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Cultivated food plants examples.

Crop production the science of breeding cropsagricultural plants, as well asThis is breeding itself. ("Dictionary" S.I. Ozhegov)Plants , which man himself lands, takes care of the seedlings, with the harvest, used for food called cultural.

When the Portuguese come focused on their Eurocentric vision, they disapprove of anything that is not part of their culture. Even when Prodanov says: “America was the embodiment of fertility and elements capable of changing the standard of living of the Europeans,” they did not want to maintain a relationship of respect and harmony with the natives. This is because of the objectification factor of exploring a colony, regardless of who lives there.

Relations with the New World make events more intense due to a constant climate of threats from other European states interested in exploring the New World. Ma, in order for these threats to be more easily blocked, it is necessary for Portugal to establish fixed settlements on the new land. And from this, based on this territorial fixation, local residents began to more directly feel the invasion of invaders.

Plant growing is divided into several main branches: field growing, vegetable growing, fruit growing, floriculture.

Plants field

A field is an open, treeless space in which to grow cultivated plants.

In the Perm region, grain crops are cultivated in the fields - rye, wheat, barley, oats, millet and buckwheat; vegetable crops - cabbage, carrots, beets, cucumbers, etc.; forage crops - clover, vetch, peas, turnips, fodder beets, etc.; industrial crops - flax, potatoes.

Having already had contact with these arriving peoples, the natives also already had close relationships with the colonizers. According to Chiavenato, "they received an identification loaded with ideology as natives and savages" and were thus treated. Therefore, with the cores fixed on the ground, the means became more and more intrusive. As Chiavenato says, “the great guilt of the natives was to fight for their land, defending only their way of life.”

Firstly, a white man needed labor and so he tried to make the Indian his slave by changing the rhythm, if life was led by the native, then they wanted to save souls and for this they used catechesis to Christianize those who lived as pagans, Who did not possess souls and who were true barbarians. With the arrival of the Jesuits, the process of catechesis intensified, due to the need of the colonizer to force the Indian to accept his subordinate state of life. They were then increasingly subjected to physical and cultural violence and became victims of a silent, ongoing genocide.

Grain crops occupy a leading place in field cultivation. They are the basis for the development of other sectors of agriculture and industry.

Among grain crops, the first place in terms of crops in the region is occupied by winter rye. It is cultivated in the north, central and southern regions. It is not afraid of cold weather, produces a good harvest and ripens early.

The missionaries who came to Brazil first wanted to save souls, but that is not what happened during history. They began to want to bring the natives closer to the Portuguese settlements so that they would become Christians. So-called settlements will be born, located mainly on the coast of Bahia, from São Paulo, from Capitan São Vicente, in the northeast from Alagoas to Ceará. Where these missionaries forced the Hindus to work for them and learn the Christian faith. Each village had its own garden and this made these villages independent and threatening to the rulers.

The second place in terms of grain crops is occupied by wheat- the most valuable grain crop. It loves warmth, so it is cultivated in the southern part of the region.

In the northern regions they also grow barley and oats. In the south of the region - millet.


These missionaries tried to learn indigenous languages, which were scarce, in order to teach them better. There were Jesuits who were great experts in indigenous languages ​​and wrote catechisms, books, prayers, poems and songs to get closer to the Indians and thus bring them into the world of the whites. Several mass baptisms were held in which the Indians lost their tribal names and earned Christian names, as well as "adopting" the faith and peace of devotion. From there, indigenous heritage was framed in a social context.

With so many battles against cultural and physical oppression, in addition to the many wars that destroyed many Indians and Indian descendants who still had strong cultural expression in their Everyday life. The continuity of this genocidal process introduced an indigenous heritage and folkloric component.



All these cultivated plants differ from each other, but their structure has much in common. All of them herbaceous plants, the root is a bunch, the stem is a straw, hollow inside, has large nodes, which makes it strong and stable. The leaves are narrow and long. Small flowers of rye, wheat, and barley are collected in ears, and millet and oats are collected in panicles. Later, fruits - grains - are formed from the flowers. Such plants are called cereal grains.

Over time, the Portuguese, French, Dutch and English were added. Cultural norms, applied differently in the regions of Brazil, each of which exist, have a greater impact on each invader on specific ones. They were only an addition at that hour to further drown out the culture of our Indian, which, before many others and increasingly despised, is returning. But this process, as mentioned earlier, was continuous. After many Europeans, with their pomp and glory, came the Africans who, even when they came to the principles in small numbers, brought their cultural forms that were implanted as well as shaped in the social context.

The grains of these plants differ from each other. For example, rye has oblong, darker grains, while wheat has round, light grains.

Use of cultivated cereals

Name of cultural


What do you get?

But it somehow imposed and covered up the indigenous culture, even if it was unconsciously. From one hour to the next the population becomes largely descended African and gradually their culture gains greater momentum and emphasis. It became after the Portuguese culture the most prominent in Brazil. Italians, Germans, Poles, Spaniards, Lebanese, Arabs, Americans, Japanese, among others, have enhanced our culture and also suffocated the cultural roots of the "Parrot Country" throughout our cultural history, It is in this "democratic racial" cradle, on in fact, there has always been a great cultural imposition on all sides, which has been expanded in accordance with the transformations of the world, that is, migrations for political, religious and economic reasons; The economic trends of the world of globalization, in addition to others that are gradually being created due to the emergence of new world economic powers such as China today.


Rye flour (rye bread is baked).

The bran is used to feed livestock.

The straw goes to the bedding.


Wheat flour (white bread is baked, confectionery products, pasta are made).

Wheat groats.



Barley flour.

Barley groats.

Pearl barley.

All this ideological-cultural domination experienced by the natives served and still serves to maintain a passive mass in relation to current events, without any changes in them. It turns out that the condition of dependence imposed on the native is related to the relation of power and dependence of peoples, as Darci Secchi says.

This means that even in contact, as in other cultures, the society that receives direct influence, must control these influences so that complete destruction of their culture does not occur. But the awareness of this control did not reach our red skin due to the rapid form of cultural destruction suffered during the colonization process. In fact, as already mentioned, the Indians fought only for their land, for self-help.


Oatmeal flour.




Millet Millet groats.

Plants from which bread is obtained are called grain plants.

Farmers have to spend a lot of time, effort, and money to grow grain crops, harvest crops, and prepare bread. Therefore, it must be protected!

There were about 5 million Indians in Brazil, where there were about 1.5 million people on the coast alone. Each tribe had its own customs, some even similar to each other. They had a political organization where the cacique was an important person who made decisions along with all the other adults of the tribe. The pagans, that is, the priests, followed the tradition of the tribes. They depended on hunting, fishing, many of them were nomads, and others already had a sedentary life, growing fruits, corn crops, among other edible and medicinal plants.

Vegetable plants

Many vegetables are grown in the fields: cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, onions, etc.

White cabbage often called the "queen of vegetables".

Cabbage is very rich in vitamins; it is the basis of many dishes. It is eaten raw in salads, boiled in cabbage soup and borscht, stewed, pickled, and pies are baked with it. A lot of knowledge, work and time must be devoted to growing this crop. Cabbage loves warmth and moisture. Its homeland is warm countries. Without preparation, cabbage will not have time to ripen during the relatively short Ural summer. Therefore, in early spring, when the field is still resting, people plant small blackish round seeds in greenhouses or greenhouses. From them grow light green plants with two leaves (seedlings).

All the work necessary for the survival of the tribe was done in groups, and the product of labor was divided into each tribe or each village. Children were important and respected. The child was considered the daughter not only of her parents, but of the entire tribe. Their school was a life where they learned everything they needed to take their place well in family life. “There are no children left from this school,” Valeria Rezende. Women should not be single because they should always give children to the tribe. In general, when there were more women than men, they could practice this, a practice that is very common among most tribes.

When it gets warm, the seedlings are planted in fields and vegetable gardens. More and more leaves appear on plants. They press closer and closer to each other. This is how a head of cabbage is formed. The inner leaves become juicy and white. There are 40 - 70 of them in a head of cabbage, and sometimes more, and they hold tightly, pressing against each other. Cabbage is harvested in the fall.

They had habits that were completely different from what the Portuguese were used to seeing with their dressing, because they were practically naked, only decorated with bracelets, necklaces, cocaine with animal feathers, thongs, etc. they made paintings on their bodies, paintings representing each tribe in particular, or specific occasions such as celebrations and wars.

They worshiped their ancestors and their main gods, they were representatives of cosmology. Some rituals practice anthropophagy, where they believe one obtains the virtues of sacrifice in this act. These people who were sacrificed were prisoners of war because, like the rest of the world, the Indians had weaknesses, they were in danger when they entered the forest, they got sick, they fought among themselves, etc.

Green cucumbers are a favorite vegetable plant. They are also good marinated or salted in winter.

The homeland of cucumbers is India, a warm southern country. In our conditions, cucumbers give a good harvest if they are grown correctly. Cucumbers, like cabbage and tomatoes, are first planted in greenhouses or greenhouses, i.e. people seem to artificially lengthen the summer for them. Then, with the onset of warm weather, they are transplanted into beds. From the seedlings grow low plants with creeping fragile stems and rough leaves, then yellow gramophone-shaped flowers bloom, and from them oblong, bright green juicy fruits - cucumbers - are formed.

The main tribes found on the coast are: Tupinabas, Kayapos, Nhambiquares, Carijes, Guaranis, Caetes, Trememes, Aymores, Manaos, Tupinikis and others. All relationships between these tribes were made by language; it is estimated that about 500 different indigenous languages ​​were spoken in Brazil 500 years ago. These languages ​​belong to the families that belong to the Tupi, Macro-J and Aruacu chests. However, there are families that cannot be identified or connected to any of these connecting lines.

These are: Carib, Pano, Maku, Yanoma, Mura, Tukano, Katukina, Tshapakura, Nambikwara and Guaikuru. There are also languages ​​that are classified into different dialects such as spoken Krikati, Ramkokamekra, Apinay, Kraho, Gavian, Pyukobi and Apaniyekra, which are different dialects of the Timbira language.

Spring seeds carrots, beets, radishes Sow directly into the beds and water thoroughly. Low plants with green leaves appear. Their roots grow and become thicker and juicier. They accumulate nutrients: sugar, starch, vitamins. A month later, radishes ripen, and later carrots and beets.

The partial loss of these languages ​​was one of the major stifling points during the 507 Brazilian years. Learning languages ​​that are still spoken and others that are only known is of paramount importance for indigenous schools to seek their cultural identity.

There are several writings in dialects and vernacular languages, from the times of the Jesuit missionaries, Franciscans and Dominicans. And the study of these works was of great importance for a better understanding of these languages ​​and could directly help in teaching in our Indian schools, as well as in public and private schools that are considered non-Indigenous.




Plants whose thickened roots are eaten are called root vegetables.

Onion- a valuable food product. It contains sugar and various vitamins. Not a single meat or fish dish is complete without onions. Even in ancient times, onions were used as a healing plant for many diseases. That's why the people made up the following saying: "The bow cures seven diseases." Our scientists have found that onions release volatile substances (phytoncides), which kill putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, eating onions has medicinal value.

It was an imposition on 688 groups who spoke languages ​​associated with Carib, Aruak Pano, J. and other isolated language families. But in the linguistic part, we could not help but master the knowledge culturally. Our red skins also looked at the sky, and from it, besides their gods, they made what we now call astronomy. For the Guarani Indians, they observed some constellations, such as: Ema, the Old Man, to accompany the weather and time. The stars had a spiritual name different from those used to designate them in everyday life, the very calendar they used was associated with the trajectory main star, sun.

Onions are eaten with green leaves and bulbs. Onions are native to dry steppes. The plant has adapted to retain nutrients in the bulb during the dry period, which has wonderful properties. Many people store onions in winter, and they do not dry out. In spring, the bulb germinates easily and produces green leaves, and in greenhouses even in winter. It can easily overwinter. Sometimes lek are planted in beds before winter. When the snow begins to melt, the onions will already have green leaves.

The Indians, who had been almost exterminated throughout history, were almost reduced to approximately 1 million people, who spread across several regions of Brazilian territory. Moreover, many still suffer from prejudice, form their own personality, are lazy, free, etc.

But this is not actually what is happening, as economic and political evolution hinders the evolution of educational organization. This is due to the influence of the economic system on the creation of human resources that must be prepared for school life. However, cultural heritage influences the values ​​and choices of the population that seeks a school, and it is this heritage, even if very outdated, that drives descendant children to seek better education for themselves and to be able to pass for others.

Potato- a valuable food product. It is often called the "second bread". Potatoes are an important industrial crop. Starch, alcohol, and molasses are obtained from it.

In spring, a lot of potatoes are planted in the fields and gardens of the region. Herbaceous plants grow in the form of bushes with branched stems. They reach a height of 50 - 60 cm. In mid-summer, white-pink and purple flowers. Once upon a time, potatoes were grown for the sake of these flowers to decorate clothes, not knowing about the properties of the underground parts of this plant.

Observing the flowers, you can see that then round, green fruits with small seeds, reminiscent of tomatoes, appear from them. You can't eat them, they are bitter and poisonous.

In the underground part, the potato stems produce underground white branches, at the ends of which thickenings are formed - young tubers. They gradually enlarge and fill with starch. In autumn, a rich harvest of potato tubers is usually harvested.

The homeland of potatoes is South America. Potatoes were not immediately recognized in Russia. In the beginning, they mistakenly ate not tubers, but bitter fruits. Therefore, many peasants did not want to plant it. Planting potatoes was spread among the population by force, and this caused “potato riots” in ancient times.

But gradually people mastered this culture and realized that potatoes are an indispensable food product. Now we grow many high-yielding varieties of potatoes.

So, potatoes are not eaten as fruit, but as modified underground part stem, called a tuber.

Fruit and berry plants

Due to cold and long winters, gardening in the Perm region is underdeveloped. But still, gardeners grow sea buckthorn, cherries, garden strawberries, currants, raspberries, gooseberries, plums, apple trees, etc.

Garden strawberries




Sea ​​buckthorn


Apple tree


Gardening is concentrated in the south of the region and in the suburbs of Perm, Chusovoy, Krasnokamsk, Okhansk and other settlements. But still, most of the fruits for the population are brought from other countries and the southern regions of our country.


From year to year, our cities and towns are decorated with flowers in the spring and summer. In the spring, when the snow has just melted, they appear on garden plots first perennials: snow-white narcissus with an unforgettable delicate aroma, red and yellow tulips, purple irises.




Bloom later peonies. They delight with the richness of their colors and the size of saucer-sized flowers: scarlet, soft pink, white with a pleasant smell.

Then red and white appear carnations, lilies. Tall and slender ones bloom phlox: lilac, purple, pink and white. They bloom all summer.

Carnations Lilies Phlox

In the second half of summer, beautiful dahlias of various colors and shapes bloom and are surprisingly elegant. gladioli.

Mostly annuals bloom in squares, parks and streets: asters, cosmos, petunias, marigold, calendula and many others.

Calendula Asters Cosmea Marigolds

In the city of Perm there is an enterprise "Flowers of the Kama Region", where in greenhouses all year round plants are blooming, including beautiful ones roses.

Here, annual seedlings are grown for landscaping and beautifying the city.

The power of flowers to influence people's feelings is enormous. They heal us, inspire us and improve our mood. They decorate homes, streets, parks and gardens. They are presented at special events, given as gifts for holidays, and placed on the graves of the dead, at obelisks. On Victory Day, May 9, they are given to war veterans.