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The weed in the garden looks like celery. Is celery an annual or perennial vegetable? Various dishes are prepared from lovage

This plant from the celery family is cultivated as a perennial. The root is massive, spindle-shaped, yellow-brown on the outside, white on the inside. The leaves are shiny, with wedge-shaped toothed lobes. Blooms from June to August. They are bred in gardens, but are also found wild in southern Russia. Propagated by sowing seeds or dividing old bushes in spring or autumn. The roots, seeds and aerial parts are used for food. The smell is reminiscent of celery, the taste of lovage is pungent, salty-bitter.

People call lovage mountain celery. Indeed, they are close botanical relatives. In the wild, lovage grew on the slopes and foothills of mountains, hence another name - mountain celery. It also grew in lower, moist places, where it developed even more magnificently.

The cultivated plant is a perennial, very winter-hardy, unpretentious, less demanding of care, sunlight, heat and soil. Mountain celery can grow in shade. It even does better when the lower part of the plant is in the shade. In the second year of life, the lovage blooms, and then it bursts upward, towards the sun, trying to create conditions for the ripening of seeds.

The plant has a large fleshy root suitable for food. Greens are used as a spicy seasoning in cooking, as well as for pickling vegetables. At the same time, lovage also has medicinal properties.

In the second year of growth, mountain celery will surprise you with its height (up to two meters!) and yellow flowers, collected in a dense umbrella. And the older the lovage is, the more beautiful it grows and bushes in width. Everyone who comes to visit you will certainly notice it in the garden and wonder what kind of curiosity it is?

Lovage has long been known in Rus'. There are legends about it; miraculous properties were attributed to it. He was especially loved and revered in the south of the country, where they called him by affectionate names: lyubchik, lovage, lyubets, love-me. Girls “bewitched” guys with lovage. When getting married, they sewed lovage into the hems of their wedding dresses so that their husband would love them all his life. It was believed that for good luck, lovage should grow in every household. Why and where does such a respectful attitude towards this plant come from? Maybe because eating lovage gives a person strength and vigor.

Even in ancient times, people knew about the nutritional, medicinal, stimulating and aromatic properties of lovage. This vegetable is rich in potassium salts, vitamins, minerals, and essential oil. The roots contain starch, sugar, tannins, coumarin, malic acid, resins, and gum. In folk medicine, its juice, infusion or decoction of roots and leaves was used as an expectorant, diuretic and tonic. Lovage was also given to enhance intestinal motility (for constipation). All parts of the plant were used: root, leaves, seeds. Lovage infusion was used to enhance hair growth and strengthening.

How to grow lovage?

It is propagated by seeds sown before winter or early spring. It sprouts in spring even from self-sowing. Lovage also works well when dividing perennial roots. If you decide to propagate this plant with seeds, then sow not scatteredly, but in rows, first sprouting green shoots 10–15 cm deep and using them as young greens. Then you can thin out the plants by 30–40 cm, gradually increasing the distance between plants and row spacing to 60–70 cm. This area is enough for many years of growing this large and powerful plant. In the fall, it would be good to sprinkle the plant with peat or humus.

Lovage grows on different soils: clayey, sandy, peaty, but it develops more luxuriantly in breathable, moderately moist and nutritious soils. If nitrogen is added too much, the plant becomes too strong and the root reaches large sizes, but its flesh loses density and juiciness, becomes loose, and darkens when cooked. Therefore, you should not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers, but be sure to add potassium and microelements. Before sowing seeds, fill the soil with humus or compost at the rate of 4–5 kg of compost per 1 m2, 15–20 g of urea, 20 g of superphosphate (ordinary) and 30 g of potassium sulfate, a glass of ash. Then, depending on the condition of the plant, you can carry out organic and mineral fertilizing with microelements.

To grow good lovage roots, you need to remove the flower stalks in time, preventing them from rising. Do not cut too much greenery, this will affect the growth of the roots. Greenery for the table will provide thinning of thickened plants. It is enough to leave one copy of lovage for seeds.

In the spring, the seeds that have fallen to the ground produce good shoots (seedlings), which are transplanted to the ridges to grow new plants. This same plant - tall, densely leafy, with large dark green leaves, as if polished to a shine, and tall yellowish umbrella peduncles - can also be decorative at the same time.

The roots, dug up in the fall, are stored in the basement, cutting off the greens and small roots. Laying them tightly next to each other, sprinkling them with sand. Those left in the ground are dug up in early spring immediately after the snow melts. In the spring, such a gift from the garden is very necessary, because it remains nutritious and vitamin-rich. The root is insignificant in the year of sowing and grows only after the second year.

Various dishes are prepared from lovage.

The root is consumed both fresh and boiled, stewed, baked and fried. It is also added to soups, cutlets, stews, vegetables, purees, and casseroles.

Young greens are used as a spicy seasoning in soups, salads and other culinary products. Dried herbs and finely chopped dry roots, as well as seeds, are good for seasoning in winter. Salted greens also play the same role (200 g of salt per 1 kg of greens).

To prevent cut raw rhizomes from turning black, they should be sprinkled with lemon juice or citric acid, or maybe vinegar.

Boiled lovage roots are used in salads mixed with other vegetables: beets, carrots, cucumbers (fresh or pickled).

In early spring, it is good to prepare salads from raw, freshly dug roots, peeling them and chopping them on a coarse grater. Add carrots, apples to the salad, season it all with mayonnaise.

And finally, a few cooking recipes.

Lovage cutlets. Peel the boiled roots, pass through a meat grinder, add a raw egg, a little flour, then fry in oil. If you are on a diet, you can steam the cutlets. For 0.5 kg of roots: 1–2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of flour, salt, sugar to taste.

Stew with lovage. Simmer the meat until partially cooked. Place peeled and chopped pieces of lovage root, previously sprinkled with lemon juice or citric acid, on top, add a little onion and simmer until tender. For 0.5 kg of meat: 1 kg of lovage, 1 onion, salt to taste.

Stuffed lovage. Cool the cooked roots, peel and cut into large pieces. Using a teaspoon, scoop out the pulp from the middle, chop it and mix with the raw minced meat. Stuff pieces of lovage with this mixture, fry them in oil or bake them in the oven with sour cream.

Is celery perennial or annual?

Is celery perennial or annual?


What does celery look like?

What does lovage look like?

Like celery, lovage belongs to the Apiaceae family. The stem of lovage can reach a height of 2 meters and has a bare surface of a bluish color, leafy only at the very top. The leaves of lovage are very similar to celery leaves, just as shiny and feathery.

Are lovage and celery the same thing?

The aroma of this plant is also similar to celery, which is why the plant received the name winter celery.


In essence, it is a perennial celery. It resembles him both in appearance and aroma. But, unlike celery, it is much easier to grow.

There is no need to bother with seedlings or sowing seeds every year. I planted it once and provided myself with food for 10-15 years. early spring until late autumn with wonderfully healthy spicy herbs. Its most attractive features: any soil, shade-tolerant (but loves the sun) and frost-resistant. Propagated by seeds (seedlings or directly into the ground). But the easiest way is to divide the rhizome. The lovage has a large hole, so we dig a 40x50 cm hole for the division. We fill the soil in it with organic matter and neutralize it with dolomite flour or other material containing calcium. We divide the rhizomes from the age of three, and plant them in spring or autumn. You can also plant seeds in the ground in early spring or before winter. It is advisable to keep them in warm water for a day before sowing. When planting lovage in a permanent place, do not thicken it, give it freedom (3 plants per 1 sq. m). During the season, two feedings are required: in the spring, as soon as the snow melts (20 g of urea per 1 sq. m), and in the summer, after cutting the leaves (infusion of chicken manure 1:10). Maintenance is simple: loosening, weeding, watering and removing flower stalks (there will be more tender greenery). The more often you cut the leaves, the more vitamin C and carotene they contain.

We eat


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Lyudmila Kombarova

Are lovage and celery the same thing?

Even the youngest children probably know about the beneficial properties of celery. According to legend, the benefits of this plant are so great that even Greek gods used it to maintain eternal youth and beauty. In our country, celery’s twin brother, lovage, has long been used for the same purposes. Their external similarity is so great that many people doubt whether they are one and the same thing, celery and lovage. Let's try to figure this issue out together.

What does celery look like?

The most common member of the umbrella family, celery is a biennial plant about 60-80 cm high. There are three varieties of celery: leaf, petiole and root. Root celery forms a large, rounded root, about 10 cm in diameter. Petiole celery has large leaves with dense petioles, while leaf celery has both leaves and petioles that are small. All parts of celery are edible and have a strong spicy aroma.

What does lovage look like?

Like celery, lovage belongs to the Apiaceae family. The stem of lovage can reach a height of 2 meters and has a bare surface of a bluish color, leafy only at the very top. The leaves of lovage are very similar to celery leaves, just as shiny and feathery. The aroma of this plant is also similar to celery, which is why the plant received the name winter celery.

Lovage and celery - differences

Despite the external similarity and close relationship, lovage and celery are still separate plants from each other and have a lot of differences:

I've known him for a long time and it's a little funny. I then worked in a small newspaper “Dachny Sezon”. One day one of our authors, a great gardening enthusiast who often treated us to the gifts of his garden, brought canned herbs and said that this was lovage - very useful. The taste of the grass was very, very strange, but the editor and I bravely swallowed it, but our layout designer couldn’t, and my upbringing didn’t allow me to spit it out. He sat there with his mouth full until the visitor left. But, despite this comical situation, interest in the plant arose, and then love appeared. Lovage is indeed very useful.


In essence, it is a perennial celery. It resembles him both in appearance and aroma. But, unlike celery, it is much easier to grow. There is no need to bother with seedlings or sowing seeds every year. I planted it once and for 10-15 years I provided myself with wonderfully healthy spicy herbs from early spring to late autumn. Its most attractive features: any soil, shade-tolerant (but loves the sun) and frost-resistant. Propagated by seeds (seedlings or directly into the ground). But the easiest way is to divide the rhizome. The lovage has a large hole, so we dig a 40x50 cm hole for the division. We fill the soil in it with organic matter and neutralize it with dolomite flour or other material containing calcium. We divide the rhizomes from the age of three, and plant them in spring or autumn.

Are lovage and celery the same thing?

You can also plant seeds in the ground in early spring or before winter. It is advisable to keep them in warm water for a day before sowing. When planting lovage in a permanent place, do not thicken it, give it freedom (3 plants per 1 sq. m). During the season, two feedings are required: in the spring, as soon as the snow melts (20 g of urea per 1 sq. m), and in the summer, after cutting the leaves (infusion of chicken manure 1:10). Maintenance is simple: loosening, weeding, watering and removing flower stalks (there will be more tender greenery). The more often you cut the leaves, the more vitamin C and carotene they contain.

We eat

The whole lovage plant is eaten - roots, stems, leaves. The greens have a sweetish taste with a slight hint of bitterness and a sharp, persistent aroma. The first delicate leaves appear immediately after the snow disappears, at the same time as the feathers perennial onion, and here is the first vitamin salad on your table. By the way, do not let the stems grow more than 10 cm - the leaves become rough. Dried and powdered leaves added to meat broth amazingly change its taste. This powder can be used to flavor black or green tea, add to homemade baked goods. The root begins to be used from the second year of life. They eat it fresh, boiled, stewed, baked or fried. Boiled root is a wonderful companion to beets, carrots, cucumbers (fresh and salted) in salads. Dry, powdered roots smell like mushrooms. Lovage seeds are used for pickling cucumbers, squash, zucchini and cabbage.
You can make candied fruits from the stems and roots. Finely cut the young stems or roots crosswise, boil them in water and then in sugar syrup, sprinkle the cooled transparent pieces with powdered sugar and dry them. They are stored for a long time.
Lovage is also an excellent flavoring agent for liqueurs and tinctures. The smell will be very refined.


Lovage is rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential oils. It will calm the nerves, relieve anemia and migraines, and is an excellent tonic.
To remove freckles and age spots, you can prepare a decoction of roots and leaves: pour 1 teaspoon of the crushed mixture into a glass of water, leave for an hour and boil for 10 minutes. Using a cotton swab dipped in the broth, wipe the problem areas of the skin twice a day for two weeks. If you use lovage infusion as a hair rinse, your hair will become thick, fluffy and shiny and acquire an exceptional aroma - simply intoxicating for men.
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Where would we be without him? It is not necessary to plant lovage in the garden; you can plant it in the front garden or flower garden. A tall (up to two meters) bush, densely covered with large dark green, smooth and shiny leaves on thick stems. Imagine how magnificent it is surrounded by low-growing plants or as a hedge.
Universal varieties: Cupid, Hercules, Don Juan, Leader, Udalets, Preobrazhensky Semko.
Lyudmila Kombarova

Are lovage and celery the same thing?

Lovage is a crop from the Umbelliferae family. These plants are similar to each other not only in appearance. Taste and beneficial features Herbs are similar and are used in cooking and medicine. The differences in the photo are visible only in the size of the stems and the shade of leafy greenery.

Lovage officinalis: description and care

People have given it many names: lyubets, mountain celery, love-herb, and even love potion. Lovage (Levisticum officinale) is the only representative of its species. This plant reaches a height of more than 2 m. Its powerful stem is hollow inside (piper), the leaves are pinnate, dark green, with a strong spicy aroma. All parts of the plant have a scent, including the root. Lovage blooms in “umbrellas” with small yellow flowers.

Lovage is a cold-tolerant perennial. Flowering and seed ripening occur in the second year of life. It is very easy to propagate and care for it. Sow the crop in ridges, thinning the plantings to 60 cm between plants.

Lovage is planted in moderately moist, nutritious, not heavy soils. For full growth and development, apply fertilizers:

  • mineral complexes with potassium;
  • humus or compost.


The composition of the mixture for feeding can be taken as follows:

  • compost 4-5 kg;
  • urea 20 g;
  • superphosphate 30 g;
  • ash 1 cup.

In order for the plant to grow tubers, the flower stalks should be removed. The roots are removed in the second year and used for their intended purpose.

Spicy celery in the garden

Celery has three types:

  1. Root.
  2. Sheet.
  3. Chereshkovy.

Unlike lovage, its taste and aroma are less tart. The culture is inferior in size to lovage (height up to 1 m). In agricultural technology, plants have a lot in common. Celery is a biennial. Grows well in moist soils. Resistant to cold and light frosts.


Celery is grown using the seedling method. Seeds are ready for planting by February. A month after emergence, the seedlings are planted in separate containers. Fertilizing is done with a Nitrophoska solution (1 tsp per bucket of water). Before planting in the ground, seedlings are hardened off by taking them outside for several hours.

Attention! Do not overcook celery root seedlings, this will slow down the development of tubers.

The distance in the beds for stem and leaf celery is 15-20 cm, for root celery is at least 25 cm.

Celery does not tolerate dry soil. On dry days, the garden bed is watered every day. Young plantings are supported with herbal infusion. A couple of weeks after planting in the ground - a solution of bird droppings or mullein. In the middle of the season - superphosphate (30 g per 1 m²). Beds with spicy vegetables need weeding, mulching and loosening.

Advice! In order for root celery to grow nutritious tubers, its top and side roots are broken off at the end of summer.

Leaf celery is dug up with the first cold weather and transplanted into pots at home. Good way have fresh herbs for the table.

Lovage and celery are equally rich in vitamins and nutrients. Some differences in growing and caring for plants are due to the crops belonging to different types one family.

Lovage officinalis: video

» Vegetable garden

Celery or lovage? When coming to the market it is easy to make a mistake with their choice. Not everyone knows that celery and lovage are not the same thing, but various plants and their similarity is only conditional. Let's try to understand the truth and learn to recognize them at first sight.

Lovage is an edible, medicinal, perennial, herbaceous plant from the Umbrella family. Since ancient times, it has been known as a spicy crop with a distinct taste and aroma.

Historical homeland - Iran. Similar to parsley and celery. The British called it “love parsley”, and in Russia they call it “winter celery”. Main uses: culinary and medicinal.

Botanical description:

  • thick, branched roots;
  • root depth approximately 0.5 m;
  • height 2m or more;
  • the stem is dense at the base, juicy;
  • leaves are large, pinnately dissected;
  • leaf color is dark green;
  • inflorescences are white, small;
  • spicy aroma;
  • the taste is slightly hot;
  • The aftertaste is pleasant, slightly bitter.

Leaf lovage

The lovage plant is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It contains more than 200 substances. Among them are potassium, broad-spectrum vitamins, malic acid, mineral compounds and essential oils. In Rus', all parts of the plant were considered a remedy, increasing male power, and in European countries - a female aphrodisiac.

Lovage is a gourmet spice. When fresh, young foliage is most suitable. With age, it becomes tough and less tasty. The leaves can be prepared for the winter, dried or frozen.

Lovage goes well with seasonal vegetable salads, hot entrees, meat and fish dishes.

Dried lovage for culinary use

Medicinal properties

The rhizome and juice of all parts of the crop are famous for their healing powers. It is used in folk medicine during treatment:

  • dropsy;
  • getting rid of worms;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • nervous disorders and insomnia;
  • alcoholism.

Extracts from parts of lovage are used for cosmetic purposes. It is added to shampoos against hair loss and hair growth. The juice helps whiten your facial skin. It is used in anti-freckle creams and to reduce pigmentation.

Baths with the addition of such aromatic oil relieve skin inflammation and heal microcracks and cuts. Lotions and decoctions treat acne, pimples, and purulent inflammations.

Lovage is used in cosmetology


Lovage is grown in sunny areas or in partial shade. Starting in May, you can feast on its young, juicy leaves. The vegetable is demanding of moisture, When there is drought, the foliage turns yellow. Frost-resistant and does not require shelter. Propagated by seed and by dividing the mother bush. It takes root in a new place painlessly and grows very quickly.


All parts of the culture should not be consumed by young children, pregnant women, or those with a tendency to hemorrhoids and pyelonephritis. Doctors do not recommend using it if you have stomach diseases or intestinal problems.

Before flowering, the lovage root accumulates toxic substances!

What is celery?

Celery has been known to the world for many thousands of years as a healthy spice. In the wild, it grows in swamps and salt marshes in the Mediterranean regions. It is a spicy, edible, umbelliferous annual plant. Happens three types: leaf, root and petiole.

Botanical description:

  • the root system is weakly branched, small;
  • plant height from 0.3 to 1 m;
  • the stem of the petiole variety is juicy and dense, while that of the leaf variety is thin and grassy;
  • leaves are not large, pinnately dissected;
  • color deep green;
  • inflorescences are small, greenish;
  • delicately spicy aroma;
  • the taste is pleasant, not spicy;
  • aftertaste without bitterness.

In terms of the amount of vitamins, it is one of the five healthy vegetable crops. It contains amino acids and carotene, essential oils, nicotinic acid, amino acids, thiamine and riboflavin, vitamins E, A, B and androsterone (male sex hormone).

Use in cooking

Cooks use all parts of the plant “from tops to roots.” Leaves and roots are used in vegetable salads, meat and fish dishes, and for making soups and broths. They can be dried or frozen, but celery will not lose its positive qualities.

The petioles can be eaten fresh, added to salads, first and second courses. Fried or baked petioles are a delicious side dish; they are served with meat and fish dishes. A healthy juice is prepared from the petioles and consumed in combination with tomato, cucumber and cabbage juice.

Celery root is a different story. They bake it like a turnip. Boiled and fried like potatoes. The vegetable goes well with apples, grapefruit, chicken breast, cheeses and nuts.

Herring like medicine, is not inferior to lovage. Has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and improves appetite. Drinking the juice of its leaves at night will calm the nerves and guarantees good sleep. Nutritionists recommend eating it for weight loss.

Celery has been proven to remove toxins.

In folk medicine it is used as:

  • diuretic and laxative;
  • digestive organ stimulant;
  • in the treatment and prevention of kidney disease;
  • for blood purification;
  • with diabetes mellitus.

Celery juice is very beneficial

It is difficult to overestimate the miraculous properties of celery aimed at female beauty rejuvenation. Its juice stops is suitable for all skin types and for any age. It stops cell aging, relieves irritation, serves as a tonic, nourishing and cleansing agent.

The world's leading manufacturers prepare the best creams based on extracts from all parts of celery. It treats acne and pimples. There are hundreds folk recipes masks and lotions using it


Celery is grown by seed as an annual or 2-year plant. In the second year of life, it throws out flowering arrows, forms seeds and dies. The plant is not frost-resistant and requires shelter for the winter, especially in regions with cold climates.


Those with stomach ulcers or kidney stones should take it with special caution.

Let's summarize. Celery and lovage differ from each other in many ways.

The similarities are as follows:

  1. Botanical family Umbelliferae.
  2. Similar taste and aroma.
  3. Culinary purpose.
  4. Use of cosmetology.
  5. Application in medicine.
  6. Availability of individual contraindications.

Lovage and celery

The table clearly shows the differences between vegetable crops.

The main similarity of these plants is their enormous benefits for the human body.

It is useful for a modern person to lead the correct and healthy image life. That is why it is recommended to grow on personal plot one or both cultures and eat them, preferably fresh.

Differences between celery and lovage. Some plants look alike, like twin people. But botanists manage to find differences in them, classifying them as different genera of the same family, giving plants different names. There are two such “twins” in the Umbrella family. Let's try to understand their similarities and differences.


The only kind- Lovage officinalis

People have long noticed the love power of the plant, giving it different names that have the same essence. Names such as lyubets, lyub-grass, love potion do not require additional explanation. Interestingly, having many names, the genus Lovage has a single plant species called “Lovage officinalis”.

Attribute of Ukrainian huts

There was a time when lovage bushes were sure to grow near every Ukrainian hut. In the summer, the fragrant fresh leaves of the plant were added to salads, vegetable dishes, marinades, and used for pickling vegetables and preparing various flour dishes. The leaves were dried for future use to flavor the listed dishes in the winter.

Not only leaves were used, but also roots, from which they made jam and made oriental sweets - candied fruits.

The pungent smell and spicy, slightly bitter taste of lovage, even in small quantities, gives marinades and pickles a mushroom aroma.

Healing properties

Headaches are relieved by applying crushed leaves to painful points on the head. Decoctions, tinctures, and healing teas are prepared from the leaves. The leaves are ground into powder, which is used for healing in traditional medicine.

The main healer of lovage is its thick roots and rhizomes, which are dug up in the fall or early spring. It is believed that during the growing season, until the plant blooms, the roots are poisonous, so during this period only the leaves should be used.

Decoctions and infusions from the roots became famous as healing agents for diseases of the lungs, stomach, and heart. But for people with kidney problems and pregnant women, lovage is contraindicated even as a spicy seasoning.

Growing and care

There are enough lovage unpretentious plant. It has no special requirements for soil or illumination of the planting site. It is very frost-resistant.

Caring for it is traditional, including weeding, loosening the soil after watering and rain, and periodic fertilizing with fertilizers.

Lovage is propagated by sowing seeds, shoots or dividing bushes. It grows quickly, reaching one and a half meters in height the very next year after planting, becoming taller, wider and more powerful every year.


Celery is a relative of lovage.

Today, lovage is second in popularity to celery, although it is its close relative. Celery is not just classified as a spicy plant, but is considered a spicy vegetable.

Are lovage and celery the same thing?

Differences between celery and lovage.
Celery by appearance and the taste is very similar to lovage. But celery leaves are lighter and softer, and their taste is less spicy and pungent than that of lovage, whose leaves are even bitter.
Celery is more demanding to care for.

There are three varieties of celery in cultivation: leaf, petiole and root.

Pantry of useful substances

Celery accumulates carotene, amino acids, and sugar in all its parts. The accumulated nutrients have beneficial influence on digestive system, stimulating appetite; tidy up your nerves, giving you a good night’s sleep; come to grips with obesity.

Growing and care

Lovage and celery have differences in how they are grown.

Celery has a long growing season, and therefore it is usually grown through seedlings. Seeds are sown 2.5-3 months before planting in open ground. Unlike the cold-resistant lovage, celery is afraid of frost, and therefore it is released into the free air with the arrival of stable warmth. Celery is often planted along the edges of ridges or as a sealant for cucumbers.

Plant care is standard.

There are small peculiarities when growing petiole celery. To make the petioles grow tender, they resort to the “bleaching” technique. To do this, the lower part of the petioles is covered from light with burlap, paper or straw.