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Description of the butterfly in English. Question: text in English about a butterfly

The story about batterflies

The appearance of butterflies.

Consider the structure of a butterfly. In the butterfly has a head, body, wings, covered with scales. The scales refract light, shimmering like a rainbow, forming a beautiful uzor.Skazhite all that butterflies can not catch and touch of the wings. You can erase krasku.Na actually transparent wings of butterflies, like bees or flies. A coloring give flakes. Therefore they are called Lepidoptera. Painting is very different. We see this in nature, and in pictures. Sometimes it is a protective coloring. Do butterflies have antennae and proboscis rolled into a spiral. When the butterfly sits on a flower, it deploys its proboscis, puts it into a flower and drinking nectar. If a butterfly flies from flower to flower, it carries pollen and pollination will more seeds.

The life cycle of a butterfly.

Butterfly-endopterygota. The life cycle consists of 4 steps. The egg-larva (caterpillar) and -kukolka babochka.Babochka adult lays eggs, which later appear caterpillars. They are unattractive, actively eat the leaves of the plants grow quickly. Thereby harming the plants. Tracks come in different colors, color, some smooth, others with hairs. When the caterpillar phase ends, it turns into a pupa. The pupa is usually brown, motionless. The pupal stage lasts from several days to several years. And then the pupa breaks and out comes a butterfly. She initially sits and dries its wings. And then he begins to fly. Here is the transformation of a butterfly. Children often see tracks, they are unpleasant.

Mysteries of the tracks.

Put forth the riddle of the tracks people to better remembered as the caterpillars are obtained from such a beautiful butterfly.

On the grass creeps, The cocoon hanging But the time will come And fly away into the sky. (Caterpillar and butterfly)

Babochkin daughter All in a tiny bright points Slowly crawling Leaves nibbles. (Caterpillar)

What are the butterflies?

Butterflies are very different. To tell people about the variety of butterflies, you might consider books, encyclopedias, and if possible, go to a museum where there is a butterfly. The most common is the butterfly rash. Beautiful, colorful, orange with black dots. It is called urticaria because its caterpillar can eat nettles. Gonepteryx-bright. yellow butterfly. It can often be mistaken for a leaf. Cabbage pierid very common butterfly, white with black spots. Its caterpillars eat leaves kapusty.View pictures, which depicts a variety of butterflies. Let the children will remember them, and then a walk try to guess what kind of butterfly flies.

You can also watch a cartoon about butterflies.

Security butterflies.

Do not forget to tell the kids that the butterflies need to be treated carefully. You can't catch them, kill them. Many butterflies are already listed as endangered. Of course, there are caterpillars and butterflies that are harmful to agriculture. For example, the cabbage butterfly caterpillars, reduced harvests cabbage and apples. But a huge number of butterflies are either neutral or beneficial and necessary ohranyat.My, for example, use of natural fabrics, silk from cocoons to weaving silkworms. The significance of the butterflies as pollinators. For weed control using caterpillars that feed on one type of weed. Butterflies also need to protect because they are very beautiful and are the adornment of fields, meadows and forests.

The results:

1. Met with the appearance of butterflies.

2. We examined its life cycle.

3. Put out the riddle of the tracks.

4. We examined a variety of butterflies and watched cartoon.

5. Talk about the protection of butterflies.

So you can introduce people to the beautiful insects and butterflies. You can still draw butterflies decorate pictures. Invent games.

text on English language about the butterfly


Butterfly is a beautiful, flying insect. It has large scaly wings. Butterflies are very good flyers. The speed varies among butterfly species. Butterflies can only fly if the temperature of their body is above 86 degrees. As butterflies age, the color of the wings fades. The wings become ragged. A butterfly starts its life as an egg. The caterpillar hatches from an egg. It eats leaves or flowed almost constantly. Then it turns in a pupa. A beautiful, flying adult emerges from the pupa. Butterflies are found all over the world. Many butterflies migrate in order to avoid a cold weather.

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Butterflies are assigned to insects as well as mosquitos, dragonflies, ants, beetles, etc. Their circle of life is stable and short. It consists of five parts: egg, larva, chrysalis, adulthood and death. Eggs are usually attached to tree leaves with a natural bio-glue because when larva pips it needs to eat, and most of them are plant eaters. Butterflies prefer to feed on flowers nectar and do it by feet, because their taste receptors are situated there.

One of the main features of a butterfly is an amazing beauty of its wings. It has 4 colored wings. Most of these insects have wings with bright and unique pattern on it. Color is a very important point for all insects and plays a great part in their lives, because it helps to attract, hide or warn of danger.

It is recognized that butterfly flight speed-limit is 12 miles per hour, but some of them might be extremely fast and fly 25 miles per hour.

According to scientists’ research there are approximately 20000 different species of butterfly and this variety impresses. In contrast to other insects, they couldn’t be used as food or provide products and medicines we use, but they support the life cycle of numerous beautiful flowers.

Butterflies are insects just like mosquitoes, dragonflies, ants, beetles, and many others. Their life cycle is constant and very short. It consists of five parts: egg, larva, pupa, adult life and death. The eggs are usually attached to tree leaves using natural bio-glue because when the larva hatches it needs food and most are herbivores. Butterflies feed primarily on the nectar of flowers and do so using their legs because that is where their taste buds are located.

One of the main distinctive features A butterfly is the amazing beauty of its wings. She has 4 colored wings. Most of these insects have wings with a bright and unique pattern. The color is very important point for all insects and plays a huge role in their lives, because it helps to attract, hide or warn of danger.

The maximum flight speed of a butterfly is thought to be 12 miles per hour, but some can be very fast and fly at speeds of 25 kilometers per hour.

According to scientific research, there are about 20,000 various types butterflies and this diversity is impressive. Unlike other insects, they cannot be used as food or produce the items and medicines we use, but they do support the life cycle of numerous beautiful flowers.