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Vinogradov Valery Yurievich biography children. Valery Vinogov was elected president of the University of Management. Instead of a duel - a statement

Ex-prefect of North-East Administrative District returned to teaching

« The university academic environment is not alien to me, I have been teaching since 1995» / Photo from the archive of the newspaper “Zvezdny Boulevard”

The Academic Council of the Moscow City University of Management under the Moscow Government unanimously elected Valery Vinogradov as President of the university. Before that, he headed the North-East Administrative District prefecture for more than seven years, and previously worked for a long time as deputy mayor of Moscow, overseeing issues interregional cooperation, mass communications and sports.

This is what Valery Vinogradov told ZB about his new position:

— It is planned that at MSUU I will be involved in the development and improvement of interregional and international relations and other projects. The university academic environment is no stranger to me; I have been teaching since 1995. With this educational institution I have long-standing good connections, because this is a university under the Moscow government, the main source of personnel for the city system executive power, for organizations under the Moscow government. It’s nice that we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the university, which will be celebrated next year, together.

Valery Vinogradov is a graduate of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor.

Text: Alexander LUZANOV

Latest Moscow news on the topic:
Valery Vinogradov was elected president of the University of Management


Former prefect of North-East Administrative District Valery Vinogradov was elected president of the Moscow City University of Management under the Moscow Government.
16:24 19.11.2018 Lianozovo District NEAD Moscow

Valery Vinogradov was elected president of the University of Management- Moscow

The ex-prefect of the North-Eastern Administrative District returned to teaching “The university academic environment is not alien to me,
10:24 11/19/2018 Star Boulevard

Valery Vinogradov, who headed the North-East Administrative District prefecture for more than seven years, was elected president of the Moscow City University of Management.
Alekseevsky District North-East Administrative District of Moscow
20.11.2018 Valery Vinogradov, who headed the North-East Administrative District prefecture for more than seven years, was elected president of the Moscow City University of Management under the Moscow Government (MSUU).
Losinoostrovsky district NEAD
20.11.2018 Valery Vinogradov, who held the position of prefect of the North-Eastern District for more than seven years, was elected president of the Moscow City University of Management under the Moscow Government (MSUU).
Yaroslavsky District North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow

The President of MSUU of the Moscow Government Valery Vinogradov is building a bathhouse to work with students​​​​​​The dacha neighbors of the former prefect of the North-East Administrative District of the capital, and now the president of the Moscow City University of Management of the Moscow Government, Valery Vinogradov, often jump up in the middle of the night. It seems to them that a crime is being committed in the official’s house. Screams, groans, and swearing in German come from the windows.

Ugh, you're disgusting. Again, Yuryevich and his boyfriend turned on porn, - the awakened summer residents hide their heads under the pillow and try not to imagine what is now happening in the teacher’s three-story palace.

Residents of the village of Polyany, Krasnopakhorsky settlement call Ukrainian citizen Alexander Bril the prince of the blood. Blood is naturally blue. The young man in every possible way emphasizes his closeness with his patron or partner and posts “compromising evidence” on his “madly in love” daddy on social networks. Of course, he lives with the most powerful person in the area - the President of MSUU of the Moscow Government Valery Vinogradov. A science official has already given him a Hyundai Solaris and is courting him with the most serious intentions. So, during the May holidays, they went on a joint romantic trip to Luxembourg and Paris. Bril hinted that they registered a relationship in Luxembourg and spent a short honeymoon in Paris. Most likely, he is rushing things a little. Vinogradov may want to tie the knot in a new marriage, but he just can’t get a divorce from his wife Irina.

The personal life of Sasha and Valera, the villagers, as they say, don’t give a damn. Although they wish their powerful neighbor hemorrhoids, although “these,” as they call Valery Vinogradov and his roommate, they say, do not have hemorrhoids. The Polians don’t like Vinogradov not because of his porn at night, but because of his boorish attitude towards them. Vinogradov, while still the prefect of the North-Eastern Administrative District, in violation of all laws, erected a blind fence, illegally seizing the shore of the pond and part of the road, depriving the village residents of access to the only fire-fighting reservoir. In addition to everything, he brought out pumps that pump water to his plot, which is why the pond became shallow and the centuries-old trees growing on its banks died. People have repeatedly contacted the local administration in the Krasnopakhorskoye settlement, written letters to the very top and generally approached anyone with complaints about the insolent Muscovite, but all to no avail. There is a mafia everywhere, they think. Naturally blue. Well, what else?

Now the entire village is watching the construction of a bathhouse complex with access to the now private pond. It is assumed that there will be on-site classes for the prettiest MSUU students. The women laugh, but the men don’t like the fact that Bril goes swimming naked. Nature did not offend the boy in any way, which is why the local male population experiences an inferiority complex. But everyone understands why the doctor of sciences and professor Vinogradov loves the former handyman Sasha so much.

However, Bril assures his subscribers on social networks that his beloved is trying to get him a job in the Moscow government, and next year he will become a student. It’s not difficult to guess which university. The one where his “daddy” works as president. The MSUU sinecure went to Vinogradov last year, after his dismissal from the post of prefect of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. In an informal conversation with one of the mayor’s deputies, he himself asked to be transferred closer to the youth. He promised to train managers for the Moscow government. Considering that 80 percent of graduates work in the executive authorities of the capital, there is no doubt that there will be a gay pride parade in Moscow.

Instead of a duel - a statement

Vinogradov graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin, or as it is called among students, a harem. One of the few boys on the course, Valera did not take advantage of his right to the first night and was not remembered by his fellow students for a single novel. Girls didn't interest him. He wanted to become a poet and became one. While working in the prefecture, Vinogradov, in parallel with the development of corruption schemes, wrote graphomaniac poems and autobiographies. Consider his collection with the painfully Freudian title “Poetry with me and in me.” A funny thing happened because of these verses. Vinogradov persuaded the head of the Northern Medvedkovo council, Boris Trofimov, to distribute the collection among the veterans living in his district, but he expressed doubts about the desire of the front-line soldiers to touch the prefect’s work. The poet could not tolerate such humiliation and, instead of challenging Boris Anatolyevich to a duel, forced him to write a letter of resignation of his own free will. When agreeing on the dismissal at the mayor's office, Vinogradov gave the following arguments - they say that the head of the council does not have a registered civil marriage and has children from his previous wife, to whom he does not pay due attention. As the main argument, Vinogradov showed a photo of Trofimov from New Year’s Eve, where he is sitting in a crown. Thus, the prefect tried to convince his superiors that Trofimov had delusions of grandeur and that not everything was right in his head. At the mayor’s office they laughed for a very long time, since all the imaginary sins of the head of the council, only increased a hundredfold, were characteristic of the prefect himself. Well, for example. As Mr. Vinogradov himself writes in his autobiographical book, he started a family only for career reasons. He was appointed first secretary of the Zheleznodorozhny district committee of the Komsomol after he promised to improve his marital status and get married. A week later, 30-year-old Komsomol leader Valera Vinogradov was already getting married to first-year student Alexandra Erokhina. Over 15 years of marriage, they had three children. Artem and Dmitry and daughter Masha. By that time, Vinogradov had managed to make a career in the Moscow mayor's office and choose a new wife, more appropriate to the status of a successful manager. The prefect married a successful businesswoman, director of the Children's Center Irina Filippova. This is how he described her in his book: “Irina has not only charm, but some kind of attractive force, which I am still not able to understand. She attracts not only men, but women who, just having met her, want to meet more and more often.” I fell in love with a woman whom women want to date. What's going on in the head of the President of the University of Management? Has anyone even read his books besides himself? How could a person be appointed to work with young people, to train management personnel, if he himself has none of three children? higher education.The eldest son Artem found himself in computer games. He lives in virtual reality, and his dad pays for all his needs in real life. Dmitry graduated from culinary college and is busy making homemade ice cream, and then delivering it to his friends. Neither sanitary standards, no checks, no taxes. Despite her education - 9th grade, only the youngest daughter Masha is relatively successful. The girl works at the Vnukovo airport at the check-in counter with her husband, Moldovan Petruha Lazarescu. They are a creative couple. Petrukha is interested in photography and photographs Masha for erotic websites. Masha, like dad, writes blank poetry. For example, like this:

Why are the president of MSUU under the Moscow government no longer taken seriously by both colleagues and students?

The President of MSUU under the Moscow government, Valery Vinogradov, continues to get into scandals of varying degrees of volume. Just recently, on the eve of the new school year, the students of the university he headed were amazed by photographs from Vinogradov’s foreign vacation, in which he was captured in the company of a gentle young man, clearly not just a friend, but a much closer (than is customary in our conservative country) friend. At the same time, a scandal was developing with Vinogradov’s dacha, the fence of which, according to local residents, blocked access to the fire reservoir. And recently, photographs appeared on social networks of the official identification card of an official of the Moscow Government that he lost after one of the stormy evenings, with whom students took selfies for fun. The State Duma has already become interested in stories related to Vinogradov - one of the deputies sent requests to the Moscow government and relevant departments, asking them to pay attention to what is happening with the president of MSUU.

But first, let's tell you more about the dacha. More than two months ago, residents of the village of Polyany, Troitsk Administrative District, sent appeals to various departments regarding the fence of Vinogradov’s dacha, which, according to the village, does not allow access to the fire reservoir. However, activists failed to achieve any progress. The fence is still in place; Vinogradov has completed the construction of a bathhouse complex in the water protection zone of the only pond in the village, which is also a fire-fighting reservoir that is federally owned. Meanwhile, according to information received from the Department of Water Resources for Moscow, the Moscow-Oka Basin Water Administration of Rosvodresursov, this is a river-bed pond on a stream without a name, on a tributary of the Zhiletovka River. The width of its coastal strip is 20 meters, and on the basis of the Land Code of the Russian Federation and the Water Code of the Russian Federation, it cannot be provided as private property, since it is a nature protection zone. The work being carried out there is potentially dangerous, as it could result in the complete destruction and drainage of the reservoir.

The reaction to what is happening from the local authorities is also not noticeable. As you can understand, Vinogradov enlisted the support of the “headman” of the village of Polyana, Vladimir Guralsky, in resolving issues with the local administration. How the president could charm local officials who do not notice the squatting of the shoreline of the pond, its total destruction, which lasts for several years, is not clear. They probably have hopes that Vinogradov, by attracting familiar influential officials and deputies of the State Duma, will help close the story with an amount of more than 46 million rubles, which inrecovered from Guralsky according to the claim of PJSC MOEK? If this is so, then with the support of Guralsky, Vinogradov will be able to legitimize the self-occupied coastal territory of the pond, presenting it as an empty plot of land adjacent to his plots, having formalized the shore of the only fire-fighting pond in a simplified manner under the dacha amnesty.

Despite the fact that local residents send appeals about this to the Presidential Administration (No. 828751 of July 24, 2019); to the Mayor of Moscow (No. 3-6-144644/9 dated July 25, 2019); To the General Prosecutor's Office (OGR-195401-19 dated July 24, 2019), the issue regarding the situation with Vinogradov’s self-seizure of the coastal territory of the pond, the construction of a fence and the systematic destruction of the only pond in the village of Polyany remained unresolved.

But the residents of the village of Polyany are not deprived of the opportunity to monitor the stormy developing relations the President of MGUU of the Moscow Government and his young partner - a simple 24-year-old guy from a Ukrainian village, Alexander Bril, who previously, together with his 22-year-old brother Oleg Bril, worked for him as a janitor. But apparently, he charmed the elderly official so much that Vinogradov, as locals believe, went to great lengths for the sake of his new young lover.

This story has already been written about several media , who cited complaints from local residents against Vinogradov. Neighbors in their appeals indicated that the middle-aged official openly lived together with a young Ukrainian at the dacha, striking the villagers with the freedom of his morals and views, making not only them, but also social network users, unwitting witnesses to his stormy, unconventional personal life.

Meanwhile, not only local residents of the village of Polyany, but also MSUU students continue to discuss the details of Vinogradov’s unconventional personal life.

Reports about the juicy details of the secret life of the MSUU president and his dacha affairs are actively discussed at the university. Everyone was interested in discussing photos of Vinogradov in which he was captured in shorts with Alexander Bril - on the beach, by the pool, with cocktails, on a walk during their numerous trips to European countries, when visiting restaurants and bars in Moscow, in a fitness club." Kimberly Land" etc. Photos of Vinogradov, which appeared in mass media spread on MSUU Instagram, they are deleted by the president’s subordinates, but they continue to circulate on the smartphones of students and university staff. The media materials were then actively discussed in several influential Telegram channels.

Moreover, not only the president’s morals are discussed, but also his behavior at MSUU itself. Recently, students have rarely been able to see the leader at the university. Perhaps the joint romantic trips with Bril around Europe, which the media wrote about, take up a lot of time, and in Moscow, the president of MSUU can often be seen in restaurants, a fitness club, or at the same dacha in Polyany where his official car was spotted, awaiting the exit of a couple - an elderly official of the Moscow government Vinogradov and his former janitor from the Ukrainian village of Brilya. A very unusual combination, isn’t it?

Now rumors are spreading among university employees that after the scandal that arose, the president was forced to explain himself to the staff of the mayor and government of Moscow Natalya Sergunina. But with references to Vinogradov himself, rumor makers say that he was able to solve all his problems and came to an agreement “with the right people.” Allegedly, they will cover him at the very top and everything has already been decided. The boastful speeches also mention the sums that the president was allegedly forced to pay for his preservation in office. But is it?

Sources in the mayor's office confirm that there was an unpleasant conversation “at the top,” but it is not clear how it ended. It is obvious that neither Natalya Sergunina nor her subordinates would have succumbed to any of Vinogradov’s promises. The Moscow Department of Education and Science generally tried to distance itself from the scandal, since Isaac Kalina prefers to ignore such indecent topics.

Usually such stories end with the official telling his superiors that he was slandered and trying not to repeat the mistakes again. But not this time - Vinogradov, it seems, decided not to disguise himself or hide anything. In any case, they walk together without any problems, and even show up at Vinogradov’s house, in the fitness center. Apparently, the president’s wife “doesn’t notice” yet.

It is also extremely important what Vinogradov does in his post and whether he does it at all. Journalists of our publication have not been able to get comments from the president in more than 2 months - they say he is constantly out of place. I don't see any work on his part.

Colleagues who asked not to use their names note that Vinogradov, as one can understand, has recently been in a not very adequate state. It is not known whether the reason is the unrest experienced or alcohol, which seems to be becoming more and more common in the president’s life. However, one of the evenings ended with the president losing his official ID. The university staff raised their eyebrows, but the ID was found by the students, who also took a photo of it in the mud for fun, posting it on the university Telegram channels and social networks.

So far, all these eccentricities seem to turn Vinogradov into a somewhat buffoonish figure. And this can hardly be combined with the position of president of Moscow State University of Medicine, an important university that trains employees for the Moscow government. The State Duma of the Russian Federation has already responded to the situation.

Deputy Valery Rashkin sent requests to the Moscow government Natalya Sergunina, the Minister of Science and Higher Education Mikhail Kotyukov and the prosecutor of the Moscow Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office Marat Duraev. The details of the life of MSUU President Vinogradov, which have recently been disseminated in the media and social networks, according to the deputy, need either a refutation or a certain response.