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Information message on the topic of sports for schoolchildren. What is sport? Athletics stadium

An active healthy lifestyle is an integral part of everyone's life. modern man. Fortunately, the time when a cigarette in your mouth and a bottle of beer in your hands was considered cool is irrevocably gone. Now more and more people are giving up bad habits and choosing proper nutrition and sports.

Sport and a healthy lifestyle are inextricably linked with each other. This is confirmed by the famous saying: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” You can’t argue with this: as a rule, athletes are determined and purposeful people, constantly moving forward. Positivethe impact of sport on health and the character of a person has never been in doubt and has long been scientifically proven. It is not for nothing that the ancient Greeks paid special attention to the physical activity of boys and girls, creating special institutions - gymnasiums.

Prevention healthy image life includes three basic rules: giving up bad habits, proper nutrition and regular exercise. And if the first two points require colossal willpower from a person, then everyone can remember school physical education lessons. You shouldn't try to become a professional athlete, but basic physical exercise will benefit everyone. If you are ready to promise yourself to lead an active, healthy lifestyle, we are ready to help and tell you how to exercise for the greatest effect. First, let's figure out why prevention of a healthy lifestyle is so necessary?

The influence of sport on health

I could write an entire article on this topic. scientific work, having considered the issue from a medical point of view. However, such a text is unlikely to be accessible and understandable to ordinary readers, so we will only list those facts that are known to everyone almost from childhood.

    Regular exercise improves your posture. This promotes the correct location of all human organs.

    Bones and ligaments become stronger, which reduces the risk of injury from falls and severe bruises.

    The heart becomes more resilient, which means the possibility of strokes and heart attacks in old age is reduced.

    Exercise improves blood circulation.

    Sports and healthy lifestyle help you look better: provide a beautiful, toned figure.

    Regular physical activity relieves stress, improves mood and increases a person’s performance. This may be why people who have been involved in sports since their youth look young even in old age, suffer less from ailments and always smile.

Now that you have learned about the great influence of sport on human health, you will probably want to start training right now. Take your time and read some guidelines first.

How to exercise for health?

First of all, soberly assess your strength. In something like physical activity, the main thing is not to overdo it. If you are a beginner athlete, you need to listen especially carefully to your own feelings. You shouldn't work out until you drop. As soon as you feel that your muscles have worked hard enough, stop doing the exercise. Don't be discouraged if you can't do many approaches at once or achieve a certain result. Success will come gradually over time. Don't harm yourself with such good intentions as to leadactive healthy lifestyle.

Dose loads depending on age. It is clear that small children, teenagers and the elderly are contraindicated for loads associated, for example, with lifting weights. Middle-aged men and women can work on specific muscle groups that are considered problematic.

Training should be regular. Only then is it possible to achieve the desired result. And if your sports activities are limited to visiting the gym twice or three times in six months, sports and a healthy lifestyle will not affect you in any way.

If you decide to study at home, nothing should distract you from the task at hand, so warn everyone close to you that you cannot be disturbed for the next hour or two. Better yet, invite them to train with you. It's so much more fun and easier!

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are well known and have been beyond doubt for many years. High-quality and balanced nutrition, deep sleep, feasible physical labor, frequent walks in the fresh air - all these aspects greatly help strengthen the body, promote youth and longevity. However, it is sport in a person’s life that becomes the most powerful and effective factor in maintaining health. Sport contributes in every possible way to the harmonious development of a person, and this is especially important at a young age. That is why both boys and girls are recommended to regularly engage in sports from a very young age, so that he can exert his beneficial influence and laid a good foundation of health for many, many years. Sports are an integral part of a person’s life, providing the necessary activity. Physical education and sports give a boost of vivacity and optimism, strengthen the immune system and thereby protect a person from various diseases.

Sports are inseparably linked with hardening, and this point is extremely important, since a person’s resistance to all kinds of external factors, such as low temperatures, dampness or heat, ensures his good health throughout his life. While playing sports, you can also note with pleasure and joy the lightness and flexibility of your body, the strength of your muscles, the elasticity of your joints, because excellent physical shape is a worthy reward for someone who readily overcomes laziness and confidently strives towards their own perfection. However, the benefit physical culture is not limited to just health functions. Sport is also a great mood, high vitality and extraordinary elation, and this is an excellent basis for the desire for success, new achievements and fruitful work.

Essay on the topic of sports in everyone's life. and got the best answer

Answer from Diana Grosheva[active]
Sport is important in a person's life. He gives us strength, healthy and long life. Everyone needs sports always and everywhere. Everyone must be able to run, jump and gallop, etc. Sports as well as tradition. We can say that each country has its own sports. For example, in Japan the martial sport is developed. And in our country there are many types of sports.

Let's start with the most popular of them - Kazaksha-kures. In 1938, for the first time in the history of this sport, weight categories were introduced: light weight (up to 65 kg), medium (up to 76 kg)...

Answer from Dmitry Chernikov[newbie]
.Sport is important in a person’s life. He gives us strength, healthy and long life. Everyone needs sports always and everywhere. Everyone must be able to run, jump and gallop, etc. Sports as well as tradition. We can say that each country has its own sports. For example, in Japan the martial sport is developed. And in our country there are many types of sports.
From baiga to the Olympics. National sports and their internationality.
The old local and national isolation is being replaced... by comprehensive communication and comprehensive dependence of nations on each other. This applies equally to both material and spiritual production. The fruits of individual nations become common property.
In pre-revolutionary Kazakhstan, all physical culture, all means physical education were used by the people on an amateur basis, since there were no governing bodies for these processes. Therefore, the original folk practice of education could not take shape into a developed system. In conditions of a nomadic lifestyle, the main forms of physical culture and the main means of physical education remained equestrian sports and games, and among children - outdoor games, again reflecting the nomadic lifestyle in their content
In modern society, when other social and production relations were established, such a level of development of physical culture could no longer satisfy the new and significantly higher requirements for educating the younger generation.
Sports organizations pursued the only correct policy not for “national culture”, but for “international culture”, which includes only a part of each national culture, namely: only the consistently democratic and socialist content of each national culture.
International forms of physical culture do not interfere with the development of national forms of physical culture, but, on the contrary, contribute to their development and improvement. Thus, the Kazakh kures was already included in the program of the First All-Kazakhstan Spartakiad, held in 1928. And such popular national sports as baiga, kyz-kuu, audaryspak, kokpar, which were included in the program of the XIII anniversary All-Kazakhstan Spartakiad in 1970, became the object of general attention. This indicates a high overall level of development of national forms of physical culture in the republic.
And this process is a necessary condition formation of a new person, comprehensive development of personality, improvement of lifestyle using all types of physical education. Physical culture and sports, being actively involved in this process, thus act as one of the important factors in the internationalization of the entire spiritual life of our peoples.
In Kazakhstan, all aspects of physical culture and sports are subject to internationalization. A striking example of this is the fact that we are also internationalizing national sports and games, diverse national forms and means of physical education.
The main, leading trend in this case is the emergence and development common features in national cultures. It is this trend that leads to the progress of national sports and games of the peoples of Kazakhstan, opening up new prospects for them, especially since Kazakhstan has some experience in the internationalization of certain national sports.
Let's start with the most popular of them - Kazaksha-kures. In 1938, for the first time in the history of this sport, weight categories were introduced: light weight (up to 65 kg), medium (up to 76 kg)...

Sport. Just one word, but how much it means! Playing sports is a certain type of human activity aimed at achieving a given result in a person’s physical development.

Sport is an integral part of physical culture, in which the main emphasis is on the physical development of a person, strengthening his health and well-being.

Professional sport is that part of it in which athletes participate, aimed specifically at achieving a certain result in their physical activity, at achieving victory and new sports records. Sports competitions, including the Olympics, Championships and Tournaments, identify the best athletes. Of course, the dream of every athlete is victory in Olympic Games ah, the largest world competitions that originated in Ancient Greece, and subsequently attracted participants from all over the world.

Over its history of development, and the history of sports extends far, far into the past, starting almost from the Stone Age, a large number of sports have emerged in which everyone can realize their most outstanding abilities. Sports training is provided by various sports organizations specializing in certain sports.

The development, promotion and popularization of sports is carried out by various Sports Federations, Associations and Unions, although the main role in this is played by the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.

Sport surrounds us almost from birth, in kindergarten, school, institute. Many choose it as their profession. And this is greatly facilitated by the huge and ever-growing popularity of sports and a sports lifestyle.

Sport is a human activity that is organized according to certain rules and represents a comparison of intellectual or physical capabilities.

What is sport?

Sport is a specific type of intellectual and physical activity that is performed by a person for competitive purposes. The main motivation for playing sports is a person’s desire to improve his or her physical health, get a feeling of moral satisfaction.

Thanks to sports, physical and psychological characteristics improve. Sport is a fundamental and integral part of physical culture. It is sport that fully reveals and mobilizes a person’s moral and mental qualities.

The origins of the sport

The sport has incredibly ancient roots, which go back to the early states of 3 thousand BC. The first sports competitions were held in ancient Babylon, in honor of the god Marduk, the patron saint of this city.

A thousand years later, the ancient Greeks established the famous Olympics. These competitions featured sports such as archery, sword fencing, chariot racing, belt wrestling, horse racing and javelin throwing.

The sport of equestrian polo originated in ancient India. The ancient Egyptians held competitions in weight lifting, running and fist fighting.

On ancient tablets that were discovered during excavations in Egypt, scientists discovered images of more than 400 various types sports, which indicates the development of physical culture in this state.

Sports in different historical times

In the Middle Ages, physical culture did not experience the most favorable period. The Catholic Church, which dominated society at that time, strictly prohibited the cult of the body, and therefore sports. However, sports did not completely disappear during this period.

Even in the early Middle Ages, knightly tournaments were held, at which knights demonstrated the level of their sports skills. Competitions between warriors were very common - fencing, archery, swimming, long jump.

However, all sporting competitions were not held for the sake of physical development people, but mainly for the sake of spectacles, which were very popular in the Middle Ages.

During the Renaissance, physical competitions were replaced by intellectual competitions. Logical intellectual sports have become very widespread.

At the end of the 19th century, the tradition of holding the Olympic Games was revived. New sports were included in these competitions. The peak of the development of sports in the 20th century occurred in the post-war period. It was then that specialized sports schools for youth began to open.

Nowadays, great attention is paid to the development of physical education in children. After all, sport not only has a beneficial effect on health and development, but also develops leadership qualities in a person.

Sports report on physical education, briefly outlined in this article, will tell you everything about these competitions. The information in the report will also help you prepare for classes.

Report on the topic: “Types of sports”

Sport strengthens health, develops and improves important motor skills. There are many types sports activities, so we decided to focus on the most important and popular of them.

It maintains and strengthens health, promotes the development of speed, endurance, speed-strength qualities, hard work, perception, perseverance, attention, and thinking. There are several main disciplines:

  • Cross training
  • High jump
  • Long jump
  • Throwing a grenade
  • Shot put

2. Strength sports

  • Arm wrestling. Improves the strength of the muscles of the trunk and upper shoulder girdle.
  • Body-building.
  • Powerlifting. Develops the strength of the upper shoulder girdle, trunk muscles, lower extremities, relative and absolute strength of muscle groups.

3. Gymnastics

Performs preventive, health-improving and profiling tasks. It develops endurance, flexibility, coordination, balance, thinking, determination, and memory. There are several disciplines:

  • Rhythmic gymnastics
  • Athletic gymnastics
  • Breathing exercises
  • Sports aerobics
  • Stretching
  • Shaping

4. Skiing

Sport increases the reserve capacity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. It also increases strength endurance, develops courage, perseverance, improves physical qualities and coordination of movements.

5. Sports games

They improve health, develop coordination abilities, reaction speed, spatial orientation, and improve differentiation. Also sport games increase speed and strength endurance, motor activity, explosive strength, develop attention, perception, memory and imagination. The following main types are distinguished:

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Handball
  • Baseball

6. Aquatic species sports

The main types of water sports are:

  • Swimming. Increases the capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • Water aerobics. Regulates the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, develops neuro-emotional stress, general endurance and strength.

7. Martial arts

  • Eastern martial arts (aikido, karate-do, taekwondo). Develop psycho-physical skills and complex coordination movements. Regulates the processes of mental inhibition and excitation, helps to acquire calmness and confidence. Improves strength endurance, explosive power, and special flexibility.
  • Sambo, judo, freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling. Develop the ability to overcome resistance and choose correct solution, predict enemy actions, show patience and persistence.
  • Wushu. Develops flexibility and mobility in joints.
  • Yoga. Improves plasticity, coordination of movements, regulates muscle tone, neuro-emotional status.

We hope that the report on the topic “Types of Sports” helped you prepare for the lesson. You can add your story about sports using the comment form below.