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Differences between iPad and iPhone. What are the differences between iPhone and smartphones? Difference between iPhone and iPad

As a rule, all devices that were developed and manufactured by the American company Apple have a significant advantage in one situation or another. Apple is a long-term world-class brand that provides its users with high-quality, innovative and feature-rich gadgets. If you take the iPad and iPhone, the difference between them is minimal. But it is also very difficult to imagine this choice between these devices, since the iPhone and iPad are completely different types gadgets aimed at performing different tasks. Let's first understand the definitions of iPad and iPhone.

iPad is a universal Internet tablet developed and produced by the American corporation Apple. The first versions of iPads were presented at a presentation in San Francisco on January 27, 2010. All models run on the iOS operating system.

iPhone is a modern smartphone from the same company Apple, which combines the functionality of a phone, a communicator, and a tablet in a more compact body. All iPhone models also run iOS. By the way, iOS is an operating system developed by Apple to work with smartphones, electronic tablets and wearable players.

Now let's move on to the comparison. It’s worth noting them first difference in size. The diagonal of the iPad device is 9.7 inches, while the iPhone will be more modest - 4 inches. Therefore, the features of the multimedia functionality of the latter are, accordingly, limited in user comfort. This applies to both watching videos, graphics, surfing the Internet, and reading, as well as typing. What about the iPad? In this sense, this device positions itself as a full-fledged replacement for a netbook, or even a laptop.

One of the fundamental and important differences between these gadgets is iPad cannot be used as a mobile phone in GSM digital cellular networks. Some new modifications of the iPad have a built-in 3G module, which makes it possible to connect to the Internet at the expense of mobile operators. But with all this, it is impossible to make voice calls or send SMS messages even from modified tablets.

Also, the iPad is inferior to the iPhone in terms of quality of shooting, if we compare the latest generations of these types of devices: 5 MP vs 8 MP main module, as well as 0.3 MP vs 1.2 MP front cameras. At the same time, the iPhone's set of communication interfaces includes USB 2.0. The iPad can support such a connection only through special additional accessories.


  • The screen diagonal of iPad tablets is twice as large as that of iPhone smartphones;
  • iPads are better adapted to multimedia tasks;
  • iPhone smartphones perform all the functions of mobile phones and operate on GSM networks. iPad tablets do not have this feature;
  • iPads have higher performance than iPhones;
  • V last years The equipment of the iPad and iPhone was compared in terms of flash memory tolerance (128 GB possible);
  • The latest generations of iPhone have built-in cameras with higher resolution than the iPad;
  • iPads do not have a USB0 interface.

We have also compiled a list additional features iPad operating system, which differ significantly from the iPhone OS:

  1. Popovers. iPads have more organized navigation in the email client.
  2. Split Views. “Splits” make it possible to divide the screen into several parts, so that the user can see several views at the same time. Only iPads have this feature.
  3. External Display Support. iPad tablets have the ability to connect to external screens (for example, Apple Cinema).
  4. Gesture Recognizers. This feature simplifies and automates gestures. These applications easily recognize all standard gestures. Now playing on iPad has become much easier.
  5. File and Document Support. The iPad has an expanded ability to manage files at your own discretion: create, edit, move, delete, and also set the appropriate access rights. iPad tablets can work with a variety of document formats.

In principle, all devices with the Apple apple on the body are similar in their indirect purpose: they emphasize the status and solvency of the owner. To create an image, the difference between the iPad and iPhone is minimal. However, in fact, it is difficult to imagine a person choosing between an iPad and an iPhone. These are different types of devices, focused on different tasks. If the circle outlined by the user is clear, then the differences between a tablet and a smartphone can become the basis for preference.


iPad- an Internet tablet created by Apple Corporation, represented by an updated model range. Current models run on the iOS operating system.

iPhone- a smartphone from Apple that combines the functionality of a communicator, phone and tablet in a compact body. To date, manufactured models run iOS.


On the display, the first thing that catches your eye is the difference between the dimensions of the devices. iPads are much larger than iPhones: you can’t put a 9.7-inch device in your pocket. The iPhone, depending on the model, has modest screens, only 3.5-4 inches. Accordingly, its multimedia functionality is limited to the user’s comfort when watching videos and graphics, surfing the Internet, reading and typing. The iPad, thanks to its screen size, is positioned as a full-fledged replacement for a laptop and netbook.

If you do not take screen sizes into account, then the functionality of both the iPad and the iPhone, especially in new generations, is very similar. Resource-intensive applications for iOS are supported in hardware in both cases, despite the fact that processor clock speeds in iPads are higher, and performance in tests may differ significantly. The first generations of iPhones used Samsung processors, while iPads are equipped with Apple's own processors. Flash memory in the iPad model range reaches 128 GB, while the iPhone is limited to 64 GB.

The most fundamental difference between an iPhone and an iPad is the inability to use the latter as a mobile phone on GSM networks. In some modifications, the iPad has a 3G module, which makes it possible to connect to the Internet through mobile operators, but voice calls and SMS cannot be sent from the tablet in the traditional way.

The iPad, although equipped with two types of cameras, in the latest generation (the article is current as of June 2013) has lost the ability to take high-quality pictures to the iPhone: 5 megapixels versus 8 megapixels of the main module and 0.3 megapixels versus 1.2 megapixel front cameras. The iPhone has USB 2.0 in its set of communication interfaces, while the iPad supports such a connection only through additional accessories.

Conclusions website

  1. The iPad is larger in size - the screen diagonal is 9.7 inches versus the maximum 4 inches of the iPhone.
  2. The iPad is better suited for multimedia tasks.
  3. iPhone operates on GSM networks and performs the functions of a mobile phone.
  4. The iPad demonstrates better performance.
  5. The maximum configuration of the iPad allows 128 GB of flash memory.
  6. The latest generation of iPhones come with higher resolution cameras.
  7. The iPad does not have a USB 2.0 interface.

When it comes to choosing which smartphone is better to buy, you need to proceed from the requirements that you want the gadget to fulfill efficiently. Let's find out the differences between smartphones and iPhones.

There is now a huge variety of smartphones on the gadget sales market. Moreover, ordinary mobile phones are gradually losing their popularity. Advanced users prefer to buy models from well-known companies. And everyone has their own preferences.

Some people choose Android smartphones, others prefer Windows (which has somewhat lost its position among the leaders), and the majority buy iPhone gadgets. The latter lead the list of modern mobile devices. Let's take a closer look at how these smartphones differ from each other.

What is a smartphone and iPhone, iPad?

A smartphone is a mobile device that has a powerful operating system. Thanks to it, the phone is able to work with various applications simultaneously. This gadget is practically the same computer, only a smaller copy of it. On a smartphone you can access social networks, play games, watch movies, listen to music, communicate with other mobile phone users, etc.

Samsung or iPhone

iPhone- this is the same smartphone. It only works on iOS software. While other gadgets work on Android and Windows versions. Android is not as convenient an operating system as iOS. Sometimes it can be difficult to find the right application and customize your phone for yourself. While the iOS version is much more convenient.

iPhone And iPad produced by the same company Apple, whose symbol is an apple. This image is known all over the world, as this organization has many fans. iPhones are called touch screen phones that have many functions in addition to mobile communications.

iPads- These are tablet computers also with sensitive touch screens. As a rule, they have a large display diagonal for ease of working in various applications, watching movies, videos and working in the office.

Both iPhones and iPads run on the same operating system iOS. Moreover, versions of this operating system are becoming more and more improved every year and provide more opportunities for users. The eleventh version of iOS has already been released, and the twelfth is expected.

It is thanks to the constant improvement of smartphone and tablet models that Apple is always in the first position among manufacturers of such equipment.

This company first showed its products to the world in 2007 V USA. Steve Jobson was the official representative at the exhibition. And at the end of June, Apple models went on sale. IN 2008 In the summer, more advanced Apple models conquered the market Russia.

What is the difference between an iPhone and iPad from an Android smartphone and a regular phone?

The first thing that significantly distinguishes iPhones and iPads from other smartphones is the price. Apple products are much more expensive than their other counterparts due to ease of use, reliability, quality of workmanship and materials. More details below.

What is the difference between Apple and other smartphone models:

  1. First of all, this is the screen (touchscreen). Anyone who already uses products from a world-famous company knows that the screen works great. Feels every touch of your fingers.
  2. Expensive materials are used to make the iPhone; the quality and appearance of the phone are excellent.
  3. Thanks to the operating system, the functionality of the mobile device is high. Applications do not lag, as happens on other cheaper models from other companies.
  4. Apple takes innovations in the field of electronics very seriously and is constantly improving iOS and its products.
  5. And yet, some people prefer Android smartphones because there is more choice of different programs and settings, and additional features.

Why is iPhone better?

When choosing an iPhone, the buyer should know that installing applications in iOS is paid, and the Apple smartphone itself is priced more expensive. Why? This has already been mentioned above.

iPhone or smartphone: which is better, cooler, more expensive?

It is difficult to say which smartphone this or that individual would prefer to choose. After all, different buyers have different opinions. Some people think that Apple is unreasonably overpriced. And those who have already tried this model do not want to change it to any other. Therefore, which phone to choose is up to you to judge.

Moreover, more and more mobile devices with good characteristics. Smartphones can be used to perform many actions—they are multifunctional. If you choose a gadget with a good camera, you can get excellent images. By the way, iPhones have succeeded in this. The smartphone's cameras have excellent characteristics.

What to choose Android or iPhone?

It should be noted that the Android operating system is more open to users, which is why it is susceptible to virus attacks, while iOS is more secure.

Apple also has advanced support, which, unfortunately, other companies cannot boast of. No other company offers the same service yet.

Now, after the information provided, it will be easier for you to make your choice when purchasing a mobile device.

Video: Which is better to choose: a smartphone or an iPhone?

IN modern world The smartphone has become an essential assistant for any busy person. With its help, he can always keep abreast of important news and be in touch with the right people. Manufacturers offer the user a huge number of options, but most often the range is divided into two groups - iPhones and smartphones. Many consumers do not understand much of the difference between these devices, so we will try to give you an answer to the question - what is the difference between an iPhone and a smartphone in our article.


A smartphone is a device that is one step above the conventional mobile devices that we have all been familiar with for so long. The appearance of gadgets of this kind is associated with progress, so in terms of its characteristics it is between a mobile phone and a computer. But since an operating system is installed on a smartphone, it is much closer to a computer than to its predecessor.

Due to the fact that there are a huge number of counterfeit mobile phones on the market that look like smartphones, identifying a gadget as a representative of a specific family based purely on design is a rather difficult undertaking. It’s another thing to pick up the device and look at it in action.


An iPhone is a type of smartphone that is produced only by Apple. It also has an operating system, if in the case of ordinary smartphones it is Android, then here it is iOS

In terms of popularity, gadgets of this family are significantly ahead of all their competitors. However, in technical terms they are approximately equal. An integral attribute of each new generation of iPhones is the corporate logo of a bitten apple, as well as the absence of a slot for a flash drive and a non-removable battery.

What's the difference between them

There is a difference between these two groups, but it cannot be called colossal. Firstly, there is a question of price. Even if the iPhone is technically in no way ahead of its Android counterpart, it will cost more. Secondly, the OS on gadgets is different. The functionality of both is more or less the same, but for the average user Android will be much easier to use. The build quality of the devices is also different.

iPhones are always assembled at an official factory from the most expensive and high-quality materials; naturally, we are talking about original models, not fakes. Most Android smartphones are inferior to their competitors in this parameter.

In terms of functionality, both groups of devices are more or less equal. As for performance, Apple products run exclusively on processors of their own production, while Android gadgets are most often equipped with Snapdragon and MediaTek chipsets, which are products of third-party companies.

The iPhone does not allow its owner to use a flash card, but in the line of each generation there are several options with different amounts of memory. Some Android gadgets have also begun to do this, but these are isolated cases.

The issue of influence on status cannot be discarded. There is a tendency in society that Apple devices are considered more prestigious and increase the importance of their owner in the eyes of others. Of course, you can think differently, but you cannot deny the fact that most people think this way, especially since reviews and comments on the Internet only confirm this point of view.


You can only say which is better – an iPhone or a smartphone based on many factors. If you are an inexperienced user who needs his device to be able to access the Internet and have access to news, as well as make calls and wake up calls, a regular smartphone will be much better, since it is cheaper.

If your budget is unlimited and you believe that having a new iPhone is an attribute of a successful person, as well as a reflection of status, the new flagship from Xiaomi is unlikely to interest you, even if it is more powerful and cheaper than the new generation iPhone.

Users often ask how an iPhone differs from a smartphone? The question is really interesting, although it is posed incorrectly - after all, the iPhone is also a smartphone. It’s just that in recent years its name has become a household name, as, for example, in the case of copier, because Xerox is the name of a company that also produces photocopiers.

Smartphone(from the English smartphone, that is, “smart phone”) is a mobile phone that successfully combines the functions of a pocket computer. With it, you can not only call friends, but also play games, watch videos, listen to music, surf the Internet and much more.

iPhone is a series of smartphones produced by Apple.

And what happens? And by calling an iPhone a smartphone, you won’t be wrong at all!

What is the difference between smartphones and iPhone?

Now let's talk about what makes the iPhone different from other smartphones.

Perhaps the first and most important thing is the operating system. Our website has already talked about it. This operating system is interesting because it is used exclusively on devices from Apple, so you will not find it on smartphones or tablets from other manufacturers. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it is bad. It’s good, because Apple polishes its operating system to perfection, so it often works much more stable than other operating systems. The bad thing is that it is impossible to install it, for example, on an LG phone.

The second important difference is the small model range. So, for a long time, Apple released only one model, which was later joined by the iPhone 5c. The same applies to the screen size, although in the sixth generation two devices were released at once - one with a screen diagonal of 4.7 inches, and the second - 5.5 inches. Now look at the huge selection of devices based on the Android OS - the difference is simply fantastic. So if you don't like the look of the iPhone, you don't have much choice but to start looking at devices from other manufacturers.

As for appearance, there is nothing unusual here. In previous years, Apple could shock appearance their devices (remember, for example, the iPhone 4 with a glass back cover), but now it is an ordinary smartphone. Of course, it is distinguished by the presence of expensive materials, but all this invariably affects the cost of the device. But on the back there is a corporate logo - a bitten apple.

iPhones do not have a memory card slot. This, one might say, is an Apple signature feature. Of course, you can always choose an iPhone with a large amount of memory, but the price difference will be several thousand rubles, while the cost of a fast and high-quality flash drive does not exceed a thousand rubles. However, in fairness, we note that many manufacturers are now refusing memory card slots. Fortunately, not all.

Some disadvantages include the non-removable battery in the iPhone. In our opinion, this should not be considered a disadvantage. Firstly, in most modern smartphones the battery cannot be replaced (except by service), and secondly, it lasts 2-3 years, while the average replacement period for a smartphone is only one year.

As for everything else, including characteristics, availability of applications, shooting quality, etc., in this regard, the iPhone is no different from other devices based on Android or Windows Phone. What's better? It's up to you to decide. You can go to some electronics hypermarket and compare the iPhone with another smartphone you like.

Be that as it may, we found out that the iPhone is also a smartphone that has its own characteristics.