Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Alphanumeric designation of pipelines. Symbols in various electrical circuits 3 what kind of smiley





Moscow 1992


The introduction period is set from 06/01/92 This technical guidance material (RTM) applies to electrical design and engineering documentation for a specific construction project, performed manually and automatically.


1.1. The work applies to alphanumeric designations of premises, equipment, electrical devices and cables that are not regulated by GOST 2.710. 1.2. The principles of constructing notations in this work correspond to GOST 2.710. 1.3. Depending on the completeness of the transmitted information, the symbol may have a simple or complex structure, i.e. structure in the form of designations of individual types or in the form of a composite designation. 1.4. The definitions of terms used in this work are given in Appendix 1. 1.5. When designing a specific object, a unified notation structure is adopted. The adopted structure should be explained in the documentation.


2.1. To construct the notation, capital letters of the Latin alphabet (hereinafter referred to as “A”) and Arabic numerals (hereinafter referred to as “N”) are used. In justified cases (for example, the designation is regulated by the standard), letters of the Russian alphabet may be used to designate equipment. 2.2. Qualifying symbols are adopted according to GOST 2.710: = - designation of the device; + - design designation; - - designation of the element (cable). 2.3. The designation consists of sequentially arranged letters, numbers and symbols written in one line without spaces; their number is not limited, but must be unchanged in the structure adopted for a particular object. 2.4. Adjacent groups of designation signs that have independent semantic meaning are separated by alternating letters and numbers or a dot if the groups consist of only letters or only numbers. 2.5. A digital group located after an alphabetic one without a separating sign has the meaning of a serial number, and if it has an independent semantic meaning, then it should be separated by a dot. 2.6. It is recommended that the general repeating part of the designation be included in the main inscription.


3.1. Alphanumeric designations of premises are based on constructive principle. 3.2. For a specific case, the room designation can be presented as:

For example, +A114EE1 means that the first electrical room is located in the building numbered 114 on the general plan at enterprise A. If the designation of the enterprise and the building is included in the main inscription, then the designation will take the form +EE1. 3.3. Letter codes for the most common premises are given in Appendix 2.


4.1. Alphanumeric symbols for equipment are usually built according to the technological principle for the device. It is allowed to designate equipment according to the design principle. 4.2. For a specific case, the designation of equipment according to the technological principle can be presented in the form

For example, =A102TK1.52.16 means that the ventilation system (16), stripping section (52) is located in the finishing department TK1 of the billet mill (general plan number 102) at enterprise A. If the designation of the enterprise, workshop and department is included in the main inscription, then the designation will take the form =52.16


5.1. An electrical device is understood as a complete or other device for controlling, protecting, measuring, signaling, converting and distributing electricity. 5.2. The alphanumeric designation of an electrical device can be simple (its own designation of the device) or complex, consisting of its own designation of the device and designation top level(premises, equipment). 5.3. For a specific case, the designation of an electrical device can be presented in the form

For example, +EE1=AC01.03 means the third panel of the AC01 panel located in the first electrical room. 5.4. The letter codes of the most common electrical devices are given in Appendix 3.


6.1. For electrical supply facilities, it is allowed to indicate the voltage level in the designation of premises, equipment, devices and cables. 6.2. For a specific case, the designation of an electrical room (electrical substation) can be presented as:

For example, =A114ETV2K means workshop transformer substation ETV number 2 with a voltage of 10 kV, located in the building numbered 114 on the general plan at enterprise A. 6.3. Letter codes for voltage levels are given in Appendix 4.


7.1. The alphanumeric cable designation can be simple (its own cable designation) or complex, consisting of its own cable designation and a higher-level designation. As a higher level designation, the designation of the element or device to which the cable is connected can be used. 7.2. The structure of your own cable designation can be presented as

The qualifying character "-" may be omitted from the simple notation. The letter code of the cable (according to its intended purpose) can be replaced with a digital one or omitted altogether. The serial number of the cable is accepted within the panel, device, unit or workshop, depending on the specific design conditions. 7.3. Letter codes of cables (by purpose) are given in Appendix 5. 7.4. The structure of a complex cable designation can be represented as

For example, +EE1=AC01.03-K104 means that the control cable 104 is connected to the third panel of the AC01 panel, located in the first electrical room. If the designation of the room and device is included in the main inscription, then the cable designation will take the form K 104.





1. Element A component of an electrical circuit that performs a specific function and cannot be divided into parts that have an independent purpose (resistor, relay, starter, transformer, etc.) A set of elements that represent a single structure A factory-made electrical device, which is a set of electrical devices , instruments and other equipment, mounted on a single structural basis and designed to perform one or more of the following functions: control, distribution, transformation, protection, measurement and signaling. GOST 2.701 "Schemes. Types and types. General requirements to execution."
2. Device Same
3. Complete device GOST 22789 "Complete low-voltage devices General technical conditions.



EB - switchboard room EC - capacitor unit room ED - control room EE - electrical room EG - room batteries EK - controlled point EM - electrical machine room EP - control station ER - workplace ES - distribution point ET - electrical substation EV - computer center EY - central control room



AL - panel AE - lighting thread AB - box AD - remote control AN - post AN - cabinet AC - panel AV - valve converter AT - transformer substation AZ - switchgear AK - main busbar AR - distribution wineduct AG - trolley busbar AX - box with clamps



A - 1150 k B B - 750 k B C - 500 k B O - 330 k B E - 220 k B F - 150 k B G - 110 k B H - 35 k B K - 10 k B P - 6 k B R - 3 k B S - 0.66 k B N - 0.38 k V



A - automation cable B - cable line voltage above 1 kV C - cable of the lighting supply network (up to 1 kV) N - power cable with a cross-section above 16 mm.kV (up to 1 kV) K - cable of the monitoring, control, protection, alarm, measurement circuit, etc. M - power cable with a cross-section of up to 16 mm.kv (up to 1 kV) W - cable power line (to indicate on the drawings of general plans and plans for the location of electrical installations and power lines) If it is necessary to form groups of cables according to other characteristics (for example, according to installation conditions) Other codes may be assigned for a specific object.

An emoticon is a set of symbols, or icon, that is a visual representation of a facial expression or body position to convey a mood, attitude, or emotion, originally used in email and text messages. The most famous is the smiling face emoji, i.e. smile - :-) .

There is no clear and reliable evidence about who invented the emoticon. Of course, you can point to ancient excavations, finds of various inscriptions on rocks, etc., but these will only be guesses from each of us.

Of course, to say for sure that the emoticon is a modern invention is a little wrong. The use of emoticons can be traced back to the 19th century. Examples of their use can be found in a copy of the American magazine "Puck" from 1881, see example:

Yes, there are a lot of such examples in history, but it is generally accepted that a researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, Scott Fahlman, was responsible for the first digital type of emoticon. He suggested distinguishing serious messages from frivolous ones by using emoticons :-) and :-(. This was all the way back on September 19, 1982. This is especially useful when the sentiment of your message can be misinterpreted.



However, emoticons did not become so popular, but revealed their potential 14 years later, thanks to a Frenchman who lived in London - Nicolas Laufrani. The idea arose even earlier, from Nicolas’s father, Franklin Laufrani. It was he who, as a journalist for the French newspaper France Soir, published an article on January 1, 1972, under the heading “Take time to smile!”, where he used emoticons to highlight his article. Later he patented it as a trademark and created the production of some products using the smiley. Then a company was created under the brand name Smiley, where father Franklin Loufrani became president, and son Nicolas Loufrani became general director.

It was Nicolas who noticed the popularity of ASCII emoticons, which were widely used on mobile phones, and began developing directly animated emoticons that would correspond to ASCII emoticons consisting of simple characters, i.e. what we now use and are accustomed to calling - smiley. He created a catalog of emoticons, which he divided into categories “Emotions”, “Holidays”, “Food”, etc. And in 1997, this catalog was registered with the US Copyright Office.

Around the same time in Japan, Shigetaka Kurita began designing emoticons for I-mode. But unfortunately, the widespread use of this project never happened. Maybe because in 2001, Laufrani's creations were licensed by Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, and other mobile phone manufacturers, who later began offering them to their users. After that, the world was simply overwhelmed with various interpretations of emoticons and emoticons.

The following variations with smaliks and emoticons became the appearance stickers in 2011. They were created by the leading Internet company from Korea - Naver. The company has developed a messaging platform called - Line. A similar messaging application like WhatsApp. LINE was developed in the months following the 2011 Japanese tsunami. Initially, LIne was created to find friends and relatives during and after natural disasters and in the first year, the number of users grew to 50 million. Afterwards, with the publication of games and stickers, there were already more than 400 million, which later became one one of the most popular apps in Japan, particularly among teenagers.

Emoticons, emoticons and stickers today, after more than 30 years, they have definitely begun to occupy a place in people’s everyday conversations and correspondence. According to research conducted in the United States, it was found that 74 percent of people in the United States regularly use stickers and emoticons in their online communications, sending an average of 96 emoticons or stickers per day. The reason for this explosion in use Emoji is that the creative characters developed by various companies help to express our feelings, help to add humor, sadness, happiness, etc.

The emoticons in the tables will be gradually replenished, so go to the site and look for the meaning of the desired emoticons.

Reading electrical diagrams is a necessary skill for representing the operation of electrical networks, components, and various equipment. No specialist will begin installation of equipment until he or she has read the regulatory accompanying documents.

Fundamental electrical circuits allow the developer to convey a complete report about the product in a condensed form to the user, using conventional graphical notations (UGO). To avoid confusion and defects when assembling according to drawings, alphabetic symbols are included in the unified system of design documentation (ESKD). All circuit diagrams are developed and applied in full accordance with GOST standards (21.614, 2.722-68, 2.763-68, 2.729-68, 2.755-87). GOST describes the elements and provides a breakdown of the values.

Reading blueprints

A schematic electrical diagram shows all the elements, parts and networks included in the drawing, electrical and mechanical connections. Reveals the full functionality of the system. All elements of any electrical circuit correspond to the designations positioned in GOST.

A list of documents is attached to the drawing, which specifies all the elements and their parameters. Components are listed in alphabetical order, taking into account numerical sorting. The list of documents (specification) is indicated on the drawing itself, or presented in separate sheets.

Procedure for studying drawings

First, determine the type of drawing. According to GOST 2.702-75, each graphic document has an individual code. All electrical drawings have the letter “E” and a corresponding digital value from 0 to 7. The electrical circuit diagram corresponds to the code “E3”.

Reading the circuit diagram:

  • Visually familiarize yourself with the presented drawing, pay attention to the specified notes and technical requirements.
  • Find on the schematic diagram all the components indicated in the list of the document;
  • Determine the power source of the system and the type of current (single-phase, three-phase);
  • Find the main components and determine their power source;
  • Familiarize yourself with protection elements and devices;
  • Study the management method indicated on the document, its tasks and algorithm of actions. Understand the sequence of actions of the device when starting, stopping, short circuit;
  • Analyze the operation of each section of the circuit, determine the main components, auxiliary elements, study the technical documentation of the listed parts;
  • Based on the studied document data, draw a conclusion about the processes occurring in each link of the chain presented in the drawing.

Knowing the sequence of actions, alphabetic symbols, you can read any electrical circuit.

Graphic symbols

The schematic diagram has two varieties - single-line and complete. On a single-line, only the power wire with all the elements is drawn, if the main network does not differ in individual additions from the standard one. Two or three slashes marked on a wire line indicate a single-phase or three-phase network, respectively. The entire network is drawn in full and generally accepted symbols are indicated in electrical diagrams.

Single line electric circuit diagram, single-phase network

Types and meaning of lines

  1. Thin and thick solid lines - in the drawings depict electrical lines, group communication lines, lines on UGO elements.
  2. Dashed line - indicates shielding of wire or devices; denotes a mechanical connection (motor - gearbox).
  3. Thin dash-dotted line - intended to highlight groups of several components that make up parts of a device or control system.
  4. A dot-dash line with two dots is a dividing line. Shows scan important elements. Indicates an object remote from the device that is connected to the system by mechanical or electrical communication.

Network connecting lines are shown in full, but according to the standards, they are allowed to be cut off if they interfere with the normal understanding of the circuit. The break is indicated by arrows; the main parameters and characteristics of the electrical circuits are indicated nearby.

A thick dot on the lines indicates a connection, soldering of wires.

Electromechanical components

Schematic representation of electromechanical links and contacts

A - UGO coil of an electromechanical element (magnetic starter, relay)

B - thermal relay

C - device coil with mechanical locking

D - make contacts (1), break contacts (2), switching contacts (3)

E - button

F - designation of the switch (switch) on the electrical circuit of the UGO of some measuring instruments. Full list these elements are given in GOST 2.729 68 and 2.730 73.

Elements of electrical circuits, devices

Number in the pictureDescriptionNumber in the pictureDescription
1 Electricity meter8 Electrolytic capacitor
2 Ammeter9 Diode
3 Voltmeter10 Light-emitting diode
4 temperature sensor11 Diode optocoupler
5 Resistor12 Picture of npn transistor
6 Rheostat (variable resistor)13 Fuse
7 Capacitor

UGO time relays, buttons, switches, limit switches are often used in the development of electric drive circuits.

Schematic representation of a fuse. When reading an electrical diagram, you should carefully consider all the lines and parameters of the drawing so as not to confuse the purpose of the element. For example, a fuse and a resistor have minor differences. In the diagrams, the power line is depicted passing through the fuse, the resistor is drawn without internal elements.

Picture of a circuit breaker in full diagram

Contact switching device. Serves as automatic protection of the electrical network from accidents and short circuits. It is driven mechanically or electrically.

Circuit breaker on single line diagram

The transformer is a steel core with two windings. There is one and three-phase, step-up and step-down. It is also divided into dry and oil, depending on the cooling method. Power varies from 0.1 MVA to 630 MVA (in Russia).

UGO transformers

Designation of current transformers on a full (a) and single-line (c) diagram

Graphic designation of electrical machines (EM)

Electric motors, depending on the type, are capable of not only consuming energy. When developing industrial systems, motors are used that, when there is no load, generate energy into the network, thereby reducing costs.

A - Three-phase electric motors:

1 - Asynchronous with squirrel cage rotor

2 - Asynchronous with squirrel-cage rotor, two-speed

3 - Asynchronous with wound rotor

4 - Synchronous electric motors; generators.

B - DC commutator motors:

1 - with winding excitation from a permanent magnet

2 - Electric machine with excitation coil

In conjunction with electric motors, the diagrams show magnetic starters, soft starters, a frequency converter. These devices are used to start electric motors and ensure uninterrupted operation of the system. The last two elements protect the network from “sag” of voltage in the network.

UGO magnetic starter on the diagram

Switches perform the function of switching equipment. Turn off and turn on certain areas networks, as needed.

Graphic symbols in electrical circuits of mechanical switches

Conventional graphic symbols of sockets and switches in electrical circuits. Included in the developed drawings for the electrification of houses, apartments, and factories.

Bell on an electrical diagram according to UGO standards with a designated size

Dimensions of UGO in electrical diagrams

The parameters of the elements included in the drawing are indicated on the diagrams. Full information about the element is written down, capacity, if it is a capacitor, Rated voltage, resistance for the resistor. This is done for convenience, so as not to make a mistake during installation and not waste time on calculating and selecting the components of the device.

Sometimes the nominal data is not indicated, in this case the element parameters do not matter; you can select and install the link with the minimum value.

The accepted dimensions of the UGO are specified in the GOST standards of the ESKD standard.

Dimensions in ESKD

The dimensions of graphic and letter images in the drawing, the thickness of the lines should not differ, but it is permissible to change them proportionally in the drawing. If the symbols on various electrical circuits of GOST contain elements that do not have information about sizes, then these components are made in sizes corresponding to the standard image of the UGO of the entire circuit.

The UGO of the elements included in the main product (device) can be drawn in a smaller size compared to other elements.

Along with the UGO, to more accurately determine the name and purpose of the elements, a letter designation is applied to the diagrams. This designation is used for references in text documents and for application to an object. Using the letter designation, the name of the element is determined, if this is not clear from the drawing, technical specifications, quantity.

Additionally, one or more numbers are indicated with the letter designation; they usually explain the parameters. An additional letter code indicating the denomination, model, and additional data is written in the accompanying documents or placed in a table in the drawing.

To learn how to read electrical diagrams, it is not necessary to know by heart all the letter symbols and graphic images various elements, it is enough to navigate the relevant GOST ESKD. The standard includes 64 GOST documents that reveal the main provisions, rules, requirements and designations.

The main designations used on diagrams in accordance with the ESKD standard are given in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1

First letter of the code (required)

Group of element types Examples of element types
A Devices Amplifiers, remote control devices, lasers, masers
B Loudspeakers, microphones, thermoelectric sensitive elements, ionizing radiation detectors, pickups, synchros
C Capacitors
D Integrated circuits analog digital, logic elements, memory devices, delay devices
E Elements are different Lighting devices, heating devices
F Discrete flow and voltage protection elements, fuses, arresters
G Generators, power supplies, crystal oscillators Batteries, accumulators, electrochemical and electrothermal sources
H Indicating and signaling devices Sound and light alarm devices, indicators
K Relays, contactors, starters Current and voltage relays, electrothermal relays, time relays, contactors, magnetic starters
L Fluorescent lighting chokes
M Engines DC and AC motors
P Indicating, recording and measuring instruments, counters, clocks
Q Disconnectors, short circuiters, circuit breakers(power)
R Resistors Variable resistors, potentiometers, varistors, thermistors
S Switching devices in control, signaling and measuring circuits Switches, switches, switches triggered by various influences
T Current and voltage transformers, stabilizers
U Converters of electrical quantities into electrical quantities, communication devices Modulators, demodulators, discriminators, inverters, frequency converters, rectifiers
V Electronic tubes, diodes, transistors, thyristors, zener diodes
W Microwave lines and elements, antennas Waveguides, dipoles, antennas
X Contact connections Pins, sockets, dismountable connections, current collectors
Y Electromagnetic clutches, brakes, cartridges
Z Terminal devices, filters, limiters Simulation lines, quartz filters

Basic two-letter designations are given in Table 2

First letter of the code (required) Group of element types Examples of element types Two letter code
A Device (general designation)
B Converters of non-electrical quantities into electrical ones (except generators and power supplies) or vice versa, analogue or multi-digit converters or sensors for indicating or measuring Speaker B.A.
Magnetostrictive element BB
Ionizing element detector BD
Selsin - receiver BE
Telephone (capsule) B.F.
Selsyn - sensor B.C.
Thermal sensor B.K.
Photocell B.L.
Microphone B.M.
Pressure meter B.P.
Piezo element BQ
Speed ​​sensor (tachogenerator) BR
Pickup B.S.
Speed ​​sensor B.V.
C Capacitors
D Integrated circuits, microassemblies Analog integrated circuit D.A.
Integrated circuit, digital, logical element DD
Storage device D.S.
Delay device D.T.
E Elements are different A heating element E.K.
Lighting lamp EL
Squib ET
F Arresters, fuses, protective devices Discrete instantaneous current protection element F.A.
Discrete inertial current protection element FP
fuse F.U.
Discrete voltage protection element, arrester F.V.
G Generators, power supplies Battery G.B.
H Indicator and signal elements Sound alarm device H.A.
Symbolic indicator HG
Light signaling device H.L.
K Relays, contactors,
Current relay K.A.
Indicator relay KH
Electrothermal relay KK
Contactor, magnetic starter K.M.
Time relay KT
Voltage relay KV
L Inductors, chokes Fluorescent lighting control LL
M Engines - -
P Instruments, measuring equipment Ammeter PA
Pulse counter PC
Frequency meter PF
Note. The PE combination is not allowed Active energy meter P.I.
Reactive energy meter PK
Ohmmeter PR
Recording device PS
Clock, time meter P.T.
Voltmeter PV
Wattmeter PW
Q Switches and disconnectors in power circuits Automatic switch QF
Short circuit QK
Disconnector QS
R Resistors Thermistor RK
Potentiometer R.P.
Measuring shunt R.S.
Varistor RU
S Switching devices in control, signaling and measuring circuits.

Note. The SF designation is used for devices without power circuit contacts

Switch or switch S.A.
Push-button switch S.B.
Automatic switch SF
Switches triggered by various influences:
- from level
- from pressure SP
- from position (travel) S.Q.
- from rotation speed S.R.
- on temperature S.K.
T Transformers, autotransformers Current transformer T.A.
Electromagnetic stabilizer T.S.
Voltage transformer TV
U Communication devices.
Converters of electrical quantities into electrical quantities
Modulator UB
Demodulator UR
Discriminator UI
Frequency converter, inverter, frequency generator, rectifier UZ
V Electrovacuum, semiconductor devices Diode, zener diode VD
Electrovacuum device VL
Transistor VT
Thyristor VS
W Lines and elements of microwave antennas Coupler WE
Short circuit W.K.
Valve W.S.
Transformer, heterogeneity, phase shifter W.T.
Attenuator W.U.
Antenna W.A.
X Contact connections Current collector, sliding contact XA
Pin XP
Nest XS
Demountable connection XT
High frequency connector XW
Y Mechanical devices with electromagnetic drive Electromagnet YA
Electromagnetic brake YB
Electromagnetic clutch YC
Electromagnetic cartridge or plate YH
Z Terminal devices Filters. Limiters Limiter ZL
Quartz filter ZQ

Video on the topic

The set of emoticons used in practice is small relative to their total possible number. Almost always these are emotional emoticons and derivatives of “:-)”. This set consists of 3 categories.
1. A small core of emoticons, widely used and with stable meanings
2. Meta-core of emoticons that are used little, but also with stable meanings
smileykey elementshort formmeaning
:-/ / :/ uncertainty, dissatisfaction
:-\ \ :\ uncertainty, dissatisfaction
:-| | :| indifference, confidence
:-II:Iindifference, confidence
:- : surprise, amazement
:-() () :() surprise, amazement
:-* * :* kiss
:-> > :> gloat
:~- ~ :~) joyful crying
:~-(~ :~(mournful cry
8-) 8 8) excitation

Replacing the element “:” (neutral meaning) in the position of the eyes gives the meaning a hint of playfulness, pretense. A small number of writers do not highlight this shade, using a neutral meaning in appropriate situations.

3. Periphery with unestablished meanings, consisting mainly of individual stylistic variations of core and metacore emoticons

The majority of stylistic variations are formed by replacing individual elements in core and metacore emoticons with others without changing their meaning:

  • a) Elements ":", ";" and "8" in the eye position are replaced by "%", "F", "8", "=".
  • b) The "-" element in the nose position is replaced by "o" and "=".
  • c) The elements ")" and "(" in the mouth position are replaced with "[" and "]", respectively.
  • d) The writing of emoticons can also be mirrored.
  • e) The elements “F” and “=" are added to the smiley in the position of the upper part of the head, which usually do not carry any semantic load.
A separate category of periphery consists of alternative abbreviated forms of core emoticons:
  • a) “-)” and “)” for “:-)”;
  • b) "-(" and "(" for ":-(".

The article will talk about what a smiley means and what they are. It is worth noting that emoticons have long entered our lives and are well established in it, because they, like nothing else, can convey a person’s emotions and feelings.

There are people who regularly communicate using emoticons, because with the development of progress there are already animated emoticons that can wave, wink, jump and change colors.

There are several alphabets of emoticons, the most common being standard And Japanese. Japanese emoticons differ in that they pay more attention to the eyes, while standard emoticons pay more attention to the mouth.

The history of emoticons

Today, almost no private letter on the Internet is complete without emoticons. Some people get offended if a friend doesn't put a colon and a right parenthesis at the end of a letter. Of course, this is stupid, but emoticons are already so closely connected with our lives.

Modern children may think that emoticons have always existed, but in fact, for the first time, a smiley was drawn Harvey Bell- an artist by training. In the early sixties, America witnessed a war between insurers. The employees were afraid of getting laid off and, in order to cheer themselves and each other up, they distracted themselves and tried to communicate politely and affably with the remaining clients.

One insurance company, in order to stay afloat, decided to hold a promotion for which they needed an interesting drawing. At the end of 1963, they approached Harvey with this request. He drew the first smiley :-) , which took him ten minutes to design. For the drawing he was paid mere pennies: $43. Then he did not yet know that his simple drawing would become so popular, so he did not register any rights to it. The first Harvey emojis were pinned and given out to customers. People liked these sweet smiles so much that the company contacted the artist again and ordered ten thousand more emoticons.

Another story that played important role in the development of the emoticon, one can name the seventies, when brothers from Spain developed the slogan " Happy day!" Since that time, smileys began to be depicted on clothes. In 1971, a FrenchmanFranklin Loufraney The smiley trademark was registered in eighty countries.

And the first electronic emoticons appeared in the sixties of the last century. Then emoticons were used in encoding Unicode. In 1982, Microsoft decided to create emoticons, thanks to which you can show emotions.

What do emoticons mean? decoding

Emoticons can convey almost every human emotion, from cheerful laughter to tears. Below is a table indicating what this or that smiley means.


Other designations


This emoji is depicted in the shape of a person's face and means a smile.

Wild laughter





Shock: in the first case pleasant, in the second not

Laughter to tears

:-P,=P,:b, :-b, :p

Show tongue


3 - this emoticon means a cute cat face or “bow lips” (cuteness). Options-:3:=3:-3

These are the most common emoticons, the designation of which many people know.

Smiley and grief emoticon

The smile and grief emoji, presented first in the table, have often changed and morphed over time. When people began to use emoticons in communication, they consisted of eyes, nose and mouth. Then the nose disappeared somewhere. And the eyes began to be drawn not with dashes, but simply with dots. Many people are familiar with when a smiley had only one eye - .) , and then he disappeared, to show a smile or sadness, people only put parentheses. To show joy or sadness, many parentheses are placed. If we are talking about strong disappointment, then it can be shown like this - ((( or so - :WITH.

What do emoticons mean on VKontakte?

IN social network VK There are two types of emoticons, the standard ones discussed above, and the voluminous ones offered by the service itself. For three years now, VKontakte users have been able to use emoticons, since only in August 2012 such an opportunity was added for communication in personal correspondence. Until this time, Vkontakte users had to independently create symbols of emotions from punctuation marks. But the developers have made their task easier: the user can open a menu of emoticons and select the one that describes his condition.

Initially, about thirty emoticons appeared on the network, but after a while another hundred were added, which depicted not only emotions, but also the actions of people, as well as food and animals. But due to the wide variety of emoticons, people’s communication is not always clear. Not all people understand the meaning of a particular smiley, or understand it differently. To prevent such situations from arising with you, you need to write a few words in addition to the smiley so that the interlocutor understands you.

Popular VKonakt emoticons the following can be mentioned:

  • :ok - everything is fine;
  • -:o - fear;
  • -3(- sadness;
  • -8) - love;
  • -:] - stupid smile.

There are also hidden emoticons in VK that can be sent to users by pressing a few keys. But the disadvantage of such emoticons is that they are black and therefore repel many users.

The most common commands include the following:

  • ALT+ 1 - white emoticon indicating a smile ☺
  • ALT+2 - black smile: ☻
  • ALT+3 - heart of love:
  • ALT+ 11 - male symbol: ♂
  • ALT+12 - female symbol: ♀
  • ALT+13 - melody:♪
  • ALT+ 15 - sun: ☼

For the symbol to appear in the message you need to:

  1. Hold down the “Alt” key on your keyboard
  2. Dial digital combination
  3. Release the Alt key

What does emoticon 3 mean?

The table above showed this emoticon and said that it means tenderness. But it’s worth taking a closer look at its decoding, since not many people understand it. This symbol is associated with animals such as dogs and cats. And indeed, if you look closely, it looks like the face of an animal. In another way, this smiley stands for “ cute"- this is exactly how you can characterize any cute animal.

This emoticon should not be confused with <3 , which means heart.

Many people and smiley :3 considered a kiss, but they are mistaken because it does not mean exactly a kiss, namely cuteness.

There was a period of time when this emoticon was read from a mathematical point of view, and it meant nothing more than divide by 3. But this is a comic version that did not take root among Internet users for a long time.

Action emoticons

As mentioned above, emoticons can replace a person’s written speech and entire expressions. After all, their collection is constantly being replenished, and soon people will be able to communicate only with emoticons. Below are several emoticons that represent human actions.

Smiley designation


Laugh loudly

Listen to music on headphones

Wave your hand



Go crazy

As we can see from the table, you can even talk about your actions and desires with emoticons. Some social networks have emoticons that mean that a person is reading a book, relaxing, eating or playing ball.

We looked in detail at what emoticons mean and how they can be used to express actions and emotions. In a few years they may replace written language. After all, it is much easier for people to put an emoticon than to write for a long time and explain to the person what he is doing or what emotion he is currently showing.

Video with decoding of emoticons