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Where to start losing weight correctly for a woman. Where to start losing weight at home. The right lunch for weight loss

You don't need to do anything to start losing weight. Follow these simple rules, and very soon you will see the result.

  1. Start eating fresh vegetables. If you decide to lose weight, vegetables should now become the basis of your diet. Just start every meal with a vegetable salad.
    In a cafe or restaurant, the first thing you order is a vegetable salad. At home, the first thing you prepare for yourself is a vegetable salad. Vegetables have no calories. This is a healthy and living food that you can eat in any quantity. If you accustom yourself to vegetable salads, one day it will become your habit, and habit is second nature.
  2. Say goodbye to sweet soda forever. Coca-Cola, Fanta, everything that is sold in aluminum cans and contains sugar - this makes you fat. Train yourself to drink water, freshly squeezed vegetable juices and herbal tea without sugar. Nutritionists believe that a person needs to drink at least eight glasses a day clean water. Water cleanses the body and stimulates metabolic processes in cells. Get used to water. Sugar is a drug that can be gradually weaned off. Drink water, think that your body is rejuvenating and cleansing, the water will seem tastier to you.
  3. The usual three meals a day is now completely unacceptable for you. You need to eat often, but in small portions. Try to eat six times a day, but little by little. Avoid long breaks between meals. You haven't eaten for four hours and you feel like you're a hero. In fact, after such a break, you will satisfy your brutal hunger and eat much more than you would have eaten, fueling yourself all this time and interrupting your appetite. If you continue to fast throughout the day and eat a large dinner, you will never be able to lose weight. Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy. In the morning you need to eat a lot, in the afternoon less, and in the evening only the lightest things - a salad of fresh vegetables, a glass of kefir, an egg. Have you been invited to dinner in the evening? Order freshly squeezed juice, vegetable salad, light soup and any protein dish without a side dish, such as chicken shish kebab. Eat two or three dry pieces. When offered dessert, refuse!
  4. Start walking. Nowadays it is common to work out in fitness clubs, but this has almost nothing to do with losing weight. Already thin girls build their muscles on exercise machines. To lose weight you need to burn fat, and this is not done on weight machines. Start walking every day, stop using the elevator, take the stairs. Walk from the metro to work or park your car as far away as possible. Walk. This is the best fat burning workout.
  5. Start looking for squirrels everywhere. A person begins to lose weight when he stops eating carbohydrate foods (bread, dough, potatoes, white rice) and begins to lean on fish, poultry, meat, eggs, dairy. Learn which foods contain protein. Remember that proteins are not only meat, but also legumes, lentils,... Wherever you go, look everywhere for something you can eat that contains protein. Remember that protein can be too fatty. Steak is good, but better. Remember that protein food loses all meaning and turns into a calorie bomb if it is sandwiched between two buns or fried in breadcrumbs.
  6. Take natural vitamins and natural dietary supplements, they will help you cope with your new regime. Natural

Before you start reading the material, there are some caveats: nothing comes easy on the journey to changing your body. Your dream is a war for slimness and fitness.

Every step is one battle in the war. Depending on whether you lose or lose this battle, the result of the war is determined.

When starting to lose weight, be prepared for the need to completely change your usual lifestyle. Losing weight is not a temporary adjustment - it's a 180-degree turn.

When embarking on a weight loss journey, a person chooses one of two paths: slippery or reliable. A slippery and dangerous path is diets that promise -10 kg per week, and special drugs that promote weight loss.

The true and reliable way is to lose weight with proper nutrition and moderate physical activity.

Why should you choose the latter?

The diet, despite its high effectiveness, after its completion, returns the extra pounds to “normal”: in the best case, a couple of days after leaving the diet, you will remain with the same centimeters with which you started, in the worst case, you will gain too much and ruin it gloriously health.

Proper nutrition is also a kind of healthy and indefinite diet. Accordingly, reliable weight loss will not only improve your figure, but also your body’s stamina.

Step-by-step action plan

So, where to start losing weight at home? The main key to healthy and effective weight loss comes down to spending more energy than you consume.

In other words, if the daily calorie content of food consumed is 2000 kcal, and the amount spent is 1500, then you will not be able to lose weight.

  • Give an estimate of your weight. To do this, use the body mass index (BMI) formula: BMI = weight (kg)/height² (m)

Let's take the example of a woman weighing 70 kg and height 158 ​​cm. Her BMI will be approximately:

70/(1.58x1.58) = 28.

This result indicates the need to lose weight.

Before you start losing weight at home, be sure to calculate your BMI: the calculations will help you navigate the optimal intensity of your diet plan. Compare the results obtained with the table.

Body mass index Extent of problem/recommended actions
Result below 16 A coefficient indicating a critical lack of weight. Seeing a doctor is a must!
From 16 to 18.5 Underweight, but does not pose a health risk.
From 18.5 to 25 Healthy body weight. Ideal weight!
From 25 to 30 Weight disturbances are observed. You should reduce your caloric intake or increase your level of physical activity.
From 30 to 35 The initial stage of obesity: start eating right and join a fitness club if you want to stay healthy.
From 35 to 40 Second stage of obesity. See a doctor or make gradual lifestyle changes.

With indicators of 40 and above, you should start sounding the alarm and unconditionally seek the help of professionals.

There is a risk that the person is sick diabetes mellitus, if the ratio of waist volume to hip volume in men exceeds 0.9 units, and in women - 0.8.

  • Determine the physiological (actual) indicator of daily energy expenditure.

Energy consumption by the body occurs around the clock: kilocalories are spent on the work of the heart and blood vessels, breathing and other processes necessary to maintain life.

The formulas given in the table will help you determine the correct caloric intake for healthy functioning.

For female representatives.

Let's take the example of a 28-year-old girl whose weight is 67 kg.

(0.0621 x 67 + 2.0357) x 240 = 1490 kcal - this is an indicator of the amount of calories consumed to maintain life.

For male representatives, the table of formulas is as follows.

The counting occurs in a sequence similar to the above example.

Among other things, in the calculations it is important to take into account not only age and body weight, but also the level of physical activity. So, if it is completely absent, multiply the result obtained from the formula by 1.1; moderate physical activity is estimated at 1.3 “points”, and increased physical activity at 1.5.

Let’s say the girl from the example consistently goes for 2-hour walks three times a week; accordingly, her daily calorie intake will be equal to 1490 times 1.3, that is, 1900 kcal.

How to use the calculated numbers for weight loss purposes? The main thing you should focus on is the difference between calories consumed and calories expended.

In addition to formulas, competently starting the weight loss process at home includes studying the basic theory healthy image life. It is advisable for a person who is losing weight to use the following tips:

  1. Working on your diet. Proper nutrition that is boring and tasteless is a cliché. In fact, due to the recent rise of balanced nutrition into the mainstream, a person adhering to a healthy lifestyle can diversify their diet with incredible culinary masterpieces made from simple and healthy ingredients. Just use a request in Internet search services: healthy nutrition recipes;
  2. Water - basis of life, therefore, maintaining water balance in a human, like any other living organism, is mandatory. When determining the daily intake of clean water, you should focus on weight (see image);
  3. Proper nutrition alone is not enough. It is important to reduce the size of each meal, while increasing their frequency. Ideally, the average time interval between eating should be about 3 hours. However, not everyone can afford such a schedule. Thus, it is worth taking care that the minimum number of meals is 3 times a day;
  4. Physical exercise. At this point you can give free rein to your imagination: choreography or fitness, walking or cycling, yoga or swimming, morning exercises or jogging. Choose what is closest to your heart.

How to start running from scratch to lose weight

The most effective method The best way to lose weight through physical activity is running.

A morning or evening jog is an ideal type of cardio workout, which engages the entire complex of muscles, saturates the body with oxygen and strength, and strengthens the heart muscle, blood vessels, lungs and bones.

For those new to running, this sport looks especially intimidating, but there is nothing to be afraid of: every professional was once a teapot.

There are two types of running for weight loss: jogging and interval. The first involves continuous driving at low speed for at least 40 minutes.

After passing the time mark, active fat burning begins.

Interval running has a greater effect than its counterpart, but there are many more contraindications to its “use”: smokers or patients with cardiovascular diseases should completely forget about sprinting.

The interval running scheme is extremely simple: alternate intense short-distance running with fast walking. At the same time, the speed during the races should increase from the moment the training starts.

This technique allows you to recreate the difference in conditions in the body, which entails the breakdown of fats at an accelerated rate.

You should start running from scratch with short distances (regardless of the type of running). Your first workout may last a couple of minutes, but your hard work will show in just a few months when you'll be crossing the 8-kilometer line with ease.

When starting your evening or morning jogging, it is important to ensure that you have the necessary equipment: sportswear and the right shoes. An energetic and dynamic playlist of music in headphones will give you a boost of energy.

Pay special attention to breathing: it should be through the nose, not the mouth. Place your foot correctly! Your heel needs to touch the running surface or you risk nasty calf pain.

Be sure to choose the optimal type and time of training. You must be full of energy and in a good mood.

  • A balanced diet, intense training, an active lifestyle, a positive attitude are ideal conditions for a starting point;
  • A sober assessment of your own body and capabilities will help you avoid breakdowns. Measure your parameters, determine your weight, take a photo: you must understand where you are coming from. Decide on your desired end result. Find an example to continue working on yourself: it could be a photo of a random girl from the Internet or a celebrity figure;
  • Set realistic deadlines to achieve your goal. Of course, it is possible to get rid of 10 kilograms in a month, but it is worth taking into account how such a difference will affect the health of the body. Optimal indicators for healthy weight loss: 2-4 kg per month. At this rate, fat deposits are lost, not muscle mass;
  • Look for support and like-minded people. There are many different thematic forums or communities in in social networks, where people united by one goal work on themselves. Perhaps your friend has long dreamed of going to Gym, and my friend - start eating right. The main thing is never listen to those who oppose your changes in figure. Remember, your body is your business;
  • A nutrition and workout diary will help you track your progress. You can record the food you eat during the day and the number of squats performed either in a regular notebook or notepad, or in special applications on your phone that help you continue to reach your goal. By the way, free marathons are common in communities dedicated to weight loss. If you manage to sign up for one, then daily reports to other participants about your progress will undoubtedly motivate you;
  • Praise yourself! As a tribute to your efforts, be sure to reward yourself with something long-awaited and lovely (just not croissants from the bakery). For example, if in a month you were able to lose the required amount of kilograms, then buy a pair of charming shoes, and after three months - new jeans, which, being in your old body, you never dared to dream of.

We wish you good luck in your weight loss endeavors!

Weigh yourself in the morning. Throughout the day, body weight changes: it is lowest in the morning and increases in the evening. You will get an accurate result if you always weigh yourself at the same time (preferably after waking up). Remember that during the premenstrual period, the body accumulates water, which causes swelling.

Keep your intestines toned. Those who follow a low-calorie diet often suffer from. To prevent the problem, drink a glass of still water or green tea before each meal. Eat more fruits, berries and vegetables.

Don't blame yourself for the weight you've gained. Any incident has a cause and effect. The main thing is not what happened before, but what you do now to fix the problem.

Without an integrated approach, even the most balanced diet will not bring you the desired result.

Proper weight loss = comprehensive approach

It's hard to imagine yourself properly without physical activity. The result in this case will be relative - just from one weight category, at best, you will smoothly move to another, because, unfortunately, it is unrealistic to give tone and relief to your shape and at the same time tighten your skin without playing sports. But even if you obediently followed all the instructions of a nutritionist and fitness trainer, without working on your mental attitudes, it will be difficult (if not impossible) to maintain the perfection you have achieved.

Many psychologists say: The root of food addiction is dislike for your body. Most of us are not interested: what is our body like, what does it really need? We only strive to make it the way we want, to fit our own (or other people’s) ideas about beauty. Meanwhile, physical activity allows you to enjoy your body: your favorite sport, long walks, etc. Do something that you have long wanted to try, but never got around to because you were dissatisfied with yourself. When you see that you can do it, that your body obeys, your respect for it will increase.

The problem of losing excess weight needs to be approached comprehensively. Work in three directions: adjusting your diet, physical exercise, positive internal attitudes. This approach is very effective, and the hated fat deposits will have absolutely no chance! The lost kilograms will go away and will not return - neither five, nor fifty.

And self-confidence will remain forever, because working on yourself never goes unnoticed.

Effective weight loss starts in the head

Our body is controlled by our mind, not the other way around. And until you put things in order in your own head, it’s unlikely that you will be able to avoid diet breakdowns. Psychologists identify the following main reasons for overeating.

Sweet therapy.
By eating stress with cakes and chocolate, you may alleviate your condition. But not for long. Better fill your life with positive things not related to food. A morning jog in the park or a successful shopping trip will get you out of a gloomy mood in no time.

Imposed stereotypes.
The weight loss industry is a very profitable business. So the media imposes on us the image of an anemic young lady with an underdeveloped teenage figure. But what do you care about that? Several decades ago, the canons of beauty were radically different from today, and even now many cultures extol cheerful chubby women. There is no single standard! Don't strive to become like everyone else - value your individuality!

Sometimes excess weight signals… a lack of confidence in one’s own strength. By gaining kilograms, we seem to expand the zone of our personal space. Pamper your body, for example, with a massage and pedicure - by taking care of the body, we begin to love it more and become more confident.

Body memory.
It has been proven: at the genetic level, our physical self carries information from four generations. The sad experience of our ancestors, who endured hunger and deprivation, can affect us, forcing us to eat too much, even if we never starved in real life.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

A healthy rate of weight loss is from 0.5 to 1 kg per week. The process cannot be forced, otherwise you risk getting health problems. The correct way out of the diet is also very important. When you lose weight, you burn fat deposits, but the cells in which they accumulate remain. And if after a course of losing weight you return to your usual way of eating, you will soon “gain” your previous weight again. The body “does not like” to lose energy reserves and replenishes them whenever possible. There is only one way to avoid this trap, called the yo-yo effect: do not return to the previous size of portions, because during the diet your stomach has become accustomed to a smaller volume of food consumed. It is better to take care of its quality, eat more slowly and chew more thoroughly.

Taming your appetite

The forbidden fruit is sweet - diet addicts know this better than others. How to overcome cravings for unhealthy treats?

As a rule, appetite is caused by tasty but harmful high-calorie foods.

And it’s not so easy to wean yourself off them. Efforts to re-educate appetite are somewhat similar to the fight against alcohol or nicotine addiction. To begin with, try to leave the store without the desired product, but be sure to find a healthy replacement for it (for example, if it’s baked goods, replace it with bread with honey). Of course, at the first stage you will have a difficult time, there will probably be breakdowns. But within a month you will lose interest in gastronomic temptations, and the taste of their healthy substitutes will become your favorite.

Another way to tame your appetite is to fill yourself with your favorite delicacy until you “can’t.” The next day, eat in moderation and then go on a diet. It is advisable to do this after 24 hours (water and green tea with honey). Psychologists say that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. And the excess you made the day before will strengthen this habit in the best possible way.

Helpful Diet Tips

Stop reproaching yourself for failing to diet or skipping a sports workout: most girls who have successfully lost weight admit that they achieved results through trial and error.

Avoid strict restrictions- do not exclude absolutely all your favorite delicacies from your menu. Nutritionists believe that it is better to treat yourself to a small piece of homemade cake once a week (this will not harm your waistline) than to eat a whole store-bought cake in a fit of “anti-diet” mood. Use our tips, and the diet process will be much more fun, and most importantly, it will delight you with excellent results.

Clear space! When chips, salted nuts and sweet cookies stare at you from the shelves, it’s hard to resist the temptation. Get rid of all these harmful provocateurs, and place muesli, kefir, vegetables and grain breads in a prominent place - from now on they best friends your figure!

Find the incentive. Remember this joke: a condemned man is seated in an electric chair, but it doesn’t fit. The execution is postponed, strictly ordering him to lose weight. However, a month later it turns out that he... has recovered. They give the poor guy another month and he stops walking through the doors. “Why haven’t you lost weight?” - they ask. - “There is not enough incentive...” Of course, you are not in danger of execution, but if there are unresolved psychological problems, any drastic changes in life are subconsciously associated with danger. This is why “obvious” incentives (beauty, health) do not always work. If this is your case, dig deeper. Perhaps an unfulfilled dream will help keep you in shape?

Get started today! Believe me, all the days of the week belong to you, and Monday is no better than any of them. Whatever you plan - a new anti-cellulite program, a diet, a trip to the fitness club - don’t put it off until tomorrow, until Monday, until your next life. You are losing weight for yourself, and not for “that guy,” so you are responsible only to yourself. Self-deception is the main enemy of any endeavor. Be objective!

Looking in the mirror, any person wants to smile at his reflection. Liking yourself is very important. Relationships with loved ones, friends, colleagues and the opposite sex depend on this. But what if the reflection has grown fat and the gaze has dimmed? All girls, mature women and men want to be slim. Not everyone knows how to start losing weight. First you need to decide where to start losing weight.

The most difficult thing is to make a firm and unshakable decision to take care of yourself. Only strong motivation will help you achieve your goal. So where to start losing weight? A woman can be motivated by a strong desire:

Make a firm decision to take care of yourself

  1. Wear your favorite jeans.
  2. Conquer a man.
  3. Awaken the envy of your friends.
  4. Become more sexy, confident and much more.

Note! The ideal weight loss in 1 month is about 5 kilograms. If you lose more, you can end up with sagging skin, sagging, and loss of elasticity. It won't be easy to pull it up.

If you can't start

Many people promise themselves that they will definitely start losing weight tomorrow and even know where to start to lose weight. But preparation lasts for weeks and months. The beginning remains unfinished. The first steps to losing weight are the hardest to take.

The question, I want to lose weight, where to start, can be solved quite simply. The best thing is to switch to a healthy, balanced diet. To start losing weight correctly means doing it gradually, introducing 2-3 principles every week. This guarantees the absence of stress and unpleasant situations associated with just the word “diet”, restrictions and prohibitions.

Stages of weight loss

If it’s still difficult to decide where to start losing weight, the step-by-step system will suggest an algorithm of actions:

  1. Motivation and goal setting for weight loss. You need to set a clear goal for yourself and plan your meals, its composition and training schedule according to your lifestyle.
  2. The first month is the initial stage. The body rapidly loses up to 2 kilograms per week.
  3. Preliminary plateau. This stage can last up to 2 months. Body weight decreases slowly, only half a kilogram of fat per week.
  4. Crucial moment. There is no weight loss. A certain stagnation lasts about 3-4 weeks. During this period, it is important not to give up.
  5. Resumption of weight loss. Fat is lost again at a rate of 0.5 kg per week.
  6. Stabilization. Within a month, the reduced weight will remain at the same level with an error of 1 kilogram.
  7. Gradual return to normal diet. To avoid regaining lost weight or losing more weight than necessary, it is recommended to slowly introduce more calories into your diet.
  8. Maintaining your figure. This does not mean that diets and weight loss stages need to be repeated periodically. It is enough to reduce the number of meals or reduce portions. It is also important to be physically active.

How not to break down and continue to lose weight

Losing weight is not easy. Not everyone can pass all the tests and achieve the desired result. There are several simple basic secrets on how to lose weight:

  1. Stop criticizing yourself for your neglected figure.
  2. It is important to accept and love your current appearance. This will make it much more enjoyable to work on it.
  3. You should not focus on the problem of excess weight, but it is useful to imagine the desired effect more often.
  4. You won't be able to lose weight quickly. We need to soberly assess the situation.

In addition, there are certain ways to effectively lose weight. For example, exercise and morning jogging, a healthy and satisfying breakfast, split meals. It will be easier to lose weight if you don’t go to the store hungry, don’t completely deprive yourself of sweets, and if you lose weight with someone.

Every day, many overweight people turn to nutritionists. The most frequently asked question: “I decided to lose weight, where to start” or something like “If I decided to lose weight, where to start.” Answering this question, experts recommend rationally organizing your daily routine and getting good sleep, and not only at the beginning of losing weight.

Attention! You should get at least 8 hours of sleep. Another important aspect is the amount of water consumed. You need to drink from 1.5 to 3 liters. But if you have problems with your kidneys, you cannot do without consulting specialists.

A nutritionist's advice on where to start losing weight correctly says that you need to start by drawing up a diary and a nutrition schedule. They usually consist of the following elements:

  1. Meal time. Every time something was eaten, even just one cookie, you need to record it. Then it will become clearly visible how much and how often a person eats.
  2. Amount of food. The number of servings and their weight recorded in the diary can sometimes be quite surprising, because usually no one pays attention to these little things.
  3. The reason for the meal. Work schedules and biorhythms force people to eat at certain times. In the morning at the same hours - breakfast, during a break at work - lunch, etc. It's not uncommon to have extra snacks between these meals. It is better to replace them with drinking water.
  4. Calorie content of foods. It is important to consider the energy value of the food consumed and not exceed your own limit.

Note! If you strictly monitor caloric intake and limit yourself sufficiently, then a pleasant result can be observed after 14 days.

Losing weight as you age has its own subtleties. If a woman is interested in how to lose weight after 55 years, the advice of a nutritionist will be special. Over the years, losing weight becomes much more difficult compared to how it was in my youth. Especially if the weight loss process is planned at home. Hormones are being rearranged, and harsh procedures are undesirable for them. You have to take more care of your own body. Metabolism occurs more slowly, the diet should be gentle.

The instructions for what you should pay attention to are as follows.
You should not take on diets that expect instant results. Losing weight as quickly as in your youth will not work. Why torture your body? The result may be the opposite; health may be subject to serious problems.

It is undesirable to overdo it with activities and loads. Physical activity should be structured wisely. At 55 years old, muscles sag and bones weaken. To strengthen the body and healthy weight loss, gymnastics aimed at toning all muscle groups, invigorating exercises and daily walks are perfect.

Physical activity should be structured wisely

Animal protein is needed to maintain the tone and health of the body. A plant analogue is in no way capable of replacing it, this must be taken into account. It is strictly forbidden to fast and remove meat and products containing it from the menu. Several times a week, 100 g each, their consumption is mandatory.

It is better not to eat high-calorie foods: dumplings, pies, pasta with hot sauces, dumplings, sweet buns, bread.

It is forbidden to eat after 19:00. It is difficult for the stomach to digest food in the evenings, and its remains can accumulate in the intestinal area, which leads to stool retention, poisoning and fat deposits.

Note! When choosing a weight loss method, it is better to consult a nutritionist. He will take into account all the characteristics of the body and prescribe the most suitable option. After this, you can start fighting fat yourself at home.

What to eat to lose weight

The main thing is to have dinner three hours before bedtime. Best choice There will be meat with vegetables, chicken or quail eggs or any lean fish. It is recommended to remove fatty types of meat from the daily diet, and instead use lighter meat from rabbit, chicken and turkey. Seafood may be used. Before going to bed, you can kill the worm with kefir or unsweetened yogurt.

How to get out of a glutton and start losing weight

Gluttony can start not only among slim beginners. Experienced fighters with excess weight also face it. Don't give up. First of all, you need to stop dividing foods into healthy and harmful. Everything is beneficial in moderation. If you approach your diet rationally, it will be easier to monitor not only your weight, but also your health.

Note! You should not allow yourself excesses in food.

Coming out of the glutton, you need to strive to improve what you have now. You need to work hard to make your current diet healthier, your body more perfect, your workouts better, your current life brighter. Every day should start with a smile and a working attitude.

There is only one golden rule in losing weight - if you want to be healthy, beautiful and strong, you will have to sweat a lot, both literally and figuratively. Under no circumstances should you give up, no matter how much you might want to give up everything and return to sweet cakes and pies.

By overcoming your weaknesses, you can become not only slimmer, but also much more stronger in spirit. Having lost extra pounds and knowing how to maintain his weight, a person opens up new opportunities for himself and can safely be proud of his achievement - he overcame himself, pumped up his willpower and became better.

Habit is second nature. In the matter of forming and nurturing a new habit, the most important thing is to start. Because often all endeavors end on the same Monday as they began. Mark Twain has a brilliant phrase: “Nothing is easier than quitting smoking - I’ve done it myself dozens of times.” The same can be said about many who dream of losing a couple of extra kilos (or a couple of dozen, it doesn’t matter). If the thought “I’ll start losing weight tomorrow” visits your head with enviable regularity, then this article is for you!

1. Starting the process: the right goals

The most logical thing to do first is decide on a goal. This means it’s better to set yourself specific deadlines and the number of “keges” that you want to get rid of. Don’t make one of the main mistakes of many women who set goals for themselves (New Year, corporate event, etc.). This is fraught with disruptions, if not before the scheduled date, then certainly after.

Making a plan doesn't take a minute. But by thinking about it, you will understand how to mentally prepare yourself for losing weight. You shouldn’t set a goal like “minus 20 kg in 6 months”, it’s very vague. Make a clear action plan for the day, week, month. Then its implementation will definitely lead to the intended result.

2. No motivation

When a woman decides to lose weight, very often it is the question of where to start that brings her to a dead end. After setting a goal, deciding and determining optimal timing to achieve it, you need to determine your motivation. In the psychology of losing weight, there is nothing more important, because without compelling reasons, just like that, losing weight is almost impossible.

Why would a chubby girl chew carrots and cook spinach in a double boiler for three different ways, if her husband already looks at her with loving eyes? Why would a strong, stocky girl, “blood and milk,” torture herself in the gym if she sincerely loves herself for who she is? It is precisely these ladies who often complain on various forums: “I start to lose weight and lose weight,” they cry out: “help me start losing weight.” And no one will help unless they decide for themselves that they really need it.

Every woman who has firmly decided to pull herself together must mentally put her present self, with all its wrinkles and imperfections, on one side of the scale, and on the other, her future self, slender and invariably prettier as a result (and this will be the case if you follow the rules) . The more desirable the mental image, the greater the chance of a successful start. Visualization helps many people get the right mindset for losing weight. That is, creating a new self in thoughts. Imagine everything, your updated wardrobe, admiration in the eyes of men, compliments from colleagues, and believe me - it’s completely real!

3. Changing eating habits

In the ranking of harmful advice for the request “How to properly start losing weight for a woman,” sharp restriction of calories can be put in first place. This is usually done by girls and women, who are given everything at once. They can rustle chocolate candy wrappers for months, and then want to get rid of the emerging belly, heavy calves, and voluminous thighs in a week. But miracles happen more often in fairy tales than in life. Therefore, it is best to approach the issue from a scientific point of view.

Keeping a food diary is a very important psychological technique. Firstly, it will allow you to analyze what you eat and at what hours it is more difficult for you to fight hunger. And secondly, you will simply be ashamed to write down your hearty four-course dinner there, not counting dessert.

  • Do not keep your daily caloric intake below 1200 kcal, it is dangerous to health. You will get quick results with such a diet, but the body will take a very long time to recover from such a shake-up. Then he will more than compensate you for everything that you have not given him, in the form of fat deposits on the sides and hips.
  • Keep yourself a food diary. This will be your first step. Let it be an ordinary notebook or a notepad specially purchased for this purpose, the main thing is that you are not lazy to write down when, what, and how much you ate. Don’t miss an apple as a snack, a caramel latte from Coffee Like, and especially a cutlet after midnight in the company of a cat.
  • Create a custom menu. More precisely, not even a menu, but a list of foods that are best avoided while losing weight, as well as those that can be consumed occasionally. If you do not set strict prohibitions for yourself, your psyche will not suffer from deprivation and will not rebel in the form of a breakdown.

The answer to the cherished question “how to start losing weight correctly” may sound like this: fall in love with water. if you get into the habit of drinking a glass of pure water 20 minutes before each meal drinking water, you will get full much faster. Also, you should start every day after waking up with a glass of warm water, and not at all with strong coffee.

4. Support from loved ones

It happens that despite all this knowledge, facts and incentives, determination is still lacking, and the diet ends the next day. Losing weight does not start from the moment you buy a gym membership, not from going to a nutritionist, it starts from the head. Therefore, it is useless to advise the latest diet to a friend who endlessly repeats how she wants to lose weight and does not know where to start. If she can find true support in anyone, it is in herself.

To force yourself to start losing weight, you need to once and for all ban yourself from eating away your grievances with donuts, you need to make your motto “I eat to live, not live to eat.”

Separately, you need to talk about how to start losing weight after childbirth. The most important thing is that the young mother during this period is not susceptible to so-called postpartum depression, otherwise the diet will only aggravate her condition. Losing excess weight associated with pregnancy and childbirth can be not that difficult. Nature itself does not prevent women from losing weight.

Universal advice for everyone starting to lose weight: enlist the support of loved ones. It would be nice if my mother didn’t start dissuading me from dieting, saying that everything is fine as it is, and my husband stopped ordering pizza at home.

Where to start losing weight: opinions of nutritionists

What do experts say on this topic? Below we provide advice from popular nutritionists on how to start losing weight correctly and without harm to your psyche and health.

Margarita Koroleva wrote the book “Lose Weight Forever,” where the author expressed confidence that only by defining clear goals for yourself and having a strong incentive can you successfully fight excess weight. She asks her readers to decide on the questions “to lose weight or not to lose weight” and “if to lose weight, then why.”

Losing weight forever, according to Margarita Koroleva, is possible if you consistently combine fractional dietary meals, regular but not burdensome physical activity and physiotherapeutic procedures (wraps, massage, and so on). She advises those starting to lose weight not to go hungry, not to be thirsty, and not to succumb to stress.