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Is registration required for an apartment? Temporary registration: why is it needed and how to apply for it Do citizens need to be registered?

To determine the terminology, you should refer to the law. In accordance with Article 2 of the mentioned law, the place of stay is considered to be the premises in which the citizen resides temporarily. This is, for example, a hotel, sanatorium, campsite, medical facility or prison, etc.

The place of residence of a citizen is: a residential building, an apartment, including a room in a dormitory - any residential premises where the citizen resides permanently as the owner, under a commercial or social tenancy agreement or on other grounds provided for in regulations Russian Federation.

New rules for registering citizens

The charming requirement of the law on registration at the place of residence has remained unchanged. According to Article 19.15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, living in residential premises without appropriate registration for more than 90 days established by law will be punishable by fines. For citizens, the administrative fine will be from 2 to 3 thousand rubles, for owners or tenants of residential premises - from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. If the owner or tenant is entity, the fine increases by an amount from 250 to 750 thousand rubles.

But now you don’t have to register at your place of residence if it is located in the same subject of the Russian Federation as your place of residence. Those. your movements within the region (region, region, republic), provided that you are permanently registered at your place of residence in one of the settlements on its territory, may not be accompanied by mandatory registration at your place of residence.

Residents of federal cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg, who have permanent registration at their place of residence in these cities, now do not need to register at their place of residence in the Moscow and Leningrad regions. And vice versa - residents of these regions do not need to register at their place of residence in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Citizens temporarily living with close relatives throughout Russia are exempt from administrative liability for living without registration at their place of stay. The law includes spouses, parents (including adopted ones) and children (including adopted ones), grandparents and grandchildren as such. Please note that spouses living in a civil marriage do not fall under the category of close relatives. In any other cases, registration at the place of residence and place of stay is mandatory.

To obtain a Russian passport, a foreigner or stateless person must fulfill a number of conditions to prove the seriousness of his intention to become a responsible citizen of the Russian Federation. One of the requirements is permanent registration at the place of residence in Russia. What is it and is registration required to obtain Russian citizenship? Let’s look into this material.

The path to a Russian passport

The process of obtaining Russian citizenship can follow a general and simplified procedure. The second option is possible, for example, for those who have relatives in Russia, are native speakers of Russian, or are highly qualified workers.

An important condition is the renunciation of the previous passport. Only Tajiks can refuse to do this, in accordance with the international treaty on dual citizenship. At the same time, the Russian side does not directly prohibit being a citizen of two states. When submitting an application to the migration service, the applicant only needs to prove his intention to renounce his previous citizenship (application sent to the “former” consulate).

Conditions for applicants for Russian citizenship

Registration is just one of the requirements that foreigners and stateless persons who wish to become part of the people of Russia must fulfill.

In addition to obtaining residence registration, you must:

  • permanently reside in the country for at least 5 years (based on a residence permit);
  • know the Russian language and Russian legislation;
  • have legal sources of income;
  • renounce previous citizenship.

And although the simplified procedure gives certain concessions to certain categories of foreign citizens and stateless persons, registration remains an unchanged requirement.

Registration: concept and algorithm for obtaining

Before deciding what kind of registration is needed to obtain Russian citizenship, it is worth understanding the content of the concept.

Registration is a form of registration of citizens.

It should be immediately clarified that the word “registration” itself is used today more out of habit; in official documents the term “registration” is used.

With freedom of movement guaranteed by law, foreigners must register with the migration authorities within a week after entering the country by registering at a specific place of residence. An exception to the rule are Tajiks and Kazakhs: for them these periods are 15 and 30 days, respectively.

Registration functions

The main purpose of the registration process is to register foreigners on the territory of the Russian Federation.

A separate certificate (temporary registration) or a stamp in the passport (permanent registration) certifies the fact that the citizen is at a specific address.

For homeowners in the Russian Federation, it is not always beneficial to “permanently” register visitors, although this is the type that gives more freedom to the guest of the state himself, including when applying for an internal Russian passport.

Registration functions:

  • registration (informing the state about the location of a foreign citizen). This is necessary mainly to prevent violations of migration laws by foreigners, as well as to conduct investigations and charge fair fees for utility bills;
  • law enforcement (monitoring a citizen’s compliance with his duties to society, such as paying taxes).

In this case, refusal to implement is considered illegal. social rights(for medical care and others) due to lack of registration.

Permanent registration: how to apply

For foreigners who are unaware of whether permanent registration is needed when obtaining Russian citizenship, it is important to know how to obtain it.

Migration authorities, in particular regional authorities of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, deal with registration issues.

If for temporary registration it is enough to fill out an application and submit a passport and migration card to these authorities, to obtain permanent registration you must also attach documents confirming the right to move into and live in an apartment (house).

Such reasons may be:

  • title deed;
  • lease contract;
  • statement from the owner;
  • court decision (in cases specified by law).

Those who move to another place of residence within Russia need to remember the need to take a departure certificate from their previous place of registration.

Types of registration and is it possible to have two at once?

Migration legislation provides for two types of registration regime:

  • permanent registration (at place of residence),
  • temporary registration (at the place of stay).

Temporary registration looks like a certificate, has a limited validity period and is issued if a person stays outside his place of permanent residence for more than 3 months. Permanent registration does not have an expiration date and is issued as a stamp in a passport.

Interestingly, it is legally allowed to have both types of registration at the same time. This is determined life situations. For example, a foreigner can permanently reside in Voronezh, but go to work or study in Moscow. In this case, temporary registration is issued in the capital.

And if there is nowhere to register

It is especially important for citizens who do not have their own housing in the Russian Federation to know whether it is possible to obtain Russian citizenship without registration; unfortunately, the answer is negative.

It is understood that if a foreigner plans to live in Russia, then at least he has friends or relatives with whom he can register.

Another condition for potential Russians - the availability of sources of income - predetermines the ability to legally rent an apartment and register at its address on the basis of a rental agreement.

There is another possibility - to register at a specific address for money. There are nuances here, which we will discuss in more detail.

“Paid registration”: what you need to remember so as not to be deceived

Particularly popular at present is the paid registration service, which involves registration at the place of stay or residence for a fee to the homeowner. This is done by special offices or private individuals. The main disadvantage of this option of registration at a specific address is the high probability of becoming a victim of scammers who will take money but never provide the service.

To protect yourself from unscrupulous businessmen, you need to check:

  • certificate of ownership of housing;
  • presence of registration with the entrepreneurs themselves providing this service;
  • authenticity of all documents and stamps.

In addition, it is advisable to visit the migration authorities with the owner of the property when submitting an application and receiving a certificate or passport with a registration stamp. This will provide more guarantees that the registration is genuine.

It is worth remembering, however, that the provision of such a service, as well as its use, is already a violation of the law.

Sanctions for lack of registration

A foreigner has 7 days to register at the place of stay (residence) after entering the territory of Russia.

Temporary registration is called that because it presupposes an end date for validity. If a foreign citizen came to the Russian Federation with a visa, then his registration will be valid for the period of validity of this document, if from a country with a visa-free regime, the period of registration is 90 days with the right to extension.

With the registration of a temporary residence permit, the registration is valid as long as the permit is valid; if a foreigner has already received a residence permit, he needs to obtain permanent registration; its absence within 3 years will cause the cancellation of the temporary residence permit.

This general rules regarding the validity period of registration. Violation of them entails sanctions prescribed by law.

For lack of registration or fictitious registration, representatives of government bodies may impose a fine on the violator (from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles) or even deport (for up to 5 years).

Permanent registration and citizenship

The Russian state is principled when it comes to registering foreign citizens. Citizenship of a country cannot be obtained if not reliable roof over your head. Permanent registration, as a prerequisite for applicants for a Russian passport, can be replaced with temporary registration only for certain categories of foreigners who undergo a simplified procedure. This is relevant, for example, for participants in the State Program for the Resettlement of Compatriots. The time frame for obtaining citizenship is being shortened, so there may be options for registration. Information about this should be clarified with the relevant authorities.

How to obtain Russian Citizenship. Conditions for obtaining Russian citizenship: Video

In search of a good job, many citizens are ready to move from one city to another, but not all of them can obtain temporary registration (and some do not even have permanent registration). What are the dangers of such a situation? Is it possible to get a job without registration?

Is it possible to get a job without temporary or permanent registration?

In accordance with modern legislation, the exercise by citizens of labor rights does not depend on their place of residence, as well as on whether they have temporary or permanent registration (Article 64 of the Labor Code of Russia).

Theoretically, it is prohibited to refuse employment on the grounds that a citizen does not have a residence permit, but in practice this point often becomes an obstacle to concluding an employment contract.

Of course, the employer explains his refusal to hire for other reasons not related to the specifics of the applicant’s registration record.

Employers prefer to hire citizens who have at least a permanent residence permit. If a person lives in one subject of the Russian Federation, but is trying to find a job in another, then the presence of temporary registration can simplify his attempts. Only highly qualified specialists have a fairly high chance of finding a decent job, despite the lack of any kind of registration.

Is registration in another city required to get a job?

Based on Art. 64 of the Labor Code of Russia, a citizen has the right to be permanently registered in one place, and live and work in another. Of course, in such cases you need to register temporarily, but even its absence does not in any way affect the possibility of employment.

It also does not matter at all whether the applicant is registered for the position in the same or in another city (region) where the employer is located.

The presence or absence of such registration should not influence the employer’s decision to hire the applicant.

List of documents for employment in the Russian Federation

When applying for a job, the applicant must provide the employer with the documents listed in Art. 65 of the Labor Code of Russia:

  • passport or other identification document. Here you should know that a passport is the main document, and employment without a passport is carried out in very rare cases.
  • work book, except in cases where the employee gets a job for the first time or part-time.
  • SNILS is a certificate of compulsory pension insurance.
  • military registration documents (for persons liable for military service).
  • a document confirming knowledge in a certain field (diploma of education, certificate of completion of courses, etc.). When applying for a position that does not require special knowledge, such documents are not needed.

Depending on the position for which the applicant is applying (for example, when applying for a job in law enforcement), the employer may additionally require:

  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist;
  • a certificate stating that the applicant has not been subject to administrative punishment for the use of drugs or other substances affecting the psyche without a doctor’s prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances.

The list of documents given in Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is not exhaustive, since the same article stipulates that, taking into account the specifics of the work, the employer may require additional documents, but this requirement must be justified by the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, presidential decrees and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The employer has no right to demand other documents not provided for by the code. Such actions are considered a violation of the labor rights of citizens and can be challenged in court.

However, making a temporary registration is not at all difficult! For example, through mail or MFC. We talked about this in our material: how temporary registration at the post office is carried out for citizens of Russia, the CIS and other countries. ⇐

Is it possible to get hired without a residence permit or temporary registration: tips for an accountant

Since discrimination in the world of work due to the presence or absence of registration is recognized as illegal, hiring without registration is not prohibited.

However, such an employee can complicate the work of the accounting department, because most reporting documents have a column dedicated to the employee’s place of residence. In such cases, you can do this in various ways:

  1. Indicate in all documents (including the employment contract) the address according to the employee. This advice is suitable in cases where entering address information should not be carried out on the basis of supporting documents. Thus, when submitting information about an employee to the pension fund, in the absence of registration, the column “Address of actual place of residence” is filled in, and the “Registration Address” field remains empty.
  2. Leave the “Registration Address” column empty if it must be filled out on the basis of a supporting document (for example, form 2-NDFL). Theoretically, this is the correct approach, since the necessary props are missing. However, the tax authority may not share your opinion and refuse to accept reports due to the presence of empty details.

A dual situation arises: the employer cannot and should not be responsible for the registration of his employee, but due to its absence, he cannot fulfill his obligation to submit tax reports. To resolve the situation, it is recommended to seek clarification from the Ministry of Finance, because in accordance with paragraphs. 2 p. 1 art. 21 of the Tax Code of Russia, payers of taxes and fees have the right to receive clarifications (in writing) from the Ministry of Finance of Russia on the application of laws on taxes and other fees.

Registration at the place of work

Russian citizens have the right to be registered in one region and work in another. Registration at the place of work is not mandatory, and the employer does not have the right to impose such a condition.

Yes, Art. 3 of the Labor Code of Russia prohibits discrimination in the labor sphere due to a citizen’s place of residence, and Art. 64 of the same code directly indicates the illegality of refusal to hire due to the presence or absence of registration at the applicant for a position at the place of residence or temporary stay, as well as at the place of work.

Negative aspects that may arise when finding employment without registration

The main question that arises when trying to get a desired job without registration or at least temporary registration in a given city is what threat does this pose to the employer or employee? Is this action an offence?

For employee

The main difficulty for a future employee is the job search itself. Refusal to hire due to lack of temporary or permanent registration is illegal, but usually the employer explains his refusal for other reasons. Only the high qualifications of the applicant, combined with the shortage of specialists in this profile, will help convince the employer of the opposite.

In cases where the hiring has nevertheless taken place, but there is no registration at the place of stay or residence, you need to be prepared to risk answering for the lack of registration in rubles.

In accordance with Art. 19.15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, residence of citizens at the place of stay or at the place of residence in a residential building without registration is an administrative offense and is subject to punishment in the form of a fine from 2000 to 3000 rubles. (in Moscow and St. Petersburg this amount rises to 5,000 rubles).

In addition, the lack of registration can give rise to a lot of difficulties with various tax and pension contributions, which can ultimately lead to confusion in the databases of the tax office and the pension fund.

For the employer

Is it possible to get hired without a residence permit and does this entail any sanctions?
Employers, for the most part, prefer not to contact applicants who do not have a permanent residence permit, although formally this does not threaten either the organization or the director.

The employer is not obliged to control the state of registration of its employees, in addition, any of the previously hired subordinates can be deregistered and not be registered anywhere else.

The main difficulty that an employer may encounter is various technical difficulties associated with the preparation of documents, since filling out most of them presupposes that the citizen has registration at the place of residence or stay.

In the employment contract, it is enough to indicate the address of the employee’s actual residence and warn him about responsibility for providing knowingly false information when applying for a job.

Is registration required when applying for a job??

According to the law, no, it is not required.

Employment without registration is theoretically possible, but in practice it is quite problematic.

Employers are afraid of possible problems and paperwork, and often refuse applicants who are not registered. Such a refusal is obviously illegal, and the failed employee has the right to appeal it in court.

the site found out everything you need to know about temporary registration at your place of residence.

Temporary registration is necessary if a Russian citizen lives at an address different from his permanent place of residence.

Very often a situation arises when a person moves to work or study in another city, rents housing, and it is not always possible to obtain registration in rented housing.

According to the law, the issue of registration in Russia is regulated by the Law “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation” dated June 25, 1993, as well as the Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place residence within the Russian Federation from July 17, 1995.

Despite the fact that every citizen of the country has the right to freedom of movement and choice of place of residence, registration still exists in our state.

Types of registration

At the place of stay (temporary registration, for a period of one to three to six months or a year);

At the place of residence (permanent registration, in the past called propiska).

If a citizen lives for more than 90 days outside his place of residence, he needs temporary registration.

Temporary registration is the “fixation” of a person at an address that is not his place of permanent residence for a specified period.

Moreover, the registration of a citizen at the place of temporary residence is not a basis for deregistration at the place of primary residence.

The current regulatory legal acts contain two terms: “temporary registration at the place of residence” and “permanent registration at the place of residence.” So, “registration” is permanent registration.

Temporary registration is limited to a certain period, which should not exceed 5 years. Upon expiration of the agreed period, the person is deregistered automatically, so there is no need to additionally contact the FMS department. If there is a need to deregister before the end of the agreed period, then you need to inform the FMS authorities about this.

Temporary registration is carried out free of charge by the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service upon provision of the appropriate package of documents, for which a certificate of temporary registration is issued. To obtain it, the consent of all owners of the living space is required. This document is valid only when presented together with your passport.

What is it for?

For registration of various documents (for example, international passport, pension certificate, etc.);

To obtain credits or loans;

To enroll a child in school or kindergarten;

To get a job;

To seek medical help;

To receive social support measures.

This list is far from complete; each specific case has its own reason for obtaining temporary registration. But nevertheless, it is worth remembering that after its registration you become a “legal” tenant and you will not have problems with the law.

Without registering

For staying at a place of temporary stay for more than 90 days without registration, you may be brought to administrative liability on the basis of Art. 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. FMS officers and local police officers are authorized to draw up protocols, while almost any employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can check the presence of registration at the place of residence and, if it is absent, send the case to the local police officer for drawing up a protocol. So, carry with you documents confirming your date of arrival (but not more than 90 days): train ticket, gas station receipts, etc.

No other measures of influence can be applied in this case. The offense will include intentional residence without temporary registration. That is, if a citizen was denied registration, he will not be held accountable for this.

Registration of a foreigner

Any foreign citizen staying in the Russian Federation for more than 7 days is required to register. In case of violation - a fine of 2-5 thousand rubles. or deportation outside the Russian Federation for up to 5 years.

The registration of foreign citizens is carried out by the receiving party.

If a foreigner comes as a tourist, then a special registration card is filled out for him at the hotel. If a foreigner stays in the Russian Federation without a visa, then he can stay on its territory for no more than 3 months, and the visa itself is issued for a period of no more than 2 years.

Many Russian citizens are attracted by the opportunity to live and work in Moscow. This is not surprising, because the capital opens up new prospects for each of us. Here you can find a job with a much better salary than in the regions, it’s easier to start your own business here, you won’t have to survive on the meager wages that residents of many other cities receive...

There are many arguments in favor of moving, but recent changes in legislation have made many people think twice. Today we’ll talk about whether registration in Moscow is necessary for citizens of the Russian Federation, and for what purposes it may be needed.

Who needs to register

In 2017, at the initiative of the President of Russia, amendments were made to the law “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation.” In accordance with them, citizens of the country moving for a long period to another city were required to undergo a registration procedure with the Federal Migration Service of Russia. Of course, a large number of residents of our country took this news with hostility, because the lack of a document confirming their move to permanent residence in Moscow significantly complicated their lives. Temporary registration in the capital is needed not only for adults, but also for children for school or kindergarten. Be sure to pay attention to this fact!

There are certain categories of citizens who do not need temporary registration in Moscow or St. Petersburg, in particular:

  • persons who arrived in one of the specified cities for a period of less than 90 days;
  • citizens officially registered on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
  • persons registered in the Moscow or Leningrad regions can reside in Moscow or St. Petersburg, respectively, without the need for an additional procedure.

Residents of other cities in Russia planning to leave for permanent residence in one of the two above cities (for a period of more than 3 months) are now required to visit the FMS office and register. Registration is necessary not only because without it, official work and the opportunity to enroll children in kindergarten or school will be unavailable. Non-residents who violate this law will be fined from 2,500 to 5,000 rubles. Next, we’ll talk about where and how registration of citizens who move to the capital from other Russian cities takes place.

How to register in 2018-2019

If you come from another city in Russia and need registration in Moscow, you need to contact the Federal Migration Service and submit a package of documents. To undergo the procedure you need to have with you:

  1. Passport.
  2. Corresponding statement.
  3. A document that is the basis for moving in.

And just with the last one necessary document Most citizens have difficulties. Finding a person who is ready to help you with registration is extremely difficult. If you have relatives in Moscow, then solving the problem will be relatively easy (especially if you have a good relationship). If there are none, you will have to negotiate directly with the landlord.

There are always “gray” options from a legal point of view, for example, contacting a special company that deals with such issues. They will definitely find you a room and provide reasons for registration. If you decide to come to an agreement with someone you know or with the person from whom you rent housing, you should definitely take into account several important legislative aspects, in particular:

  • permanent registration can only be issued if the premises specified in the document provide for you at least 6 square meters squares;
  • if the landlord insists that after completing the procedure you will receive certain rights to his housing, you can reassure him: registration of citizens at their place of temporary residence in Moscow does not provide them with any property rights;
  • If the registration period is about to expire, neither you, nor the landlord, nor relatives will have to come to the FMS office. The deregistration process occurs automatically.