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Medicines for food poisoning. What can an adult eat if they have food poisoning: dietary features. Maintaining hunger and diet

What to drink if poisoned is one of the most common questions that arise when the first symptoms of intoxication appear. What you should drink during intoxication depends on what caused you to feel unwell. Food poisoning is the most common type of poisoning and one of the most dangerous. Consumption of low-quality food or expired products can cause the development of intestinal infections. Acute food poisoning requires prompt treatment before toxins enter the bloodstream. At the first symptoms of intoxication, you can stop the spread of toxins. Properly selected anti-poisoning drugs will help quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and. To treat poisoning at home, it is necessary to adhere to general recommendations and eliminate the source of intoxication, therefore the treatment regimen for food poisoning differs from the treatment of intestinal infections.

Rules for treating poisoning

Mild food poisoning is a common type of intoxication that does not require special treatment. Even in the absence of treatment, the pathological condition goes away on its own after 2-3 days. Every person should know what to do in case of poisoning, because it is almost impossible to insure yourself against this. To eliminate the cause of poisoning, it is important to follow general recommendations:

  • remove the source of intoxication from the body;
  • prevent dehydration;
  • restore intestinal biocenosis;
  • normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The longer toxins remain in the body, the more dangerous the consequences of intoxication, so the first step is to cleanse the intestines and also buy the drug “Smecta”. The treatment regimen in the future depends on the degree of poisoning, so it is selected individually, but Smecta is very harmless for children. If you do not take any measures immediately after poisoning, you will need a long recovery in a hospital, and Smecta has virtually no contraindications.

"Smecta" will help with poisoning

What to do in case of poisoning?

As a rule, the first symptoms of food poisoning appear half an hour to an hour after consuming low-quality food; Smecta can help here. To make further treatment more effective, it is important to provide first aid correctly.

  1. Clear your stomach.

    When food poisoning occurs, the body immediately has an urge to cleanse. But natural cleansing is not enough to get rid of toxins. It is also important to rinse the stomach.

    Immediately after the first urge to vomit, you need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water. You can wash several times. It is better if it is warm, slightly salted water with the addition of potassium permanganate. When all the food masses have left the stomach, it is necessary to rinse until the output is clean water without food impurities.

  2. Replenish fluid loss.

    Diarrhea and vomiting are the body's natural reaction to toxins. Along with them, fluid is removed from the body, and the process of dehydration begins. To avoid it, you need to drink 1 glass of water after each bowel movement or bowel movement. You just need to drink it in small sips, otherwise the water may provoke a gag reflex.

  3. Allow the body to cleanse itself.

    You do not need to take any antidiarrheal medications to stop diarrhea. On the contrary, let your body cleanse itself as many times as necessary. If you take medications for diarrhea, the toxins will linger in the body and will continue to poison it from the inside, and this will only worsen the course of the poisoning.

  4. Stick to your diet.

    There is no need to eat food immediately after nausea, because the body is not able to fully digest it. It is better not to eat at all or drink vegetable broths in the first 2 days after intoxication of the body, gradually returning to your previous diet.

  5. In case of poisoning, you should switch to dietary nutrition

    How to treat food poisoning at home?

    Many people know that in case of food poisoning, it is necessary to immediately take activated charcoal, as it binds toxins and removes them from the body. But sometimes in case of acute poisoning, a different approach to treating intoxication at home is necessary. The modern pharmacological industry offers many medicines that will help you quickly cope with poisoning at home.

    1. Rehydration treatment (rehydrants).

      Rehydrants are usually drunk to restore the lack of electrolytes and fluid in the body. Preparations of this group must be made in a water solution. They can be taken orally or administered parenterally. The most popular drugs in this group:

      • Oralit;
      • Acesol;
      • Litrozole;
      • Lactosol.
    2. Taking sorbents (enterosorbents).

      Sorbents are mandatory medications that must be taken because they adsorb toxins, bind them and remove them from the body. Taking sorbents ensures faster cleansing of the body and elimination of symptoms of intoxication. The most popular drugs in this group include:

      • Smecta;
      • Enterosgel;
      • Polysorb;
    3. Taking painkillers (antispasmodics).

      Taking antispasmodics is aimed at eliminating pain and intestinal spasms during prolonged diarrhea. To relieve pain you can take:

      • Noshpu;
      • Drotaverine;
      • Spazmolgon.
    4. Taking antibacterial and antimicrobial medications (antibiotics and antimicrobial agents).

      Treatment with antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs is necessary for intestinal infections and mixed poisoning. This group of drugs is also aimed at eliminating the symptoms of dysbiosis and normalizing the intestinal microflora. From this group of medications you can take:

      • Intetrix;
      • Ersefuril;
      • Phthalazol.
    5. Antiemetic and antidiarrheal therapy.

      Despite the fact that vomiting and diarrhea are the body’s protective reactions to intoxication, they should not last more than 2 days. Otherwise, dehydration of the body and disruption of intestinal motility occurs. These symptoms can be eliminated with medications:

      • Smecta;
      • Lopyramide;
      • Motilium.
    6. Antipyretic therapy.

      Often with food poisoning, the temperature rises. This is due to the excess production of red blood cells, which fight toxins. You can lower the temperature:

      • Ibuprofen;
      • Paracetamol;
      • Ibuklin.
    7. Microflora restoration therapy.

      The final stage in the treatment of poisoning is taking drugs whose action is aimed at restoring the intestinal microflora, for example, Smecta restores the gastrointestinal tract. Toxins negatively affect the intestinal mucosa, and the so-called “irritable bowel syndrome” develops, which is accompanied by profuse diarrhea and pain in the epigastric region. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can take a course of medications:

      • Smecta;
      • Linux;
      • Baktisubtil.
    8. To cleanse the body in case of poisoning, you need to take activated carbon

      Alternative treatments for poisoning

      Although medications are effective, they are not always necessary to take. You can eliminate the symptoms of intoxication with folk remedies at home, although ordinary Smecta helps many. Smecta is inexpensive and is sold in every pharmacy.

      It is necessary to start treatment at home only after cleansing the intestines, otherwise the effectiveness of folk remedies will be low.

      You can cure poisoning yourself:

      1. Cinnamon tincture. Pour 150 grams of cinnamon into 2 liters of boiling water and drink within 1 hour.
      2. Althea infusion. Brew marshmallow leaves or flowers as tea and drink at least 3 times a day.
      3. Infusion of dill with honey. Dill seeds need to be poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water and left for 2 hours in a thermos. Add a spoonful of honey and drink 1 glass every 2 hours.
      4. Lemon juice. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass, dilute with warm water and drink in one gulp.
      5. Sauerkraut juice. Squeeze the juice from the cabbage and dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. Drink 2 glasses for 2 days.

      For complete recovery, it is necessary to maintain plenty of fluids and diet for at least 3 days in case of poisoning. If symptoms of intoxication do not disappear within the next 5 days and no improvement is observed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In products and drinking water Many bacteria and viruses feel great: staphylococci, E. coli, shigella, salmonella, clostridia, campylobacter, norovirus, adenovirus and other pests. Penetrating into the body under the cover of food, they provoke food poisoning.

The American Center for Infectious Diseases CDC conducted an interesting study in 2013, in which it identified the most dangerous food products in terms of infections. They turned out to be:

  • Leafy green vegetables - on insufficiently washed twigs and leaves of parsley, dill and other summer bounties, hordes of noroviruses and E. coli find refuge. About 22% of food poisoning cases are associated with an addiction to greens.
  • Poultry meat and eggs, which cause infection in 19% of poisoned citizens. Tender chicken breeds listeria, and egg white cream is a “popular” carrier of salmonella.
  • Dairy products exposing consumers to norovirus and campylobacter. Milk accounts for 14% of all food poisonings.

Bacteria or viruses that penetrate the body for some time behave quieter than water, lower than grass. Some pathogens “hid” for several hours, while others can remain shy for up to 7–10 days. And yet, sooner or later, the time comes for them to show themselves in all their glory.

Classic symptoms of food poisoning

A constant companion to a classic intestinal infection is watery diarrhea, sometimes with blood. Abdominal pain also appears, and the stronger it is, the more pronounced the inflammation in the intestines. An elevated temperature also indicates inflammation.

Vomiting is the main sign of infection with Staphylococcus aureus or norovirus. With salmonellosis, infection with Shigella, Campylobacter and Yersinia, joint inflammation is added to all the “delights”. Sometimes poisoning is accompanied by bloating (for example, with giardiasis).

Among eaters who consumed the same contaminated food in the same quantity, there is surprising symptomatic diversity. A healthy man with a nail-grinding digestive tract may not notice that he has become a victim of poisoning. But a child or woman, loaded with the same “dose” of toxins, is quite capable of spending the next week running between the toilet and the bed. And I’ll say right away that humbly waiting for everything to go away by itself is irresponsible and even dangerous.

Shall we treat?

So, what should you do if you have acute food poisoning? Let's list.

1. Drink a lot. The main danger of poisoning is dehydration. With vomiting and diarrhea, the patient loses moisture and electrolytes, so restoring the water-salt balance should be task No. 1.

You can drink special preparations that are sold in pharmacies in the form of dry mixtures for dissolution (for example, Regidron), still medicinal and table mineral water, dried fruit compote, infusions or decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile, mint).

You cannot drink coffee, carbonated drinks and juices until complete recovery.

2. Take medications. Medicines are the second most important line of treatment for poisoning, and you shouldn’t forget about it either. So, what should you choose?

First of all, on sorbents. Activated carbon and other, more modern silicon-based products (Polysorb, Enterosgel) absorb toxins on their surface and alleviate the patient’s condition. It must be taken into account that sorbents do not know which substance to interact with - harmful or beneficial. Therefore, they should not be used with food or other medications.

Secondly, if diarrhea is severe, antidiarrheal medications may be needed. The drug of choice is loperamide, which inhibits intestinal motility. Some experts do not advise overdoing it with antidiarrheals in case of poisoning, explaining that with diarrhea the body also gets rid of toxins. However, debilitating attacks cannot be tolerated either.

And the third group is probiotics, which are often prescribed in domestic practice. In studies, only two types of drugs were shown to be effective against diarrhea: those containing Saccharomyces boulardii (Enterol) or Lactobacillus casei GG. Theoretically, other drugs and supplements containing bacteria can also be used - they will not cause harm. But whether they will be beneficial is unknown to science.

3. Follow a diet. While the infection is just gaining momentum, you don’t feel like eating at all, and indeed, during this period it is better to refuse food altogether. But the appearance of a feeling of hunger indicates that it is time to eat.

In the first days after the onset of the disease, a second broth, rice water, and biscuits are suitable. As soon as the condition begins to noticeably improve, you can introduce steamed cutlets, mashed potatoes and other “tenders”.

Throughout the illness, you should avoid dairy products, salty foods, fried foods and fatty foods. But there is no need to be sad: practice shows that after 3–7 days the average poisoned person will be able to return to his previous life. healthy life saturated with your favorite products.

Marina Pozdeeva


There are plenty of different goodies on the shelves of supermarkets and large stores today. However, not all of them are harmless. Unscrupulous manufacturers continually violate production technologies and add harmful preservatives, dyes, and chemicals. That is why poisoning in people, especially at the height of the summer season, occurs frequently. How to provide first aid and carry out effective treatment food poisoning at home is a pressing issue. Let's look at the types, causes, and symptoms of the disease. Under what circumstances is it necessary to provide assistance to the victim immediately in order to avoid a sharp deterioration in health and the development of unforeseen consequences?

In case of poisoning, a person ingests opportunistic bacteria with food. They:

  • quickly multiply in the body;
  • spread with the outflow of blood into organs and tissues;
  • provoke unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and intestinal colic.

The immune system enters the fight and, if strong, will quickly win. If the body’s defenses are insufficient, the bacteria will begin to release large amounts of toxic substances and can cause toxic infection. If they enter the human intestinal cavity, they will release poisons, causing manifestations of intoxication.

More often, a person suffers from food poisoning at the height of the summer season, ingesting microbes when the preparation technology or storage conditions of the food are not followed, also together with unwashed hands.

Food poisoning is caused by:

  • flies as carriers of infection;
  • perishable products.

On a note! Pastries, cakes, cheeses, pizza, mayonnaise, chips, boiled meat, fish, barrel kvass become unsafe for consumption within 2-4 hours after preparation if the temperature and storage conditions are not observed.

Of course, people's bodies are different. Some people do not notice minor signs of poisoning. Others suffer greatly even after eating a small portion of a spoiled product. The fact is that colonies of bacteria are unevenly distributed throughout the volume of dishes. This means that poisoning occurs only to those who eat the largest number of such bacteria along with toxins.

Microbes are tenacious. Although in the external environment they die if exposed to high temperatures and sunlight. Often, a person knowingly or unknowingly prepares food incorrectly and does not thoroughly heat-treat vegetables, raw meat, and fish products.

Poisoning usually begins with acute symptoms:

  • abdominal colic;
  • increased body temperature, chills;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • feeling of thirst, dry mouth.

The more pathogenic microbes enter the body, the more acute and vivid the unpleasant symptoms may appear, including dehydration, convulsions, and coma.

Poisoning according to the classification is distinguished depending on the type of progressive infection:

  1. Specific toxic infections (salmonella, botulism, staphylococcus, intestinal flu, typhoid fever, dysentery, enteroviruses, orthoviruses) living in canned food, stewed meat with serious consequences, including death.
  2. Mixed toxic infections (Escherichia coli).
  3. Non-microbial intoxication caused by poisonous garden plants, berries, mushrooms, synthetic fertilizers after watering vegetables in beds, low-quality containers for storing products made of toxic polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene.

What to do, symptoms and treatment at home?

The first symptoms of poisoning may not appear immediately, but only after 1-2 days. Treatment should be started immediately at the slightest suspicion. Often it is enough to help the immune system and the body speed up the process of removing breakdown products. First steps:

  • rinse the stomach, induce vomiting;
  • drink more clean liquids;
  • drink adsorbent (activated carbon, Smecta).

Symptoms develop very quickly, so first aid should be provided to the victim as early as possible. If home methods become powerless, there is no time to find out the reasons and food intoxication progresses, then it is better to call a doctor or an ambulance to avoid dehydration and death.

Attention! For diseases (intestinal flu, salmonellosis, dysentery, botulism, typhoid fever) that are disguised as ordinary poisoning with expired products, emergency care should be provided immediately. Especially if diarrhea with blood goes away and does not stop for more than 6 hours in a row, the temperature rises to +38 degrees or higher and does not drop to 37 for 24 hours, fainting and weakness progress, and severe pain in the intestines bothers you.

Diagnosis of food poisoning

An epidemiological study is being conducted to make an accurate diagnosis in the event of mass poisoning of a large number of people. Diagnosis in isolated cases is differential, i.e. doctors determine whether poisoning actually occurred with food or poor-quality food, or whether there is an infectious lesion or the development of other diseases against the background of a viral or bacterial intestinal infection.

Basic research carried out in laboratory conditions:

  • stool culture;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs in case of suspected damage by toxins.

First aid

The primary task in case of food poisoning is to speed up the process of removing toxins and poisons from the body. Help for the victim begins with gastric lavage, for which it is recommended to drink sips of clean water every 5-10 minutes. So, up to 1 liter. After which, induce artificial vomiting by lightly pressing with a finger or a purely teaspoon on the root of the tongue.

Vomiting should be induced until the transparent masses come out. For this purpose, you can prepare a well-known working solution for gastric lavage: warm water (1 l), + potassium permanganate or soda (1 tsp). After cleansing the stomach, you should move on to the next stage - replenishing lost fluid, taking water in small sips to avoid stretching the stomach. Instead of water for oral rehydration, you can drink weak tea without sugar or pharmaceutical medicines (Regidron, Maratonic, Orasan, Reosolan, Gastrolit, Citraglucosolan) containing chlorine, sodium, calcium.

At the next stage of cleansing at home, all that remains is to consolidate the result and administer a cleansing enema. Although, it is better to first ask permission from a specialist. If there is a noticeable improvement, you can drink an adsorbent (Smecta, Atoxil, Enterosgel) with the properties of absorption, absorption of toxins and poisons and subsequent removal to the outside.

Attention! When using potassium permanganate, it is important to exercise extreme caution, thoroughly stirring the crystals in water, so as not to burn the gastric mucosa. It's better to drink clean water without gas, which will help cleanse the stomach, replenish lost fluid in case of obvious symptoms of dehydration or if it is impossible to prepare solutions yourself due to poor health. But it is better to avoid drinking juices and milk. They can only accelerate the development of microbes and enhance the fermentation process in the body.

Often, with food poisoning, signs of dehydration begin to appear, especially with enterovirus. The man looks exhausted and tired. Even after removing toxins, the body needs to be given rest for several days. On the first day, it is better to fast or limit yourself in food. In the next 5-7 days you should adhere to a strict diet. Additionally, take enzymes (Festal, Enzistal, Mezim) or probiotics (Probifor, Hilak forte, Bifiform).

Worth knowing! The first and main aid for poisoning at home is to rinse the stomach and take a sorbent. The most famous is activated carbon of natural origin, made from recycled wood, coke products, coconut and walnut shells. The sorbent is completely safe for children of any age. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dosage taking into account weight (1 tablet per 10 kg). Mash the charcoal until you get a powder, dissolve in ½ glass of warm water, take 3 days in a row every 4-6 hours until you feel better.

In what cases is it necessary to immediately call an ambulance?

Aggravating symptoms of food poisoning, when you can’t hesitate to call an ambulance and saving the victim depends on the speed of the doctors’ reaction:

  • muscle weakness;
  • passing of feces, vomiting blood;
  • lack of urination for more than 6 hours in a row;
  • the appearance of slurred speech, difficulty swallowing (especially in children);
  • swelling, skin rash;
  • swelling of the joints.

You need to call an ambulance in case of poisoning with inedible mushrooms or seafood, when you are worried about profuse, uncontrollable vomiting. The victim cannot even drink ordinary water.

Diet is an indispensable assistant in the first days of food poisoning. You should refuse to take:

  • dairy, fatty, spicy products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol, smoking.

You are allowed to eat small portions every 2-3 hours:

  • steamed meat, vegetables and fish;
  • water porridge with a lot of fiber.

You can drink strong unsweetened black tea, rosehip or chamomile infusion.

Prevention of food poisoning

It's hard not to get poisoned to modern man, when manufacturers everywhere do not comply with production technologies. Often, due to the storage of goods, sellers repeatedly exceed the expiration dates of products.

Unfortunately, there are no vaccinations against food poisoning. But you can still avoid it if you stick to simple rules prevention:

  • comply with deadlines for sales and storage of products at home;
  • do not neglect personal hygiene, wash your hands before eating, carry out wet cleaning in areas where food is prepared and food is stored;
  • prefer using paper towels in the kitchen in the summer;
  • fight cockroaches and rodents;
  • scald cutting boards with boiling water, use separately for vegetables and meat, so that particles of raw meat do not accidentally get into the vegetable salad;
  • Do not store perishable foods for a long time, even in the refrigerator, it is better to eat them fresh;
  • stop drinking tap water;
  • do not eat in the summer heat in cafes or street tents;
  • pay attention to storage conditions and expiration dates when purchasing products in stores;
  • buy and drink milk only in pasteurized or boiled form.

At catering establishments, sanitary services monitor the timing of the sale and storage of products. Workers must have health certificates in their hands confirming their professional suitability and absence of carriage of foodborne pathogens.

If food poisoning cannot be avoided, it is prohibited:

  1. Drink boiled milk, sparkling water. Otherwise, the infection in the body will accelerate reproduction and violent procession
  2. Do not induce vomiting in a person who is unconscious after taking gasoline, acid, kerosene, or alkali.
  3. Give an enema to older people, women during pregnancy, and children with troublesome diarrhea.
  4. Place a heating pad on your stomach for pain and colic.
  5. Take anti-diarrhea medications.

The prognosis for food poisoning is quite favorable if you follow all the above rules, recommendations, and expert advice. Of course, the severity of intoxication varies. Only experienced doctors can give an adequate assessment of the condition.

It is important to properly provide first aid or in a hospital setting. In case of food poisoning, it is worth understanding that delay is unacceptable in case of severe symptoms. The infection can migrate into the bloodstream, begin to quickly spread throughout the body, and cause irreparable consequences.

In case of intoxication, it is important to begin taking measures aimed at removing harmful substances from the body as early as possible, so the question of what drugs can be taken in case of poisoning at home is very relevant.

Why you can get food poisoning

Food intoxication is generally understood as a dysfunction of organs and systems caused by the ingestion of toxins or poisons. By severity There are three types of poisoning: severe, moderate and mild.

The most common pathogens include:

  • Clostridium perfringens, enters the body as a result of poor-quality processing of meat, poultry, and fish;
  • Stophylococcus aureus, actively reproduces when room temperature. The most likely habitats are salads, fermented milk products, cakes, pates, sauces;
  • Bacillus cereus, all perishable products that have not been stored at temperatures up to 6 ° C are susceptible.

Particularly dangerous natural and chemical toxins that can cause food poisoning at home are found in poisonous mushrooms and berries, low-quality, expired food products. Poisoning can also be caused by carelessly washed fruits and vegetables that have previously been treated with pesticides used to fertilize plants. Alcohol and surrogates can also be included in this category. Thus, there are known cases of death from methyl alcohol poisoning. Food chemical intoxication occurs when vinegar enters the stomach.

Symptoms of food poisoning:

  1. Bacterial: vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain and colic, diarrhea.
  2. Viral: fever, chills, trembling, stomach pain, vomiting, fever.
  3. Chemical: increased sweating, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, pain in the eye area.
  4. Botulism: the central nervous system is affected, vomiting, dry mouth, and weakness appear.

If you suspect food poisoning, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if it concerns children. However, the opportunity to receive medical care is not always available.

In case of acute pathology, it is necessary to take emergency measures, including gastric lavage, taking sorbent drugs and restoring the water-salt balance. Organizing proper dietary nutrition is of great importance. The final stage of treatment is restorative procedures, which include taking multivitamin complexes. As a rule, recovery occurs within 3-5 days.

Clinical picture of food poisoning

The first symptoms of the disease appear during the first 2-6 hours after eating contaminated or low-quality food. In case of severe food poisoning, clinical signs may develop in the first hours.

Please note that in the case of botulism, the first signs of the disease may develop within 1-2 days.

In case of food poisoning, the following symptoms develop:

  • nausea followed by vomiting. Vomit may consist of remnants of food, bile, and gastric juice. Vomiting brings temporary relief, but then nausea returns;
  • abdominal pain can be localized in the stomach or be like intestinal colic;
  • An increase in body temperature is possible with an intestinal infection or with the development of inflammatory complications such as gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. With salmonellosis it can rise to 39.5 degrees;
  • diarrhea develops in the first hours of the disease. With salmonellosis, the stool is foamy and greenish, and with dysentery, the stool is watery and streaked with blood. Diarrhea may be accompanied by abdominal cramps. profuse diarrhea leads to a rapid increase in dehydration;
  • flatulence and increased discharge of gases are accompanied by pain in the intestinal area;
  • general weakness and dizziness accompany intoxication syndrome. The patient becomes lethargic and drowsy;
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), hypotension (low blood pressure) are signs of toxic effects on the body of food and fluid loss. Poisoning with certain types of mushrooms may cause an increase in blood pressure. With severe dehydration, the pulse becomes weak and arrhythmic;
  • breathing problems develop when the body is intoxicated. The person breathes quickly, shallowly, complains of shortness of breath;
  • convulsions throughout the body, similar to an epileptic seizure, are characteristic of the lesion nervous system toxins. This is possible due to intoxication with mushrooms, fish, alcohol;
  • impaired consciousness, deep coma are signs of a serious condition of the patient. They develop in acute poisoning, infectious-toxic shock.

Please note that in small children the condition worsens faster than in adults. It is very difficult for their body to cope with toxins and loss of fluid and electrolytes.

Why is food poisoning dangerous?

Many people are accustomed to considering food poisoning as a non-dangerous and trivial condition for which there is no need to seek medical help. Indeed, mild poisoning in most cases does not pose a danger to human life, but only a doctor, after examining the patient, can specifically assess the severity of the disease and the patient's condition.

The following are conditions that often develop against the background of severe food poisoning:

  • Infectious-toxic shock is a condition caused by severe intoxication and excessive loss of fluid. Shock is accompanied by disruption of the cardiovascular system, breathing, brain and kidneys.
  • Acute gastritis develops with severe stomach poisoning by toxins. The mucous membrane of this organ becomes inflamed. The patient's temperature rises and his condition worsens.
  • Acute pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. The patient feels unbearable girdle pain in the abdomen, he experiences uncontrollable vomiting, the level of glucose in the blood may decrease and bruises may appear on the skin near the navel. The temperature rises above 38 degrees. This condition requires urgent surgical intervention.
  • Acute renal dysfunction is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of urine, swelling, and lower back pain.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding is a complication of food poisoning, which often occurs in patients with chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers. Black vomiting and stool develop, severe weakness, pale skin, tachycardia.

Cleansing the body

These procedures are necessary, and it is with them that treatment for food poisoning should begin. The purpose of the manipulation is to help the stomach get rid of food debris that has caused intoxication and harmful toxins.

Even if poisoning is accompanied by severe vomiting, this is not enough to completely cleanse the body. It will have to be induced naturally using a special solution.

Washing should take place in the following order:

  1. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate (the water should be pale pink). If potassium permanganate is not available, you can use regular baking soda (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of boiled water at room temperature).
  2. Drink 300-400 ml of solution.
  3. Induce vomiting artificially by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue.
  4. Repeat the procedure several more times. The number of doses of the solution drunk at one time should be at least 500 ml.

During the first vomiting, the bulk of the food will be released, but gastric lavage can be stopped only when the liquid ejected from the stomach becomes absolutely clean and transparent.

The absence of the urge to vomit means that the product that caused the poisoning has moved from the stomach to the intestines. In this case, the washing procedure is no longer effective and pointless.

Diarrhea, like vomiting, is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body to toxins entering the gastrointestinal tract. Some patients make a common mistake - they try to stop this phenomenon with the help of medications, for example, Imodium and its analogues. It should be understood that diarrhea is the fastest and most effective method get rid of harmful substances. Retention of feces will lead to the fact that the processes of absorption of toxic poisons and their decay will continue, therefore, the patient’s condition will worsen. The question of taking antidiarrheal medications can only be decided by the attending physician.

If the patient does not have diarrhea, it must be induced with laxatives or an enema. And here folk remedies, which can cause diarrhea, it is better not to use so as not to aggravate the course of the disease.

Reception of sorbents

The next step in the treatment of food poisoning is the introduction of sorbent drugs into the body. The action of these products is aimed at absorbing harmful elements., contained in the stomach, and their rapid elimination.

The most common sorbent used for intoxication is activated carbon. This medicine in the form of standard black tablets can be found in any home medicine cabinet and is an excellent remedy for poisoning. Coal should be used at the rate of one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. The medicine can be taken in two ways: chewed and washed down with plenty of liquid or diluted in boiled water.

In case of poisoning, you can also take white activated carbon, available in tablets or powder. It is believed that, unlike black, it removes toxins, but does not affect the beneficial elements found in the body.

Another advantage of the white sorbent is the dosage: 2-3 tablets are enough (depending on the age and individual characteristics of the patient, the degree of poisoning).

  • smecta;
  • enterosgel;
  • lactofiltrum;
  • attapulgite;
  • polysorb;
  • polyphepan.

Data medicines promote the rapid elimination of toxic substances by adsorption. They should be used in the interval between doses of other drugs, during the absence of vomiting. Contraindications to taking such drugs include high fever and stomach ulcers. Elderly people and young children should use it with caution, after consulting a doctor.

Restoring water-salt balance

Vomiting and diarrhea, being a natural reaction of the body to toxins, nevertheless contribute to the excretion of beneficial substances and fluids. Its volume should be replenished. During illness the patient should drink a lot to maintain fluid balance. Mineral water without gas is best suited for this purpose.

To maintain electrolyte balance, it is recommended to drink water with a small addition of table salt (not sea salt). The solution is prepared from 1 liter of water and 1 tsp. salt. You should drink at least 2-2.5 liters of salted water per day. In this case, you need to follow a certain rule: a glass of water an hour before a meal, and after a meal you cannot drink for an hour. In this way, the stomach will be prepared for the next meal and will begin to secrete gastric juice correctly.

To restore the mineral balance, the use of the drugs rehydron and oralite is indicated(contain microelements, glucose and salts).

In case of poisoning, you can also drink weak sweet black or green tea, a decoction of chamomile or rose hips.

Drug treatment for poisoning

After cleansing the body, restorative therapy with probiotics is indicated to restore the intestinal microflora. The normal intestinal biocenosis after intoxication is almost always disrupted, therefore After recovery, it is recommended to take medications containing beneficial bacteria. These include “Hilak Forte”, “Linex”, “Bionorm”, “Bioflor”.

If food poisoning is accompanied by fever, you should take antipyretic drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol).

Self-medication is dangerous! Antibiotics, painkillers, as well as specific drugs (antiemetics and antidiarrheals, etc.) are prescribed by a doctor!

Therapeutic diet

During the period of acute intoxication, the patient, as a rule, does not feel the desire to eat. However, this does not mean that he should refuse to eat. A weakened body needs strength to fight the disease. Besides the stomach and intestines cannot fully restore the epithelium, without food it is problematic. Of course, neither an adult nor a child who does not want to eat should be forced, but hunger is not practiced specifically for medicinal purposes.

During poisoning, you should adhere to a strict diet, since the gastrointestinal tract does not work properly and cannot cope with large volumes of food.

During the period of poisoning, the following are prohibited:

  • fatty, salty, heavy foods;
  • fermented milk products, including milk;
  • instant products, semi-finished products;
  • alcohol;
  • sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • raw fruits, vegetables, berries;
  • sweet.

You need to eat 5 times a day, in small portions
. Food must be boiled or steamed. Fried foods are excluded.

The patient's diet should consist of:

  • mashed potatoes with water, without oil;
  • boiled rice;
  • oatmeal, semolina porridge (with water);
  • chicken meat;
  • crackers, biscuits;
  • low-fat broths.

It is allowed to eat bananas, as fruits enriched with nutrients, and watermelons, which have a diuretic effect.

In what cases is hospitalization necessary?

Food poisoning can be successfully treated at home, but in some cases qualified medical assistance is necessary. Hospitalization is indicated for children under three years of age. In children, treatment of intoxication should be carried out only under the supervision of medical personnel, since diarrhea and vomiting will very quickly lead to dehydration. It is almost impossible to force a small child to drink, and in the hospital he will be given intravenous rehydration solutions. Pregnant women and elderly people are also hospitalized.

Treatment in a hospital setting is indicated for:

  • intoxication caused by poisonous plants and mushrooms;
  • severe form of poisoning;
  • diarrhea (more than 10-12 times a day);
  • high temperature;
  • diarrhea with blood;
  • persistent vomiting;
  • increasing symptoms of the disease;
  • bloating;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • excessive weakness.

If any of these signs occur, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Rehabilitation period after poisoning

Any poisoning is stressful for all organs and systems. It is important to know what to do after poisoning. When discharged from the hospital, the doctor will give you recommendations on proper nutrition and outpatient treatment.

In the first 2 weeks, the patient should adhere to a diet
, stop smoking, drinking alcohol, fried, smoked, fatty and spicy foods.

To restore the intestinal microflora, probiotics are prescribed - preparations that contain beneficial bacteria. If complications develop (gastritis, cholecystitis), they are treated.

Traditional methods of treating food poisoning

Folk methods of combating intoxication have not been canceled, however You should resort to them after consulting a doctor and only in cases of mild poisoning..

Cinnamon infusion

Cinnamon is a natural antispasmodic and natural absorbent. Cinnamon infusion is prepared as follows: pour a pinch of dried and crushed bark into 250 ml of hot water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Drink the strained broth in small doses throughout the day. Recommended volume is 1.5 liters.

Decoction of yarrow and wormwood

Brew 1 tablespoon of medicinal plants that effectively cleanse the stomach of toxins and pour a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, strain. Divide the decoction into 5 equal parts and drink throughout the day.

You can use all types of plants - roots, flowers, leaves, as they contribute to a speedy recovery. Marshmallow (1 teaspoon of roots or 2 tablespoons of flowers and leaves) pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Drink 3 times a day. You can add half a teaspoon of honey.

Dill decoction with honey

Honey helps retain potassium, which is excreted during diarrhea and vomiting.. Dill reduces abdominal pain, facilitates vomiting, and promotes the rapid elimination of toxins. Brew a teaspoon of dill seeds with 1.5 cups of boiling water, boil for 3 minutes. Cool, strain, add a teaspoon of beekeeping product to the warm broth. In case of food poisoning at home, the infusion should be taken at least 1 liter per day.

How to Avoid Food Poisoning

Preventive measures to prevent intoxication come down to observing the necessary hygienic procedures, eating only high-quality products, and their correct shelf life.

  1. Maintain personal hygiene.
  2. Process vegetables and fruits thoroughly.
  3. Do not buy products with damaged sealed packaging.
  4. Do not eat expired food.
  5. Do not hesitate to throw away cloudy drinks with sediment, foods with an unpleasant odor or taste, or ready-made meals that have been sitting in the refrigerator for more than three days.
  6. Eat only those mushrooms and berries that you are confident in.
  7. When preparing food, follow the rules of heat treatment.
  8. Boil homemade milk first.
  9. Drink boiled water.
  10. Eliminate cockroaches, flies, and rodents in your home - they are carriers of bacteria.
  11. Store raw and cooked meats on separate shelves in the refrigerator.

Follow these simple precautions and you will never experience food poisoning.