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Purchasing workbooks. Why do schools need workbooks? Life is more complicated than the norm

And the director told us that the school doesn’t have money and if we don’t want to, we don’t have to buy, but write in regular ones... but it’s better to buy... Maria Zaya
We need to look for regulations. As far as I remember, the Department of Education issued some kind of explanatory letter, which described that workbooks cannot be purchased with funds allocated for the purchase of textbooks.
I have not seen this resolution myself. I think you just need to write a request to the Department of Education.

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So who should buy workbooks anyway? Is there anyone who went against the system and who succeeded? Did it work out without consequences for the child’s reputation?

The teacher told us about workbooks: “They are not a prerequisite, and no one can force you to buy them. If you refuse, then I will teach your children without these notebooks, but with them it will be more convenient for both me and your children.” . The list of notebooks was proposed by the teacher for agreement with parents. Everyone bought it, there were no protesters.
The son’s teacher asks and demands, asserts and insists: workbooks are needed. And then the child has one and a half empty out of four. Well, or all four. How is that? Each of the notebooks is not expensive, but together they cost a pretty penny. But the teacher of additional English (non-school), having seen the child’s textbook and workbook downloaded from the Internet and printed on a printer at home, on the contrary, praised the child.
In other words, this is all - lack of a creative approach, professional burnout and, ultimately, banal human laziness, in my opinion. Of course, I'm not against workbooks, outline maps, etc. in general - but only if they are used wisely. And there the teacher, according to his manual, can make photocopies for every child in the class, if he wishes. My son is in second grade. We bought workbooks for all subjects. Workbook on literary reading

, to the world around us - in my opinion, the content is completely insanity. Notebooks in Russian and mathematics were left almost half full. And what is the point of them? They only increase the weight of the backpack. From the second grade, they can be absolutely painlessly replaced with regular notebooks.
As for the fact that “the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the NSO did not read the letter from the regional minister.” But they have read the budget and know better than the regional and federal ministers what it will be enough for.

Notebooks are free if students return them to the library unwritten after the end of the educational process, because The educational kit is purchased by the school for 5 years. But then their meaning is lost, because they are needed in order to write in them.

So if you don’t want it, don’t buy it, but you’ll have to write it somewhere else.
Don't make things up. The program must be approved and it automatically becomes training according to certain norms and standards.
This means that now the notebooks included in this program are issued by the school.
And if parents really want to engage in additional education, then let them do it after the main program by agreement with the teacher. Do not forget that according to the Education Law, parents have the right to participate in the educational process. For example, at a parent meeting, make a decision that they (the parents) suggest the teacher use unintended work program
manuals (workbooks). And they promise to buy at their own expense (i.e. at the expense of the parents). Everything is legal.
SantaAlex, Natalia B. if you fight for the implementation of the laws, there is a chance to achieve one of two things - either the benefits will be issued, or teachers will be forced to teach the entire class without using the benefits, because the use of these benefits is not officially stated in the school curriculum.
Nikitina M.
You must ask the principal, in writing by application, if workbooks are part of the curriculum for your class. If they do, the school is obliged to issue it. If not, then studying with these notebooks is prohibited.

Because at school you can only do what is approved in the main program, for which a certain time is allotted.

If these notebooks are not included, but parents want to study with them, then they can do this after the main program.
I also want to draw your attention to the fact that photocopies are prohibited, both according to SanPin and copyright law.
Added after 9 seconds:
WHY CAN'T PAID CLASSES TAKE PLACE DURING THE STUDY PROCESS? 1) Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” (with amendments and additions) http://base;
10.6. The educational weekly load is evenly distributed throughout the school week, with the volume of the maximum permissible load during the day being:
- for 1st grade students - should not exceed 4 lessons and 1 day per week - no more than 5 lessons, at the expense of the lesson
physical culture
The lesson schedule is compiled separately for compulsory and elective classes. Optional classes should be scheduled on days with the fewest required classes. It is recommended to take a break of at least 45 minutes between the start of extracurricular activities and the last lesson.
2) FEDERAL LAW of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on May 7, 2013 with amendments that entered into force on May 19, 2013) “ON EDUCATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION” /
Article 13, paragraph 10. Federal state bodies, bodies state power subjects Russian Federation, implementing public administration in the field of education, local government bodies exercising management in the field of education do not have the right to change the curriculum and calendar educational schedule of organizations carrying out educational activities.
The total that we have...
The curriculum and everything in the schedule is FREE.
Break between study load and electives (clubs) PAID or free (there are some) should be 45 minutes.

Added after 1 minute 19 seconds:

1) If there is no information on the school’s website about the curriculum of a general education institution for the next school year (which in itself is a gross violation of current legislation), then parents should request the school management to provide them with a local act, which should list textbooks and teaching aids , used in the educational process at their school and approved by the director of the educational institution. Until the parents have the appropriate document, they should not pay for the PT offered for payment.

2) If there are no recommended teaching aids in the local act, then parents can, in accordance with the teacher’s recommendations, of their own free will, absolutely voluntarily purchase them at their own expense. It must be remembered that the recommended teaching aids that are not included in the educational program of a given educational institution can be used by the teacher only as part of additional study of the subject.
Article 101.2. Paid educational services cannot be provided in place of educational activities, the financial support of which is provided through budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local budgets. Funds received by organizations engaged in educational activities when providing such paid educational services are returned to the persons who paid for these services.
According to SanPiN (clause 2.2), educational publications, depending on their functional purpose in the learning process, are divided into textbooks, study guides and workshops. Also, a separate group includes educational publications of the new generation - a textbook-notebook, an individual workbook, a book for independent work students, a problem book, a notebook for creative assignments, etc., which this classifier classifies as workshops. Since December 2014, paragraph 2.2 in SanPiN 2.4.71166-02 has lost force, and currently it is specified in SanPiN 2.4.71166-02 that the workbook is also a manual. Thus, there are no contradictions between GOST 7.60-2003 and SanPiN 2.4.71166-02, and the workbook in all standards is a “textbook”.
If the educational organization considers that one textbook will not be enough for the student to master the subject, but needs something else, for example, a workbook, problem book, atlas or contour map, and in principle it is impossible to do without all this, then all these publications are included in the curriculum and are included in the educational kit for this subject. In accordance with the approved curriculum The general education organization submits an application to a higher organization for the purchase of these educational kits at the expense of budgetary allocations.
And the school standards they rely on
Article 8.1 of the Law “On Education”: The powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of education include:

3) provision of state guarantees for the implementation of the rights to receive public and free preschool education in municipal preschool educational organizations, public and free preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education in municipal educational organizations, provision additional education children in municipal educational organizations through the provision of subventions to local budgets, including the cost of wages, the purchase of textbooks and teaching aids, teaching aids, games, toys (except for the cost of maintaining buildings and paying for utilities), in accordance with the standards determined by government bodies authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

10) organization of provision of municipal educational organizations and educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with textbooks in accordance with the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education by organizations engaged in educational activities, and teaching aids, approved for use in the implementation of these educational programs;

Article 18.2 The standards for the provision of educational activities with educational publications per student in the main educational program are established by the relevant federal state educational standards.

Article 28.2. Educational organizations are free to determine the content of education, choose educational and methodological support, educational technologies according to the educational programs they implement.

Article 28.3. To competence educational organization in the established field of activity include:

9) determination of the list of textbooks in accordance with the approved federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education by organizations engaged in educational activities, as well as teaching aids approved for use in the implementation of these educational programs programs by such organizations;

Article 35.1. Students mastering basic educational programs at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets within the limits of federal state educational standards, educational standards, organizations engaged in educational activities are provided with free textbooks and teaching aids for use while receiving education, and also educational and methodological materials, teaching and educational tools.

Article 35.2. The provision of textbooks and teaching aids, as well as educational and methodological materials, training and education tools for organizations carrying out educational activities according to basic educational programs, within the limits of federal state educational standards, educational standards is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.
If anyone knows, please tell me. Our school follows the “School 2100” program, which is not recommended for use, some say it is completely prohibited (?). They gave us textbooks and forced us to buy notebooks. So, teaching children according to such a program, the school is also obliged to issue notebooks? Is money allocated for them from the budget? Or should we start with a request to change the program? Wanting in fact of the matter. The school has only one program, “School of Russia,” and workbooks for these textbooks, and there are no others. Tests and

testing work

(who asked to buy) it is clear that in theory they could do without them, but workbooks on mathematics, the world around them, and they can’t do without them, they only write in them.

Let us recall that for several years in a row, parents of schoolchildren from different regions of Russia have complained that they are forced to buy various educational aids, in particular workbooks, which come in pairs with most modern textbooks. After the intervention of the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Education clarified that the purchase of mandatory benefits is the responsibility of the school, and parents are not required to purchase additional books and can do this solely at their own request. However, after the scandal, many educational institutions chose not to take risks and simply prohibit teachers from using workbooks in lessons.

In our class, buying workbooks at our own expense suited everyone,” says the mother of a second-grader from the Moscow region. “We only purchased what we really needed, and it was very inexpensive.” However, at the last meeting we were told that the teacher is prohibited from using any materials purchased by parents in the classroom. This prohibition applies even if the entire class signs a protocol of voluntary consent to their acquisition. The school’s position now is that they will buy everything they need themselves, and if they don’t buy it, then we don’t need it. We were told that, of all subjects, it was decided to provide schoolchildren with workbooks only for English language. This means that there will be no workbooks for other subjects from next year. Now, it turns out that in order to maintain the level of preparation in Russian and mathematics, we ourselves will have to do additional homework with the children. As usual, our opinion and the opinion of the teachers are of no interest to anyone; we are tired of endless experiments on children, when at first something is actively imposed, and then sharply prohibited. In the current situation, there are rumors that the attack on workbooks is due to the trend towards promoting e-learning, when all textbooks will be posted on in electronic format. But it’s unlikely that anyone is going to plan to purchase educational tablets for all students, so again we’ll go in a vicious circle.

Of course, there are many parents among those who are extremely happy about the slow but sure eradication of workbooks from Russian educational institutions.

“I’m glad that they finally decided to abolish these useless benefits or at least limit their use,” says the mother of a fifth-grader from Yekaterinburg. - The fact is that we were forced to buy a huge number of completely unnecessary manuals, including music and fine arts, which were then practically not used and gathered dust in the closet. In addition, after the advent of workbooks, many teachers stopped working with children in regular schools altogether, especially in elementary schools. As a result, many children write very slowly and clumsily, since they do not completely rewrite the task, but simply insert the required answer into the manual. Among other things, in last years The sale of various notebooks and manuals has clearly turned into a very profitable business for their manufacturers. According to many parents, the prices for them were considerably inflated, especially for residents of regions where salaries are much lower than in the same capital.

On condition of anonymity, the director of one of the Moscow region schools told us why the administration of educational institutions decided to go for a complete ban. educational literature, purchased with funds from parents:

“It was clearly explained to us that purchasing workbooks with parents’ money should be strictly voluntary. But even a protocol of consent to their purchase signed by all parents does not guarantee the school that someone will not later complain to the top and state that they signed this document under pressure. Such cases have already happened; they ultimately turned into big problems for both the administration and teachers. Therefore, we decided that in the classroom teachers will work with children only using the aids that the school purchased. In our educational institution We're not going to do away with workbooks entirely. For those subjects for which they are really necessary, such as foreign language for example, they will be purchased for next year by the educational institution.”

We asked Natalya Morozova, a primary school teacher with 30 years of experience, about whether it is worth completely abandoning workbooks and whether they have brought more harm or benefit to modern schoolchildren:

“To be honest, almost all the time I work at school, some kind of experiments are carried out on children and teachers, and every school year begins with changes. In fact, a competent teacher can use almost any innovation to benefit schoolchildren. There were, of course, benefits from workbooks, provided they were used wisely. The fact is that the current program is very intense; you need to have time to master much more material than before. Workbooks helped children save time by immediately filling out the answer in a printed manual, rather than copying the entire task into a notebook. Naturally, this did not affect any creative development of schoolchildren if the teacher did not limit himself only to this form of work.

Another point against the thoughtless abolition of workbooks at the moment is that the school chooses a textbook from a specific publishing house for each subject. But the educational and methodological complex (EMC) of the discipline includes not only a textbook, but, as a rule, also a workbook and other aids necessary for the complete and successful mastery of the subject. As a result, when some of the benefits are banned, a very strange situation arises: schools themselves chose a certain teaching material, and then they begin to tear it to pieces: we buy these textbooks, we don’t buy these, but the result is nonsense. I wouldn’t be surprised if teachers are now asked to print out pieces of paper from workbooks and distribute them to schoolchildren, but we already went through all this before the mass introduction of workbooks. Of course, all such situations occur due to the economy that constantly operates in relation to our education, no matter what anyone says. Teachers are now prohibited from asking parents to buy anything, but what should we do if we are not given the required amount of paper for printers or markers for the board. Some teachers have long been buying the basic necessities with their own money, as they have simply been driven into a vicious circle.”

Photo: Alexander Podshivalov / Lori Photobank

Is the school required to provide schoolchildren with free workbooks? The Prosecutor General's Office of the Ministry of Education will decide on the answer to this question and adopt a single standard, said Alexander Kurennoy, official representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. Now in different regions of Russia different schemes are used - in some places schoolchildren are provided with workbooks for free, and in others parents purchase them, since schools do not classify such notebooks as textbooks.

However, the Ministry of Education believes that the issue of providing schoolchildren educational materials in Russia it is fully regulated by federal law.

Textbooks and workbooks are provided free of charge

“The law clearly states that students are provided with textbooks and teaching aids, as well as educational and methodological materials, teaching and educational tools () for free while receiving education,” the department’s press service said in a statement. The Ministry of Education emphasizes that we are talking about textbooks and manuals included in the federal educational standard (FSES).

Classifies the workbook as a teaching aid and part of a teaching package.

The school itself determines what textbooks are needed

Each school independently determines the list of textbooks necessary for studying any subject. If a school has included a textbook or workbook in a program that is approved by the school director, they are required to provide them free of charge.

Free does not mean in paper form

However, it does not say that each student must receive his own copy of the textbook in the school library, as was the case before. Now the teacher can provide a link on the Internet where the textbook can be downloaded. Its printing becomes the concern of parents.

Additional textbooks are not provided for free, but you don’t have to buy them

The standards do not apply to additional textbooks and teaching aids that a teacher can use. “Today, there are several tens of thousands of teaching aids, and the teacher has the right to recommend, for example, as part of additional study, certain manuals that may not be included in the list by the school. However, if they are not purchased with federal funds, the administration of a general education organization does not have the right to require parents to purchase them,” the Ministry of Education emphasizes.

Life is more complicated than the norm

The worst situation in schools is with workbooks and methodological manuals that cannot be passed on by inheritance. They usually collect money from parents to purchase them. Thus, a set of workbooks for grade 3 under the “School of Russia” program costs about 4 thousand rubles. This includes notebooks on the “World around us”, the Russian language, comprehensive tests in subjects, etc.

The mother of a Moscow second-grader from the Eastern Administrative District, Galina Yakovleva, says:

“The school administration will find an opportunity to circumvent legislative norms. In any case, the teacher remains legally able to provide benefits electronically. This year we centrally collected 3,000 rubles for workbooks. Plus, we bought three more sets of workbooks for additional classes according to the teacher’s list.”

Where to complain

The Ministry of Education operates an electronic reception, where any parent who is faced with forced collection of money can send a complaint - they promise to initiate an inspection. In addition, you can still write a statement to the prosecutor's office.

The school is not obliged...

She only has the right to provide the student with workbooks along with textbooks if there is a request and the corresponding amounts in the budget. Article 35 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” contains the following words: “organizations engaged in educational activities are provided with textbooks and teaching aids for free use while receiving education...”. Let us draw your attention to the words “for use” and not for ownership. The textbook is returned to the library, but the workbook is intended for active completion, drawings, and completing assignments. It is not possible to return it to the library for later use by other students. Thus, according to the article of the above law, workbooks are not subject to free distribution. However, the school has the right to purchase them at the discretion of teachers (and parents), subject to the availability of available budget funds. In their absence and by mutual agreement, the purchase of this educational and methodological complex, alas, falls on the shoulders of the parents.

The school must...

“The issue of providing students with workbooks falls within the competence of general education organizations” (clause 2 of part 3 of article 28 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”) Thus, at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, the school has the right to purchase textbooks, teaching aids, teaching materials , as well as means of training and education. The workbook as an educational publication is included in this list (GOST 7.60-2003), as well as anthologies, workshops, educational visual aids, etc.

Getting a child ready for school is quite an expensive undertaking. The backpack alone is worth it! And the form?.. But that's not all. At the first parent-teacher meeting, moms and dads are often told about the need to fork out more money.

Parents do not have to buy textbooks. This was finally and irrevocably clarified five years ago. Sometimes, however, it is necessary. But they are constantly forced to buy workbooks for textbooks. They say that we have the textbook itself. But you won’t be able to study without a notebook attached to it. All the tasks are there!

Some parents pay in silence, others try to fight... But it all ends the same: you have to run around the bookstores of the city to find that very notebook. And it’s not a fact that it will work out. However, most mothers prefer not to make a scandal - they will take it out on the child, it’s better to tighten their belts and pay.

Photo photo bank "Lori"

At a recent all-Russian parent meeting, Russian Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva gave an unequivocal answer to the question about collecting money for workbooks.

If a school includes a notebook in the mandatory list, then it must ensure their purchase and ensure the availability of the notebook. But we must proceed from the need to use them. Because you can teach without a workbook, and many do. However, sometimes there is really an absolute need to have a notebook. If there is such a need, then, of course, the school should purchase them.

It sounds nice and authoritative. What about life? But in real life, parents pay from 800 to 3,500 rubles for notebooks. And this is in elementary school! Moreover, those who pay 3,500 are sure that the quality of their children’s education is many times higher (the teacher is great, she was able to convince).

And this despite the fact that the provision of schoolchildren with educational aids, including workbooks, is regulated by law. In accordance with Art. 35 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, a school (state, municipal, meaning) must provide students with textbooks, manuals, teaching materials and other necessary things, including blackboards, desks and chalk.

Often teachers begin to convince that buying notebooks is the responsibility of parents. They are lying

What happens? School directors and teachers absolutely know that they have no right to insist on purchasing workbooks. Then why is the issue still relevant and parents are forced to spend thousands every year on purchasing educational materials?

The teachers with whom we were able to talk are sure that it is more interesting for a child to learn with workbooks - there are a lot of pictures and assignments. And, to be honest, it is easier for the teacher himself: there is no need to force the child to draw a line from A to B - everything is drawn in the workbook, prepare cards with tasks for everyone... So the teacher offers to buy a set of manuals for a certain amount, and it’s rare that a parent will refuse (am I an enemy to my child?).

However, there are many teachers who are against workbooks. They say that they do not allow development - the child does little on his own, but must be able not only to think with his head, but also to think with his hands. And this is true: sometimes an 8-year-old schoolchild does not know which side to apply the ruler to the sheet of paper.

So what should we do? First of all, parents in search of the truth should familiarize themselves with the approved school management educational program, in which information on all subjects, textbooks and teaching aids for them is presented in the form of a table. This document is posted on the official website of the educational organization. He might look like this.