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Darina - the meaning and secret of the name, the character and fate of the girl. What does the female name Darina mean? What does the name Darina mean for a child?

The truly Slavic, ancient, melodic and energetically filled name Darina is beginning to enjoy popularity again. The fashion for foreign names from TV series and films, the meanings of which are alien to Russia, is naturally passing away, and the natural harmonious melody of Slavic female names is being restored.

Origin of the name

The name Darina is found in many countries, which confirms the claims of some researchers about the Slavic origin of the peoples of Europe and Asia. The Irish have Darren "rocky mountain", in Persia - Darius "winner", in Muslim countries - Darina /. It is interesting that in European countries this is a male name - Deri, Darrin.

In Russia, the name Darina is a feminine name; in the USSR it was often associated with Daria (Dasha), although in terms of meaning and energy the semantic load of these names is completely different.

  • Daria means “winner” and the beginning of this name has its origins in ancient Persia.
  • Darina - from the Slavic root “dar”, means “gift of the gods”, “given by life”, the meaning of the name is a happy long-awaited “gift” of God.

This ancient Slavic name endows the owner with the great power of nature, the strongest energy of Slavic beliefs, directly related to the veneration of the forces of Nature. The origin of the name is associated with the understanding of the birth of a child as a gift from the gods of nature and Genesis.

For a girl, Darina is a strong and universal name that has many affectionate, soft synonyms in everyday life - Dashenka, Darinushka, Daryushka.

Characteristics of the name and owner

The name Darina gives the owner a cheerful character, strong charisma and amazing resilience in any difficult life situations. Endows with tirelessness and energy of life, a girl from an early age will be distinguished by curiosity and activity.

What character traits will the name Darina help develop in a child:

  • the ability to quickly adapt to any team - a love of active recreation and communication will make a child the soul of any company;
  • if you dream of a calm child, then Darina is not an option for you. This is an enthusiastic, charismatic personality who plunges into any task with full dedication and enthusiasm;
  • it’s great if it is possible to teach a girl to take care of the weak and small from childhood - a pet (cat or dog) will help with this, so the little girl can understand that she is not the only center of the universe for the whole family;
  • these people are literally “burning” with something that interests them - a concert, a book, music classes; if the girl Darina is interested in a subject, then she will become an unsurpassed master of any subject of art or scientific experiments and research;
  • Darins are passionate natures, devoting all their energy without reserve to their chosen profession, true Masters of any business that they “like”;
  • the meaning of the name is to give oneself to people and the world with passion and inspiration;
  • a balanced, cheerful sanguine person, Darina does not remember insults, is sociable and friendly;
  • this child will always be “in the rays of glory” and adoration of others.

Do Darina have any negative characteristics:

  • excessive self-confidence and a complete lack of self-criticism can lead to the formation of a selfish, demanding character. It is necessary to direct the baby’s interests in the right direction in time;
  • Darina - means an uncontrollable, spontaneous temperament, with a violent manifestation of negative emotions;
  • is very sensitive to criticism;
  • if the girl is the eldest in the family, then try to pay maximum attention to her at the birth of a younger brother or sister, this child reacts sharply to competition and may be painfully jealous of the parents for the new family member;
  • there is a great tendency to act ill-considered and rashly.

This is the name of true leaders who are helped by natural elements and the energy of the Sun.

Character and destiny

Darinas are considered women who are always and everywhere accompanied by success and recognition. Bright, sunny charisma helps you quickly achieve unprecedented heights in your career and happiness in your personal life.

Bright, sociable, energetic and confident, these women have no doubt that they are the best and most desirable. But this is precisely where their vulnerability lies. A complete lack of ability to analyze one’s mistakes and the inability to draw conclusions from complex ones life situations can cause serious long-term depression in Darina.

It is important from childhood to teach the baby to be critical of her shortcomings, to be able to analyze them and correct them in time.

Eccentric behavior and violent expression of emotions can present Darina with many unpleasant surprises from which, unfortunately, this passionate, addicted nature will not draw conclusions.

It would be wonderful if, in her youth and childhood, the formation of this girl’s character and the beginning of her life’s journey will be accompanied by the help, love and care of her parents and loved ones.

Profession and career

The energetic meaning of the name is natural vital energy, therefore Darinas are born leaders in any field and do not tolerate competition. To instill in a girl an interest and love for learning, parents should focus on the competitive nature of learning and praise every, even very small, achievement of Darina.

Since Darina is a passionate person, she quickly gives up a boring job, which prevents her from achieving well-deserved success. Teach your child to concentrate on the goal. The best argument for Darina is universal recognition, fame and popularity.

In what professions will Darin’s name bring profit and success:

  • creative advertising and trade organization;
  • policy;
  • all types of arts - theater, cinema, show business;
  • sports (professional);
  • psychology and sociology

All professions that require direct communication with people.

Family and love

In family life, the name Darina guarantees the love, warmth and admiration of her husband until old age. These women usually have a strong, cheerful family that loves to travel and socialize.

Darina means the gift of the most powerful ancestral Slavic energies of the forces of nature and the elements. Therefore, in this woman’s house there will always be prosperity, warmth and comfort.

Usually, Darins choose a life partner who is older, sometimes much older, and do not strive to quickly formalize an official marriage. She approaches the choice of a husband very seriously and carefully, and does not rush things. As a result, Darina is happy and loved, always desired and adored by her husband.

Orthodox meaning of the name

Because of ancient history the origin of this amazing strong Slavic name, it will not be possible to baptize a child in the Orthodox Church with Darina. Father can only offer a similar name from the calendar - Daria, whose name day falls in March, April, August.

Some clergy refuse to give the baby two names, arguing that according to church custom, a person should have one name, given to him at baptism. But, you can always find a temple where you can agree with the priest on this issue.

Name day dates in 2018

In the church calendar the name Daria (Darina) falls on March 14th, April 1 and 4, June 5, August 10 and 17.

Congratulations on Angel's Day

Darina is congratulated on Angel Day on the days provided for by the church Orthodox calendar for Daria. But, for this name, you don’t have to choose a special day for congratulations - the Slavic generic power and energy of the name are great, so choose words and expressions that symbolize the forces of nature and the elements:

  • bright sunshine;
  • warm breeze;
  • giving happiness and joy.

Darina will only like sincere and sincere congratulations, who will appreciate all her wonderful qualities and modestly keep silent about her small shortcomings.

Meaning: given

The meaning of the name Darina - interpretation

The beautiful, euphonious name Darina is one of the rare ones. There are several versions of its origin. The most common opinion is that this name has Old Slavic roots. It is derived from the word “gift” and is translated as “gifted” or “donated.” The names Daryon, Darolub, Daromir are considered similar in meaning. According to the second version, Darina is a derivative of the name Darren, meaning “rocky mountain” or “low.” Some linguists insist on an ancient Persian origin. The name Darina is a derivative of the name Darayavaush (Dariy), where “dara” is translated as “possessing” or “possessing”, and “vaush” is “kind”, “good”.

Name Darina in other languages

Years later

Little Darina is highly active and restive. The baby develops earlier than her peers - she begins to speak and walk before she is one year old. IN kindergarten the girl is the leader. Likes to command. He proves his advantage with his fists. Doesn't want to be alone. He is afraid of strangers. Not particularly interested in toys, prefers active games in the company of peers.

Darina is gentle and affectionate with her parents. Rarely shows a restive character. He is not capricious. He treats adults with respect, but does not want to help. When a brother or sister appears, he becomes jealous of his parents. Here whims, pranks, tricks are possible to attract their attention.

At school, the girl is calm and friendly with classmates and teachers. Not prone to envy. She loves to study, but some subjects are difficult for her due to her slowness. Treats tasks responsibly. Possesses perseverance and hard work. Shows interest in music, drawing, and modeling.

Having matured, Dasha becomes a real flirt. Prefers beautiful and stylish clothes. She is partial to cosmetics and hairstyles. The girl is highly impressionable. Needs advice and guidance from mother.

The slightest quarrels with friends, unrequited love, problems with studies - all this can turn into a source of anxiety and strong emotional hesitation. At a young age, Darina learns to understand people. It is extremely difficult to deceive and fool her.

The young lady has a dual, complex character. She does not trust other people's opinions until she herself understands the essence of the problem. Tends to take risky actions where a negative outcome is known. He takes the choice of his future profession seriously and carefully. After studying for some time, he may change his mind and leave the university.

The main features of adult Daria are sensitivity, slowness, and intelligence. The woman does not have a sharp mind. Has a high opinion of himself. Unsuccessful at work. Often changes place of employment, profession, position.

He performs tasks assigned by his superiors diligently, but without enthusiasm. Darina is silent, secretive, and thoughtful. Does not participate in noisy parties, prefers the comfort of home. Having met his soul mate, he gives himself completely to his family.

This woman sees evil intent in any problem. Pays a lot of attention to his appearance. Distrustful of strangers. A woman sees the essence of any person. When choosing a social circle, he prefers smart, talented individuals. She is faithful in friendship and is always ready to help. Does not tolerate rudeness, arguments and discussions.

Darina's character

Dasha has strong energy that can attract many positive personalities. She is distinguished by her calmness and composure. In society he behaves decently, acts in accordance with the letter of morality and the law.

This woman is not prone to gossip and intrigue, fully understanding their harmfulness. She has a classic attractive appearance, which men really like. Strives for constant improvement of body, hair, skin.

The owner of this name is often overly sluggish and indifferent. It is extremely difficult for her to get along with new people whom she may suspect of bad things due to an almost complete lack of trust.

It must also be said that Darina, as a rule, is distinguished by her touchiness over trifles and irritability at the most inopportune moments. She loves to be capricious beyond measure. Often displays a commanding tone, even if he is not the direct boss.

Darina's fate

Darina's fate is not easy. Secretive character and mistrust become the reason for late marriage. Relationships with your spouse are complicated. Many intimate problems arise. Remaining a home woman, Daria has practically no friends. He does not show tenacity in his work, which excludes career growth and high incomes. In the absence of a family, he is completely devoted to work. Has endurance, which allows him to occupy positions in law enforcement agencies. Has analytical and psychoanalytic abilities.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Career for Darina has the same meaning as sex. A woman is not interested in high positions, power, or significant financial benefits. Dasha is capable of achieving good results in her work life only in the absence of her husband or after the collapse of family relationships. The divorce spurs her on to new beginnings.

Not being a careerist, Darina takes a responsible approach to fulfilling her duties. She is neat and responsible. Loves scrupulousness. Strictly follows the rules of the company for which he works. Suitable professions for this woman are accountant, secretary, translator, editor, manager, teacher, economist, financier. Because of her love for animals, Darina may show interest in natural sciences and become an ecologist, zoologist, or veterinarian. A girl interested in art will choose to specialize as a musician, composer, or artist.

Darina doesn't know how to plan. This makes it difficult to properly distribute the family budget. She rarely takes risks with her savings. But he has good instincts. Lotteries, casinos and slot machines can bring her a big jackpot.

Marriage and family

Daria gets married late and not necessarily because of tender feelings. He occupies a leading position in the family. The husband may not even know about this. A woman's touchiness and capriciousness have no boundaries. The wife's changeable mood also adds spice. Only a patient, calm, undemanding chosen one is able to withstand a difficult psychological situation.

Darina is an excellent housewife, an affectionate and caring mother. Everyday life and children are her main path in life. The woman is not prone to cheating. She is not active in her intimate life, but she will not forgive her spouse for infidelity. Subject to jealousy and possessive tendencies.

Sex and love

Having a bright appearance, Darina makes high demands on her chosen one. The girl knows how to use charm and charisma, but only in the circle of well-known men. A high self-evaluation prevents her from appreciating her gentleman. Daria has a clear division between sex and love. When entering into an intimate relationship, a woman may not become emotionally attached to her partner. Such behavior is more often typical of representatives of the stronger half.

The nature of this person has a need for flirting. But high moral standards and natural modesty do not allow her to freely express emotions. Darina is able to provoke a man a little and go into a rollback. She is not passionate in bed, which upsets her chosen ones. Sex plays a secondary role in her life.


From an early age, Darisha was prone to many diseases. A special predisposition is observed for lung pathologies. Neuralgic problems are common. Darina’s body is sensitive to various external factors, which manifests itself in allergic reactions.

To avoid chronic diseases, a woman will have to lead a healthy lifestyle, carefully monitor her diet, and regularly visit sports grounds.

Interests and hobbies

Darina's passion is her own person. She is attracted to fashionable outfits, expensive cosmetics, and shiny accessories. In pursuit of beauty, she is capable of undergoing not only countless new-fangled cosmetic procedures, but also plastic surgery.

A woman's second passion is pets. In her house you can find several pets of different colors and origins at the same time. Dasha has psychic abilities. He is interested in fortune telling, love spells, and traditional medicine.

Short form of the name Darina. Darka, Darinka, Darya, Darko, Dada, Daro, Dara, Darena, Darena, Daryushka, Darinushka, Darinna, Rina, Dariana, Driona, Darinusik, Darinushka.
Synonyms for the name Darina. Darena, Daryana, Odarina, Daren, Darin, Darrin, Derron, Derry, Daria, Todora, Theodora, Theodora, Bozhidara, Dariella.
Origin of the name Darina. The name Darina is Slavic, Ukrainian.

The name Darina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Darina is a Slavic name, derived from the word “gift”, therefore it is usually translated as “gifted”, “gifted”. There is also a Slavic name identical in meaning, but different in spelling - Darena, and related names Daroluba and Daromira.

According to the second version, the name Darina is one of the forms of the female name Darren, which is translated from Irish as “rocky mountain” and also “short”. Spelling variations for the name Darren are Daren, Darin, Darrin, Derron, Derry.

According to the third version, the name Darina is of ancient Persian origin, going back to the two-basic Persian name Darayavaush (Darius), which consists of two parts: “dara” - “possessing, possessing” and “vaush” - “kind, good”. After October revolution In 1917, the name began to sound like Daryana, and in modern times this name is most often used as Daria. In this case, the name Darina is a form of the name Daria.

Also, the name Darina is a diminutive address to the owners of such names as Todora (Theodora, Theodora), Bozhidara and Dariya (Daria).

The derivative forms Dara and Daria are also independent names. And the affectionate address Rina can be both an independent name and an appeal to many other names.

Little Darina gives her parents a lot of trouble and worry. The girl has a sweet but restless character. Doing homework for a long time is too tiring for Darina, so she has little success at school. But Darina never gets tired of having fun. As an adult, the girl begins to get involved in sports, playing tennis and swimming.

A girl with this name takes on the task with skill, but does not always complete it. In order for Darina to succeed in life, a favorable set of circumstances is required in which the girl will be helped by her charm and ability to use people.

By the time she comes of age, Darina becomes a charming girl with a good figure, who is well aware of this. Darina is smart and somewhat cunning. The girl is demanding and capricious towards men. The chosen one will often be jealous and angry with him over trifles. When Darina is in a bad mood, it is better not to approach her.

Becoming a girl's close friend is not easy. When communicating with her, it is better to always maintain some distance. It is useless to try to lead Darina astray from her intended path. Darina is stubborn and will not listen to arguments. The girl named by this name is an extrovert. She happily shares her news with her friends, tries to help others, and is caring towards older people. In communication, the girl is friendly and simple.

Darina is a beautiful name with a noble sound, endowing its owner with determination, responsiveness and charm. IN modern world it was not widely used. Parents rarely call their daughters this name. More often there are derivatives from the name - Daryana or Daria. Muslims have their own version - Daria.

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Among the representatives of the name there are famous and successful women who have achieved great heights in life thanks to their talent and determination. Darina Shmidt is a famous screenwriter, artist and animator, director of the cartoon “Luntik and His Friends.” Darina Kochankhi is a composer and performer of Christian songs, whose amazing vocal abilities fascinate fans of her work.

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    Origin and meaning of the name

    Versions of the origin of the name Darina:

    1. 1. Derived from the Iranian name Darren. The meaning of the name is "rocky mountain".
    2. 2. Has Slavic roots, derived from the word “gift” or “to give.”
    3. 3. The history of the name goes back to the Persian name Darayavaush. Its decoding from the ancient Persian language: “dara” - possessing, and “vaush” - good, kind.

    Name day

    Pri receives the name Daria. The patron saint of the name is Daria of Rome.

    According to the Orthodox church calendar, name days (angel's day) are celebrated on one of the following dates: March 14, April 1 and 4, June 30, August 17 and 18.

    Darina's character

    The fate of a girl and her character are influenced by the time of year in which she was born.

    Season Characteristic
    Winter“Winter” Darina is a vulnerable girl, whose equanimity and calmness hide a cheerful disposition. In the family, she acts as a peacemaker, so loved ones often turn to her for help in the event of a conflict situation. In people, Darina values ​​sincerity and good manners above all else.
    SpringA girl born in spring is hardworking, determined and charming, which arouses sympathy among others, especially men. She is naturally distrustful, so she only allows into her circle those people who have proven their loyalty to her. Thanks to the gift of eloquence, he easily finds mutual language with others and wins them over
    Summer“Summer” Darina is an energetic, pragmatic and versatile personality. She loves peace and tranquility, so she often retires to be alone. The girl devotes a lot of time to self-development and finds pleasure in self-contemplation
    AutumnA girl born in autumn is sociable and friendly. She is often restrained in expressing her emotions, so when they first meet her, people mistake her for a secretive person. Darina loves to travel and take part in all sorts of adventures for the sake of new experiences. In relationships with the opposite sex, romance and sensuality are important to her.

    Since childhood, the girl has shown character traits such as sociability and curiosity. She is strongly attached to her parents and demonstrates her love to them at every opportunity. Thanks to the diligence and discipline of the child, teachers at school highly value him. But her restless character makes it difficult for Darina to concentrate on any one thing. Parents should help their daughter find an activity that will truly captivate her for a long time.

    Darina is stubborn, and it is important to properly develop this character trait and direct it in a positive direction. In adulthood, it is thanks to stubbornness that a woman will achieve great success and make her wildest dreams come true.

    At the first meeting, Darina gives the impression of a reserved, slow and calm person, but at heart she is very emotional - nothing can leave her indifferent. It is sometimes difficult for a girl to build harmonious relationships with others, since they are repulsed by her imperious manner of behavior. But difficulties in relationships do not upset Darina, since she values ​​her family above all else in life. Only the love and respect of family and friends are truly valuable to her.

    Positive character traits of representatives of the name: sociability, discipline, charm, well-developed intuition, responsiveness and kindness.

    Negative character traits: inability to accept criticism from others and take responsibility for one’s actions, distrust, demandingness, touchiness.

    Marriage and family

    Darina gets married late. Since by nature she is distrustful and secretive, it is important for her to get to know her chosen one well before she ties the knot with him. If a man manages to win the trust of his beloved, their marriage will be strong and happy, but spouses should not have secrets from each other.

    In the family, Darina is the unspoken leader. Not a single decision is made without her participation. The husband does not feel pressure from his significant other, so he is completely satisfied with this distribution of roles.

    The cause of conflicts between spouses will be Darina’s whims, her groundless jealousy and touchiness. Only a loving and patient man can smooth out a girl’s changeable character. As a reward for his wisdom, he will receive devoted friend, a passionate temperamental lover and a caring mother for her children. Family will forever remain the only meaning and main priority in a girl’s life.

    Darina will find happiness in marriage with:

    • Anton;
    • Ivan;
    • Evgeniy;
    • Yuri;
    • Sergei;
    • Stepan;
    • Nikolai.
    • Alexey;
    • Gennady;
    • Pavel;
    • Dmitry;
    • Edward.


    Darina is susceptible to infectious and viral diseases, so she needs to strengthen her immunity and spend more time in the fresh air. In adolescence, a girl may be bothered by respiratory diseases, and an allergic reaction may also occur.

    From childhood, parents should instill in their daughter a love of sports and an active lifestyle. This will help her strengthen her body and avoid serious problems with health in adulthood.

    Profession and career

    Career is not a priority in Darina’s life. The girl prefers to carry out her duties responsibly under the guidance of an experienced mentor, without pinning hopes on receiving a high position. Darina is disciplined and smart, which is why she is highly valued by her superiors. She will be able to realize herself in the profession of translator, teacher, marketer, medical worker. She is also attracted to creative professions in which she can unleash her potential and find the use of her rich imagination.

    Darina is unlikely to be able to successfully organize her own business, since she does not like to be in the spotlight and take on great responsibility. However, it should be noted that the woman has excellent intuition. Therefore, together with experienced business partners, she will be able to achieve positive results in this area.

    Interests and hobbies

    Darina loves to read and spent a lot of time doing this activity as a child. As she gets older, in pursuit of a beautiful figure and good physical shape, she begins to show interest in sports. She enjoys fitness, swimming, cycling and dancing. If a girl puts in enough effort, she can achieve success in sports.

    The best vacation for Darina is an exciting trip with the whole family. On trips she gains inspiration and is charged with positive emotions. Also, traveling for a girl is a great opportunity to put her knowledge into practice. foreign language.

    Signs and symbols

    The signs and symbols of the name Darina, as well as their influence on life, are given in the table.

    Sign, mascot or symbol Interpretation
    Patronizing planet - MarsPeople ruled by Mars are determined and persistent in achieving their goals. This planet symbolizes optimism and nobility, which coexist in a person’s character along with rudeness and harshness. People under the protection of Mars must learn to restrain their bright temperament, since excessive emotionality can unwittingly offend their loved ones
    Talisman stone - hematiteThe mineral protects its owner from illnesses and troubles in life. Jewelry, talismans and amulets with this stone increase the strength of a person’s spirit, help to find inner harmony and balance his emotional state.
    Colors - red and brownRed is the color of active, active people, naturally endowed with an independent character. Thanks to their hard work, they achieve a lot, but it can be difficult for them to fit into society organically because of their rebellion. The self-confidence of people with “brown names” does not allow them to listen to the valuable advice of others, which is why they often make mistakes in life. But despite their inherent stubbornness and temper, their loved ones value them for their kind-heartedness and responsiveness.
    Name number - sixInterpretation of the number 6 - support and support for your family and friends. These people are always ready to offer their help and will never refuse a person who is in trouble. People with the number 6 love life and know how to find positive aspects in any situation
    Animal - giraffeThe animal symbolizes kindness and loyalty - people who are patronized by the giraffe are devoted to their loved ones. An animal gives a person a bright character and individuality, thanks to which he attracts glances and stands out from the crowd.
    Tree - rowanIn esotericism, a tree symbolizes fertility and productivity. As a talisman, it protects its owner from the effects of black magic and negative energy envious people and ill-wishers
    Flower - anemoneAnemone protects from the evil eye and damage, gives a person a strong will and perseverance, thanks to which he steadfastly overcomes difficulties along the way.
    Metal - leadMetal symbolizes masculinity and protects the home from the influence of negative energy

    A person can carry amulets and talismans with them as decoration or use them as interior items. The main thing is to constantly interact with symbols and believe in their power.


The name Darina is of Old Slavonic origin. According to the main version, it could come from the Slavic words “gift” or “gifted”. The literal interpretation sounds like “gifted.” There is another version, but it is not very popular. By the way, in our country this name is often confused with the name Daria, which actually has a different interpretation and origin.

The female name Darina is currently not very popular, but it has a good meaning that promises a lot good qualities, and excellent compatibility with most Russian male names. And according to the legend, he has a very strong energy

Conversational options: Darka, Darinka, Darya, Darko, Dada

Modern English analogues: Darena, Daryana, Daren, Darin, Darrin

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the female name Darina can bestow the bearer with a huge number of really necessary and important qualities. Thus, according to most experts, character traits such as authority, responsiveness, kindness, good nature, leadership, sociability, sociability and capriciousness can be gifted. Although this is not a complete list...

Where more features manifests itself as they grow up as a named variation such as Darina girls...

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of all girls named by this name is their sociability, thanks to which they are always in the center of attention and are never alone. Another advantage is sincerity.

Darina has a bad attitude towards people who are not responsible for their words and make empty promises. And the bearers of this name hate rude and overly aggressive men.

The name Darina is often mistaken for one of the forms of the name Daria, which is popular in Russia and Ukraine, but in fact they are not related in any way.

Character of the name Darina

It just so happens that the character of the name Darina promises many leadership inclinations, so much so that a girl named in this way usually ends up growing up to be more of a boss and a worker than a woman and a potential mother. Her nature and willpower are so strong that few people can get used to her, much less come to terms with her shortcomings. In addition, character also presupposes the presence of such characteristics as pessimism, planning, adherence to principles and straightforwardness, which in turn can be good at work, but bad at communicating with people.

However, all of the above still remains a theory, because in fact, the character and essence of this woman, in theory, should depend entirely on astrological factors, primarily on the sign eastern calendar, and secondly, from the time of year of birth...

Early childhood

The early childhood of a girl named Darina is full of a variety of situations, both bad and good, and not only the meaning of the name form is to blame. The whole problem is in her character - she is hot-tempered. She is emotional, a little capricious, often gets irritated over trifles, and also loves to dictate her terms in everything that concerns her life. Darina argues with her parents more often than anyone else. Although, on the other hand, the little girl is very kind and sympathetic by nature, and is also gifted with curiosity, activity, mobility, and the desire to improve and be the best.

It is difficult to build relationships with peers at this age - it is difficult for her to please, which is why she is always dissatisfied with everyone. But she is obligatory already at such an early age and obedient - she will never disobey, will not act badly, she always adheres to her parents’ instructions in everything, even if she does not agree with them.


Darina is a teenager, she is already a girl with a stronger character. The meaning at this stage can bestow such traits as commitment, responsibility, calmness, diligence, honesty and fairness.

Darina is a creatively developed child with a good imagination and excellent fantasy, she enjoys going to school and studies all subjects without any problems. She has a flexible mind, loves to read and learn new things, but what energizes her is primarily her involvement in the learning process. Everyone is always happy with this, both teachers and parents. The only negative is the intolerance of criticism and the acuteness of perception of comments - it is better not to criticize, discuss, or teach her, at least if you are not a person close to her.

However, all this is just a theory - in practice, the nature of a girl named Darina may be different, it all depends on the influence of additional symbolism, in particular, astrological.

Adult woman

Adult Darina, under the influence of the patron planet and the patronizing element, may change - perhaps she will learn to perceive criticism less harshly, and she will argue less, but on the whole she will remain the same. Meaning will also continue to have an impact.

Will continue to remain mandatory and executive, which will help her rise through career ladder with minimal time wastage. But with sociability, on the contrary, everything can become very bad - people can hardly perceive her as an ordinary woman, she can be seen to have authority and a commanding tone, and this cannot have a positive effect on everyone.

And in general, with her behavior, Darina often repels people rather than attracts them. But her relatives will not go away from her, and moreover, they will remain the most important thing for her. important element lives...

The interaction of Darin's character with the seasons

Spring - a girl named Darina, thanks to the patronage of the spring time of the season, usually has such qualities as hard work, determination, perseverance, charm, eloquence, and distrust. Her character is tolerant, but can bring a lot of problems, especially in communicating with people - she has few friends, but she does not suffer much from this.

Summer – here we are talking about active, practical, serious, energetic, versatile, lonely and calm. The character of the girl named Darina is usually positive in all respects. The only negative is the reluctance to compromise with herself, the reluctance to communicate and make contact - she is too lonely.

Autumn - and the autumn lady’s character is completely filled with good traits. She is a sociable, friendly, friendly, active, always adventurous girl, reserved and calm, positive and positive. And also sentimental. She can be very lucky in marriage. She may turn out to be an exemplary mother and an exemplary wife.

Winter - the winter period is capable of giving this world a female individual, overflowing with positivity and positive emotions even in the most hard times. She is an optimist, sweet, pleasant and sociable, but frivolous, fickle and incapable of doing things in which responsibility is important. As a woman, she is ideal, as is her character, as a worker, not very good.

The fate of the name Darina

Such a parameter as the fate of the name Darin, in turn, was studied by specialists for a long time, but despite this, it remained a factor shrouded in secrets. Although specialists still managed to make some progress. So, for example, it is known that throughout adolescence, fate bestows such boyish attention on her - but Darina herself will not pay due attention to him, because she does not need a mate...

Having already reached maturity, this woman will be able to find herself a admirer. He meets all her requirements, but she cannot trust him - such is her fate, to forever wander between distrust and reluctance to trust people, in particular men.

But later, fate should give her a man who can outshine all her unsuccessful romances that happened before him. The main thing is that he manages to win her trust - only then will she surround him with care, attention, and love.

Well, in general, a marriage that Darinochka will only agree to as a last resort, has a chance to be the only one in her life, but happy and, as they say, “forever.” Although again, not in everything important role fate plays as such, a lot depends here on the compatibility of signs, names, and characters...

Love and marriage

Darina is a self-confident beauty who does not strive to win as many men’s hearts as possible, but purposefully begins her search for her future spouse. However, this is very difficult for her. This is due to her mistrust, secrecy and causeless jealousy. The husband of such a mischief must be prepared for her whims and her frequent mood swings. She is very afraid of love disappointments, so she strives to get to know her chosen one better and only then opens her heart to him.

Only a very patient, caring, calm and sincere person can get along with such a capricious, distrustful and jealous lady. loving man. Darina is also gradually changing, becoming more balanced and soft. She is able to show her best feminine qualities in marriage, becoming a truly affectionate wife and passionate lover. She always fuels the marital relationship with novelty and romance, creating an ideal romantic environment.

Daria is a wonderful and hospitable hostess. She tries to keep the house cozy and clean, and she tries to cook delicious and varied food to please her household. She is not eager to become the head of the family, but cunningly and gently influences the decisions of her loving spouse. Darina appreciates the love and care of her husband, however, in the event of betrayal, she will immediately break off relations with him. She is unable to forgive betrayal, although she clearly shares the concepts of love and sex, even understanding her husband in some ways.

Darina as Mother

Darina takes such a period in her life as motherhood extremely seriously. She considers having children earlier to be a rash decision, so she is not in a hurry to get married, much less in a hurry to have children, because she wants to better prepare for such an important moment. She clearly plans the appearance of children, so they are always long-awaited and loved.

Daria blossoms even more with the advent of children, her character becomes calmer, she learns to restrain her violent emotions so as not to have a negative psychological impact on the kids. She carefully takes care of her children. She carefully makes sure that her children always have everything they need and are no worse than everyone else. She also introduces children to sports, teaches them to do exercises, and their father plays football or tennis with them.

Darina has unique organizational abilities, which is why she easily manages to establish a productive and interesting process of teaching and raising children. Interestingly, from early childhood she teaches her children to carry out various tasks. Daria not only raises excellent housekeepers for herself, but also instills in them independence and hard work, mutual assistance and leadership qualities. Children compete among themselves; whoever fulfills their mother’s request better wins. She organizes the same competitions with prizes in children’s educational activities.

Horoscope named after Darin


Aries - the meaning of the name Darina, together with the interpretation of the sign of Aries, gives the world a hardworking and determined lady who always achieves her goals and never gives up, even in the face of real difficulties. This one has every chance of a happy life.


Taurus is distrustful, fearful, often commits rash acts and worries a lot, even over trifles. She is difficult to please; she looks for betrayal and dirty tricks in everything. But as a mother and wife, she is ideal - she will gladly be both a housewife and an ideal wife.


Gemini - and this Darina, by origin of soul and nature, is beautiful and charming, sociable and eloquent, loves to be the center of attention and is a welcome guest in any company. The only thing she lacks is responsibility and seriousness.


Cancer is the zodiac sign of a practical, balanced, serious and constant lady. The character here is very complex, but getting used to it is easier than ever, because all his shortcomings are covered by his advantages, of which there are also an incredibly large number (friendliness, honesty, etc.).

a lion

Leo - the meaning of this zodiac sign gives rise to the nature of an active, energetic, frivolous, but very active girl. She has the gift of persuasion, she also has self-interest and cunning, and she does not always achieve her goals by honest means. Can easily betray...


Virgo - this Darina is a versatile girl, a person with a lot of flaws and shortcomings, but also with the same bunch of positive qualities. A capable student, an admirer of the exact sciences. A timid girl who prefers loneliness and constancy.


Libra - the patronage of the Libra zodiac sign can bestow a girl named Darina with such traits as sociability, goodwill, good nature, fairness, humor, optimism and friendliness. It’s nice to communicate with someone like that, and you can also benefit from friendship.


Scorpio - the character of this girl cannot be called tolerant or easy; on the contrary, she is too complex by nature, does not trust anyone and sooner or later begins to conflict with almost everyone. But she is responsible and can become a good boss, an employee worth her weight in gold.


Sagittarius is a traveler, lover of adventure and outdoor activities. This Darina usually leads healthy image life, rarely conflicts with anyone, tries to have friendly, warm relations with everyone. She is also loving and often falls in love. Fickle.


Capricorn is restrained and calm, sentimental and vulnerable, reacts sharply to criticism and remarks, hates it when someone tries to lecture her. She always tries to seem strong and callous, although in reality she is not like that. But she has excellent compatibility with strong-willed men.


Aquarius - and this is Darina with a more subtle spiritual component. He is sweet, charming, kind and courteous, and always forgives everyone and everything. He knows how to get his way, easily fits into any company, but at the same time he never uses his skills for selfish purposes.


Pisces is a dreamer, fantasizes a lot about the impossible, constantly has her head in the clouds and rarely plunges into the real everyday routine. Does not like fun, prefers loneliness or spending time with family. She can become an exemplary mother and wife.

Compatibility with male names

The issue of Darin’s compatibility with male names, especially with Russian ones, is quite complex and was studied by many specialists at one time. In this way, it was possible to find out that the woman named so has the most ideal compatibility with Gleb, Vasily, Vsevolod, Semyon, Timur and Yuri. Here, apparently, there is a high chance of building a real strong and happy family.

Things may be a little worse with Oleg, Maxim, Roman, Alexander, and Victor, although in general strong relationships can also be built here, but you should not expect longevity from them. But in such a couple there must be mutual love and understanding.

But with Vissarion, Robert, Mark, or Alexei, it is better that Darina did not build a relationship, because nothing good will come of it anyway, and the separation in the end can also be very painful.