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How to use google. How to use Google SketchUp. How to create a new tab

If you decide to switch from another web browser to the Google Chrome browser - you did right choice... The Google Chrome browser has excellent functionality, high speed of work, a pleasant interface with the ability to apply skins, and much more.

Of course, if you have been using another browser for a long time, then at first you will need to get used to the new interface, as well as explore the capabilities of Google Chrome. That is why this article will focus on the basics of using the Google Chrome browser.

How to change the start page

If you open the same web pages every time you start your browser, you can set them as start pages. This way, they will be automatically loaded every time you start the browser.

How to update Google Chrome to the latest version

The browser is one of the most important programs on a computer. In order to use the Google Chrome browser as safe and comfortable as possible, you must always keep the current version of Google Chrome up to date.

How to clear the cache

The cache is information already loaded by the browser. If you reopen a web page, it will load much faster. all pictures and other elements have already been saved by the browser.

By regularly clearing the cache in Google Chrome, the browser will always maintain high performance.

How to clear cookies

Along with the cache, cookies also need to be cleaned regularly. Cookies are special information that allows you not to re-authorize.

However, when cookies do accumulate, they have the potential to not only degrade browser performance, but also compromise security.

How to enable cookies

How to clear history

History is information about all visited web resources in the browser. The history can be cleaned both to maintain browser performance and for personal reasons.

How to recover history

Let's say you've accidentally cleared your history, thereby losing links to interesting web resources. Fortunately, not all is lost, and if the need arises, the browser history can be restored.

How to create a new tab

In the process of working with the browser, the user creates more than one tab. In our article, you will learn several ways that will allow you to create a new tab in the Google Chrome browser.

How to recover closed tabs

Let's imagine a situation where you accidentally closed an important tab that you still needed. In Google Chrome, in this case, there are several ways to restore a closed tab at once.

How to view saved passwords

If, after entering your credentials, you agree with the browser's suggestion to save the password, then it is securely placed on Google's servers, fully encrypted. But if suddenly you yourself have forgotten the password for the next web service, you can view it in the browser itself.

How to install themes

Google is following a new trend towards minimalism, and therefore the browser interface can be considered overly boring. In this case, the browser provides the ability to apply new themes, and there will be plenty of different skin options here.

How to make Google Chrome your default browser

If you plan to use Google Chrome on an ongoing basis, then it makes sense if you set it as your default web browser.

How to create a bookmark

Bookmarks are one of the most important browser tools to keep you from losing important websites. Add all the required pages to bookmarks, sorting them into folders for convenience.

How to delete bookmarks

If you need to clear bookmarks in Google Chrome, then this article will teach you how you can accomplish this task in the easiest way.

How to restore bookmarks

Have you accidentally deleted your bookmarks from Google Chrome? Do not panic, but rather immediately refer to the recommendations from our article.

How to export bookmarks

If you need all bookmarks from Google Chrome to be on another browser (or another computer), then the bookmarks export procedure will allow you to save the bookmarks as a file to your computer, after which this file can be added to any other browser.

How to import bookmarks

Now let's consider another situation when you have a file with bookmarks on your computer, and you need to add them to the browser.

How to disable ads in the browser

While surfing the web, we may come across both resources on which advertisements are simply placed, and literally overloaded with ad units, windows and other evil spirits. Fortunately, in-browser ads can be completely removed at any time, but this will require resorting to third-party tools.

How to block pop-ups

If, while surfing the web, you encounter a problem when, after going to a certain web resource, a new tab is automatically created that redirects to an advertising site, then this problem can be eliminated both by standard browser tools and by third-party tools.

How to block a site

Suppose you need to restrict access to a certain list of websites in your browser, for example, to protect your child from viewing obscene information. This task can be done in Google Chrome, but, unfortunately, standard tools will not work.

How to restore Google Chrome

In this article, we describe in detail how the browser is restored to its original settings. All users need to know this, because in the process of using, at any time you may encounter not only a decrease in the speed of the browser, but also with incorrect operation due to the action of viruses.

How to remove extensions

It is not recommended to overload the browser with unnecessary extensions that you do not use, because this not only significantly reduces the speed of work, but can also cause a conflict in the work of some extensions. In this regard, be sure to remove unnecessary extensions in the browser, and then you will never face similar problems.

Working with plugins

Many users mistakenly think that plugins are the same as browser extensions. In this article, you will learn where the plugins are located in the browser, as well as how to manage them.

How to start incognito mode

Incognito mode is a special window of the Google Chrome browser, when working with which the browser does not record the history of visits, cache, cookies and download history. Using this mode, you can hide from other Google Chrome users what and when you visited.

We hope these tips will help you learn all the nuances of using the Google Chrome browser.

"How to Use Google Trends: The Right Interpretation of Query Popularity, Best Practices and Ideas for Using Data to Optimize Your Content Strategy."

Google Trends is not the most popular tool for guessing keywords and compiling the semantic core of the site. Moreover, not everyone fully understands how to correctly interpret the query statistics displayed by trends. This overview will help you figure out how to use Google Trends correctly.

Everything you need to know about Google Trends

Many people mistakenly believe that the Google Trends Query Curve represents a direct trend in query growth over time, as in, say, Google Keyword Planner. But this is not the case.

Consider the graphs of the dynamics of the query flowers in Google Trends and GKP.

Such charts are no longer available in GKP to every user, only to those who spend a certain amount in Adwords.

As we can see, the graphs look very similar, but they are not identical. While the key planner shows the actual number of requests in a certain period of time, Google Trends displays the relative popularity of the request.

Geography of interest

In addition to the actual peaks of user interest, Google Trends shows in which regions the interest in the query is higher / lower for the selected country. This is a useful feature for commercial projects. Such data will help optimize the geography of the promotion and sale of products and services. Most users give preference to shopping / ordering without having to wait for delivery.

Also, data on the geography of interests will help you to more accurately customize your AdWords advertising campaigns and create content aimed at users in the regions of greatest interest.

YouTube channel optimization

Google Trends shows the dynamics of queries not only in traditional search, but also in YouTube. User interest and demand can differ significantly on the two platforms. The difference is clearly demonstrated by the HTML tutorial request:

YouTube Interest Dynamics:

Whereas in traditional search, interest in a query declines, in the video network the dynamics are reversed.


Google Trends isn't built for content marketing and seo. However, Trends offer relevant data that can be used to optimize the content plan and semantic core, analyze the dynamics of user interest, and optimize time resources in the most appropriate way. Plus, no SEO tool owns as much data as Google.

If you still haven't thought about using Google+ to drive traffic to your site, now is the time to do it. While Google+ hasn't become the "new Facebook", it still has some advantages over other social networks, such as increasing positions in Google search results.

Recently, more and more companies are creating accounts on Google+ and using it in their SEO strategy. The goal of these companies is not to increase the number of subscribers, but to increase brand awareness in this, to put it mildly, an important search engine. The good news is, it's not hard at all to do this. Here are 5 simple steps to help you improve your Google search engine optimization results:

Optimize the information on the page

Start with editing information on your Google+ page and make it more indexable by Google. Be sure to write your headline and description of your brand on the About Us page, including a few keywords at the end. It is very important to use relevant links in the description, for example, a link to the home page of your site or to any other source of information associated with you. To understand how this works, we recommend that you look at the section "About Us" on the Wix page.

Add a Google+ button to your website

Google+ is like a two-way street: it's not enough to promote your site on a Google+ page, you need the Google+ button to also be present on your website pages. Use the Subscribe and +1 buttons in different places on your site to increase your subscriber base (here's how to do it in the Wix editor). Don't forget to add the G + button to your social media bar on your other marketing materials, including landing pages and emails. Remember, the more active your Google+ page is, the more likely you are to be spotted by Google itself.

Work on the content

Use links and hashtags

Hashtags always play an important role when it comes to search engine optimization - and this also applies to Google+. Make sure that all of your entries contain links to your site's home page as well as other sections. Add hashtags to each post to make it easier for search engines to categorize them. Hashtags can help you improve your visibility across all search engines, and Google+ in particular. This way, your posts will be shown to the target audience with relevant interests.

The Google search engine has become so firmly established in our lives that many have already developed a conditioned reflex: at the slightest difficulty, they immediately fill in a query for a hint. Both pioneers and retirees are able to use Google, or as they say now "google" - there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. But not everyone knows how to use the Google search engine most effectively. We will now remind you of a few simple effective search techniques that are useful for everyone to remember.

The Google search engine is an extremely intelligent tool that tries to understand and even anticipate any of your wishes. However, in order for the search results to best match your request, you need to clarify your question in as much detail as possible. For this, there are special search operators, the existence of which we want to remind you of in this article, and some, perhaps, will get to know them for the first time.

"A grasshopper was sitting in the grass" (Quotation marks)

If you need to find a word or phrase in exactly the same form as you entered, without any changes in the form and order of words, then enclose your search query in quotation marks. This is most convenient for searching for a specific movie by its title, lyrics by line, or an excerpt from a book.

There was a grasshopper in the grass (Minus)

If you need to exclude from search results all pages containing a certain word, then put a minus sign (without a space) in front of it. So you will find out who else is sitting in the grass, except for the grasshoppers.

A grasshopper was sitting in the grass (Tilda)

The tilde icon will ask you to search Google not only for the specified word, but also for similar words and synonyms. For example, in this case, the system will look for grasshoppers not only in the grass, but also in bushes, fields and mountains.

In the grass sat a scout OR a grasshopper (OR)

Google normally tries to find pages that contain all the words you specify. If you insert an OR operator (in capital letters) between words, you will get pages in the search results that include at least one of these words.

In * sat a grasshopper (Asterisk)

The asterisk symbol can be used to replace unknown words in your query. For example, if you do not remember exactly where the grasshopper was sitting, then simply enter the word * instead.

There are also many other very interesting and useful tricks for using the Google search bar that you can check out.

Fast, and most importantly, effective search for you!

The e-browser Google Chrome (Google Chrome) is becoming more and more popular every day. Its main advantage is the ability to really quickly surf the net. In addition, many users note its surprisingly simple intuitive interface as the main advantages of the browser. However, it still takes some time to master it. This material provides a brief excursion on how how to use Google Chrome.

How to download and install Google Chrome?

Of course, before answering the question of how to use Google Chrome, you need to figure out where you can download this browser and how to install it. It is worth saying that this is very simple to do - you just need to go to official web browser page, click on the "Download Chrome" button, and then install the program in automatic mode.

However, if you have any problems with the installation, you can read our detailed article on this topic - "".

Google Chrome interface

So, you've downloaded and installed the browser, now is the time to figure out how to use Google Chrome.

The first thing you should do is double-click the left mouse button on the browser icon in order to launch it and the program interface will open in all its glory in front of you, as they say. You can immediately notice that it is made in a fashionable now minimalist design, which is pleasing to the eye and accessible to the modern user.

The interface can be conventionally divided into several areas:

1 - Field for creating new tabs - you can create as many tabs as you like and work with them simultaneously, switching by clicking on the tab of interest with the left mouse button once.

2 - Field for entering URLs - here you can enter a URL or directly a search query. If you enter a site URL, the desired site will immediately open in front of you; if you enter a search query, a search results window for this query will appear in front of you.

3 - Work area - the content of the sites you work with or search results will appear in it. However, when you start the browser, the main page of the Google search engine will always open here by default (unless you configure the browser otherwise, but more on that later) - this is understandable, because it was Google that developed the Google Chrome browser.

Getting started with Google Chrome

Having got used to the browser interface a little, you can start working with it. How? Just enter the desired address or search query in the field for entering URL addresses and click Enter - if you have access to the Internet, the page of interest or the result of a search query will immediately appear in front of you - note that the browser will prompt you for the most popular queries ...

If you want to add a new tab, click once with the left mouse button on the special button.

If you want to download a link from the page you are working with, left-click on it - it will open in a new tab and you will be automatically redirected to it. Alternatively, you can right-click on the link and select the desired action.

In order to go back one step, you can click the special button located to the left of the URL entry line, in the form of a back arrow. If you want, opposite to "go back" one step forward - click the forward arrow, and to refresh the page, click on the swirling arrow.

To close the tab, you just need to click on the cross.

If you have accidentally closed the tab - press the key combination "Ctrl + Shift + T" and it will return.

If you want to add a tab to your bookmarks - click on the "star" (see the screenshot above), after you click on it, the bookmark will appear on the bookmarks bar.

By default, the bookmark bar is displayed only on the start page, but if you set the "Show taskbar" setting (for this, right-click on the bookmark bar and select the appropriate action), it will be displayed in all windows.

Other tabbed actions are available by right-clicking on a tab.

Setting up Google Chrome

Talking about the Google Chrome interface, we did not mention one very important browser button - it looks like three horizontal stripes and is a very important point in the answer to the question of how to use Google Chrome. This is the browser settings button.

The entire web browser settings menu is conventionally divided into several parts. A number of options presented in the menu are standard, that is, similar possibilities can be found in any other program - find, exit, help, etc. However, some points are worth telling in more detail.

First, there is the History, Downloads, and Bookmarks group. If you click the "History" item, you can see a list of previously visited sites.

The "Downloads" item will show the previously saved downloaded files.

The "Bookmarks" item allows you to manage bookmarks - you can create a new bookmark, go to one of the sites already saved in bookmarks, and also set up bookmarks using the bookmarks manager.

In particular, all bookmarks can be sorted into folders if you have a lot of them.

It is also very important to dwell in detail on the item "Settings" and "Additional tools".

Item "Settings" Google Chrome

With the help of "Settings" Google Chrome, you can fully optimize the browser for your needs. There are a number of sections here:

"Login" - in this section you need to log into your Google account, in this case all your data will be synchronized, all account settings will be automatically remembered, that is, if you log into Google Chrome from any other PC through your account, you will automatically get the browser optimally configured for your needs.

"Open at startup" - here you can set which page you want to see at startup, "New tab" is set by default, but you can set the "Previously open tabs" parameter, then the browser will load the tabs that were opened at the time of the last session. And, finally, with the help of the "Preset Pages" item, you can set a very specific desired page, and when you start the web browser, it will open exactly it.

The "Appearance" section allows you to make the browser visually optimal for the user by choosing the desired theme. Also in this section, you can activate the "Home" button ("Home" - the page specified in the "Open at startup" section) and set the "Always show bookmarks bar" setting.

The "Search" section allows you to choose a default search engine.

Using the Users menu, you can configure various user profiles and set extended or limited rights for each of them.

To the left of the settings sections, you can see a small submenu consisting of items - "History", "Extensions" and "About". With the help of the former, you can view recently visited sites, through the latter, you can find out the basic information about the browser, and the "Extensions" will help to supplement the browser option. This section displays the installed extensions, and to download more, you can click on the "More extensions" link.

Extensions are special programs that perform certain functions that cannot be implemented through the standard settings of a web browser. For example, you can download the extension "".

And all your favorite pages will be displayed not on a standard narrow panel, but on a special convenient page.

If you don't like the extension, you can always disable or uninstall it.

Item "Additional tools"

This item is generally intended to a greater extent for advanced users, because with it you can activate the "Task Manager" of the browser and developer tools.

With the help of the "Task Manager" the user has the opportunity to estimate, for example, which of the pages with which he is working, takes more memory from the PC.

Also, using the "Additional Tools" section, you can quickly go to the browser history clearing menu and view the extensions.


Of course, the topic of how to use Google Chrome is perhaps worthy of a whole book and it is simply impossible to convey all the capabilities of the browser in one article. However, the basics of managing this web browser in this material, we tried to ask. And if you are interested in the Google Chrome browser more deeply, you can study other articles about it on our IT blog. We hope you find the information you are looking for!