguese and French"(1984). Worked as a translator in Mozambique in the structures of the foreign trade association "Technoexport", then as a military translator in Angola. According to media reports, in Africa he worked through the KGB. In 1988-1991 - instructor, leading instructor, specialist of the first category of the related department cities of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council. Involved in contacts with Leningrad's sister cities Rio de Janeiro, Barcelona and Milan. In 1990, during a trip to Brazil as part of a delegation of the Leningrad City Council, he met Vladimir Putin. In 1991-1996 - chief specialist, assistant head, chief of staff of the deputy mayor, chief of staff of the first deputy mayor - chairman of the committee for external relations of the St. Petersburg mayor's office Vladimir Putin. In 1996-1997 - specialist of the first category, deputy head of the department for work with property abroad of the department of foreign economic relations of the presidential administration , which was under the authority of Vladimir Putin, who held the post of deputy chief of staff of the president. In the spring of 1997, after Putin's appointment, the deputy head of the presidential administration - head of the Main Control Directorate (GKU) - headed the general department of the GKU. Since 1998 - chief of staff of the first deputy head of the presidential administration Vladimir Putin. After Vladimir Putin transferred to the FSB in July 1998, he was his consultant. Since August 11, 1999 - head of the secretariat of the first deputy prime minister (first deputy prime minister - Vladimir Putin); Since August 17, after Putin was appointed head of government, he headed his secretariat. Since November 24, 1999 - First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of Dmitry Kozak. On December 31, 1999, he was appointed deputy head of the presidential administration (acting president - Vladimir Putin). On June 3, 2000, after Putin was elected president, he was again confirmed in office. Since July 27, 2004, he has headed the board of directors of Rosneft.

The daughter studies at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute.

Surkov Vladislav Yurievich

Born on September 21, 1964 in the village of Solntsevo, Lipetsk region. In 1983-1985 he served in the army. He studied at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys together with Mikhail Fridman (Alfa Bank), then at the theater department of the Moscow Institute of Culture. Graduated from the International University in Moscow. He worked as a turner, led an amateur theater group, and earned money as a translator. Since 1988 - administrator for customer relations at the Camelopart cooperative (located in the same building as the Center for Intersectoral Scientific and Technical Programs, later MENATEP). Since 1991, he headed the market communications agency Metapress (actually a division of MENATEP), and joined the board of directors of MENATEP. Since January 1992 - member of the board, since May - head of the advertising department, since September - head of the customer service department of MENATEP bank. Since 1992 - Vice President of the Russian Association of Advertisers (President - Sergey Abramov). Since December 1992 - Deputy Head of the Customer Service Department, Head of the Advertising Department, Deputy Head of the Public Relations Service of MENATEP Bank. Since March 1996 - head of the public relations department, vice-president of CJSC Rosprom (then Rosprom-YUKOS). Since February 1997 - first deputy chairman of the board of Alfa Bank (the other deputy was Alexander Abramov). Since March 1997 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Alfa Bank. Since January 23, 1998 - first deputy general director of ORT CJSC for public relations and media (general director - Ksenia Ponomareva). Since May 1999 - Assistant to the Head of the Presidential Administration. On August 3, 1999, he was appointed deputy head of the administration; according to media reports, he contributed to the appointment of Alexander Abramov as another deputy. On June 3, 2000, the deputy head of the administration was re-appointed.

Master of Economics. Fluent English language. He writes stories and symphonic music, plays the guitar. In 2003, he co-wrote songs on the Agatha Christie group's album "Peninsulas", which did not go on sale. Married, wife Yulia Vishnevskaya, founder of the Moscow Puppet Museum, lives in London. The son is a schoolboy.

Presidential aides

Abramov Alexander Sergeevich

Born on February 10, 1957 in the village of Kurilovo, Moscow region. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (1979), the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Personnel in Financial and Banking Specialties of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (1994). Since 1979 he worked as a foreman and foreman at the Moscow Railways car depot. In 1981-1991 - secretary, first secretary of the Voskresensky city committee of the Komsomol, second and first secretary of the Moscow regional committee of the Komsomol. In 1991-1992 - Chairman of the Moscow Coordination Council of the regional organization of the Russian Youth Union. In 1992, he became the deputy manager of Finist Bank, then worked in the public relations service of the MENATEP bank, where he met Vladislav Surkov (since March 1994, Surkov has been his immediate superior as deputy head of the public relations service of the MENATEP bank). Since March 1996, with the transfer of Vladislav Surkov to CJSC Rosprom to the post of head of the department for relations with government organizations, he also transferred to the CJSC as an employee of this department. In February 1997, simultaneously with Surkov, he moved to Alfa Bank OJSC to the post of head of the department for relations with government bodies - first vice president, deputy chairman of the bank's board (chairman of the board - Leonard Wid, chairman of the board of directors - Mikhail Fridman). On December 7, 1999, Alexander Voloshin was appointed deputy head of the presidential administration (according to media reports, Abramov’s appointment was lobbied by Vladislav Surkov, who also served as deputy head of the presidential administration since August 1999). On September 1, 2000, he was appointed deputy head of the presidential administration - secretary of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

He enjoys skiing and tennis.

Beglov Alexander Dmitrievich

Born on May 19, 1956 in Baku (Azerbaijan SSR). Father is a front-line soldier. Graduated from the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute with a degree in Industrial and Civil Construction (1983), Faculty of Law of the North-Western Academy of Public Administration (2003). Since 1979 he worked on construction sites in Leningrad. Since 1985 - Head of the Capital Construction Department #3 of GlavUKS of the Leningrad City Executive Committee. Since 1986 - and. O. Head, Head of the Department of Construction and Industrial building materials Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council. Since 1989 - head of the socio-economic department of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU. Since 1990 - Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Capital Construction of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council. In 1991-1997 - chief engineer of the Russian-German joint venture "Melazel". He was a co-founder of the Aerorecord, Ecotech, Baltikstroy enterprises, the production and transport company Styk, and the Business Partner Publishing House. Since 1997 - senior researcher of the department theoretical mechanics St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Since September 1999 - head of the territorial administration of the Kurortny administrative district of St. Petersburg. On July 9, 2002, he was appointed vice-governor - head of the office of the administration of the governor of St. Petersburg. Since May 21, 2003 - member of the United Russia party, June 9, 2003 elected secretary of the political council of the St. Petersburg branch of the party, April 28, 2004 re-elected. In December 2003, he entered the State Duma on the regional list of United Russia and refused the mandate. From June 16 to October 15, 2003 - and. O. Governor of St. Petersburg in connection with the early resignation of Vladimir Yakovlev. Since October 15, 2003 - first deputy presidential envoy in the Northwestern Federal District (plenipotentiary envoy - Ilya Klebanov). In May 2004, after the reorganization of the representative office, he became assistant to the plenipotentiary representative.

President of the non-profit partnership "Association of Road Complex Enterprises of St. Petersburg".

Candidate of Technical Sciences (1994). He has the honorary title of the interregional public movement "Priority" "person of the year - Honored Worker of the North-West of Russia" (2001). Married, three daughters.

Brycheva Larisa Igorevna

Assistant to the President - Head of the State Legal Department of the President (March 26, 2004)

Born on May 26, 1957 in Moscow. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University (1981), graduate school at the Institute of State and Law of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1985). Since 1974 - consultant to the State Arbitration Court under the Moscow Regional Executive Committee, legal consultant, senior legal consultant to a number of enterprises and organizations in Moscow. In 1985-1987 - researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1987-1992 - editor of the department, then deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine "Soviet State and Law". In 1992-1993 - leading, then chief specialist of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation Committee on Legislation, head of the sector of the Commission of the Council of the Republic on economic reform of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. In 1994-1995, she headed the working apparatus of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Federal Assembly, Alexander Yakovlev. Since November 26, 1994 - as part of the joint commission for coordinating the legislative activities of the Federal Assembly, the President and the Government. On May 3, 1995, she was appointed deputy head of the Main State Legal Directorate of the President, heading the department of legal problems of federalism, local self-government and interaction with federal representative bodies. On May 29, 1997, she became a member of the Council for Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation, whose chairman was Boris Yeltsin. On January 15, 1998, she was added to the joint commission for the coordination of legislative activities. April 24, 1999 appointed acting. O. Head of the State Legal Department of the President, headed this department on May 19, 1999.

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation. Has gratitude from Boris Yeltsin "for active participation in the preparation of the President's Address to the Federal Assembly in 1997." Has gratitude from Vladimir Putin “for his great contribution to the development of laws to implement the concept of judicial reform” (2002).

Ivanov Viktor Petrovich

Born on May 12, 1950 in Novgorod in the family of a military man. Graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications named after Bonch-Bruevich with a degree in Radio Communications (1974), Higher Courses of the KGB (1977). Since 1974 he served in the army and worked as an engineer at NPO "Vector" in Leningrad. Since 1977, he worked in various operational and managerial positions in state security agencies, rising from the detective officer of the regional department of the KGB of the USSR in the Leningrad region to the head of the department for combating smuggling. In 1990 he registered the small enterprise "Blok" together with Boris Gryzlov. In 1994 he was transferred to the reserve with the rank of colonel. In 1994-1996 he headed the department of administrative bodies of the St. Petersburg mayor's office (at the same time Vladimir Putin worked as deputy mayor), left the mayor's office together with Vladimir Putin after the defeat of Anatoly Sobchak in the gubernatorial elections. In 1996-1998 - General Director of Teleplus CJSC, which was engaged in broadcasting and installation of equipment for receiving satellite and terrestrial channels. In 1998-1999 - head of the internal security department of the FSB of the Russian Federation (head of the FSB - Vladimir Putin). From April 16, 1999 - Deputy Director - Head of the Department of Economic Security of the FSB (head of the FSB - Vladimir Putin, then Nikolai Patrushev). From January 5, 2000 - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration (Head of Administration - Alexander Voloshin), responsible for personnel issues. On Ivanov’s initiative, the presidential pardon commission was abolished in 2002. In June 2002, he headed the board of directors of OJSC Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey. Oversaw the writing of the law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”. According to media reports, he also lobbied for the creation of Rosoboronprom (the main Russian arms exporter, uniting the Rosvooruzhenie and Promexport concerns).

Colonel General of the reserve. He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, the Order of Honor, and the medal For Military Merit. Married, son and daughter.

Pollyeva Jahan Redzhepovna

Born on April 15, 1960 in Ashgabat (Turkmen SSR). Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University (1982), graduate school at the Institute of State and Law of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1986). In 1986-1990 - junior researcher, senior researcher, head of the political and legal department at the research center at the Institute of Youth of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the State Committee for Labor of the USSR. She took part in the development of the law “On the general principles of state youth policy in the USSR” (adopted in 1991), for which she was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize. In 1990-1991 - consultant to the Moscow City Council of People's Deputies. In 1991-1992 - head of the department of socio-political analysis and forecasting in the office of the State Advisor of the Russian Federation for political issues, interaction with public associations and interethnic relations Sergei Stankevich, member of the board of the State Advisor service. In 1992-1993 - consultant in the presidential administration. In December 1993, she ran for the State Duma on the list of the Russian Movement of Democratic Reforms under #148 (the list was headed by the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak), the movement did not pass the five percent threshold. In 1993-1995 - Advisor to Deputy Prime Minister of the Government Sergei Shakhrai. In 1995-1997 - executive secretary, vice-president of Interfax news agency. From April to August 1997 - Advisor to First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Fuel and Energy Boris Nemtsov. In August 1997, she was appointed assistant to the head of the presidential administration, Valentina Yumasheva, in this capacity she became close to the daughter and adviser to President Boris Yeltsin, Tatyana Dyachenko. In October 1997, she was appointed senior assistant to the president and headed a group of presidential speechwriters. On May 16, 1998, she headed the secretariat of Prime Minister Sergei Kiriyenko. On September 16, 1998, she was appointed deputy head of the presidential administration (head of administration - Valentin Yumashev). She retained her post in December 1998 after Nikolai Bordyuzha took over as head of the Kremlin administration, then in March 1999, when Alexander Voloshin replaced him, and in October 2003, when Dmitry Medvedev headed the administration.

Candidate of Legal Sciences. Married, son.

Prikhodko Sergey Eduardovich

assistant to the president (since March 26, 2004), provides organizational, information and analytical support for the president’s activities on foreign policy issues and international relations

Born on January 12, 1957 in Moscow. His father worked at the Academy of Armored Forces, his mother was a researcher at the Central Research Institute of Chermet. Graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations of MGIMO (1980), studied in the same course with Alexander Manzhosin, Vladimir Kalamanov and Alexander Gurnov. During his studies, he completed an internship at the Prague Higher School of Economics. In 1980-1985 - duty officer, assistant, attaché at the USSR Embassy in Czechoslovakia. In 1985-1986 - attaché of the fourth European department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1986-1987 - attache, third secretary of the department of socialist countries of Europe of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1987-1991 - third, then second secretary of the USSR Embassy in Czechoslovakia. In 1992-1993 - second, first secretary of the Russian Embassy in the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic. In 1993-1994 - head of the European Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 1994-1995 - head of the second European department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 1995-1997 - head of the Baltic department of the second European department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Appointed acting in 1997. O. Deputy Director of the Second European Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Since April 9, 1997 - Assistant to President Boris Yeltsin on international issues. On September 15, 1998, he was appointed deputy head of the presidential administration (head of administration - Valentin Yumashev). Since February 2, 1999 - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration - Head of the Foreign Policy Department. On June 4, 2000, he was reappointed to this post by decree of President Vladimir Putin. In April 2003, he was elected chairman of the board of directors of the Tactical Missiles Corporation.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Recipient of the golden honorary badge "Public Recognition" (1999), the Kazakh Order "Dostyk" for his contribution to strengthening friendship between Russia and Kazakhstan (2004).

Speaks Czech, French and English. Loves fishing and hunting. Married, wife Natalya. Two daughters - Svetlana and Natalya.

Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich

Born on January 4, 1967 in the village of Bilibino, Magadan Region. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University with a degree in Jurisprudence (1993). In 1984-1985 - scientific laboratory assistant at the Ecos Research Institute. In 1985-1987 he served in the army. After graduating from Moscow State University, he worked as an attaché in the legal department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then as a senior legal adviser at the ALM Consulting company founded by Alexander Mamut. Since 1995 - director of the ALM law office. In May 1995, he became a co-founder of JSC Stalker (wholesale trade), in August 1995 - a founder of JSC Fanteim (real estate activities), in October 1996 - a co-founder of JSC RANDO (production of consumer goods). In 1997 he was appointed head of the department of the state register of federal property of the State Property Committee. From January 9, 1998 - Deputy Minister of State Property, supervised the activities of three departments of the ministry - science, culture and services; Media, cinematography, publishing and printing industry; financial and credit, insurance, foreign economic organizations. On September 9, 1998 he was appointed chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund. Since May 10, 1999 - Chairman of the board of state representatives at Rosgosstrakh Insurance Company. On June 7, 1999, he was introduced to the board of state representatives at ORT OJSC. In June 1999, he was elected to the board of directors of the State Joint-Stock Company "All-Union Exhibition Center". Since August 26, 1999 - member of the board of directors of Gazprom. On September 23, 1999 he joined the board of directors of the Agency for Restructuring of Credit Institutions. On May 18, 2000 he became the head of the government apparatus with the rank of minister. On May 28, 2003, he was appointed Assistant to the President for Administrative Reform. Since October 30, 2003 - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration.

Married, son and two daughters.

Yastrzhembsky Sergey Vladimirovich

Assistant to the President, Special Representative of the President for Development of Relations with the European Union (since March 30, 2004)

Born on December 4, 1953 in Moscow. Graduated from MGIMO with a degree in International Lawyer (1976). Since 1979 - junior researcher at the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. Since 1981 - senior reviewer, consulting editor, deputy executive secretary of the journal "Problems of Peace and Socialism" (Prague, Czechoslovakia). Since 1989 - senior assistant at the international department of the CPSU Central Committee. Since 1990 - deputy editor-in-chief of the Megapolis magazine, editor-in-chief of the VIP magazine, deputy general director of the Foundation for Socio-Political Research. Since 1992 - Director of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Since 1993 - Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Slovakia. Since August 1996 - press secretary of President Boris Yeltsin. Since March 1997 - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration - Presidential Press Secretary. Since November 22, 1998 - Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government for International and Interregional Relations. In June 1999, he was elected chairman of the board of directors of OJSC TV-Center. Since September 1999 - deputy head of the headquarters of the Fatherland - All Russia electoral bloc, he ran for the State Duma on the bloc's federal list. Since January 21, 2000 - assistant and... O. President for coordinating the information and analytical work of federal executive authorities involved in the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus region, and interaction with the media. Since March 2001, he headed the Presidential Information Directorate.

Candidate of Historical Sciences. Awarded the gold sign "Public Recognition" and the highest order of Slovakia "White Cross". Speaks French, Portuguese, English, Slovak. Author of the books "Social Democracy in modern world", "Portugal: difficult years of national revival". Hobbies of tennis, alpine skiing, hunting, philately, photography. Married for the second time. First wife - Tatyana. Two sons from his first marriage - 18-year-old Vladimir and 17-year-old Stanislav, students at MGIMO Second wife - Anastasia, an employee of the public organization "Political Advisory Center".

Aslakhanov Aslambek Akhmedovich

Born on March 11, 1942 in the village of Novye Atagi, Shalinsky district, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Graduated from the Kharkov State Pedagogical Institute (1967), the Kharkov Institute of Public Catering (1975) with a degree in Economist, and the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (1981). In 1962-1965 he served in the army. Since 1959 he worked as an asphalt worker. Since 1965 he taught at the Mining Institute. Since 1967 - inspector of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kharkov City Executive Committee, senior inspector of the Frunzensky District Department of Internal Affairs of Kharkov. Since 1975 - inspector, senior inspector, head of the line department of internal affairs, deputy head of the criminal investigation department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for the construction of the BAM. Since 1981, he held the positions of senior inspector for special assignments, deputy chief, and head of the department of the Main Directorate for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then he headed the Main Inspectorate of the Organizational Inspection Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1990 he was elected people's deputy of the RSFSR from the Gudermes district. In 1992 he headed the Association of Law Enforcement Officials of the Russian Federation. Since 1993 - Professor of the Department of Criminal Policy and Law at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In December 1995 he ran for the Duma in the Chechen single-mandate constituency #31. In 1999 he headed the socio-political organization "Union for the Revival of Peace and Harmony in the Chechen Republic - Union of the Peoples of Chechnya." In August 2000, he was elected to the State Duma in district #31 and joined the Fatherland - All Russia faction. In August 2003 he nominated himself for the presidency of Chechnya, on September 11 he abandoned the fight, and on September 16 he was appointed assistant to the president.

Major General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Doctor of Law (1997, dissertation topic: “Problems of combating crime in the economic sphere: criminological and criminal legal aspects”). Full member of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety Sciences. He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, the Order of the Red Star, the Afghan Order of Courage, and 16 medals.

Master of Sports in freestyle wrestling, sambo and judo. Author of the books “Democracy is never criminal”, “Mafia: the fifth power”, “Mafia in Russia without sensations”, “I always defend the people”. Collects edged weapons. Married, two children.

Burutin Alexander Germanovich

Advisor to the President on military-technical policy and development of the military-industrial complex (since April 18, 2003, re-appointed on March 30, 2004)

Born on December 24, 1956 in the city of Tapa, Estonian SSR, a hereditary military man. Great-grandfather Konstantin Burutin rose to the rank of lieutenant in the Russian army, during civil war commanded a rifle regiment of the Red Army and ended his service as a division commander. Grandfather Alexander Burutin participated in the Great Patriotic War. Father German Burutin, Colonel General, was the first deputy chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff. Older brother Sergei Burutin is a major general and serves at the National Center for Nuclear Risk Reduction.

He graduated from the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1978), the Frunze Military Academy with honors (1986), and the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces with honors (1997). He began his military service as a commander of a motorized rifle platoon. Then he held various command and staff positions in military units and formations in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany and in the Far Eastern Military District. In 1989-1992 - senior officer of the department of the General Staff of the Ground Forces. In 1992-1995 - senior officer, operator of the department of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff. In 1997-2003 - head of the group, head of the department, deputy head of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff, which dealt with the planning, use and development of all types and branches of the armed forces, as well as the program for the transition of the army to a contract basis.

Major General. He is interested in skiing. Married, two sons.

Illarionov Andrey Nikolaevich

Advisor to the President on Economic Affairs (since April 12, 2000, re-appointed on March 30, 2004)

Born on September 16, 1961 in Leningrad. Father Nikolai Andreevich Plenkin and mother Yulia Georgievna Illarionova are teachers. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University with a degree in Economist, Teacher of Political Economy (1983, studied in the same group with Alexei Kudrin). Since 1978 - postman at the Sestroretsk post office. Since 1979 - methodologist in the Leningrad Park of Culture and Leisure. From 1983 to 1984 and from 1988 to 1990 he taught at Leningrad State University in the department of international economic relations. From 1990 to 1992 - senior researcher at the laboratory of regional economic research at the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. In 1991 he completed an internship in the UK and Austria. Since April 1992 - Deputy Director of the Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of the Russian Federation, was a freelance economic adviser to the Deputy Chairman of the Government, and participated in the development of the privatization program. In April 1993, he was appointed head of the analysis and planning group of the Russian government with the rank of adviser to Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin. On February 7, 1994, he resigned, accusing Chernomyrdin of an “economic coup.” On February 9, he was dismissed with the wording “for violation of labor discipline.” In 1994 he headed the Moscow branch of the international center for socio-economic research "Leontief Center". From 1994 to 2000 he headed the Institute economic analysis. In July 1998, he was included in the government commission on economic reform.

Candidate of Economic Sciences (1987, dissertation topic: “The essence of state-monopoly capitalism and its periodization: political, economic and statistical analysis”). Member of the editorial board of the journal "Economy Issues". In 2001 he won the “Financial Russia” competition, established by the Financial Press Club of Russia, in the “Financial Oracle of the Year” category. Winner of a golden breast badge and an honorary diploma of the laureate of the "Person of the Year" award in the category " Public administration"for 2003 and the Vasily Leontiev medal for achievements in the field of economics.

Married, wife is a US citizen.

Laptev Yuri Konstantinovich

Born on August 24, 1960 in Leningrad in the family of an opera singer, soloist of the troupe of the Kirov Opera and Ballet Theater (Mariinsky Theater), People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Laptev. He graduated from the Leningrad State Conservatory named after Rimsky-Korsakov, where his father taught, in the class of “Opera singer” (1983) and in the class of “Opera theater director” (1987). In 1983-1987 - Secretary of State of the Komsomol Committee of the Leningrad State Conservatory. Since 1988 - soloist and director of the Mariinsky Theater; performed the roles of the Nazarene in Salome, the Flemish Deputy in Don Carlos, the Worker in Katerina Izmailova, the Japanese Ambassador in The Nightingale, and Count Almaviva in The Marriage of Figaro. Among the director's works are the operas "Boris Godunov" and "Prince Igor". He toured with the theater company to Scotland (Edinburgh Festival), Germany (Hamburg Opera), USA (Metropolitan Opera), Italy, Japan, France, Israel, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands (Concertgebouw), Finland, Argentina (theater "Colon"), Chile. He headed the director's department of the Mariinsky Theater, was an associate professor of the department of musical theater and dean of the vocal department of the Leningrad Conservatory. According to media reports, Yuri Laptev has a common Komsomol past with Vladimir Putin.

Honored Artist of Russia (2002).

Lesin Mikhail Yurievich

Advisor to the President on the development of the media, informatization and advanced information technologies, the mass communications market, intellectual property, including the protection of copyright and related rights, as well as on the development of sports and tourism (since April 6, 2004)

Born on July 11, 1958 in Moscow in the family of a military builder. He graduated from the Faculty of Thermal Power Construction of the Kuibyshev Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering with a degree in Civil Engineer (1984). Since 1975 he served in the army, in the marine corps. Since 1984 he worked in construction organizations, and was a foreman at construction sites in Mongolia. In 1987 he was one of the organizers of the Panopticon studio (organizing concerts on a commercial basis). In 1988 he headed the cooperative "Igrotekhnika", which organized commercial KVN programs, and was the director of the television program "Jolly Fellows". In 1990, together with Yuri Zapol, he organized the RTV (Radio and Television) company, which in 1991 was transformed into the Video International advertising agency. Since 1993 - head of the commercial department at RIA Novosti, deputy general director, general director of the TV-Novosti television company. In 1996, during the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin, he was involved in campaigning in electronic media, overseeing the creation of television and outdoor campaigning. On September 14, 1996, he was appointed head of the presidential administration's public relations department. Since June 4, 1997 - first deputy chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. On July 6, 1999, he was appointed Minister of Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications in the government of Sergei Stepashin, and retained his post in the governments of Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Kasyanov. On February 24, 2004, he was dismissed as part of Kasyanov’s government.

Winner of the Ogonyok magazine award "for the ability to take a blow in information wars"(2000). Received a letter of gratitude from the President "for active participation in organizing and conducting the election campaign" (1996). Hobbies of books, hunting, weapons. Loves to play billiards. Married, son and daughter. Wife Valentina Ivanovna is a housewife. Daughter Ekaterina Graduated from the American college The Knox School Long Hand.

Pristavkin Anatoly Ignatievich

Advisor to the President on Pardon Issues (since December 29, 2001, re-appointed on March 30, 2004)

Born on October 17, 1931 in the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow region. His father died at the front, his mother died of tuberculosis. He was brought up in orphanages. Graduated from the Moscow Aviation College named after Godovikov (1952), the Gorky Literary Institute (1959). From 1945, having escaped from an orphanage, he worked at a cannery in Sernovodsk, and from 1946 - at the airfield in Zhukovsky. Until 1954 he served in the army. In 1958, he published a series of short stories, “Military Childhood,” in the magazine “Youth.” He studied at the seminar of the poet Lev Oshanin, then went to the construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station. He worked in a brigade of concrete workers and at the same time wrote articles for the Literary Newspaper. In 1961 he joined the Writers' Union of the USSR. In 1991 he headed the council of the April writers' movement. On January 12, 1992, he was appointed chairman of the presidential pardon commission.

Author of more than 25 books ("My Contemporaries", "Bonfires in the Taiga", "Lapia Country", the novels "Dove", "Ryazanka (Man from the Suburbs)"). Laureate of the Prize of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1978), State Prize of the USSR (1988, for the story "The Golden Cloud Spent the Night"), All-German National Prize for Children's Literature (1989, for the story "Kukushata"), Prize of the magazine "Friendship of Peoples" (1999), International Prize named after Alexander Men "for his contribution to the development of cultural cooperation between Russia and Germany in the interests of the peaceful and humane construction of a European home" (2002). Recipient of the diploma of honorary cavalier of the newspaper "Evening Club" (1997). Associate Professor of the Department of Literary Excellence at the Gorky Literary Institute. Member of the executive committee of the Russian Pen Center, the board of the Dostoevsky Foundation. Since 1997 - member of the editorial board of the publishing house "Moscow Worker", magazines "Showcase", "Reading Russia". He enjoys fishing and collecting icons. Married, three children and four grandchildren.

Samoilov Sergey Nikolaevich

Born on November 22, 1955 in the city of Sokol, Vologda region. Graduated from the Kostroma State Pedagogical Institute (1978), St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (2000). In 1978 he worked as deputy director of secondary school #2 in the city of Mikhailovka, Volgograd region. In 1978-1980 he served in the army. In 1980-1985 - director of the Palace of Pioneers of Chita. In 1985-1990 he headed orphanage #1 in Chita. In 1990 he was elected to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and was a member of the Committee on Science and Education. In 1991 he was appointed presidential plenipotentiary envoy in the Chita region. From April 19, 1993 - deputy head of the presidential administration department for work with territories, on August 13, 1996, he headed the territorial department of the presidential administration (head of administration - Anatoly Chubais). Since June 3, 2000 - Head of the Main Territorial Directorate of the President. On March 20, 2001, he was appointed Advisor to the President on Territorial Issues.

Candidate of Economics (2000, dissertation topic: “Managing the attraction of public investment in the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”) and legal sciences. Married, three children.

Troshev Gennady Nikolaevich

Advisor to the President on Cossack Issues (since February 25, 2003, re-appointed on March 30, 2004)

Born on March 15, 1947 in Grozny. Father Nikolai Nikolaevich Troshev is a career officer, military pilot, graduate of the Krasnodar Aviation School; participant in the Second World War, ended the war in Berlin. Mother Nadezhda, Cossack. He spent his childhood years in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1965 he entered the architectural faculty of the Moscow Institute of Land Management Engineers, but after the death of his father he dropped out of school. He graduated from the Kazan Higher Tank School named after the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1969), the command department of the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after Malinovsky (1976) and the Military Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces (1988). Served in various positions in tank troops, was the commander of the 10th Ural-Lvov volunteer tank division. Since 1994, he commanded the 42nd Vladikavkaz Army Corps of the North Caucasus Military District (SKVO). In January 1995 he was appointed commander of a group of troops of the Ministry of Defense in the Chechen Republic. Since July 1995 - Commander of the 58th Combined Arms Army of the North Caucasus Military District. On July 29, 1997, Viktor Kazantsev was appointed first deputy commander of the North Caucasian Military District. Since September 3, 1999, he commanded the United Group of Federal Forces in Dagestan. In October 1999, Viktor Kazantsev was appointed deputy commander of the United Group of Forces (OGV) in the North Caucasus, commander of the Vostok group. In December 1999, he was appointed first deputy commander of the United Forces. On April 14, 2000 he was appointed commander of the United Forces in the North Caucasus. Since May 31, 2000 - Commander of the North Caucasian Military District. On December 18, 2002, he was dismissed after publicly refusing to head the Siberian Military District.

Colonel General. Hero of Russia (1999, “for conducting an anti-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus”). Awarded the Orders "For Military Merit", Friendship of Peoples, "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, medals. Author of the book "My War: The Chechen Diary of a Trench General" (2001). Married, wife Lyudmila. Two children.

Shevchenko Vladimir Nikolaevich

Advisor to the President on individual assignments (since June 3, 2000, re-appointed on March 30, 2004)

Born on February 9, 1939 in Moscow. Father Nikolai Ilyich Shevchenko is a military railway worker. After the Second World War, the family moved to Latvia. Graduated from the Tbilisi Polytechnic Institute (1961). In 1961-1962 he worked at the Daugavpils Locomotive Repair Plant as an assistant shop foreman and process engineer. In 1962-1969 - second, then first secretary of the Daugavpils City Committee of the Komsomol of Latvia. In 1969 he moved to Moscow and was appointed head of the sector of the Komsomol Central Committee. From 1975 to 1980 he worked at the USSR Embassy in Cuba. In 1980-1985 - deputy head of the general department of the Komsomol Central Committee. In 1985 he was appointed deputy head, then head of the department of administration of the CPSU Central Committee for servicing top-level delegations. In 1990 he headed the protocol service of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev. On December 28, 1991, he headed the protocol service of Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Since January 1992 - Head of the Presidential Protocol Department in the position of Assistant to the President. On August 11, 1998, Valentin Yumashev was appointed deputy head of the presidential administration, head of the presidential protocol. January 3, 2000 appointed advisor and... O. president.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, “For Services to the Fatherland”, III degree. Married, wife Vera Nikolaevna was born in Leningrad. Daughter Alla Kuzmina is a candidate of philosophical sciences (dissertation topic: “Moral aspects of the liberal concept of a just society”), lives with her family in Geneva. Grandson Denis (b. 1989).

Plenipotentiary representatives of the President in the federal districts

Drachevsky Leonid Vadimovich

Born on April 5, 1942 in Alma-Ata (Kazakh SSR). He graduated from the Moscow Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology (1966), the State Central Institute of Physical Education (1982), the Higher Party School (1986), and advanced training courses for senior diplomatic personnel at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1993).

Since 1964 he worked as a coach, senior coach, head coach of the USSR national rowing team, was deputy chairman of the student sports society "Burevestnik", head of the Main Directorate physical education and sports reserves of the USSR Sports Committee. In 1986-1990 - Deputy Chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Physical Education and Sports. In 1990-1992 - First Deputy Chairman of the USSR Committee on Physical Education and Sports. In 1992 he worked as an Olympic consul - advisor to Russia at the Olympics in Barcelona. Since 1993 - Head of Department, Director of the Department for CIS Affairs of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minister - Andrey Kozyrev). In 1996 he headed the first department of the CIS countries of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Since November 1996 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Poland. On November 16, 1998, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Igor Ivanov. On December 24, 1998, he was introduced to the interdepartmental commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on border policy, headed by the director of the Federal Border Guard Service, Konstantin Totsky. On May 25, 1999, he became Minister for CIS Affairs in the government of Sergei Stepashin, and retained his post in the government of Vladimir Putin.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Master of Sports of international class, multiple champion of the USSR, winner of major international regattas in rowing. Participant of the 1967 European Championship and Olympic Games 1968. Honored Coach of the USSR. Awarded the Order of Honor "for his great contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood and many years of conscientious work" (2002) and a government diploma for many years of fruitful work and services to the state. Loves hockey and classical music. Married, three children. His wife, Irina Yakovlevna, heads the Federal State Institution "Institution for the reconstruction of cultural objects of the Novosibirsk region of federal significance."

Kirienko Sergey Vladilenovich

Born on July 26, 1962 in Sukhumi (Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). Father Vladilen Izraitel is a philosophy teacher, mother Larisa Kiriyenko is the head of the department for the association of bus stations in Sochi. In 1969, after his parents' divorce, he received his mother's surname by court decision. Graduated from the shipbuilding faculty of the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers with a degree in Economist (1984), was secretary of the Komsomol organization of the faculty; management courses at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in the specialty "Finance and Banking" (1993). In 1984-1986 he served in the army in air defense units near Nikolaev (Ukrainian SSR). Since 1986 - foreman of a welding team at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard, then secretary of the plant's Komsomol committee, secretary of the Gorky regional committee of the Komsomol. In 1990 he was elected as a deputy of the Gorky Regional Council. In 1991-1994 he headed JSC Concern AMK. In 1994-1997 - Chairman of the Board of the Nizhny Novgorod bank "Garantia". Since August 1994 - member of the Council on Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship under the President. Since November 1996 - President of OJSC Oil Company NORSI-Oil (elected on the recommendation of Nizhny Novgorod Governor Boris Nemtsov). Since May 13, 1997 - First Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy Boris Nemtsov. On November 20, 1997, he was appointed Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation in the government of Viktor Chernomyrdin. Since April 24, 1998 - Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. On August 23, 1998, he was dismissed after default. He headed the public movement “New Force” registered by the Ministry of Justice on December 18, 1998. On August 24, 1999, with Boris Nemtsov and Irina Khakamada, he established the Union of Right Forces (SPS) electoral bloc. On December 19, 1999, he was elected to the State Duma on the SPS list under #1, and headed the SPS faction. At the same time, he ran for mayor of Moscow and took second place with 12%, losing to Yuri Luzhkov. After his appointment as plenipotentiary representative, he suspended his membership in the Union of Rightist Forces.

He is interested in martial arts (he has a black belt in Aikido), diving and hunting. Married, his wife Maria Vladimirovna, a pediatrician by training, is a housewife. Son and two daughters. Son Vladimir studies at the Higher School of Economics. Daughter Lyubov is a high school student. Daughter Nadezhda was born on September 25, 2002.

Klebanov Ilya Iosifovich

Born on May 7, 1951 in Leningrad. His father is an Air Force officer, his mother worked in the Gosstrakh department. Graduated from the Kalinin Leningrad Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Electrical Engineer (1974). In 1974-1977 - engineer at Electron Production Association. In 1977-1989 - design engineer, senior foreman of the optical workshop, head of the design bureau, head of the technological bureau, chief engineer, director of the consumer goods complex of the Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Association (LOMO). Since 1989 - chief engineer, since 1990 - director of the complex medical equipment and consumer goods LOMO. In December 1997, he was appointed first vice-governor of St. Petersburg - chairman of the committee of economics and industrial policy. On May 31, 1999, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation under Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin. Since August 19, 1999 - Deputy Prime Minister in the government of Vladimir Putin. September 6, 1999 - simultaneously first deputy chairman of the presidential commission on military-technical cooperation with foreign states. On May 18, 2000, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kasyanov, overseeing issues of the defense industry and arms exports. On August 14, 2000, he headed the government commission to investigate the causes of the sinking of the Kursk nuclear submarine. On October 17, 2001, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Industry, Science and Technology. On February 18, 2002, he lost his post as Deputy Prime Minister due to the “need to focus on developing programs for reforming basic industries,” retaining the post of minister.

Awarded the Order of Honor "for his great contribution to the reform and development of domestic industry" (2001), the honorary badge of the International Demidov Foundation (2001) "for services to strengthening the country's defense capability", the Gold Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (2003). Loves classical music. Married, daughter Ekaterina and son Konstantin. His wife, Evgenia Yakovlevna, speaks perfect English. The family has a tradition of speaking English at home.

Latyshev Petr Mikhailovich

Born on August 30, 1948 in Khmelnitsky (Ukrainian SSR). Graduated from the Omsk Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (1970), the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in Moscow (1980). Since 1970, he worked as an inspector in the department for combating the theft of socialist property and speculation (OBKHSS) of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region, rising to the rank of deputy head of the department. In 1980 he headed the department of the BHSS Department of Internal Affairs of the Perm Region. In 1986-1991 - head of the Perm Internal Affairs Directorate. In 1990-1993 - People's Deputy of the RSFSR, was a member of the Supreme Council Committee on Legality, Law and Order and the Fight against Crime. In 1991-1994 - Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate Krasnodar region. On August 31, 1994, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Viktor Erin, retaining his position under Anatoly Kulikov, Sergei Stepashin, and Vladimir Rushailo.

Colonel General. Awarded the Order of Honor and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. He is interested in carpentry and wood carving. Married, two sons.

Poltavchenko Georgy Sergeevich

Born on February 23, 1953 in Baku (Azerbaijan SSR) in the family of a Navy officer. Mother and father are native Leningraders. In 1960 the family moved to Leningrad. Graduated from Leningrad Physics and Mathematics School #211 (1970), Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation with a degree in Mechanical Engineer for Aerospace Medicine Instruments (1976), Higher Courses of the KGB in Minsk (1980). Since 1976 - engineer at NPO Leninets. Since 1978 - instructor of the Nevsky district committee of the Komsomol. In 1980-1992 it took place military service in various operational and leadership positions in security agencies: participated in ensuring the security of the 80 Olympics in Moscow, in 1980-1992 he worked in the USSR KGB directorate for the Leningrad region, and rose to the rank of head of the security department of the Ministry of Security in Vyborg. In the early 1980s, I met Vladimir Putin, an employee of the first (personnel) department of the Leningrad KGB directorate. In 1990-1993 - deputy of the Leningrad Regional Council. Since October 1992 - head of the tax investigation department at the State Tax Inspectorate for St. Petersburg, head of the department of the Russian Tax Police Department for St. Petersburg. Since 1993 - Head of the Department of the Federal Tax Police Service of Russia for St. Petersburg. In December 1998 he ran for the legislative assembly of St. Petersburg. On July 5, 1999, he was appointed Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Leningrad Region. During the presidential elections in 2000, he was a confidant of Vladimir Putin.

Retired Colonel General. He was awarded three medals and the badge “Honorary Tax Police Officer” and the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh. He loves spinning fishing and basketball (from 1993 to 2001 he headed the St. Petersburg Basketball Federation). Married, son (b. 1985) - student, keen on wrestling.

Pulikovsky Konstantin Borisovich

Born on February 9, 1948 in Ussuriysk (Primorsky Territory) in the family of a hereditary military man (father, grandfather and great-grandfather were military). He graduated from the Ulyanovsk Higher Command Tank School (1970), the Higher Academy of Armored Forces (1982), and the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces with a gold medal (1992). Since 1970 - platoon commander in the Belarusian Military District. In 1982 he was transferred to the Baltic Military District, commanded a tank regiment, then a division. Since 1992 he served in Turkmenistan. In 1993 he was appointed deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District of General Alexei Mityukhin. Since December 1994, he took part in hostilities in Chechnya. On July 6, 1996, he was appointed deputy commander of the group of federal forces in Chechnya under General Vyacheslav Tikhomirov, and on July 8 he headed the group. After the signing of the Khasavyurt Peace Treaty on August 31, 1996, he resigned. In 1996 - Deputy Commander of the North Caucasus Military District for Emergency Situations. In 1997 he retired from the army. In 1998, he was elected chairman of the Krasnodar regional branch of the all-Russian social movement "Combat Brotherhood", uniting veterans of local wars, which was headed by General Boris Gromov. In the same year, he became an assistant to the mayor of Krasnodar Valery Samoilenko for work with municipal enterprises, and headed the city improvement committee. In November 1998 he ran for the legislative assembly of the Krasnodar region from the "Combat Brotherhood". In 2000 he headed the Krasnodar regional election headquarters of Vladimir Putin.

Retired Lieutenant General. Awarded the orders "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces", "For Personal Courage", "For Services to the Fatherland" IV degree. Wife - Vera Ivanovna. The eldest son Alexei died in December 1995 in the battles near Shatoy. The youngest son Sergei is an officer, military commissar of the Karasun district of Krasnodar. Granddaughter Sophia.

Yakovlev Vladimir Anatolievich

Born on November 25, 1944 in the city of Olekminsk (Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), where his family was expelled from Leningrad in 1942 (mother Hilma Lyahtinen was of Finnish origin). He graduated from the evening department of the North-Western Correspondence Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Capital Construction and Reconstruction (1974). In 1965-1968 he served in the army in a reconnaissance company in the Transcaucasian Military District. Since 1974 - construction foreman, chief engineer of the repair and construction department in Leningrad. In 1977 he headed the city repair trust #4. Since 1982 - Deputy Chairman of the Dzerzhinsky District Executive Committee, in the same year he was removed from office with the wording "for personal immodesty and use of official position when purchasing cars for personal use." From 1982 to 1987 he continued to work in various positions in the repair and construction complex of Leningrad. Since 1987 - deputy head of the housing department of the Leningrad City Executive Committee, in the early 1990s - chief engineer of the housing technical and technical department. Since January 1993 - deputy, since October - first deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, headed the committees on municipal economy, culture and tourism. Since June 2, 1996 - Governor of St. Petersburg. On December 19, 1999, he was elected to the State Duma on the list of the Fatherland - All Russia bloc, but refused the mandate. On May 14, 2000 he was re-elected governor. On June 16, 2003 - Deputy Prime Minister for Housing and Communal Services, Construction and Transport, left the post of governor ahead of schedule.

Doctor of Economic Sciences (2001, topic: "Scientific basis for increasing the efficiency of megalopolis management"), professor of the Department of Municipal Economy of the St. Petersburg Technical University, academician of the International Academy of Engineering, honorary doctor of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. Honored and Honored Builder of Russia. He was awarded the Order of Honor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, awards of the Russian Orthodox Church - the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree and the Order of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, III degree, the Order of St. Nerses Shnurali (from the Armenian Church), the Tajik Order of Glory. Laureate of the "Golden Mask" "for supporting the theatrical art of Russia."

Married, his wife Irina Ivanovna is a builder and restorer of historical monuments; she worked as deputy director of the Russian Museum for seven years. Son Igor graduated from graduate school at the Financial and Economic Institute, granddaughter Alexandra, born in 1999.

Plenipotentiary representatives of the President in government bodies

Kosopkin Alexander Sergeevich

Born June 1, 1957 in Chita. Graduated from the Chelyabinsk Technical School of Railway Transport (1976), Moscow State Law Academy (1996). In 1976-1978 he served in the army. In 1979-1990 - assistant driver, driver of the Zlatoust locomotive depot of the South Ural region railway. In 1990 he was elected people's deputy of the RSFSR, headed the subcommittee of the commission on social policy of the Supreme Council, and was a member of the deputy associations "Democratic Russia", "Workers' Union of Russia", "Chernobyl". In 1993-1994 - leading specialist of the information technology support department of the apparatus of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. In 1994-1996 - consultant, group leader in the presidential administration. In 1996, he was appointed deputy head of the Main Directorate of Internal Policy (GUVP) of the presidential administration - head of the department for interaction with the Federal Assembly. He actively interacted with the presidential representative in the State Duma, Alexander Kotenkov (according to media reports, in particular, he helped neutralize the communist initiative to impeach Boris Yeltsin). Since February 16, 2001 - Head of the Main Administration for Internal Affairs.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences (1997, dissertation topic: “Psychological features of lobbying in parliamentary activities”). Author of scientific works "Psychology of Lobbying in the State Duma" (1996); "State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the second convocation: psychological and political characteristics" (1997); “Methods of psychological influence used by the LDPR faction in its activities in the State Duma” (1997); "The Psychology of Parliamentarism" (1999). Developer of the special course “Psychological aspects of lobbying in the Russian parliament.” Married, son and daughter.

Kotenkov Alexander Alekseevich

Born on September 23, 1952 in the Beloy farm, Leningrad district, Krasnodar region, in a working-class family. He graduated from the Faculty of Hot Metal Processing of the Rostov Institute of Agricultural Engineering (1974), the correspondence faculty of the Lenin Military-Political Academy with honors (1988), and the Law Faculty of the Lenin Military-Political Academy (1993). In 1974-1975 - process engineer at the Rubin military-industrial complex plant in Rostov-on-Don. In July 1975 he joined the army, where for three years he commanded a tank platoon, then for more than ten years he was a political officer in a tank battalion and a tank regiment (he served in the Trans-Baikal and North Caucasus military districts, and from 1986 in the Far East). In 1988-1990 - head of the political department of the Birobidzhan military garrison. In 1990 he was elected people's deputy of the RSFSR. In August 1991 he joined the State Commission to investigate the activities of state security agencies. Since February 1992 - Deputy Head of the State Legal Directorate of the President (GPU) - Head of the Department of Law Enforcement, Defense and Security of the Department. In May 1992 he was appointed head of the GPU. From November 1992 - deputy head, from December 1992 to March 1993 - head of the provisional administration in North Ossetia and Ingushetia. From April to December 1993 - again head of the GPU. Since December 20, 1993 - Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Federation and Nationalities Affairs. After the committee was transformed into a ministry (by presidential decree on January 10, 1994), a deputy minister was appointed on February 14. Since January 10, 1995 - Secretary of State, member of the representative office of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Federal Assembly. On February 7, 1996, he was appointed presidential envoy to the State Duma. He retained his post after the elections in 2000 - on June 3, 2000 he was re-confirmed in office.

Lieutenant General of Justice. Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Legal Sciences (1998, dissertation topic: “Constitutional and legal foundations, practice and problems of increasing the efficiency of interaction between the President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma in the legislative sphere”). Awarded the medal "For Distinction in the Protection of the State Border." Master of Sports in sailing, champion of the RSFSR, Russian Federation in 1971, 1973, 2000, 2001. Since December 2000 - head of the All-Russian Sailing Federation. He enjoys fishing. Married, wife Irina, son.

Other administration officials reporting directly to the President

Gromov Alexey Alekseevich

Born on May 31, 1960 in the city of Zagorsk (now Sergiev Posad) in the Moscow region. Graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University (1982) - a specialist in the history of the southern and western Slavs. During his studies, for a year he was the commissar of the operational detachment of the voluntary people's squad of Moscow State University, which was led by the future State Duma deputy Konstantin Zatulin. In 1982-1985 - Secretary of the Consulate General of the USSR in Karlovy Vary. In 1985-1988 - attaché at the USSR Embassy in Prague. In 1988-1991 - third, then second secretary of the secretariat of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. In 1991-1992 - First Secretary of the General Secretariat of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In 1992-1993 - Consul of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Bratislava. In 1993-1996 - Advisor to the Russian Embassy in Bratislava (the Russian Ambassador to Slovakia at that time was Sergei Yastrzhembsky). In November 1996 - March 1998 - head of the press service of President Boris Yeltsin. Since March 1998 - head of the presidential press service.

Winner of the Ogonyok magazine award "for ensuring information openness of the Kremlin" (2000). Speaks Czech, Slovak and English. Collects figurines of gnomes. Married, two sons - Alexey and Danila.

Ivanov Igor Sergeevich

Born on September 23, 1945 in Moscow into an officer family. Father is a career military man, mother is a traffic police officer. Immediately after the birth of their son, the family moved to the village of Akhmeta in the Georgian SSR. In 1955 he entered the Suvorov Military School, did not graduate, graduated from the translation department of the Spanish department of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Maurice Thorez (1969). In 1969-1973 - junior researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1973 - second secretary of the first European department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 1973 - senior engineer of the USSR trade mission in Madrid. Since 1977 - first secretary, adviser, adviser - envoy of the USSR Embassy in Spain. Since 1983 - first class expert in the European Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 1984 - adviser to the group under the minister, assistant to the minister of foreign affairs of the USSR (the ministry was headed by Andrei Gromyko). In 1986-1991 - deputy, first deputy head - head of the general secretariat of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, head of the general secretariat, member of the board of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1991-1993 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR, then Russia to Spain. From December 30, 1993 - First Deputy Minister, from January 21, 1995 - State Secretary, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (the head of the Foreign Ministry was Andrei Kozyrev, from January 9, 1996 - Yevgeny Primakov). Since September 11, 1998 - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. On October 2, 1998, by presidential decree, he was included in the permanent membership of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

He has the diplomatic rank of ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. Speaks Spanish and English. Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II and IV degrees. Also awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1988), the medal “In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow” (1997).

Candidate of Historical Sciences (dissertation topic: “Problems of the formation, evolution and continuity of Russian foreign policy at the turn of the 21st century”). Author of the books "Russian Foreign Policy at the Present Stage", "New Russian Diplomacy: Ten Years of the Country's Foreign Policy." In 2003 he became an honorary member of the Moscow State Linguistic University. Loves bullfighting. Wife - Ekaterina Semyonovna, daughter - Olga, studies and lives in Madrid.

Kalimulin Dmitry Rafaelevich

Born on April 5, 1971 in Kemerovo. Father - Kalimulin Rafael Gumerovich, major general, chairman of the KGB of Tatarstan in the early 1990s. Graduated from the history (1993) and law (2000) faculties of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Since 1994 - consultant to the department of examinations and forecasts of Most Group LLP. In 1995 - assistant on international issues to the chairman of the board of the joint-stock commercial bank NEFTEC, then until 1997 - advisor to the chairman of the board of JSCB Transcredit. In 1997-2001 - Advisor to the Office of the Presidential Assistants, Chief Advisor to the Presidential Executive Office. In 2001-2004 - assistant to the president.

Shchegolev Igor Olegovich

Born on November 10, 1965 in Vinnitsa (Ukrainian SSR). Graduated from the translation department of the Moscow state institute foreign languages named after Maurice Thorez (1988), Faculty of German Studies, Karl Marx University Leipzig in the GDR. In 1988-1993 - correspondent for the main editorial office of TASS foreign information. In 1993-1997 - ITAR-TASS's own correspondent in Paris, head of the European editorial office of ITAR-TASS, deputy head of the ITAR-TASS news service. Since June 1998 - Deputy Head of the Government Information Department of the Government Office of Alexei Volin. From September 18 to October 1998 - press secretary of Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov. On October 23, 1998, he was appointed head of the government information department of the government apparatus (the apparatus was headed by Vladimir Babichev). On November 3, 1998, he was introduced to the board of state representatives at OJSC Public Russian Television (ORT). May 22, 1999 relieved of duty. In June 1999, he was appointed advisor to Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin; he retained the position of advisor when Vladimir Putin assumed the post of head of government. On January 4, 2000, he was appointed head of the presidential press service. On December 29, 2001, he was appointed head of the presidential protocol. On March 25, 2004, he was again appointed head of protocol.

Speaks French, German and English.

Heads of departments

Dvorkovich Arkady Vladimirovich

Born on March 26, 1972 in Moscow. Father Vladimir Yakovlevich is an international chess arbiter, chairman of the board of arbiters of the Russian Chess Federation, a member of the FIDE commissions on game rules, titles and ratings, and was the executive secretary of the USSR Chess Federation (1970-1983) and the All-Russian Chess Federation (1984-1988). In 2000, his younger brother Mikhail was developing the website of the Ministry of Economic Development.

Graduated from the School of Physics and Mathematics, the Russian School of Economics (1994), the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University with a degree in Economic Cybernetics (1995), the Faculty of Economics of Duke University (North Carolina, USA, 1997). In 1994-1997, he was a member of the economic expert group of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, which analyzed and forecasted financial indicators, monitored the Russian economy, and also assisted in attracting foreign investment. On December 1, 1997 he led the group. In March-August 2000 - expert at the Center for Strategic Research (headed by German Gref), responsible for budget and tax policy. Since August 2000 - Advisor to the Minister of Economic Development and Trade German Gref. On March 26, 2001, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade (Minister German Gref), overseeing the activities of the departments of macroeconomic analysis, finance and the banking department of the investment policy department. On April 9, 2001, he was included in the working group on liberalization of the Gazprom stock market. Since April 2001 he has been a member of the board of trustees of the Russian School of Economics. On November 29, 2002, he was elected a member of the supervisory board of Vneshtorgbank. On December 27, 2002, he was included in the board of the Federal Securities Commission. On March 25, 2003, he was elected president of the Guild of Investment and Financial Analysts.

Loves football, hockey and chess. Married, son Pavel. Zumrud Rustamova's wife is the former Deputy Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation.

Entaltseva Marina Valentinovna

Born on January 10, 1961 in Leningrad. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Leningrad State University named after Zhdanov (1984). From 1984 to 1991 she worked as a process engineer at the NPO Vologdin All-Russian Research Institute of High-Frequency Currents (VNII TVCh). In 1991-1996 - assistant to the chairman of the committee for external relations of the St. Petersburg mayor's office, Vladimir Putin. In 2000, she was appointed deputy head of the presidential protocol department (head of the department - Vladimir Rakhmanin). In January 2002, she was appointed first deputy head of the Presidential Protocol Department (head of the department - Igor Shchegolev). According to media reports, she has a long-standing friendship with the Putin family. After Lyudmila Putina was seriously injured in an accident on October 28, 1993, Marina Entaltseva looked after Putin’s children Katya and Masha. In the summer of 1996, during a fire at Vladimir Putin's dacha, she was saved by the future president, who lowered her from the balcony on tied sheets.

Speaks English. Married, daughter.

Zhuikov Dmitry Sergeevich

Head of the Presidential Department for Ensuring the Constitutional Rights of Citizens (since April 2, 2004)

Born on June 28, 1964 in Moscow. According to media reports, he is family relations with Viktor Zhuikov, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court. Graduated from the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute (1990). In 1982 he worked as secretary of the Moscow district court. In 1982-1984 he served in the army. In 1985-1990 he worked as a senior technician, legal consultant, and senior legal consultant for a number of enterprises and organizations in Moscow. In 1990-1991 - leading specialist of the department of the USSR Ministry of Justice (Minister of Justice - Sergei Lushchikov). In 1991-1993 - chief specialist, head of the legal department of the apparatus of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR. In 1993-1994 - head of the legal department in one of the joint-stock companies. In 1994-1997 - deputy, first deputy chairman of the board of one of the commercial banks. In 1997-2004 - assistant to the head of the presidential administration for legal issues (head of the administration - Valentin Yumashev, then Nikolai Bordyuzha, Alexander Voloshin).

Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.

Karlin Alexander Bogdanovich

Born on October 29, 1951 in the village of Medvedka, Tyumentsevsky district Altai Territory. He graduated from the Sverdlovsk Law Institute (1972), the Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Vladimir Isakov studied in a senior course. He worked as an investigator, then as a senior investigator at the Biysk prosecutor's office. In 1974 he was appointed assistant prosecutor of Biysk. In 1977-1982 - deputy prosecutor of the Priobsky district of Biysk. In 1982-1983 - Deputy Prosecutor of Barnaul. Since 1983 - Head of the Department of the Prosecutor's Office of the Altai Territory. Since 1986 - senior prosecutor of the USSR Prosecutor's Office. In 1989-1990 - Assistant to the Prosecutor General of the USSR for special assignments. In 1990-1992 - deputy head of the USSR Prosecutor's Office. In February 1992 he headed the management department of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. Since 1993 - Deputy Head of the Department for Ensuring the Participation of Prosecutors in the Arbitration Process of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Since 1994 - again the head of one of the departments of the State Enterprise. In 1996 he headed the department of the State Prosecutor's Office for ensuring the participation of prosecutors in the arbitration process. April 28, 2000 - Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation (Minister - Yuri Chaika). Since 2002 - First Deputy Minister of Justice.

Candidate of Legal Sciences (dissertation topic: “Problems of prosecutor’s participation in the arbitration process”). Professor, corresponding member Russian Academy Natural Sciences, Honored Lawyer of Russia. State Counselor of Justice of the second class. Honorary worker of the justice authorities. Member of the editorial boards of the journals "Legality" and "Prosecutorial and Investigative Practice". Married, two sons.

Manzhosin Alexander Leonidovich

Born on September 28, 1958 in Moscow. Father Leonid Manzhosin worked as the Russian Consul General in Istanbul in the mid-1990s. Graduated from MGIMO (1980), studied in the same course with Sergei Prikhodko, Vladimir Kalamanov and Alexander Gurnov. In 1980-1982 - translator at the USSR trade mission in Ankara. In 1982-1985 - assistant, senior assistant at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1985-1991 - attache, third secretary of the USSR Embassy in Cyprus. In 1991-1992 - Second Secretary of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1992-1993 - second secretary, first secretary of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 1993 he went to work in the presidential administration. In 1997, he was appointed first deputy head of the Presidential Foreign Policy Department of Sergei Prikhodko.

Has the President's gratitude "for many years of fruitful and conscientious work" (1998). Awarded the Order of Friendship "for services to the implementation of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation and many years of conscientious work" (2003). Speaks English and Turkish.

Mironov Mikhail Alekseevich

Born on March 12, 1939 in the village of Sosnovatka, Kalinin region. He graduated from the Taganrog Naval School (1958), the Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute (1963), the Higher Party School (1973, in absentia), and the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee (1978). In 1958-1963 - navigator on fishing vessels in the Far East and in the Azov-Black Sea basin. In 1963-1965 he worked in the service of the captain of the seaport of Taganrog. In 1965-1975 - at Komsomol work: he was an instructor of the Taganrog City Komsomol Committee, first secretary of the district committee, first secretary of the Taganrog City Committee, instructor, responsible organizer of the Komsomol Central Committee. In 1978-1991 - in various leadership positions in the apparatus of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. In 1991-1995 - head of the department of letters and reception of citizens of the presidential administration. In 1995 he was appointed head of the presidential department for working with citizens' appeals. In March - November 1996 - Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the President for Issues of Constitutional Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens Andrei Voikov, Head of the Human Rights Department of the Main Directorate of the President for Issues of Constitutional Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens. On December 4, 1996, he again became head of the presidential department for working with citizens' appeals.

He was awarded the Order of Friendship, medals, and the insignia “For Impeccable Service.” Candidate of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Law (2002, dissertation topic: “Appeals from citizens as an element of the system for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms: law and practice”).

Osipov Vladimir Borisovich

Head of the Presidential Department for Personnel Issues and State Awards (since April 2, 2004)

Born on May 21, 1950 in Tiraspol (Moldavian SSR). He graduated from the Kharkov Higher Military School (1973) and the KGB Higher Courses under the USSR Council of Ministers (1976). Since 1967 he worked as a turner at the Elektromash plant in Tiraspol. In 1973-1975 he served in the Ural Military District. In 1975-1991 he served in the military counterintelligence agencies of the KGB of the USSR in various operational and leadership positions in the Ural, Siberian, Central Asian, Turkestan military districts and in Moscow. In 1991, he was appointed deputy head of the department for work with personnel of FAPSI (head of the department - Vladimir Makarov), then he was head of the personnel department of FAPSI. In 1994-1998 - Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Communications Security of FAPSI for Personnel - Head of the Personnel Department (Head of Department - Alexander Alferov). Since December 1998 - Head of the Presidential Personnel Policy Department. From February 10, 1999 - head of the presidential personnel department; after the presidential elections on June 3, 2000, he was re-confirmed in office.

Awarded the Order of Honor, the Order of Friendship, and medals.

Popov Andrey Anatolievich

Born on June 28, 1963 in the city of Rudny, Kustanai region, Kazakh SSR. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (1986). Since 1980 he worked as an electrician at a specialized electrical laboratory at the Sokolovsko-Sarbaisky Mining and Processing Plant in Rudny. Since 1986 - laboratory engineer at NPO Tulachermet, engineer-economist, design engineer, economist at the Sokolovsko-Sarbaisky Mining and Processing Plant. In 1991-1993 - chief economist of the Volgograd MP "Composite". In 1993, he was elected to the State Duma on the lists of the Agrarian Party of Russia (APR), and joined the Committee on Budget, Taxes, Banking and Finance. In 1995 he ran for the State Duma on the APR list (the party did not overcome the five percent threshold). In 1996-1999 - assistant to member of the Federation Council Yuri Luzhkov. At the same time, he was a consultant and general director of the consulting firm FinPA created by Peter Aven (at that time he met Vladislav Surkov, who worked at Alfa Bank). In January 1999, he was appointed assistant to the head of the presidential administration, Alexander Voloshin (in May, Vladislav Surkov also became an adviser to Alexander Voloshin). On February 1, 2000, he was appointed head of the internal policy department of the presidential administration. Since June 3, 2000 - Head of the Main Directorate of Internal Policy of the President. On February 16, 2001, he was appointed head of the Main Territorial Directorate of the President.

Married, three children.

Timakova Natalia Alexandrovna

Born on April 12, 1975 in Alma-Ata (Kazakh SSR). Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University (1998). In 1995-1997 she was a correspondent for the politics department of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper; in 1996 she entered the “presidential pool” of journalists. From October 1997 to April 1999 - correspondent, then senior correspondent of the politics department of the Kommersant Publishing House. From April to October 1999 - political commentator for the Interfax news agency. On October 21, 1999, she was appointed deputy head of the government information department of the Russian government apparatus (headed by Andrei Korotkov), and until November 16, 1999, she served as press secretary to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. On January 19, 2000, she was appointed deputy head of the presidential press service department (head of the department - Igor Shchegolev). Since 2001 - first deputy head of the presidential press service department. On November 14, 2002, she was appointed first deputy press secretary of President Alexei Gromov.

Shustitsky Yuri Semenovich

Head of the Presidential Information and Documentation Support Department (since April 5, 2004)

Born on January 8, 1939 in the city of Volchansk, Kharkov region, Ukrainian SSR. Graduated from the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Design Engineer (1961), Institute of Advanced Studies of the Academy of National Economy under the USSR Council of Ministers (1988). In 1961-1965 - design engineer, senior engineer, senior researcher at the Research Institute of Heavy Electrical Mechanical Engineering at the Kharkov plant "Electrotyazhmash". In 1965-1970 - senior engineer, leading designer of the All-Union Research and Design Institute for Automated Electric Drives in Industry, Agriculture and Transport. In 1970-1986 - senior engineer, deputy head, head of department, deputy head of the department of the Ministry of Electrical Engineering of the USSR. In 1986-1990 - assistant, chief specialist of the USSR Council of Ministers Bureau for Mechanical Engineering. In 1990-1992 - chief specialist of the apparatus of the State Commission for Emergency Situations of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers; Deputy Head of the Department of the State Committee under the President for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief (the committee was headed by Sergei Shoigu). In 1992-1993 - head of the methodological sector, deputy head of the department, deputy head of the department - head of the general department of the office management apparatus of the presidential administration. In 1993-1995 he served as first deputy head of the office management department of the presidential administration of Vladimir Matveenko. In 1995 he became deputy head of the department - head of the department of information and documentation support of the presidential administration. At the beginning of 1996, he was appointed head of the office management department of the presidential administration. Since February 23, 1998 - head of the presidential information and documentation support department, created instead of the office management department. On June 3, 2000 he was re-confirmed in office.

Awarded the Order of Friendship and the medal "In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow".

Fellow countrymen and peers

43 people have been appointed to the leadership of the presidential administration: 39 men and four women. The average age is 49 years. The oldest employee of the administration is Anatoly Pristavkin (72 years old), the youngest is Natalya Timakova (29 years old). Most of the administration's leaders (seven people) celebrate their birthdays in September, six officials were born in May. Eight managers share the joy of celebrating their birth with colleagues - “double” birthdays are held in the administration on February 9, April 5, June 28 and September 23. But only Georgy Poltavchenko can always rest legally on his birthday, since he was born on February 23. Most of the high-ranking administration officials were born in Moscow (nine people), six were natives of Leningrad, three officials were born in the Moscow region and regional centers of Russia (Kemerovo, Novgorod and Chita), two were born in the territory of modern Chechnya. The mothers of 12 officials at the time of the birth of their children were outside Russia, but on the territory of the former USSR (three each in Kazakhstan and Ukraine, two in Baku, one each in Georgia, Turkmenistan, Estonia and Moldova).

Graduates and specialists

All leaders in the presidential administration have higher education: 26 graduated from one university, nine from two, eight from three. The majority of officials have a first higher education in the humanities (22 people), 15 heads of the administration are technicians, five have a military education, and one (Yuri Laptev) has a musical education. The presidential administration employs eight lawyers, six engineers, four economists, three linguists and builders, two historians, a teacher and a communications specialist, one philosopher, one writer, one chemist and one physicist. Seven people have diplomas from Moscow State University, four from Leningrad State University, and three from MGIMO and polytechnic universities. 14 people received a scientific degree in the administration. One doctor of economic sciences, Vladimir Yakovlev, and two doctors of legal sciences, Aslambek Aslakhanov and Mikhail Mironov, work there, the latter also being a candidate of historical sciences. Sergei Samoilov has two degrees, but a candidate's degree (economic and legal). In addition to them, five people successfully defended their PhD dissertations in jurisprudence, and one person each in economics, psychology and technical sciences. Two officials have a candidate's degree in historical sciences.

Beginners and professionals

As “Vlasti” managed to establish, Vladimir Shevchenko has the longest work experience in the presidential administration - 14 years (back in 1990 he headed the protocol service of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev), Mikhail Mironov and Sergei Samoilov - 13 years. Anatoly Pristavkin and Yuri Shustitsky have been working in the administration for 12 years. The first, from January 1992, headed the presidential pardon commission, the second, in 1992, began his career as the head of the methodological sector. Alexander Kosopkin, who began as a consultant, celebrated his tenth anniversary in the administration in 2004. A little earlier - in 1993 - Alexander Manzhosin also came to the administration as a consultant. Newcomers to the administration include Vladimir Yakovlev and Igor Ivanov, appointed in March 2004, and Arkady Dvorkovich and Yuri Laptev, appointed in April.

Friends and comrades

“Vlast” was able to trace the history of acquaintance with Vladimir Putin by 27 senior administration officials. Of these, Yuri Laptev has known the president the longest, who, according to media reports, has known the Russian leader since the days of the Komsomol. Georgy Poltavchenko met Putin while working in the KGB directorate for the Leningrad region in the early 1980s (Vladimir Putin then worked in the first department of the Leningrad KGB directorate). Dmitry Medvedev and Putin have known each other for almost 15 years (in 1990 both worked in the office of the Leningrad City Council Chairman Anatoly Sobchak). The same amount of time has passed since Igor Sechin met Vladimir Putin during the trip of the Lensoviet delegation to Brazil (Sechin then worked in the department of foreign economic relations of the executive committee of the Lensoviet). Probably in the same year, fate brought together the then deputy head of the Main Directorate of Capital Construction of the Lensovet Executive Committee, Alexander Beglov, with the future president in the corridors of the Leningrad City Council. A year later, Maria Entaltseva became assistant to the chairman of the committee for external relations of the St. Petersburg mayor's office, Vladimir Putin.

Honored and Honored

The leadership of the presidential administration includes three honored lawyers and one honored artist of Russia; their colleagues are an honorary employee of the justice system and an honorary employee of the tax police. Vladimir Yakovlev holds the titles of Honored and Honored Builder of Russia at the same time. Three officials were awarded the gratitude of the first President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin, and one of them, Larisa Brycheva, also received the gratitude of Vladimir Putin. The most widespread in the administration was the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, which was awarded to seven people, and Igor Ivanov has orders of II and IV degrees. The merits of six functionaries were awarded the Order of Honor, three - the Order of Friendship. The holder of the title "Hero of Russia" Gennady Troshev works in the administration. The officials also have foreign awards: the Kazakh Order "Dostyk", the highest order of Slovakia "White Cross", the Afghan Order "For Courage", the Tajik Order of Glory.

Military and security officers

The current presidential administration employs ten people from law enforcement agencies. Among them are four intelligence officers - Igor Sechin, Viktor Ivanov, Georgy Poltavchenko and Vladimir Osipov, of whom only the latter was a career military man before entering the Higher Courses of the KGB of the USSR, the rest had civilian specialties before joining the intelligence service. There are also four people from the armed forces in the Kremlin administration - Alexander Burutin, Gennady Troshev, Konstantin Pulikovsky and Alexander Kotenkov. All of them successfully passed the thorny path from the lieutenant's ranks to the general's stripes. Alexander Burutin is a fourth-generation general, Gennady Troshev and Konstantin Pulikovsky are tankers with solid combat experience (both went through Chechnya). Alexander Kotenkov also began his military career in tank forces, but did not participate in combat operations, but accumulated experience in Duma battles as a presidential representative. Aslambek Aslakhanov and Pyotr Latyshev are representatives of law enforcement agencies. But if Latyshev immediately after school tried on a police uniform at the Omsk Higher Police School, then Aslakhanov managed to receive a pedagogical education before joining the authorities.

Fathers and Sons

“The authorities” managed to find out that at least 31 high-ranking employees of the presidential administration are legally married. 32 officials have 59 children (58% boys and 42% girls). Most of the children of officials whose fate Vlast was able to trace are currently receiving education. So, the sons of Vladislav Surkov and Georgy Poltavchenko, as well as the daughter of Sergei Kiriyenko, go to school. The son of Sergei Kiriyenko is already a university student - High school economics, like the daughter of Igor Sechin, who preferred the St. Petersburg Mining Institute. Vladimir Yakovlev’s son Igor has already graduated from graduate school at the Financial and Economic Institute, and Vladimir Shevchenko’s daughter Alla defended her dissertation and has a PhD in Philosophy. The daughters of Mikhail Lesin and Igor Ivanov opted for education outside of Russia - in the USA and Spain, respectively.

Athletes and collectors

Hobbies of the administration management Russian President include sports, music, collecting. There are professional athletes in the administration: Leonid Drachevsky is an international master of sports in rowing, Alexander Kotenkov in sailing, Aslambek Aslakhanov in freestyle wrestling, sambo and judo. As amateurs, officials in the administration practice alpine skiing (three people), tennis (two people), diving, basketball, football, hockey, and chess. Sergei Kiriyenko has a black belt in Aikido, Mikhail Lesin prefers playing billiards. Four administration heads each spend their free time fishing or hunting. Officials also display a passion for collecting - there are collections of bladed weapons, icons, and figurines of gnomes. Pyotr Latyshev whiles away his leisure time carving wood. The musical tastes in Dmitry Medvedev's department are just as varied - some prefer the classics, and Vladislav Surkov prefers the guitar and even wrote songs for the Agatha Christie group.