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Cancer snake men in love. Cancer woman born in the year of the Snake: character and compatibility in love. Cancer Snake characteristics

She doesn’t get overtired, she should be stimulated.

Eastern horoscope: year of the snake
Zodiac horoscope: sign Cancer

Cancers are prone to depression, but the Snake softens this trait. Cancer-Snake recognize their weaknesses and do not indulge them. Temperamental and well-intentioned.

In the Cancer-Snake combination, the modest and timid personality of Cancer produces charming people who have their own original style and self-confidence. These people are emotionally attractive.

Anyone who knows people of this combination will soon be hypnotized by their charm and cheerful disposition. They seem to be able to easily take on responsibilities from an early age, and tend to start families long before their friends do. They love attention and affection at every opportunity. Their gift for communication is ideal for attracting and maintaining attention. These people may be manipulative, but their intentions are not bad. Personal relationships with such people will be a lot of fun, but you should keep in mind that they love to flirt, usually this happens when they feel insecure.

These people are experts in communicating thoughts and feelings. At times they need time to be alone and relax. These people are not very energetic and excited, but sometimes they feel like taking a time out to think. If you disturb their peace, you will get what you deserve. These rare outbursts will occur every time they want solitude or someone is trying to deceive them.

There is a slight weakness in the personality of these people, they cannot tolerate advice from other people. Although they understand that people do this with a pure heart wanting to help, they themselves know what they want. They stubbornly ignore all advice.

A snake born under the zodiac sign Cancer gives the impression of being a loner. She prefers privacy own house and business. It's not often you see her take initiative. Her position is one of withdrawal and, as it were, waiting. Most often this is the case - in combination with cancer, the snake thinks more about stability and security than about a risky and adventurous life.

A serious travel companion is what the Cancer snake needs most. When he appears, she is ready for a lot, including activity and even courage.

The Cancer snake, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, takes failures hard and is therefore afraid of them. She prefers slow growth and gradual mastery of the business to fast leaps. Fear of taking risks, however, does not lead to self-doubt and complexes. Snake Cancer is not inclined to dream and prefers to be confident in at least some result.

The Cancer snake chooses an appropriate environment for itself - from serious and thorough people, captivating them, if necessary, with what the snake nature gives it. Having become close to someone, he makes this person his property and never lets him go. At the same time, what the person himself thinks about this does not matter. However, few people try to think. And to suppress these thoughts, the snake cancer has an almost hypnotic gift and the highest sexuality.

Cancer-Snake women and men are characterized as cunning, resourceful, erudite and sociable individuals. However, their active life position, need for fresh emotions and love of experimentation creates certain difficulties in finding a soul mate.


Characteristics of Cancer (year of the Snake)

By eastern horoscope Snakes are born in the following years:

  • 1929;
  • 1941;
  • 1953;
  • 1965;
  • 1977;
  • 1989;
  • 2001;
  • 2013.

Main character traits:

  1. By temperament, Cancer-Snakes remain introverts who love solitude and spend a long time in their thoughts. They understand people perfectly, feel their mood and desires, unlike other water signs.
  2. Both zodiac animals are cold-blooded: people born in the year of the Snake under the sign of Cancer are able to adapt to any life changes.
  3. They are not inclined to panic and succumb to unnecessary emotions. Such people do not trust anyone and rely only on themselves.
  4. The Snake gives Cancer resourcefulness and dexterity: such people easily solve complex problems. life problems. Also, a person born under these signs looks charming and confident, but inside remains vulnerable and sensitive.

Positive character traits:

  • love to learn new things;
  • cheerful, sociable;
  • make informed and thoughtful decisions;
  • have sexual attractiveness.

Negative character traits:

  • frivolous;
  • vulnerable;
  • closed;
  • vindictive;
  • jealous.

Features of the sign's relationship with friends:

  • appreciates his comrades;
  • always ready to help;
  • meets with them on a schedule, not too often.

Description professional qualities at work:

  • careerist;
  • makes a lot of effort to do his job well;
  • loves exact sciences;
  • understands technology;
  • punctual, fulfills duties on time;
  • builds friendly relations with colleagues.

Reviews about any work of a Cancer-Snake will always be positive, since such a person meticulously thinks through everything to the smallest detail.

In a Cancer-Snake relationship:

  • a loving and understanding partner;
  • makes many claims to his chosen one;
  • strive to create a strong family;
  • loves private dates;
  • is looking for a couple who can support him at any moment.

Characteristics of the Snake sign are presented on the channel of Rosa Ivanova.

Compatibility with Air signs

The elements of water and air are attracted to each other, but this does not result in a full-fledged relationship. Representatives of the air element strive for freedom and independence, and the water sign will suffer from feelings of jealousy and self-pity. Partners will no longer understand each other, which will lead to judgments and quarrels.

Who is a Cancer man compatible with?

Compatibility of a man with girls of the air element:

  1. In alliance with Aquarius, Cancer will feel superfluous. Air representatives love to talk and joke with their partners, and may accidentally offend him. In love, misunderstandings and quarrels await them.
  2. Gemini will not create a stable couple with a representative. It is important for them to feel independent and not spend most of their time with their partner.
  3. A Libra girl can put too much pressure on her boyfriend, causing him irritation. In their union, quarrels often arise over finances. A representative of the air element spends a lot of money on creating a beautiful lifestyle. The only area where disputes will not arise is intimate.

Who is suitable for a Cancer woman?

Representatives of air in a relationship with a girl:

  1. The Gemini man is a conqueror by nature, and it will be important for him to win the girl’s favor. And if Cancer-Snake still reciprocates the guy’s feelings, they will have a relationship that is comfortable for both.
  2. With an Aquarius guy, a water sign girl has different values ​​and ideas about life. A representative of the air element is able to achieve success at work and financially provide for his family. Cancer will not be jealous of his partner, but will obediently monitor the cleanliness and order in the house.
  3. You should not try to build a relationship with a Libra man: the signs do not have the same inner world. And they prefer to spend their free time in different ways. Most often, a couple breaks up by mutual consent.

Fire Release

Fire and Water are two opposing elements. Representatives of the fire sign are quick-tempered and tend to inflame passions, while people of the water element need support and consolation of their feelings.


The following compatibility awaits Cancers with representatives of fire:

  1. Aries tend to find adventures and adventures; it is important for them that their partner is at the same time with them. Cancers do not like extreme hobbies and places with large crowds of people. Due to the lack of common interests, their paths will diverge.
  2. An uninhibited Sagittarius woman is categorically not suitable for a distrustful Cancer. She will strive to spend a lot of time in the company of friends and new acquaintances, and her man will suffer at home from jealousy and impotence. These signs rarely even develop friendship. It is based rather on a common cause, after which colleagues disperse and no longer communicate.
  3. An uninhibited Leo woman can attract Cancer-Snake with her sexuality. A passionate beginning of the relationship and stormy scandals await them later. A marriage will be stable if a man comes to terms with the fact that his lady love often needs to communicate with friends and be the center of attention. The Lioness herself will most likely settle down only after the birth of children.


Representatives of the element of fire in compatibility with women of the Cancer-Snake sign:

  1. The Cancer woman will be fascinated by the strength and character of the fire sign. Aries will like her flexibility and submissiveness. Both zodiac signs strive to build strong relationships. This will work out if Cancer-Snake manages to cope with his jealousy.
  2. In a couple, a Sagittarius man can be a caring and loving partner, but his friends will always come first. The union will become strong if both representatives of the elements are of mature age and are ready to adapt to the needs of the partner.
  3. The Leo man will be able to win the girl’s affections: he is used to seeking attention and knows how to do it. She will kindle his interest with her coldness towards his heroic deeds and charisma. Only one thing is important to her: that Leo sincerely loves her. The Cancer girl will become a reliable supporter: she will preserve the hearth and create the coziness necessary for a man.

With Water signs

Cancers are extremely distrustful people; the easiest way for them to build relationships is with representatives of their element. They are similar in character and temperament. Basically, these couples make the strongest families.

In the union of two Cancers, only the first months of the relationship are ideal. Then quarrels begin to occur due to excessive jealousy and distrust of each other.


Compatibility with water signs:

  1. According to astrologers, the Pisces girl will not be able to become a worthy partner for the Cancer-Snake man. With her, he will show his negative qualities, trying to achieve leadership in the relationship. The girl may feel that she is not respected and the union will fall apart.
  2. With Scorpio, Cancer born in the year of the Snake will be able to find true family happiness. They never quarrel in everyday matters; it is easy for them to find a compromise. An enterprising Scorpio girl will be able to motivate her partner and instill self-confidence in him.


Relationships with watermarks are built on the following principles:

  1. A Scorpio man and a Cancer woman are a union that almost never breaks up. The ideal combination of consistency in relationships and love for home gatherings strengthens this couple. In marriage, they will set an example of an ideal family for their children and will take care of them with full dedication.
  2. Pisces suits the Cancer-Snake girl better than other signs. They understand each other perfectly and can guess the mood and desires of their partner. In close relationships they are one of the most sensitive couples.

Zodiac signs of the elements Earth

Earth signs show a minimum of emotions, they are reserved and strive for stability. In union with the water sign, they make a couple that complements each other.


Cancer-Snake man will build relationships with representatives of the earth element in this way:

  1. Cancer and Taurus can become partners for each other and create a strong family. First they need to experience contradictions and problems. The girl will move towards consistency and strict adherence to her plan. The Cancer guy is capable of disrupting Taurus's schedule if he feels overwhelmed and lonely. A couple can live a happy life, provided that they sort out everyday issues in the first stages.
  2. In alliance with Virgo, Cancer-Snake will find an excellent partner for exploring their inner experiences. The earth sign knows how to look into the soul and find hidden problems. She can help solve any psychological issues. There will be no reticence or jealousy in this couple, the relationship will proceed steadily: without passion and quarrels.
  3. Capricorn and Cancer are a union of passion. Over time, such a couple will find it difficult to get along with each other. The girl will require her partner to make serious decisions and stability, and Cancer-Snake will not be able to provide her with this. The signs can be perfectly combined in friendship.


Representatives of the Earth and their compatibility with the Cancer woman:

  1. The Taurus guy will not pursue the Cancer girl, but if the couple gets together, then from the outside it will look like friendship. They are able to live together all their lives, even without marriage. These zodiac signs understand each other very well both in everyday matters and in the sexual area.
  2. The Cancer-Snake girl is looking for a permanent relationship with a reliable person, who may be a Virgo man. This is a faithful partner who will support a sensitive representative of the water element. Cancer, in turn, will liberate the modest Virgo.
  3. An alliance with Capricorn will be good only at the everyday level. IN love relationships they have no chance of success. The Cancer-Snake woman will express her feelings and discontent, but the representative of the earth will not listen and will continue to follow her line.


Horoscope of the zodiac sign Cancer by year on the Dmitriy Shimko channel.

Cancer women born in the year of the Snake are endowed with special wisdom, so they clearly see shortcomings, look at life realistically and know what not to allow themselves.

The snake will temper the dreamy Cancer woman. She will think more about her own safety, take care of her family more than usual, and become more serious in all aspects of her life. Such a woman will not tolerate advice and instructions, she will withdraw into herself, but nevertheless, on an emotional level, she strongly attracts those around her.

She keeps her friends and family close, does not let them go, and values ​​them.

The same tenacity is characteristic of her at work. She is more accustomed to working alone, when no one interferes, but she will demonstrate excellent results. You are unlikely to see her frivolous, and if you want to disturb her when she doesn’t want it, you risk running into trouble.

What are Cancer-Snakes like in love?

Cancer women of the Year of the Snake are looking for a serious and responsible partner who will always be there and can provide a decent financial condition for the family. If such a man appears on the horizon, Cancer-Snake will do everything to achieve him.

Get ready for complete dedication with such a partner.

The difficulty is that a woman considers her loved ones her property, a step to the left - a step to the right - everything is under supervision. Not everyone can withstand such total control. It is interesting that many men agree to such relationships; the Snake knows how to hypnotize partners. Beware - if you are a freedom-loving person.

Marriage and family of the Cancer-Snake woman

Given the complexity of the character of such women, with Cancer-Snakes, reliable families are obtained that are financially secure and see their future ahead. They take care not only of themselves, but also of their husband and children. Another question is that mom knows better who should do what and who to be.

The Cancer-Snake woman gets married early and does not tolerate loneliness.

Extraordinary sociability allows you to have a wide circle of friends and simply interested people. People involuntarily obey and are ready to fulfill all the demands of such women. In a family, it is clear who will be the boss, although Cancer-Snake can skillfully play the role of a subordinate woman.

The characteristics of the Cancer-Snake man reveal all the features of his character. Born in the year of the Snake, Cancer is distinguished by cunning and sociability. Having learned about a guy's strengths and weaknesses, it will be much easier for girls to win his attention. Which sign is this man best compatible with?

general characteristics

Reviews from those who are personally acquainted with a Cancer man born in the year of the Snake indicate that he is a person full of secrets and mysteries. These men know how to create their own special world in which they feel cozy and comfortable. But they don’t want to let anyone from outside into their world. Even those closest and dearest sometimes do not know what is going on in the soul of the Cancer-Snake.

Such men like to spend most of their time alone. At the same time, they feel great and are not at all worried about the fact that there is no one next to them. Alone with himself, Cancer-Snake can truly relax, put his thoughts in order and restore strength.

The Cancer man, born in the year of the Snake, has a unique feature. From the very first minute he can feel the mood of another person and help with advice. Many believe that such men have psychic abilities. This is partly true. Snake-Cancer can not only guess the mood, but also suggest a way out of a difficult situation. This man is able to analyze any situation, logically explain the actions of certain people and suggest a way out, help draw up a plan of action.

Outwardly, the representative of the combination of these zodiac signs is always calm. Even in a difficult stressful situation, he does not openly show his feelings. Snake-Cancer will never publicly scandalize or sort things out. Friends and relatives of the Cancer-Snake point out the fact that they have never seen him agitated or upset.

This man is not one of those people who are constantly in search of adventure. He prefers a stable and calm life. He often spends weekends at home. If this is a family Cancer-Snake, then he, on the contrary, tries to spend the weekend away from home in order to be alone with himself.

This man copes with any questions and problems that arise on his own. Snake-Cancer will never ask for help, as he prefers to do everything exclusively himself. Even if a helping hand is extended to him, he will most likely refuse. Moreover, the man ignores any advice and absolutely does not tolerate anyone interfering in his personal life. Because of this character trait, many people think that he is an unsociable and withdrawn person. For this reason, he has practically no friends.

Cancer, born in the year of the Snake, can hardly be called lucky, since a man often faces failures in his life. He experiences such moments very hard, often falls into depression, trying to independently find a way out of the current situation.

When a man finds himself in the company of strong and reliable people, he tries to activate all his abilities in order to become just as successful. He often does it very well.

Basically, Cancer-Snake spends all his life energy on making a successful career. Such men approach the choice of profession with particular seriousness, and then - the choice of the team in which they will work. Thanks to their determination, they achieve a lot in this life. Of course, the career of the Snake-Cancer is not developing rapidly, but this is not important for him. The man slowly and confidently moves towards his goal and everything turns out the way he dreams.

In love and marriage

In love, this man turns out to be very successful. Cancer, born in the year of the Snake, having met a girl, does everything possible to ensure that she falls in love with him and becomes attached with all her soul. Often, the other halves of such a man naively assume that it was they who noticed him. But actually it is not. Cancer-Snake independently chooses his life partner. The man watches her from afar, making no attempt to get to know her. Cancer manages to attract the girl’s attention and make sure that she takes the first step towards him herself.

In relationships, the Cancer-Snake man manifests himself as a caring, reliable and attentive partner. A man tries to surround his soulmate with tenderness and make the girl feel cozy and comfortable next to him.

Every woman dreams of exactly this kind of care, which is why these men are so popular. Being in a relationship with such a man, any girl thinks that she is very lucky and this is actually true.

If the strong romantic relationship of Cancer-Snake with his chosen one smoothly develops into marriage, then this union will be happy. In marriage, a man will be able to prove himself as a leader, since he initially chooses women who are weaker than himself in spirit. Snake-Cancer will always support its soulmate in everything.

This gives the spouse the opportunity to express herself at work, to believe in own strength and have a successful career.

A Cancer man, born in the year of the Snake, will treat children calmly, with restrained tenderness. Snake-Cancer will be a strict father. Such men have strained relationships with adult children, since the Snake-Cancer will not build friendly relations with them over the years. It is much more important for him to achieve complete obedience from his children than their love and affection.

Compatibility with other signs

The Snake man, born under the sign of Cancer, can build serious relationship only with someone who will have sincere feelings for him. It is not necessary that the man himself will be in love with the girl. It is much more important for him to feel her love.

Good compatibility in love is possible with a Dragon girl. This bright, emotional and mysterious woman will be able to interest Cancer-Snake. Perhaps this is the only woman who will be able to convince a representative of this combination of signs of something.

She will become a real support for him. And if the Snake-Cancer never listened to anyone’s advice, then he will always listen to the advice of his Dragon wife. The Dragon woman is too emotional and impulsive, and such a reliable and serious husband can protect her from many mistakes. Therefore, they will make an ideal couple who will never be bored together.

A strong relationship can develop with an Ox woman. They will be united by common goals and views on life. Astrologers say that this couple has a similar temperament, and this is important in married life. Each spouse will be able to accept the other with all his shortcomings. There will be no scandals or mutual reproaches in this couple. For the Cancer-Snake and the Ox woman, the main thing is to create a relationship that makes both of them comfortable. Both will value the stability and reliability of the union.

A good relationship can develop with a woman born in the year of the Rooster. The wife will not only be a reliable shoulder for the Snake-Cancer, but will also be able to help make her husband’s bold dreams come true. Such a union will be stable and relations will be calm. Neither spouse will show their feelings emotionally. They will simply feel good and comfortable together.

A Cancer man born in the year of the Snake should also pay attention to the woman’s zodiac sign. Ladies born under the sign of Scorpio, Libra, Taurus or Capricorn are perfect.

You can learn more about this person in this video.

(from 02/02/1965, from 02/18/1977, from 02/06/1989, from 01/24/2001)

He really stands out in the crowd. He minds his own business exclusively, tries to separate himself from the world, and often succeeds. This behavior of a loner cannot but arouse interest among those who simply want to understand this extraordinary guy. But in fact, he acts in such a way as to create escape routes for himself in any situation, hence his desire to act slowly, with caution after careful calculations.

Characteristics of a Cancer man - Snakes in LOVE

He hypnotizes his partner. If she has become the object of attention, then she will not be able to get away; he will definitely tie her to himself. From the Snake he received the ability to evaluate a woman without error. In addition, he is wise and experienced. And from Cancer he inherited affection and a desire for care. As a result, he creates a certain charm and mystery around his person, and this cannot but attract more and more new fans.

In love, he is despotic, as he strives to completely subjugate his beloved. As a result, she is completely dependent on him, and he is completely dependent on her, forming a single whole. This is exactly the kind of strange alliance that can happen with him. It should be noted that women often like precisely such fatal men, since they are endowed with a bright personality and are ready to do a lot to achieve their goals.

Cancer born in the year of the Snake in the BED

It will take a lot of strength and desire to interest him. He will always try to find a like-minded woman, and not a partner for intimate games, so he views intimacy as something necessary. As a result, he seems too cold to many, which is true. It should be noted that this man always wants absolute leadership in this relationship.

He treats the intimate side of love with coolness. She is too predictable and programmed to bring the necessary fire and passion to this area. He likes the repetition of the same actions and poses, so he does not strive for experiments. It is useless to force or offer him to implement some ideas, since he is not interested in something new, he is content with what a standard relationship in bed can give.

Cancer man horoscope - Snakes in MARRIAGE

A marriage with him can be very happy, as he brings regularity and peace to life. He is self-sufficient, so he meets women who are weaker than him in spirit. As a result, he plays first violin in the family. It should be noted that he can always support his wife and under his leadership she will be able to achieve high career positions and other goals.

Relations with relatives do not always work out well, since he likes to keep his distance and refuses to participate in some events, solve problems and other matters. Relationships with children are built according to the type - authority - subordinate. That is, there are no friendly relations. At the same time, he is very happy about such relationships, since he is always aimed at obedience and complete subordination of his environment.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

He should be softer, since his overly authoritarian character often makes people run away from him. In addition, his emotions and love must have a true basis, since otherwise the attitude towards him may not be very good. To find his other half, he is advised to pay attention to characteristics of women that he does not always like. This approach will open up a lot of search opportunities for him.