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Scientific research activities at school work program. Work program of the elective course “Scientific, research and project activities of students. Life and customs of the village


course“Fundamentals of scientific research and design activities”

FOR 7-8 grades



Number of hours:

only 68 hours

per week 1 hour

Compiler of the program Parshina L.A.

Program “Fundamentals of research and design activities»» created in accordance with curriculum GBOU School No. 744. The program is designed for 68 hours for students in grades 7-8. 1 hour per week is allocated for project activities in grades 7-8. Accordingly, the program is designed for 34 hours in 7th grade, 34 hours in 8th grade.

Moscow, 2017

Results of mastering the course of project activities.

Must learn

Formed actions

Students must learn see problems; ask questions; put forward hypotheses;

define concepts;

classify; observe;

conduct experiments; make inferences and conclusions;

structure the material;

prepare texts of your own reports; explain, prove and defend your ideas.

In the course of solving a system of design problems, students should develop the following abilities:

1. Reflect (see the problem; analyze what has been done - why it worked, why it didn’t work, see difficulties, mistakes);

2. Goal setting (set and maintain goals);

3.Plan (make a plan for your activities);

4. Model (present the method of action in the form of a model-scheme, highlighting everything that is essential and important);

5. Show initiative when searching for a way(s) to solve a problem;

6.Engage in communication (interact when solving a problem, defend your position, accept or reasonably reject the points of view of others).

Personal and meta-subject results


Developed skills

Formation means


1. forming students’ motivation for learning, self-organization and self-development.

2.development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate information space, development of critical and creative thinking.

organization of pair-group work in class

Meta-subject results


1.take into account the action guidelines identified by the student in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher;

2. plan your action in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan

3 carry out final and step-by-step control over the result; collaboration with the teacher, set new learning objectives;

2.convert practical problem into cognitive; cognitive initiative in educational cooperation


1.learning skills: creative problem solving skills and skills of searching, analyzing and interpreting information.

2. obtain the necessary knowledge and, with its help, do specific work. for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;

4.learn the basics of semantic reading of literary and educational texts, highlight essential information from texts different types;

5. carry out analysis of objects, highlighting essential and non-essential features;

1.carry out an advanced search for information using library resources and the Internet


1.Learn to perform various roles in a group (leader, performer, critic).

2.the ability to coordinate one’s efforts with the efforts of others.

3.formulate your own opinion and position;

4. negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interests;

5.ask questions;

6.allow for the possibility that people have different points of view, including those that do not coincide with his own, and focus on the partner’s position in communication and interaction;

7.take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation

1.take into account different opinions and interests and justify your own position;

2.understand the relativity of opinions and approaches to solving a problem;

3. give reasons for your position and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation when developing a common decision in joint activities;

4. productively resolve conflicts based on taking into account the interests and positions of all its participants;

5. taking into account the goals of communication, it is sufficiently accurate, consistent and complete to convey to the partner the necessary information as a guideline for constructing an action

Topic 1. Project? Project! Scientific research and our lives. A conversation about the role of scientific research in our lives. Assignment “Look at the world through someone else’s eyes.” 1 HOUR

Topic 2. How to choose a project topic? Discussion and selection of research topics. Conversation “What am I interested in?” Discussion of the chosen topic for research. Memo “How to choose a topic.” 2 HOURS

Topic 3. How to choose a friend based on a common interest? (interest groups). Tasks to identify common interests. Group work. 1 HOUR

Topic 4. What can projects be? Introduction to types of projects. Work in groups. 2 HOURS

Topic 5. Formulation of goals, research objectives, hypotheses. Setting the purpose of the research on the chosen topic. Defining tasks to achieve the goal. Proposing hypotheses. 2 HOURS

Topic 6. Work planning. Drawing up a work plan for the project. Game "Places". 2 HOURS

Topic 7. Introduction to research methods and subjects. Experiment of cognition in action. Introduce methods and subjects of research. Determine the subject of research in your project. Experiment as a form of understanding the world. 2 HOURS

Topic 8. Training in questionnaires, social surveys, interviewing. Drawing up questionnaires and surveys. Conducting interviews in groups. 2 HOURS

Topic 9. Working in the library with catalogs. Selection and compilation of a list of literature on the research topic. Excursion to the library. Selecting the necessary literature on the project topic. 2 HOURS

Topic 10. Analysis of the literature read. Reading and selecting the necessary parts of the text for the project. Learn to correctly write down literature used in the project. 3 HOURS

Topic 11. Study of objects. Pract. an activity aimed at exploring objects in student projects. 2 HOURS

Topic 12. Basic logical operations. We learn to evaluate ideas, highlight the main and the secondary. Thought experiment “What can you make from a piece of paper?” Compose a story based on the finished ending. 1 HOUR

Topic 13. Analysis and synthesis. Judgments, inferences, conclusions. Game "Find the artist's mistakes." A practical task aimed at developing to analyze your actions and draw conclusions. 2 HOURS

Topic 14. How to report research results.

Topic 15. Design of work. Making drawings, crafts, etc. 2 HOURS

Topic 16. Work in the computer class. Presentation design.

Topic 17. Mini-conference based on the results of our own research. Students give presentations of their projects. 2 HOURS

Topic 18. Analysis of research activities. Analysis of your project activities. 1 HOUR

Project? Project!

Scientific research and our lives.

A conversation about the role of scientific research in our lives. Assignment “Look at the world through someone else’s eyes.”

How to choose a project topic? Discussion and selection of research topics.

Conversation “What am I interested in?” Discussion of the chosen topic for research. Memo “How to choose a topic.”

How to choose a friend based on a common interest? (interest groups)

Tasks to identify common interests. Group work.

What could the projects be?

Introduction to types of projects. Work in groups.

Formulation of goals, research objectives, hypotheses.

Setting the purpose of the research on the chosen topic. Defining tasks to achieve the goal. Proposing hypotheses.

30.10 – 4.11.17

Work planning.

Drawing up a work plan for the project. Game "Places".

Introduction to research methods and subjects. Experiment of cognition in action.

Introduce methods and subjects of research. Determine the subject of research in your project. Experiment as a form of understanding the world.

Training in questionnaires, social surveys, interviewing.

Drawing up questionnaires and surveys. Conducting interviews in groups.

Working in the library with catalogs. Selection and compilation of a list of literature on the research topic.

Excursion to the library. Selecting the necessary literature on the project topic.

Analysis of the literature read.

Reading and selecting the necessary parts of the text for the project. Learn to correctly write down literature used in the project.

5.02 – 11.02.18

Research of objects.

A practical lesson aimed at exploring objects in student projects.

Basic logical operations. We learn to evaluate ideas, highlight the main and the secondary.

Thought experiment “What can you make from a piece of paper?” Compose a story based on the finished ending.

Analysis and synthesis. Judgments, inferences, conclusions.

Game "Find the artist's mistakes." A practical task aimed at developing the ability to analyze your actions and draw conclusions.

19.03. -25.03.18

How to report research results

Drawing up a work plan. Message requirements.

Registration of work.

Making drawings, crafts, etc.

Work in the computer class. Presentation design.

Working on a computer - creating a presentation.

Mini conference based on the results of our own research

Students give presentations of their projects.

Analysis of your project activities.

Topic 1.1. Forms for submitting research papers

Topic 1.2. Types and types of educational research

Topic 1.3. Choosing a theme

Characteristics of concepts: topic, subject, object of research. Justification of the relevance of the choice of research topic. The subject of research as a problem in the research topic itself. Idea, concept, judgment and concept, postulate, axiom of research. Correspondence of the goals and objectives to the research topic.

Topic 1.4. Organization of the study. Process control

Planning research activities taking into account goals and objectives. Drawing up research control points. Preliminary theoretical development of the problem.

Section 2. Working with scientific literature

Search for sources and literature, selection of factual material.

Topic 2.1. Information support for the study – 1 hour.

Topic 2.2. Note-taking of sources – 1 hour.

Topic 2.3. Processing the content of scientific texts. Result control – 1 hour.

Use of scientific terminology. Factual material that outlines the range of basic concepts, phenomena, and information necessary for research.

Section 3. Study Design

Preliminary development of a scientific apparatus that determines the content and technology of all search activities.

Topic 3.1. General provisions- 1 hour.

Topic 3.2. Research design – 1 hour.

Topic 3.3. Designing research tactics. Leading control – 1 hour.

Consideration of actions aimed at achieving the stated goal of the study.

Section 4. Graphic materials in the study

Topic 4.1. General provisions – 2 hours.

Consideration various types graphs (line graphs, diagrams, tables, diagrams, drawings, etc.) as a visual representation of verbal material.

Topic 4.2. Placement of graphic materials – 1 hour.

Section 5. Structure and writing of various forms of research papers - 5 hours.

Rules for writing, content, design of research papers.

Topic 5.1. Structure of research work – 2 hours.

Topic 5.2. Requirements for preparing research papers – 2 hours.

Sheet size, font (depending on the topic and subject of research), requirements for page parameters, line spacing.

Topic 5. 3. Analysis of research results – 1 hour.

Self-knowledge by students of their internal state, personal characteristics, emotional reactions.

Topic 6.1. Speech competence of students. Public speaking. - 2 hours.

Topic 6.2. Argumentation – 1 hour.

Techniques for strengthening arguments. Methods of argumentation in different audiences.

Topic 6.3. The concept of informational speech – 1 hour.

Topic 6.4. Types of persuasive speeches. Knowledge test – 1 hour.

The concepts of inspiring, agitational, and actually persuasive speeches.

Topic 6.5. Interests and inclinations. Attention. Memory. Thinking. Imagination (testing) – 4 hours.

Direction of consciousness (psyche). Characteristics of memory productivity. Development of mental activity. Mental reproduction, fantasy.

Topic 7.1. Preparation for the defense of the study – 1 hour.

Topic 7.2. Protection research work - 2 hours.

Calendar and thematic planning of an academic subject (course)

Forms of implementation and types of activities

Section 1. Preparatory work- 8 ocloc'k.


Forms for presenting research works.

Acquaintance with various forms of research work based on individual independence and personally oriented search and research activity of each student. The most common text works (report, poster presentation, abstract, literature review, review), as well as in the form of a computer presentation or video, less often a working model or layout with text accompaniment.

Types and types of educational research.

Typology of sources of knowledge. Research of three groups: theoretical, empirical, mixed. Methods of scientific knowledge.

Selecting a topic.

Practical lesson. Approaches to defining and explaining the topic, subject, object of subject research.

Organization of the study.

Process control.

Practical lesson. Composing research operations.

Section 2. Working with scientific literature – 3 hours.

Information support for research.

Scientific texts are the main source of research work. Selecting literature to read and study. Concepts: source, literature.

Note-taking of sources.

Types, forms, technological methods of note-taking. Note criteria.

Control based on results.

Practical part. Comparative actions to select the necessary information.

Section 3. Research design – 3 hours.

General provisions.

Composition of the scientific apparatus. Concepts of leading areas of research. Terminology.

Research design.

Search and definition of the main path and proposed result of the entire study (strategy).

Designing research tactics. Forward control.

Practical lesson. Drawing up operations that clarify and specify search and research activities.

Section 4. Graphic materials in the study – 3 hours.

General provisions.

Practical lesson. Drawing up diagrams, graphs, diagrams illustrating the research process.

Placement of graphic materials.

Rules for placing graphic materials in research work.

Section 5. Structure and writing of various forms of research papers - 5 hours

Structure of research works.

Study of the unified structure of research papers: introduction, main part, conclusion, bibliography, appendix.

Requirements for registration of research works.

Practical lesson. Working with completed material.

Analysis of the research results.

Formation of conclusions and generalizations.

Section 6. Performance culture – 7 hours.

Speech competence of students. Public speaking.

Vocabulary, its meaning. Active and passive vocabulary. Slang. The structure of a public speech.


Practical lesson. Argumentation of theses.

The concept of informational speech.

Rules for preparing informational speech. Types of informational speeches.

Types of persuasive speeches. Knowledge control.

Practical part. Working with the text of a persuasive speech.

Interests and inclinations. Attention. Memory. Thinking. Imagination (testing).

Practical lesson. Testing students. Constructing inferences, generalizations, analogies, compositions and evaluations.

Section 7. Application of knowledge, skills and abilities in carrying out research work. Defense of scientific research works – 3 hours.

Preparing to defend your research.

Practical lesson.

Defense of scientific research works.

Projects conference

Types of control: control based on results; process control; forward control. Students have the opportunity to present their reports, messages and other types of research creativity in classes and breakout sessions. The most successful works are recommended, after discussion at the section, in the presence of a positive review from the expert council, for participation in the school scientific and practical conference.

Working programm

in research activities 10th grade

Developed by:

history and social studies teacher

MBOU "Vereshchakskaya Secondary School"

S. Vereshchaki, Novozybkovsky district, Bryansk region.


The work program for the academic subject “Research Activities”, grade 10, is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the State Standard of Secondary Complete General Education, the educational program of the MBOU “Vereshchak Secondary School” and amendments and additions to it, approved by Order No. 114 dated August 31, 2016,using the author's programA.V. Maslennikova“Fundamentals of student research activities.”

In accordance with the school charter, which provides for 35 working weeks in the academic year, thematic planning is compiled for 35 hours (1 hour per week).

Purpose of the course: teaching schoolchildren the skills and abilities of research work.

This course addresses the following tasks :

    familiarity with the principles and rules of organizing research activities, research methodology;

    developing students' research skills and abilities in the process of working on literature;

    developing skills in searching and working with various information sources;

    development of cognitive independence and activity of students;

    development and consolidation of the skill of reflection on one’s own activities in the process of mastering the methods of scientific knowledge;

    developing skills in presenting the results of one’s own activities;

    developing students’ need for targeted self-education;

    development of independence and responsibility for the results of one’s own activities.

Forms of conducting classes: lecture, practical classes, work in the archives, library, work in the computer class, excursion.

Requirements for the student: motivational choice of research topic; interest in scientific knowledge and experimental work.

Requirements for a student’s supervisor : knowledge of the stages, forms, methods, methodology, and mathematical support for processing research results in research work.

Forms of control: performing test work (defining the subject, object, research hypothesis; drawing up a research plan; presenting documentation on the experimental part of the work; compiling a card index for processing scientific literature, etc.).

Electronic and technical teaching aids:

    Educational multimedia complex:


    interactive board

    Internet class

Expected Result:

The student knows:

    about the problem, purpose, objectives of the research, research methods;

    about the rules and stages of the scientific organization of educational work, the organization of research;

    about the rules of organization and stages of research activities;

    about the features of note-taking, writing abstracts, writing annotations, reviews;

    about effective ways presentation of research results.

The student has the skills:

    work in the library;

    find information to solve the identified problem using various information resources;

    take notes on literature, compile abstracts, bibliographies;

    set goals and objectives of the study;

    select research methods adequate to the assigned tasks.

The student gains experience:

    working with various information resources

    analysis and summary of literature

    statement of the problem, justification of the relevance of the study

    defining the goals and objectives of the study

    independent organization of research activities

    reflections on one’s own search and organizational activities

    public protection of the results of one’s own research

Program content

    Introduction - 3 hours.

Types of research work: report, abstract, poster presentation, literature review, review, scientific article, abstract, project. Main All-Russian and regional scientific and practical conferences and competitions for schoolchildren.

    Methodology of scientific creativity - 7 o'clock.

Basic concepts of scientific research work: aspect, hypothesis, idea, concept, keyword, research method, methodology of scientific knowledge, scientific discipline, scientific topic, scientific theory, research, scientific knowledge, fact, review, object of research, subject of research, principle , problem, theory, conclusion.

General outline of the progress of scientific research: justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, setting goals and specific objectives of the research, description of the research process, discussion of the research results, formulation of conclusions and evaluation of the results obtained.

Methods of scientific knowledge: observation, comparison, measurement, experiment, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, historical method.

Application of logical laws and rules: the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law of excluded middle, the law of sufficient reason, the rules for constructing logical definitions.

Information search: types of information (review, abstract, reference), methods of information search.

    Work on the main part of the study (13 hours)

Selecting a topic. Drawing up a plan for research work. Working with scientific literature. Working with the conceptual apparatus. Experimental work.

    Registration of research work - 3 hours.

The structure of the content of the research work: title page, table of contents, introduction, main part, conclusion (conclusions), list of references and other sources.

General rules for formatting the text of a research paper: format, volume, font, spacing, margins, page numbering, headings, footnotes, notes, appendices.

    Presentation of research results – 9 o’clock.

Psychological aspect of readiness to perform. Requirements for the report. Culture of speaking and discussion: following the rules of etiquette, addressing opponents, answering questions, concluding remarks.


1. Maslennikova, A.V. Materials for the special course “Fundamentals of Research Activities of Students” / A.V. Maslennikova // Practice of administrative work at school. – 2004. - No. 5. – P. 51-60.

2. Derekleeva N.I. Research work at school / N.I. Derekleeva. – M.: Verbum – M, 2001.- 48 p.

Calendar and thematic planning for the subject research activity, grade 10

Lesson topic

Number of hours

Lesson type

Requirements for the level of training of students

Additional Content Elements


The date of the

Introduction (3 hours)

Purpose, objectives, specifics of classes, general requirements.

Know General and specific features of research and design activities

Research, design

Types of research work: report, report abstract, poster report.

Signs of project activity. Features of the study Activities

Typology of research methods.

Literature review, review, scientific article, abstract, project.

Types of information resources. Methods for studying theoretical sources.

Types of design

Methodology of scientific creativity (7 hours)

General diagram of the progress of scientific research: justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, setting the goal and specific objectives of the study.

The topic and its relevance. Practical and scientific relevance.

Purpose, objectives, logic of pedagogical research. Goal as an idea of ​​the result, rules for setting goals and objectives of the study.

Know the rules of writing. Be able to substantiate the relevance of the topic, formulate an idea of ​​the degree of development of the topic; formulation of the research problem. Setting the goals and objectives of the study. Description of research methods. Conclusion.

The path to success

General outline of the progress of scientific research: determination of the object and subject of research, selection of methods and techniques for conducting research, formulation of conclusions

object, subject of research Observations, comparisons and measurements, experimental analysis and synthesis, historical method of following

Znat b research methods.

Project classification

Basic concepts of research work: hypothesis, research method, idea, keyword, review.

object, subject of research Observations, comparisons and measurements, experimental analysis and synthesis, historical method of following

Know concepts such as hypothesis, idea, keyword, review, subject and object of research

How to allocate time

Basic concepts of research work: object of research, subject of research, problem


object, subject of research

Search for information

Methods of scientific knowledge: observation, comparison.

Workshop lesson

Observations, comparisons and measurements, experimental analysis and synthesis, historical method of following

Know and be able to apply methods of scientific knowledge: observation, comparison.

Information search: types of information (review, abstract).


Be able to work with literature and select sources

Information search methods.


Types of information (review, abstract, information search methods)

Know and be able to apply information search methods

Work on the main part of the study (13 hours)

Selecting a topic. Justification of its relevance.

Workshop lesson

Be able to create comfortable conditions for yourself

Be able to formulate the topic and purpose of the projectFormulate research goals

Statement of the purpose of the study.


Experimental work.

Formulation of specific research objectives.


Experimental work.

Definition of the object of study.


Experimental work.

Know and be able to identify the object and subject of research

Definition of the subject of research.


Experimental work.


Be able to apply management advice

Drawing up an individual plan.


An outline is a schematic record of briefly formulated thoughts and headings. Simple and complex plan.

Be able to make an individual plan

Search for sources and literature, selection of factual material.


sources and literature,

Be able to find sources and literature, be able to select factual material.

Know where to find and be able to use scientific literature and periodicals

Collection of primary information, its organization.


primary information, its organization.

Working with scientific literature.


Working with scientific literature and periodicals in the library

Working with periodicals


Individual consultations.


Teacher consultation

Be able to find sources of information

Conclusion. Results of the work.


Teacher consultation

Preparation of a research paper (3 hours)

Structure of the content of a research work: title page, table of contents, introduction, main part, conclusion, appendices. Preparation of a list of references and sources.


Working with reference literature. Literature search methodology. Sequence of searching for a source of information

Be able to write a research paper


compiling a bibliography on the research topic.

General rules for designing work: format, volume, font, margin spacing, page numbering, headings


format, volume, font, margin spacing, page numbering, headings

Presentation of research results (8 hours)

Writing abstracts ( summary work).


Rules for writing an annotation, review, plan, synopsis, theses. Ability to make extracts.

Be able to independently compose abstracts and abstracts for work



Preparing for the presentation of work.


Be able to correct defects

Requirements for the report.


Be able to present the result in various forms

Requirements for electronic presentation.


Criteria for assessing the defense of research work, scientific report, including using ICT technologies.

Know effective ways to present research results.

Culture of speaking and discussion: following the rules of etiquette, answering questions, closing remarks.


Structure of the report. Introduction and conclusion. The main part: methods of presenting material, techniques for attracting the attention of the audience.

Individual work.


Project Execution Analysis

Be able to analyze your activities

Job protection.


Student performance



Kr. table

Student performance

MCOU "Nizh - Suetskaya average"

in general educational school them. A. Karpenko"

Suetsky district

Altai Territory

Research program

School Scientific Society

"Nature, Science, Man"


Geography and Biology teacher

Sidorova Tatyana Alekseevna

Purpose of the program: the formation and dissemination of research competence in the educational space of the territory as a condition for the development of creative thinking and the quality of education of schoolchildren.

Achieving this goal requires students to solve the following tasks:

  • Acquire knowledge about the content and structure of educational and research work, about ways to find the information necessary for research;
  • Master the method of scientific knowledge, master the methodology of scientific research;
  • Master the operations of analysis and generalization, methods of processing results;
  • Master the requirements for formatting a research paper abstract;
  • Master the basics of practical presentation of a scientific report;

At the end of the course, each student must draw up a memo “ Practical advice on conducting research and writing an abstract of a research paper.”Purpose of the intensive school program– identify and encourage children who really want to engage in research activities; to give schoolchildren the opportunity to develop their cognitive interest, intellectual, creative and communication abilities, which determine the formation of a competent personality capable of life and self-determination in the information world.

The program is aimed at developing the organizational and activity qualities of students, such as the ability to understand the goals and objectives of educational and research activities, the ability to set a goal and organize its achievement, as well as the development of creative qualities - inspiration, mental flexibility, criticality, having one’s own opinion, the ability to carry out various social roles in the group and team.

The educational and cognitive program of the intensive school “First Steps into Science” is supra-subject in terms of content, short-term in terms of implementation, consists of 3 thematic modules:

1 module – “First scientific tests. Self-determination in science”

2 module - “Search for truth. From concept to discovery"

3 module - "Way to success. Practice giving a scientific report.”

The duration of the educational process is 3 years.

Forms of organization of activities– group and individual..

The program involves the usethe following training forms:

  • mini-lectures.
  • Scientific workshops.
  • Discussion lessons.
  • Consultations.
  • Conversations.
  • Scientific competitions.
  • Protection of research mini-projects.

As a result of mastering the course “First Steps into Science,” students must know:

– concepts – “the purpose and objectives of the research work”, their main difference, “object and subject of research”, “problem”, “hypothesis”, “research methods”, “experiment”, “research result”;

– the structure of the research work and the sequence of actions for its implementation;

– sources of searching for the necessary information;

– structure of speech constructions of the research hypothesis;

– the procedure for compiling a list of used literature;

– methods of processing and presenting results

Students should be able to:

– use mental operations (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization) as methods of mental activity;

– build action steps to develop the research topic and implement the educational and research project;

– be able to put forward hypotheses and find ways to test them;

– use specialized literature, reference books, encyclopedias, library catalogs to search for educational information,

Mechanism for monitoring the results of work in an intensive school - at the level of examination:

  • fully mastered;
  • partially mastered;
  • not mastered.

Forms for summing up the program implementation:

– Discussion lessons, where students discuss the intermediate and final results of educational and research work.

– Educational and research conference “First steps into science” (defense of mini-abstracts, conducted research), collective discussion during the conference.

– Public presentation and defense of the memo “Practical advice on conducting research and writing an abstract of a research paper”

Educational and thematic plan “First steps into science”


The program modules, the use of hourly theory for 34 hours and end-to-end practice for 20 hours reveal pedagogical feasibility topics studied

Number of hours

1 module
“First scientific tests.”
Self-determination in science.

Introduction to school life.

“General requirements for student research work”

Presentation of the course “First steps into science”

Let's get acquainted. Dating techniques.


Structure of educational and research activities
Topic for research. How to find an interesting topic for research?
Transformation of educational, scientific information into a research topic.
Relevance and practical significance of the study.
Object and subject of research.


Next steps:
– Determination of the purpose and objectives of the study
– Formulating a hypothesis
– Determination of research methods
– Study planning
– Distribution of roles when working in a team
– Types of literary sources of information
– Types of recording and summarizing information
– Bibliographic description

2 module
“The search for truth.
From concept to discovery."


Creative person. Qualities creative personality.

The ABCs of Leadership


Experiment and research.
General methodology for carrying out research work.
Planning, selection of experimental methods, hypothesis confirmation, data analysis.


Registration of work
Registration of work and preparation of applications
Recommendations for placing illustrations in work

3 module
"Way to success. Practice giving a scientific report”


Practice presenting research work
The success of the presentation is the key to recognition and the path to nomination!
Basic approaches to writing a defense speech.
Poster presentation.


Abstracts and reviews are also important!
Basic writing rules.


Educational and research conference “First steps into science”. Presentation of the project and research.


Criteria for evaluating scientific works.


Development of a memo “Practical advice on conducting research and writing an abstract of a research paper,” its public presentation and defense.

Let's learn to reflect!
Types of reflection. Reflection of activity and reflection of state.



1. Introduction.

Let's get acquainted. Dating techniques. Influence techniques. Course presentation. Goals and objectives. Organization of classes and their specifics.

2. Structure of educational and research activities.

How to find an interesting topic. Relevance and practical significance. The concept of research relevance. Justification of the relevance of the chosen topic and the practical significance of the study.

Purpose and objectives of the study.Concepts: “goal of work”, “tasks of work”, “object and subject of research”.

Scientific fact, hypothesis, experiment, conclusions. Performing work according to the algorithm. Study planning. Determination of research methods.

Practical work:development of the project concept.

Forms of control: protection of the project concept.

3. Stages of organizing research activities.

Distribution of roles when working in a team.

Steps to launch research activities. Planning research work.

Stages of work.

Forms of control: protecting the project plan.

Equipment: reminders.

4. Organization of work with information.

The main types of sources for obtaining information: library catalogues, universal encyclopedias, dictionaries, special reference books.

Searching for information on the Internet using a keyword. Search for the address of the required site.

Types of recording and summarizing information.

Compiling a list of references.

Practical work:compilation of summary tables and charts. Bibliographic description.

Forms of control: presentation of a list of literature required for research work.

Equipment: computers, Internet connection, reminder.

5. Experiment and research.

General methodology for carrying out research work. Planning, selection of experimental methods.

Forms of organization of the experiment: method of theoretical analysis of literature on the selected problem, sociological research methods: questionnaires, conversation, interviews, observation; mathematical and statistical.

Hypothesis confirmation, data analysis.

Forms of control: Keeping a diary of observations.

Type of student activity:individual heuristic work on the algorithm.

6. Registration of work and preparation of applications.

Placement of illustrations in the work.

Practical work:technology for compiling pivot tables and charts. Forms of control: plan for the experimental part of the research work.

Equipment: memo.

7. Practice presenting research work.

Success of the presentation. Basic approaches to writing a defense speech.

Poster presentation.

Basic rules for writing abstracts and reviews.

Presentation of the project and research.

Shapes: educational and research conference, report, discussion.

Equipment: computers.

Forms of control: defense of reports, festival of presentations. Development of a memo “Practical tips for presenting research work.”

8. Criteria for evaluating scientific works. Expertise.

Equipment: memo.

Form of organization of student activities: group work. Practical work: written examination of a research paper.

9. Practical work: development of a memo “Practical tips for conducting research and writing an abstract of a research paper.”

Form of student activity:individual work. Type of control: public presentation of the memo.

Form of organization of student activities:group work.

Today, the school is more focused on the real progress of the child in learning. This is impossible without the development of a mechanism for self-education, self-realization and the creation of sustainable motivation for learning in the student. To promote the development of the creative personality of students in our school, a school scientific society (SSC) has been created. Work at the ShNO includes requirements for the development of children’s creative abilities: from practicing art to carrying out scientific work and research projects, and focuses on creating conditions for graduates to achieve an increased level of education. The school scientific society has been operating since 2007. The Regulations and Charter of the ShNO have been developed.

Regulations on the school scientific society of students

General provisions

1. The School Scientific Society of Students (SSS) is a voluntary association of schoolchildren capable of scientific research, interested in improving their intellectual and cultural level, striving to deepen their knowledge both in individual subjects and in the field of modern knowledge.

2. Direct supervision of the school scientific society of students is carried out by the biology teacher.

Goals and objectives of the school scientific society of students:

  • Expanding students' horizons in the field of achievements of domestic and foreign science.
  • Identifying the most gifted students in various fields of science and developing their creative abilities.
  • Active inclusion of school students in the process of self-education and self-development.
  • Improving skills and abilities independent work students, increasing the level of knowledge and erudition in areas of interest to science.
  • Organization of research activities of students to improve the learning process and career guidance.

The teaching staff must provide real assistance to members of the school scientific society in solving the following tasks:

  • acquire knowledge that goes beyond the curriculum;
  • get a taste for research activities;
  • learn methods and techniques of scientific research;
  • learn to work with literature;
  • become propagandists in a field of knowledge that is significant to them.

ShNO Charter

Every student who has an interest in scientific activities and has received a recommendation from a subject teacher can join the school scientific society of students.

The age of entry into the ShNO is 11-14 years.

A student participating in the work of the ShNO has the right:

  • choose the form of scientific work (abstract, report, etc.);
  • obtain the necessary advice from your supervisor;
  • have an individual schedule of consultations in the process of creating a scientific work;
  • get a review of a written scientific work from teachers who are competent in this topic;
  • present the final version of a scientific paper at a research conference at your educational institution;
  • present your work, which has received high praise, at conferences in the region and city;
  • publish a highly praised scientific paper in a collection of student scientific papers.

A student participating in the ShNO must:

  • Regularly and actively participate in meetings of the scientific society in your section;
  • Periodically report on the intermediate results of your research at a meeting of your section;
  • Use the resources of the school library and the Internet to write a research paper;
  • Actively participate in intraschool and extracurricular scientific conferences;
  • Strictly adhere to the deadlines for completing scientific work;
  • Strictly comply with the requirements for the preparation of scientific work.
  • Emblem of SHGNO (school geographical scientific society)
  • Emblem of SHBNO (school biological scientific society)

List of literature for teachers.

  1. Novozhilova M.M. and etc.How to conduct research correctly. “5 for knowledge.” M., 2008.
  2. Tatyankin B. A. et al.Research activities of students in a specialized school. “5 for knowledge.” 2007.
  3. Konova V.V. Pedagogical design of educational programs in institutions of additional education. KDPiSh. Krasnoyarsk.2003.
  4. Dobrinskaya S.Yu. Social design of schoolchildren. KDPiSh. Krasnoyarsk 2004.
  5. Guidelines. Young researcher: questions and answers. Krasnoyarsk 2003.

List of literature for the student

1. Cardell F. Formula for success. IC “Nevsky Prospekt”. St. Petersburg, 20011.

2. Shmakov S.A. Games that develop the mental qualities of a schoolchild's personality. CGL. M., 2004.

MBOU "Bestuzhe Secondary School"

Agreed: Approved:

Deputy Director for Water Resources Management: Director of MBOU "Bestuzhevskaya Secondary School"

Chestneyshina N. M. _______________ Shchukina N. A ____________________

Working elective course program

"Scientific research

and project activities of students"

6th, 8th grade

Implementation period: 2016-2017.

Teacher: Ilatovskaya Irina


With. Bestuzhevo

1. Explanatory note.

The work program is based on:

Federal Law of December 26, 2012 3273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”

Approximate program for the subject

Federal state standard basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2009 No. 373

New education standards involve a shift in emphasis from the task of equipping the student with knowledge to the task of developing general educational skills and abilities as the basis of educational activities. The student’s educational activity must be mastered by him in full, from all its components: the student must be focused on finding a general way to solve problems (singling out a learning task), have a good command of the system of actions that allow solving these problems (learning actions); be able to independently control the process of one’s educational work (control) and adequately assess the quality of its implementation (evaluation), only then does the student become a subject of educational activity. One of the ways to transform a student into a subject of educational activity is his participation in research activities.

Research activities is a means of mastering reality and its main goals are the development of the ability to work with information, the formation of a research style of thinking. The result of this activity is the formation of cognitive motives, research skills, subjectively new knowledge and methods of activity for students.

Research activities make it possible to involve different categories of participants in the educational process: students, parents, teachers.

Relevance project activity is recognized by everyone today. The new generation Federal State Educational Standard requires use in educational process activity-type technologies, design and research methods are defined as one of the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education. Modern developmental programs of basic general education include project activities in the content of various courses and extracurricular activities.

Relevance program of this elective course is also due to its methodological and practical significance. The knowledge and skills necessary for organizing project and research activities will in the future become the basis for organizing research activities in universities, colleges, and technical schools. The program allows you to implement currently relevant competency-based, personality-oriented, activity-based approaches.

Basic principles of program implementation scientific character, accessibility, voluntariness, subjectivity, activity-based and personal approaches, continuity, effectiveness, partnership, creativity and success.

Purpose of the elective:

formation of students’ research skills for the development of a creative personality, its self-determination and self-realization.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Teach planning (the student must be able to clearly define the goal and describe the main steps to achieve the goal).

2. To develop skills in collecting and processing information and materials (the student must be able to choose necessary information and use it correctly).

3. Develop analytical skills (creativity and critical thinking).

4. Develop the ability to prepare a written report on independent work on a project (draw up a work plan, clearly present information, draw up footnotes, have an understanding of bibliography).

5. Form a positive attitude towards work (the student must show initiative, enthusiasm, try to complete the work on time in accordance with the established work plan and schedule).

Number of hours per week

Number of school weeks

Number of hours per year

6 (research work)

6 (project)

8 (research work)

8 (project)

Mathematics 5th grade, 6th grade: textbook for students of general education institutions / Merzlyak A. G., Polonsky V. B., Yakir M. S. - M.: Ventana - Graf, 2015

Geometry 7-9 Atanasyan L. S., Butuzov V. F. et al. Moscow Education 2013

2. Planned results of mastering the academic subject.

Personal results :

Forming students' motivation for learning, self-organization and self-development.

Development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, develop critical and creative thinking.

Meta-subject results:

Plan your action in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan

Carry out final and step-by-step control over the result;

In collaboration with the teacher, set new learning objectives;

Transform a practical task into a cognitive one;

Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation cognitive

Learning skills: creative problem solving skills and skills of searching, analyzing and interpreting information.

Obtain the necessary knowledge and, with its help, do specific work.

Search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;

Carry out an analysis of objects highlighting essential and non-essential features;

Conduct advanced information search using library resources and the Internet

Ability to coordinate your efforts with the efforts of others.

Formulate your own opinion and position;

Take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation

Take into account different opinions and interests and justify your own position;

Understand the relativity of opinions and approaches to solving a problem;

Argue your position and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation when developing a common solution in joint activities;

Subject results:

    awareness of the importance of mathematics for Everyday life person;

    an idea of ​​mathematical science as a sphere of mathematical activity, of the stages of its development, of its significance for the development of civilization;

    development of skills to work with educational mathematical text (analyze, extract the necessary information), accurately and competently express one’s thoughts using mathematical terminology and symbols, carry out classifications and logical justifications;

    mastery of the basic conceptual apparatus for the main sections of content;

3. Thematic planning

6, 8 grade (project)


Lesson topic

Number of hours

Determining the topic of work. Drawing up a work plan for the project.

Setting the project goal and project objectives.

Search and collection of information on the topic of the project.

Writing a project.

Creation and design of a design product.

Writing a speech and presentation

Performance rehearsal

Project protection

6th, 8th grade (research work)


Lesson topic

Number of hours

Determining the topic of work.

Selecting literature. Getting to know Internet sources. Search and selection of information.

Planning the implementation of research work. Setting the goals and objectives of the research work.

Posing a question, searching for a hypothesis. Hypothesis formulation.

Writing the theoretical part of a research paper.

Conducting surveys and processing the responses received.

Practical part of the research work.

Registration of work in accordance with requirements

Writing speeches and presentations.

Performance rehearsal

Defense of research work

KGBOU "Achinsk educational school - boarding school No. 1"

Educational program

“Introduction to research activities of schoolchildren”

Klenovaya L. M.

Explanatory note

New education standards involve introducing significant changes to the structure and content, goals and objectives of education, shifting emphasis from one task - to equip the student with knowledge - to another - to develop his general educational skills as the basis of educational activities. The student’s educational activity must be mastered by him in full, from all its components: the student must be focused on finding a general way to solve problems (singling out a learning task), have a good command of the system of actions that allow solving these problems (learning actions); be able to independently control the process of one’s educational work (control) and adequately assess the quality of its implementation (evaluation), only then does the student become a subject of educational activity.

One of the ways to transform a student into a subject of educational activity is his participation in educational and research activities.

The program of educational and research activities of students is developed on the basis of the Requirements for the structure and results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education, in accordance with the Basic curriculum, the program for the formation and development of universal educational activities, the planned results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education and is aimed at the formation students have universal educational activities and the foundations of a culture of research and project activities.

The program of educational and research activities of students at the level of basic general education provides for the selection, development, implementation and public presentation of a subject or interdisciplinary educational project aimed at solving a personally and socially significant problem.

One of the main tasks of developing students’ cognitive activity in the educational process is the organizationeducational and research activities. Work on the formation of intellectual skills is carried out mainly in the classroom. This is facilitated by modern interactive technologies.

Value of the program is that students get the opportunity to look at various problems from the perspective of scientists and experience the full range of requirements for scientific research.

Her relevance based on the interests and needs of students and their parents. The program successfully combines interaction between school and family, creativity and development, and the emotional well-being of children and adults. It promotes familiarization with the organization of collective and individual research, learning in action, encourages observation and experimentation, relies on one’s own life experience, and allows one to alternate between collective and individual activities.

Relevance project activity is recognized by everyone today. The new generation Federal State Educational Standard requires the use of activity-type technologies in the educational process; methods of design and research activities are defined as one of the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education. Modern developmental primary education programs include project activities in the content of various courses and extracurricular activities.

The program allows you to implement currently relevant competency-based, personality-oriented, activity-based approaches.

Basic principles of program implementation - scientific character, accessibility, voluntariness, subjectivity, activity-based and personal approaches, continuity, effectiveness, partnership, creativity and success.

The course is designed for 34 hours of classes; students of the course apply the acquired knowledge in research activities under the guidance of their supervisors.

Purpose of the program: developing skills in organizing students’ research activities using the project method, information and communication technologies in the field of humanities.

Program objectives:

1.Teach the ability to conduct research activities:

mastering the concepts, principles, theories, laws and rules operating in academic subjects, in the sciences covered by the topic under study in the field of humanities;

the ability to acquire new knowledge;

the ability to explain acquired knowledge and describe it;

the ability to develop proposals for the application of acquired knowledge, including in new areas of practice.

2.Develop the ability to pose a problem, formulate the topic and purpose of the study.

3.Introduce basic research methods.

4.Teach how to conduct school research.

5.Teach how to correctly prepare research reports.

Forms of conducting classes: lecture, practical classes, work in the archives, library, work in the computer class, excursion.

Place of the course in the system of design and research work at school: The course is an auxiliary discipline for the design and research work of students, for their cooperation with scientific supervisors.

Requirements for the student: motivational choice of research topic; interest in scientific knowledge and experimental work.

Requirements for a student’s supervisor : knowledge of the stages, forms, methods, methodology, and mathematical support for processing research results in research work.

Forms of control: performing test work (defining the subject, object, research hypothesis; drawing up a research plan; presenting documentation on the experimental part of the work; compiling a card index for processing scientific literature, etc.).

Electronic and technical teaching aids:

Educational multimedia complex:


document camera,

interactive board

Mobile class

Internet class

Digital library

Local connection.

Expected Result:

The student knows:

about the problem, purpose, objectives of the research, research methods;

about the rules and stages of the scientific organization of educational work, the organization of research;

about the rules of organization and stages of research activities;

about the features of note-taking, writing abstracts, writing annotations, reviews;

about effective ways to present research results.

The student has the skills:

work in the library;

find information to solve the identified problem using various information resources;

take notes on literature, compile abstracts, bibliographies;

set goals and objectives of the study;

select research methods adequate to the assigned tasks.

The student gains experience:

working with various information resources

analysis and summary of literature

statement of the problem, justification of the relevance of the study

defining the goals and objectives of the study

independent organization of research activities

reflections on one’s own search and organizational activities

public protection of the results of one’s own research

Educational and research activities. Methods of scientific research (11h).

The essence of research activity. Methods of scientific research. Requirements for organizing theoretical and practical research. Types of information resources. Methods for studying theoretical sources. Characteristics and requirements for scientific observation. Rules for conducting conversations and interviews. Rules for compiling questionnaires and conducting surveys. Experimental studies. Classification, types and objectives of the experiment. Organization of the experiment.

Practical work: drawing up a questionnaire to study the problem; the task of selecting specific research methods to solve a specific problem.

Features of the work of scientists. Possibilities career growth in science. The role of science in the development of society. Life path of a scientist (chosen by the teacher).

Culture of educational work. Rules for working in the library.

Rational organization of educational work. Working with catalogs in the library. Rules for working with a magazine, newspaper: compilation of bibliographic cards, selection of clippings. Rules for compiling a bibliography.

Practical work: work in the library, compiling a bibliography on the research topic.

Search, accumulation and processing of scientific information. Scientific documents and publications. State system scientific information. Organization of work with scientific literature.

Rules for working with the book.

Methods for effective reading. Types of written work and techniques for working with a book: rules for compiling an annotation, review, plan, outline, theses. Ability to make extracts. Rules for keeping records: compactness, spacing, dating, margins, underlining, highlighting keywords, schematic representation and abbreviations, etc.

2. Organization of research activities (11 hours).

The problem is “knowledge about ignorance”. Identification and formulation of the problem.

The topic and its relevance. Practical and scientific relevance.

Purpose, objectives, logic of pedagogical research. Goal as an idea of ​​the result, rules for setting goals and objectives of the study.

Introduction: writing rules. Justification of the relevance of the topic, drawing up an idea of ​​the degree of development of the topic; formulation of the research problem. Setting the goals and objectives of the study. Description of research methods.

Conclusion. Formulation of research conclusions. Setting new tasks.

Practical work: choosing a topic, stating a problem, determining the structure of the work, developing a program of experimental work, selecting research methods.

Practical work: compiling an annotation for a book, writing a review of a play, a movie, a friend’s answer; drawing up plans, theses, summaries of articles.

Consultations (individual) on research activities.

3. Methodology for writing an essay (12 hours).

Chapter structure. Language and style of scientific work. Links in the text. Abbreviations. Presentation of illustrative material. Preparation of a list of used literature. Analysis of the results of practical research, presentation of the results of the work.

Feelings of uncertainty and fear before performing. Recommendations for the speaker. Psychological attitude, contact with the audience, psychology of listeners. Features of speech. Breathing and its training, voice, diction, intonation, pauses. The art of answering questions. Classification of questions and types of answers

Consulting (group) on writing an essay.

Defense of an abstract at a conference.


Lesson topic Number of hours


Seminar, workshop



Methods of scientific knowledge.

Sociological research methods (conversation, interview, questionnaire, expert survey, etc.)

Experimental studies. Classification, types and objectives of the experiment. Organization of the experiment.

Rational organization of educational work

Types of information resources and ways of working with them

Search, accumulation and processing of scientific information. Scientific documents and publications. State system of scientific information. Organization of work with scientific literature. Rules for compiling a bibliography.

Rules for working with the book. Methods for effective reading.

Application of information technology in research


Stages of organizing research activities, research methodology, structure of research work.

Introduction: writing rules. Justification of the relevance of the topic, drawing up an idea of ​​the degree of development of the topic; formulation of the research problem. Setting the goals and objectives of the study. Description of research methods. Conclusion.

Rules for writing an annotation, review, plan, synopsis, theses. Ability to make extracts.


Work on the main part of the abstract. Chapter structure. Language and style of scientific work. Links in the text. Abbreviations. Presentation of illustrative material. Analysis of the results of practical research, presentation of the results of the work.

Preparing for a presentation on a research topic.

Structure of the report. Introduction and conclusion. The main part: methods of presenting material, techniques for attracting the attention of the audience.

Feeling of uncertainty and fear before performing. Recommendations for the speaker. Features of speech. Breathing and its training, voice, diction, intonation, pauses.

The art of answering questions.

Presentation of results at the conference





System for monitoring the development of research skills

To determine the level of development of students' research skills, it is necessary to use the method of analyzing the submitted work of students, as well as the method of self-diagnosis (students submitting a reflective report on the work done).

When assessing student research work, the following are taken into account:

compliance of the content with the formulated topic, the stated goal and objectives, the titles of sections and topics of the work;

compliance with the work structure and scope of work;

availability of a literature review, its quality;

compliance of the selected methods with the assigned tasks, correctness of research methods;

the ability to identify and justify a problem, set goals and objectives for research;

consistency and completeness of evidence;

correspondence of conclusions to the results obtained;

culture of materials design, scientific style of work.

The student’s reflective report on the work done, which is advisable to carry out at the stages of initial and intermediate diagnostics, involves covering the following issues:

Write the topic of your research. What stage are you at now?

The research problem, goals and objectives of the work.

Expected form and date for presentation of results?

Are you having any difficulties? If yes, which ones?

The teacher needs to pay attention to the students’ ability to analyze their own activities (highlight the result, see difficulties and difficulties).

The results of students' practical work are checked.


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