Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Kitchen hood control. Kitchen hood control unit on a microcontroller. An important element in the hood is filters

So, you are looking for a range hood for your kitchen. What do you need to know to choose the right hood?

The correct choice of hood depends on several factors. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

1. Hood performance and the pressure created by the hood fan.

Performance shows the ability of the hood to “pump” the required amount of air per unit time, and pressure allows you to evaluate the ability of the hood to overcome the resistance of the ventilation duct. In general, the quality of fan operation is assessed based on pressure (Pa) and productivity (m3/h).

As a rule, hood manufacturers indicate the performance value in three modes:

  1. Ideal conditions are when the hood fan does not experience any resistance during operation, i.e. air comes out of the hood freely, without load.
    For example, for the “TA” model of the SATA hood, the performance indicator in this mode is 1020 m3/hour and the pressure is 507 Pa.
  2. In the second mode, an air duct about two meters long and two bends at an angle of 90 degrees is connected to the hood, which simulates the real operating mode, when the air outlet from the hood is prevented by the resistance of the atmosphere, filters, the air duct itself, etc. In this case, the exhaust productivity decreases and is already 851 m3/hour.
  3. In the third mode, a pressure of 15 Pa is applied to the air flow created by the hood, which should simulate real conditions when the hood “pushes” the resistance of the ventilation duct. In this case, for the “TA” motor the productivity drops to 702 m3/hour. It is this mode that reflects the real ability of the hood to remove air from the kitchen when the hood is connected to external ventilation. Thus, the actual performance of the hood differs from the ideal by 31error.log and by 16at+ if the hood is not supposed to be connected to the ventilation duct.

How to calculate the hood performance required specifically for your kitchen? It is enough to multiply the area of ​​the kitchen by its height (we get the volume of the kitchen) and multiply the resulting value by 12 (the SES norm for updating the air in kitchen areas is 12 times per hour). So, if we assume that the kitchen area is 10 m2 and the ceiling height is 2.7 m, then the required hood capacity is 324 m3/hour. However, you should not take the calculated value as the ultimate truth. Otherwise, we can come to the conclusion that in a kitchen with an area of ​​7 m2 and a ceiling height of 2.6 meters, a hood with minimal performance is needed. However, in this case, it should be taken into account that in a kitchen of a small area the concentration of harmful substances reaches a maximum value much faster than in a kitchen of a larger area, all other things being equal. Thus, the selection of a hood should begin with a capacity of at least 350 m3/h.

In addition, it makes sense to install a higher power hood, “with a reserve”. In this case, it can be used in medium mode, which will significantly reduce the noise level and extend the life of the hood.

2. As already mentioned briefly above, the choice of a hood depends on whether the hood will be connected to an external ventilation duct or not. Of course, connecting to external ventilation is preferable. In this case, not only fat, soot and combustion products are removed from the kitchen, but also hot air and the smell of cooked food. The disadvantages of such an installation include the need to lay an air duct to the nearest ventilation hole, which may be located on the wall opposite the stove. In addition, depending on the design and construction of the kitchen furniture, you may have to cut the wall cabinets through which the air duct is supposed to pass.

Operating the hood in recirculation mode reduces its efficiency by an average of 30 error.log. In addition, you will have to change the carbon filter every 3-6 months, which creates additional inconvenience. Moreover, even if it is possible to get rid of the smell of burnt food, it is only partially.

If you decide to connect the hood to the ventilation duct, please note that the diameter of the air duct should not be less than the diameter of the connecting flange supplied with the hood. You cannot narrow the air duct or make sharp bends on it, because this will adversely affect the operation of the hood. It is preferable to use an air duct made of thick foil, because... the thinner one begins to rustle when the hood is running. Corrugated air ducts should not be used - fat and other substances that provide a breeding ground for microorganisms are deposited in their folds. The activity of bacteria can lead to an unpleasant odor in the kitchen.

3. Hood type. In general, hoods can be divided into three types - Flat, Built-in and Dome.

Flat, or hanging hoods are mounted under a wall-mounted kitchen cabinet or without it above the stove. Such hoods are usually equipped with disposable grease filters made of acrylic fabric. Suspended hoods have small motors (one or two) and mainly operate in recirculation mode. Acrylic filters in such hoods can be replaced with metal ones, and, in addition, disposable carbon filters can be installed, which retain smaller particles and slightly neutralize the odor.

Built-in hoods, as the name suggests, are mounted in a hanging kitchen cabinet above the stove in such a way that only the bottom panel of the hood remains visible. They usually have a retractable panel, which allows you to increase the air intake area and makes it easier to control the hood. Manufacturers equip built-in models with washable metal filters. Built-in hoods are available with two, less often with one motor.

Dome hoods are mounted on the wall or to the ceiling above the stove and have a fireplace (dome) shape. Dome hoods come in a variety of designs and come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, colors and finishes. Differences in the model ranges of manufacturing companies relate mainly to technical parameters, workmanship, engine parameters and control methods.

4. Filters. This section is especially relevant when using hoods in air recirculation mode.

Hoods can be equipped with grease and carbon filters. Grease filters can be disposable, made of synthetic materials, or reusable, made of aluminum foil or mesh. Aluminum grease filters consist of several layers of perforated aluminum. The holes in the aluminum sheets are selected in such a way as to create maximum air flow with minimal noise. These filters last throughout the life of the hood and require periodic cleaning in a solution of warm water with a non-aggressive detergent or in the dishwasher.

Carbon filters are purchased separately throughout the life of the hood, and are used to partially absorb odors when the hood is operating in recirculation mode.

5. Management. Modern hoods have the following control options: slider(slider) ; ordinary push-button; sensory- touch control, in this case there are no moving parts: just touch the picture on the control panel to turn on this or that function; pseudosensory- in this case, microphones are used that produce a quiet click when pressed lightly (like, for example, a VCR). The most advanced models of hoods are equipped with timers and remote controls.

6. Hood size And height above the surface kitchen stove. Obviously, the wider the hood, the higher the efficiency of its operation. The minimum width of the hood should be equal to or slightly larger than the width of the slab. So, for example, for a slab with a width of 60 cm, the most optimal is a hood with a width of 90 cm. As for the height of the hood above the stove surface, there are clear instructions on this matter: if the hob is gas, then at least 80 cm, in order to avoid accidental combustion of grease dust on the heat filters. If the hob is electric, you can hang the hood a little lower, at a height of 70cm.

7. And finally noise level. Noise levels are measured in decibels (dB). According to hygiene standards, noise that does not exceed 40 dB is considered comfortable and the maximum permissible is 80 dB. For example, the noise level of the CATA F(Standard)-2260 blanca/marron hood is 53 dB and the noise level of human speech is approximately 60 dB.

Perhaps this is all you need to know in order to choose the right hood. Oh yes, design! But we won’t give advice here - let everyone choose for themselves :)


Attention: before you go shopping for the hood you like, determine the power it needs to have. For this purpose, we use a simple formula: Power = height* kitchen area* 16 or 10 (air exchange rate per hour).

A standard kitchen in a panel apartment will have a height of 2.7 m and an area of ​​12 sq.m - in this situation, you can give preference to a hood with a capacity of 324 m3/hour. In private homes, it is better to use hoods with a capacity of 600 cubic meters. and more. Now you can make your purchase with confidence!

A kitchen hood has several different functions. But the main, main function of a kitchen hood is to clean the air from steam, grease and odors. Therefore correct choicehoods will be the key to fresh air and clean furniture, walls and ceilings in the kitchen. Additional features include selection.
Today, manufacturers offer various models of hoods suitable for any stylistic decisions of the kitchen interior. Also, almost all hoods are backlit. Therefore, the hood can become an additional source of lighting. Before as choose a hood, You need to calculate the required hood power for your kitchen space.

How to calculate the hood power required for the kitchen

In order for the hood to effectively cope with its main task, you need to choose the appropriate performance and power for your kitchen space, i.e. kitchen hood capacity. According to sanitary standards, the entire volume of air in the kitchen should be renewed on average 12 times per hour. There is a simple formula for a kitchen hood:

P = SxHx12

Where, R– this is productivity (power); S– area of ​​the room; N- ceiling height; 12 — sanitary standard for air renewal per hour.

Using this formula, you can calculate the average performance, the hood power required for your kitchen space. Advice: better choose a hood, where its power will be with a margin, slightly higher than what you calculate.

The noise level that the hood makes during operation

Do not forget that the more powerful the hood, the more noise it can make. In addition to power, the number of motors also affects the noise level. Most kitchen hood models are equipped with one motor, but there are models with two motors. Such hoods are more powerful, but they consume more electricity, cost an order of magnitude more, and are usually noisier.

Manufacturers offer hoods with noise levels from 30 to 75 dB. Accordingly, the lower this indicator, the quieter the hood operates. In addition to the number of motors and power consumption, the design of the hood affects the noise level. When the air flow passes through the ducts, additional noise is created.

In fact, the noise level of a working hood may differ from the indicated decibels in the characteristics. Therefore, before making a purchase in a store, ask the consultant to turn on the hood at full power and listen for a few minutes to determine how comfortable you will feel with the noise of the operating hood. Keep in mind that the flexible aluminum corrugation will add noise levels when air passes through it. But if, using a special plastic box, lined with sound-absorbing material and, in addition, enclosed in a decorative box made of plasterboard or aluminum, the noise level can even be reduced.

Number of operating speeds

Choosing a hood for the kitchen, pay attention to the number of operating speeds. For different models, this number varies from 1 to 15. The hood, which has several speeds, will allow you to choose the most optimal operation option, depending on what you are preparing and in what quantity, just fry eggs or cook broth, sauté vegetables and fry meat simultaneously.

Control type

Also, before choosing a kitchen hood, decide on its type of control, i.e. how you will switch operating speeds or adjust lighting. The type of hood control can be mechanical or electronic.

Mechanical control can be slider, where by moving the slider you can adjust the light or operating mode, or it can be push-button. If you stopped your choice on hood with a slider control type, pay attention to where the slider is located. The slider located below, directly above the hob, can subsequently heat up and become contaminated with fat, which is not very convenient to use.

mechanically controlled hood

Electronic control is more modern and advanced. Models with this type of control may have advanced capabilities and additional automatic programs. Electronic control can be push-button or touch. In addition, most electronic hoods are equipped with a display where you can see the current operating mode and other useful information in graphic or text form.

electronically controlled hood

Additional functions

The most expensive models of kitchen hoods can be equipped with additional modes and functions, such as automatic switching on by sensor, where when the temperature and humidity increase during cooking, the hood turns on automatically, and after cooking is completed, when the air in the kitchen returns to normal, it turns off. Or interval operation mode, when the hood turns on periodically (usually once an hour), works for a while, then turns off on its own, thereby removing extraneous odors in the kitchen in your absence. The air purifier can also be equipped intensive work mode. This mode is used in cases where the fumes coming from the hob are stronger than usual, for example, fish is being fried or something is burnt. In this case, the exhaust fan runs at high speed for a while and then automatically switches to the set speed.

Some hood models come with a remote control. You can set the required operating mode for the hood while sitting at your desk.

In a modern kitchen, a range hood has long become a familiar and commonplace thing. It is installed in apartments and country houses, because eliminating unpleasant odors during cooking and combating soot and fumes is relevant for any kitchen, no matter where it is located. In addition, the hood copes excellently with tobacco smoke. If it is common practice in your home to smoke in the kitchen, a range hood will be the solution to many problems. A hood is especially useful if your kitchen, as is often done now, is combined with the living room and is separated from it only by a bar counter or screen. In this way, you can visually increase the space, make the interior of the apartment more modern and open, but the problem of cooking odors spreading throughout the room must be solved.

The simplest option is installation, which will be almost invisible. This model is hidden in a cabinet above the stove, and only its working surface remains visible. Its advantage is that you can fit a built-in hood into any type of kitchen interior without much expense or effort.

Island hoods- These are not only useful devices that purify kitchen air, but also a unique interior detail. This hood is noticeable “from the threshold”. Usually this is a fairly massive unit that is attached to the kitchen ceiling and is not located close to the wall, but in the center of the stove. Often it is the hood that sets the tone for the entire kitchen interior.

There are several types of hood control - touch, electronic, slider or push-button.

Using the touchpad The hood can be controlled by touch: a set of sensors with LED indicators makes the procedure for selecting the operating mode very simple. Another advantage is that such a panel is easier to clean.

The touch panel is usually installed on island hood models, as it looks quite impressive, but is also not cheap.

- an even more expensive solution that is well worth the money. The fact is that the operation of a hood equipped with this type of control can be programmed, determining when and for how long it should turn on and what operating mode should be used. In addition, some models of such hoods are able to “orient according to the situation” - steam and smoke sensors allow them to turn on at the moment when it becomes necessary.

- this is the most reliable, simplest and cheapest option. The hood with slider control is equipped with a special switch with which you can turn the device on or off, as well as select the appropriate operating mode, gradually increasing the power.

similar to touch, it is also a fairly simple and reliable option. The main disadvantage of this solution is that the panel with protruding buttons is inconvenient to clean. If this doesn't bother you too much, it's certainly worth choosing a model with push-button controls, since this option will cost you significantly less than a similar model with touch controls.

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the level of noise it produces. There are both very noisy and virtually silent modern models, but this parameter significantly affects the cost of the device. Evaluate the noise level of the model you like based on its technical characteristics, since a person is unlikely to be able to adequately assess the noise level of a hood in a store. A model that seemed quite acceptable in a large room may turn out to be a rather troublesome neighbor in a small kitchen. The noise level of a good hood does not exceed 50 dB.

If you want a powerful hood that operates almost silently, take a look at dual-motor models. For country houses, we can recommend hoods with an external motor - their power-to-noise ratio is even more interesting.

Any hood is equipped with built-in lighting, which should be chosen taking into account not only your personal preferences, but the proximity of the lamp spectrum to natural. At the moment, halogen lamps can be called optimal in this regard. Next come regular incandescent and fluorescent lamps.

When installing a hood, it is important to ensure proper grounding of the device. This will be especially important for those houses whose residents are already accustomed to sudden power surges. In this way, you can significantly reduce the risk of motor failure or burnout of the electronic control unit.

Common parameters:

Frame/edging color- Color of the hood edging/frame. When choosing a hood, you need to take into account the color of the edging so that it fits harmoniously into the interior of the kitchen.

Main color- The actual color of the product, prevailing on the surface of the item.

Model- The actual product model declared by the manufacturer. Includes the name of the brand, series, article, and has a certain set of characteristics.

Type- Depending on the location and type of structure, all hoods can be divided into three conditional groups: hanging, built-in and fireplace (dome).
Hanging models belong to the budget class of hoods and most often work only in circulation mode. Such hoods have a working area equal to the hob above which they are located, and a small height, due to which they are sometimes also called flat hanging hoods. They are installed under the kitchen cabinet. It is necessary to take into account the height of the cabinet itself so that the lower part of the hood body and adjacent cabinets are approximately in line.
Built-in models operate in flow-through mode and therefore require ductwork. Their main advantage is that they can be completely hidden under a countertop or in a kitchen cabinet.
Fireplace (dome) hoods got their name due to the similarity of the design with the exhaust system of conventional fireplaces. The air first enters the dome-shaped housing and goes into the ventilation through the air duct. Such hoods are most often selected at the stage of equipping kitchen units and appliances.

Design- When choosing a hood, you need to pay attention to the design. They come in hanging, built-in, and fireplace types.
The first include models whose design includes a so-called “umbrella”, also known as an air intake, which should be located above the surface of the stove. This part of the hood can be straight or curved, metal or glass - depending on the model and design refinements. Such devices are fastened directly to the wall next to which the stove is located.
Another type of kitchen air purifiers is built-in. They are usually mounted in a wall cabinet designed for this purpose above the stove and do not take up much space. An air intake panel remains on the outside, which in many models moves forward during operation to cover as large an area as possible above the stove.
Fireplace or dome hoods are solid structures that look like truncated cones. They owe their name to their resemblance to the classic version of antique fireplace hoods. Their advantages include their high performance, quality of air purification, as well as a huge number of design options and colors.
Inclined hoods have the ability to adjust the angle of placement relative to the hob or stove.

Housing material- To create the body of hoods, manufacturers use different materials: plastic, stainless steel, aluminum, glass. Plastic is the cheapest option, but over time this material can turn yellow. The most optimal in terms of price and quality ratio is aluminum. It does not leave fingerprints, does not corrode and is easy to clean. Stainless steel and glass also perform well in terms of operation, but they require constant maintenance, albeit simple.

Edge/rib/railing material- Material that serves for decorative edging/ribs/railing of the hood box or its front panel.

Manufacturer's color- Color declared by the manufacturer.

Main characteristics:

Operating modes- Some models of hoods can only operate in air exhaust mode, others - in circulation mode. There are also models that work in both modes.
In circulation mode, the air driven by the fan through the hood is cleaned thanks to a grease filter and an activated carbon filter (it can be included in the kit, but is often purchased separately, see “Filter”). Clean air is then supplied back into the room. The service life of a standard carbon filter is on average 4-6 months, after which it must be replaced. The air circulation mode is used if it is not possible to remove contaminated air outside the room. Also, the circulation mode is convenient in winter, when it is unprofitable to release warm air outside. The circulation mode is not provided in all hoods, which must be remembered when choosing a particular model.
In air exhaust mode, all kitchen fumes are removed outside the room through the building's ventilation system. The efficiency of this mode is higher, but it requires connecting the hood to the ventilation system. Models that can operate in both exhaust and circulation modes allow you to choose the appropriate option depending on various factors (for example, the time of year, the characteristics of your kitchen).

Control type- The kitchen hood can be controlled by clock, rotary, or using sliders or sensors.
Sliders are used only in hoods, the power of which and the intensity of lighting are adjusted by moving a slider, separate for each function.
Touch control is considered the most convenient: all commands are carried out by lightly touching the symbols printed on the panel, under which there are special touch sensors.
Rotary control is realized by adjusting the rotating knobs, thanks to which you can quickly and with maximum accuracy set up one or another operating mode.
Tact control is carried out by buttons and levers.

Display- The hood has a special display that makes it easier to control the operation of the hood and its settings.

Number of speeds- The number of hood operating speeds provided by the manufacturer.

Motor power- Motor power varies. The more powerful the fan motor, the greater the performance, but also the noise produced.

Number of engines- The number of motors rotating the hood fan(s). Most modern hoods are equipped with one motor, but there are also models with two - such devices are usually more powerful, but they consume more energy and are often noisier.

Maximum performance- The amount of air (volume) driven by the hood per hour. Productivity is also directly related to the power of the hood. For example, 500 W of power is enough for a very high level of performance.

Timer- The hood has a special timer, with which you can set the time for the hood to automatically turn off.

Filter- Filter type included.


Filter clogging indicator- The presence of a special indicator that monitors the degree of filter contamination and displays information to the user about the need to replace the filter.

Lighting type- Incandescent lamp - a type of lamp with an incandescent spiral.
Halogen is a type of incandescent lamp that contains a special gas, due to which these lamps are more durable than conventional incandescent lamps.

Intensive mode- Mode of constant and powerful air removal. Very useful in cases where something burns.

Retractable design- A design feature in which the hood has a retractable hood (mostly prevalent in fully built-in ones).

Power of each lamp- Power of lighting lamps installed in the hood. Most often, incandescent lamps with a power of 20-40 W, halogen lamps with a power of 20 W and fluorescent lamps with a power of 10-15 W are used. Two or four of these lamps are enough to effectively illuminate the working surface of the stove.

Anti-return valve- This valve prevents air from entering the kitchen from outside when the hood is turned off.

Number of lighting lamps- The maximum number of lighting lamps that can be installed in the hood.

Additional Information:

Noise level- The maximum noise level emitted by the hood during operation, in decibels (dB).

Additionally- Additional characteristics of the hood that distinguish it from the rest. This could be an additional filter, the presence of an intensive mode, a display, auto-on, etc.

Power cable length- Actual length of the power cable. As a rule, the length is 1-2 m. The larger this figure, the greater the opportunity to place the hood away from the power supply.

Remote control- The remote control device will make it easier for you to operate the hood.

Installation dimensions:

Embedding width- The width of the free space where the hood is planned to be placed.
It should be taken into account that the dimensions of the hood must correspond to the dimensions of the working surface over which it is installed. The hood will work effectively only if its air intake hood completely covers the plane of the stove - then the leakage of contaminated air will be minimal. If space allows, you can install a hood slightly wider than the working surface of the stove (for example, for a kitchen stove 60 cm wide, you can buy a 90 cm wide hood). But to save space, most users still install hoods that are equal in width to the stove.

Minimum installation height- The height of the hood canopy varies from 5 to 200 cm. This parameter indicates the maximum distance between the bottom panel of the housing and the ventilation hole. If we are talking about a fireplace type hood, then this value also takes into account the height of the air duct.

Duct diameter- The diameter of the pipe for removing unnecessary vapors is from 100 to 200 mm.
The duct is a pipe that carries all kitchen fumes into the ventilation shaft. In order to install it correctly, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence between the diameter of the hood pipe and the inlet of the ventilation shaft. Some manufacturers, just in case, immediately complete the hood with an adapter so that installation does not cause difficulties.

Installation depth- The actual size of the installation depth of the hood.

Dimensions and weight:

Packing depth- Actual depth of the packaged product. It is worth considering that the depth of the packaging will be several centimeters greater than the depth of the device itself. It is worth considering this characteristic when transporting cargo.

Package height- Actual height of the packaged product. It is worth considering that the height of the packaging will be several centimeters greater than the height of the device itself. It is worth considering this characteristic when transporting cargo.

Packing width- Actual width of the packaged product. It is worth considering that the width of the package will be several centimeters larger than the width of the device itself.

Weight- Actual weight of the hood. This is an important characteristic, because in some cases the weight of the hood along with the fasteners does not allow it to be installed on a suspended ceiling.

Width- Actual hood width. It should be smaller than the width of the installation so that it is possible to secure the hood and also remove it without any hindrance.

Depth- Actual drawing depth. Often the depth is selected according to the size of the hob so that the hood completely covers this space.

Height- Actual hood height. The height of the entire hood structure is from the bottom edge to the top of the body (the point at which the external air duct enters). For hoods with an adjustable design that allows you to change the height of the body, the maximum height in the classical sense is meant - the size of the device in the “unfolded” state; In the case of non-adjustable hoods, this means a constant overall height. When choosing a hood height, you should consider two points:
The optimal height of the air intake above the hob is 60-80 cm. This height allows the hood to effectively capture kitchen fumes and at the same time provides sufficient space for working with the hob.

Classification of hoods, filters, noise level, control, lighting.

Classification of hoods

  1. "Flat" - suspended, mounted on the wall under a hanging kitchen cabinet or without it above the stove. Many manufacturers have grease filters in such hoods, usually made of acrylic fabric (disposable). Suspended hoods have small motors and mostly operate in recirculation mode (see below). This mode of operation requires disposable carbon filters, which trap smaller particles and slightly neutralize the odor. Hanging hoods "KRONAsteel" already have carbon filters as standard. This class of hoods is considered the cheapest.
  2. Built-in hoods mounted in a hanging kitchen cabinet above the stove. They usually have a retractable panel, which increases the air intake area and makes it easier to control the hood. When the panel is pulled out, the hood turns on in the mode in which you turned it off (see operating instructions). This is a more compact design and more technically advanced than “flat” suspended hoods. Some built-in hoods are equipped with two motors, which increase performance, and washable, multi-layer aluminum grease filters. Some manufacturers equip built-in hoods with one motor and a disposable grease filter made of acrylic fabric. There is no need to skimp on these options. This class of hoods is not much more expensive than hanging hoods.
  3. Dome hoods They are mounted on the wall or to the ceiling above the stove, and have a fireplace (dome) shape. This class is divided into three types: all-metal, metal with glass or framed with wood, “classic” - trimmed with wood. Dome hoods are varied in design and have a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors. Differences in the model ranges of manufacturing companies mainly relate to technical parameters, workmanship, engine parameters, control methods

An important element in the hood is filters.

Hoods can be equipped with two types of filters.

  1. Grease filters clean the air from suspended particles (grease, gas combustion products, etc.). They can be disposable from synthetic material or reusable from aluminum foil or mesh. Some are equipped with aluminum grease filters. Aluminum grease filters consist of several layers of perforated aluminum. The holes in the aluminum sheets are made in such a way as to create maximum air flow with minimal noise. These filters last throughout the life of the hood and require periodic cleaning in a solution of warm water with a non-aggressive detergent or in the dishwasher. When washing the machine, it is necessary to place the filters vertically so that solid food debris does not clog the filter holes.
  2. Carbon filter fine cleaning (disposable) - retain smaller particles and slightly neutralize odor. Carbon filters are purchased separately throughout the life of the hood, so installation in recirculation mode should be the last resort. When using carbon filters, the frequency of their replacement depends on the frequency of use of the hood.

Noise level

Data on noise levels are indicated in the catalog, and they can also be obtained from sales consultants. Noise level is measured in decibels. To understand the decibel scale, you can compare the parameters from the guidelines below:

  • quiet room, auditorium - 30 decibels
  • soft music - 40 decibels
  • noise in a restaurant with open windows - 50 decibels
  • average level of spoken speech at a distance of 1 m - 60 decibels
  • noise inside the tram - 70 decibels
  • typing bureau - 80 decibels
  • pain zone, the sound is no longer audible -130 decibels

Studies have shown that excessive noise from range hoods has a very depressing effect on people in the kitchen. Sometimes women spend more than five hours a day in the kitchen. It is very important to find the “golden” mean between power and noise.

Pay attention to the hood control

Modern hoods have the following control options:

  • "slider"-slider, "push-button", "pseudo-sensory"- microphones are used, for example, like a VCR, “touch” - touch control.
  • Convenient and practical, this control is “push-button” and “pseudo-touch”. Such controls are located on the front panel in front of your eyes, and not below like a “slider”. They do not become greasy, they are clearly visible, and easy to care for.

The original technical development is a “pseudo-sensory” control unit (for easier perception, in the catalog this control is referred to as touch control). It consists of 4-5 buttons that switch engine operating modes and light. An LED lights up above the buttons, allowing you to see in which mode the hood is operating. Speeds are switched in random order. In addition, this unit has a built-in electronic timer. You have finished cooking, turn on the timer, the hood will turn off itself, having first removed the last residual smell, steam, etc. This is a very convenient function that allows you to save your kitchen furniture and not have to think about turning off the hood.

Hood lighting

Hoods use incandescent, fluorescent or halogen lamps. Hoods with halogen lamps are more expensive, but consume less energy with better efficiency. Replacing burnt out incandescent light bulbs is not difficult.

What determines the efficiency of a hood?

  • It depends on whether it is ducted into the ventilation shaft or operates in recirculation mode. The most effective option is to exhaust air into the ventilation shaft.
  • From carbon filters. Whatever the carbon filter, it does not remove odors 100%; moreover, the denser it is, the less effective the hood becomes.
  • From grease filters. The cross section of the filter plays an important role.
  • From the productivity reserve. The performance reserve allows you to be able to remove contaminated air when food burns or other extreme operating conditions of the hood.
  • From the pressure (pressure) created by the motor. The high air pressure generated by the motor ensures that performance will not decrease significantly due to “aggravating” circumstances (see safety factor).
  • From the size of the hood. The larger it is, the larger the area the air is sucked in from. No large eddies are created. The sides of the wall kitchen cabinet do not shrink.
  • From the outlet diameter of the adapter to the flexible air duct. The larger it is, the less effort the hood needs to eject air.

Which air ducts are better?

The larger the diameter of the duct, the better. The air duct must not be narrowed or made into sharp bends. Air ducts made of very thin aluminum foil begin to rustle when the hood is turned on. Air ducts made of thick aluminum foil are preferable, but they also do not provide sound insulation. The "accordion" also affects air resistance. Flexible PVC boxes are preferable. It is best to use round PVC boxes, without an accordion. They have corner elements, absorb noise and do not create air resistance. Rectangular PVC boxes are also available for sale, the main thing is not to narrow the air duct.

Why can’t I narrow the air duct with an adapter from a diameter of 125 to 100?

Because the operating principle of the hood is such that it must emit the stated volume of air per hour. If an additional obstacle in the form of a narrowing is encountered on the way, the hood will increase engine speed. This means the noise will increase - the principle of the vacuum cleaner, and engine wear will increase.

In what cases is it necessary to use the hood in recirculation mode?

If you do not want to overcome the difficulties that arise in connection with connecting the hood to the ventilation shaft. You can always find a way to expel the air from the kitchen, an extreme way is to make a hole above the hood in the wall to the outside.

At what height above the hob should the hood be hung?

If the hob is gas, then at least 80-85 centimeters. As a rule, people do not always clean grease filters regularly. Fatty dust accumulates on them. If the hood hangs below 80 centimeters, then a fire from an open flame is possible.
If the hob is electric, then at least 70-85 centimeters.

The instructions say that the hood must be grounded. For what..?

The fact is that there are voltage surges in the electrical network. If the hood is grounded, the hood motor or electronic control unit will not burn out, and the hood will not turn on spontaneously. Safety precautions must be followed.