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What does syphilitic (hard) chancre look like? Syphilis on the lips: causes and methods of treatment How to distinguish syphilis on the lip from others

What is syphilis?

In this article we will look at the causes of Treponema infection, the main symptoms at each stage of the disease and methods of effective therapy.

In the mouth, the disease can manifest itself for several reasons.

Chancroid with syphilis is called bright red ulcers in the mouth, as in the photo, with a hard or soft bottom and clear boundaries.

Primary stage

Specific signs of chancre with syphilis are the following changes in the skin. The rash, also known as infiltration, is mostly flat and sharply demarcated.

It feels as if there is a hard plaque in the skin. But depending on where it is located, the nature of the rash can be very different.

There is usually only one primary rash. But it is relatively common to encounter several hard chancre.

Moreover, they are all at the same stage of development, since they all appear simultaneously depending on the same infection. Further transfers in the same patient from one chancre are not observed, since after infection, immunity to a new infection soon occurs.

Moving to another place of the skin, as opposed to chancroid, is not observed with this primary sign of syphilis.

Ulcerating sclerosis, i.e. a sequentially decaying syphilitic infiltrate, can lead to the formation of:

  • then flat
  • either deep or crater-shaped,
  • either smooth or with a pitted bottom,
  • then a gangrenous or serpiginous ulcer.

Many patients are interested in what syphilis looks like in the mouth (photo below). Just like a regular one, it goes through 3 stages and has characteristic visual manifestations.

The first phase is characterized by the appearance of a specific hard chancre (painless ulcers), in the second phase they disappear and are replaced by roseola (a rash on the mucous membrane), and finally in the third phase a gumma (nodule) appears, changing the structure of soft tissues and even bones.

Let's look at each stage in more detail.

First phase

In the photo there are syphilitic chancres

There are three stages. The photo above clearly shows the first symptoms of syphilis at the secondary stage.

In the first stage, syphilis in the throat appears a month after the date of infection - it will be a hard chancre, which will disappear after 6 weeks.

The presence of chancre indicates oral syphilis; after a week, inflammation of the lymph nodes in which the causative agent of the disease multiplies is added to the symptoms.

The occipital, cervical and mandibular lymph nodes most often become inflamed. There is usually no pain.

There may be one chancre or a cluster of ulcers in the oral cavity. Chancroid in most cases affects the lips, tonsils, and mucous membrane of the tongue.

Less commonly, syphilomas are detected on the palate, inside the cheeks, and gums. The diameter of the chancre is approximately 5-10 mm, sometimes up to 20 mm.

An infectious disease on the lips caused by Treponema pallidum is called. This is one of the most dangerous sexually transmitted diseases. The delicate mucous membrane of the mouth is very sensitive to external irritants and is easily affected by syphilis. It is necessary to consult a specialist in time to avoid the spread of infection to healthy tissues and organs.

The absolute carriers of infection are people who engage in disorderly sex life. The disease can be transmitted not only through the genitals, but also through kissing and oral sex.

The disease can also manifest itself in health care workers. They come into direct contact with infected people during their therapy, blood transfusions, operations, opening abscesses, as a result of careless use of medical instruments.

If hygiene rules are not followed ordinary people in everyday situations there is also a risk of contracting syphilis. In public places (saunas, steam baths and swimming pools) you cannot use shared hygiene items. Everyone should have individual shoes, a comb, a towel, and so on. You should wash your hands after each visit to the toilet and before eating. At the same time, you need to make it a rule not to touch your face with dirty hands again, so as not to introduce possible infection through microcracks and pimples.

Is it true that the main cause of sexually transmitted diseases is poor hygiene?


The causes of syphilis on the lips are:

  • Violation of the integral layer of the lips. These can be minor scratches, wounds, microcracks, pimples, abrasions. It is through these routes of entry that infection occurs. Therefore, if there are noticeable cracks, they must be lubricated with special pharmaceutical products to speed up healing.
  • Failed operation. The pathogen can enter the bloodstream after an inaccurately administered injection. Most often it occurs due to medical error.
  • Intrauterine infection. When a baby passes through the birth canal of an infected mother, her birth canal may rupture. In this case, the infection inevitably enters the newborn’s body.

Signs of syphilis on the lips

Signs of infection and manifestations of syphilis on the lips do not appear immediately. The infection goes through an incubation period at the site of localization and the patient may not notice any symptoms from half a month to 6 months. A person can live during this period with an illness and not know about its existence, while infecting others.

  1. The beginning of the manifestation of the disease is considered to be the development of a fairly hard chancre on the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue or lip border, in other words, primary syphiloma. At the same time, the submandibular and lymph nodes noticeably increase in size. These signs appear for a short period of time, and literally disappear after one month. Therefore, many patients do not pay any attention to them.
  2. After 2 months the disease becomes more complicated. The infection penetrates the blood and causes characteristic rashes on the mucous membranes and skin. Very often the rashes look like ulcers. At the last stage of syphilis, internal organs and the central nervous system are affected.
  3. During the period of protrusion of hard chancres, rashes and ulcers, the patient may receive complaints of the following nature:
  • aching bones;
  • loss of appetite.

Expert opinion

Artem Sergeevich Rakov, venereologist, more than 10 years of experience

Very often, signs of syphilis on the lips are confused with purulent tonsillitis, fistula, or tonsillitis. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis:

  • Treponema pallidum test;
  • Wasserman reaction;
  • Treponema immobilization;
  • immune fluorescence.

As for the stages, syphilis on the lip behaves as follows:

  1. At the first stage of development of the disease, it can be confused with incipient herpes. It is important to know that with syphilis, swelling and blisters do not occur on the lips, as with herpes.
  2. Chancre (syphilis on the lip) may resemble pyoderma, but only with it a person is bothered by severe pain at the site of localization and purulent discharge. There have been cases where it was not syphilis that was diagnosed. It is important to differentiate chancre from cancer, which affects the lips very deeply and seriously.
  3. At the second stage of syphilis on the lips, a scraping taken from the papules can be diagnosed and a serological reaction can be established.
  4. At the third stage of the disease, syphilitic gummas can be distinguished from aphthous stomatitis, tuberculous and traumatic ulcers.


Treatment of syphilis on the lips is a very labor-intensive process. Treatment is required in a specialized dispensary. Treatment will be more successful in the first stage of syphilis development. In addition, on initial stage penetration of infection can prevent subsequent complications, which often lead to destruction of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

The causative agent of syphilis is very difficult to attack. Only with the help of penicillin antibacterial drugs can the activity of Treponema pallidum be inhibited. In the last stages of the disease, bismuth preparations are used.

  1. Drugs. The patient must take the following medications: immunomodulators, vitamins, enzymes.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures. When the infection passes into the nasopharynx, various methods of washing it are used. The most effective solution is considered to contain 0.5% chlorhexidine and chlorophyllipt, as well as 0.1% sodium bicarbonate, soda and manganese. All ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions.
  3. Oil aerosols used to stabilize the acid-base balance and prevent thinning and bleeding of the pharynx. Inhalations based on essential oils have a good effect. The most effective are the esters of neroli, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang and fir.

Of course, the likelihood of being affected by syphilis with its subsequent manifestation in the form of growths on the lips is high in people with reduced immune resistance.


  • It is important to increase your immunity through a proper daily routine and a normal diet.
  • You need to take walks and walks in the fresh air more often.
  • You should try to eliminate such bad habits as smoking and alcohol from your life.
  • Subject to healthy sleep, nutrition and sufficient physical activity, the likelihood of infection penetrating deep into the body is significantly reduced.

The infected person must constantly follow preventive measures to prevent infection of others. Syphilis on the lip can easily be transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through household contact. It is important to monitor your body hygiene and use personal items (towel, razor, toothbrush).


You can also watch a video where they will explain to you how to cure syphilis on the lips.

Syphilis on the lips is not only an unpleasant aesthetic problem, but also a rather dangerous disease that requires prompt treatment. In order not to confuse syphilis with other unpleasant diseases, you first need to undergo a full diagnosis in the hospital. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and, based on them, prescribe an adequate and effective treatment. It is important not to delay your visit to a specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the future.

Syphilitic chancre is an ulcerative or erosive formation that appears in the primary stage of syphilis infection and is its main symptom. There are 13 types of chancre due to syphilis: ordinary and atypical. Syphilis is treated with medications and a special regimen.

The appearance of syphilistic chancre is the first sign of the disease

Varieties of chancre

Syphilitic chancre- These are dark red ulcers of an even shape with clear boundaries and slightly raised edges that appear after infection with syphilis. You can see what this formation looks like in the photo:

There are 10 main forms of chancre:

  • unit;
  • multiple;
  • giant;
  • dwarf;
  • diphtheritic;
  • cortical;
  • slit-like;
  • erosive;
  • burn;
  • herpetiform.

All varieties appear a month after infection and disappear after 20-50 days. Their occurrence is often accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels.

Unlike trypanosomal chancroid, hard syphilitic chancre is usually not accompanied by severe symptoms. It does not itch, is not accompanied by a burning sensation, and only hurts when localized near the urethra or anus.

Single (regular, simple)

A single chancre, also known as a “common” or “simple” chancre, is the classic manifestation of syphilis and is found in most cases of infection. Their diameter is 2-3 cm, the edges are clear, slightly raised.

Simple chancre can be localized in different areas:

  1. Genital: on the penis in men, on the labia majora and minora, as well as in the vagina in women, in some cases on the cervix.
  2. Extragenital: on the face, on the legs and on the pubis, in the armpits, near the anus, on the chest in women, in the mouth - on the tongue, on the gums, in the throat, on the lips.

In most cases, hard chancres are located on the genitals

The genital location of syphilomas is more common: about 90% of all cases of the disease are accompanied by hard chancre in the genital area.


Multiple ulcers form very rarely: in 8-12% of cases. There are 2 subtypes of profuse syphilomas: twin chancres, which appear during simultaneous infection, and sequential hard chancre, which occur during infection at different times.

Factors that provoke the formation of a large number of syphilomas include:

  • skin injuries;
  • ulcerative formations on the skin;
  • skin infections: scabies, eczema;
  • acne disease.

Giant chancre occurs in 1 in 10 cases

Apart from size, a giant syphilitic ulcer is no different from a regular one.


Dwarf syphilomas are called poppy seed sized syphilomas, with a diameter not exceeding 1-5 mm. Such ulcerative formations can only be seen with the help of a magnifying glass.

Dwarf chancres are often located:

  1. In the oral cavity: on the tongue and gums, on the roof of the mouth, in the throat.
  2. On the external genitalia: on the labia majora and minora, on the penis.
  3. In the area of ​​the armpits and anus.
  4. Inside the vagina and on the cervix in women.

Dwarf chancre most often occurs in the oral cavity

In medical practice, small primary syphilomas are rare. In women, dwarf ulcers form 3-4 times more often than in men.


Hard chancres with an unusual appearance are called diphtheritic: unlike simple ulcers that have a smooth and shiny surface, they are covered with a necrotic film of an ashy-grayish hue.

Diphtheritic chancroid differs from other types by a peculiar film

Syphilomas of this type are common and can be localized in any area.


Chancre with crusting on the surface occurs in areas where the ulcer can easily dry out:

  • on the face (nose, chin, lip skin);
  • on the shaft of the penis;
  • on the stomach, especially in the lower part.

Cortical chancre most often occurs on the thinnest skin

Visually, the cortical type of syphiloma may resemble ecthyma or impetigo.


Slit-shaped chancre visually resembles a crack or book leaves.

They are located in small skin folds:

  • in the corners of the mouth;
  • in the folds between the fingers;
  • in the pubic folds;
  • in the anal area.

Slit-like chancres are rare and resemble cracks in shape.

They are very rare: only 5-7% of cases of syphilis. Slit-like chancres are more common in men.

Erosive (Folman's balanitis)

Erosive chancre, also known as Folman's balanitis, is a primary syphiloma that does not have a clear compaction at the base and combines many sharply limited erosions, partially merging with each other.

It occurs exclusively in the genital area:

  • on the head of the penis in men;
  • on the labia of women.

Erosive chancre appears exclusively on the genitals

In 87% of cases of Folman's erosive chancre, it appears in men.


Burn, or combustioform chancre is an erosion on a leaf-shaped base, which has a weak, unexpressed compaction at the base. This type of erosion is prone to strong peripheral growth.

Burn chancre is predisposed to the most rapid growth

As it grows, burn syphiloma loses its smooth contours and regular shape, and its bottom becomes granular, with a pronounced red tint.


Chancroid herpetiformis has a strong resemblance to genital herpes. This erosive formation resembles Folman's balanitis: it contains many grouped erosions with sharp edges located nearby in a small area.

Chancroid herpetiformis has many grouped erosions in a small area

Small erosions that make up chancre herpetiformis have a vague compaction at the base. This type of syphiloma differs from burn and erosive ones in its regular shape, as well as the absence of fusion between its component parts.

Atypical forms of syphilitic chancre

Atypical chancres are types of syphilomas that differ from the usual types in one or more characteristics.

These include:

  1. Chancre felon: an ulcer with jagged edges that appears on the fingers. Most often it occurs on the index finger and thumb, accompanied by shooting pain, swelling, blue discoloration and suppuration. This is an “occupational disease” of surgeons and gynecologists who violate safety regulations.
  2. Indurative edema: chancre in the genital area, causing severe swelling, bluish skin and swelling of the genitals. Occurs on the labia and foreskin. Not accompanied by pain or inflammation.
  3. Amygdalite: unilateral, less often bilateral chancre, located on the tonsils. Enlarges and deforms the tonsil on which it is located, can cause painful sensations. The color of the tonsil tissue does not change, so the disease can be confused with a sore throat.

With the exception of these features, atypical forms of chancroid do not differ in any way from the usual varieties. The development of atypical syphilomas, the time of their appearance and disappearance are similar to the classical forms.

How chancroid develops

Primary syphiloma forms after the incubation period has passed: 3-4 weeks after contracting the infection. It occurs in places with skin lesions in which natural body fluid contaminated with bacteria has entered: sperm, secretion of the uterine cervix.

An ulcer does not appear immediately. Initially, a red spot appears on the infected area, which, under the influence of treponemas and cells of the immune system, thickens and turns into a nodule. The compaction is not accompanied by pain or discomfort, and therefore often goes unnoticed by the patient.

Over the next 7-10 days, the nodule develops: it increases in size, thickens and then ulcerates. Ulceration can be of two types: superficial, in the form of erosion, or deep, in the form of an ulcer. The ulcer or erosion takes on its final form: it acquires clear, pronounced boundaries, an even oval or round shape.

At the bottom of the manifested syphiloma, a liquid is released containing a large number of pale treponema and cells of the immune system. The bottom itself acquires a pronounced red tint with bluish notes.

This type of chancre persists for 1-2 months, after which the process of healing and tightening begins. This signals the transition of the disease to a secondary, more dangerous and severe stage.

3-4 days before the chancre disappears, multiple rashes appear on the patient’s body, often accompanied by burning and itching.

Features of treatment

The initial stage of syphilis, accompanied by hard chancre, is a disease that can easily be treated with antibacterial therapy. Before the disease passes into the secondary stage, it is easy to cure it without complications or damage to the body.

Before starting treatment and after its completion, diagnostic measures are carried out to recognize the disease and its causative agent:

Primary syphilis is treated with the penicillin group of antibiotics: Treponema pallidum develops resistance to penicillin 3-4 times slower than to other groups of antibiotics. The medicine can be in the form of tablets, injections or ointments.

If you are intolerant to penicillin, it can be replaced with the following drugs:

  • Erythromycin;
  • Chlortetracycline;
  • Chloramphenicol;
  • Streptomycin.

It is up to the venereologist to determine how to treat a person infected with syphilis. Self-medication when hard chancre appears is strictly prohibited.

In addition to drug treatment, you should follow a special regimen:

  1. Refrain from sexual contact during treatment.
  2. Use separate utensils and personal hygiene products.
  3. Avoid close contacts and co-sleeping with healthy people.

Sexual partners of an infected person who have had sexual contact with him after infection must be tested for infection.

Syphilitic or chancre- the main symptom of the primary stage of syphilis. With timely medical intervention, the disease can be treated without complications for the infected person.

Syphilis in the mouth causes a lot of discomfort. The causative agent of the disease is Treponema pallidum, which enters the oral cavity here and the first signs of infection appear.

Without treatment, a sexually transmitted disease spreads quickly and can cause disability and death for the patient. The article will discuss what causes the infection, how syphilis manifests itself in the oral cavity, how it is diagnosed and treated.


Syphilis on the tongue and oral mucosa can be congenital or acquired.

In the first case, infection occurs vertically from mother to child. The fetus becomes infected during pregnancy when Treponema pallidum crosses the placenta. Infection is possible when a child passes through the birth canal and during breastfeeding.

Depending on the period at which the infection occurred, a sexually transmitted disease can cause the appearance of abnormalities in the fetus that are incompatible with life, but it happens that the newborn does not have severe pathologies.

Acquired syphilis on the lips and mouth:

  • by household means, when treponema pallidum enters the body of a healthy person through common household items with the patient: dishes, toothbrushes;
  • sexually, when the pathogen enters the oral cavity during oral sex;
  • by blood contact, when treponema pallidum enters the body during injections and surgery, during blood transfusion.

It happens that the cause of infection in the oral cavity is associated with the use of unsterile medical instruments by dentists and otolaryngologists.

Clinical picture

There are several stages of infection, depending on which the symptoms of the disease differ:

  1. Incubation period. Absent during it. On average it lasts 3-4 weeks. But it can be reduced to 14 days, for example, if the patient has other sexually transmitted diseases or Treponema pallidum has entered the body in several places at once. It is possible to extend the incubation period to six months. This is possible in older people, in patients with reduced immunity or individual immunity of the body to Treponema pallidum, when treated with antibiotics.
  2. Primary syphilis. Lasts from 1.5 to 2 months. At the same time, it is not always possible to detect Treponema pallidum using laboratory methods in the first month, even if the patient has signs of infection. Sometimes the disease can be detected by PCR. The first characteristic sign of a venereal disease is a hard chancre, which appears at the site of penetration of Treponema pallidum into the body. It is a small bump with an ulceration in the center that is red in color. Chancre does not hurt or become inflamed, but it can interfere with chewing food and talking. Its size can vary from 1 mm to 2 cm. Hard chancre can be located on the lips, gums, tongue, inner surface of the cheeks, and in the throat. To determine if you have syphilis, it is not enough just to look at a photo, since a sexually transmitted infection can resemble herpes, “stubs” in the corners of the lips, sores on the tongue, and catarrhal stomatitis. In addition to primary syphiloma, the patient has enlarged regional lymph nodes, which are located on the neck, back of the head and under the lower jaw. They become dense to the touch, but, as a rule, do not cause pain.
  3. Secondary syphilis. It lasts up to 5 years and has a wave-like course. During this period, signs of infection appear and disappear. The patient can be replaced. Macular syphilides appear on the mucous membrane, which are red spots with clear boundaries. They various sizes, can merge with each other. There is usually no burning or pain in the mouth with syphilis.
  4. Tertiary syphilis. This is the last period of the disease, lasting 8-9 years, during which irreversible damage to internal organs occurs. Gummas appear on the mucous membranes and skin; their size can reach 15 mm. After some time, the tumors break through and in their place painful ulcers appear that take a long time to heal. Often they leave scars on the skin and mucous membranes. One of the characteristic signs of syphilis of the tongue is glossitis, due to which the organ increases in size, its density changes, and all papillae disappear from its surface. As a result, its function is impaired, and the patient has problems with speech. Treponema pallidum affects internal organs, including the brain, causing a person to develop dementia.


In making a diagnosis, the doctor is helped by collecting patient complaints and laboratory research methods. To exclude other pathologies, the Wasserman reaction is prescribed, but unfortunately, it can be false positive.

If it is positive, then a PCR study of scrapings from ulcerations in the oral cavity is prescribed, and it is studied under a microscope.

It is problematic to identify the disease if it is asymptomatic or the patient has a late stage of infection, in which case, despite the fact that the person has signs of syphilis, serological blood tests are negative. And to make a diagnosis, they use PCR diagnostics.


Without treatment, a sexually transmitted infection will lead to disability and death. All organs are involved in the pathological process; the disease can cause damage to:

  • brain, which will lead to paralysis, mental disorder, dementia;
  • retina, as a result the patient may go blind;
  • cardiovascular system, which is manifested by rupture of large blood vessels, myocardial damage;
  • bones.

Severe complications can be prevented if adequate therapy is received in a timely manner.


Treatment of venereal disease must be carried out in a hospital setting. Its purpose is to suppress the activity of Treponema pallidum. The pathogen is sensitive to penicillin antibiotics. When for some reason they cannot be used, the following is prescribed:

  • macrolides;
  • tetracyclines;
  • cephalosporins.

After the patient has completed a course of antibiotic treatment and laboratory methods for diagnosing syphilis are negative, dental procedures can be performed.

If the soft tissues of the oral cavity are damaged and the teeth become loose, then you need to undergo therapy with a periodontist. When it is not possible to save teeth, you can resort to implantation and prosthetics.


To prevent the appearance of signs of sexually transmitted disease, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • do not use other people's utensils and personal items, such as Toothbrush, razor, lipstick, etc.;
  • for casual sexual relations, you must use a condom, including during oral-genital contact;
  • Pregnant women are advised to register with a gynecologist as early as possible, undergo tests prescribed by the doctor and, if necessary, undergo therapy.


At an early stage, syphilis in the oral cavity responds well to treatment, so if signs of the disease appear, do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

The causative agent of the disease, Treponema pallidum, enters the body through damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Unfortunately, in addition to sexual relations, infection can occur through the blood, placenta of a sick mother to the child, through unsterile instruments, as a result of the use of syringes used by sick people.

Infiltrating human body, treponema begins to rapidly take hold in the tissues. The incubation period lasts until the microorganism enters the bloodstream. On average, this happens from one week to six months.

Primary syphilis in the oral cavity manifests itself in the form of a hard ulcer - a chancre, which disappears on its own after a month.

The secondary phase is marked by the development of rashes of various types. When it ends, intervals of relative remission are periodically interrupted by exacerbations of the disease.

The tertiary stage occurs after several years. A pathogenic organism causes organ pathologies, nervous system. In patients who have omitted drug treatment, disturbances in the functioning of important life systems, hearing and vision impairment, and pathologies of the membranes of the brain may occur. During this period, syphilis in the mouth is observed in the form of dense lumps and nodes - gummous syphilides.

Syphilis is an infection that can be transmitted between people different ways and poses a direct threat to life. Foci of syphilis can be located in intimate areas, on the arms, and torso. IN last years Cases with manifestations of infection in the mouth have become more frequent. The following photos in the new collection of the site will demonstrate what it looks like.

Signs of syphilis on the tongue

Regardless of whether the infection enters the body through household or genital transmission, treponemes begin to spread to the mucous membranes. Inflammations will be diagnosed on the cheeks, tongue, gums and lips. The manifestations of syphilis vary depending on the stage of the disease. Acute sore throat and cough (as with tuberculosis) are extremely rare symptoms, so you should focus on the external manifestations of the pathology.

Primary period

Primary syphilis occurs one month after infection. 6 weeks after the formation of chancre, the symptoms disappear even without treatment, but this does not mean that the disease has completely disappeared. The appearance of hard chancre is the most characteristic symptom of the primary stage. After a week, the lymph nodes become inflamed, which is how the body reacts to the proliferation of treponemas.

Primary syphilis can manifest as a single chancre or multiple ulcers. Lumps will be observed on the lips, tonsils or tongue. It is extremely rare that ulcerative inflammation is observed on the soft or hard palate, cheeks, and gums. Appearance and the size of the chancre depends on immunity and the presence of concomitant diseases. The diameter of the ulcers ranges from 5 to 20 mm.

In a healthy person, during primary syphilis, seals with a necrotic center first appear in the mouth, and then ulcers form.

Secondary period

With the successful development of bacteria, a secondary period of syphilis begins, papules or roseola appear. They will be localized on:

  • tonsils;
  • palatal iris;
  • language;
  • cheeks;
  • soft palate.

Syphilitic roseola is red in color. The rashes may merge with each other, forming large areas with a clear outline. Syphilis does not affect the general health, so if the patient does not notice lumps in the mouth, the disorder will continue to progress.

Papular syphilides look somewhat different. They have a round shape and a denser consistency. The rashes do not cause discomfort when touched; they have a rich red color. Irritation in the oral cavity provokes the formation of erosion papules; they are located on the tip of the tongue and in the corners of the mouth.

The secondary period of development of syphilis in the mouth manifests itself:

  1. The occurrence of ulcerative syphilides on the tonsils or palate.
  2. The location of the papules on the tongue may distort the taste sensations.
  3. Papules appear in the corners of the mouth, which look like jams.
  4. Hoarseness or complete loss of voice occurs when papules form on the vocal cords.
  5. Over time, syphilide of the mucous membrane in the nose develops.

In addition to the described rashes, the patient may develop pustular syphilide. In this case, a painful purulent ulcer is formed, which significantly affects the general condition of the patient.

For clarity, we have placed a photo that shows what secondary syphilis looks like.

Tertiary period

A characteristic symptom of tertiary syphilis is gumma on the oral mucosa and skin. At this stage, serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, internal organs and pathological changes in bone tissue are observed.

Gummas with an infectious disease can appear in any part of the oral cavity. One or more ulcers are usually observed. Initially, the patient develops a node; it does not cause discomfort and grows to 15 mm in diameter. Then an ulcer appears in the center of the compaction, which has a necrotic core. After this, the gumma becomes painful.

Multiple seals in the mouth are diagnosed in severe cases. At the same time, the tongue thickens and becomes hard, cracks and tubercles form. The changes affect speech and make it difficult to eat. The tongue becomes white or gray.

If gummas form on the palate or gums, the infection affects the bone tissue and provokes necrosis.

Syphilis does not appear on the tongue immediately. Some time passes from the moment the bacteria penetrates until symptoms develop.

  • The incubation period of the disease at the first stage is most often up to 4 weeks;
  • After the asymptomatic period ends, the first signs can be noticed;
  • They can be found in different parts of the body;
  • The first signs of syphilis can often be seen in the mouth.

Spots on the tongue with syphilis are quite rare; this requires damage to the mucous membrane.

You can notice these manifestations yourself.

What does syphilis look like on the tongue?

Symptoms vary depending on the specific stage of the disease.

There are primary, secondary and tertiary periods.

Let's talk about each separately.

Ulcers on the tongue with syphilis in the primary period are characterized by the formation of chancre.

It can have several clinical forms.

Chancre can appear in the form of erosions.

In this case, the formation is not painful and does not have areas with infiltration.

An ulcerative form may appear with a depression in the center of the wound.

A sclerotic form is distinguished.

This formation is large in size.

Forms of ulcers that are not typical for syphilis may appear.

Atypical forms can often be confused with other diseases.

During the secondary period of syphilis, rashes appear on the tongue.

The rash on the tongue with syphilis is multiple.

The rashes look like papules.

They can be found not only in the language.

They also appear on the cheeks, corners of the mouth and tonsils.

The spots will be bright red.

There is no pain noted.

They attract attention mainly due to their bright colors.

Rashes can change shape due to injury.

The presence of syphilis can be accurately determined using serological tests.

Tertiary syphilis on the tongue manifests itself in the form of secondary manifestations of syphilides.

Formed on the gumma tongue.

Such formations are located one at a time.

Gummas appear from the deep tissue structures of the tongue.

In this case, no particular discomfort is noted.

Such a tubercle grows quite slowly.

Can reach the size of a walnut.

Subsequently, the gumma disintegrates and an ulcer forms.

When healing occurs, scars remain.

They lead to deformation of the tongue.

Chancres with syphilis on the tongue can be confused with symptoms of other diseases. This is due to their atypical location.

Syphilis on the tongue: differences from herpes and candidiasis

It is possible to distinguish herpes from syphilis or other diseases only with the help of a doctor.

Rashes on the skin or mucous membranes can be a sign of absolutely any disease.

Let's look at the differences between rashes with syphilis and herpes in the mouth.

Signs of herpes will be as follows:

  1. Chills;
  2. Weakness;
  3. Tingling at the site where the vesicle appears on the lip;
  4. Burning;
  5. Malaise.

Manifestations may vary slightly depending on the type of causative virus.

There are three main types.

The first type of herpes appears as vesicles around the mouth.

When advanced, it damages the mucous membrane of the eye.

The second type, or genital herpes, appears in the form of large blackheads.

Such formations have white content inside.

Due to this, you can feel the unpleasant smell of pus.

The third type of herpes is isolated in children.

It is called chickenpox, or shingles.

With such diseases, numerous rashes are observed.

This rash has no smell.

Herpes types 1 and 2 are more similar to syphilis.

The mucous membranes of the mouth are affected.

Unlike syphilis, the rash contains the contents in the form of a cloudy liquid.

The rash can remain in this state for up to four days.

After this, the bubbles burst and erosion forms in their place.

The distinctive features of herpes are the absence of hard and soft chancre.

In addition, with syphilis the temperature does not change.

When the herpes virus enters the body, it is accompanied by fever.

To accurately determine the cause of rashes in the mouth, it is necessary to undergo tests.

Candidiasis differs from syphilis in the presence of a cheesy coating.

In addition, there is hyperemia of the mucous membranes and skin at the site of the lesion.

Such lesions are painful and are usually located on the side of the tongue.

Unlike the manifestations of syphilis, candidiasis has uneven outlines.

The surface is grayish in color.


A hard chancre in the mouth is the first sign of infection. At the same time, nearby lymph nodes become inflamed.

Ulcers form in the oral cavity and its different zones. Thus, it may appear:

  • Hard chancre on the tongue;
  • On the mucous tissues of the throat - on the pharynx and larynx;
  • Syphilis on the lip;
  • Ulcers even form on the inner lining of the cheeks, palate, gums and tonsils.

As a rule, ulcers on the gums have an elongated shape, sores develop in the corners of the lips and look like cracks. Syphilis on the lip or tongue looks like a round sore rising above the surface of the skin or mucous tissue, with clearly defined boundaries, usually red.

True, sometimes syphilis on the tongue can form in the form of a narrow gap. Chancre in the mouth can form in the singular or several sores, quite large, may appear at once. In the primary stages, the ulcer has a pink or bright red color, in the middle there is erosion - such a sore reaches a size of 2 cm.

Syphilis can be either congenital or acquired.

It is rare, but it happens that a syphilitic infection enters the body of the unborn child through the mother's placenta.

However, most often, if a woman is sick with a similar disease in an active form, the pregnancy ends in miscarriage at an early stage.

Therefore, acquired syphilis is more common.