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Why is excess weight dangerous for men? Obesity. The impact of obesity on patient health


Problem excess weight is currently one of the most pressing physical problems with a psychological aspect. In simple terms, excess fat deposits are not only an aesthetic defect and a serious threat to the body, but also a very strong blow to a person’s self-esteem and psychological health. It is generally accepted that extra pounds worry men much more than women. But, as recent studies show, modern men are also seriously concerned about this issue. Today we will talk about the problem of excess weight in men. Read on and you will learn about the hidden causes of this condition, as well as methods for correcting it.

The relevance of the problem of excess weight in men

Most people associate the problem of excess weight with poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, these factors affect the condition of the body, and, in particular, body weight, but they may not be the true causes of excess weight in men.

There are a number of so-called “hidden” reasons that a man may not attach importance to, but it is they that provoke excess fat deposits.

Moreover, with the appearance of even minimal excess fat, modern men, as well as women, begin to worry and look for effective methods losing weight. It turns out that the problem of excess weight today is completely genderless and has virtually no age restrictions.

Excess weight in men:

interesting facts about excess weight in men: results of a survey;
“hidden” causes of excess weight in men;
Recommendations for losing excess weight in men.
Interesting facts about excess weight in men: survey results

Tanita France, which invented the first digital scale in 1978 and released the first impedance meter scale in 1992, showing not only weight but also body fat percentage, conducted a survey of more than 600 Internet users. The point of this survey was to find out how men and women feel about the problem of excess weight. The results of this study revealed several interesting facts:

men are more concerned about their weight: 14.5% of men and only 8.5% of women weigh themselves more than once a day;
men begin to gain weight between 21 and 30 years old: 36% of men and 39% of women gain weight with age, while women begin to gain weight in adolescence, and men after 21 years of age;
men also gain weight after childbirth: 37% of women and 31% of men begin to gain excess weight after the birth of a child;

men also go on diets: 58% of women and 46% of men have tried dieting at least once;
Men do not do enough physical activity: 18.5% of men and 20% of women engage in any physical activity less than once a month.
“Hidden” causes of excess weight in men

Among the causes of excess weight in men, there are so-called “hidden” reasons, which men often do not pay attention to. These include:

hormonal changes: hormones are associated with excess weight in women, but they also play a role in male obesity important role. In the body of a healthy man, testosterone levels increase until the age of 25-30, and then begin to decrease by about 1-2% per year. Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, ideal conditions are created for gaining excess weight;
errors in nutrition: obesity is not always associated with excessive consumption of cakes, sweets and pastries. Research shows that excess weight in men is most provoked by the consumption of fatty animal products;

structure of fatty tissue: physiologically, in a man’s body there is less subcutaneous fatty tissue than in a woman’s body, and it also has a denser structure. Therefore, in a man’s body, obesity develops of the abdominal type - fat is deposited in the abdominal area, around the internal organs, which is a much more dangerous condition.

limit consumption of fatty foods, especially of animal origin;
increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits, as well as protein foods;
completely stop drinking alcohol;
adjust your daily routine and include mandatory physical activity;
adjust testosterone levels in the body.

Excess weight in men is enough serious problem, in the fight against which persistence and patience are required.

Overweight in mentreatmentIn Volgograd.Obesity1, 2, 3 degrees: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, prevention, diet, home treatment. Fatty liver: symptoms, consequences, treatment .

Begin with yourself. My weight was 115 kilograms. As it turned out, treating obesity is very difficult. The problem is that there are many reasons that lead to excess weight, but the most important is unhealthy eating behavior, overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. A person consumes more energy than he expends. And I am grateful to my colleague, doctor Margarita Koroleva, who helped me lose 20 kilograms of excess weight.

Why you need to lose weight! Potential Health Benefits!

Reducing weight by just 10% is:

  • reduction in mortality overall by 20-25%
  • decrease in blood pressure by 10 mm Hg. Art.
  • reducing the risk of developing diabetes by 50%
  • reduction by 30-50% of fasting blood glucose
  • 10% reduction in total cholesterol
  • 30% reduction in triglycerides

Where to begin? What is the diagnosis of obesity?

The scope of diagnostics to identify the causes of excess weight is determined by the doctor at the appointment and depends on the suspected causes of obesity. One of the quick and inexpensive options for examination for excess weight is electrosomatography. Scanning of the body is carried out using the Estek device (EIS) - this is a technique for determining the condition of the body, a general screening is carried out, based on the results of which one can receive recommendations on lifestyle and nutrition. The diagnostic program covers all known risk factors and mechanisms of diseases in all body systems and is aimed, first of all, at the early identification of diseases or predispositions to them. Test results are displayed on the screen and handed out in printed form.

Bioimpedance analysis of body composition - what is it?

Bioimpedance analysis allows you to measure indicators electrical resistance body. It is no secret that various tissues of the human body have different levels electrical conductivity. Based on such data, you can find out the exact composition of the body, as well as obtain information about the content of fat tissue, the amount of muscle mass and water. Typically determined: lean mass LM, fat mass FM, muscle mass MM, total fluid TWB, intracellular water ImW, extracellular water ExtW, interstitial fluid volume IFV. A prerequisite for the analysis is the refusal to eat and drink liquids an hour before the procedure. The method allows you to obtain objective data necessary for choosing the optimal weight loss program.

Body mass index. The famous BMI, which people concerned about losing weight know for sure, can be determined different ways. BMI is the degree to which body weight corresponds to height. Normal weight is considered to be BMI 18,50-24,99 . Below is underweight, above is overweight. Obesity begins with a BMI of 30.

There are several types of obesity. Doctors divide them into types, depending on the reasons for their appearance:

  • obesity 1, 2, 3 degrees of alimentary constitutional origin;
  • exogenous obesity 1, 2, 3 degrees;
  • visceral obesity 1, 2, 3 degrees;
  • obesity 1, 2, 3 degrees gynoid.

Muscle mass. It's simple: it's the total muscle mass in the body. If not proper nutrition, incorrect diet and lifestyle, instead of fat, a person loses muscle mass. In a healthy body, muscle mass is 30-40% from the total. With normal weight and a lack of muscle tissue, we can talk about relative obesity, since the lack of muscle tissue in this case is “compensated” by fat mass, and so on. Moreover, it should be noted that individually, such hidden obesity, which occurs against the background of normal weight, is often tolerated by patients just as hard (shortness of breath, fatigue, etc.) as with a clear increase in body weight, but with a normal muscle component.

A simple but important indicator is lean (fat-free) body mass (LBM). This is the mass obtained by subtracting the weight of fat mass from the total weight. Lean body mass is often used to calculate the energy intake of the diet. BMT decreases as a result of fasting, disease (cachexia), and aging (sarcopenia).

Basic exchange rate. This is the number of calories the body burns at rest per day. These calories are necessary for life, and the body will “eat” them in any case, whether you are physically active or not. This number is individual for everyone; the higher it is, the faster you spend energy; The lower it is, the more likely it is to gain excess weight, even with proper nutrition. A healthy adult man has an average of 1800-2100 kcal/day, and a woman has 1300-1500 kcal/day.

fat mass, that is, the amount of fat in the body. The very thing for which those losing weight undergo bioimpedance testing. It would seem that this is the very number of kilograms that you need to lose. But not all fat is excess. It is needed for metabolic processes, thermal insulation, and as stored energy. Optimal fat level for women - 20-29,9% , for men - 10-19,9% of the total weight. The average energy component of one kilogram of body fat is 7 thousand kcal. At the same time, a kilogram of muscle mass is energetically equal to about 1100 kcal. It follows from this that you will have to spend much more time and effort on breaking down fat masses. Studying a person's body fat mass provides useful information about others important features body. In particular, increased attention is paid to determining the hormonal levels on which the formation of fat deposits directly depends. The fat mass located subcutaneously in the extremities and the adipose tissue located in the greater and lesser omentum (inside the abdominal cavity) differ in their biochemical effects on the body. The android type of fat deposition in both men and women is associated with metabolic syndrome. In such people, cortisol, cholesterol, blood pressure and insulin resistance increase, and are also associated with behavioral and psychosocial risk factors such as physical inactivity, alcohol intake and depression.

The amount of fluid in the body. All fluid in the body is mainly divided into extracellular and intracellular; extracellular fluid - into tissue (intercellular) fluid and blood plasma. The intercellular fluid indicator allows you to find out whether there is edema in the body or whether fluid is retained. If the amount of intercellular fluid, that is, blood and lymph, is below normal, this indicates thickening of the blood or that you are not drinking enough, especially if you are exposed to physical activity. Normally, the amount of fluid in the body is 45-60% body weight. An increase in the volume of extracellular fluid contributes to an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system. And indicators of the level of intercellular fluid make it possible to identify problems in the functioning of the renal system.

What is fatty liver? What are the symptoms and consequences of fatty liver? How to treat fatty liver?

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is the hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome, a condition associated with diabetes mellitus type 2, insulin resistance, abdominal obesity, hyperlipidemia and arterial hypertension. Fatty liver is a condition that is caused by excessive accumulation of fats in the liver in the form of triglycerides. The most important reason for the development of obesity is insulin resistance, which is associated with obesity. In addition, oxidative stress and cytokines are significant contributing factors, which together lead to steatosis and progressive liver damage. A generally accepted approach to the treatment of fatty liver, which makes it possible to change the course of the disease, is lifestyle changes and diet. Diet: It is necessary to aim for a weight loss of 5-10% and reduce caloric intake by 25% of normal nutrition (up to 2500 calories per day) in accordance with the age and gender of the patient. A moderately calorie-restricted diet with a modified macronutrient composition produces better results than a very low-calorie diet. Attention should be paid to the role of a moderately low-calorie diet and recommendations should be made on the type of foods to consume - avoiding fructose and trans fats in soft drinks and fast food, while increasing the omega-3 content of the diet. Exercise: A moderate-impact aerobic exercise program three to four times per week should be encouraged to achieve a heart rate of 60 to 75% of age-specific maximum. Drug use regimens for fatty liver disease depend on the stage of the disease, lasting 12-24 months.

How to treat obesity?

First of all, you need to understand: obesity is a chronic disease and its treatment should also be “chronic”. Excess fat has accumulated in the body for many years. To change the situation, you will have to change too. You won’t be able to “go on a diet” and then get off it - you need to change your eating habits and physical activity forever. And do it in such a way that your new lifestyle gives you pleasure. Don’t try to lose 15 kg in one month by eating kefir or cucumbers alone. You still won’t eat kefir all your life, and the kilograms you quickly lost will also quickly return to you, and even in excess. Set a realistic goal to lose 3 kg in 1-2 months. Understand what you want to achieve and why you need it, and start moving towards this goal, changing your life once and for all. You should start worrying already if your body mass index exceeds 25 kg/m2. It is believed that in case of excess body weight (BMI no more than 29.9) and the absence of diseases associated with obesity, treatment should begin with modification of lifestyle and diet, and this is quite possible.

Non-drug weight loss interventions include:

  • moderate hypocaloric diet,
  • teaching patients a healthy lifestyle with changing eating habits,
  • keeping a food diary,
  • physical exercise.

Why is drug therapy for obesity important? What drugs reduce body weight?

Drug therapy for obesity is used only in a comprehensive weight loss program to increase the effectiveness of dietary measures, if necessary, more rapid weight loss and is of an auxiliary nature. One of the main tasks in the fight against obesity is to reduce the feeling of hunger in patients in order to reduce the amount of food consumed. This direction of pharmacotherapy is implemented using drugs that suppress appetite (anorexigenic drugs). Another way is to intensify metabolism and energy consumption in the body using, for example, thermogenic agents. The third way is to influence the digestive processes, in particular limiting the absorption of individual food components. In addition, the use of analogues and antagonists of hormones that regulate food absorption and the feeling of satiety is considered new and promising directions. The fourth way - low testosterone levels (hypogonadism) is a stimulating factor for the growth of fat cells. Therefore, if it is not possible to reduce body weight while following the doctor’s recommendations, it is necessary to determine the level of testosterone and, in case of a decrease, prescribe therapy with testosterone drugs until the waist circumference normalizes.

Centrally acting drugs (anorexigenic drugs that reduce food intake):

A drug Goldline (sibutramine) intended for the treatment of obesity with central action. It helps to increase the feeling of fullness and reduce the need for food, as well as increase thermal production. A decrease in body weight is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of HDL in the blood serum and a decrease in the amount of triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL and uric acid. Goldline prescribed orally 1 time/day. The dose is set individually, depending on tolerability and clinical effectiveness. You can take the drug only after consulting a doctor.

Peripheral acting drugs.

Listat tablets
(orlistat) - inhibitors of gastrointestinal lipases. Prevents the absorption of fats in the small intestine. Hence the side effect of this Listat is loose, oily stools when consuming too much fatty food. But this drug has no systemic side effects. Overweight or obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who take Listata for 6-12 months experience greater weight loss compared to patients receiving dietary therapy alone.

How can you change your eating habits?

This is by no means a diet that can be canceled later. This is how every person who wants to be healthy and feel good should eat. You need to eat well, plentifully, tasty, not starve, but at the same time eat the right foods. If you are overweight, choose a “certain diet” for yourself. But we pay special attention to the complete exclusion of mayonnaise and sausages, frankfurters, sausages - we replace them with whole meat. As Svetlana Yuryevna Kalinchenko says: “a man’s food should be like a hunter’s food - a lot of meat or fish, cooked without fat and a light vegetable (and ideally vegetable) side dish.

The concept of “rational nutrition” includes not only the consumption of “healthy” and the exclusion of “harmful” foods, a rational diet, the right combination of foods, methods of preparing food without fat, but also certain behavior during each meal.

Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to go hungry. This is not an acceptable way to treat obesity. During fasting, human tissue cells do not receive glucose, the main source of energy, and switch to an alternative source of nutrition - fats. As a result of the breakdown of one's own fat depots, free fatty acids accumulate, and their excess breaks down with the formation of ketone bodies.

To create a balanced diet, you need to calculate the number of calories that can be consumed per day, taking into account individual energy consumption. And from the calculation daily norm calories, you can create a menu for the whole day. In this case, you can eat foods taking into account your usual preferences, but change the ratio of “harmful” and “healthy” foods according to existing recommendations.

What physical activity should you do if you are overweight?

Increasing physical activity is very important and should be considered an important part of a weight loss program. Increasing physical activity has been shown to not only promote greater weight loss, but also help you maintain your gains.

Before you start exercising and choose the type of physical exercise, you should consult your doctor. Physical activity and exercises should be enjoyable and well tolerated by the patient. If, for health reasons, a doctor prohibits a patient from doing aerobics and shaping, this does not mean that physical activity cannot be increased. The simplest, but sufficient effective method increase physical activity - this is walking. Moreover, it is not the pace of walking that is important, but the distance traveled. For example, one hour of walking burns 400 kcal, and jogging for 20-30 minutes only 250 - 375 kcal. Physical activity may include playing, walking, gardening, or playing sports such as swimming. Try to move as much as possible. Even if you live on the 20th floor, walk up several flights of stairs. Very helpful! Make a commitment to yourself to walk at least three kilometers every day. The main rule is that these exercises should bring you pleasure, be regular and fairly frequent (3-4 times a week). If you are not used to physical activity, then you need to increase its duration and intensity gradually. If you already have chronic diseases, then this does not cancel physical activity, but will require coordination of its type and duration with the attending physician. If you have diseases of the heart and blood vessels, or if you are not used to exercise, it is recommended to start with light exercise, focusing on your heart rate, i.e. on the pulse.

  1. Change your lifestyle, starting with the store. Buy low-calorie foods.
  2. If you buy not sausages or cheese, but fresh vegetables and herbs, then your family will only benefit. Buy foods with the lowest fat content. When choosing meat and fish products, try not to buy semi-finished products.
  3. Many people say that they “cannot afford” to eat properly. Don’t lie: by limiting your consumption of meat and sausages, you can afford seafood and greens. Cheeses and sausages are no cheaper than fresh or frozen vegetables. Don't buy food for future use.
  4. Follow some rules when preparing dishes. Try to use cooking methods without adding fat: not frying, but stewing or baking in the oven. Try to use less salt. Excessive salting of food not only increases appetite, but also increases the risk of developing arterial hypertension.
  5. Use small plates and serve small portions. Have a small bowl or plate. This will make it much easier to limit the serving size and eat it slowly and with pleasure.
  6. Don't eat unless you're hungry or have nothing better to do.
  7. If you come to visit, it is better not to advertise your dietary restrictions. Choose the dishes that you allow yourself to eat.
  8. Don't go hungry, eat little and often. Complete fasting is not a solution. Try to avoid feeling too hungry. Eat often (4-5 times a day) and little by little. Try not to eat at night; let your dinner end no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you feel hungry between meals or before bed, eat something low in calories - a vegetable salad, or an apple, or low-fat yogurt.
  9. Don't eat in front of the TV or while reading a book. You may get so carried away that you won't notice whether you're full or not and will continue to eat. Beware of chips and nuts, popcorn.
  10. Limit your alcohol intake. Alcoholic drinks are high in calories and increase appetite.
  11. Try to prepare beautiful dishes and eat them slowly and with pleasure.
  12. For snacks, use low-calorie foods. It is better to eat an orange or an apple, a vegetable salad or low-fat yogurt than a chocolate bar or a cheese sandwich.
  13. Don't despair if a breakdown occurs. For example, you ate fried potatoes at night. This is not a reason to give up, but a reason to give yourself additional physical activity. And of course, try to avoid such breakdowns.

The material was prepared by urologist-andrologist, therapist Oleg Viktorovich Akimov.

The mechanism for gaining excess weight in men is somewhat different from the similar mechanism in women. All men naturally have more developed muscles. Muscle mass requires more energy for its life support than fat mass, so in a day the body of a healthy man, even without significant physical activity, burns much more calories than a woman’s.

Statistics show that only 5-10% of men with excess fat reserves have a genetic predisposition to weight gain or serious diseases that contribute to this process. In most cases, excess weight gain in men is facilitated by external factors caused by modern living conditions. Excess weight in our time is considered not just a cosmetic defect, but a deviation that causes psychological problems and deterioration of health.

Internal factors of weight gain in men

The appearance of excess weight in men under 30 years of age is a fairly rare occurrence and is associated with obvious health problems. As a rule, men gain weight after 35 years, when the aging process of the body begins. Weight gain in men is completely different from this process in women. Extra pounds in men first appear in the abdomen and sides, after which the fatty tissue can spread to the hips, upper torso and arms. In order to eliminate extra pounds, first of all it is necessary to find out the main factors of their gain; they can be external and internal. There can be many internal factors for weight gain in men.

Diabetes. This is a metabolic disease that leads to rapid weight gain and greatly interferes with energy expenditure.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Heart disease makes a person more lethargic and less active physically. In addition, disruption of the heart leads to disruption of the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the cells of all organs, which over time leads to atrophy. The muscles that normally burn a lot of calories are the first to atrophy. It is believed that various heart defects most often lead to weight gain, but in some cases acquired heart rhythm pathologies can lead to the appearance of excess fat.

Hormonal disbalance. An increase in the level of female hormones in the male body often leads to the appearance of fat in the hips and waist.

Diseases of the endocrine system. Thyroid produces many important substances and hormones for the body. Disturbances in the functioning of this organ, regardless of whether there is an increased level of production of thyroid hormones or a lack of production of substances necessary for the body, leads to obesity.

Genetic predisposition. Studies show that some people have a mechanism for accumulating fat reserves, fixed at the genetic level. It is believed that this defense mechanism appeared in some people in case of a hungry period and allowed a person to survive even in extreme conditions. In modern conditions, when the shelves are replete with high-calorie foods, this mechanism does not turn off and contributes to rapid weight gain. In the presence of a genetic predisposition, a person experiences a strong decrease in the sensitivity of the hypothalamus to leptin. Leptin is a satiety hormone that signals to the brain that the body has received enough food. Thus, a person can overeat heavily and only then feel full.

If the reason for weight gain lies in any disease, it is imperative to lose weight under the supervision of a doctor, following his recommendations, because, for example, if a man is overweight due to heart disease, then losing weight through exercise can lead to a heart attack or other increase in health problems .

The main external factors of weight gain in men

  • Sedentary lifestyle. Many men who work at a computer all day long and commute home and to work in private cars quickly gain weight, evenly throughout their body. This lifestyle leads to muscle atrophy and a decrease in the consumption of calories obtained from food, which leads to the accumulation of energy in the body in the form of fat.
  • Poor nutrition and overeating. The modern rhythm of life forces men to ignore nutritional rules. In addition, fast food, convenience foods and others harmful products lead to distension of the stomach, which causes overeating, because people who have a distended stomach need more food to feel full.
  • Stress. Eating food causes a person to produce hormones that are responsible for a feeling of satisfaction and happiness. In an effort to reduce stress and feel calm, some men begin to overeat and use food as an antidepressant.
  • Bad habits. Alcoholism and smoking negatively affect the condition of the entire body and significantly slow down metabolism, which causes weight gain even in healthy men. It is worth noting that beer alcoholism leads to the formation of a large amount of fat in the abdominal cavity.
  • If external factors contribute to the gain of extra pounds, it is quite possible to cope with excess weight on your own.

    How does excess weight affect a man's health?

    Excess weight in a man causes great harm to the body.

    The appearance of fatty deposits in the abdominal cavity immediately affects the genitourinary system. Men who have significant fat deposits in the abdominal area note a decrease in potency and libido. A decrease in male strength occurs for several reasons. Firstly, adipose tissue located in the abdominal region leads to compression of the vessels responsible for nutrition of the organs of the reproductive system. Secondly, excess adipose tissue leads to a reduction in the amount of testosterone in the body; fat deposits can lead to a complete loss of potency in men of any age, including those under 35 years of age.

    The presence of fat deposits in men also negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of developing coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. In men who are obese, the heart experiences double the workload as it pumps blood through blood vessels that are compressed by fat and because the blood vessels become significantly longer. Blood vessels through which blood flows more sluggishly become clogged with plaque over time, causing them to narrow and ultimately cause thrombosis. Constriction of blood vessels also leads to problems with the heart, which has to pump blood into severely narrowed vessels. Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system lead to impaired performance, a constant feeling of fatigue, irritability and many other factors, which contributes to further weight gain.

    Excess weight can cause problems with joints, and in addition, diseases of the lumbar spine, since the main load from the fat accumulated in the abdominal cavity falls on this section. The appearance of excess weight also negatively affects a person’s emotional state, causing depression, self-doubt, etc.

    Combating the psychological manifestations of excess weight

    Many experts believe that to effectively combat excess weight, you need to overcome a number of psychological problems that prevent you from effectively losing weight.. The thing is that some men perceive food as a means of satisfying the body’s physiological needs for nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and as a means of entertainment. Considering food as a means of relaxation and pleasure, some men begin to lose weight and gain excess weight. In order to get back on track, you need to radically change your attitude towards food.

    After gaining a lot of extra pounds, men begin to lose confidence in themselves, which lowers their self-esteem. Lack of self-confidence affects all areas of life, including intimate and work life. Excess weight gradually leads to a person becoming less socially active, therefore, even realizing that he needs additional physical activity, he tries to solve everything on his own, without going to the gym, because he is afraid of judgment or disgusted views of his far from ideal body features . In the future, self-doubt leads to even greater abuse of food, with which a person tries to eat away his problems, and the fat layer on different parts of the body becomes even larger.

    Not everyone can cope with psychological problems on their own, so it is worth contacting a psychologist who will help identify existing problems and effectively solve them. Once psychological problems are identified and addressed, weight loss will be much easier.

    Proper nutrition is a powerful tool in the fight against excess weight

    Proper nutrition and avoiding alcohol can quickly bring your weight back to normal, but forcing yourself to stick to the regime and eat only healthy foods and dishes is quite difficult. The difficulty is that in order to maintain a proper diet, you need to completely change your lifestyle and constantly monitor the calorie content and nutritional value of foods, which is quite tiring for people who are used to eating ready-made meals offered by the fast food industry.

    Food is the most effective remedy in the fight against extra centimeters. Completely abandoning it is a serious mistake of many losing weight. Food is a powerful means of influencing metabolism, because proper food intake can significantly speed up metabolism and force the body to burn more calories and get rid of extra pounds.

    The diet should include foods containing a minimum amount of simple carbohydrates, which are prone to transformation into extra pounds. Products and dishes containing large amounts of simple carbohydrates include sugar, fatty meats and fish, full-fat milk and other high-calorie foods. These products need to be replaced with low-calorie analogues, that is, eat lean poultry, rabbit, lamb, veal, low-fat dairy products, and so on. In addition, you need to include a large amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet, which not only help compensate for the lack of essential vitamins and minerals, but also improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    When losing weight, it is best to eat foods that have not been heat-treated, or dishes that have been boiled or baked in the oven. It is advisable to cook dishes in their own juice, that is, with minimal addition of sunflower oil. In addition, you should exclude mayonnaise and other sauces from your diet, which significantly increase the calorie content of any dish. You need to eat food in small portions, but at least 5 times a day. It is best if you eat according to a schedule, then after getting used to this regimen, the feeling of hunger will appear only at a certain time, which will reduce the risk of overeating.

    Is exercise necessary while losing weight?

    Physical exercise plays an important role when it comes to losing weight for a man. Physical activity not only allows you to tighten your muscles and skin while losing weight, but also significantly speeds up your metabolism. Strength exercises, as well as stretching exercises, can strengthen the cardiovascular system and make the body more resilient and resistant to various diseases and stressful situations.

    It is worth remembering that men who are overweight are not in in better shape Therefore, the duration and intensity of physical exercise should be increased gradually. By performing even a minimal set of exercises in the morning and evening, you can quickly increase physical endurance, strengthen muscles and reduce weight. Men gain weight quickly if maximum effort is made.

    Excess weight is not only an aesthetic problem; most diseases are a consequence of obesity. According to medical statistics, such factors have been identified:

    • obese people are 3 times more likely to suffer from hypertension;
    • suffer from atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases 2 times more often;
    • the risk of diabetes is 10 times higher than in people of asthenic physique;
    • The life expectancy of obese people is 1.5 times shorter than that of thin people.

    Most of the diseases can cause death, significantly worsen the quality of life.

    • Disturbs the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Due to poor nutrition, cholesterol is deposited, which interferes with normal blood supply to the body. People suffer from heart failure, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, which leads to stroke, heart attack, and premature death.
    • Causes diabetes. Due to the high calorie content of the dishes and the lack physical activity a decrease in receptor sensitivity to insulin develops. It's constantly high level leads to malfunction of the thyroid gland. All this leads to diabetes. And it threatens kidney failure and the development of gangrene. Obese people are more likely to have diseases of the genitourinary system, cholecystitis, kidney and liver stones.
    • Causes hormonal imbalances. Obesity reduces the production of sex hormones, especially in men. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system also cause disruptions. Women have problems conceiving.
    • Promotion stress on joints and spine. Obesity seriously impairs their functioning. Over time, the cartilage lubricant begins to wear off. The muscles weaken, so the main load falls on the joints and ligaments. Arthritis, arthrosis, and osteochondrosis develop.

    Atherosclerosis as a consequence of excess weight

    In men, gaining extra pounds is associated with a decrease in testosterone synthesis. It turns out to be a vicious circle: the more fat deposits appear, the more the hormone leptin is produced by the body. And it, in turn, blocks the production of testosterone.

    • physical inactivity;

    Excess weightfor men it results in the following problems:

    • high blood pressure, heart disease;
    • heart attack and stroke;
    • all types of diabetes;
    • bad mood and psychological disorders, for example, tearfulness, apathy, depression;
    • decreased libido;
    • reduction in erection;
    • infertility;
    • oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • prostate cancer tumors.

    Obese men are more likely to suffer from infectious and viral diseases. The harm of excess weight affects all areas of life.

    Most often, fat accumulates in the stronger half of humanity in the abdominal area. If your waist circumference is above 100 cm, then it’s time to take care of your figure.

    Ladies need to monitor the amount of fat deposits more carefully, because there are more of them initially. In addition to traditional harm, Excess weight is dangerous for women due to the following consequences:

    • Deposition of cellulite and the appearance of varicose veins. The outline of the figure becomes unattractive.
    • Hormonal imbalance. This is dangerous due to the disruption of the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Hair growth increases and female reproductive function is disrupted.
    • Infertility.
    • Psychological problems, low self-esteem, difficulties in personal life.

    Cellulite due to obesity
    • late toxicosis develops;
    • dangerously high blood pressure is recorded;
    • swelling appears;
    • detect protein in the urine and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs;
    • possible premature aging of the placenta;
    • high risk of developing varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
    • possible termination of pregnancy, miscarriage.

    Obesity in a pregnant woman

    Obesity in expectant mother It is dangerous because the child may experience:

    • oxygen starvation;
    • lack of nutrients;
    • risk of developing heart defects and neuralgia;

    Read more in our article about the dangers of excess weight.

    Fatness has become almost the norm in modern world. Everyone suspects the dangers of excess weight to health. He not only spoils appearance person. Majority modern diseases are a consequence of obesity.

    According to statistical medical data:

    • Overweight people are 3 times more likely to suffer from hypertension.
    • Obese people suffer from atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases 2 times more.
    • The risk of diabetes in obese people is 10 times higher than in asthenic people.
    • Life expectancy for obese people is 1.5 times shorter than for lean people.

    Obesity threatens the development of many serious diseases. Most of them can cause death. Not to mention that they significantly reduce the quality of life.

    Excess weight has the following health risks:

    To avoid the above diseases and other harm from excess weight to the body, it is important to monitor your diet and exercise regularly. To lose weight, it is better to choose low-calorie diets that will not harm the body and at the same time lose weight.

    How does it affect the male body?

    Often, gaining extra pounds is associated with a decrease in testosterone synthesis. It turns out to be a vicious circle: the more fat deposits appear, the more the hormone leptin is produced by the body. And it, in turn, blocks the production of testosterone.

    Traditional causes of obesity in men are:

    • genetic inheritance;
    • physical inactivity;
    • unhealthy diet and overeating.

    Obesity in men

    Overweight men risk more than just losing their attractive figure. Excess weight for men results in the following harm to their health:

    • high blood pressure, heart disease;
    • heart attack and stroke;
    • all types of diabetes;
    • bad mood and psychological disorders, for example, tearfulness, apathy, depression;
    • decreased libido;
    • reduction in erection;
    • infertility;
    • oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • prostate cancer tumors.

    Besides, overweight men are more likely to suffer from infectious and viral diseases. The harm of excess weight affects all areas of life.

    It is also important to note that obesity reduces a woman's self-esteem. She begins to feel unattractive. As a result, to get rid of stress, girls begin to eat even more.

    Watch the video about the effects of excess weight on health:

    The harm of excess weight during pregnancy

    Doctors very carefully monitor the weight of the expectant mother, as this affects the woman’s health, the birth process and the baby. That's why overweight women It is often recommended to lose weight before pregnancy. Otherwise, all this will result in a number of problems.

    • The dangers of excess weight during pregnancy are as follows:
    • in late toxicosis;
    • in increased blood pressure;
    • in edematous phenomena;
    • the appearance of protein in the urine and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs;
    • in premature aging of the placenta;
    • in varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
    • increasing the load on the spine and joints;

      Fetal hypoxia in obese pregnant women In addition, the baby is also in danger.

      • oxygen starvation;
      • Excess weight on an expectant mother is dangerous because the child may experience:
      • lack of nutrients;
      • violation of the proportions between the circumference of the head and pelvis;
      • risk of developing heart defects and neuralgia;

      the likelihood of acquiring a genetic predisposition to obesity.

      Therefore, at every visit to the doctor, weight measurements are taken. If problems occur, it is usually recommended to follow a special diet for pregnant women. Excess weight affects the entire body, all organs.

    In addition, it greatly reduces a person’s quality of life. Overweight people acquire many dangerous and practically incurable diseases. Therefore, watching your figure is not only fashionable, but also good for your health.