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Gitt Vitaly Demyanovich biography education. Let's strike with micromovements on osteochondrosis - exercises according to Vitaly Gitt. Exercises for gonarthrosis of the knee joint

Basically, the disease is treated with medication. But with a large number of pills, you can cause significant harm to the body as a whole. They can also cause allergic reactions.

Physiotherapy for osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a great alternative to drug treatment. Ultrasound or electrophoresis, radiation or magnetic effects on tissues, baths or massages, applications with paraffin or therapeutic mud are effective in arthrosis.

There must be a measure in everything. It is better to carry out physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint in stationary conditions.

What Causes Arthrosis to Develop?

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint causes degenerative changes in cartilage and bone tissue. There are three stages of the disease, but usually patients turn to the doctor at stage II, ignoring the initial symptoms.

In grade I arthrosis, changes in the cartilage are insignificant and usually treatable. At subsequent stages, the cartilaginous tissue begins to deteriorate significantly, the volume of intra-articular fluid decreases, and osteophytes (bone formations) grow in large numbers.

The disease often develops in connection with mechanical damage to the joints, in violation of metabolism and blood circulation in the cartilage, as well as in obesity.

If the initial symptoms of the disease are ignored, then most likely you will soon expect the progression of the disease.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee with physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for coxarthrosis of the hip joint includes the following procedures:

The hip joint is located deep in the body, so physiotherapy should only be used to improve blood circulation and eliminate spasms. When applying specific procedures, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the patient.

Experienced physiotherapists believe that the most effective results are achieved after courses of laser therapy, cryotherapy and massage.

If arthrosis is indicated in the diagnosis, the first thing the doctor will prescribe is electrophoresis. The procedure is painless, does not leave any marks after the procedure. The effect is instant. The essence of such physiotherapy is simple.

If arthrosis is indicated in the diagnosis, the first thing the doctor will prescribe is electrophoresis

As a rule, the patient feels relief after the first procedures.

Ultrasound is effective in arthrosis of the knee joint. This method is popular, patients speak of it only positively.

Hydrocortisone ultrasound treatment helps preserve damaged cartilage

The essence of the procedure: a high-frequency sound acts on a diseased part of the body. At the same time, there is an improvement in metabolic processes in the joint, it becomes stronger. Ultrasound treatment with hydrocortisone helps preserve damaged articular cartilage.

Laser therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint is more often prescribed by doctors to the elderly or those patients who are not suitable for other methods of treatment. A bright light beam is directed to the diseased area, in which infrared and ultraviolet flux are combined.

The laser relieves swelling, stops the inflammatory process, eliminates pain and speeds up metabolism

Although laser therapy has almost no contraindications, it is not allowed for everyone:

  • For people suffering from heart and hypertension diseases, it is prescribed with caution;
  • This method is not suitable for pregnancy, tuberculosis, malignant tumors, epilepsy;
  • It is also impossible to prescribe laser treatment at a temperature, general exhaustion of the body, accompanied by weight loss.

It has long been known that salt mud or blue clay can relieve pain during inflammation of the joints and stop the destructive process of cartilage. The method applies to folk ways. But modern doctors also often prescribe it to their patients.

This unconventional method of physiotherapy is a success with many people. The miraculous effect is felt after the first compress. Moreover, wrapping can be done in medical institutions and at home.

Patients feel miraculous effect after the first compress

To do this, you must use gauze, blue clay or therapeutic mud.

Clay or mud mass is first heated. After it should be laid out on cheesecloth, folded in several layers. Mud (clay) layer should be at least 3 centimeters. The compress is applied to the knee suffering from arthrosis and tied. The bandage is removed 1-2 hours after the warm effect of the compress is not felt on the skin.

As you know, arthrosis is characterized by degeneration of the articular cartilage, and subsequently bone tissue with the development of deformity and persistent functional disorders. It goes without saying that the treatment of this disease should be comprehensive and include various methods, incl.

Magnet properties

But the healing effect of the magnet was noticed even by our ancestors, who applied magnetic iron ore to sore spots, tried to magnetize water. What causes the action of a magnet? The fact is that in our body, numerous electrical processes, insignificant in strength and power, are continuously going on.

Simply put, our body is an electromagnetic generator. Any pathological condition, including arthrosis, leads to disruption of this activity and changes in the magnetic field at the local or general level.

Under the action of a magnetic field, metabolic processes are enhanced, toxins are removed, the permeability of cell membranes increases, and the survivability of erythrocytes increases. Treatment of arthrosis with a magnet is accompanied by the following therapeutic effects:

  • Pain decreases or disappears
  • Decreased local edema
  • Improves blood microcirculation
  • Enhanced metabolic processes in cartilage tissue
  • The growth of pathogenic microflora is suppressed, which prevents the occurrence of infectious complications.
  • Increased range of motion
  • Strengthens immunity
  • The effect of drugs and other physical procedures is potentiated.

From this it follows that the action of the magnet is similar to the effect of anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antibacterial agents in arthrosis.


But this is not all the advantages of this method. Physiotherapy with a magnet is absolutely painless, easy to use and does not require special preparation of the patient, except for the need to get rid of metal objects and jewelry at the time of the procedure.

In modern medicine, for the treatment of articular arthrosis, an alternating low-frequency field of directional action is used. This field is generated by special devices, which in various modifications produced by the domestic industry. These devices allow you to treat arthrosis both in the hospital and on an outpatient basis, and even at home.

The possibility of home treatment is especially relevant for arthrosis of the knee joints in the elderly, who, for obvious reasons, cannot always visit the hospital. In these cases, the Magniter apparatus comes in handy.

This portable device operates in two modes at two given values ​​of the magnetic field, to change which there are special switches. It is noteworthy that the magnetic field during the treatment of arthrosis affects not only the diseased joint, but also projection zones, which may be located in other anatomical areas.

Magnetotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint involves the impact of a magnetic field on the joint itself, as well as on the upper third of the back surface of the lower leg and the region of the lumbar vertebrae. For one procedure lasting about 20 minutes. no more than 2 zones are affected. The course of treatment is given 10-15 such procedures.

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The ability to carry out magnetotherapy at home does not mean self-treatment. Everyone has contraindications. effective method and the magnet is no exception. It should not be used in conditions such as:

  • Arthrosis in the acute stage
  • Elevated temperature
  • Severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, incl. and with a pacemaker
  • Blood diseases
  • mental illness
  • Tuberculosis
  • Depletion of the body
  • Acute infectious diseases
  • Pregnancy
  • Alcohol intoxication.

And therefore, before treating arthrosis with a magnet, it is necessary to consult with a physiotherapist.

Laser therapy is characterized by a wide range of photobiological processes. Under its action, the blood vessels of the microvasculature expand, local blood flow normalizes, tissue edema decreases, the cell walls of infectious agents are destroyed, and cellular immunity is activated.

Other modern techniques include cryotherapy, oxygen therapy, ozone therapy. The relative disadvantage of these methods is their limited availability: only in the conditions of specialized departments of hospitals or outpatient clinics, in sanatorium conditions.

Cryotherapy (exposure to low temperatures) is carried out locally, on the affected joint, the temperature of the dry air mixture is about minus 30°C. The primary effect here is analgesic, after the procedure, an improvement in blood circulation, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effects develop.

Oxygen therapy (exposure to oxygen under high atmospheric pressure) is prescribed for the purpose of rapid pain relief, maintaining or increasing the range of motion in the affected joint. The method gives good results in patients with arthrosis of the knee and hip joints at different stages.

Ozone therapy (administration of ozonated physiological solution intravenously) has a pronounced stimulating effect on metabolism and tissue trophism. The method helps to prevent further development of arthrosis, improves the condition of cartilage tissue.

In the complex treatment of arthrosis, methods of climatotherapy are used - hydrotherapy (hydrogen sulfide, mineral baths), mud therapy and naftalan therapy, massage and kinesiotherapy, but they are of secondary importance.

The leading methods, according to the majority of medical specialists, in the treatment of arthrosis are physiotherapy - magnetotherapy, magneto-laser therapy, electrotherapy. In combination with orthopedic aids, drug regimens, physiotherapy slows down the pathological progress in the joints, preserves the mobility and ability to work in patients with arthrosis.

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Physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee complements drug treatment, avoids re-exacerbation chronic forms diseases.

The use of magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, UVT and heating contributes to the normalization of the blood supply to the affected tissues.

Most patients, when pain occurs in the joints, try to warm them up, for which they use various ointments and compresses.

Physiotherapy based on thermal exposure can be quite effective for arthrosis of the hip joint.

It allows you to get rid of the pain syndrome, restore the disturbed metabolism.


Significant changes in the anatomy of the joint in arthrosis of the second degree provoke pain both when walking and during a night's sleep.

The main manifestations of arthrosis of the knee of the second degree:

  1. Stiffness in the morning, persisting for a long time;
  2. tingling or pain in the calves;
  3. Perceptible pulling pains, aggravated even with small overloads;
  4. Swelling or swelling of the joint;
  5. Creaking in the knee, which at stage III is already heard even by the surrounding people;
  6. When hypothermia, a feeling of ache is felt.

If this symptomatology is ignored by the patient, the disease soon passes into the 3rd degree. The last stage of arthrosis is characterized not only by pronounced changes in gait - there is already a need for a stick or crutches when walking.

What physiotherapy is prescribed most often for arthrosis?

It is not in vain that with pain in the knee, a person has always tried to apply heating, trying to warm the damaged area, wrapping it in a scarf, rubbing it with a special ointment, etc. Indeed, warming up in combination with physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint is an effective measure, because:

  1. Relieve pain syndrome;
  2. Stabilize blood flow;
  3. Accelerate metabolic processes.

It makes sense to use physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint only in the primary stages. If the pathological processes in the cartilaginous tissue become more aggravated, therapeutic measures are prescribed with caution.

Since cartilage is destroyed both from overheating and from hypothermia, heating is allowed only after the permission of the doctor. For warming up, compresses or ointments with hot pepper, bee or snake venom are used. It is forbidden to warm the joint during an exacerbation of the disease.

Physiotherapy for arthrosis includes laser therapy, which can stop the progression of irreversible changes. Laser therapy involves the effect of a light beam on a diseased joint.

The use of a laser allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. Stimulate blood supply;
  2. Remove swelling and inflammation;
  3. Eliminate soreness;
  4. Heal wounds on the skin.

Laser therapy is prescribed by an orthopedic doctor only after a comprehensive examination of the patient. There are contraindications associated with the intensity of the manipulations.

Laser treatment can also be prescribed during an exacerbation of the disease, but only taking into account the state of health of the patient.

Literally, the name of the manipulation is translated as "moving electro particles." The procedure is also called iontophoresis.

Due to the electric field created artificially, the patient's body is enriched with drugs. This process of physiotherapy contributes to a better recovery in arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree.

How is electrophoresis performed?

Thanks to electrophoresis, the highest concentration of the drug in the affected area is achieved. There are no side effects on the body.

It is also an effective method in the treatment of gonarthrosis. A dose of ozone is injected into the affected area with a thin needle. Chondroprotectors can be used to enhance efficiency. Benefits of ozone therapy:

  1. Almost instant pain relief
  2. Relief of the patient from the squeak in the joint;
  3. Restoration of mobility of the knee joint;
  4. Normalization of intra-articular fluid intake;
  5. Cartilage restoration.

Using ozone therapy, you can achieve a significant improvement in the condition by stopping the negative processes in cartilage and bone tissue.

The procedure of shock wave therapy is effective for any injury to the knee - from elementary inflammation to severe damage to the knee. UVT contributes to the softening of calcium deposits, its rapid removal. As a result, metabolic processes stabilize, swelling disappears.

The disadvantages of this method include many limitations and such diseases:

  1. thrombophlebitis;
  2. Purulent processes in the body;
  3. Neoplasms and carcinomas;
  4. Certain disease states caused by diabetes.

The patient must be fully examined before the appointment of the SWT procedure, so as not to provoke diseases and deterioration of well-being after SWT.

Ultrasound is indicated for gonarthrosis of the 2nd degree as a physiotherapy, as well as an effective pain reliever. The waves also activate the body's internal reserves and recovery processes. With the simultaneous introduction of chondroprotectors, along with ultrasound, accelerated regeneration of cartilage tissue is achieved. Ultrasound treatment is carried out for two weeks.

The use of waves of different frequencies contributes to the following effects:

  1. Mechanical: increases metabolism and blood flow.
  2. Thermal: during manipulation, the temperature of the joint rises slightly, which ensures gentle warming.
  3. Physical and chemical: there is an acceleration of the production of enzymes that affect the renewal of the tissue structure.

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Ultrasound therapy is also effective during rehabilitation, to speed up the recovery of the patient and after surgery.

Magnetotherapy in the treatment of arthrosis and its effectiveness

Magnetic therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint is a modern and very effective method. Doctors speak positively about it and recommend this treatment option to their patients. The advantages of magnetotherapy abound:

  • As a result of treatment, the condition of the blood improves;
  • Vessels come in tone;
  • Lymph and blood flow, moving freely through the veins, enriches the cells with the necessary oxygen and minerals;
  • Eliminates (in a neglected form - decreases) inflammation, tissue healing is significantly accelerated.

You can use this device in hospitals, sanatoriums, at home

The device is a great addition during complex treatment. It acts on the body on the principle of magnetotherapy. During operation, Almag emits magnetic impulses, which, penetrating deep into the tissue, can affect the most remote parts of the human skeleton, namely, the joints and their cartilage.

You can use this device in hospitals, sanatoriums, at home.


Deforming arthrosis (coxarthrosis) of the hip joint 1, 2, 3 degrees

With arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree, a Russian bath can be used as a warming procedure. Her beneficial features:

  1. heals the body;
  2. eliminates excess salt;
  3. eliminates waste and toxins.

To warm the affected areas, special devices can be used, which are selected by the attending physician.

For cartilage tissue, exposure to extremely low and high temperatures is harmful, so thermal procedures should last no more than 20 minutes.

Therapy also involves the use of ointments and compresses based on snake venom and red pepper. Warming up the joint during an exacerbation is strictly prohibited.

Treatment of arthrosis with a laser is another physiotherapeutic procedure that can stop the development of degenerative processes. A directional light beam of high power acts on a sore knee, which leads to:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • elimination of inflammation and swelling;
  • getting rid of pain;
  • promotes healing of open wounds.

This method is used only after a complete examination.

Electrophoresis is the delivery of drugs into the thickness of tissues using electrical particles. Under the influence of current, the active substance breaks down into ions, further exposure causes them to move to the mucous membranes and upper layers of the skin.

With the flow of blood and lymph, the drug is evenly distributed over all organs and tissues, the largest amount of the active substance is concentrated at the site of its administration.

Such physiotherapy for arthrosis of the hip joint allows you to get rid of discomfort without causing consequences from the liver and digestive system.

Magnetotherapy for arthrosis is prescribed for:

  • inefficiency drug treatment;
  • decrease in joint mobility;
  • the appearance of constant pain.

Positive results are observed in 60% of cases. The use of magnetotherapy can significantly alleviate the patient's well-being. A person can choose one of 2 treatment regimens:

  1. The most effective is the use of equipment that is installed in hospitals and clinics.
  2. The use of compact devices only temporarily eliminates pain.

The therapeutic effect of magnetic therapy is based on the stimulation of muscle fibers. They are affected by waves of different frequencies, which contribute to relaxation and the disappearance of spasm. The joint becomes more mobile, the pain subsides.

Increased blood flow in the affected area helps to eliminate inflammation and congestion. Positive changes in the state of the joint appear after 1 session of magnetic therapy.

However, this method does not help half of the patients.

Magnetotherapy for arthrosis affects the entire body, which can be dangerous in the presence of certain diseases.

Therefore, before prescribing this procedure, the doctor must conduct a complete examination of the patient and evaluate the feasibility of using this method.

Contraindications to magnetic therapy are:

  1. Oncological diseases - an increase in temperature can provoke an increased division of cancer cells and the appearance of metastases.
  2. Under the action of a magnet, blood thins, which can be dangerous in pathological conditions accompanied by a violation of its coagulability.

Absolute contraindications to the procedure are diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially the presence of a pacemaker. It is impossible to carry out such treatment in the presence of trophic ulcers, this can provoke the development of phlegmon or gangrene.

For patients who do not have the above diseases, the procedures are completely safe. With the sensitivity of tissues to the effects of a magnetic field, a significant improvement can be achieved, which cannot be achieved with the help of drug treatment.

What other techniques can be used in the treatment of joint diseases?

  1. Ozone therapy is one of the safest physiotherapy procedures for arthrosis of the knee joint. A portion of ozone is injected into the affected tissues with a thin needle. At the same time, chondroprotectors can be used. The effectiveness of this procedure is explained by the ability to quickly eliminate pain, return mobility to the joint, and enhance the production of synovial fluid. Ozone therapy quickly improves the patient's condition, stops the processes of destruction of cartilaginous tissues.
  2. Shock wave therapy for arthrosis eliminates inflammatory changes, promotes the healing of microtraumas. The variable frequency wave destroys salt deposits and quickly removes them from the body. After several sessions, metabolism normalizes, puffiness disappears. Shock wave therapy for knee arthrosis has a number of contraindications. Such treatment cannot be carried out with deep vein thrombosis, purulent forms of arthritis, oncological diseases, diabetic angiopathy. Before conducting SWT, it is necessary to fully examine the body in order to exclude the presence of the above diseases.
  3. Ultrasound exposure in gonarthrosis is used to eliminate severe pain and inflammation. In addition, such treatment helps to restore the body's defenses, start tissue repair processes. With the simultaneous use of ultrasound and chondroprotectors, it is possible to achieve rapid regeneration of cartilage. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks. The results of treatment largely depend on the types of waves used. Mechanical improve metabolism and accelerate blood circulation. Thermal increases the local temperature, providing a gradual warming of the affected joint. Physical and chemical are aimed at the production of substances that contribute to the normalization of cell division processes.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are effective only if they are part of a comprehensive treatment. All preventive and therapeutic methods should be used with the permission of the doctor.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint is a severe form of osteoarthritis, a disease that occurs most often in medical practice and accounts for more than 40% of all diseases in the musculoskeletal system.

This disease mainly begins to develop after the age of 40 in both men and women. However, in women, the disease is more severe.

Coxarthrosis is a deforming arthrosis of the hip joint, which is successfully treated at the initial stage of development.

But, unfortunately, the sick do not seek to immediately seek help from a doctor, feeling the first pain in the hip statute.

This allows the disease to progress.

Causes of the disease

There are actually a huge number of reasons due to which coxarthrosis can develop in the hip joint:

  1. the main reason is circulatory disorders, when venous outflow and arterial inflow worsen. As a result, the accumulation of metabolic products can occur, and under-oxidized, enzymes begin to activate, which subsequently begin to destroy cartilage.
  2. important mechanical factors. This is an overload of the joint. In the bulk, professional athletes suffer from such overloads. Overweight people are also susceptible to this disease.
  3. biochemical changes in the structure of cartilage. metabolic disorders in the human body. And, of course, hormonal changes in the body.
  4. traumatism. These are traumatic dislocations, a fracture of the femoral neck, all kinds of fractures of the pelvis. It is after injuries that coxarthrosis can begin to develop in young people.
  5. development of aseptic necrosis of the head of the pelvic bone.
  6. inflammation of the joints and infectious processes.
  7. spinal disorders such as scoliosis or kyphosis,
  8. flat feet.
  9. congenital pathology. Joint development disorder.
  10. congenital dislocation of the hip. It is for this reason that the development of coxarthrosis occurs in more than 20% of people.
  11. sedentary lifestyle.
  12. organism's heredity. Of course, the disease itself is not inherited, but the structure of the skeleton is transmitted. And if your relatives suffer from coxarthrosis, then the likelihood of such a disease increases several times.

Osteoarthritis is one of the most serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which worsens the patient's life, spoils his well-being, and reduces efficiency.

A patient without proper treatment is doomed to a life of pain. At first, it only occurs when physical activity, however, after some time, the feeling of discomfort becomes a constant companion of the patient, appearing even with minimal movements, and even at rest.

Most often, this pathology affects patients who are in old age, but it can also occur in younger people, this is not a mandatory pattern. In particular, if we consider arthrosis of the foot, then it can affect at any age. Especially if a person leads a too active lifestyle, that is, is engaged in boxing, gymnastics and various kinds of jumping.

Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt: treatment of arthrosis

Arthrosis is a disease that is characterized by the appearance of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the joint tissue. In addition, these processes are often accompanied by inflammation in the surrounding soft tissues. Articular cartilage degeneration is a dangerous condition that progresses rapidly over time. To slow down the course of the disease and reduce the severity of symptoms, it is necessary to properly treat it.

Causes of the disease

The first step in recovery from osteoarthritis is the correct diagnosis. It is important to establish the cause of the disease. It could be:

  1. Flat feet, sole deformities;
  2. Severe curvature of the lower leg;
  3. Obesity;
  4. Intensive sports, including professional;
  5. Work associated with constant stay on your feet or in a standing position;
  6. Postponed leg injuries - these can be bruises, sprains, torn ligaments, fractures;
  7. General hypothermia of the body or frostbite of the limbs;
  8. Violations in the work of the endocrine organs;
  9. Polyarthritis.

In addition, hereditary predisposition, which affects the structure of bones and joints, can be of great importance in the occurrence of arthritis. Not the last role is played by the shoes we wear. If she squeezes her fingers, then sooner or later a person will develop arthrosis or arthritis. This is especially true for women who constantly wear high heels.

Clinical picture of the disease

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in various forms. First of all, it is a crunch in the joints of the legs, pain under any load, which does not subside for a long time. Patients note that the pain in this disease is quite dull and periodic. Sometimes after sleep, stiffness of the limbs is felt.

With a more advanced form, fingers and joints begin to deform, so arthrosis should be treated as early as possible. The legs, as a rule, swell and turn red, the general condition of the patient becomes unstable, that is, the person quickly gets tired and feels weak.

Conservative medicine in the treatment of arthrosis gives very weak results. The fact is that not one pathological process develops in the diseased joint, but several at the same time. Cartilage can grow in one place, and, on the contrary, collapse in another, the articular bag becomes very rough, because calcium substances are deposited in it. The same thing happens with tendons and ligaments.

Limited movement is associated with the aging process, because it has long been known that age can be determined by the condition of the bones and joints.

Thus, the clinical symptoms of the disease quite strongly affect the volume of active movements of the patient, forcing him to limit himself in many aspects of life. Therefore, it is so important to start the treatment of the disease on time.

Treatment: a new incredible technique

Traumatologists have been developing methods for treating such a severe pathology as arthrosis for many years. Many of the proposed methods involve the use of medications, others - exercise therapy or physiotherapy. Not all of them are equally effective.

To date, the most effective way considered manual therapy. Among the traumatologists there is a wonderful doctor V.D. Gitt who developed his own methodology. He collected all the best methods in it and managed to achieve excellent results.

For treatment, it is necessary to find key points, with the stimulation of which it is possible to reverse the process of aging of the joints. This is exactly what it does Vitaly Gitt.

Dr. Gitt has many grateful patients, to whom he returned the previous state of the joints. These people leave excellent reviews about his treatment methods, not forgetting to mention the qualifications and friendliness of the specialist himself.

Vitaliy treats arthrosis with the help of manual therapy and special exercises that anyone can do. They perfectly nourish sore joints and help in recovery. In addition to the complex sports activities, uses a special massage, in which the effect occurs through the palm of your hand. This is a truly unique method, thanks to which many people have been healed.

The peculiarity of such an impact - percussion massage - is that if a person, for example, has a sore foot, then the doctor puts it on his knee, and on top of the diseased joint he lays his palm, on which he will tap. Thus, the internal elements (damaged joint tissues) do not receive pain, and recovery comes much earlier.

The essence of these exercises, which were compiled Gitt Vitaly Demyanovich, consists in a light and smooth load on the joints, and the joint fluid should be distributed evenly. This leading traumatologist treats the sore spot like his own child, because sometimes he will not only twist and tap, but also stroke and press.

The technique developed by the specialist is completely unique, as it combines all the best features of traditional methods of treatment and alternative methods, and also includes the use of special equipment - vibration beds, which have no analogues among massage products.

Effects of visiting V.D. Gitt

The impact of manual practice is aimed at:

  1. Effective and powerful stimulation of the regeneration of cartilage elements;
  2. Reduction of pain syndrome, elimination of discomfort;
  3. Restoration of the normal state of soft tissues;
  4. Relief of inflammatory processes.

After several visits to the chiropractor Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt, you will notice a pronounced effect of the procedures. In this case, the treatment is completely painless. During the session, a person feels a slight pressure, slight tingling in the limbs may appear.

After taking the patient notes a general improvement in the condition - blood pressure decreases, discomfort in the spine disappears, headache, dizziness.

The patient himself chooses the time convenient for him to visit a specialist. You can sign up for a session on the official website created by V.D. Gitt.

Advantages and disadvantages of different methods

A lot of methods and folk remedies treatments for arthrosis are known to mankind, but are they really effective? Dr. Gitt joint treatment studied from different angles and did my own research, and this is what came out of it.

The first thing a person does today is to buy all sorts of ointments and plasters at insanely high prices. In fact, not a single supergel is able to penetrate deep into the joint, it only temporarily anesthetizes the skin.

The intense physical exercises suggested by some doctors only aggravate the situation, and the procedures with the application of salt or sand are no different from ointments. Treatment of arthrosis by starvation leads the body into complete decline, because during cleaning a huge amount of useful substances is washed away.

Such technological devices as ultrasound, magnet, beams and the like, indeed have a beneficial effect, but not on the joints, but on the capillaries and muscles, which is inappropriate in this case. Some people use shamanic methods, that is, they put on amulets, capsules, and so on, but one can only laugh at this.

Scientists-developers have come up with a special device that emits radio waves and gamma rays. In their opinion, this will serve as an excellent remedy for arthrosis. Vitaly Demyanovich conducted multiple experiments with this equipment, but to his great surprise, the patients did not feel the slightest difference.

In city clinics, people are offered to undergo physiotherapy using a laser and a magnetic field. Yes, there is a result, but the only difference is that cartilage begins to grow in absolutely all places, even where they need to be reduced.

Whatever method of treatment you choose, adhere to the golden rule followed by both Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt and Valentin Ivanovich Dikul: you must have unconditional faith in the successful completion of treatment.
Benefits of contacting V.D. Gittu

Manual therapy offered by V.D. Gitt is best way treatment of arthrosis, which has a number of important advantages:

  1. Impact safety. No radiation exposure side effects, no risk of damaging the joints and aggravating the course of the disease.
  2. Application efficiency. Already after several procedures, the patient will feel an improvement - pain will go away, limb mobility will increase, weakness will disappear and general well-being will improve.
  3. Availability. Make an appointment with Dr. V.D. Anyone can gitta. The specialist will conduct a complete examination of the patient, establish his diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment, individually selected in each case. The duration of therapy depends on the stage of arthrosis, how the patient feels, whether he has concomitant diseases that slow down the treatment.

Thus, arthrosis is a serious disease that is characterized by a slowly progressive course. Without proper treatment, the patient's condition will get worse and worse every day. To prevent worsening of the clinical picture, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor for a course of treatment.

The best choice would be to make an appointment with the leading specialist in this field - Viktor Demyanovich Gitt. This doctor rightfully considers one of the best therapists who deal with the treatment of arthrosis. High qualifications and extensive work experience are confirmed not only by the reviews of his patients, but also by the opinions of fellow doctors. By signing up for a consultation with him, you will ensure a quick recovery.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating diseases. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, then this is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. You are solely responsible for the application.

Inflammatory diseases of the joints often affect the young, but arthrosis is common in the older age group, and especially among women. In fact, arthrosis is a non-inflammatory joint disease that has a long progressive course. In this case, atrophic and degenerative processes occur in cartilage tissues, ligaments, capsules and even surrounding muscles. The most typical symptoms of arthrosis are joint deformity and limitation of active movements in it, local pain and inflammation.

Arthrosis most often affects the knee joints and the spinal column. The reason is quite understandable - they bear the greatest load while maintaining the body in an upright position. Also, the features of the blood supply to the knee joints contribute to the development of osteoarthritis. There are a huge number of factors leading to the occurrence of this disease, but there are not so many methods of treatment. Traumatologists, orthopedists, surgeons, pharmacists are working on this, various medicines, exercises, devices that should improve the patient's condition.

A number of specialists have developed their own methods to help people suffering from osteoarthritis. Among them is Gitt Vitaly Demyanovich - the treatment of arthrosis is his specialty. His unique method has already shown excellent results in the rehabilitation of severe, sometimes even hopeless patients. Vitaly Gitt is a traumatologist with a solid experience, thanks to his knowledge and vast experience, he was able to put together all better ways struggle with the disease and developed a system that, with the direct participation of the patient, allows you to get a clear improvement in the work of the entire musculoskeletal system. In the process of treatment, the shape of the ribs, the spinal column changes in a person, intervertebral hernias and severe deforming arthrosis disappear without a trace.

What is the secret, you ask? And there is no secret. Vitaly Gitt skillfully uses manual therapy techniques, impact on active points of the body, and also combines them with special therapeutic exercises that allow not only to straighten the curved skeleton, but also to stimulate the growth of cartilage tissue, tendons, and “fix” the bones in the correct position.

By the way, Gitt's set of exercises is suitable for all people, regardless of age category. It does not require special devices and is adapted for home use. The main goal is to nourish the diseased joint, push recovery processes in it and force the process to go back.

In addition to exercises, a special massage is used, it is called percussion. His distinguishing feature in that the doctor acts on the affected area not directly, but through his palm. For example, if the hands are affected by arthrosis, the doctor puts the patient's hand on his knee, covers it with his palm on top, and taps his hand with his other hand. So it turns out that hand blows first pass through the palm of the doctor, and then they are already transmitted to the patient. Due to this indirect effect on the joint, there is no sharp pain, and the recovery process is much faster.

Vitaliy Gitt's exercise methodology was created on the basis of his many years of experience as a manual therapist. In the course of treatment, problems with the spine and joints are solved. Using a system of micromovements, he achieves restoration of cartilage, straightening of arms and legs, and corrects.

The method is based on a small strength and dosed effect on the joints for a long time.

Principle of treatment

Painless treatment of osteochondrosis, disc protrusion, arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis, and synovitis at any age has become possible thanks to the unique Gitt micromovements. Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt studied the problem in detail while working as a chiropractor. And he successfully applies all his methods in practice. His system includes low-amplitude exercises, percussion (manual) massage, a low-protein diet and special devices for treatment.

The method of non-surgical treatment involves exposure through repeated repetitions of simple exercises. They allow the production of joint fluid, which is necessary for the nutrition of cartilage.

The basis of the theory was the assumption that the bones during a person's life are in the process of continuous restructuring. Constantly and methodically acting, you can achieve the necessary mobility.


A feature of the technique is the minimum amplitude. This makes it possible to do many repetitions and eliminate pain. That is why Dr. Gitt developed gymnastics for the treatment of joints, which does not require special conditions and is convenient to perform anywhere.

An additional therapeutic effect is provided by a low-protein diet. You should not completely abandon proteins, you just need to use them of plant origin.

Gymnastics varies slightly depending on the disease. That is why exercises are given in each individual case. But in order to choose the right exercises, you still need to consult a doctor.


With coxarthrosis, almost all movements are painful. They also bring suffering to a person. To relieve pain and relieve tension, you need to do multiple exercises daily:

  1. Lie on your back. It is better to start classes right in bed or reclining. A roller is placed under the knees. The more severe the degree of the disease, the higher the roller. Spread your legs a little and turn left and right by 1 cm. The joints work actively, but without straining and without leading to pain. This gymnastics can be done while sitting, leaning back in the chair.
  2. The exercise is performed lying on the stomach. The body should be as relaxed as possible, hands under the chin, feet on a small roller so that the socks do not rest. Movements are performed in different directions with a small frequency. Muscles do not strain at all, do not raise the pelvis. You can put an extra pillow under the pelvis. It is recommended to do as many approaches as possible throughout the day.
  3. Sitting on a chair, gently spread and bring your knees together. The hands are on the knees. The execution time is the maximum possible. Depending on the sensations, you should choose an individual position of the legs. They may have to be placed wide or, conversely, almost side by side.

  4. Sitting on a chair. Alternately raising the heels by 1-2 cm. Between lifting 5-10 seconds of a break. You don't need a fast pace. Long term impact is important. This exercise is convenient to do almost everywhere.
  5. Stand with a healthy foot on a step or elevation of 5–10 cm. Hang the sore leg down as much as possible and swing it in different directions. Make sure that there are no discomfort. Be sure to hold on to the railing.
  6. Make a small loop out of a fabric or belt and hang it up. Lying on your back, put your foot in the loop and begin to sway lightly to the sides. You can also work with your knee.

Classes are best divided into several series. Total time at least 4 hours per day.

It is better to start gymnastics with movements available for health reasons. If performed correctly, there will be no fatigue or pain.

Shoulder diseases

Micromovements provide the diseased joint with constant nutrition with useful substances. Thanks to the movements, there is a regular influx of fluid in the articular bag.

Exercises while sitting on a chair for the shoulder joint:

  1. Raise and lower your shoulders by 2 cm.
  2. Slightly move your shoulders back and forth.
  3. Put your hand on your knee or on the surface of the table. Relax your arm and shoulder as much as possible. Gently swing your elbow to the side, avoiding pain.
  4. Gently make small circular movements with your shoulders.

All exercises are done with two shoulders. You can start with 5 minutes every hour. Gradually increase the training time.

Rehabilitation lasts more than one day, and not even a month. Only regular exercises and patience will help to achieve the desired result.

This method is effective even in chronic arthritis or arthrosis. Dynamics is also noted when drug therapy does not give special results.


Although there is an opinion that this disease is incurable, but Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt treats arthrosis quite successfully thanks to his technique. It is better to start with the simplest positions. If pain is felt, stop immediately.

Long-term minimal intensity is beneficial for the joints, but not short-term significant load.

Gymnastics for the knee joint:

  1. Sit on the table. Relax with both legs. Start at 5 minutes every hour. There is no time limit. It is useful to do it daily for a long time.
  2. Light squats. Perform without pain. Hold onto a support.
  3. Rocking forward and backward. Sitting on the floor and clasping your bent knees, gently bend over, gradually increasing the amplitude.

Knee ligament exercises performed while sitting on the floor:

  • Throw the left foot on the right thigh. The leg is extended. It is easy to press on the knee area, pressing it to the mat.
  • Bend over to the feet, sitting on the floor with straight legs.
  • Flatten the soles of both feet. Gently pull up to the buttocks. Bend your knees towards the mat. If necessary, help with your hands.
  • From the previous position, make small forward bends.
  • From a standing position, try to squat between your legs wide apart. Toes apart. Be sure to keep your hands on the chair.
  • Sitting on a chair, spread your legs as wide as possible. Then, without taking your feet off the floor, connect your knees. You can help with your hands.

The duration of one exercise is no more than two minutes. If recommended by a doctor, you can additionally treat with thermal compresses, heating pads, ointments.

elbow joint

Due to the active work of the elbow joint, it is not recommended to additionally load it. One simple exercise is enough: lying down or sitting, just tap your fingers on the floor or knees.

It can be used not only for treatment, but for the prevention of arthrosis. It is easy to use when performing office or home work.

Ankle joint

A significant decrease in human motor activity can lead to development. Gentle gymnastics with minimum radius turns will make up for the lack of movement:

  • Lie on your back. Move your feet towards and away from you. Movements are performed in a relaxed state.
  • Lying on your back, slowly rotate your feet alternately in different directions.
  • Sitting on a low sofa, depict walking. Lower and raise the toe and heel alternately.

If the tendons are damaged, gymnastics is performed while sitting on the couch. It is usually useful for restoring an injured leg. But it can be used for both legs:

  • Top top. Raising the heel 1-2 cm from the floor, you need to lean on the toe. Then, lightly lowering it, pause for a few seconds and repeat.
  • Slap-slap. Lightly standing on the heel, slap on the floor with socks. This should be done carefully, raising your fingers only 2 cm from the floor. Be sure to take a short break.

Such movements can be performed many times a day. It is necessary not to overstrain the leg, but to give it constant light activity. The execution period should be gradually increased.

Exercise should be started only after the end of the acute phase of the disease. A day is required to devote 3-4 hours to classes.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Joint health depends on many factors: trauma, overload, birth defects. Cervical osteochondrosis appears regardless of age. It disrupts the blood supply to the brain.

The following exercises for the neck are designed to restore discs:

  1. Sitting up straight, lower your head slightly forward, as if nodding your head and answering the interlocutor "Yes."
  2. Slightly tilting your head forward, shake your head as if the answer is "No."
  3. Lie on your back with a small roll of towel under your neck. The head should be on weight. Slightly shake your head to the right, to the left.

Such treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is recommended for two minutes every half hour. No age limit. It is done many times during the day. After two months of such exercises, the motor activity of the spinal column improves, memory, vision, and hearing improve.

Vibrating couch

The main purpose of the couch is vibration to relax tight muscles, toning weak muscles. Due to this, blood circulation increases, metabolism improves. The time-varying vibrations reproduced by the couch are similar to natural human body fluctuations (walking, running, resting). The vibrocouch is effective for posture disorders, joint degeneration, disc herniation.

Being optional remedy, the vibrating couch is applied by different courses. Sessions usually start in a few minutes. The procedure involves several poses - on the back, on the stomach, on the side. Sometimes special rollers and pillows are placed.

Every person's health is in their own hands. A variety of exercises sometimes help better than expensive drugs. Taking Gitt's gymnastics as a basis, you can help your body restore lost functions.

Special static and dynamic exercises are useful for both children and adults. By daily microdoses of exercise, you can achieve a significant improvement in motor activity.

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Undoubtedly believing that there is Happiness, Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt in his book enthusiastically and fascinatingly reveals the modern magical map of the world. The author invites the reader to search for miracles, gives him the opportunity to take a fresh look at the usual reality.

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RUNES are a powerful magical tool, with the help of which even now you can work miracles, attracting precious drops of Happiness into your life. In this book you will find everything you need to apply the Runes yourself or make right choice if you decide to ask for help...

  • November 12, 2013, 14:24

Genre: ,

This book is for those who want to help their loved ones get rid of diseases of the spine and joints, as well as for professionals who are looking for new techniques and methods of treatment.

The book presents a unique author's technique of Dr. Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt, proven by twenty years of professional experience and hundreds of cases of healing diseases that are incurable from the point of view of official medicine. The methodology is presented in an easy and accessible form: the disease - the method of detection - possible errors - what cannot be done - what can and should be done and how.

Let this book help you give others health!

The use of the book does not replace the need to consult with ...

  • November 10, 2013, 00:33

Genre: ,

The main theme of this book is arthrosis. Diseases of large joints - hip, knee, shoulder - are considered the most hopeless and are one of the most common causes disability. The book describes the unique author's technique of Dr. Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt, which allows, with the active participation of the patient, to cure the most severe cases of joint diseases. Here you will find simple exercises for independent work, manual therapy techniques, as well as tips on how not to harm yourself with the wrong treatment and not get on the operating table.

The book discusses the impact of diseases of the musculoskeletal system on the emergence of such frequent phenomena of modern life as depression, chronic fatigue, decreased performance, alcohol and drug addiction, meteopathy, etc.

The methods presented in the book are supported by more than twenty years of professional experience and hundreds of cases of curing incurable from the point of view of official medicine ...